Turn of the Tide (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

O Canto do Cisne

[waves rolling]
[ominous music plays]
["Monster In My Head"
by Saint Rogue plays]
Oh, brother, you better run
Got a monster in my head ♪
Where are they sending you back to?
Country, not the state.
Leave anyone behind?
My son and wife.
I got a fish in my cell.
It's called Red.
Couldn't bring it with me.
Are you comparing
a stupid fish to my family?
Of course not.
Your wife and son can make it without you.
But without me, the fish
Mmm, I don't think it will make it.
[judge] You served seven years in jail
for using explosives in a robbery.
- Yes, Your Honor.
- Anything you want to say?
I have been rehabilitated.
I learned my lesson.
I can honestly say I'm a changed man.
Are you quoting
The Shawshank Redemption to me, Mr. Cunha?
It's a beautiful movie.
Yes, but he was innocent and you're not.
- I'm sending you back to your country.
- This is my country, Your Honor.
You were born in Portugal, Mr. Cunha.
That makes this your adopted country,
where you committed a crime.
And did my time for it.
I came here as a baby. I'm fully American.
If you send me back to the Azores,
it'll be like serving a life sentence.
- [bangs gavel]
- Next!
Tastes like whiskey
But it looks like blood ♪
Amen and the saints all run ♪
Got four horse ridin'
And the kingdom come ♪
Bow down and you drink the cup ♪
Tastes like whiskey
But it looks like blood ♪
Amen and the saints all run ♪
Got four horse ridin'
And the kingdom come ♪
Eduardo, get over here!
I don't wanna see your girlfriend's
filthy panties in my living room!
Sílvia isn't my girlfriend, okay?
Well, this isn't a goddamn pigsty.
Definitely not a hotel.
One more thing.
This moved since last night.
I haven't touched anything, Uncle Joe.
Be warned, all of you!
No one touches my harpoon. Okay?
Are we talking about your dick
or the harpoon?
This harpoon was used in a film
that Orson Welles shot
right by here in Faial.
- No shit!
- Yes, shit.
Called Barbed Water.
My grandfather's in it,
harpooning a sperm whale.
It's part of our story.
Back when there were still real men
in the Azores.
They're not mine. Hmm?
Sorry. [chuckles nervously]
Fuck me.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Don't do that!
- It'll kill him.
- It's just a few crumbs.
- No, no. Bread isn't edible to goldfish.
- Inedible?
Otherwise, they'll inflate like a balloon,
and die. Come on, clean up the mess.
You, come with me.
You have a good enough body to work.
This body does more than that. [laughs]
Clean this mess.
[Carlinhos sighs]
Mmm. Yo, this chorizo's really good.
Where do you get it?
I make my own chorizo
with a special ingredient.
They're really good.
What do you make them with?
My chickens' shit.
Delicious, right?
What the fuck?
[mellow acoustic guitar music plays]
I call from the pinetops ♪
And raining it was, by the sea ♪
I want to cry of beauty ♪
Of many thrills in nature ♪
Each blood cell's ♪
A tune of desperate longing ♪
And if I ♪
[music continues faintly on headphones]
[Eduardo] America is that way.
1,900 nautical miles to Boston.
I still can't believe
that Rafael isn't here.
- And that my dad could actually
- Arruda's not your father.
He's the man who knocked your mother up,
and didn't give a shit about you.
Someday, we'll see
that fucker's coffin passing by us.
Have you ever noticed
you keep looking for solutions?
You don't feel well in Rabo de Peixe,
you want to go to America.
Arruda killed Rafael,
so now he must die for it.
Eduardo, I don't need solutions.
I just need someone who'll listen.
Rafael wasn't just your boyfriend.
He was also my best friend.
And I'll never forget him.
But we have to move on, right?
We all grieve in our own way, you know?
What if the drugs we brought here
aren't a solution, but a problem?
[ethereal music playing]
[musical arrangement turns ominous]
[seagulls squawking]
[sighs softly]
Perhaps this will help us
understand what happened here.
We've also collected shell casings
and blood samples up near the lighthouse.
Any witnesses?
No witnesses.
No one's lived here in years.
It's an automated lighthouse.
And the nearest house is about
a mile from here.
Didn't you say
nothing ever happens in São Miguel?
I guess I was wrong.
I don't want you here much longer, kid.
I was never good as a babysitter.
And I don't know what you've been up to,
but I don't want trouble on my end.
I wanted to talk
about something, Uncle Joe.
["Gotta Move" by Kenneth Sorenson plays]
Uncle Joe, are you taking
my mom to America?
Eduardo, go to your room.
No need to be so hard on the kid.
He's my son.
He's my family too.
And if you hadn't fled America,
then my sister would be
receiving treatment in a decent hospital,
with real doctors.
Ever thought about that?
I didn't flee America.
I had a family to raise back here.
You wouldn't get it, Joe.
[dishes clatter]
I want to go to America.
Can you help me?
Enough with going to America.
You think you're the only one?
Every day, millions of idiots
around the world
think they can make it there. [chuckles]
The American dream.
It would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.
But why is it stupid?
- You lived there, and so did my dad.
- What's your last name, kid?
Okay, that's reason number one.
Portuguese name, puts you
at the bottom of the pyramid.
What pyramid? What are you even
The pyramid of dicks
who will never make it over there.
I've always considered myself an American.
But my passport says what? "Portuguese."
The game is rigged,
and I was fucked from the start.
So wake the fuck up, for Christ's sake.
in your eyes, yeah ♪
You gotta move ♪
You gotta move ♪
It's all right ♪
You got to bleed
Down the drain in your mind ♪
You gotta shoot ♪
You gotta shoot ♪
You got to shoot out the cold
In your veins, yeah ♪
You gotta shoot ♪
[birds squawking and warbling]
[ethereal music plays]
[in Italian] Stupid birds.
[in Italian] That's it. That's it!
[in Italian] Go away!
[in Italian] Go away!
[thunder rumbles]
[seagull squawks]
I think he might be dead.
[man] Are you okay?
[in Italian] Out of the way!
[in Italian] Move!
He looks like the guy from The Matrix.
Oh, shit!
[in Italian] Okay, I'll wait for him here.
[in Italian] Yes, don't worry.
[in Italian] Bye, darling.
[window opening]
[in Italian] Hey,
what are you doing there, eh?
[in Italian] Listen.
Shall I give you a cigarette? Huh?
[in Italian] Hey, hey!
[in Italian] I wouldn't tell
your mother if I were you.
[baby wailing]
Shut the kid up. I'm gonna lose my mind.
He cries because he's realized
what kind of a man his dad is!
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- There's no peace and quiet in this house!
- You're a fucking monk now?
[in Italian] Okay, calm down.
Oh! Where are you going?
[baby cries]
[in Italian] Mamma mia!
Spaghetti with clams, so good!
[in Italian] You're a magnificent cook,
signora. Magnificent!
[in Italian] Oh! Poor little guy. May I?
[in Italian] Come here.
Poor little guy. Don't cry.
[in Italian] There, there. It's okay.
- [whistles gentle melody]
- [baby stops crying]
[baby giggles]
[in Italian] Family is
the most important thing in a man's life.
[in Italian] You see? He's quiet now.
[continues whistling]
[Carlinhos chuckles softly]
Can I be the best man?
So many years of being romantic confidant,
I think I deserve
to be the best man, right?
- Hmm?
- Rafael deserves respect.
That's all you did
while he was alive, Eduardo.
It's too soon.
Hey there. Where you going?
- The beach.
- Ah.
["Young Love" by Ships
& Phillipa Taylor plays]
Just make sure it's not too late, 'kay?
Rafael promised to bring me here
at least twice.
He never cared to know
what I was thinking or was feeling.
What my dreams were.
To him, I was just a trophy.
You see me, I hold you ♪
Ever since the touch ♪
I felt the rush of young love ♪
You're the most amazing woman that I know.
And what other girls do you know?
You've never left Rabo de Peixe. And look.
I'm the only girl around for miles.
I've seen women in movies.
[both chuckle]
Okay, so if I'm so incredible,
why hasn't anyone ever proposed to me?
You men, you're total cowards.
That's the truth.
[sighs] Sorry, Joe.
"A Change Is Gonna Come."
It was the first song
I learned to play on the piano.
An advocate of the civil rights
here on the island.
Some pains are from everywhere.
They have no borders, Joe.
[sighs] Yep.
What are yours?
You don't really care
about my pains, do you?
Let me guess. You're different.
Don't ridicule me.
I'm not.
I've been around, know what I'm saying?
Grew up in the '60s.
Made myself a man in the '70s.
Spent seven years in jail.
I respect who you are.
You know why I keep
this harpoon here in the house?
Because knowing who you are
is as important
as knowing who you're not.
So the question is
are we gonna sit here like two lame dicks,
or are we going to listen
to some fucking great music, huh?
[Carlinhos laughs]
[record crackles]
["I Fell In Love"
by Cynthia Curilla plays]
I ♪
Fell in love ♪
Simply because ♪
Of you ♪
If I proposed to you right now,
what would you say?
"You're out of your mind." [laughs]
My heart is yearning ♪
For you ♪
I ♪
Third time's the charm.
Fell in love ♪
Simply because ♪
Of you ♪
You cast your spell on me ♪
So she's your girlfriend after all.
Take it easy, all right? [chuckles]
[line catches]
Look. Uncle Joe, look at that!
I already got one.
[exclaims] Here it is.
- [laughs]
- Right? Huh?
Who you gonna feed with this shit?
Makes no fucking sense. Too much work.
- My technique is way more efficient, okay?
- Let's do it.
Do you have any ketchup?
We don't eat that crap here.
What's ketchup, Uncle Joe?
Mmm. Ketchup is one of the best things
in the world,
but your dad doesn't know it.
Dad, can I taste ketchup?
I'll send you some
when I get back to America, okay?
Don't give him any stupid ideas, please.
It's only ketchup.
I'm not afraid to compete
in America, all right?
- No, that's not it, kid.
- Well, then?
The truth is,
you've dreamed of going to America
since you were a child.
I kind of feel responsible for it.
You know, you never sent
that ketchup you promised.
Well, before I knew it, I was in jail.
Priorities change, right?
- You know your fish, Red?
- Yep.
He's always gonna live in that fishbowl.
Of course.
And he'll be happy. He's a goldfish.
Well, if I stay here,
I'll never be anything.
I'm just a fish stuck in a fishbowl.
You follow?
In America,
you'll be a small fish in a huge pond.
Here, at least,
Red has food and a place to live.
[Eduardo] I don't want to go back home.
You don't want to or you can't?
You'll need to leave very soon, kid.
They'll come for this.
They always do.
I'm fucking seeing a camel!
- [laughs]
- Dude, come on, I promise you.
- I'm really seeing a camel.
- Yeah, yeah, me too.
I'm seeing a camel.
Look over there, with ten humps.
[laughs] Oh, look who's all wasted.
[Eduardo] You're the one
who's completely wasted, okay?
And you'll wind up cross-eyed
playing your little Snake game there.
How, like this? Hmm?
- Don't I look pretty like this?
- [both laugh]
It's time to release the prisoner.
Guys, did you know
that the police can use a cell phone
to track a person?
- What are you talking about?
- I saw it once on the news.
[Eduardo] Are you serious?
Goodbye, little snake.
I'll miss you so much.
["Trouble Gonna Come"
by Blues Saraceno plays]
[Sílvia yells]
Only the stars know
where the fuck we are now!
[all laugh]
[Sílvia] Whoo!
[all cheer]
Hey, hey, hey!
[Eduardo] Hey!
I brought the good stuff!
- It even puts hair on your chest.
- [Eduardo laughs]
Now, hear me out.
Who wants to blow some shit up?
[all laugh]
Fuck, I swear, man. This fucking shit
weighs more than Dolly Parton's tits.
- I wouldn't know about it.
- [Sílvia] Come on, push.
Let's go down. Go back. Come on, one, two.
[all grunting]
[Carlinhos] Come on.
[Eduardo] All right!
You do the honors.
[all] Whoa!
[all cheering]
That was amazing!
[all laugh and exclaim]
[Eduardo] Come here!
- Hey, hey, hey! Hold it!
- Sorry, haven't got excited in a minute.
- [Carlinhos] Sorry.
- [Sílvia laughs]
You know what? Come on, kid.
Blowing shit up makes me hungry.
[Sílvia laughs]
to save me from myself ♪
One to try ♪
One to care ♪
- You sure you don't want to marry me?
- No, never.
- No?
- Mmm.
- Shall we not marry in America?
- Let's not.
I always liked you. You know that, right?
I've been alone too long ♪
I've been alone too long ♪
I had your love ♪
But now that's gone ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Trouble gonna come ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Trouble gonna come ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Trouble gonna come ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- Baby ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- Trouble gonna come ♪
Love makes great music.
But it doesn't always bring
two different worlds together.
- [chuckles]
- That's how I put it.
Tell me about it. [sighs]
What? Did you also fall in love
with a Black Panther
pursued by the FBI?
No, no, no. Much better!
Now you've got my full attention. Go on.
[sighs wistfully]
The priest in Rabo de Peixe.
[exclaims] Don't laugh at my misfortune.
[both laugh]
Why "misfortune"?
He's a priest.
I, on the other hand, am you know.
- Uh-huh.
- [scoffs]
Haven't you just told me
that not even love
can bring two people
from different worlds together?
And what do I know about love?
I live alone on an island
in the middle of nowhere.
There is one very important thing
that I am sure of.
[boards creaking]
And that is
- Joe.
- Hmm?
You said, "One very important thing
I'm sure of." What's the answer?
I forgot.
[brooding pulsing music plays]
Where is your son?
You know I won't tell you that.
I could let you live.
What kind of father
wants to survive his son?
I'm ready.
[in Italian] So am I.
[flare sizzling]
[glass shatters]
[tender folk music plays]
[Sílvia] I can hear your heart.
But I don't know what it says.
[Eduardo] It said the same thing.
For years.
[Sílvia] I'm not talking about us.
I'm talking about you.
At school, the guys used to say
that you were the Submarine.
Like that was a good thing.
But I'm not so sure it is.
As if you were always hiding
or running away.
As if you were never really here.
Don't run away.
I'll give you something
that'll be just yours.
Something real.
[Eduardo] My mother,
she didn't want me to see her like that.
So I hid under her bed.
I don't know.
It was like like I could protect her.
On the night she died,
she told my father that I could sleep
beside her on the bed.
I didn't open my eyes.
It still haunts me.
I mean
I should have kept my eyes open.
I should have looked at my mother.
To see her for the last time.
Into the void ♪
Into the flames ♪
I've run away ♪
To the end of the world ♪
[sighs softly]
Detective, come take a look at something.
[Banha breathes deeply]
These are pricey shoes
for a fisherman from Rabo de Peixe.
No one knows where Eduardo is,
and his friends are also missing.
Well, they must have run
like hell. [chuckles]
[suspenseful music plays]
Perhaps Detective Banha
knows their whereabouts. No?
I told you. I barely know them.
Look, Bruna.
I really believe
you don't know where they are.
But I'm also sure
you have some information.
Cooperation will help.
[chuckles softly]
You want my help
to arrest some kids from Rabo de Peixe?
I'm gonna tell you something
I learned since I got here.
[door opens]
What did you bring my daughter in for?
- We're just going over some things.
- Not anymore, Frias.
Let's go, Bruna.
[door closes forcefully]
[ominous music plays]
[in Italian] Where is Francesco Bonino?
[jars and bottles rattle]
[man whistling melodically]
- Good morning!
- Mmm.
Joe, how are you so fresh
after what you drank yesterday?
I'm a real man.
You know what's good for a hangover?
Fried liver.
I swear by everything sacred,
I'll never touch another drop of alcohol.
Yeah, I've heard that one before.
Now, will you go get my mail?
- [keys jingle]
- Box 36.
- [lock clicks]
- [creaks]
[lock clicks]
[ethereal music plays]
[phone ringing]
Where the hell are you, you little shit?
I'm worried sick.
You're right. I'm sorry, Mom.
Don't worry, everything's fine.
I should smack you across the face
with a parakeet.
Either you tell me where you are,
or your birds are gonna starve.
[chuckles softly]
Something terrible happened.
[tense music playing]
[Joe] Eduardo.
We need to talk.
- I need to go to Rabo de Peixe!
- [Carlinhos] Eduardo, wait!
- [Sílvia] You can't go back
- Don't you get it?
- I have to go back to bury my father!
- I didn't bury Rafael.
I don't even know
where his body is, and I'm here.
Eduardo, Sílvia's right.
You can't go back.
All you're gonna do is fuck up the plan.
I told your father I'd help you,
and that's what I'm gonna do.
- What plan?
- America.
Isn't that what you all want?
[gasps softly] What plan
is he talking about?
It doesn't matter anymore, Sílvia,
because as of now, the fucking
Until you're far away, there won't
be peace, with or without cocaine.
Your father didn't just die of old age.
I know that. And that's why
I'm gonna kill the motherfucker.
- [Sílvia] Eduardo!
- Kid!
- [Eduardo panting]
- Kid!
[dramatic music plays]
[Joe] Where do you think you're going?
- [grunts]
- Leave me the fuck alone!
[both breathing heavily]
They're the Mafia.
You don't kill them. They kill you.
I'm gonna help you,
but I need you to calm the fuck down!
Do you hear?
[mock chirping] Hello, my little ones.
Come on. All right, all right,
let's calm down. Let's calm down.
Come on, come on. [mock chirping]
Such a good boy.
[mock chirping]
Come back here!
Oh, no. Shit.
Come on, little bird,
come back here. Come eat.
Hello, little bird. Come on.
Eat something, my little bird.
Look here.
Look here, eat it. Okay, go ahead, eat.
How weird.
I never
thought these little birds would be
so easy to break.
[Arruda yells in distance] Eduardo!
Did you hear that?
- And so it begins.
- What's happening?
Go and cover Red's fishbowl.
[Arruda yelling] Eduardo!
[whistling melodically]
[Arruda] We actually have
two ways to settle this, fuckers!
[Eduardo] Go, go.
[Arruda] The first one,
now you give me
the shit that is rightfully mine,
and I leave this place in peace.
Or go with the second option
[men exclaim]
Who's this asshole?
- [cocks shotgun]
- I'm option number two, motherfucker!
Oh, if it isn't Wednesday.
But there's a third option,
you fucking piece of shit.
You take your stooges
and get the fuck out of here.
The drugs aren't yours and never were.
Hello, you sly little girl.
You really had me going, huh?
And you were the weakest
of them all, fucker.
At least Rafael had balls,
you know, you little shit?
And you killed him, you fucker!
- No, you're the reason Rafael's dead!
- [groans]
[Joe] Come on, get inside now! Come on!
Go, go! Come on!
[guns firing]
[Joe] Stay down, stay down!
Get the fuck in there, for fuck's sake!
Get in there, go!
[farmer growls]
- [grunts]
- [dog whimpers]
- Get the fuck inside, come on!
- [screams]
- Ah, for fuck's sake!
- [groans]
[Arruda] Go, go!
- [groans]
- [screams]
- [guns continue firing]
- [whimpers]
What are you waiting for?
You can go in now, asshole! Come on!
Go, go!
- [gunfire continues]
- That filthy motherfucker!
[gasps] Fuck!
[high-pitched ringing]
[ethereal music playing]
[growls] You motherfuckers!
Where are the fucking drugs?
Huh? I'll blow your fucking head off,
do you understand?
- Where are the fucking drugs?
- [gun cocks]
- Answer me!
- Let him fucking go.
Hey, you have to be careful
with that shit. That's not a BB gun.
- It's got one hell of a kick.
- Get out of here!
Please. Look.
Because of the fucking cocaine,
you almost died.
Who was by your side?
Who took care of you?
Your father.
I took care of you.
Baby girl, tell me where the drugs are.
And we'll go home, you and I.
I'm your father.
And you're my daughter.
All can be forgiven.
Huh? All right, Zinha?
"Zinha," fucking shit!
- [gun fires]
- [Sílvia whimpers]
[screams] You fucking traitor!
You want to kill your fucking father?
What's wrong with you?
You traitor!
[Arruda growls]
You fucking traitor!
[Arruda screams]
- Fuck
- [Sílvia gasps]
[Sílvia gasps]
[groans weakly]
[groaning] Fuck.
- [Arruda gasping]
- [pants and whimpers]
[Arruda groans]
It was you or him, kid.
[Sílvia gasps]
I'm glad it was him.
[Eduardo whimpers, breath trembles]
What's next?
We're lucky to be alive.
[Sílvia chuckles humorlessly]
There's no excuse for what I did.
But at least we got justice.
For Rafael
and for all the fucked up shit Arruda did.
Neither of us have
a clear conscience anymore.
[inhales sharply] No one forced us
to keep the drugs, that was our decision.
We chose this path.
[breath trembles]
It's not that simple.
Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty.
I mean, it wasn't just Arruda
who died today.
I'm gonna have to carry his death
for the rest of my life.
I know.
[exhales heavily]
[Eduardo inhales deeply, swallows]
[Eduardo breathing heavily]
[Joe] Never let the dead
take their gold to the grave.
They won't need it.
You learn a lot when you're in the can.
I should make you a list.
Because you'll probably end up in jail.
Or killed.
You're not in prison or dead, all right?
This is a prison by the ocean.
Or a cemetery for the living.
I won't get locked up or buried.
We had a plan, and if we follow it,
everything will be all right.
- What about your girlfriend?
- She's not my
- What about your fucking girlfriend?
- [sighs]
She wants to get rid of the coke
and get out of here.
[Joe laughs]
That's just fucking stupid.
You do that, and your life
will be exactly like your father's
Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?
Just tell me, please!
I go, I end up like you.
I stay, I end up like my father.
What's the right choice? Just tell me!
- [sighs]
- There's no right choice.
You can go back to Rabo de Peixe
and be a small fish
in a small pond all your life.
Or you can take a leap of faith
and risk getting caught or killed.
[Eduardo sighs]
Listen, kid.
You and I,
we were cut from the same cloth.
We didn't come to this world
to live boring lives.
- [chuckles dryly]
- It all comes down to this.
Get busy living or get busy dying.
So let's get fucking busy already.
I'll get you to America.
But I want my cut.
[laughs] Of course you do.
[lively theme music plays]
[lively theme music continues playing]
[dramatic theme music playing]
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