Roswell s01e06 Episode Script

285 South

- Previously on Roswell.
- Liz! There's a bullet hole in the dress.
I'm telling you.
The girl was shot.
Thank you, Sheriff.
Your work is done.
We'll take it from here.
Oh, the sheriff is Kyle's dad.
He's gonna find out the truth.
Kyle, I really don't think that we should be together anymore.
What do you make of that mark? So with this picture, what we're saying is there's more of us? One more.
Michael, it's your vision.
[Rattling, Scraping.]
Sorry, buddy.
[Machine Whirring.]
- [Beeping.]
- What? Who's there? Hey! What do you want, you two-bit punk? Nothing.
This is all just a mistake.
Huh? It was all just one big mistake.
- [Cocks.]
- You're right about that.
- [Man.]
Everybody has their secrets.
- [Chalk Scraping.]
There isn't a person alive today who's what they appear to be.
Exposing these secrets is thejob of the - [Chalk Scraping.]
- Historian.
Even the most normal of us has extraordinary qualities just waiting to be uncovered.
[Liz Narrating.]
Listening to Mr.
Sommers I realized how strange it must be for Max, Isabel, and Michael not to even know their own history.
And how scary it would be if anyone discovered it before they did.
For tonight's assignment, I've paired you together.
It is yourjob as historians to find out as much as you can about your partner by asking these specific questions and then writing up an oral history report for tomorrow.
Uh, excuse me, but these are kinda personal, don't you think? Exactly.
Personal is the goal of the professional biographer.
And who knows? You just might make a new friend.
Okay, so the partners are as follows Daskal with Hausman.
Kalinowski with Unell.
Parker with Evans.
That's I.
Evans is with Valenti.
Papas with Cooney.
DeLuca with Guerin.
- Wait, did you just say Guerin? - Yes, Michael Guerin.
No, no, I'm sorry.
That's unacceptable.
- I beg your pardon? - I mean, the guy's not even here.
Well, then it'll be like true fieldwork tracking down your subject.
Trussell with Wolf.
I mean, this is like cruel and unusual education.
I mean, aren't there, like, Geneva convention rules against this sort of thing? Could this possibly get any worse? All right, so let's meet at the Crashdown after school today get started on some of these questions.
Get to know each other a little.
I can't believe this.
He has been acting so weird since we broke up.
- It'll be fine.
- [Woman.]
Max Evans? Phone call in the office.
Thanks again for your suggestion.
These These questions are so insightful.
My pleasure, Steve.
As you know, I did my graduate thesis on the importance of oral history in psychology.
So, did you pair up the students the way I suggested? Oh, yes, yes.
It should prove quite interesting.
Sometimes you end up with the most revealing details just by putting the right people together.
- [Chattering.]
- [Phone Ringing.]
Evans! Oh, thank God you're here.
You okay? I mean, you look Shaken.
Shaken by the entire incident.
I feel so violated.
Max Evans? The suspect claims that he invaded the premises at your behest.
! He's a hoodlum.
Max doesn't know people like that.
- Well, actually - Evans Say it isn't so.
I lent him my keys so he could pick up some research we needed for class.
I lost them.
The keys.
So I snuck in.
- I'm shocked.
- He wasn't trying to steal anything.
I was trying to do him a favor.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't press charges.
If there were any damages I'd be happy to work them off.
Well, uh I suppose we could work something out.
If nobody's gonna press any charges, you're free to go.
Pick up your stuff at the desk.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Don't do me any more favors.
Your copies, sir.
This is it.
The thing from my dreams.
Can we get back to the part where you got arrested, please? Look, it's over, okay? Max fixed it.
No, it's not over.
- This is getting serious.
- I know.
Marathon, Texas.
That's where this place is.
That's where the lock is that the key fits.
- I'm going there.
- Have you completely lost it? No, I've found it.
And you guys are too scared to admit it.
Gimme the keys to theJeep.
I want to go to Marathon.
Let's just wait until we can find out more about this place.
Max, I'm connected to this thing, all right? I see it when I close my eyes.
I dream about it when I go to sleep.
And it's not letting me wait, no matter what you guys say.
He won't get far without a car.
Hey, wait.
Uh, what's your favorite ice cream flavor? We have to do this completely queer history project for tomorrow.
- I'm busy.
- [Sigh.]
Will you just answer these questions, okay? Uh, um, who's your favorite relative? - Get lost, all right? I gotta - What? You've gotta what? What? You driving somewhere? Yeah, to the Lift-Off gas station to drop off a box for my mom.
- The one near the highway? - Yeah.
So? So, give me a ride and I'll answer your stupid questions.
All right, number four.
"What's your favorite TV show?" I don't watch much television.
You? America's Most Wanted.
I watch it with my dad.
All right.
All right.
Let's get to the good ones.
Ooh, uh, "What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?" Getting adopted, I guess.
I'm gonna shed a tear.
What's the best thing that ever happened to you? Winning the statewide junior rifle competition.
Your favorite flavor's vanilla? Why don't you just bring them some ketchup or something? Just bringing you guys ketchup.
So, how's it going? - Great.
- Yeah, we're really getting to know each other.
That's good.
I'm glad you came over too, 'cause I was hoping that we could skip on down to question number eight.
"Have you ever been in love?" [Laughs.]
Hmm? How 'bout it, Evans? No.
You can't just make up answers.
- Who said I'm making 'em up? - You do not watch The View.
Keeps me in touch with my feminine side.
You know what? I will just make up the answers for you.
- Good.
- Help me with the box.
Bad back.
- C.
That's 126 bucks.
- All right.
- Cash would be preferable.
- Okay.
[Engine Starts.]
He's stealing my car.
You're stealing my car.
I'm borrowing your car.
Now get out.
You're telling me to get out? This is my car.
Actually, it's my mother's.
If anything happens to it, life as I know it will be over.
Wherever it goes, I go.
You had your chance.
Oh, my God.
You're kidnapping me.
No, wait, you're abducting me.
! [Ringing.]
- Hello.
- [Maria.]
Well, here we are.
- Maria, is that you? - It feels kind of strange, you know? Being alone in a car with you.
- In a car alone with who? - Not knowing where we're going when we'll be back.
- Do you always talk this much? - Was that Michael? Liz says I talk a lot when I'm nervous.
Very nervous.
You're nervous about being in a car alone with Michael? So, how far will we be going south on 285, huh? - South on 285? - What are you Great.
Maria? Maria What's going on? That was Maria.
She's with Michael in a car.
I don't know.
She sounded really weird.
! Come on.
We have to go.
But things are going so well.
What is it? He found a car.
What is going on here? The less you know right now, the better.
- Max, no.
Not when Maria's involved.
- Maria? It would be her car with her in it.
Going south on 285.
We better hurry.
No, you can't come.
Trouble in paradise? So soon? Get in.
I'm outside the Crashdown.
Parker and the two Evans kids just left in a hurry.
- Let's find out where they're going.
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, yeah, it's a really big test.
So, look, if I spend the night at Maria's then I can get maximum study time in.
And, Mom, if you need me, just call me on the cell, okay? Bye.
The perfect Liz Parker lying to her mother? Yeah, well, at least she knows what species I am.
Let's just find them and bring them back home.
What are you guys not telling me about this? Michael is the kind of guy that could be involved in some pretty shady stuff.
You guys know exactly where they're going, don't you? Marathon, Texas? That's, like, in another state.
It's only three more hours.
- You You are going to be arrested.
- For driving to Texas? Across a state line with a minor.
In a stolen vehicle.
There are laws, you know.
And that-that cell phone you just tossed vandalism of personal property.
God, I just I knew you had criminal tendencies.
You even drive erratically.
What's exactly wrong with my driving? I told you not to go over 80.
The engine won't take it.
- Maybe it's just tired of hearing you talk.
- Oh! So what? What's in Marathon? Contraband? Some woman? What? You wouldn't understand.
You don't understand anything about us.
Listen, I already know more than I want to, okay? See, it's all about you, isn't it? This could be the most important day of my life - and all you care about - [Siren Whirring.]
Are you happy now? Go ahead.
Tell 'em I kidnapped you, and I stole your car.
What's one more arrest on my record, huh? - [Horn Honks.]
- Damn it! - What do you mean, this could be the most important day? - Forget it.
You have 20 seconds to convince me.
See this place? It's the first real connection we've had to finding out where we come from.
And it's in Marathon, Texas.
If I don't get there or if somebody else gets there first the only link we've ever found will be gone.
Where you going in such a hurry, son? I've really gotta pee.
See, l-I have this, like, really weak bladder condition, and I drank a Big Gulp at the last station, and it had caffeine so it makes me have to go even more.
So he was just driving really fast so we could get to the next station so I could pee.
Could I see your license, please? Of course, Officer.
[Pen Scraping.]
There's a drive-through about three miles up.
Nice, clean restrooms.
And watch your speed.
You owe me big.
Thank you, Mrs.
I'll try her at Liz's then.
- [Whistles.]
- [Sighs.]
Um, when did you get home? I don't know.
A couple phone calls ago.
The Evanses, the Parkers and the DeLucas.
Is this about Liz again? Dad [Chuckles.]
Anything you want to talk about? It's just Max Evans again.
- What about him? - I don't know.
He must've done something to get you so riled up.
It's just the way Liz is when she's with him.
There's always something weird going on.
Like Like today at the Crashdown.
Max and Isabel leave in some big hurry and they take Liz with 'em.
Like, right in the middle of our conversation theyjust drove off.
They're not home.
They lied to their parents.
It's just weird, you know? You have any idea where they went? No.
Yeah, well, I'm sure they'll turn up.
I thought you just got home.
Yeah, I forgot something at the office.
Dad, what do you know about Max Evans? - Kyle, stay out of this.
- What do you know, Dad? I'll talk to you later.
- [Liquid Pouring.]
- [Chattering.]
- Isabel? - What? [Sighs.]
- Sorry.
- That's great.
I was just trying to be nice.
Well, don't, okay? No wonder you always look so perfect.
You think so? Please.
You're like the Elle Macpherson of the sophomore class.
Well, I guess that answers question number 12.
"Who do you envy?" What about you? Who do you envy? No one.
Isabel, I'm I'm not trying to take him away from you.
I mean I could never even do that.
I know.
But what if you guys found something in Marathon? Would you take him away from me? Thank you.
Hey, buddy, I need to make a call here.
I told you.
Hang up the phone if you ain't gonna talk.
You think we got all day here? [Air Hissing.]
[Air Hissing.]
Did you pull on the choke-y thing? [Michael.]
Yes, I did pull on the choke-y thing.
[Engine Knocking.]
Will you just do something? Go! - Don't tempt me.
- Come on.
Wiggle your nose.
Blink your eyes.
Do the Samantha-Jeannie-alien thing.
Come on.
- I can't.
- Why not? Come on! If there was ever a time to have secret powers, now's the time.
- They're not secret powers.
- I don't care what you call 'em! Just use them and get us out of here! - I'm not that good at it, all right! - Figures! - [Clicks.]
- Your car sucks! And so do you.
You can't even open the hood.
Now that I'm humiliated and the battery's fried I'm gonna take the backseat.
Wait a minute.
You kidnap me, and you blew up my car and you expect me to spend the night in here with you? Not exactly my fantasy evening either.
Don't touch that.
It is sensitive! - Can you shut up? - [Hissing.]
- Oh, that's nice.
- What? What? My mother makes them.
What? Where you going? Where are you going? See that motel over there? I'm going to get some sleep.
No, Michael.
Wait! #[Techno.]
It's getting so late.
You know, maybe we should just call our parents.
- No.
- They could help find them.
I hate to say this, but maybe she's right.
I never liked Michael going into this place without us checking it out first.
Nobody can know about this.
Max, I'm really worried about Maria.
I'm worried about Michael, and all you care about is what's inside that dome.
- I didn't say that.
- You didn't have to! Isabel, we're close to something.
- We can't just - [Phone Ringing.]
- Don't answer that.
- What if it's my mother? [Ringing Continues.]
- Hello? - Liz.
[Mouths Words.]
So, I talked to your mom.
She said that you were at Maria's.
Um, yeah, that's exactly where I am.
[Honks Horn.]
Was that a truck? Um, uh, no.
That-That was just, um, the television.
So, uh, what do you want, Kyle? I took your history book by mistake after you left the Crashdown today.
I thought I'd swing by Maria's and drop it off.
Oh, no! You know, you don't even need to go to the trouble.
Uh, you could just You could give it to me at school tomorrow.
- Are you sure? 'Cause I'm very close.
- Yeah.
Uh, I'm positive.
I'll see you at school tomorrow, Kyle.
Maybe even sooner.
That's right.
Ajeep registered to Philip and Diane Evans, Roswell, New Mexico.
Three passengers, all minors.
[Man On Radio.]
Computer shows nothing coming up on Evans although I do have a speeding citation on another minor from Roswell.
Guerin, Michael.
Car registered to an Amy DeLuca.
- Mean anything to you? - Where were they stopped? Heading south on 285.
- Thanks, Highway.
You've been a big help.
- 10-4, Roswell.
It's like the porno version of Aladdin.
[Door Closes.]
At least it's warm.
I don't even want to think about what I could catch in here.
You know, if you stop being such a princess about things Princess? No, no.
I think I've been a pretty good sport up until now but I am cold, and I am hungry, and I am in some nooky motel with a guy l-I barely even know, and l And I just I really want to go home right now.
[Mouths Words.]
Why don't you stay here? I saw some vending machines outside.
I'll go see what they have.
Lock the door.
This is DonnyJenkins at KZTX 97 with a special report.
This is DonnyJenkins at KZTX 97 with a special report.
Anyone planning on heading past Pecos on 285 south your plans havejust changed.
We got an 18-wheelerjackknifed just past Crown Gulch.
All traffic is stopped.
Highway patrol estimates the road will be blocked off for at least 2 hours, but stay tuned to KZTX 97 for updates throughout the evening.
Now back to your hit radio, KZT That's great.
They probably already made it through.
Now what are we supposed to do? We'll just get some rest and keep going when it's open.
You mean sl sleep in theJeep? Out here together? So, you get hungry just like the rest of us? Yeah.
Of course I get hungry.
What, uh What other human urges do you feel? - Not if you're the last woman on Earth.
- Ditto.
And so you'll know I am not gonna be getting an "F" on this assignment so you better start answering some questions.
Right now, pally, and I mean for real.
So, "favorite ice cream flavor"? Pistachio.
"Favorite TV show"? Win Ben Stein's Money.
- Uh, "favorite book"? - James Joyce, Ulysses.
You have not read Ulysses.
"What incensed him the most was the blatant jokes of the ones who passed it off as a jest "pretending to understand everything and in reality not knowing their own minds.
" Page 655.
Told you you wouldn't understand.
Next question.
All right, if you're so smart, then how come you fail every class in school? - What number is that? - It's my own personal question, okay? I don't answer personal questions, okay? All right, fine.
Then maybe it's the answer to number 16, "What are you afraid of?" I hate this.
This is stupid.
All right, how about just one personal question? You know, since I didn't turn you in back there.
Why is it so important to you to find out where you come from? Because there's gotta be something better out there for me than Roswell, New Mexico.
- You think that's funny.
- No, no.
It's just, um [Sighs.]
When I was a kid, I used to stay up at night and, um, make up stories about my father.
You know, and who he was and what he was doing.
And they all ended exactly the same way.
He would come in a limo and pick me and my mom up and take us off to some exotic place where we'd live like royalty.
Because, you know, I thought to myself "There's gotta be something better out there for me than Roswell, New Mexico.
" Substitute a spaceship for a limo, and you know what I mean.
I'm, uh I'm getting kind of tired.
- Yeah.
It's been a long day, huh? - Yeah.
I don't suppose we could share.
Not if you were the last alien on Earth.
[Police Radio Chatter.]
Liz, I'm sorry.
We're gonna get through somehow.
I don't mean about the roadblock.
I mean about everything.
For Michael taking Maria.
For Isabel being so Isabel.
We're not all the same, you know.
Yeah, I've known that for a really long time.
I'm sorry too, Max.
You know, for Kyle and how my stupid, boring life could possibly get you guys into trouble.
First of all, nothing about you is stupid.
And secondly it feels like my life didn't even start until I told you the truth that day.
I know what you mean.
- Max - Yeah? Um I know that we agreed, you know, not not to feel a certain way about each other.
Do you still think that's a good idea? Just wanted to keep you warm.
This place in Marathon, all those answers that you're looking for, um They're just as important to you as they are to Michael, aren't they? So the roadblock will be lifted in an hour.
It might be too late.
In more ways than one.
We'll just knock.
Go right ahead.
[Maria Grunts.]
- What are you guys doing here? - Um Well, we thought you were in trouble, but Yeah.
I guess we're wrong.
You don't think I mean, that is, like, so unreal! I mean - Would you tell them? - Come on, honey.
We don't have to lie.
You I believe you.
The day Michael calls anybody "honey," it's all over.
So I guess you're here to be supportive as usual? No.
I'm here to clean up your mess as usual.
Michael, what were you thinking? I was thinking I can't wait around for the two of you anymore.
You like Roswell, and you like your family and you like your make-believe life.
That's great, Maxwell.
Keep pretending.
But don't think it's gonna last.
Because one of these days, they're gonna find out about us - and when they do, everybody in this r - [Door Squeaks.]
Everyone in this room is what? Get out.
Why don't you go ahead and finish what you were saying? Or are you afraid that I'll find out what your little secret is? Are you afraid that I might find out what the hell you guys are doing out here in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night? I said get out.
Michael, don't.
Who the hell are you guys? What's going on here? And what are you doing here? I'm gonna get you out of here.
- Come on.
- Leave her alone.
- Just Just stop it, both of you, okay? - Get off of me! This has gotten so out of control! I am not your girlfriend anymore, Kyle.
Liz, I don't know what's going on here, and I don't care.
I just want you to come back with me.
You don't belong here, Kyle.
This is none of your business.
I don't know what I ever saw in you.
[Door Closes.]
- I'll take you guys home.
- No! No more secrets from us! Maria and I, we are a part of this now.
- [Engine Starts.]
- If we don't know everything how are we supposed to protect ourselves? Or how are we supposed to help you? We don't need any help! Right.
Next time, steal someone else's car and try getting away with it.
What do you want to know? Everything.
That'll make you accomplices.
Go ahead.
A few weeks ago, Michael and I broke into Sheriff Valenti's office trying to find that picture you saw from 1959.
The dead body with the handprint.
It's the only proof we've ever had that there's other aliens besides us.
It's the only proof we've ever had that there's other aliens besides us.
We found a key.
When Michael touched it, he had a vision.
- Of this dome.
- The one in Marathon.
So you guys think that this key is gonna unlock the dome and then And then you guys are gonna find something there something that's gonna help you guys figure out where you actually come from? Yes.
Then what are we waiting for? It's just like you drew it, Michael.
I told you it was something.
[Bird Screeches.]
[Door Rattling.]
We've come this far.
Maybe it unlocks something inside.
Somebody was definitely looking for something here.
Whatever it was, they probably found it a long time ago.
Try holding the key again.
Try it again.
- There's something here.
A room.
- Where? I don't know.
It's hidden.
The key, Michael.
[Footsteps Approaching.]
Jackpot, Maximilian.
- [Creaking.]
- Oh, my God!
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