Rubicon s01e06 Episode Script

Look to the Ant

Team Rubicon Sorry, I was just straightening up.
Well, it's a losing battle with me.
Well, I will not be deterred.
You look nice today.
Thank you.
Not that you don't look nice every day.
You do, as a rule.
I heard you were good at pattern recognition.
Kale is requesting you to join him for dinner tonight at his apartment.
What? Kale is requesting you for dinner.
Dinner? Is this a social visit? I'm not sure.
I left a memo in your inbox.
Thank you.
The slightest deference to my seniority would be nice.
They didn't hire me to kiss your ass, Grant.
Are you hearing this? It was only a matter of time.
Have you seen these surveillance photos of George's house yet? I can't figure out what that is.
Lap pool.
Then what's that? Fountain.
We got NSA's cooperation on the Boeck wedding.
That's an expensive piece of guesswork.
There's gonna be a live feed tonight from an onsite utility truck, and they're tapping into the hotel security system.
I'll stay.
You know, Marina's got a thing.
The kids have a sleepover.
I'm leaving.
Me, too.
Am I supposed to be the eager new employee and offer to stay, too? Miles is crazy.
I'm thorough.
Are you Alice Bradley? My name is Katherine Rhumor.
I'm so sorry to bother you like this.
- How can I help you? - I was wondering if I could talk to you about your husband.
I'm not married.
I'm sorry.
About your late husband Gerald Bradley? You knew Gerald? I didn't.
This is difficult.
I apologize.
My husband, Tom Rhumor, recently took his own life, and in going through his things, I discovered this article about your husband's death.
Does that name mean anything to you? Tom Rhumor? I'm sorry.
That's okay.
Thank you for your time, I'm sorry to have bothered you.
If you want to come home, if you get scared, just talk to your daddy, and he'll bring you back right away.
I won't get scared.
Have fun.
All right.
If I cannot get ahold of you, if she's not back here, if she's late to school tomorrow, I'm calling the cops.
Jeez! Everything's gonna be fine.
All right, we'll see you later.
Come on in.
Tell me you drink.
I do, yes.
Thank God.
Kale's in the shower.
He'll be out in a minute.
It's a nice place.
Isn't it? This is, Kale's inner self.
He bought this place 20 years ago when the neighborhood was But, obviously, he's put a ton of work into it.
It's amazing.
- What can I get for you, a beer, wine? - A beer would be great.
Thank you.
You guys work together.
In total secrecy.
You're a man of few words.
You'll have to forgive me.
It's been a long day.
You know, I hardly get to meet anyone Kale works with.
I think he's ashamed of me.
I'm certain it's us he's ashamed of.
We're not a very presentable bunch.
What's he like in the office? Is he the scary boss? That's right.
He's the man we all fear.
What the hell are we listening to? Hot chip.
It's good.
Turn it off, please.
- How are you, Will? - I'm fine.
Kale doesn't realize that lots of great music came out after 1980.
I feel like I'm listening to a pinball machine.
Now, Will, let me ask you a question: Have you ever had a white bean salad? A slime mold is really thousands of independent single-cell units.
You put them under favorable conditions, and they come together as a much larger organism working towards a common purpose.
There is no boss, yet they work in concert.
Now, you can't eliminate the units.
You can only make the conditions less favorable for them to form a network.
I'm sorry to interrupt.
I have some work to do.
Leave the dishes, I'll get them later.
It was nice meeting you, Will.
And what does this have to do with Al-Queda? Our enemies, they used to be hierarchical.
You could identify a controller and neutralize it.
Now it's a web.
A self-organized network, a collection of hubs that form a much larger whole that wasn't predetermined and remains ungoverned, like slime mold.
God, I miss the cold war.
Donald Bloom.
Your friend.
My friend.
What about him? This is an NYPD report.
He was in an automobile accident last night.
He and a fellow passenger, Edward Roy, were treated for minor injuries at Roosevelt hospital.
Roy is the person of interest for you, not Bloom.
More specifically, who is Roy working for? You're not saying anything, Will.
I don't know what to say.
What are you saying? I'd like to be of assistance.
You're drawing undue attention to yourself at API.
So, no more Hal tags.
No more trace requests.
And do not work on your project from home.
You want to be off the radar.
You saying my home is bugged? How do you know that? How I know is a inconsequential.
That I know is rather significant.
Keep the bugs in place.
How do you know it's safe to talk here? I sweep this place twice a week.
Sometimes more if I'm bored.
I'm not going to participate in this directly, Will I'm too high-profile but I can be helpful.
Where I'm able, I'll point you in the right direction.
I thought you didn't want me looking into Bloom at all.
I'm offering you my help, thereby increasing your chances for success dramatically.
Be happy with that.
This is station Bravo 1-3-4.
We have guests entering the facility.
Come on.
Hello? Any? Come on.
Urdu? Seriously, Urdu? Son of a Miles Fiedler.
Julia Harwell.
Do you speak Urdu? Who doesn't in this place? Lots of people.
Lots of people.
What are you doing? Is it urgent? Not really.
Come with me.
What? Where are we going? I need you to translate something.
And we think this guy might be tied up in terrorist fronts as well.
And he's getting married? His son's getting married to a Pakistani woman.
And you thought they were going to be speaking German? He's a German national, so yes, I thought predominantly - the guests would be speaking German.
- You were way off.
They keep our teams segregated for a reason.
Do you want to destroy our government? No, of course not.
Do you want to act in America's best interests? Then let's work together and get the job done, right? This is supposed to be the one place in the U.
security apparatus where information is shared.
Who is this? It's Maggie.
Jesus, is something wrong? Everything's fine.
Is this, an emergency, or? No emergency.
I was just calling.
About what? I don't know.
Maggie, I can't really talk right now.
I'm in the middle of something.
No, I was just Sophie is at a friend's for the night, so I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to get a drink or something.
No, I can't.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
I got to go.
This isn't the actual marriage ceremony.
That's the nikah, which took place yesterday.
Just family.
This is, basically, the reception; The Walima.
Just crazy-ass party.
Rich bastard flew all his friends in from all over the world, most of them on private jets.
A bit jealous, are we? What are you talking about? Sorry.
We incentivize being a ruthless son of a bitch and then wonder why the world's in tatters.
This is Miles.
Mom, I'm busy.
What? There's nothing wrong with your gall bladder.
Coming! - Brought scrabble.
- Great.
Come in.
Forgive the mess.
I hate unpacking.
Me, too.
Where's Sophie? Sophie is at a friend's tonight.
Just you and me.
I missed you at class on Tuesday.
I got stuck at work.
Where do you work? You never told me.
Yeah, it's frustrating.
If I were a translator, I'd Always make class, I'd have regular hours.
But I need the class to become a translator.
- You know how it is.
- Yeah.
So how was class? Did I miss anything? No, nothing really.
Ganesh was, you know, interesting.
Actually, he, told us about this ancient custom in India called "Suttee.
" It's where the wife of a deceased man is tied to a stake and then burned alive at his funeral.
And it was abolished in 1829, thank heavens.
- Should I open the wine? - Sure.
That's my bag! - It fell on the floor! - Leave it on the damn floor.
With everything you know about Pakistan, I'm surprised you don't know Urdu.
It's on the list.
What else is on the list? Well, a lot of things.
Do I have a list? Why, yes, Miles, I do.
In no particular order: Nascar.
I don't understand it, - but I'd like to.
- What, what are they saying? I'll tell you what, when it matters.
How do you know when it matters? This is my assignment.
"The bride looks beautiful.
"They grow up so fast.
You must be so proud.
" - It's wedding talk.
Calm down.
- Just tell me everything.
Who is that? That woman that he's talking to? "Tanaz"? They're closer.
Talking about their relationship, their friendship.
- They're being very cryptic.
- How? Like, they're not talking about is very interesting.
- Romantic? - Business.
She's thanking him for his generosity.
Talking about the foundation.
Does that mean anything to you? Not off the top of my head.
"I'd like to propose a toast.
" Bha t ek Adbhut desh hai.
Nicely done! Nicely done! - What time is it? - Kya sameh hua hey? You mean, what time is it? - Should I go? - No, no.
I was, I was just thinking about Sophie.
Sophie's fine.
Do you want some more? Yes, please.
Didn't see you there.
Turn around! You were following me.
- Who do you work for? - They don't want to tell me.
And I don't want to know.
Do you have any idea what I do for a living? I have access to every government database that exists.
Give me the tail number off a prop plane, that just landed in Belarus, in a couple hours, I'll tell you who was on board, where they are now and everything that they've eaten in the past week.
And now I have your picture.
Good luck breaking that to your boss.
That was nice.
I didn't even realize you were interested in me.
You're quiet.
I like that.
I'm sorry.
Did I, - did I wake Sophie? - No.
She's at a friend's for the night.
What are you doing here? It's hard to explain.
It's so late.
Maggie can I come in? It's A little late.
No, this isn't anything I just I was just hoping I could crash on your couch for a few hours.
Are you all right? I just don't want to be by myself right now.
- Is everything okay? - It's fine.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna go.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- OK.
Everything okay? You should go.
You sure? You should go.
Shit, I know him.
- You know him? - I recognize him.
That's Ali Nikahd.
He's an Iranian Intelligence officer.
Who's the white guy? No idea.
Can you make out anything he's saying? They're speaking too low.
Come on, damn it.
Thank you for doing this.
I'm happy for the distraction.
Just for fun, I was researching the city's sewage treatment facilities, trying to determine how vulnerable the computer systems are.
Unsettling results.
Just for fun? George is about to speak.
"Thank you for coming.
" "When you have children, you want to provide them with everything.
"The smaller.
" Not important things "the material items are under your control, "but the greatest gifts life has to offer "are beyond your influence.
"Among them finding true love.
"My wife and I found one another when we were very young.
"We were lucky.
"I love my wife.
"I know that what I can accomplish alone "does not compare to what I can do with her by my side.
"Happiness, "to love and be loved "these are the pursuits of life.
"They cannot be achieved in solitude and that is by design.
"Life was not meant to be lived alone.
"I'd like us all to raise our glasses now.
"To my son "and his beautiful bride Arya.
" You married? Are you married? Yes, I am.
Triforce? I like Zelda.
I should probably get out of here.
I should get back up to Thanks again, for doing this.
I had fun.
I'll see you around.
- Sorry about last night.
- It's fine.
- How I was on the phone with you.
- Yes, I understand.
No, it's fine.
Well, I'm sorry.
Ingram around? Thank you.
I looked into Edward Roy.
You were saying? Edward Roy.
He is ex-CIA.
Retired ten years ago.
Formed his own security firm, Garson.
Now, three years ago, Garson was bought by another company Atlas MacDowell.
Roy still runs Garson, but under Atlas.
So Atlas is who he's working for.
What do you imagine Atlas is up to? I don't know.
Well, perhaps you'd best find out.
Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? I support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic.
It's not just your apartment.
They're monitoring you here.
Be very careful.
Gerald served on the board of Atlas MacDowell, correct? That sounds familiar.
After Gerald's death, my husband Tom filled his seat.
I'm assuming that's why he was interested in Gerald.
God, that's strange.
That they both Do you know anything at all about Atlas MacDowell? I didn't understand why Gerald did it, and I tried to figure it out afterward, which is what you are doing, I imagine.
That's exactly what I'm doing.
All roads lead back to the same simple, sad fact.
You gave him years, and he walked away.
He was a selfish coward, and you shouldn't waste another minute of your life on him.
I'm sorry.
You want a drink? No, thanks, I'm fine.
I pulled this box out of the closet yesterday after you left.
All these little things I found after Gerald's death that I Imagined had some deeper meaning.
Ticket stubs.
Sometimes a key chain is just a key chain.
What's this? I found that on Gerald's desk the day he died and put it in that frame to preserve it.
I kept it on the shelf for a while, but it was too morbid.
Are you all right? Sorry.
I have to go.
It was so nice of you to do this.

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