Alma (2022) s01e07 Episode Script


Look out!
Can you hear me?
Can anyone hear me?
What's going on?
I don't know.
Can anybody hear me? Help!
Can anybody hear me?
Tom, I'm right here.
Who are you?
Am I gonna die?
No, you're not gonna die.
Tom. No, please.
Tom, no, hang in there.
Please, Tom. Tom, please.
No. No, Tom, please, no.
I'm right here.
Deva, come on.
And Alma?
It's not her time yet.
Deva, please, come with.
If you don't come now,
I won't be able to help you. Deva.
They're already here.
What are you looking for?
Deva, don't!
What's your name?
Can you tell me what day it is?
No, you can't go to sleep.
Now, keep your eyes open.
Eyes open.
The worst is over.
Deva, sweetheart!
Pilar! Román! She's here!
We're here, honey! You're safe.
Please, you can't be here.
You have to wait.
- It's all over now.
- Please, you need to wait.
Will you come help me?
The triskelion is the balance.
What about
the place you told us about?
I've been
thinking about what you told us.
My teacher
passed it on to me a long time ago.
What will your next life be?
There won't be more.
This is the last one.
I'm so sorry
about what's happening to you,
but that place is not the answer.
If you've read the book properly,
you'll realize that what's offered
comes at a great cost.
Right now, Aurora,
I have nothing to lose.
Don't open any doors
that you're not certain you can close.
I saw my options
in the hexaspeculum.
I saw the other lives I could have had.
Perhaps you've already had
more happiness in your short existence
than I've had
in several consecutive lives.
But I don't
want to stop being who I am.
I don't want to steal anybody's life.
I mean, it's not right.
I've been given so little time here.
Time is not the measure of one's life.
The moments that you share are.
Who will come for me when it's my time?
I don't know anyone who's died.
No one dies alone, my dear.
Someone has always been watching over you.
My ghost, you mean?
Everything is connected.
It all makes sense too.
You just have to pay attention
when the time comes
and all will be revealed in the end.
Do you see me?
I'm here.
I've been waiting for you.
You're late.
I've been summoning your spirit.
Deva has stolen your body,
but she doesn't know what she's doing.
She doesn't even know who she is.
No need to panic.
I will help you through this,
but we don't have much time.
As of now on, you will wander
between the landscape of your memory
and the world
of those who are close to you.
The living will not
be able to see or hear you,
but you can shape their thoughts.
When you're around them, you need to be
smart to achieve your goals.
Interacting will only cause you pain
and will only get worse
until it depletes your energy
and you disappear.
It is important that you do not waste it.
You will move between different
planes of existence
that do not follow the rules
of the world you know.
Everything will be like a dream.
Do not try to understand it.
Portals like the one that led you here
will take you to relevant places
and to memories
that will help you recover your body.
- How though?
- The same way that Deva stole it from you.
By occupying it when her soul leaves it.
The portals will show you
what you need to know
about the past, present, and future
in order to achieve your goal.
But I don't even know where to start.
I will guide you. You won't be alone.
Go! Go to your most powerful memories.
I will be with you if you need me.
My home.
The portals will show you
the places and the people you love.
Each option will let you
discover important things
about your past,
your present, and your future.
You must choose wisely.
Go ahead.
It's time to find out who you really are.
Somewhere out there ♪
I remember this moment.
Beneath the pale moonlight ♪
Someone's thinking of me ♪
And loving me tonight ♪
- It's in there.
- Who?
- The ghost is in there.
- Let me watch the movie.
You already know it by heart.
Do you see me?
She can only see the shimmer
that indicates your presence.
Can you hear me?
She can't hear you,
but she feels your words in her thoughts.
- Mom, don't you see it?
- What does the ghost look like?
Like this.
Don't do that, it scares me.
You're such a scaredy-cat.
Tell me what your name is.
I'd better not say.
Why? Just tell me what it is.
You can't interact with your memories.
If you try, you will disappear instantly.
You will need to find a new portal.
With love
from your Secret Santa Tom.
- Deva's Island.
- It's a box of secrets.
Are you there?
This isn't my memory though.
If the living focus
intensely on you, they can summon you.
But Lara's no longer here.
Time doesn't exist here.
Go to her, she needs you.
I knew that you'd come.
I've missed you.
I feel like I know you.
Sometimes I think you're me, actually
at the moment of my death,
reliving all the memories
from when I was happy.
I know you're worried,
but know it's all okay.
In your heart, you know the truth.
A part of us is eternal.
Promise me
that you'll be there when the time comes.
Promise me.
Lara, who the hell was that?
You must use your energy
to make Deva realize
that she's inside a body
that doesn't belong to her.
She has to see who she is.
Who are you?
Where am I? What happened?
Your anger
has sent you to a lower level.
Be careful. This place is inhabited
by spirits consumed by pain.
Remember, you won't accomplish
anything good if you are moved by anger.
Is this normal?
He expelled you?
I've seen my future. It's you in the end
who helps bring me back.
In the future?
Many futures are possible.
Where did you see that?
What's in there?
What is that you left unsolved?
And what am I supposed to do?
Your most painful memories
will now give you strength.
So that you will be
strong enough to fight them.
But if you fail,
you won't be able to get out of there.
They're not my memories.
You have to go alone.
When the time comes, just summon me
and I'll help you.
The cave of atonement.
The last and most dangerous
of all the portals.
Your most painful memories await you here.
Do not fear them.
The pain will awaken within you
the strength that you need,
but be careful.
Do not get carried away by anger.
Only love can overcome suffering.
- Why would you want to be with me?
- The secret hideout.
Because you were
You are
Do you like it?
All the moments we picked
and many others from before.
I love it.
I've been reading
about what will happen to me.
You shouldn't read anything.
Are you sure?
So, this is your secret hideout?
I love it.
- Will you let me hang out here?
- My tree house is your tree house.
Look, I know I can come off
a little harsh, but thank you.
- What for?
- I don't know.
Ever since I met you, I feel like maybe
Shit, I'm being really cheesy.
It's just that you
read me like one of your stories.
- Would you write one about me one day?
- Maybe.
If you behave.
I don't know when it started.
And I swear I try to resist it,
but I just can't get Tom out of my head.
I think about him all the time.
I needed to tell you.
You could have anyone,
but you had to fall for Tom?
You're gonna fuck everything up, Deva.
You need to get him out of your head.
I love him.
This isn't you.
I don't recognize you.
"I love Tom"?
The Deva I know
would never say she's in love.
Do you know me so little?
Are you stupid or something?
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Alma, do you have feelings for Tom?
- Don't be ridiculous.
- Do you?
We've been friends for such a long time.
But you have feelings.
- Deva.
- You've gotta be kidding.
That's just perfect, isn't it?
Okay, then. Okay, that's fine.
We'll make a pact.
Things will be like they were before.
Neither of us will go for him.
We're not going to fight over this.
Your friendship matters more to me.
You're just making this up
to screw me over.
Because you know
we could actually be together
and you totally
made this whole thing up to prevent it.
You'd rather I stay your pet, right?
You think I'd really do that to you?
As long as it ends
with you getting what you want,
you're gonna do
whatever it takes to make it happen.
All the moments we picked
and many others from before.
Each one is different,
but they have many places in common.
Including the ones
I've left for Mom and Dad.
The landscape of my memories.
Embrace every moment and share it.
It's the only way
that you can expand the map.
Thank you for being a big part of my life.
I love you so much.
I've been reading
about what will happen to me.
You shouldn't read anything.
Every case is different.
The treatment will work.
But I'm dying.
I feel it in every cell of my body.
And it'll keep getting worse.
In the time I have left,
I'll stop being myself.
No. No, that's not gonna happen.
Please don't.
Give me the gift of a beautiful day
and then help me.
Just let me die now.
I want to leave with a dream
after a happy day.
Look at me.
There's not much left of me.
Are you sure?
I've never been more sure
of anything in my life.
Leave me alone now.
I don't want anyone to remember this.
Are you there?
Can you see me?
But I know you're there.
I knew you'd be there.
You've seen
the most important moments of my life.
You couldn't miss this.
Are you there?
Will you come closer?
I want to get a better look at you
before I go.
If I try, I'll disappear, Lara.
So that was it.
You disappeared because you got close.
I understand.
Will you stay here until I'm gone?
I'm always with you.
is that you?
What do you want from me?
Talk to me!
- Show me your face.
- Don't get carried away by anger.
When the time comes,
just summon me.
Roque, help me.
Expel her! Come back!
- This is wrong.
- You have to!
I can't.
Why am I here?
Because I'm in love with you.
I don't believe it.
Why would you want to be with me?
'Cause you're
the most amazing person I've ever known.
I need you to come back
because I'm nothing without you.
I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me.
I'm so sorry for taking your life.
Please, I need you to tell me
how to fix what I've done.
No, don't go, please.
No, don't leave.
I don't know if you can hear me.
If Nico is telling the truth,
then you're trapped here now.
You'll be stuck in this place forever.
I came to say goodbye
to you
and Lara, to Tom
- Aurora, I haven't lived this.
- To your parents.
Sometimes the portals
will show you the future
so that you are ready
when the time finally comes.
What's your game?
If I were you,
I'd get out of here as soon as I could.
If I scream,
my parents get here in seconds.
What should I do?
It's your choice.
Save her or retrieve your body.
I need to help her!
Be careful. They're going to kill you.
I'm not afraid of you.
Leave me alone.
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