Revelations (2005) s01e06 Episode Script

Hour Six

/Following Isaiah Haden's /call to arms last night, /prison inmates around the world /initiated bloody uprisings, /a government official here /calling the fugitive Satanist /"a true force of evil that will/ have to be reckoned with.
" /Authorities say, when his demand /to be on television was rebuked, /he taunted police into creating /a smokescreen for his own escape, /the bloodiest and boldest /in prison history.
/Hours later his televised appearance, /seen by an estimated 5 million prisoners Do you know who that man is, Sam? He's your father.
Mine too.
And Tulia's.
Does he look familiar to you? He killed Lucinda Massey.
How do you feel about that? Guilt is the most useless of all human emotions.
/indicating he intends to create an army /bigger than the world has ever known.
- Jonah.
/- Richard? How are you doing on our puzzle? Have you found an eclipse on any of Saturn's moons yet? /With the help of some brilliant minds, /I think I have.
/A moon different from all the rest.
It sticks out like a sore thumb.
Circling in the opposite direction to all the rest at four times the speed.
A rogue moon.
- Like a rogue star.
- When does it eclipse? Given the counter-rotation and speed, she goes dark for 60 seconds once every 10,000 years.
That's not what we're looking for.
We feel there's something imminent.
/How's Wednesday night? /Her moment is coming up /in 42 hours from now.
- That's the time! /- Anything else? Okay, Jonah, try this.
The Street of Sapphires.
Literally or metaphorically, a channel of sparkling light.
/- Any more information? - None, except that wherever it is, I've gotta be there at the time of the eclipse.
Why? For the birth of the Antichrist.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Change of assignment-- Street of Sapphires.
May be in the heavens, may be on earth.
May be at the bottom of the sea.
It is worth an "A" for the semester, and you have 42 hours to figure it out.
/Good morning.
/I have been asked by His Holiness /to make this announcement /because I direct the Office of Canonization, /and seek miracles every day.
/Today, nothing less than a miracle is needed to end /the escalating violence in the Middle East /that threatens everything and everyone in God's creation.
/As rumored, our church /with other churches, /temples, and mosques, /with their leaders from around the world /are entering into a series of talks /at an undisclosed location.
That's the third clue in the puzzle.
"Silencing the cry of freedom.
" The peace conference is in danger.
I'm calling the Vatican.
His name is Enzio Tassone.
Your Sister Jo was looking for him.
Said he'd rescued her virgin mother from the police in Athens.
You don't believe her, do you? He was excommunicated 9 years ago for challenging church doctrine.
A renegade priest.
Forgive me.
A nun on the phone insists she has information of vital importance to you.
/Sister Josepha, what is so urgent? I'm fearful that the peace conference is going to be disturbed.
/That an assassination might take place.
We all fear that and that's why /we're taking extra precautions.
No, you can't do anything about this.
This has been foretold.
As one of the three events concurrent with the birth of the Antichrist.
To silence the cry of freedom.
And what would you have me do having been told such a thing? Cancel it? If I did that based on your word, it will be you who had /silenced the cry of freedom.
- I just thought you should know.
/- And good that we do.
We have six months to prepare security so no such thing comes to pass.
/Cardinal Laveigh, is it truly six months away? Because our calculations indicate midnight, Wednesday about 39 hours from now.
Sir, if we're on the right track, we'd like to know.
Go to the airport.
/I'll send the plane, /and I'll see you at the Villa Mariana.
Padre Tassone! Thank God.
I didn't know they had taken you.
The bad ones are gone.
These are good people helping me find my child.
These are Saitani, Anna Teresa.
Do as they say, find a child, any male infant and say it is your own to keep your own child safe from harm.
My child is safe.
Why not with me? There are things happening in this world, Anna Teresa.
I want only my child.
Choose any child.
If they believe he is yours, they will keep you both alive.
With Christ as a hostage, they could own Christianity.
Meanwhile, your own child is safe.
In loving hands.
You were correct.
Wednesday at midnight, the opening gavel comes down.
But this is all I can confirm.
Where? If there's a connection to the time, maybe there's a connection to the place.
- What possible connection-- - What possible connection? Excuse me, but I don't ask that question anymore.
What connection did my daughter have to a brain-dead stranger in a hospital? And what connection did that girl have with a shipwreck in Patmos? You've come a long way, Dr.
Not far enough.
The Street of Sapphires.
That's where the birth is supposed to take place.
We took a vow never to divulge.
Torvald, I have never questioned your judgment before-- There's no need to start now.
The peace conference is hidden away in a place that the Street of Sapphires wouldn't remotely describe.
This is him.
This is my child.
Hello? /Richard, we may have found /your Street of Sapphires.
We're looking at NASA photographs right now of moon reflecting on the water taken precisely at midnight in 15 time zones around the world.
Hang on.
The Street of Sapphires, it's the moon on water.
/In five different time zones, /the moon is low enough on the horizon to cast a straight line across certain bodies of water.
/The most likely are Lake Victoria in central Africa.
The Aral Sea in Uzbekistan.
- And the Sea of Galilee.
- Yes.
The Sea of Galilee is one of them.
/That's the one we're looking for, /it can't be any other.
/How do she know? Mister Eklind, please listen.
The shores of Galilee, that's where Christ used to preach.
And one day a storm grew.
And to prove that it was safe, Christ walked on water.
By this time, it was night.
The reflection of the moon on water.
I know what that looks like.
I saw it when I was a child.
I was standing on a dock /gazing at this sparkling path from the horizon to my toes.
And I thought,"So that's how God helped his son to walk on water.
"By creating this sparkling path of moonlight.
" /Do I understand that you chose /the Sea of Galilee /because of a childhood fantasy /you had of Christ? No, no, no.
I choose the Sea of Galilee because the Antichrist hides in Christ's shadow.
And because he will appear where men of God gather.
And because all of these miracles took place on the shore of the Tiberius.
That is where the Street of Sapphires is going to lead.
Eklind is it the city of Tiberius where the peace conference is going to be held? Because it's likely there that the birth is gonna take place.
And if you won't confirm or deny it, you're gonna have blood on your hands.
Because the boy that I'm looking for is gonna be sacrificed there.
Put that on hold.
/Jonah, stand by.
Midnight tomorrow.
It is the town of Tiberius.
Nathan Volk, please.
/I'm headed in from the airport /with some surprising news.
/- Richard Massey is on the way.
- Massey? Well, this is a blessed event.
Oh, I think we can do much better than that.
An Enochian dagger.
It's from the crypt.
- I've never seen a real one.
- How can you tell it is? It's supposed to have lethal effect.
I guess you won't know until you use it.
I am Avi.
Welcome to Israel.
I'd like you to stay with my friends tonight.
They'll tell you their needs.
Protect their lives as you would mine.
We'll meet here tomorrow this time.
If I'm not there, the plane's instructed to take you without me.
Do you have to go? I do.
God will bless you, Dr.
Even if you don't want him to.
Just imagine it.
So this is young Sam.
Hoath Saitani.
Are you nervous, Samaael? Well, don't be.
Don't be.
I have a question.
How have we gotten this far without being stopped? If there is a Satan, why is he toying with us? Cat and mouse.
Look at Isaiah Haden for a model.
For the sheer enjoyment of instilling fear in men.
And fear makes men do the Devil's bidding.
Fear leads to greed, greed leads to wars.
Eventually he will kill.
But first he has his fun.
This is where it all happened.
The miracles in the Bible.
But I'm sure you could explain that away.
Given why I'm here, that doesn't really work anymore.
Better go find Avi.
We should scout the shoreline for the best vantage point tonight.
You know I have come to realize that sometimes you don't know when you're seeing someone for the last time.
Sometimes you can regret the things that you didn't say.
Some things don't need to be said.
I don't mind wasting a few words about what's happened and why we're here.
What we mean to each other.
- How 'bout a souvenir? - No, I'm-- - I don't need one.
- Yes, I think you do.
How 'bout this chicken? Hawk? Hawk? Hawk? This will give you the best view of the sea.
If this balloon does what it's supposed to.
You gonna stay parked down below us so we can move out fast, right? I will wait.
It's 22 minutes.
This isn't happening.
We aren't going to see anything, with clouds covering the moon.
It's happening.
It's the Street of Sapphires.
There's no army surrounding it.
We've got 18 minutes.
We gotta go.
Richard? Hawk? Richard? - Hawk.
- Don't trust this.
Richard! - Richard! - Hawk! Come back! Richard! How could he have found us?! Richard, stop! Hawk! Wait! Richard! Richard! Hawk.
Wait! Hawk, stop! My Lord, if Thou hath sent me here to serve Thy purpose, let me do it with courage.
Whether it leads to Christ or the Antichrist, I will find my way.
And I will gladly give my life.
A host of unholy cherubs.
will you take your places? Please.
Let us take a moment to pray for guidance, each in his own way: Heavenly Father, we pray Hawk.
You're safe now.
You're safe now.
You're not.
Wanna make a deal, Richard? Plead insanity? Criminal arrogance? Terminal predictability? How did I know you couldn't resist the bleeding of a sacrificial ram? We're late, Samaael.
This is between us.
You leave him out of this.
This is not between us, Richard.
It's between our Gods.
And Samaael here is caught in the middle of it.
- Samaael! - Run! Did I mention I'm not so easy to kill? You can't choke me, Richard.
I breathe through my skin.
You can't bleed me.
My veins are too deep.
You can't fry me or freeze me.
Shoot me or drown me.
Unless you find a way no one else has there's no way to win.
Are you watching, Samaael? Whose God's got the winning team? You're made of tough stuff, Richard.
Almost as hard to kill as she was.
/She's beautiful.
/He was her knight in shining armor.
/That's what we do when we love.
/We risk everything.
/I want to go to heaven, Daddy.
/Help me get there.
/That's what he was thinking when /he choked the life from your child.
Where did you get that? I'm impressed, Richard.
- But don't be too optimistic.
- I have a habit of bouncing back.
Go ahead, Richard.
Give him the taste for blood.
Pick it up.
Pick it up, Sam.
Bring it here.
Run, Hawk.
We are the predators, he's the prey.
Hawk, it's me.
We are everything, he is nothing.
- Go for it, Sam.
- For God's sake.
- Do what you're trained for.
- For Lucy's sake.
You're my guy, Sam.
Do it, Sam.
It's not my name.
- He's finished.
- No, he's not.
Wait here.
He will be.
But he's being born as we speak.
You can win this battle, but you've lost the war.
- It's not the war I want to win.
- Would Lucy approve? "You are forgiven.
" Those were her last words.
And what are yours? I'll see you at Easter.
Hawk? Hawk? I have to get the car and go back.
Hawk's still out there.
No, Hawk's safe.
Hawk's here.
He's worried about you, as was I.
- He's all right? - Yes.
He's with a doctor that came to see Torvald.
He's in there.
Torvald, so - The peace conference? - It was sabotaged.
One person died, and there were many injured.
As was prophesied.
And the birth as well.
We didn't stop it.
- Did you see it? - The aftermath.
And Haden? I don't know if I stopped him.
I don't know if he's dead or alive.
But Hawk's alive.
And we're alive.
And Lucy's at peace, so It's over.
Thank God.
It's over.
You know, it's not over for me.
Because near here a woman was born who became the Virgin Mother.
And her son, Jesus, as a boy and as a man walked these streets and he spoke of love.
And people listened.
And they believed that the good in man could create a loving world.
And that's why it's not over for me.
Because I have to find him.
His voice has to be heard again.
- You're going to keep searching.
- Yes, I am.
As I was born to.
Like you with your telescopes and your microscopes.
I'm looking for answers.
Don't think I'm not.
I was walking along the shore for hours to get back here.
And looking up at the night sky, imagining the awe the first man had when he cast his eyes up there.
And I can still have that awe.
And I've seen that in you.
Kneeling in prayer.
Trying to do what I try to do.
Look beyond the farthest star.
But what are you looking for? The same thing as you, probably.
Some reason for it all.
The world The pain.
Some reason not to surrender to what seems inevitable.
Thus, the stargazer.
/"Stand up and save thee /from these things that will befall thee.
" Christ is here.
The Antichrist is here.
We must forestall the inevitable.
I believe that's the reason that we came together at the End of Days.
CAPTURED BY: RaceMan SUBS & SYNCHRO: SliderOh :) BR centerMagyar Linux és Flash Segédletekcenter brbr BRBR
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