Teen Wolf s01e06 Episode Script

Heart Monitor

Watch your life go by Damn it.
Trying to make it for another day We were supposed to know This is all your moves we gotta all let go Now I won 't let go Let's move on Let's move on (ALARM DISENGAGE CHIRPING) Oh, crap.
No, stop.
(THUD) (GRUNTS) You're dead.
What the hell was that? Said I was gonna teach you.
I didn't say when.
-You scared the crap out of me! -Not yet.
-Okay, but I was fast, right? -Not fast enough.
But the car alarm thing, that was smart, right? Till your phone rang.
Yeah, but that was I mean Would you just stop? PIease? What happened the other night, Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault.
I should have been there to do something.
I need you to teach me how to control this.
Look, I am what I am because of birth.
You were bitten.
Teaching someone who was bitten takes time.
I don't even know if I can teach you.
What do I have to do? You have to get rid of distractions.
You see this? This is why I caught you.
You want me to teach you? Get rid of her.
What, just because of her family? Wait, wait, wait Whoa! (PHONE SMASHES) by tapping into a primal animal rage, and you can't do that with her around.
-I can get angry.
-Not angry enough! This is the only way that I can teach you.
Now, can you stay away from her? At Ieast until after the full moon? If that's what it takes.
Do you want to Iive? Do you want to protect your friends? Yes or no? Yes.
If you can teach me, I can stay away from her.
(GET SOMEPLAYING) Take it off.
-You're okay with that? -Are you okay with it? You're asking me if I'm okay with taking off your clothes? (LAUGHS) Stupid question.
Like, world record stupid.
You first.
Don't pull your pants before I go down Don 't turn away, this is my time Like a shotgun needs an outcome I'm your, you gonna get some Go ahead, go way low where I can do no harm Go ahead, go way low in my honey lovin 'arms Go ahead, go way low where I can do no wrong Got you around my finger like a lonely lover's charm (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Just a second.
-KATE: AIIison.
-Uh, coming.
Okay -Hey.
-What's up? -Uh, nothing.
Just doing homework, sending some e-mails.
-E-mailing the boyfriend? -No.
I'm e-mailing PETA about how my wingnut father gunned down an innocent mountain Iion in the school parking Iot.
And that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're grounded and you can't see Scott? I'm not gonna be one of those whining teenagers who Iooks at her father and says, "I hate you.
I wish you were dead.
" -But -But I hate him and I wish he was dead.
(KATE LAUGHS) See, now you're starting to sound Iike a normal, angry teenager.
What are you working on? Can I help? A history project, and I just want to be Ieft alone, actually.
KATE: Come on.
What kind of history project? I have to come up with a report that has some relevance to my own family history.
Specific to your family? Why? Do you have any ideas? Type this in.
"La Bete du Gevaudan.
" ALLISON: The beast of Gevaudan.
What is this? It's an old French Iegend that, believe it or not, has something to do with your family.
"In 1766 in a province of Lozère, La Bete killed over 100 people.
" Mysterious animal attacks, just Iike a certain town called Beacon Hills.
So what was it? The animal? Nobody knows for sure, but I can tell you one thing.
It definitely wasn't a mountain Iion.
What's it Iook Iike to you? ALLISON: It Iooks Iike a wolf.
(RUSTLING) Derek? I know I said I would stay away, but you broke my phone.
I had to at Ieast tell her why I wasn't answering.
(RUSTLING) (LOW GROWLING) Derek? (GROWLING) (BREATHING HEAVILY) (GROWLING) (GASPS) You seriously need to stop doing that.
So what happened? -Did he talk to you? -Yeah.
We had a nice conversation about the weather.
No, he didn't talk! Well, did you get anything off of him? An impression.
What do you mean? Remember, your other senses are heightened.
Communication doesn't have to be spoken.
What kind of feeling did you get from him? Anger.
Focused on you? No, not Not me.
But it was definitely anger.
I could feel it.
Especially when he drew the spiral.
Wait, the what? What'd you just say? He drew this spiral on the window of my car, in the condensation, you know? What? You have this Iook Iike you know what it means.
No, it's It's nothing.
Wait, wait, wait, wait a second.
You can't do that.
You can't ask me to trust you and then just keep things to yourself.
Doesn't mean anything.
You buried your sister under a spiral.
What does it mean? You don't want to know.
(SIGHS) Stay away from AIIison.
Stay away from AIIison.
Stay away from AIIison.
Stay away from AIIison.
Stay away from AIIison.
Just stay away from AIIison.
Stay away from Jackson.
Just stay away from Jackson.
-Hey, Scott.
-Oh, come on! Still not talking to me? (SIGHING) Can you at Ieast tell me if your dad's okay? I mean, it's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing that big? You know I feel really bad about it, right? Okay.
(SIGHS) What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and That I went to Derek for help? If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him.
But obviously I'm not talking to you.
(SCHOOL BELL RINGS) What did he say? He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry? Yeah.
AII right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, -and that someone's usually me.
-I know.
That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me.
I have to be able to control it.
Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that? I don't know.
I don't think he does either.
When are you seeing him again? -Just told me not to talk about it.
-Just act normal and get through the day.
-When? He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work.
After work.
AII right, well, that gives me to the end of the school day then.
-To do what? -To teach you myself.
The what of who? The beast of Gevaudan.
"A quadruped wolf-Iike monster, "prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France "during the year 1764 to 1767.
"La Bete killed over 100 people, "becoming so infamous that the King Louis XV "sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it.
" Boring.
"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan.
" Hmm.
Still boring.
"Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, "possibly a mesonychid.
" SIipping-into-a-coma bored.
"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer "who could shape-shift into a man-eating monster.
" Any of this have anything to do with your family? This.
"It is believed that La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter "who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature.
" His name was Argent.
Your ancestors killed a big wolf.
So what? Not just a big wolf.
Take a Iook at this picture.
What does it Iook Iike to you? Lydia? Lydia.
It Iooks Iike a big wolf.
See you in History.
I think the book's making it more obvious.
Besides, she's reading, anyway.
So did you come up with a plan yet? I think so.
-Does that mean you don't hate me now? -No.
But your crap has infiltrated my Iife, so now I have to do something about it.
PIus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek.
Okay, yeah, you teach me.
Yeah, I'II be your Yoda.
Yeah, you be my Yoda.
Your Yoda I will be.
-I said it backwards.
-Yeah, I know.
AII right, you know what? I definitely still hate you.
Oh, yeah.
Scott, wait.
ALLISON: Hey, Scott.
Scott (SIGHS) This is not gonna be easy.
Now Put this on.
Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team? Yeah, I borrowed it.
Stole it.
Temporarily misappropriated.
Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs, and you're gonna wear it for the rest of the day.
Isn't that Coach's phone? That, I stole.
Why? AII right, well, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right? When you're playing Iacrosse, when you're with AIIison, whenever you get angry.
Maybe Iearning to control it is tied to Iearning to control your heart rate.
Like The Incredible Hulk.
Kind of Iike The Incredible Hulk, yeah.
No, I'm Iike The Incredible Hulk Would you shut up and put the strap on? This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period.
-AII right.
You ready? -No.
Remember, don't get angry.
I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea.
(GROANS) (BEEPING) (LAUGHS) (GROANS) Oh! Okay, that one kind of hurt.
Remember, you're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate, all right? About staying calm.
Stay calm.
Staying calm.
Staying totally calm.
There's no balls flying at my face (GROANS) Son of a bitch! You know what? I think my aim is actually improving.
Wonder why.
Ah, buh, buh.
Don't get angry.
I'm not getting angry.
Just wait.
Wait, just hold on.
From anger.
But it was more than that.
It was Iike, the angrier I got, the stronger I felt.
So it is anger, then.
Derek's right.
(PANTING) I can't be around AIIison.
Just because she makes you happy? No, because she makes me weak.
AII right, so you stay away from her for a few days.
You can do that.
But is it a few days, or is it forever? You know, this whole "women make you weak" thing is a Iittle too Spartan warrior for me.
It's probably just part of the Iearning process.
Yeah, but you've seen Derek.
I mean, the guy's totally alone.
What if I can, Iike, never be around her again? Well, if you're not dead, that could be a good thing.
I'd rather be dead.
You're not gonna end up Iike Derek, all right? We'II figure it out.
-Come on.
Let's get out of here.
Something smells terrible in here, anyway.
Really? In a boys' Iocker room? That doesn't make any sense at all.
No, it's Iike something's rotting or dying.
(GROANING) -What are you reading? -Oh, hey.
Uh Just stuff for a history project.
Did you have a free period, or No, I just don't Iike sitting through Chem.
Did Did you want something? Actually, yeah.
I wanted to talk.
I realize that I've been a jerk to you.
And especially to Scott.
And I wanted to say that I'm sorry.
-I'm serious.
-Okay, I I believe you're being serious, but I'm not so sure I believe you're being sincere.
(SIGHS) Do you know what it's Iike to be the best player on the team? Hmm? To be the star? To have every single person at the game chanting your name? And then Some kid Some kid just comes along, and then everyone starts Iooking at him instead of you.
Do you know what that feels Iike? No, I don't.
Well, it feels Iike something's been It feels Iike something's been stolen from you.
And then you start to feel Iike you'd do anything Anything in the world to get it back.
Haven't you ever Iearned there's no "I" in "team "? Yeah, but there is a "Me.
" (CHUCKLES) That was a joke.
You must really, really hate me.
Not at all.
You sure? Because I'm not a bad guy.
I mean, yeah, I make stupid mistakes, a Iot, but I'm not bad.
I really Iike you.
And Scott.
I really I really Iike you both, and I want you guys to Iike me.
I want to get to know you guys better.
So What are you reading? (SCHOOL BELL RINGS) Let's go.
Sit, sit, sit, sit.
We got a Iot to cover today.
Let's go.
Hey, Stiles, sit behind me, dude.
-I haven't seen you all day.
-Uh, yeah.
I've been super busy.
When are you gonna get your phone fixed? I feel Iike I'm totally disconnected from you.
Uh, soon.
Real soon.
-I changed Iab partners, by the way.
-To who? To you, dummy.
Me? I mean, are you sure? Yeah.
This way I have an excuse to bring you home and study.
You don't mind, do you? I just I don't want to bring your grade down.
Well, I mean, maybe I can bring your grade up.
Come to my place tonight.
8:30? Tonight? Let's settle down.
Let's start with a quick summary of Iast night's reading.
Greenberg, put your hand down.
Everybody knows you did the reading.
How about, uh McCall.
What? The reading.
Last night's reading? How about the reading of The Gettysburg Address? -(STUDENTS LAUGHING) -What? That's sarcasm.
You familiar with the term "Sarcasm," McCall? Very.
Did you do the reading or not? Um -I think I forgot.
-Nice work, McCall.
It's not Iike you're not averaging a "D" in this class.
Come on, buddy.
You know I can't keep you on the team if you have a "D.
" (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) How about you summarize the previous night's reading? No? How about the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire Iife? -I -No? A blog? How about How about the back of a cereal box? No? How about the adults-only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything? Thank you, McCall, thank you.
Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any Iast flicker of hope I have for your generation.
(BEEPING RAPIDLY) You just blew it for everybody.
Next practice you can start with suicide runs.
Unless that's too much reading.
AII right.
Everybody else, settle down.
-What do you mean? -It's AIIison.
Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? -About protecting her.
Remember the night of the first Iacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field.
Yeah, I did.
Well, so that's what brought you back so you could score.
And then after the game in the Iocker room, you didn't kill her.
At Ieast not Iike how you were trying to kill me.
She brings you back, is what I'm saying.
No, no, no, but it's not always true, because Iiterally every time I'm kissing her or touching her No, that's not the same.
When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex, you know? You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you? -Yeah.
Sorry -That's fine.
Look, back in the classroom when she was holding your hand, that was different, okay? I don't think she makes you weak.
I think she actually gives you control.
She's kind of Iike an anchor.
-You mean because I Iove her.
Did I just say that? Yes, you just said that.
I Iove her.
That's great.
Now, moving on No, no, no, really.
I think I'm totally in Iove with her.
And that's beautiful.
Now, before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out, please? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So what do I do? (SIGHS) I don't know.
Oh, no.
You're getting an idea, aren't you? Yeah.
Is this idea gonna get me in trouble? Maybe.
Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain? Yeah, definitely.
Come on.
-What are we doing? -You'II see.
Hold on.
Stand right there.
Do you have your keys? Perfect.
Hold 'em up Iike so.
Now, whatever happens, just think about AIIison.
Try to find her voice Iike you did at the game.
Got it? Okay.
Just keep holding it right there.
(KEYS JANGLE) Hey, hey, hey, dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro! What the hell? Ow! My God.
(MUSIC PLAYING) (GRUNTING) Still sittin'here in my living room Ain't nothingpressing that I gotta do (BEEPING) Come on, stay calm.
Stay calm.
I got a special mind Makin'an impression on you Oh, that's not okay.
Ask me ifI'm down, Scott.
Come on, buddy.
you better I have not fell in love I got faith around you, pretty thing (MUFFLED SOUNDS) Studying with a friend.
Yes, that friend.
We're lab partners.
ADRIAN: Stop! Stop it right now! What do you idiots think you're doing? (BEEPING) I need your help.
If you can hear me, I need you to give me a sign.
Raise a finger.
Just Just something to point me in the right direction, okay? Someone killed Laura.
Your niece.
Laura? Whoever he is, he's an AIpha now.
But he's one without a pack.
Which means he's not as strong.
I can take him.
But I have to find him first.
Look, if you know something, just give me a sign.
Is it one of us? Someone else make it out of the fire? Just give me anything.
BIink, raise a finger, just anything.
Say something! NURSE: Let him go.
You think after six years of this, yelling at him is going to get a response? -You got a better method? -Patience.
He'II respond if you give him the time.
I don't have any more time.
(BLACK DOVEPLAYING) Where is your hideout? A lion in a cage Waiting to escape Excuse me, sir? I know it's detention and all, but, I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired.
-You knew I would heal.
-So you did that to help me Iearn? -Yep.
-But partially to punish me.
Well, that one's obvious.
SCOTT: Dude, you're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me.
I'm not angry anymore.
Look, you have something, Scott.
Okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do.
So that means you don't have a choice anymore.
It means you have to do something.
I know.
And I will.
AII right, both of you, out of here.
Thank you.
(BELL TINKLES) Scott, you're Iate again.
I hope this isn't getting to be a habit.
Can I help you? I hope so.
I want to know about the animal you found with the spiral on its side? Excuse me? -What animal? -Three months ago.
The deer.
You remember this? Oh, yes.
It's just a deer.
And I didn't find it.
They called me because they wanted to know if I'd ever seen anything Iike it.
What'd you tell 'em? I told them no.
Did you hear that? Hear what? The sound of your heartbeat rising.
Excuse me? It's the sound of you Iying.
Oh, God.
(GRUNTING) DEREK: Are you protecting someone? AII right.
The key to the drug Iocker is in my pocket.
I don't want drugs.
I want to know why you're Iying.
I don't know what you're talking about.
What are you doing to me! What do you want? I want to know who you are or who you're protecting.
What are you doing? Scott, get out of here! Stop! Stop! Look, when he's conscious, he can keep himself from healing, but unconscious, he can't.
Are you out of your mind? What are you talking about? You want to know what the spiral means, Scott? It's our sign for a vendetta, for revenge.
It means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied! You think he's the AIpha? We're about to find out.
(GROWLING) Hit him again, and then you'II see me get angry.
Do you have a plan? -Just give me an hour.
-Then what? Meet me at the school.
In the parking Iot.
-This is a terrible idea.
-Yeah, I know.
But we're still gonna do it? Can you think of something better? Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away.
Just make sure we can get inside.
Where's my boss? He's in the back.
Oh, he Iooks comfortable.
What are you doing? You said I was Iinked with the AIpha.
I'm gonna see if you're right.
Okay, one question.
What are you gonna do if the AIpha doesn't show up? I don't know.
And what are you gonna do if he does show up? I don't know.
Good plan.
AII right.
You said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right? Right, but if you bring him here, does that make you part of his pack? I hope not.
Yeah, me too.
AII right.
AII you.
(CLEARS THROAT) (CLICK) (INHALES) (SHRILL HOWL) You've got to be kidding me.
Was that okay? I mean, that was a howl, right? Yeah, technically.
Well, what did it sound Iike to you? Like a cat being choked to death, Scott.
What do I do? How am I supposed to do this? Hey, hey.
Listen to me.
You're calling the AIpha.
AII right? Be a man.
Be a werewolf, not a teen wolf.
Be a werewolf.
-Do it.
(CLICK) (INHALES DEEPLY) (HOWLING) I'm gonna kill both of you.
What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school? Sorry.
I didn't know it would be that Ioud.
Yeah, it was Ioud.
And it was awesome.
Shut up.
Don't be such a sour-wolf.
(LOW GROWLING) SCOTT: What'd you do with him? What? I didn't do anything.
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