Equinox (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

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Today's a special day.
It's spring equinox.
It's commonly said that this is
when day and night are equally long,
but that isn't entirely correct.
Spring equinox is an astronomical event.
It's when the sun passes the equator.
And that happens today at 17:57.
It's the moment when light and darkness
are balanced completely equally.
The Cyning says,
"Give thy life.
That which thou wouldst sorely lose.
Give it willingly,
or all shall suffer."
Or all shall suffer.
Excuse me, Astrid Agerskov, where is she?
Is she expecting you?
-Only relatives are allowed to visit.
I am a relative. Her ex-husband.
Would you show me where Astrid is?
Yes, straight down there. Room 21.
Thank you.
"Ostara flows in the blood
like water flows in the river."
It's 21 years ago today.
Yes. We're here to talk about Astrid.
It's been quite a journey,
but I think it's been a very positive one.
Our assessment is
that she's ready to go home.
She's beginning to respond well
to her medication,
even though it has taken longer
than expected.
But is it really necessary to fill her
with all that stuff?
Lene, not now.
It seems Astrid has created
her own narrative
around what happened to Ida.
We're concerned about her development
in terms of distinguishing
between fantasy and reality.
What narrative are you talking about?
She talks a lot
about a goddess called Ostara.
I believe you know what she means?
Yes, it's an old folk tale
that Astrid really likes.
She has this idea
that Ida was the Ostara goddess
and that she was to be sacrificed.
This suggests she's looking
for a way to explain Ida's disappearance.
An explanation she's found
in a fairy tale.
Yes. But what can we do?
It's very, very important
that you continue to help Astrid
test what's real.
That you don't go along with her stories
even though they seem innocent.
Are you ready? Here it comes.
Packed your pyjamas?
-Yes. I did.
-How about your drawing book?
-I don't need it.
Oh. Don't you draw at Mom's place?
I don't draw at all anymore.
You aren't sick and when you're not sick,
-you don't have to take pills.
It's just something Dad's making up.
Dad never lets me have cola.
Here, you can have and do anything.
In this world
people think you're sick,
just because you're different.
But you know what?
You're not sick.
You're just special.
I have to ask you something.
Promise to tell me the truth.
Of course.
Were Ida and I not sisters?
-Oh, you've talked to Dennis.
-Just answer me.
Don't believe what he says.
What aren't you telling me?
Is it true that we're not sisters?
It's almost as if she's here.
Don't you think?
As if she's just away on a trip…
and could come back at any moment.
Astrid, sit down on the bed.
Close your eyes.
Yes. Good.
And breathe deeply.
Yes, even more.
Yes. That's good.
Now I want you to go back in there.
-Don't be afraid.
I'm right here, and I'm staying with you.
Try to close your eyes
and go into your den.
Imagine if you could find her.
Imagine if we could get Ida back.
Wouldn't you like that?
-Yes, but…
-We both know she's in there.
Right? Now… Come on.
Close your eyes.
Just close your eyes.
Don't you want to?
-Yes, but…
-Don't you want to find your sister?
I want to, but…
No matter how scared she was,
she'd have done that for you!
Do as I say. Close your eyes.
Go in there and find Ida.
I can't. I can't enter the den anymore.
You're the only one who can.
I don't understand how you could do that!
What the hell is wrong with you?
You need help,
but that's for you to sort out.
She'll never come and see you again.
I'm applying for full custody.
And I'm telling you now,
if you oppose it, I'll take you to court.
Do you understand?
Your mother's not well.
She's sick.
You never have to visit her again.
I promise.
Goodnight, honey.
Dennis began spreading those rumors
right after Ida disappeared.
-Well, he needed an excuse to move on.
Then he decided that he wasn't her father.
It was only to punish me.
Punish you?
So he could blame me and leave me.
And find someone else,
with a clear conscience.
But I didn't hear this from Dad.
Amelia told me.
I have something to show you.
Let's see…
what it is.
-I just have to find it.
-You're so pretty there.
Look… at this.
That's Dennis and Ida.
She has the same twinkle in her eye
as he does, doesn't she?
Everything was good back then.
No matter what he says now,
things were good.
-Do you remember that?
Our trip to the south of France.
I ate so many
of those double ice cream cones.
Yes. And drank Orangina.
It's so long ago.
Sometimes I think
it's just a dream.
When Dennis took you away from me,
my world collapsed.
I didn't understand.
No, you were just a little girl.
Never mind.
-Don't worry about it.
Ah, that's funny. This picture
always made me feel really jealous.
What's wrong?
This was taken a month before
I was born, wasn't it?
-I don't know.
-You're not pregnant.
No. That has to be a mistake.
-It must have been taken the year before.
-It has a date. Most of these do.
They all have dates.
Why aren't you pregnant?
-Are you lying to me?
-No. I…
Answer me. Are you lying?
Say something!
You were…
You were like a little gift for us.
What're you saying?
We got you when you were two weeks old.
-So you were lying to me?
So Dad isn't my father.
Who're my parents, then? Huh?
Where did I come from?
I'd really like to know.
You and Ida are special.
You're sisters, daughters of equinox.
But we always felt
we were your real parents.
What's happening, Astrid?
Can you see her?
Astrid speaking.
It's Doris. Why don't you pick up?
Torben woke up
and he wants to talk to you.
Who? Me?
Yes, goddammit. Hurry up!
He says it's important.
Hi. I came as quickly as I could.
After everything I've done for him.
I won't knit anymore.
Go see him.
You're the one he wants to see.
I saw you.
And you saw me.
Don't you remember? When you were a girl.
In the orange mist.
In the den. Where the graduates are.
I was trapped in there all those years.
I could see and hear everything.
But it was like I was paralyzed.
I yelled and screamed,
but nothing could penetrate it.
Do you know the feeling?
I haven't been there for a long time.
Only you can understand this.
We weren't supposed to be there.
Something went wrong.
Oh, honey, where did the time go?
You were a little girl not long ago.
I have to get ready.
Yes. Of course. Sorry.
It'll be a lovely day.
I have a present for you.
My mom gave it to me when I graduated.
Can I put it on you?
You look lovely.
So young and lovely.
Everything will be fine, dear.
What's that, Ida?
Oh, it's just…
-Your leg. You're bleeding.
-Yes, it's…
Where does it come from?
I don't know.
-Where does it come from?
-Stop it.
-Let me go.
Let me go.
What did you do?
I couldn't.
Did you have it removed? Say it's not so.
Let go of me.
Leave me alone.
-Get out.
Get out!
Listen, Ida…
No, listen. Ida!
No, Ida. You have to stay at home.
Do you hear me?
You have no idea what you've done.
You have to listen to me.
What're you looking at?
When you showed me the photo,
something happened.
I wasn't here anymore. Only there.
-Can I see the photo again?
That one.
It's not human.
What is it, then?
It's the Cyning.
And he's angry, Astrid.
Twenty-one years ago,
he didn't get what he was promised.
And he doesn't let go till he gets it.
It's useless to run from him.
One can only go towards him.
What is it he wants?
You already know that, Astrid.
You've always known that.
It's me.
The physical and the spiritual world
aren't separate.
There's no word
that describes that worldview.
That's just how it is.
I don't have anything else.
Neither do I.
Please wait outside.
-You're all done.
-Honey, I am so proud.
-Thanks, Dad.
From what I heard through the door
it went well.
I hope so.
You're a high school graduate.
We thought you covered the material well.
You knew your concepts.
And you included your own analysis too.
It was really good. You get an A.
-Congratulations. Enjoy your day.
That startled me.
-Just a tiny bit.
-Yes, that's great.
-There you go.
-Ida, are you coming? We're leaving now.
-Oh, okay. Sure.
-Cheers, then.
-Okay. You better go, then.
-See you at home.
Here you go, gorgeous.
I just wanted to apologize.
I've been really stupid.
-How have you been stupid, Falke?
-I should've said something.
About what?
-It wasn't supposed to be like this.
-How was it supposed to be?
-We shouldn't have gone.
-Cheers, boys!
Alright. Ready?
Hang on. We're off!
Could I have a word?
Where are you going?
Move, please.
-I wanna talk to you.
-About what?
Huh? About lying to me my whole life?
Is that what you finally wanna talk about?
I understand if you're mad at me.
I'm not mad.
We wanted you to be hospitalized
because were worried about you.
That's always been your solution.
How could you lie to me for so many years?
-Lie to you?
You were the only person I had
and trusted, and thought I could count on.
And then
you just pretended to be my father.
Astrid, I am your father.
And everything I do
is out of love for you.
You're exactly like Lene.
Astrid, open.
Astrid, open the door.
Don't go.
I'll break the window.
Astrid, open the door.
-Yeah, so you can have me committed again.
-Open the door.
Hi. Hi, Amelia, want a beer?
There you are. Oh, honey.
-I have to…
-I wanna go inside.
-What do you want?
-Ida, you can't go.
You're in danger. He's coming for you.
-Who are you talking about?
I made a deal. It was stupid of me.
-But I never thought…
-Who are you talking about?
You have to believe me.
-Dennis is not your real father.
-I don't wanna hear this…
You have to hear it.
I couldn't get pregnant,
so I made a deal for you.
I would give you up when you were 18.
But I didn't think…
-I didn't think he'd ever come back.
But then I changed it,
so that instead I promised him your baby.
Can you hear yourself?
But now you've gotten rid of it.
You've killed his child.
-Everything's lost.
-Get away from me.
Ida, he's coming for you now.
-You're completely insane.
-You have to stay here.
You've ruined everything.
-Do you understand?
-Let me go.
-Ida, you can't go.
-Let go!
You're insane.
He's going to claim his sacrifices.
Run along.
I'm looking for Henrik Malmstrøm.
Does he live here?
-Astrid, is Ida inside?
-I don't wanna talk to you.
-Something's wrong.
-Yes, Jakob.
-Everything's wrong.
-No, with this.
The Grimoire. I stole it from Henrik.
-I know that.
-How do you know?
-It doesn't matter.
-It's gone now.
Ostara. Every 21st year.
Ostara. Every 21st year.
Ostara. Every 21st year.
Every 21st year.
-What happened that night?
-Let go.
Don't touch me.
Fuck you, Jakob. Fuck Amelia.
Fuck my mom.
Fuck all of you.
Thanks for stopping by.
What's happening?
Where is everyone?
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