Shattered (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

Where's The Line

risk-taking behavior, life of the party, mood swings.
We're all different to different people.
I need to get clean.
To do that, I need you away from me.
I'm in love with both of you.
It's over! I told you, don't call me here.
What part of "go to hell" don't you get? Harry? All right, you're under arrest.
So, you don't see anything as being a negative to you? You're squeezing too hard.
Am I distracting you? A little bit.
I came here after hours for a reason.
Turn it sideways.
Why? Aim it where you think my head is.
I'm not doing that.
Just do it.
Yeah? Yeah, you're crazy, though.
He's got a gun! that was good.
Thank you.
Instinct creates accuracy.
My dad taught me to shoot.
He used to take me quail-hunting.
Quail hunting.
We did all those father-son bonding things.
Hunting, fishing.
Well, I'm glad you're my partner, in case we're ever surrounded by quail.
No boys.
No, it's just me.
I always hated hunting, though.
I only did it 'cause he loved it, and After he died, I never really thought I'd shoot a gun again.
Kinda funny.
Hello! You've been a cop for a long time.
What? You've been a cop for a long time.
Is that a question? No.
Yeah, it's you've seen pretty much everything, right? Well, I hope not.
My share.
When was the first time you fired your weapon in the line? First time I was still in uniform, two years in.
Surprised two guys breaking into a hall.
He drew his weapon, I drew mine.
Single shot.
He went down.
He lived.
Right after, I puked all over my shoes.
I never thought I'd get used to it.
What about you? Your first time? It was my first day in homicide.
First day we were together.
I gotta go.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Do you know where Amy Lynch sits? I'll make sure these get to her.
I'm on desk today, but usually I'm in traffic.
All right.
These are for you.
Read the card.
Who's Nick? You always read people's messages? White roses are sympathy.
I thought you'd lost somebody.
I can wish, can't I? 18-year-old Caucasian male just found dead in a dumpster.
All right.
Lynch, we got a call.
You coming? Yeah.
What's with the flowers? Apparently, somebody died.
Bullet entered the chest.
No exit wound, so the slug is likely lodged in the spine.
There's this, too.
Bullet wound in back of left leg.
? No so far.
Gang markings, tattoos? Not yet, but I'll know more once I get this bad suit off.
This shot in back of the leg.
Could he have been running away? Probably.
Any blood traces in the alley? Not in this.
It'd be washed away by NNW.
Fished in the bins when he found him.
Didn't see anything else.
Okay, let's check the logs, see if there's any reports of shootings or gunfire in the last 36 hours.
Check the hospitals, see if it's the only victim.
Thank you.
All right, let me see if I got this.
You want to report a crime, but you didn't actually see a crime, is that right? No, sir.
No, you didn't, or never mind.
Detective Rhodes, Eddie Sless.
So, I run this hitman website.
It's satirical.
I brought some screen captures.
"Boss bugging you? "Husband or wife up your ass? "One of our skilled professionals will make your worries disappear" Of course I've got on the site a disclaimer, and it says, "this site is satirical," but this wacko, she just doesn't get it.
She keeps emailing me that she wants her husband killed.
Her name's Cynthia Kline.
This is the last email that she wrote me.
You think she's serious? This is the last email.
I didn't bring the other 50.
Vina ran the prints.
It's a 19-year-old, Mark Sims.
He was picked up for robbery a year ago with some other guy, Rick Baker.
Gunpowder residue on his hands, so he probably got off a couple shots before he went down.
We thought we'd drop in on Rick, see what his friend's been up to lately.
Okay, keep me posted.
Mark's parents aren't around, so he pretty much lives Lived here.
Rick and him, those two, they're like brothers.
When was the last time you saw Mark? It was a few days ago.
You want to tell us what you two have been up to? I don't know.
I've been out of a job for three years, so I wasn't in much of a position to say no to this, but I knew better.
I want to show you something.
What are you doing? No, no, you know what? You screwed up, when you got that kid killed, and stole all that money.
So damn tired of this.
You do everything wrong.
You're a loser, you know that, Rick? You're a loser and I'm tired of it! Ben! Ben! Ben! Stay! Ben, that's enough.
Ben Ben, stop it! Stop! What the hell, Ben? You were out of your mind.
In a good way? We lost Rick.
We'll get him back.
So how does this work? You break my neck, and your partner points a gun to your head? Should I be telling someone something? Shut your mouth.
How often do you beat the crap out of your son? Hey, he dies, I blame you.
If he dies? Why does he die? Is he in some kind of trouble? If he's in danger, and you don't tell us If you want us to help, you should say something.
Like, where'd that money come from? He told me that was from gambling.
Look, they woke me up.
It was late.
Like, at least 3:30 in the morning, and they were wearing suits.
I've never seen them in suits before.
Nice suits.
Yeah, they looked good.
Grown up.
Almost men.
We got a hit from vice.
Reports of shots fired behind an after-hours club the night of the murder.
And? Nothing there by the time they showed up.
The club was closed, no witnesses.
I'm told vice is going to raid it.
, think we can get into this after-hours club before vice? Well, they're ready now.
They can go in as a cover team, keep you guys safe, right? Big beefy white guys in bad suits, that's the cover? Come on, remember the old days before you drove a desk? We used to do this all the time.
Yes Those were some good times.
You know, it's just, it's different from this side of the desk.
All right, you know what, you keep me posted on every step.
I will.
I mean it.
Lynch? A heads' up This man has never heard of receipts.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Be careful.
We should work as a couple, it's safer.
And get half the information in twice the time? Look, we'll split up, but we'll keep in each other's eyeline.
You okay? Yeah.
You? Yeah.
Let's do it.
Can I get a soda? Excuse me.
Can I, uh Can I get a bourbon, a bottle of bourbon? What are you drinking? A champagne cocktail, please.
Champagne cocktail, please.
I'll take that.
Right, smoke, please.
Thank you.
I'll be your good-luck charm.
All right.
Lead the way.
Hey, how you doing? Mm.
Huh? I'm a little busy right now, but there's a lot of this to go around.
I'm on fire tonight, but I got my eyes on you.
I'll come back for you.
I will.
Sorry, invitation only.
1 we think she's serious.
She wants her husband whacked? We sent her an email asking for more info on her request, and she actually wrote back saying she wants to meet.
Are you sure she's not a nut job? Of course she's a nut job.
It's just a question as to whether or not she's a dangerous nut job.
well, make sure you get everything on tape, and not even a whiff of entrapment.
Yeah, yeah.
Just let me know you're okay.
Hey, you never called it in.
It was late I mean early.
Yeah, well, so you think I was lying there in deep sleep while you guys were out there exposed? Sorry.
Confirmed two guys took down a high stakes poker game at the club.
One of them got shot in the leg.
Our murder victim.
Yeah, the killer was probably in that game.
And the second stick-up guy's got to be Rick Baker.
So you got a line on him yet? Search and canvas are still looking.
Hey, receipts? It just wasn't that kind of place, you know? Yeah.
You know, I miss clubbing undercover.
It was my only time to dance.
So, where's Ben? Probably still sleeping it off.
It was a long night.
He needs his beauty sleep.
So, Lynch, who owns the club? Uh, building's leased to some property management outfit.
The party's run by a Karl somebody.
I'm working up a warrant.
I just have to, um go.
Controller's there.
I don't know, you're pretty good.
I'm on, like, mission seven.
Where's everybody else? A lady just left.
Her hair was all weird.
Want some cereal or something? Sure.
Where would I find that? Over there.
You want some? Sure.
Thank you.
Harry Harry.
Coffee? Please.
I'm surprised you're up.
How are you feeling? Not too bad, but I can't find my shoes.
In the foyer where you left them.
Did the girl leave? Your, uh My son, Stephan.
Yeah, he said she split.
I'm surprised you could remember anything after last night.
I'll be right back.
You saw Ben leave with this guy? Karl, yeah.
Right before the car tried to run him over.
Run over Ben? No, it tried to run over Karl.
Right, run over Karl.
Wait, wait, intentionally? Yeah, Ben pulled him out of the way in time Ben? No.
Nick? Ben's got no cover team, no wire.
He's not answering his cell.
He was really getting into it, you know? He was really, uh Playing the part seriously.
You asking me? No, but yeah.
Just give it some time, then tell t.
, because even if he just overslept his alarm, you don't want to be the one wearing that, know what I mean? Thanks.
Behind you, behind you I'll check under the tank.
Ugh What does your dad do? Entertainment business, but it's not TV or anything good.
You? Uh I'm a Jack of all trades.
Yeah, what? That's how dad sounds when I ask him.
This is the man I told you about.
Harry Meet father Kolmar.
I'm told you saved my good friend Mr.
Alvert's life.
I'll put in a good word for you with the big man upstairs.
Dad, what? Oh, it's nothing, Stephan.
Who's winning? We're on the same team.
Yeah, he's pretty good.
"Thou shalt not kill.
" Yeah, but it's war.
Hey, your shoes.
Thank you.
Uh, you didn't happen to find my cell phone, did you? You, uh, put it in a poker game with everything else in your pockets last night.
Father Kolmar and I are going downtown.
You're welcome to join us.
Stephan, get ready, hmm? What's your dad's, uh, first name? Karl.
It's disposable.
Couple hours left in it.
My number's in there.
You need something, you call.
Are you sure we can't offer you a ride? No, I need the fresh air, but thanks for letting me crash.
Least I could do.
Thank you.
You need something, you call.
I will.
You know, you could've called me.
What? Come on.
Look, okay, I know you're pissed.
We got separated I lost my cell phone, I couldn't call, and I lost a lot of the money I thought you were dead.
No such luck, but I did happen to sleep at, uh Karl Alvert's house last night.
You were in his house? Apparently.
What does t.
Know? Everything.
That you had your tongue down some chick's throat last night before I totally lost you.
I didn't tell her anything.
What happened to "stay in each other's eyeline"? You go into a back room for two hours, you come out with some guy.
That's Karl.
Hey Rough night? Kind of.
Sort of.
Those are the best.
Listen, I got a report about an incident relating to your case.
Thank you.
Look, I am sorry, okay? About all of it.
So, I'm reading this true story about a guy who's got 10 personalities.
This other guy's got six.
Sybil had 16.
So who kills a priest? Spasm from the bullet caused him bloody good, Detective.
You owe me 10 bucks.
That was not the bet You forgot the source.
Passenger side drive-by? You're right, but that was supposed to be in the first part of the sentence.
Incomplete analysis doesn't count.
Whoever fired was a pretty damn good shot.
Oh, you are brilliant, Vina.
Mensa, actually, but, why exactly am I so brilliant? He was only a good shot if he's trying to hit the priest.
What if he missed? He was aiming for the passenger? Which would be Karl.
10 bucks.
Witnesses? No, I told them to keep canvassing.
What about the kid? Stephan was in the car when they left the house.
You think Rick did this? He did take a run at him last night.
Maybe he thinks that Karl killed Mark.
That's a lot of cash for a priest.
Mm, looks like father was planning on taking a trip.
Trunk was full of cash.
Shooter targeted the passenger.
We think Karl panicked after the shooting, fled the scene.
Leaving all that money behind.
To protect his kid.
All right, so, Rick Baker ambushes them to get back at Karl for killing his friend.
And what about the doorman, what's his story? Hasn't been seen since the robbery.
Right, so you think he's involved? I still like Rick for the shooting.
I mean, he tried once already.
A car matching Rick's tried to run over Karl outside the club the night we were undercover.
So, let's be sure that the third time is not a charm.
Do we have Karl's location? Sooner or later, Rick's going to try again.
Karl trusts me.
I can keep an eye on him.
Okay, let's be pro-active.
I want a picture of Rick Baker in every cop car and every briefing room in the city.
I get that Karl's the bait, but I do not need you guys getting shot in the meantime.
Cynthia? That's her? She looks kind of mousy.
I'm not sure how comfortable I am talking about this in your car.
Well, you know, for all I know, you could be a cop, right? I mean, we could be on some kind of a security camera.
Nice touch.
Um, before we go any further, I think I want I-I want to see some references.
Y-you mean you want names of people that I Your clients.
Not all of them.
Just, um, you know, so I can do a background check.
Make sure.
Find out, about your work.
You know, ordinarily, Cynthia, that would be very prudent, but In a business venture such as this, confidentiality is considered very What happened? She split.
We want to keep her on the hook, right? Otherwise, we got to warn the husband, put a safety plan in place, and hope that she doesn't get better references from a competitor.
All right, listen, play it out, see if you can get her to commit.
Karl Thank you.
I replaced mine.
Why'd you call me, Harry? The news of father Kolmar is all over the street.
I just want to make sure Stephan is okay.
Father Kolmar and I grew up together, and I left him lying there dead in the car.
The worst of it They put my son's life in danger.
Why would anybody want to kill a priest? You said you had something to tell me.
Somebody's after you.
How do you know that? I'm a friend, Karl.
No, you're not.
I saved your life.
You drank too much of my liquor, too.
Like I said, a friend.
I think you need my help.
I need a bodyguard.
You want the job? I could do that.
Yes, or no.
You have children of your own? One.
Stolen away two years ago.
I'll find him.
Yesterday, you were happy.
All over the ladies.
I thought you must be hiding something.
Now I know.
I'll do whatever I can to help you find your son.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
I'm on my way.
Something pressing has come up.
I can't take Stephan.
Want me to watch him? Yeah.
Stephan! I'll be right back! Harry's going to look after you, okay? He took the phone.
He's on the move.
Okay, got it.
Hey What are you doing? Why aren't you playing? Hey, Max.
Sorry I'm late.
You haven't been at work for three days, Georgie.
What you been up to? Why are you so scared? We don't want to kill you.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
I know you are.
We know you were in on the robbery.
Just give us his name, that's all.
I had nothing to do with it, Karl.
I just got scared.
I ran, that's it.
Just give us his name, and we will let you go.
Karl, I don't know who it is, I promise.
No, I swear, Karl.
If you're so innocent, why didn't you come back to work? Karl why was it so hard for Max to find you, huh? Karl, I don't know.
Karl It's okay.
Relax, relax.
Max, give him a cigarette.
Better, hmm? Just tell us his name, and we will let you go.
Karl, I swear to God, I don't know.
I promise.
Karl Karl, please I need backup, 348 terminal.
I'm inside the mill.
Georgie No more lies.
They couldn't have gotten in without your help, and we know it's the same guy who killed the priest.
I don't want to make your wife a widow, but I will.
Tell me his name.
Tell me his name! Freeze! Hands in the air, now! Down! I don't care as long as he's dead.
My husband, he watches curling.
What kind of a man watches curling? Okay, look, lady, you either gotta tell me what it is you want, or we're through, do you understand? I want my husband dead, that's what I want.
And I want it to look like an accident.
No problem.
But not a messy one.
I keep a clean house.
Of course you do.
You married? Yeah.
You like it? Only enough to do it three times.
I thought I was bad.
You got rid of two already? You'll get the rest when my husband's gone.
Not before.
And there's a bonus for you if you help me get rid of the old one.
Lynch, hold on.
First of all, are you okay? Second, why are you flying solo? We split.
I stayed with the suspect, Ben stayed with the kid.
Ben was babysitting while you were getting shot at? I'm circling back around to the park now.
Karl will go there to pick up his kid.
I've called in back-up.
And Ben? He's not picking up.
All right, well, call me as soon as it goes down.
The minute anyone hears from Ben, I want to know about it.
What's up? Just hoping we could talk.
Not now, Kevin.
Then, when this is done, dinner.
Pam, I just want to have dinner.
Okay, fine.
We will just go back to being professional, right? Think you can do that? Yeah.
All right, we'll see.
What about your mom? I'm not allowed to talk about her.
No? Where is she? I don't know.
That's too bad.
Stephan? Stephan, we need to go! Come here.
All right, in the car.
Leave your car.
Come with us.
All right.
Come on, pick up, pick up Pick up.
You know what I always wanted? What's that? A white garage floor.
You see them in those advertisements, and they make them look so good, and you want one, yet you know it's not possible, but they make you think it is.
Just like Christmas.
It's always lonely.
I don't care who you are, or who you're married to.
They just promise too much, but I get sucked in every time.
A nice Christmas and a white garage floor.
Is that too much to ask? You know, uh, Mrs.
Kline Can you keep a secret? Okay, I need you to pack up a few of your things, and I'll be up there in a minute to help you, okay? Hurry now, huh? I have to get us out of this country before it gets any worse.
It's going to take me a few days to get new passports, and I only have one bodyguard.
I need you to protect us, to protect Stephan until I can get that together.
Will you do that for me? Of course I will.
Where did you come from, Harry? Hmm? You, uh, you got a guy in there.
Is that your first husband? Jack.
I've been worried about power failures for years.
I guess I just got lucky.
Funny, none of the cops ever suspected anything.
Not too bright, are they? Yeah, I guess not.
That's not a lot of stuff.
Nothin' much I want.
No? A hard lesson learned.
I escaped from east Germany with nothing in my pockets at his age, hmm? But that's an old story, right, Stephan? Go, Stephan! Go, go! Get away! It's okay, Karl, go.
Drop em.
Okay Don't hurt him.
Kill me.
That's want you want, right? Do it, but please don't hurt him.
What are you doing here, Detective? Just doing a little undercover? Or are you just on the take? You too Drop your gun.
Do it drop your gun! Do it! I'm begging you, please let my son go.
You killed the priest.
The boy's done nothing wrong.
So let him go.
Please, don't hurt him.
Why? Hmm? Is that what's going to hurt you the most? No! Does he know? Does he know that you're a killer? Huh? Do you know where all this stuff comes from? This big beautiful house? Why don't you tell your son that you're a murderer.
And say it so the Detective here can hear you.
I love you, Stephan Say it.
Say it! I'm a murderer.
Louder! I'm a murderer.
He robbed me and I shot him! I killed him I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
How you doing? I'm usually a good judge of character.
Ironic you were the one to save my life.
Look, I'll, uh I'll keep an eye on Stephan till his mother gets here.
Okay? Thank you.
You're welcome.
He likes you.
The story about your son, it's true? Yeah.
I'm going to be doing some time.
I can ask around about him.
He just turned 10.
That's an age-enhancement.
He's a good-looking boy.
I'll do whatever I can.
Keep it.
Like you said, you never know, right? Harry Tell Stephan I love him.
I will.
Have you ever seen a garage with white floors? I feel like I have, but I don't think I have, know what I mean? All right, you guys, then here's to garages with white floors.
So, what you doing tonight? Jack's got hockey.
Yeah, means business Hey, how's the kid? Found the mother, he's with her now.
Maybe that's a good thing.
Paperwork is gonna be hell on this one.
I got nothing else to do.
I'm going home and walk my dog.
You don't have a dog.
I need one.
What about you, slim? What you saying tonight? Paperwork, and then dinner with a friend.
He of the sad roses? Shut up.
Glad you were able to join me.
My plans changed last minute.
Grab a chair.
So, Mr.
Roses stood you up? The truth, my dear, is that he was available, perhaps handsome, but in the end, way too dull.
You're addicted to trouble.
Aren't we all? Let's eat.

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