Foursome (2016) s01e06 Episode Script


1 Previously, on "Foursome" Turns out I was completely wrong about Josh.
He never saw me as anything more than Alec's little sister, which is obvious, now that he's with Greer.
It feels like everyone is moving forward except for me.
Dakota's outed a Junior, Imogen had a boyfriend, and Courtney made a college friend.
Fine, Mae used to be her stalker but still Courtney's even starting to wise up to how annoying Alec can be.
All I've done is motorboat a frat guy who thinks I'm a walking tornado.
I think it's time to start focusing on my friendships and put boys on the back burner.
I know, I'm so progressive.
Tonight is the BDX Pajama Jammy Jam.
Let me make myself as clear as that Scientology documentary.
Oh, boy.
This is not a high school party.
If you aren't aptly prepared to do what it takes to successfully navigate a frat, you might as well just dilly yourself with a curling iron right now.
Um, Court? You're scaring Imogen.
She should be scared.
I'm scared for her.
What's happening? You all need to be briefed.
Let the party prepping begin.
Rule number one: be sure to stock up on carbohydrates.
Carbs absorb alcohol.
Rule number two: Don't over apply your make-up.
By the end of the night, after drama tears and your face rubbing off on your random hook-up, you'll leave the party looking like a scary Snookie clown.
Rule number three: Be prepared for drama! Drinking always equals drama.
If you want your night to go down Jiffy smooth, be prepared to deflect your emotions.
Rule number four: Always come to the party buzzed.
That way you don't have to look for alcohol, and your reduce your risk of being roofied, which is cool.
Rule number five last and by far the most important college parties are always themed.
What you wear will set the tone for your entire night.
If you can creatively pull off a theme without looking like you tried too hard, you will have accomplished something that most people don't attain until their senior year, and by then they're too old and it's too late.
They've peaked.
Blood sis, that's not the outfit I got you.
I know.
I'm not going.
I can't.
Bye! Have fun! It's gonna be so much fun! Bye! Oh, my gosh.
Andie, Andie, get up.
Look, you have got to stop this.
You have already changed your mind seven times.
Gosh, tonight is gonna be so much fun, and you need to have some fun after what happened to you this week.
Hell, I need some fun after what happened to you this week.
I can't pretend to be happy for Josh and Greer anymore.
I don't even want to see them.
And Alec is gonna be there, and do you really think that he's gonna let me show up looking like this? Yeah, that's the outfit.
What? What are you wearing, Andie? See? His timing's impressive.
No, no, no, no.
You are not wearing this, Andie! - Stop.
- I wasn't planning on it.
Yes, you were, Andie.
Alec, she's 16 years old.
That's the same age I was when you met me.
- Yeah, but she's - What? It's different because it's okay for me to be slutty? Yeah, you're not my sister.
When did this become about us? Your sister is my friend, and I don't hang out with people who treat my friends badly.
You know what, Alec? If Andie doesn't go to the party, then neither do I.
And since you seem to think that I'm so slutty, maybe we should abstain for a while.
What? Okay.
Just, like, chill on that.
- No, I won't.
- Fine.
But you are putting shorts on underneath.
And underwear two pairs! Nothing gets through.
That makes sense.
I'll be watching you, little sister.
Babe, look, there's shots of alcohol.
- Okay, cool.
- Yeah, here.
What's the point of even going if he's just going to police me the entire night? Girl, I wouldn't stress it.
He isn't gonna be watching anything tonight.
I'm drunk! Great, so I'll be totally free to third-wheel it with Josh and Greer.
Okay, Andie? Okay.
I've never been to a real party before, and I just I really, really, really, really, really want to go.
I really want to go.
You want to go to a college party? Andie will you go to my first college party with me? Please? Y'all got one? Cheers! For you, Imogen.
For you.
- Oh, hell, yeah.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Yes.
- Oh, yeah.
Hell yeah! Oh, my God! BDX, let's get crazy! I do it for the booty! All right, I'm done.
Hey, Wendy from "Peter Pan," why you so isolated? - I'm people watching.
- What? I'm a collector, you see.
At 10:52, Hilary Swihart spilled her drink.
I'm into your crazy.
Eric! Hey! Wait up! No! No, no, no.
Last time I saw you, you head-butted me in the face and then you left so many breath mints on the floor, I thought you were trying to, like, grow a peppermint tree or something.
I know, I'm sorry, but maybe some dancing will make up for it? What are you doing? Whoo! Come on.
- Why am I into this? - Eric, yeah.
Hey! Hey! That's my sister! Alec? Okay, um, look, I recognize this is probably a bad decision, but I'm next on the beer pong list.
You want to you want to be my partner? I'd love to.
Alec, come on.
Oh, little high school baby can't handle his liquor.
Call me when you get sick of babysitting, sweetheart.
Okay, guys, thanks for your help.
Hey, hey, hey.
See that couch? - That's our target, okay? - Okay.
All right, on the count of three.
One, two, three He's, like, impossibly heavy.
He's a big boy.
Normally he's fine.
- Um - Justin.
Thanks for your help.
Oh, yeah, no, it looked like you needed a hand.
You're Courtney, right? Yeah, have we met? Yeah, I'm the TA of your Calc One class.
Don't feel bad; I mean, you're never there, so I wouldn't expect you to remember me anyway, so But you remembered me.
Well, I guess that makes you hard to forget.
So is this your boyfriend? I he's sort of a You know what, you think about it, and let's go grab a drink.
- Okay, yeah.
- Cool.
Wet T-shirt contest! Whoo! Let's party! Someone eat me! Okay, blow.
On the ball for good luck.
I don't want you going anywhere near this region.
You're, like, a walking train wreck.
Pretty good, bachelor number one, but you ain't got nothing on these skills.
- Okay.
- Watch and learn.
I'm so sorry.
That was terrifying.
All right, look, you just need to bend your knees a little bit.
You don't get a redo, because you hit me in the face.
House rules.
Come on, man.
It's her first time.
Just go ahead and do it again.
- Take it nice and easy.
- Like this? Bend those knees.
- Whoo! - Yeah! All right, okay.
That's enough.
Josh, what are you doing? Get off me.
Josh, what are you doing? Get off of me.
What am I doing, Andie? What are you doing? Having fun! Why are you big brothering me? I'm allowed to date, Josh.
I know you see me as this kid, but I'm not just your friend's little sister! I'm a You're not just my friend's little sister.
Take on the world Tonight Shine like a ray of light Imogen? We're sorry.
The voice mailbox of the person you're trying to reach is full.
Oh, my God.
Courtney, wake up.
I'm still drunk.
Imogen's missing.
- Imogen? - Imogen.
- Yeah.
- What? Ah.
Was I Dracula sleeping again? - Imogen's gone.
- What? She's not in the dorm.
I checked my phone and I called her 20 times last night, and she never called back.
She probably went home or something.
Courtney, her voice mailbox is full.
Who else would call her besides us? She would've told us before she left or something.
I know something's wrong.
Well, didn't she come back here last night? I don't think so.
Or I think I don't know.
Guys, I don't remember.
- Andie.
- Ow.
Just take a seat, okay? Chug this.
The last thing I remember is playing beer pong and then I got distracted.
Imogen's probably alone and scared, and we have to go find her.
I shouldn't have left her in the first place.
Andie, it's not your fault.
Guys, we have to go to BDX.
You're right.
Wake up! Imogen is missing.
Come on, babe.
We've got to back to the BDX house.
Uh, she's probably at the library, you guys.
Babe, I'm chilly.
No, I want that one.
Here, Andie, you can wear this.
It looks like a party graveyard in here.
Looks so much different in the light.
All right, guys.
We need to retrace our steps from last night.
The first 48 hours are crucial.
Let's find Imogen.
Yo, I got something.
Okay, she was in here.
She was in here.
Everyone, quiet; listen to me.
Andie, shut up.
Imogen was right here.
The alligator with the antlers was to my left, and she was doing a keg stand.
Wait a minute.
So Imogen was doing a Don't interrupt.
Let him concentrate.
Okay, so, so, so I was doing a one-armed keg stand, like a boss, of course.
I saw Imogen watching me, impressed, obviously.
She was standing right there.
- Imogen! - Mm-mm.
Imogen, come here.
Alec, you just threw up.
Do the keg stand.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! I wanna dance! Oh.
That doesn't help.
Remembering still hurts.
What time is it? Oh, my God.
I left my phone at the dorm.
Why does it matter? Everyone you know is here.
Except for the person missing! What if Imogen tries to call her? Josh, you should take Andie back so she doesn't get lost or whatever.
Oh, yeah, she's dumb like that.
Oh, God, shut up, Alec! Ugh.
All right.
You were pretty quiet on the walk over.
Yeah, you know, just trying to piece the night together.
Unless there's something that you remember that might be able to help.
Hey, just sit down.
- Yeah.
- I'll find it.
Last night was pretty crazy, huh? Yeah.
Yes, it was.
Hey, did you check under these pillows? Yeah, it's not there.
You know, I'm having a really hard time remembering where I was last night.
Maybe you saw me and you can fill me in? Andie, I can barely remember my name from last night.
You know? I'm kind of stoked I don't remember, though, 'cause if I did anything stupid, I got nothing to be embarrassed about.
It's like it never happened, you know? Right.
Look at this.
You were sitting on it the whole time.
Well, we should probably get going.
Greer's gonna wonder what's taking so long.
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
I was just wondering what was taking so long.
- Couldn't find her phone.
- Oh, yeah? Did you guys find anything? Did she call anyone? Shh! Dakota's remembering something.
Okay, I was dancing right here with Mae.
And I look up, and I see Imogen and Dakota, I'm a dancer.
And the next thing I know is, she just ran out of the room like I had SARS or something.
White bitches hate SARS.
Mae, stop.
Great, another dead end.
Hey, can we just try to stay positive, please? - Totally.
- Okay.
Does anyone remember anything helpful? - Oh, my God.
- What? I think I remember seeing her.
Greer had just Wet T-shirt contest! Whoo! Greer! I saw a towel over by the bar.
Let's go.
Let's go get you taken care of, okay? - Okay.
- You're gonna be all right.
Oh, here.
Get you cleaned up.
You're really sweet.
Well, maybe you should go out with me, then.
But first let's get you cleaned up here.
This is gonna be cold, okay? So Oh, here you got You got Um, I'm sorry.
I should go check on my boyfriend.
- Oh.
- Um, yeah, he is my boyfriend.
I don't know why I said that he You know what, I'm just I'm sorry.
I have to go.
Okay, so Greer spilled beer on you, and then what? - Babe! - Huh? - You saw Imogen in here? - What? Yeah, yeah.
After Greer spilled on me, I came here to wash off.
I was alone.
And then I saw Imogen.
And she ran off.
For no reason.
She ran off for there was no reason that she just Mm-hmm.
I'm sorry, guys.
That's all I remember.
We should look for Imogen.
You go that way, babe.
Oh, honey, are you okay? You look like you're gonna be sick.
Yeah, no, I'm just not feeling too well.
Yeah, I totally understand.
Not knowing where your best friend is must be overwhelming you with guilt.
Listen, sweetie, I am here for you, okay? I promise you we're gonna help you get your little friend back.
It might help to retrace every moment of your night.
You know, you two are super close, so odds are you were together.
- Right? - Um Because if you weren't together, where would you have been? See, I don't It must take a super special person to distract you from your friends.
- I don't know.
- Think, Andie.
Who were you with last night? What? You were with someone? I mean, I showed up, I shotgunned a beer with Courtney, and I All right, okay.
That's enough.
Josh, what are you doing? What are you doing? Oh, my God.
I have Andie.
Hey, hey, here.
Drink this.
- Thanks.
- How do you feel? Physically? Fine.
That's not what I meant.
I'm fine.
I was just trying to remember stuff from last night, but I guess it doesn't matter, right? It was probably nothing anyway.
It wasn't nothing.
I remember too.
Hey, Josh, where you at? We found Imogen! I can't.
I'm sorry, I Really, I Wake up, Imogen! Oh, my God, we've been looking everywhere for you! Wake up! Courtney, I am woken! I am awake! Oh, my God, Imogen, are you okay? What happened? I just fell asleep for a little bit.
Who did this to you? Me.
Ha ha! I can't wait for this one.
I locked myself inside the cage.
Why? Because the party was just getting a bit overwhelming, and I saw so many things.
What? What did you see? There's just there's so many secrets, and I just I can't.
No, I have to.
I have to.
No, I can't.
Okay, I just Dakota's straight! No.
You guys, no.
I saw him.
I saw him.
I saw you kissing Mae.
Imogen, you sweet dumb baby, I always hook up with girls when I'm faded.
- It's foreplay.
- Yeah, it's true.
He likes to ditch the girls later, then hook up with a guy knowing he's hurt someone's feelings.
- I don't mind.
- Oh.
So you locked yourself inside of a dog cage because you thought I was straight? Now that you know he's super gay, you want to get out of the dog cage? How did you even know there was a dog crate in here? Oh, my gosh, you guys, this really nice frat boy in a teddy bear onesie, he led me in here and said I could be alone, and I was able to stay at the party on my own terms.
Yeah, you did it.
Let's get brunch to celebrate.
Wait a minute, you guys.
Am I the only one curious if there was ever a dog here? - Brunch! - Was there a dog? You know what, forget it.
What's going on with you? I'm just tired, Alec.
I'm gonna go check on Imogen.
Are you okay? I have to tell you guys something.
Josh kissed me last night.
What? Like, really, really kissed me.
Oh, my God! I lock myself inside a friggin' dog cage and I miss everything.
Wait you know Alec is gonna kill you.
Yep, but I don't care.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You do realize that this means, right? Mm-hmm.
This semester is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
At the beginning of this year, boys avoided me like the plague.
Now? I've run bases with babes, fraternized at frats, and Josh kissed me! It's been crazy semester, but I have a feeling we're just getting started.
Can you hear me say hello Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Can you hear me say hello Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Can you hear me say hello Letters I wrote, 10,000 notes The words in my throat won't get to you Any other way unless I learn to say What I mean to say, so it's time to try To tell you how I feel Thought I'm shaking all inside Gonna try to overcome my fears 'Cause I've got to make you mine Hello, you don't know me But my world is lonely without you by my side Hello, I hope that you hear me 'Cause I've been missing you in my life Can you hear me say hello Oh, oh, oh, oh Can you hear me say hello
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