Thundercats (2011) s01e06 Episode Script

Journey to the Tower of Omens

Jaga's clues have gotten us this far.
Now its up to Lion-O to get us the rest of the way.
Sword of Omens, give me Sight Beyond Sight.
Let's try this again.
Sword of Omens, give me Sight Beyond Sight.
Come on.
Work! Are you telling me our only chance of finding the Book of Omens Is if his sword gives him directions? It's about as hopeless as it sounds.
Lion-O can get us there.
He just needs to believe in himself.
It might help if you believed in him, too.
Sword of Omens, give me Sight Beyond Sight.
It's nothing but a rock in your incapable hands.
But the stone, your so-called Eye of Thundera, will be mine again.
I've wrenched it from a far more powerful grip than yours.
The ground forces have nearly reached the cannon, Lord Mumm-Ra.
Destroy anything that keeps you from the Warstone, Captain Tygus.
We've procured the Warstone, my lord.
At long last, it's mine And it shall be mine again.
This is dumb.
I don't even know what I'm looking for.
Sometimes, when you look too hard, you miss what's right in front of you.
Tell me about it.
If you can master Sight Beyond Sight, it will show you what your eyes can't see.
But your mind has to be open.
Now, try again, And this time, relax.
Got it.
Whatcha doin'? Ooh, I know what they were doing.
No, we were just trying to get my sword to work.
Why is this Book so hard to find, anyway? Did they forget where they put it? In a way, yes.
You see, the Book of Omens wasn't lost.
Rather, it was hidden with the intention that it would never be found.
Legend says the Book of Omens held both clues to our past And keys to our future.
Because some believed it could be even more valuable than the Sword of Omens, the other animals would stop at nothing to get it.
The King knew it contained too much power to allow it to fall into the wrong hands.
So he had the clerics hide it far beyond the kingdom walls, One made with magic.
The Tower of Omens was inaccessible to anyone but themselves, and protected by ancient enchantments.
They then sealed themselves into the temple forever.
Its location would be a secret they took to their graves.
That's why Grune and I knew we'd probably never find it.
So we have to just get lucky and hope we stumble onto it? Maybe we just did.
How did we not see that? I guess sometimes, when you look too hard, you miss what's right in front of you.
Nice work, Snarf.
Think they left the key behind? Actually, they left a few.
We'll just have to try them all.
This could take forever.
I don't think we have forever.
Find the key! Leave this to the masters.
Hurry! There's hundreds to pick from.
Why waste time picking out a key, when you could just pick the lock? The Book could be just beyond that wall.
Legends said the ancients rigged a series of obstacles near the temple meant to keep outsiders away.
Then this whole place is a death trap.
Got to move fast.
Nice work.
You've been leading us in circles.
Mumm-Ra's spell is too powerful for an old wizard like me to fight.
I can't help but light the way.
Careful, General.
That lantern is as fragile as its withered and duplicitous navigator.
He doesn't know the way to the temple, master.
He's toying with us.
His mouth lies, but his soul reveals the truth.
The Book's location has been passed down through the head clerics for generations.
He knows.
He simply requires more motivation.
Force me all you want, but Lion-O will have that Book long before you reach the temple.
You and your army will remain here.
Your ineptitude has cost me enough already.
Look! Treasure! We're rich! Wait! You OK, Panthro? I never told you guys But I can't swim.
Looks like an exit up there.
We'll wait for the water to rise and float up to it.
I can't open it from this side.
I ain't going to make it, kid.
Panthro's gone.
Hang on! Panthro! You're alive! Guess not being able to swim has its advantages.
Who wants to bet that leads to the temple? There's nothing here! All those traps just to protect more jungle? Maybe no one can find this temple because it doesn't exist! Or maybe, it just takes more than getting past physical traps to find it.
Believe in yourself.
I do.
Sword of Omens, give me Sight Beyond Sight.
There's a switch.
I can't reach it.
Allow me.
Lion-O: The Tower of Omens.
Panthro: I can't believe I finally found it.
I guess all it took was the right partners.
The Book must be up there.
You did it, Lion-O.
Indeed, he did.
And it will be the last thing he ever does.
I led him right to you.
I'm sorry.
JagaYou're alive.
He's nothing but a vapor in a jar, and I have little use for him now.
No! Cheetara! We have to get to the Book.
Mumm-Ra's mine.
This bag of bones is no match for Panthro.
Don't be deceived by appearances.
My true form is far more powerful.
Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form into Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living! Won't shake me that easily.
The Book of Omens and its power belong to me! ThunderCats, Ho! Close that mouth.
You're drooling.
I've got you! You are much like your father.
What do you know of my father? Only that I killed him.
The boy is not ready yet.
He cannot win this alone.
The light! The Book will be mine! Huh? Jaga.
He sacrificed himself for you, for all of us.
At long last, we have all the answers.
Well, what does it say? It says Nothing.
It's blank.

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