Healer (Hilleo) (2014) s01e06 Episode Script


1 What is all that about? Come on, lift up your head.
Were you that scared? - I - I can't hear you, so speak up! Hwang Jae Guk a piece of trash that can't even be recycled! - Bong Sook.
- Young Shin.
- Are you okay? - No, please help me.
- Bong Sook.
- Yes? It's loud out there, isn't it? Yes, it is quite loud.
My reporter's instincts are telling me not to lose this opportunity.
- So get ready.
- What? Get ready? Where are the car keys? - Car keys? Here.
- We're going to run over to the car.
You're going to run over there like lighting and start the car and I'm going to run there just as fast and lock the doors from inside.
Then we're going to race out of here.
Ready? But can we switch our roles? Maybe you should drive the car, and I should be ready for any emergencies.
Do you think that I'd have brought you here if I had a driver's license to begin with? - Ah - Ready? Ready.
- Go.
- Go! Go! We're about to head out right now, and I need you to clear the way for me.
Don't do it! No, don't do it! Don't even think about scratching up my car! Put those down.
What do you mean, clear the way? Then can I hit those guys? Whatever! Stop this however you can, but don't lay a finger on my car.
Give me your car key! Hey, get these guys! Wasn't that Bae Sang Soo's car? Did you see that? That was Bae Sang Soo, wasn't it? Mister, please take us to the police! Some people I mean, gangsters They're trying to kill us.
What's wrong, Bong Sook? Are you hurt? Hey, what is it? Wait, hold on.
It's the middle of day, and you are attacking people with a deadly weapon? Who is this jerk? That's quite a feat.
Keep going - You jerk - Hey.
Hello, Detective Yoon.
- What brings you by here? - That's what I'd like to ask you.
What are you doing here? Huh? Wow, are these your guys? - You're a detective? - Yes, I am.
My name is Yoon Dong Won, and I head the Cyber Criminal Investigations.
Seems to me that you have something that you'd like to report to the police.
- I have a few questions myself.
- The thing is Bong Soo.
Bong Soo? Where is he right now? Where is he right now? Dae Yong is headed towards the bridge right now.
Turn it around at the intersection, and come towards the warehouses.
Dae Yong, did you hear that? You're dead.
Hey! Stop the car! Stop right there! I'm in front of the warehouse, so where is he? Where do I go? Do I stop? Or should I keep going? Ugh, why isn't anyone answering me? Hey! You asshole! Who are you? - Are you a girl? - Bro! - What? - When are you going to get here? - Why aren't you here yet? - What is she saying? Be quiet! Be quiet, quiet down.
Ugh, seriously.
Let's not exhaust ourselves.
I'm just going to leave after I say a few things.
- You're the Healer, aren't you? - Bingo.
Just as I heard.
I heard that you always show up around that reporter girl, so is that true? That's right.
What is it? Are you and that girl Why are you using such crude language like that? The reason why I show up around that reporter lady is because I used that reporter lady as bait.
- Your bait? - So that I can meet you quietly like this.
I've learned from following your guys around that you seem very interested in her.
So I followed her around for a few days.
And look at this.
- I've got you hook, line and sinker.
- Hey If you wanted to meet me that badly, then you could've just come to my office.
What are you doing? This is the phone you use all the time.
Hey! And seeing how this one is cleaner, this must be for your VIP clients? What is the passcode for this? Do you think that I'd just tell you what it is? Seriously, you are a real Let's see.
A clear shot of the handcuffs, too.
I'll upload this onto your company's homepage.
I bet your guys are going to love this.
- The title will be 'Arrested by the Healer.
' - Hey! You can't write that! Keep your eyes to the front.
To the front.
I can get the passcode, but I'm just feeling too lazy to waste my time doing it.
And the picture that I just took Should I upload that onto the customer's site on the Double S' website? The code.
A 'V' and a 'one.
' They're connected together.
A 'V' and a 'one.
' Okay, it worked.
Only one name in your contact list? 'The owner?' - That's my girlfriend, what about it? - The recording is Yes, there they are.
This is the way to do business.
Always record your conversations with your customers.
In one word, always be prepared.
It's about the first assignment you gave me.
You asked me to find and get rid of the Healer for you, didn't you? I think he's connected to the reporter.
Hey! You know the principles that us businessmen has to live by.
Yes, that's true.
But I'm not like that.
I can't believe this crap.
Everyone tries to avoid the Healer.
But you're threatening me? Are you that big of a coward? Have you looked into Joo Yun Hee? She spoke to a reporter from Some Day News.
- But she's gone into hiding.
- What about the Healer? Now that we've got this information, I'll take care of him right away.
Yes, go ahead.
We'll talk once the job is done.
This man - Who is he? - Why? So you can threaten me again? He's one of these two, isn't he? Do you want to tell me who he is, or should I call him directly myself and ask? I'll also be sending him the picture that I just took of you.
'Hello, I'm the Healer.
' 'I've got your message from your errand boy.
' 'I heard you want him to get rid of me?' Can I say that to him? I'm sorry, I really am sorry.
How should I do this? Was I threatening you again? Was I, Sang Soo? Yes? Yes.
She just arrived at the police station.
It's definitely Joo Yun Hee.
I'm positive.
I told all the reporters to pass the information along.
The article will first get uploaded onto all the internet sites.
This isn't their first time doing it, so I'm sure they'll do a good job of it.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
So you just went to President Hwang's house so that you could investigate him? Yes, I did.
And I witnessed Hwang Jae Guk beating one of his own female employees.
- And I was almost beat myself.
- There were a lot of other men around? - Do you know who they were? - Oh, that's right.
- They tried to kidnap me the other day.
- Kidnap you? One of those guys always seems to carry a toy around with him.
I'm positive that he's the one who made a move on me the last time.
I actually reported the incident when it happened, but I didn't know who he was.
But now that I know, I'd appreciate it if you could take care of him.
Since you were there, I assume you know the address to Hwang Jae Guk's minions? Can anyone vouch for what you just told me? Yes, of course.
My junior was with me and he saw everything.
- He even took a beating the last time.
- He was beaten? What about the medical test results? Ah, that's Is he the guy that hit my car and ran off? Well, he gets scared pretty easily.
He has the habit of running away when he gets scared.
Imagine how scared he must've been for him to have done that.
Listen, by any chance do you know who Go Sung Chul is? Who? You don't know him? Can you give me a hint? Reporter Chae Young Shin You published this article recently, right? Yes, that's right.
That's my article.
I went to see President Hwang earlier so that I could write a follow-up article.
The victim that you speak of in this article, is it Ms.
Joo Yun Hee? Wow your investigative instincts are amazing.
It's not that my skills are amazing, but this lady has just been sued.
Hwang Jae Guk filed the lawsuit against her.
Hwang Jae Guk, that trash! He sued Ms.
Joo Yun Hee? Why? For what reason? He also sued Some Day News, as well.
You and the Editor are being sued together.
Excuse me, but I need to do some research.
[Hwang Jae Guk and Joo Yun Hee.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
How much longer will we have to wait? For what? I already told you earlier that we're here to give the victim's testimony.
You'll have to wait and be patient.
[Identity of the gold digger.
Was it all a scheme to extort money?.]
Excuse me.
Reporter Chae Young Sin? I'm not being investigated for this, am I? No, it's not like that.
I just had a few questions I'm a reporter for Some Day News, and call me anytime if you have any more questions and I'll be happy to answer them for you.
I have to go now, so have a good day.
Wait, Ms.
Joo Yun Hee? Yes, this is Ms.
Joo Yun Hee.
- Who are you? - I'm here to assist her.
I'm Attorney Chae Chi Soo.
Then you must know that an APB has been sent out for Ms.
Joo Yun Hee? An APB? By whom? Young Shin, I'm busy at the police station, so I'll talk to you later.
I wish father would take my call.
Joo Yun Hee is being charged for malicious slander and defamation of character.
We couldn't locate her to let her know of the situation.
That's why an APB has been sent out for her.
Attorney Chae.
Hang on a minute.
We're here to give the victim's statement.
Then she'll also have to give us a statement as the defendant.
[ABS Reporter Kim Moon Ho.
Yes? Hello, this is Chae Young Shin from Some Day News.
Do you remember me? Yes, I remember.
Do you also remember telling me to call you if I'm in over my head? I really hate to admit this.
But that's why I'm calling you.
Can you publish the news if I gave you all the information that I have so far? Not just any report, but a real solid news report.
The interview that you speak of Was it with Joo Yun Hee herself? Yes.
Is it just your word, or do you have supporting evidence? I have the text messages that were exchanged between Hwang Jae Guk and Kim Eui Chan.
I also have the medical test results she received after the sexual assault.
- What about the video footage? - Excuse me? You said that Joo Yun Hee was being threatened with video footages of it.
That's what you said in your article.
The video footage I don't have it.
Do you think that I'd be calling you right now if I had video footage? I'd be exposing them myself.
I don't have any files, power, or any lawyer connections either.
Internet based news agencies like ourselves is easily destroyed by a search engine.
But you said you could do it.
You said you had the power to do it.
Chae Young Shin.
- Listen carefully.
- I'm listening.
Back in the day, if we didn't like certain articles then we just stopped it from being published.
That's why back then, you just had to put everything you had on the line.
Then you could publish the article.
But that's not how it is now.
Now, it just gets framed as being trash tabloid and it gets buried.
You're asking how they can do that? Because people enjoy trash more than truth.
- So what's your point? - Who cares about truth these days? So what? What are you trying to get at? Truth that no one even cares about But do you still want to reveal it? Ugh, seriously.
Listen, I just asked if you can publish something if I gave you all the information.
Then just tell me whether you can do it or not.
- Why do you keep asking - Why do you want it to be known so bad? Why not just wash your hands of it? Joo Yun Hee is about to get wrongly brought down and destroyed.
I can't just sit back and watch it happen.
I see, you're pawing it off to me because you can't just watch it from happening? You were begging for scraps the last time.
What? You can use my name as the source.
I'll be the one to get sued if it comes down to it so all you have to do is to publish the darned thing! - Is that right? - Yes! What are you doing here? I was waiting for the owner to get home.
But you know the code to get in, so why are you waiting out here? Because I didn't want to step on the wrong foot with the homeowner.
- I was trying to tiptoe around.
- Kang Min Jae is tiptoeing around me? Wow, this should be in the headlines.
I know an attorney at that law firm, so I'll try finding out what's happening.
First, I need to find out how many they've hired for this case since all they've got is money.
- Go back inside for now.
- Young Shin, what are you doing here? Ms.
Joo Yun Hee? - Ms.
Joo Yun Hee! - Ms.
Joo Yun Hee! Joo Yun Hee's case got handed over to the business section from the political.
The focus will be 'A greedy woman schemes a blackmailing case.
' A blackmailing case? Young women targeting famous figures and purposely attempting to seduce them.
After going on dates and such with them, they start to demand money from them.
And you're saying that Joo Yun Hee is a clear example of that case? Joo Yun Hee is the worst of the case.
She threatened her victim by talking to a reporter and publishing these articles.
Her target is a prominent congressman who is in the running for Seoul Mayor.
I hear that she's demanding more than three billion Won from him.
- How much are you blackmailing him for? - Is it three billion or four billion Won? You're targeting a congressman.
I hear you only met him once during dinner? - Which is the real truth? - No comments for now.
Is someone in on this with you, or did you plan this out by yourself? Have you come to turn yourself in? - Please move out of our way.
- Were you the only one in on this? I hear that someone else was in on this.
Can you tell us who? Can you give us a statement? The internet news that made headlines of a sexual assault by a congressman is revealed to be one woman's deceitful ploy to extort money out of him.
This seems to be an example of the latest string of Gold Digging Blackmailer Cases.
Just as always you are quite the chef.
You learned how to cook by helping your sister in the kitchen since you were a kid? I wish I could try your sister's cooking.
The first woman that captured your heart Has she tried your sister's cooking? You still remember that? - Can't you forget it by now? - What woman can forget such words? We became a couple right from our beginning days.
But no matter how long I waited, the man still wouldn't say it.
So the woman proposed.
You have no idea how much courage that took, do you? But do you know how the man answered? Min Jae.
The first woman I ever loved is still in my heart.
That's why no matter how hard you try, you'll always be my second woman.
Will you be okay with that? You're the one who turned me down.
What woman in this world would be okay with that? - Let's cheers to your first woman.
- Knock it off.
I already feel awful for the way I hurt you.
Then here's to Reporter Kim Moon Ho's resignation? I'll drink to that.
You're not going to go and work for your brother's company, are you? It's possible.
No, if that was the case, then you wouldn't be resigning like that.
I'm sure you'd quietly crawl out of there because you'd be too humiliated.
You could just write a biography about me.
What is it? You owe me an explanation.
Don't you think that I'm at least owed that? - There's a kid that I want to train.
- But? I'll teach her all the basics.
I think she can become something.
- What else? - And Will you take her on? Is it a girl? I told you that it's a kid.
But why are you quitting? You can just bring her to our station.
You told me that I couldn't.
- What are you talking about? - Joo Yun Hee's case.
You said you couldn't take it.
If that's how it's going to be, then I can't teach her properly.
Her dream is to become a real reporter.
What did you mean when you asked me to take her on just a moment ago? What are you going to do then? Who is she? How is she related to your first woman? Min Jae.
Why must you make me say this? Why must you make me act so pitiful? I owe that woman a debt.
I owe her a huge debt.
- I just want to pay off that debt to her.
- Once you pay it off Will it leave the first place position open in your heart? That's what I'm hoping will happen.
Once you pay off your debt what happens then? I'm going to leave.
- For where? - Either Alaska or Africa? Somewhere either really cold, or really hot.
Because my whole life has been too lukewarm.
Sir, are you sure this is the right delivery address? I'm on the fourth floor, and there's nothing up here.
Just leave it? Leave it where? Yes, I see it.
Honey, I'm not here right now.
Leave a message if you'd like and make sure to say this at the end.
I love you! What the heck? What's wrong with her? Ma'am, it's me.
Where have you been all day? You heard Bae Sang Soo's recordings too, right? I think that's plenty to be sure that it's Kim Moon Shik? The one who met with Go Sung Chul to get the file from him and the one who killed Go Sung Chul and framed me for the murder It was him, wasn't it? Why else would he tell Sang Soo to kill me? Which brings me to say this.
I'd like to get rid of him myself in return.
But I need your help in order to do that.
Seriously, where have you been all day? Are you not answering your phone just because you're not in the office? Why else would you have a cellphone? It's so that you can carry it around Anyway Please call me back, okay? Did you hear that? He'll find things out on his own even if I don't tell him anything.
He'll find out Kim Moon Shik was his father's friend.
Did you take care of the security cameras? Yeah, I did.
Take a breather.
Kim Moon Shik, his father, Myung Hee and I I'm sure he'll find out that we were all friends, right? If you'd taught him properly, then it's just a matter of time before Jung Hoo finds out.
Then he'll also find out how his father died, won't he? Don't you think that he will? I think Jung Hoo's mother told him that his father had died in an accident.
But don't you think that a little digging will reveal the real truth? Newspapers from back then should be enough to reveal the truth.
Seo Joon Seo, born in 1960.
Murders his own friend for money and commits suicide from guilt while being investigated by the police.
Detective Jo, you haven't changed a bit.
You still don't give a crap about manners.
That venomous mouth of yours.
You don't like being called Detective Jo, do you? But you've spent the past few years with Jung Hoo.
What do you think? How do you think he'll react once he finds out what his dad was really like? Isn't he slightly autistic? His wish is to leave everything behind and live by himself on a deserted island? - Ugh, that faint-hearted boy.
- Hey, Jung Chae Beom.
What? Do you still not know him even after having lived with him all those years? Know what? Jung Hoo's never left anyone in his life.
He's always been the one to get abandoned and be left behind.
His father, his mom, his grandmother Even you, his master, also left him.
- Let's take a picture.
- Everyone get up.
- Come on, Moon Shik.
- You guys are so tacky.
A picture? - See? - Everyone smile, okay? - Smile.
- Okay, let's do this! - Kimchi! - Tuna! Bong Sook, is this your number? It's me, Young Shin.
Hey, you despicable coward! You leave and abandon me in that mess by myself, and now, you're nowhere to be found? You want to die? Do you want me to kick your butt? Are you okay? This is my number, so call me and let me know that you're okay.
I was too busy today, and wasn't able to take care of you.
You're okay, right? I wish I could die right now.
What's her deal? 'You want to die? Do you want me to kick your butt?' What foul mouth she has.
'Are you okay?' 'You're okay, right?' Seriously.
- 'I wish' - She wishes to be dead? Here, have a hot cup of tea.
You barely even ate anything at dinner.
Listen, it is essential to eat well before you go out into battle.
Then you'll have the strength to fight.
Here, drink this.
This money thing is bothering me.
Was there ever any mention of money? Especially this three billion Won figure? Have you ever mentioned anything about that kind of money? No, I never mentioned anything about money.
Ah, back in the day When I used to tell him that I'd sue him if he kept harassing me like that President Hwang once asked me how much he could buy me off for.
He asked if 30 million Won would be enough.
So I told him through my tears that money wasn't the issue and that not even three billion was enough, let alone 30 million Won.
I think I said something like that.
He must've recorded you saying that.
The bastard! Okay there's something else.
Infringement of privacy and rights of a person by exposing their personal information.
It means that she exposed and violated a person's right over the web.
That must mean that they're going to use Young Shin's article against you.
I didn't violate anyone's privacy, or expose anyone.
- My article was just - Be quiet.
Chul Min, print out a copy of Young Shin's article for me.
- I want to go through what she wrote.
- Yes, Sir.
Hello? Park Bong Soo, what took you so long to call? I told you to be quiet.
Don't you have any common sense or any respect for your seniors? Even if you were going to run away, you should've at least told me first.
I'm sorry, Young Shin.
What's wrong with your voice? I kept vomiting from all the shock that day and I barely made it back home and just fell asleep.
Do you always vomit whenever you get shocked or scared? This is seriously so humiliating.
Can I ask you for a favor? Can you please not tell anyone that I'm like this? How is this humiliating? Everyone has their weak points.
The truth is I'm like that, too.
I lose my ability to breathe when I get scared.
But that's nothing to be humiliated about.
It's just a small discomfort.
Don't you think? Bong Sook, are you still there? Yes, I'm still here.
Anyway, I'm glad I got to hear your voice.
Will you be in tomorrow morning? Yes, I'll be there.
Take your time coming in.
I'll let the manager know.
But I'm sorry, and I do feel bad.
I dragged you into that mess against your wishes.
- Anyway, goodnight.
- Okay.
- You, too.
- Wait.
- Yes? - You're talking in casual speech with me.
But What was that text you sent me earlier about? What you said about wishing you were dead? Ah, that? It's a long story.
Shouldn't you go to sleep? Is your stomach feeling okay? I'm lying in bed right now, and I'm feeling okay for now.
The article that I recently published? That article's being under attack right now.
Joo Yun Hee, the newspaper, and myself We're all being sued right now.
Since the story's mostly of their side, the public will be on their side as well.
As someone said, this situation has gone over my head.
Could that someone be Reporter Kim Moon Ho? Hey, stop it.
Don't even mention that name to me.
Why? I actually put all my pride aside and called him.
You called Kim Moon Ho? I told you not to even mention his name to me.
He totally went back on his word once the situation changed.
He's total dog crap times two.
He's not even deserving of his name.
Is he that famous? How can you not know who he is when you're in the newspaper industry? He's that famous? I used to like him a lot.
He was my idol, and he was also my first love.
He was my lifelong crush.
It was so bad that I had his picture posted on my walls instead of idol posters.
And as of last year He's been one of my two men.
What's that supposed to mean? There's someone else that I now have a crush on.
You really are something else.
Then who's your other crush? Just someone.
I doubt you'd know who it is.
- Is he a reporter, too? - No.
He's a courier.
- What? - It's a sort of a job.
You're not familiar with it, are you? No, I'm not.
Anyway, he's quite famous for being skilled in what he does.
I've only heard rumors about him.
But you know how rumors are.
They tend to be over exaggerated.
But he still sets my heart aflutter.
And I kept dreaming about him.
That's how my crush number two got started.
But he's such a high priced, man of mystery that I wasn't sure if I was ever even going to get to meet him.
But I think that I've met him already.
You've met him? You've met the courier? Yeah.
I never got to see his face, but I felt his presence.
You know what that feels like, right? It felt like What am I saying right now? I must've lost my mind.
Anyway, you're a strange one, Park Bong Soo.
- How am I weird? - I for some reason I find you comfortable.
As if we're brother and sister.
Go and get some sleep.
I think I'm going to head back inside.
She feels we're like we're like what? Brother and sister? - I am here at your summon.
- Welcome.
- Thanks for all your recent hard work.
- I only did as I've been taught.
Have a seat.
- Your usual, cognac on the rocks? - Yes, thank you.
When it comes to cognacs it's best to have it straight.
Cognac is best appreciated as you drink in its aroma.
But that's just my theory.
There's nothing in this world that matters more than knowing your own taste or preference.
Every small step I take could have a significant impact on this universe.
Because I'm the center of this universe.
Don't you agree? I still have long ways left to go before I can come to realize that belief.
Congressman Kim.
- Yes, Elder.
- You know We don't live our lives as individuals.
In order to do that, there are certain lines that must be kept, don't you think? - My shame leaves me speechless.
- Could it be that you believe yourself to be a ladies man? No, that's not true.
No, it's not like that.
I'm sure President Kim shares my belief but to get you to the position that you are in, a Seoul Mayoral candidate it took the efforts of a lot of different people.
But to disappoint us like this all for just a woman? That complicates the situation.
Nothing like this will ever happen again.
It was just a momentary mistake.
The stress of being in a position over my head put a great deal of pressure on me.
I'm not trying to make excuses for myself.
But please give me just one more chance.
I'll do it.
You can retire for the night.
Thank you for all your help.
You keep getting lighter by the day.
You're making me nervous.
You always remain the same.
You're making me feel bad.
- You never let on even when I'm a bother.
- You're not a bother.
- Never.
- Can't be.
You're still human.
Don't try to change the subject.
Have you taken your medication? Yes, I have.
- Are the lights okay? - Yes.
Go to sleep.
I'll leave once you've fallen asleep.
Am I being too loud? What did you do today? You can't fall asleep? No, I can't.
Today I met with idiots, like I do every day.
As I looked at those idiots who are so stupid and vulgar like insects with belly full of their vile eggs these idiots are full of greed and lust.
And I wondered to myself if it really is a good idea to leave our country in their hands.
Kim Moon Shik, you sure have changed a lot.
But you just said that I haven't changed a bit.
Kim Moon Shik that I knew back in college was timid, had very few words to say and always only snickered to himself from the back of the classroom.
Yes, I'm sure I was.
But the Kim Moon Shik that I see now Is like the man behind King Arthur, Merlin the Magician? Wise yet full of wiles with a tendency to be tricky.
Whether it be a compliment or an insult, you should just stick to one.
Kim Moon Shik.
Yes, please speak.
By any chance Would you rather be King Arthur instead of being Merlin? - No, I don't want to.
- In the past 20 years You've been climbing higher, and have been growing ever so stronger.
But is it still not enough? - Myung Hee.
- Yes? Nothing's changed for me since my college days.
While you guys were fervent with your passion and shouted for justice all I did was to drive you guys around.
But I still tried it.
I stood against what I knew was wrong.
That's all I'm trying to do now.
Stand up against what I know to be wrong.
But the only difference is I've now learned that it requires a certain amount of power to do that.
I understand.
I'm sorry for having questioned you.
Get some sleep.
Go on.
Why hasn't he called me yet? Why? - Reporter Yeo.
- Yes? Are you sure we haven't heard anything yet? No, nothing.
I haven't even gone to the bathroom yet.
I'm sure we haven't heard yet.
Ugh, this is strange.
I'm positive that he said an attorney would be sent out this morning.
The Chairman said that he'd send out one of his attorney friends out to us this morning.
If he said sometime this morning, then shouldn't we wait until 11:59? - Director Jang! - What is it? - The thing is - Is the attorney here? No, outside the office Wow, he looks just like Reporter Kim Moon Ho.
Are you Director Jang Byung Sae? Yes, I'm Director Jang Byung Sae.
My name is Kim Moon Ho.
May I ask what brings you by here? Are you here to interview us about the article we published? Please take good care of me.
Huh? You startled me.
You're here early.
How are you feeling? I feel fine.
You're not speaking in a casual tone.
Is someone moving in here? Is this all the space you have for the whole office? You'll find the marketing department if you walk through the door you just saw and all the editorial and journalistic writing is done Wait, I know that asked you this earlier - But what is it that you're doing here? - Good morning everyone! Hang on.
I'm going to create a video team here at Some Day News.
And I'll be heading that department.
- What did he just say? - He's the real Reporter Kim Moon Ho.
Isn't it shocking? In order to do that, we're going to need more space for the camera and the editing team.
I think that's going to require the usage of another floor in this building.
Reporter Kim Moon Ho.
The owner of this newspaper also happens to be the owner of this building.
Hang on.
I'm busy right now, so I'll call you back.
Yes, Chairman.
Excuse me? Yes.
- Young Shin.
- Yes, Director.
Our Chairman has apparently just sold this building.
He even sold this newspaper agency.
To whom? I think that office will suffice for me.
But we're going to need some storage Are you referring to cameras, and other such equipment? - Show them where they can take those.
- Sure.
Please follow me this way.
This way.
- Chae Young Shin.
- Yes? - Shouldn't you be busy right now? - Me? What time is it right now? It's eight Call home and let your dad know that you won't be home for a few days.
[Next Episode Preview.]
Do you know who Kim Moon Ho's first woman is? It's all to repay the debt he owes to his first woman.
He just become the top candidate.
- I'm thinking of sending you.
- I want to do it.
To avoid a meeting with Kim Moon Shik? Then I need to see him right now.
Find out whether Chae Young Shin was adopted.
This customer called in with a new request.
He wants to ensure the safety of Chae Young Shin.
You really like beating up others, but you haven't been on the receiving end? Who are you? Who am I?
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