Shantaram (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Dead Man Walking

Come on, mate.
Take them off.
Thank you.
How's it going, Dale?
Sit, sit. Nothing's gonna happen.
So, I've come to the conclusion
that you'd rather die
than tell me what I wanna know.
Like one of those little fucking
monks burning themselves, hmm?
Die to make a point.
Well, that's the problem, I
suppose, with smart boys like you.
Read too many books.
Yeah, that's what I reckon.
Anyway, I know when I'm done.
Never gonna beat it out of you.
Bring them in!
Thanks, mate.
One for me, one for my good mate here.
Beautiful. There we go.
Drink up, Dale.
To your victory, mate.
Thank you.
You're gonna get me killed.
Yeah, you know, for all the
dirt-low bastards in here,
the perverts, rapists,
pedos, dogs get it the worst.
Here, lying, tale-telling,
backstabbing dogs are killed.
Dying for your secret,
you kept right to the end.
What would that be, smart boy?
No, mate.
It would be murder.
Same as if you did it yourself.
Are you looking for honor, hmm?
'Cause I don't give a
shit about honor, Dale.
I've been doing this way too
long. The choice is yours.
You tell me who killed Officer Floris.
I'll have you transferred
to somewhere safe.
Or you stay here, take your chances.
But either way, you're a dog now.
You ought to drink that
before it gets warm.
Dog! You're a dog, mate.
Remember the plan. Don't say
anything we don't need to.
- I ordered us chai.
- Ah.
Thank you for coming. Kavita,
this is my friend, Prabhu.
He's the one who brought me to the
Sagar Wada when I needed a place.
And business partner also.
Uh, a medical business?
Tourist business.
Lin and I are very successful.
He is most popular with gora
Prabhu, this is Kavita, the
journalist I told you about.
I owe you an apology.
There was a lot going on, and
No. I overreacted.
Don't worry about it.
I just don't see why you're opposed
to a story that could help your work.
No, I get it. I'd have
felt the same not long ago.
That's why I asked Prabhu to come,
so you could hear it from him.
Kavita, ma'am, this story of yours
on Linbaba, it worries us very much.
The people of Sagar Wada.
Because we are the "not-people."
And the more we are the not-people
and no one is noticing us
right there before their eyes,
the longer we are getting to stay.
Or I write the story and
then no one dare touch you.
Kavita, ma'am, may I ask, how
long you are living in Bombay?
All my life.
Then I think you are too smart
a lady to be thinking this, na?
No, they will make noise for
some time until everyone forgets.
Then they will punish us
with bulldozers or police
I get it, I get it.
This city doesn't fight
poverty. It fights the poor.
But that's why I wanna tell
the story, to change things.
And I am saying we have
fought hard for what we have.
Sagar Wada not wanting any change.
Please, Kavita, ma'am.
No story on Linbaba.
Look, I have to live by their
rules, or what use am I to them?
All right.
I'll drop the article.
There are always other stories.
Just Just promise me
you'll keep up the doctoring.
And if I can help with
that ambulance, let me know.
Thank you, Kavita, ma'am.
This is such good news.
Everyone will be very happy, huh?
It's okay.
I appreciate it, Kavita.
Do you believe her?
No way, Linbaba.
She is rich and living
in Bombay all her life.
She is not caring about the
slums. It was all too easy, this.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Fuck.
I got him.
Raghu Rai couldn't do better, yaar.
So? What did he have to say
about the long-dead Lindsay Ford?
I didn't ask him.
I need time to figure out
who he really is. What he's hiding.
If he knows I'm close, he'll
run, and there'll be no story.
This way, he's not going anywhere.
Come on.
Wow. One more.
How long will it take to develop?
It will be few days.
Would a hundred rupees make it tomorrow?
For 100 rupees? Just tomorrow?
You've not had papers for so long.
Why are you needing passport now?
'Cause I can't risk
being in the newspaper.
I'm leaving.
You knew that.
Linbaba, you cannot leave.
Here in Bombay, there is stories,
scandal happening all the time.
People are very angry and outrageous
and then they forget.
Yeah, I know, but I can't risk it.
Then ask one of your friends, na?
Didier sir or Karla ma'am, or
bribe her not to publish the story.
Yeah, but what if she does the same
thing to them she just did to us?
Then you should ask
Abdullah to kill her!
Why are you having goonda friends
if they cannot kill for you?
They are liking it, you are
needing it. This is friendships.
Are you serious?
Only half No, no, not
not really. Sorry. Sorry.
This is very bad thing to be saying.
I would just miss you, Linbaba.
Please, keep it.
Thank you!
Where have you been?
For a walk.
I was worried.
You're always worried. I'm back now.
How good do these smell?
I never used to know
what morning looked like
unless you count leaving
some hotel room at 4:00 a.m.
too blasted to stand up straight.
Now everything looks
different, even the light.
I don't know. The world
just looks different.
Soon we'll have enough
to go somewhere new.
Just me and you.
Where would we go?
- Wherever you want.
- No, you decide.
- Right now.
- Uh
I want you to show me Spain.
Where you came from.
I wanna meet your eight
brothers and sisters.
I wanna eat the food, see Madrid.
- Oh, you will love it there, Lisa.
- Oh, yeah?
- And they will love you.
- Mmm?
And maybe I'll even pay back
the money I stole when I left.
Then they'll be happy to see me.
Where is Maurizio getting so
much heroin all of a sudden?
He can't know I told you.
Madame Zhou.
You can't be serious.
She's dangerous, Sebastian. Crazy.
If you knew the things I'd
seen and heard in that place
- You need to stop.
- Hey. Hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey. Lisa, it's okay.
No one knows.
Her and Maurizio, that's
his problem, his deal.
Lisa, look at me. Lisa.
None of this will touch you, I promise.
Just a few more deals,
and we'll have enough money,
and then we're out, terminada.
I promise.
I'll take it. Leave the furniture.
I'll rent that as well.
Hello, Gaurav. I like a
good game of teen patti.
What do you want? My winnings?
I'm interested in
Minister Pandey's schedule.
Nice family, Gaurav.
Be a shame if anything happened to them.
Hey, Prabhu!
Hi, Auntie.
Because of you, Parvati spends
all her time at the clinic.
Auntie, I never asked
her to help Linbaba.
Then listen.
If you wish to marry
Parvati with our blessings
then tell Lin to send
Parvati back to us.
Do you have eyes for her
or not?
If you could only see her
working with the sick people,
see the joy it brings her.
No, Auntie, please do
not ask me to do this.
I cannot.
We can do this without their blessing.
That is, if it's true
you have eyes for me.
Eyes, ears, and many other parts.
I did not mean
- I want ten kilos.
- Ten kilos?
Once a month. Is that a problem?
You know, when I met you,
okay, I talked to Modena.
I said to him, "That's
the man to run Nigeria."
My supplier will be happy
to accommodate, okay?
Half up-front as usual.
Ten kilos will be, uh
- 200,000.
- $200,000.
And, uh, two more on the back end, okay?
- It's a deal.
- Okay.
Okay. Salud.
Do you want me to leave you alone?
The night is young.
What about you, ma chère?
You're attracting plenty
of looks as always, huh?
Perhaps a simple,
earthy, no-strings fuck
would do you the world
of good, ma chère.
Capo, come to me! Let's get
some champagne. One bottle.
There. There you go,
there you go, there you go.
Let's get some champagne, quick.
Someone's making a splash.
Where's Maurizio getting all this money?
Our ami, Maurizio, has a new
connection to Afghan heroin
and is conducting a roaring trade.
How do you know?
He quietly let me know so I
could send business his way.
Mostly I think he wanted me to know
he's, uh, big-time now, you know?
But dealing brown sugar
on Khaderbhai's territory
is not a chance I wanna take.
I'll be back in a minute.
Oh, Karla, bella, please come
to join us. You want champagne?
Actually, I wanted a word with
Lisa, if you've got a moment?
Sure. I wanna put on
some decent music anyway.
Mmm. Play me some Stones, huh?
So that Lisa.
What is her deal, huh?
Is she a whore or not?
No, she's not a
She is whatever you
want her to be, Raheem.
Oh, okay.
I want to add a condition to our deal.
Ten kilos a month, 400
grand. All good, no problem.
But I get to have a night with her.
You mind if I sit?
We're in the stalking phase.
- Who's hunting who?
- Well, time will tell.
In the meantime, look stern. No smiles.
Crossed arms are best.
A little jealousy is a good thing,
but I don't want him
to think I'm spoken for.
You do look very serious, mon ami, hmm?
I know what Maurizio's selling.
Does Khader know?
If he did, that deal
wouldn't be happening.
- Are you gonna tell him?
- I wouldn't do that.
But he will find out, Lisa.
Maurizio's too interested
in being a big man right now.
He doesn't want it to be a secret.
Unlike you.
Does anyone but me even know
about you working for Khader?
Is that a threat, Lisa?
Just a question.
I'm sure Didier figured it out.
He'd never admit it.
I remember when you met Khader.
That's when everything
started to change.
You haven't told them?
I'll keep yours if you keep mine.
And it isn't a secret if
keeping it doesn't hurt.
You told me that once.
These ones could get us both killed.
Promise me you'll be careful?
And if you need anything,
please come to me.
Just 'cause I left, it doesn't
mean I don't still love you.
And I know you can't say it
back. Thank you for still caring.
Love you.
- Hmm?
- Can you get me one or not?
We had this conversation,
you and I, before, right?
A good passport would
cost a thousand dollars.
Come back tomorrow at one o'clock
with the money and suitable photographs.
Is there any room on the price?
- The price is the price.
- Ah, come on.
This is Bombay. There's
always a little bit of room.
- Not with books.
- It's rude not to negotiate, Didier.
I wondered when you might turn up.
First, you sleep on my
couch. Now you steal my seat.
Buy me a drink, and I can probably
see myself to forgiving you.
I don't know about the strings,
but he is certainly earthy.
Look, now is not a good time.
We're in the middle of something.
Then I guess I'll leave you to it.
Ugh, you could not be less French.
Karla, will you slow down?
For fuck's sake. Just wait a minute.
Look, I'm in the middle of something.
Come on, you're the queen
of compartmentalizing.
Mmm. You managed to turn
an apology into an insult.
- You're pissed off with me. I get it.
- I'm not pissed off with you.
Look, tomorrow I need to come into town.
Can we meet up? Say, 2:00 p.m.?
There's some things
I'd like to tell you.
What, you want me to beg?
I'll kneel.
- Okay, please stop.
- Please? Please?
Lin, enough. Enough. Fine. Fine.
Come to mine tomorrow.
I'll make us some food.
All right. It's a date.
Let's be clear. It's not.
But I'll see you at 2:00.
Sounds like a date.
Stop! I will kill you!
Help! Please!
You're caught with another man's lover.
- Embarrassing and dangerous.
- Confess to your serious crime.
What crime?
- Homosexuality.
- No.
Big crime.
Maybe you did not know
this, but now here we are.
Maybe I can help you not
suffer for your ignorance, huh?
No. No, no.
You owe us big money.
I owed Prabhu a debt
for giving me a home
and a second chance.
He was the one true
friend I had in this place.
As I watched him that day,
planning my exit from Sagar Wada,
I realized I loved him.
Who knows what evil
things will be happening
since I am enjoying this
gift from a gangster, Linbaba.
Can't have that.
Better not ride anymore.
No, I was wrong. I'm
not having so much fun.
I'm having one very good idea, huh?
- Okay.
- Serious idea.
- Tonight, I'll borrow this bike
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh-huh.
- for some secret business.
I think you might need a
little bit more practice.
Probably you are some
little bit curious, na? Huh?
No matter what you say, I
will not tell you my secret.
Guess I'm just gonna have
to live with not knowing.
Come on. We've got somewhere to be.
I'll drive us for practice.
I'd prefer to get there alive.
- You are needing my help, yes?
- Mmm.
I am needing the practice.
Get on.
But loving him didn't mean
he wasn't still a royal
pain in the arse at times.
Arre! Lin! What is this shit, man?
Good money today, boss?
Yeah. Not enough.
We're gonna have to sell the bike.
What are you saying?
No, what a terrible
plan you are having, man.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I won't do it. I refuse.
Are you crazy?
What are you thinking?
This idiot is saying no more than seven.
This is the kind of idiot who
goes to funerals for food only.
Shame on you! Nothing less
than nine. Final offer.
Don't expect me to come back. I
will shout to all your crookedness!
No sale.
What are you doing?
It is matter of principle, Linbaba.
I will not make this deal. I
will cry from embarrassment.
Just get me my money.
Yeah, go ahead and laugh.
Enjoy cheating the white guy.
Why are you trying to embarrass me?
Okay, thank you.
Thank you. Namaste.
- How you going, Vikram?
- Arre, great, yaar.
You see those men I was with?
Shashi Kapoor is looking
for a stunt double.
You mustn't tell anyone.
No worries.
His guy's getting sacked. He
broke his arm on a judo side fall.
Ah, we can't all be giants, na?
Lin, it's Didier.
Excuse me.
What's going on, Didier?
I I've been arrested.
For what?
My own stupidity.
If you still want your
documents, then I need your help.
I don't really wanna mess
around with cops, Didier.
Please say you'll come.
Have they hurt you?
And, uh, w won't stop, I think.
I'm in trouble, Lin. I-I
need someone to help me.
Didier has been arrested.
Cops want money to let him out.
Those pieces of garbage.
Those greedy bhenchods.
I'll fist-fuck their
fucking throats, man.
Cops here, they're
not like in the movies.
All they care about is baksheesh.
So you've had dealings with them
before? You know how this stuff works?
Many times. You have to be
tough with these assholes.
Is there any way you
could show me the ropes?
Say no more, my friend.
Karla's gonna kill me.
This place is a bit un-Didier.
"It's the way you ride
the trail that counts."
Easy, copper.
Okay. Sorry.
He said the money is up here.
Fucking hell. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
How much should we bring?
I will get him out for 3,000, maximum,
or they can lock me up in his place.
I'll bring five.
Let's go.
About time. It's open.
- Why are you here?
- I have news.
Oh, so good. I'd forgotten.
Were you expecting someone else?
I don't think they're coming.
Someone stood you up? Brave. Or stupid.
What's the news?
Even more books.
When do you find time to read them all?
Our man Pandey is in love.
Deep smiles, big eyes,
future plans, the works.
Her name is Sunita,
and she is not his wife.
- May I?
- Mm-hmm.
They're checked into a Khandala
guest house under fake names.
Ah, good. It's still here.
I've missed this one.
Always thought it was lucky.
You kept all my stuff?
You never came back to get it.
Did you hope one day I'd come back
and things would be the same again?
Me worrying about where you were,
whether you were alive or dead, or
if the cops would break in my door.
I feel safer with you as
a brother than a lover.
And I am honored to call you sister.
What about my other brother, Lin?
He's not my brother or my lover.
Oh, he likes you a lot. He told me so.
Well, Lin talks too much.
And anyway, I'm not so sure that's true.
Was it Lin who stood you up?
Aren't we all meant to
be leaving Lin alone?
Where would the fun be if
we all did as we are told?
What happened to Lisa?
I'm going to tell you something,
but you can't go to Khader with it.
I promised Lisa I wouldn't tell him.
But I'm worried about her.
Maurizio Belcane has
been selling heroin.
A lot of it.
I don't care about him, but
I don't want Lisa to get hurt.
Maurizio's a fucking
idiot. And she can't see it.
I'll deal with it.
- Khader does not need to know.
- Thank you.
Heroin, government
corruption, blackmail.
Once there was no room in your
life for a criminal like me.
Now look at you.
Shame to let it go to waste.
Mmm. So good.
Just like Clint riding
in in High Planes Drifter.
Fucking deadly.
- Leave all the talking to me.
- Yeah, no worries.
Look, mate, do you even
need me to come inside?
I think so. They don't like gora trouble
because of consulates
and embassies and such.
Harder for them to
ignore me if you're there.
Lin, are you okay?
Yeah, yeah. Let's go.
- We're here about Didier Levy.
- Why do you think he's here?
Come on, man. Don't waste my time.
Do you know my family?
I'm sorry. I don't.
You do. You just don't know it yet.
You're familiar with
my uncle, Rohit Khanna?
Every telephone in Bombay, he sold it.
His men put it in.
That phone, his.
All your police calls, his.
Uh-huh, yes, yes.
Who is not familiar, huh?
The Khanna family reaches far.
Uncle Rohit is in Europe
opening new telephone clubs.
- Mmm.
- Fucking Europe, yaar.
The point is the Khannas
have the influence
to make a mouse into a man and a
man into a mouse, if you understand.
Uh-huh, of course, of course.
And I am only sorry to have
required your time and attention
for this small matter.
This should be no problem
for a man as wealthy as you.
$4,000, or we keep the homo.
He's a friend of yours, na?
Or maybe more than a friend.
Are you guilty of the same crimes?
What are you talking about?
Homosexuality is a
major crime here, sir.
Your friend was arrested naked in
the street, with another man's lover.
And did you arrest them too?
Lin, leave this to me.
4,000? Are you crazy?
I could buy 20 guys
out of here with 4,000.
Fuck that, man. He's worth two.
It is two for his crime only.
He is a foreigner. There's one more.
And another one because of
your fancy hat and gora friend.
And if you do not pay,
we will take the two ends of your
uncle's precious telephone wire
and apply them to the
homo's genitals, huh?
Okay, where is he?
- We wanna see him.
- That's right.
You haven't let us look at the guy.
You probably fucking
destroyed him already.
He probably looks like dogs
have been chewing on him.
There was a taste, thick and
bitter, at the back of my throat.
I struggled to swallow
it down and I remembered,
it was the foul prison
brew of fear and hate.
What the fuck, man?
Let's just finish this
and get out of here.
- Um
- Sorry that I'm late.
No, no, I was early.
You'll love the film. Especially
the fight sequence at the end.
I have a surprise.
We are going upstairs!
These are too expensive.
They are perfect for you.
$4,000 fine is little to ask when
you consider the other options.
I was keen to spare your friend
from being fed to the
Naswales at Arthur Road.
Yeah, you're a real hero.
Get in here! All of you. In here.
Say something else.
I like Bombay very much.
Very good!
The gora speaks Marathi!
Keep going.
My country is New Zealand.
I am living in Colaba now.
- What is this motherfucker doing here?
- What is the problem?
This is the gora who
kicked me in the balls.
You have your money.
We'd like to be going now.
He's not going anywhere.
Anything happens to
him and the deal is off.
The deal is done.
You can take your friend
and go. This is new business.
I owe this bastard a proper beating.
You're under arrest, understand?
- You're going to
- You're going to follow orders.
Unless you want to be on night
patrol for the rest of your life.
What profit is there in beating, huh?
Shut up and you might make some money.
No profit in beating goras.
Just trouble down the road.
It is four for your friend to get
out and two so you don't go in.
Now that is 6,000.
Five only.
Vikram, leave it.
Hey. Hey, hey.
Hey, that's all I have.
It should be exactly 2,000.
You can take that.
We're gonna meet again soon, chutiya.
Then. Then I'll have your balls.
Do you want anything else?
Are you comfortable?
Everything is perfect.
Yes, Bachchan, sir!
You tell the bloody bastard!
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Easy.
Tha-Thank you, both.
I'm sure you have places to be.
I don't wanna take
any more of your time.
I'm not leaving you alone like this.
I need to look at your feet.
You go. I've got it from here.
What's so important?
You mean apart from
spending time with you?
- What could be more important?
- Yes, yes. Very smooth. Now, what?
Called my uncle, who's
an officer with the CBI.
Asked him if we could get access
to the Interpol red notices
on foreign fugitives.
Without telling me? This is my story.
Well, I didn't want to mention
it in case I couldn't deliver.
I was hoping to be the hero.
Now you're just pissed off.
I'm not pissed off.
It's amazing, I just
The promises I had to make, Kavita
All right, thank you.
Doesn't mean I'm gonna
sleep with you tonight.
Ah. Perfect. Thank you. Grazie.
- Just put the bottle there. Thank you.
- Are we celebrating something?
Maybe. But that depends on you.
I have a favor to ask.
Well, we both have a favor to ask.
It's up to you, but
it would go a long way
to sealing our deal with Raheem.
You know, we all have to do our part.
You want me to fuck him.
- Oh, he wants you to fuck him.
- Mm-hmm.
No, the guy, he can't take his
eyes off you. You know that.
You can say no, if you want.
I can say no?
When I used to do
that, I always got paid.
So if I'm part of this, what do I get?
Well, we'll look after
you, same as always.
Give me a number.
Okay. Ten.
You're the boss.
Ah, Bachchan, saab!
Oi, Bachchan, saab!
Arre, Bachchan, saab! Okay!
Come, Parvati, you must join me!
Someone get a doctor!
I knew that look of shock.
No beatings I'd ever suffered
were as savage as those from
uniformed men paid to enforce the law.
I knew it wasn't the pain of
their violence that broke you,
but the helplessness, the
utter feeling of being alone.
I was determined to never go back.
But now, my escape was
going to have to wait.
And I didn't know how
much time I had left.
This is so embarrassing.
What the fuck happened?
Young Alain neglected to
mention he has an Indian lover,
and the man came home while
we were i-in flagrante.
I learned how fast I could run.
Et voilà , you are at my feet
like the Magdalene herself.
Yeah, those bastards
really did a number on you.
Mmm. They despise my kind.
So, why did they only arrest you?
He was a Maharashtrian. I am not.
He was wealthy or connected or both.
I'm sure he paid them well to beat me.
But then you paid them
well so they would stop.
- Well, fuck 'em.
- Mmm.
You're here now.
This was your Borsalino test.
They dragged you through
the ring and here you are.
No. I'd probably be dead if you
did not need something from me.
Fuck off.
I'd have come anyway, Didier.
I think maybe you would have.
Had the roles been changed, I would not.
I think you must be a very bad
man in your heart of hearts.
Only a wicked man can derive
such benefits from good works.
You're my friend.
Even if you don't want any.
One who owes you. And I will
start with your passport.
Yeah, well, there's a
slight problem with that.
- Hmm?
- I raised the money,
but then those cops took
it off me along with yours.
Oh, I'll cover it.
It's the least I can do.
Did you get the photos?
I assume the need of a passport
means that you are leaving Bombay?
Can a friend ask why the sudden need?
Kavita is sniffing
around a story about me.
My own fault for running
my mouth at Reynaldo's.
Mmm. I like Kavita.
But yes, for sure, she's
desperate to make her mark.
It will be ready in two days.
My promise.
- Thank you.
- The thanks are to you.
I'll miss you, Lin.
To friendship.
Almost home.
Just a few more moments.
Please pardon me!
It was all my fault.
Do not blame Parvati.
Where is the gora doctor?
- Huh?
- Lin? I don't know
When we need him? Where is he?
Go find him!
Many people are ill, and
no one knows where he is.
Where is Dr. Lin? My
whole family is sick!
Mine too!
We thought Dr. Lin was with you!
Where is Doctor Lin?
We need him now. Prabhu!
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