Freedom Fighters: The Ray (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode Six

I thought you took care of the security alarm? Must have been a backup line.
If we get pinched Don't worry, the cops won't be here for at least five minutes.
I wouldn't be worrying about the cops if I were you.
Holy crap, it's that light guy.
I prefer, the Ray.
Drop your weapon.
Smart guy.
What's with the smirk? You like going to prison? Looks like you're cornered, golden boy.
Oh, well, that escalated quickly.
I'll take that as my cue to go.
I guess super healing wasn't part of the package.
Come on, Ray, where are you, bro? If I were waiting for a pizza, it would be free by now.
On second thought, I'm not gonna think of pizza when I'm this hungry.
We could help with that.
The Reich provides prisoners with two square meals a day.
He's running some kind of multiversal trace, tracking the Ray's trajectory.
Give him a hand with that.
Got him.
I'm less interested in him than Red Tornado's cortex.
Well, looks like they're both on Earth-1.
You almost done in there? Yeah, just give me a sec.
What were you doing in there? Nothing.
You okay? Yeah.
I, uh, hurt myself playing pick-up basketball.
I didn't know you played basketball.
Yeah, I mean, John and some other guys from work.
No big thing.
That's what I like to hear.
Sorry, got to take this.
All right, son.
Okay, think I'm out of earshot now.
Hmm, no offense, but I kinda got over sneaking around parents after high school.
Don't worry, I've gotten really good at it.
We still on for tonight? Yeah, I'll meet you there? Hmm? Um, I guess I'll see you there.
What the hell?
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