Combat Countdown (2012) s01e06 Episode Script

Surprise Attack

narrator: whether the fight is on land, sea, or in the air, one factor can be totally decisive -- surprise.
if you can surprise your enemy, you can beat your enemy.
surprise puts you on your heels.
narrator: getting the drop on your opponent can win the fight before it's begun.
huston: the more surprise you can bring, the more success you're likely to have.
narrator: we're counting down the top 10 stealthiest war machines across every class of weapons system, from the f-117 nighthawk man: i'm flying the most expensive airplane that has ever been made.
narrator: to the nh90 chopper and the cutting-edge visby-class warship to find out what delivers the ultimate surprise attack.
CAPTIONS PAID FOR BY DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS narrator: surprise is one of the fundamentals of warfare.
man: all set! the effects of surprise are the same today as they were 4,000 years ago.
and they still work.
huston: surprise causes confusion.
at first they can't believe what they're seeing, if they see anything.
then they aren't quite sure how to respond.
narrator: it doesn't get much more critical.
huston: you don't want to have that feeling, though, that panic in your stomach.
narrator: with the help of military experts, we're going to count down the top 10 stealthiest weapons systems on the planet.
each machine will be assessed on a balance of service record, versatility, design ingenuity, and rank within their class to determine who comes out on top.
coming in at number 10, the world's first-ever stealth tank the cv90.
origin -- sweden.
cost -- $3.
5 million.
weight -- 35 tons.
length -- 21 feet.
a stealthy tank might sound like a crazy idea straight out of a sci-fi movie.
but the cv90 is very real, and it's bringing cutting-edge stealth technology to the modern battlefield.
caddick-adams: the surprise everyone is after is stealth -- to be able to creep up as close to your opponent as possible without being spotted.
narrator: the exhaust gases from the tank's scania 14-liter v-8 diesel engine are carefully dispersed to reduce the vehicle's heat signature.
caddick-adams: vehicles that move at high speed -- and, therefore, generate heat -- are often easy to find.
narrator: the cv90 handles the problem with cleverly designed vents.
this cool air that goes in also flows around the exhaust pipe, all the way into the back.
so we don't have any heat signature.
if you can't see us, you can't hit us.
narrator: it has rubber tracks and a 550-horsepower engine specially engineered to minimize noise, even at the max speed of 45 miles per hour.
but what really takes the cv90's stealth capability to the next level is the patented bae systems' thermoelectric tiles.
this groundbreaking extra armor layer adjusts the vehicle's skin temperature to match the surroundings.
it's hugely expensive technology, but the scandinavians are further ahead, really, than anyone else.
narrator: the result is 35-ton tank that is totally invisible on thermal-imaging devices.
caddick-adams: if you can cloak your vehicle, if you can mask its bulk, its size, and any heat signatures, then that is gonna help you enormously.
narrator: and if this light tank uses its stealth capabilities to get the drop on you, it's going to hurt.
man: all set! the 40mm bofors canon can fire smart shells out to ranges of 2.
5 miles at a rate of nearly 300 per minute.
powerful ammunition, but you can program it.
one shot, one kill.
narrator: stealth, heavy armor, and heavy firepower might be an unlikely combination, but it works.
the cv90 has been combat-proven in afghanistan.
it scores for versatility because of the number of battlefield roles it can fill.
being the world's first stealth tank scores for design ingenuity.
it's one of the world's most popular light tanks.
overall, the cv90 does enough to earn the number-10 position.
flying in at number 9, the plane that reinvented the concept of stealth for modern warfare the f-117 nighthawk.
origin -- usa.
cost -- $42.
6 million.
weight -- 26 tons.
length -- 65 feet.
ever since the invention of radar, air forces all over the world have dreamed of an aircraft capable of slipping past it undetected to deliver devastating first strikes.
in the mid-1970s, lockheed martin's legendary skunk works design team turned that dream into reality.
the f-117 nighthawk was the dawn of a new era in aerial warfare.
you only have to look at it to realize that you're dealing with a groundbreakingly different aircraft.
it was entirely constructed out of flat panels designed to deflect incoming radar signals away instead of reflecting them back to their source.
with this incredible ability, the 26-ton nighthawk could sneak through enemy air defenses and unleash devastating surprise attacks.
but the airframe shape alone could not guarantee remaining undetected.
every detail had to be fine-tuned.
serrated edges on the doors and opening panels helped to disrupt incoming radar waves.
they can make it as stealthy and nonreflective as they can, both by materials, radar-absorbent materials, paints, corners for reflection, and lack of things sticking out of the airplane.
narrator: the aluminum structure was coated with a brand-new radar-absorbent material which remains highly classified to this day.
so, in spite of its 43-foot wingspan, on radar, the nighthawk shows up as an object just three feet wide.
it's almost invisible to most modern technology.
narrator: the f-117 was designed to use its incredible abilities to penetrate heavily defended areas, weakening the enemy with strikes on high-value targets, such as command centers, weapons plants, and air defenses.
it also packs an enormous punch, and it can launch a variety of precision-guided bombs.
narrator: in the 1991 persian gulf war, two squadrons of f-117s put the theory into practice, obliterating almost 1,600 high-value iraqi targets.
the f-117 nighthawk retired in 2008, but the legacy of stealth lives on.
the nighthawk proved indispensable for nearly 20 years.
its stealth was groundbreaking, but it couldn't get above subsonic speed.
its radar evasion was a world first.
its originality puts it near the top of its class.
overall, the nighthawk scores the number-9 position.
up next, cutting-edge stealth for the 21st-century battlefield.
narrator: counting down the world's stealthiest military hardware, cruising in at number 8, it's the world's first fully operational stealth warship the visby-class corvette.
origin -- sweden.
cost -- $184 million.
weight -- 650 tons.
length -- 216 feet.
sharing a border with the world's number-two superpower, sweden's armed forces had to find a way to offset the former soviet union's overwhelming strength in any projected conflict.
and they came up with stealth.
stealth is something that is becoming more and more common.
in any design, it has to at least be considered.
ships are definitely changing their shape in order to incorporate some stealth concepts.
narrator: a stealthy warship sounds impossible, but the visby's unique, 2-inch-thick, carbon-fiber outer shell makes her massively less visible on radar than an equivalent steel-hulled ship.
the superstructure shape borrows concepts from the u.
's famous stealth fighter.
but getting them to work on a 650-ton ship with 43 crew is a massive challenge.
all hatches and vents are carefully flattened to form flat panels that deflect radar waves away instead of bouncing them back to their source.
the carbon-fiber structure also has the added bonus that it's a great heat insulator, which means warmth from the vessel's power plants won't escape to reveal its presence to enemies using thermal-imaging equipment.
the visby's own ericsson sea giraffe three-dimensional radar allows her to spot targets as far as 62 miles away.
but stealth means they won't see the visby until it gets to close range -- a massive advantage.
once the visby is in striking distance, she can unleash her deadly arsenal.
the bofors 57mm gun emerges from beneath stealth shielding to deliver up to 220 explosive shells per minute.
the 60-mile-range rbs-15 anti-ship missiles also stay hidden, in a special radar-resistant chamber, until the visby is ready to strike.
when the visby has delivered its killer surprise strike with guns or missiles, the four gas-turbine engines powering rolls-royce kamewa water jets enable it to dart out of the enemy's reach with lightning speed.
conventional propellers create noise easily audible to lurking subs, but water jets are virtually silent, making her almost invisible to listening enemy vessels.
[ conversation in native language .]
the visby's combination of stealth, speed, and striking power makes it a devastating all-around surprise attacker.
the visby corvettes have only been in service since 2009.
the ability to engage targets above and below water scores for versatility.
the design is truly groundbreaking.
the corvette is the world's first stealth warship.
overall, it does enough to earn the number-8 position.
coming in at number 7, the smallest, stealthiest scout aircraft in the world the skylark.
origin -- israel.
cost -- classified.
weight -- 14 pounds.
length -- 80 inches.
skylark is a 50-mile-per-hour eye in the sky, designed to provide a critical edge for troops on the ground trying to surprise the enemy.
we can surprise him.
he cannot see us.
narrator: for this job, remaining undetected is vital.
and with its wingspan of just 9.
5 feet and the ability to fly up to 15,000 feet high, the skylark is almost impossible to spot for man or machine.
man: skylark is very, very, very secret.
it's like a bird in the sky.
narrator: the pint-sized predator breaks down into 10 small components, making it man-portable and easily concealed when it's not in use.
in the field, i can take the skylark into action in five minutes.
hoyle: very easy to operate, doesn't need a sophisticated, highly trained pilot.
narrator: the rapid-deployment capability means skylark can stalk the enemy, ranging as far as six miles ahead to hunt them down.
thomas: the ability to see over the next rise, around the next corner, lets the small-unit commander know what's in front of him.
narrator: with its ability to remain in the air for up to two hours, constantly relaying images and target data back to the operators in real time, skylark's effect on the enemy can be devastating.
we use the information from the skylark to put the artillery on the enemy.
there's no need for satellite communications, which is another thing that makes these aircraft very attractive.
narrator: skylark may be small, but it makes a big difference on the battlefield.
skylark has already seen extensive service in israel.
it's a specialist's tool, so versatility is low.
the easy of assembly and portability score points for design.
it's the best proven small uav on today's battlefield.
overall, skylark scores enough for the number-7 position.
coming up, the hidden hardware that rules the battlefield.
narrator: on target for the number-6 spot in the "surprise attack" countdown, the ultimate surprise-attack weapon for the infantry soldier the ax338 sniper rifle.
origin -- u.
cost -- $7,000.
weight -- 17 pounds.
length -- 49 inches.
if a sniper can remain undetected, this .
338-caliber weapon's lethal fire can turn the tide of a battle.
man: sniper skill is basically to attack the enemy's command and control, his thinking ability, to blind him in all weathers, during all phases of war.
caddick-adams: one sniper can hold up a whole battalion and can do that for hours, if not days.
narrator: to help the marksman stay hidden, the ax338 has a folding stock, reducing the size of the weapon.
a smaller weapon is harder to spot and easier to carry into remote firing positions.
even the way the rifle is loaded keeps it hidden from view.
man: the magazine can be placed from the side and in, without having to lift the rifle off a floor.
it keeps a stealthy profile.
narrator: the ax338's most astonishing surprise-attack capability is its range.
it is consistently accurate at 4,900 feet, almost a mile.
at that distance, the sniper is almost impossible to spot.
and the supersonic bullets will reach the target faster than the sound wave from the shot.
that means the enemy will be dead before they hear the crack of the bullet.
it's true that the snipers in afghanistan can outshoot the taliban by double the distance.
narrator: at just 17 pounds, it's lighter than comparable weapons, making it easier to hold on target.
man: roger, i can see two targets.
man #2: roger -- two targets, one left, one right.
wind and atmospheric conditions can alter a bullet's trajectory, but the $3,500 schmidt & bender sighting components allow the sniper to make precise compensations.
okay, wind, one click right.
wind, one click right.
the accuracy makes the difference between a successful surprise attack and disaster.
hazell: if your weapon is accurate, then you hit the target that you want to hit.
okay, right target.
right target, target yellow.
sniper's up.
fire when ready.
[ breathes deeply .]
narrator: even if the enemy is aware there is a sniper targeting them, the ax338's tactical suppressor stops muzzle flash so the weapon won't give away the shooter's position.
the main function is to hide the sniper in the dark.
the secondary effect has it hiding the telltale signature like the dust and flash.
narrator: the 8.
59mm bullets travel at almost three times the speed of sound, so there's no time to duck for cover.
the bullet is heavier than what you would ordinarily find with a conventional 7.
62mm sniper rifle.
and the advantage there is that it gives you extended range.
narrator: it all adds up to a deadly surprise-attack package.
this rifle is becoming a weapon of choice for british and u.
snipers in afghanistan.
versatility is low because of its specialist role.
the numerous innovations score for design ingenuity.
its worldwide success shows it's a class leader.
all this adds up to earn it the number-6 position.
sneaking into the number-5 spot is the stealthiest small vehicle on the modern battlefield the fennek light reconnaissance vehicle.
origin -- netherlands.
cost -- $1.
2 million.
weight -- 12 tons.
length -- 18 feet.
the fennek is named after a species of desert fox renowned for its stealth.
it is designed for battlefield recon, which means remaining undetected is a matter of life and death.
caddick-adams: successful reconnaissance is all about gathering data on your opponent without being seen yourself.
the moment you're seen, in a way, your reconnaissance mission is compromised because the enemy know that you're there.
narrator: every aspect of the fennek's design is geared towards catching the enemy unawares.
caddick-adams: the fennek is very specifically designed to do one job and one job only.
that's why it has a very low profile, indeed.
it can hide under the tiniest fold in the ground.
narrator: at just 6 feet tall, the 11-ton vehicle is only the height of a man.
when you add camouflage into the mix, it's seriously hard to spot.
to make it even more stealthy, specially shaped ducting dissipates heat from the exhaust to reduce its thermal signature, and the vehicle's smart-hulled geometry makes it almost invisible on radar.
once the fennek has snuck into position, its 11-foot-high sensor head loaded with laser range finders, thermal imagers, and daylight cameras, allows it to observe the enemy without revealing its own position.
if the enemy does manage to find and corner a fennek, the $1.
2-million fox has some nasty surprises in store.
any recon asset needs the ability to sort of defend itself because, almost by definition, you are creeping forward into an area of trouble.
narrator: a 40mm grenade launcher and 12.
7mm machine gun provide the sting in the tail.
fennek is a fantastic vehicle to command.
i've been in afghanistan with it.
it's proven itself in battle to be a great asset.
narrator: the service record goes back nine years and includes deployments in afghanistan.
fennek is a recon specialist.
the design ingenuity is outstanding.
the fennek is among the world's top recon vehicles.
overall, the fennek scores enough for the number-5 position.
still to come, the most advanced stealth machines on the modern battlefield.
narrator: counting down the planet's stealthiest war machines coming in at number 4, the next-generation stealth chopper the nh90.
origin -- europe.
cost -- $22 million.
weight -- 11 tons.
length -- 60 feet.
for special forces engaged in covert ops, there is nothing more important than surprise.
to achieve it, they need speed and stealth.
the advanced twin-engine four-rotor nh90 provides both in one deadly package.
the speed comes from twin rolls-royce turbomeca turboshaft engines, each churning out 2,200 horsepower.
most choppers with that kind of power would light up like a christmas tree on thermal imagers because of all the heat from the engines.
but the stealthy nh90 uses its own rotors to mask its heat signature.
all the warm air, which comes out of the engine, is turned against the downwash, which comes from the main plates.
so, also the heat signature is a little bit lower.
narrator: the constant flow of cold air from the rotors disrupts and cools the hot jet exhaust, which could give the chopper away.
dispersing the amount of heat that a piece of machinery makes is the easiest way of concealing your presence.
narrator: with its stealthy power plants, the nh90 can fly a payload of 16 fully equipped troops into combat at 186 miles per hour, giving the enemy no time to react.
but the chances are the bad guys won't even hear the 17-foot-high chopper coming until it's too late.
man: there are only four blades, and they're quite wide, so that gives the advantage that the noise is not that very strong.
and when we are approaching, you can't really hear it.
narrator: the nh90's 50-foot-diameter rotor blades are aerodynamically engineered to reduce rotor noise.
this is particularly useful if you're operating in the forward areas of the battle zone and you want to insert troops quietly, sneakily.
narrator: stealth plus speed equals devastating surprise attack.
the nh90 has yet to be tested in combat.
the helicopter is highly versatile, performing a wide range of roles.
the design's numerous innovations score for ingenuity.
it's vying for the number-one position in its class.
overall, the nh90 earns enough for the number-4 position.
at number 3, the most advanced stealth aircraft in existence today the f-22 raptor.
origin -- usa.
cost -- $143 million.
weight -- 40 tons.
length -- 62 feet.
the f-22 raptor is the first stealth aircraft purpose-built for air-to-air combat.
man: the f-22, being stealth, now we're able to target multiple threats.
however, more times than not, they're not shooting back.
they don't see us, and we have the availability to maneuver with freedom in a threat aor or a threat country.
narrator: the design takes technology created for ground attackers like the f-117 nighthawk and ramps it up to the next level.
just like a b-2 stealth bomber, the raptor has saw-toothed internal seams, special coatings, and a sloping canopy, all combining to disrupt and scatter radar reflections.
even the f-22's own radar is stealthy.
it changes frequency rapidly to avoid detection and jamming, tracking targets more than 100 miles away.
antennas buried in the airframe passively detect enemy radar emissions without producing any signal that could betray the raptor's presence.
the benefit of the f-22 is usually we're able to target our threats.
and unfortunately for them, they don't know we're there, more times than not.
narrator: this kind of world-beating stealth is labor-intensive.
it takes 95,000 workers to produce one of these aircraft, 30 times as many as a typical car factory.
even though the raptor can fly at 1,500 miles per hour -- twice as fast as its stealthy predecessors -- it still manages to maintain a low profile.
it's got incredible super cruise, which is supersonic speed and military power -- no afterburner required -- which is extraordinary, difficult to accomplish.
narrator: without afterburner, it produces less heat and less noise, making it harder to detect.
once the f-22 has surprised the enemy, it causes all kinds of problems.
man: really, two f-22s can go against 8, 10, 12, or 14 adversaries without any problem.
narrator: its unique thrust-vectored engines make it more maneuverable than any other aircraft in the sky.
you can see here we've got two separate panels that are gonna comprise our nozzle.
they're gonna move either up or down to kind of point our nose at any adversary that may be in the threat environment.
very fast, good range, highly maneuverable -- probably the greatest fighter ever.
narrator: even the raptor's lethal weapons load won't give its presence away.
we keep all of our weapons up inside, both our aim-9s on the side.
we've got our radar missiles up underneath.
now, hiding those missiles inside allows us to maintain stealth signature.
narrator: the recessed weapon base can conceal up to six aim-120 missiles and two aim-9 sidewinders or two 1,000-pound jdam smart bombs for air-to-ground strikes.
it's almost inconceivable, in the range of current adversaries, that the f-22 raptor will not win every time.
that's the fighter you'd want to be in.
that's the one where you want to take into combat.
narrator: with the raptor's awesome array of stealth technology, every attack is a surprise attack.
the f-22 scores heavily all around.
it's extremely maneuverable.
it's very fast.
it carries a real punch in the range of weapons systems it can mount.
narrator: the f-22 has only seen limited combat service.
broadening its role to include ground attacks scores for versatility.
the design's huge range of innovations scores heavily.
it is unarguably the world's number-one air-dominance fighter.
overall, the raptor earns enough for the number-3 position.
still to come, the elusive, deadly war machines that defy detection.
narrator: taking the runner-up position in the "surprise attack" countdown, the world's most elusive submarine the gotland class.
origin -- sweden.
cost -- $250 million.
weight -- 1,500 tons.
length -- 200 feet.
in the icy northern waters of the baltic sea, it's the job of this 35-man-crewed hunter to lurk, silent and deadly, ready to repel any foreign incursion into swedish waters.
even if it's running at its 20-knot top speed, no one is ever going to find this jumbo-jet-sized hunk of metal because it makes no sound.
and underwater, that makes you invisible.
the most vital attribute for a successful submarine are that it needs to be quiet and that it needs to be undetectable.
man: to have a silent boat is everything.
we're dependent on listening without being heard.
this means i can stay underwater undetected.
narrator: this is world-class stealth.
the hull and mast are coated with sonar- and radar-absorbent materials.
the steel hull conceals an array of electromagnets that short-circuit any attempt to detect the sub electronically.
even the u.
navy -- the most powerful in the world -- has struggled to detect the super-stealthy gotland class.
man: we have tested it.
we know that this is one of the best submarines there is.
narrator: but the true secret of the stealth sub's indestructibility is the deadly silent stirling air-independent propulsion system, powered by liquid oxygen.
engine noise is the easiest way to detect a sub.
if there isn't any, the sub disappears.
most subs can only stay silent for a few days before their battery power gives up, forcing them to the surface.
the gotland class can stay down until it runs out of fuel to charge the 75-kilowatt motors that power the ship's systems.
man: submarine's batteries recharge with the starting engines.
so we can be submerged for several weeks more.
if you're not having to come up to essentially breathe for long periods of time, then no one knows where you are.
narrator: the sub carries enough fuel to maintain cruising speed for three weeks.
the stealth pays off big time when the sub takes the offensive.
felstead: if they don't know where you are, they have to take account of the fact that they could be attacked at any time.
narrator: the crew loads up four 21" torpedo tubes.
the multipurpose homing torpedoes can latch onto and chase down any sound source within their 30-mile range.
[ conversation in native language .]
when that 240-kilogram warhead hits home it's game over.
in war games, the navies of france, spain, and even the u.
have all tried to destroy the gotland class.
they all failed.
the sub has been in service for 17 years.
the ability to perform recon, as well as hunter-killer duties, scores for versatility.
the design ingenuity is unrivaled.
the gotland is the first of a new generation of silent subs.
even the gotland's incredible scores are just enough for the runner-up position.
stealth is the surest way to get the drop on your opponent.
it doesn't matter whether you're fighting in a helicopter, a tank, or even a warship.
surprise is a killer edge.
and when you factor in all the key elements, one war machine's stealth puts it out of sight of the rest of the pack.
at number 1, the b-2 spirit.
origin -- usa.
cost -- $1.
1 billion.
weight -- 168 tons.
length -- 69 feet.
for sheer destructive power, nothing can match the devastating surprise-attack capability of the mighty four-engine bomber.
it's just an awesome plane to fly.
so, i get that feeling.
it's like, "man, i'm really doing this.
" i'm flying the most expensive airplane that has ever been made.
nothing compares to it.
narrator: the b-2 is known as the spirit because of its stealth capabilities.
but hiding this massive, 172-foot-wingspan monster takes truly incredible technology.
the most important stealth factor is the spirit's revolutionary shape that has even seen it mistaken for a ufo.
i've seen a b-2 fly over a football stadium.
the whole place goes completely silent, the whole stadium.
everybody looks up, like, what in the world is that? narrator: the smooth, irregularly curved skin minimizes the reflections of incoming radar beams.
the fewer airfoils or tails or vertical stabilizers that you have on an aircraft, the fewer corners there are for radar energy to get in and reflect out.
narrator: the radar-absorbent stealth coating that covers every part of the airframe is one of the air force's most closely guarded secrets.
i'd love to tell you, but, no, i can't.
narrator: even the internal structure is optimized for stealth.
straight lines would provide a perfect surface for radar to bounce off of, so all of the b-2's internal seams are made in crazy zigzags.
the shape of the rear fuselage is so highly classified, our camera crews would have been ejected from the maximum-security base if they had tried to film it.
we can tell you that it works.
in spite of being the width of a football field, the 17-foot-high bomber has the radar cross-section of a small bird.
national-defense capability that we can't live without.
narrator: once the b-2 has ghosted through enemy defenses, the punch it delivers is totally devastating.
it can carry up to 80 individually targeted jdam smart bombs or even 16 one-ton b83 atomic weapons.
right behind me is a 500-pound bomb.
the b-2 can carry 80 of them and essentially knock out 80 targets with one sortie.
that's how we put warheads on foreheads.
narrator: the ability to delivery payloads 10 times as heavy as a world war ii bomber and infinitely more destructive to targets anywhere on the globe makes the b-2 one of the most decisive and destructive weapons ever built.
huston: so, the b-2 is incredibly stealthy.
it's incredibly capable.
it's incredibly long-range.
and it carries a large payload.
so, it is one of a kind, and i don't know if we'll ever see its kind again.
narrator: the b-2 has seen service in kosovo, iraq, afghanistan, and libya.
the range of payloads it can carry provides versatility.
the design ingenuity is unparalleled.
the spirit is the world's most feared heavy bomber.
overall, nothing comes close to the b-2's deadly stealth and devastating destructive power.
surprise has been a game-changer since the very dawn of war.
and in this countdown, we've analyzed the stealthiest war machines on the planet.
if you can't see us, you can't hit us.
narrator: from number 10 all the way down to number 2, there are strong contenders, but there's no doubt about the winner the b-2 spirit.

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