Dragon Ball (1986) s01e06 Episode Script

Keep an Eye on the Dragon Balls

One week has passed since Goku left his home.
Goku and Bulma have collected five Dragon Balls so far, but they've also become targets of the villainous Yamucha and Pu-erh! We're going after their Hoi Poi Capsule once sun sets.
But you're not good around girls, and there's one with them! I think I know how to take care of that.
Why didn't you tell us you had this mobile home capsule?! You're so selfish! Dammit! I was saving this capsule for a special occasion too! Why'd those bandits have to show up?! You sure eat a lot, huh?! I'm hungry.
I have split ends from walking in all that dust! Say, does this thing have a bathroom? It's over there.
Look how small this is! A shower is all you can take in here! Stop your complaining! Who's the one letting you use this mobile home in the first place?! I assume it has hot water? Of course it does! It actually has hot water, plus soap and shampoo! What're you looking for? Peepholes.
There aren't any! Really? But still, no peeping! Got it.
I'd never do anything as shallow as peep on you! I prefer being much more direct! "Midnight Callers" Pilaf-sama! We've located them! Good! Commence with the plan! No slip-ups this time! Understood! Let's go! Uh oh! There's someone out there! - Whoops! - What are you doing?! I accidentally stuck the bomb to my hand when you suddenly tapped me! - Get it off, hurry! - I can't! Well, I'm running away by myself then! Hey, wait! A mobile home.
Ah, so that capsule was a mobile home.
It'll be hard to steal it now.
Anyway, Pu-erh.
You lure the girl out when she's all alone.
With her gone, it's as good as ours! Do you think those bandits'll attack again? It doesn't matter if they do, I won't lose now that I've eaten a lot! By the way, are you actually serious about going to Mt.
Frypan? It's a really scary place, you know! What are you going all the way there for, anyway?! There's a Dragon Ball there.
A Dragon Ball? What's that? I have one, I'll show it to you.
Here! I can hear the girl's voice! It'll be easy to draw her out if the other two are asleep! Let me see Yamucha-sama! What's the matter?! I could swear I heard something T-This is a nightmare! I just saw the greatest thing in the world! What did you see?! You serious?! It's those brats! It sounds like they're still not asleep! So if you collect all seven of these Dragon Balls, a dragon comes out and grants you a wish? Cool, huh? Any wish at all? Yeah, that's what she said.
So how many balls do you have right now? Five.
So that means the 6th is on Mt.
Frypan? Apparently.
- Pu-erh! - Right! Did you hear that?! I did! They said it would grant you any wish you want! Yeah! They did! Alright, then! I'll ask him to make it so that I don't lose my cool in front of girls! Actually, Yamucha-sama Wouldn't it be best to ask for power or money instead? How many years have you been with me now? Two years come next month You've been with me for two years and you still don't understand me.
I have no interest in power! And I can always steal money if I need it.
Isn't that right? Yes, but But being panicky around girls is truly pathetic! To put it bluntly, I yearn to be married! So you actually do like girls Those Dragon Balls are mine! But that's really not my kind of thing Why not? The only thing I'm into is women.
Nothing else.
Then why not have the dragon give you some women? Hey, you're right! Good thinking! I'll just ask for the cutest girl in the world.
Maybe I should ask for warm panties instead.
But why do you like girls so much? Little kid.
Did you know that girls don't have a peepee or balls?! They also What stupidity are you spouting out now?! Was not having a peepee or balls supposed to be a secret? Say, Oolong.
Do you have any pajamas? Only mine Those would be too small for me to fit into! Then sleep naked! Ugh! Alright, fine! How about some cold juice after your hot bath? Oh, sometimes you can be pretty polite for a pervert! I could've done without the pervert remark! Thanks! Too sweet! Just drink it! It'll make you stronger! Really? Okay, I'll drink it then.
Am I stronger now? Aren't you going to have any? Eh? Oh, I had some earlier.
I'm sleepy Where's the bed? Upstairs.
Oh, okay.
You guys are sleeping down here! Oolong! If you try any funny stuff while I'm asleep, it's more PP diarrhea time for you! I won't! And have my clothes washed by tomorrow morning! Okay! She sure is hot, but her attitude could use some work! How was she raised?! Looks like the sedatives I put in the juice have taken effect! Now that she's completely asleep, I can feel her up! What's taking so long?! This looks bad! It won't stop! It's going to explode in less than a minute! No way! So now what?! Don't ask me! What did you do? Are we safe now? Yeah, I reset the timer.
It won't explode until eight o'clock tomorrow morning.
The sedatives worked perfectly! The boy's all alone! Okay, Pu-erh! Turn into a key! Right! Transformation! W-What was that sound?! The lazy kid's asleep.
Are the pig and the girl upstairs? Probably! Okay! Transform into this boy and draw them both outside! Right! Transformation! Don't tell me he's awake now! That's impossible! Those were extra-strength tranquilizers! What do I do?! She'll give me PP diarrhea again if he tells her I was here! That's it! Transformation! Oh, Goku-chan! You're still awake? Huh? Where's Oolong? He just went out for a walk.
Oh, really? Oh, yeah! I need to tell you something important, but can I do it outside while we take a walk too? Eh? Sure Man Oh, so Oolong went on a walk?! That's what I said! There's no need to shout! Ah, so the pig went out for a walk.
But I don't remember the girl being so chubby Well, all that matters now is that I find the Dragon Balls What are those bulges? Did they really think nobody would find them here? The Dragon Balls are mine Huh? They're strangely soft Come on, what do you need to tell me? We've walked a really long way! I guess this is far enough.
Here, I'll show you! Eh? Pu-erh?! Sorry for tricking you! How dare you! Oolong! Yamucha-sama! Pu-erh! Yamucha-sama! One breast, two breasts Try to pull yourself together! Hey, stop! Y-Yamucha! Let's call it a day and retreat! One breast, two breasts What the hell did they want?! You finally awake? Mornin'! Don't give me that! I'll have you know I haven't slept one wink! How come? My head's pounding for some reason Hey, did you wash my clothes? There was no time! Eh? What do you mean by that?! I don't have anything else to wear! Yamucha showed up again last night! Yamucha? You mean that dreamy hunk? What're you talking about? He's welcome here! You live in a dreamland.
What's that supposed to mean?! Nothing.
If you're looking for clothes that might fit you, there's a set in the upstairs drawer! Why didn't you say so earlier?! Ugh.
I thought I was a pain in the neck, but she takes the cake! Is Yamucha that bandit from yesterday? I had to stay up all night keeping watch thanks to him.
Really? How come I didn't notice? Damn, if only I hadn't given him those sedatives I'm hungry That's the only thing you ever say.
- Okay! - All set! What?! You still don't have them?! Weren't you supposed to get them last night?! Yes! I'm sorry, sire! But they will be in our possession at eight o'clock.
Eh? At eight o'clock? That's an hour from now Fine! But you better not mess up this time! No, sire! No mistakes this time! You've gone through a month's supply of food Oolong! What's with this outfit?! I'll be seen as the biggest idiot in the world if I go out dressed like this! Too bad.
That's all I have.
If you have a problem with it, why're you wearing it anyway? What kind of childhood did you go through to make you into a kid that acts like a middle-aged pervert?! I could ask you the same thing.
All gone! Now I'm full! Why do I have to drive?! I haven't even slept! Stop complaining! I'm in the middle of putting on my makeup! You sure don't treat pigs very well, do you?! I wonder if he'll visit us again? What the hell're you saying?! We're in big trouble if he does! What's that? It's them! They're here! He's here?! Have a taste of this! Where is he?! Hey, you! What's the big idea?! Yamucha-sama! It looks like the girl's unconscious! What good luck! Yep.
Alright, you two.
Hand over the Dragon Balls like good little boys.
How does he know about the Dragon Balls? Do what I say or you'll be in a world of hurt! We're not giving you anything! You idiot! You're gonna get yourself killed! It appears that brat wants me to give him some extra training.
Boy! Do you really want your butt kicked by my Rogafufu-ken again?! I was fighting on an empty stomach yesterday! This time I'm full! You did it! Well? Do you still wanna fight now?! Dammit! Yamucha-sama! Your tooth! You knocked my tooth out! What've you done to my manly face?! You'll pay for this! Huh? He sure is weird.
Hey, you're really super strong! I've changed my opinion about you! Thanks! But with the car like this I guess walking's our only choice now Damn that boy! Are you all right? Our only choice now is to change our plan.
Meaning? There are seven Dragon Balls that you have to collect.
So all we have to do is wait until they've collected all seven and then steal them from them.
Great idea! You're so smart, Yamucha-sama! Ouch! So the explosion earlier really was the time bomb going off.
That's strange.
It's not eight o'clock yet The bomb's clock was probably fast.
Anyway, let's hurry and find the Dragon Balls! Girls sure have it easy! Say, let me carry her on my back for a while! Just a little while! Okay? Hey! They're back again! Sorry about earlier! We thought things over and realized we shouldn't have done that! We'll give you this capsule as an apology! A car! Well, take care! Bye! What just happened? So he was a good guy after all! It seems too good to be true, if you ask me They didn't put a bomb in it or anything, did they? You need to trust people more! But still They're on the move! Okay! Time to give chase! Why did it turn out this way? Don't ask me! Unaware that Yamucha is on their tail, Goku's party heads toward Mt.
What will happen next?! minouhse
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