Dealer (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Happy End

Hey, guys, I'm here with my friend Djanel.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, here we are.
This is us right here.
Hey, Djanel, do you
remember my brother's track?
- Yeah, I remember.
- Hit it.
[rapping] Four walls
Wanted me to hang myself ♪
Prison life is tough
Only one way out ♪
The guards creep in
With their scope and that ♪
Tell me if he comes in
'Cause I'm smokin' that ♪
Damn it, I'm a man
And my time is hard ♪
But I serve while I'm getting
Built in the yard ♪
I'll do my time like a man… ♪
I think those are your brother's guys.
[Kylian] Yeah.
Come on, let's go film them.
Huh? No. No, man. You're crazy.
- Why?
- My mom wants me home now, okay.
- See you, Kylian.
- Bye.
Don't worry, guys, I'm not scared.
I'm gonna film the trade.
[theme music playing]
[Tony] Alex, I'm counting on you.
Things are heated right now.
You know, these guys are weird.
All right, we're all set, Tony.
All good?
Okay. Well, be careful, guys. Stay alert.
We got this.
[Moussa] If it goes wrong,
shoot their brains out.
All right.
Hey, what's up, guys?
I'm filming the deal.
Is the hand-off done?
No, not yet.
But don't worry, it'll be fine.
- Just go sit tight and wait.
- All right.
[Alex] No, it's true.
I wouldn't make this up.
Wouldn't make this up.
Seriously? Put your phone away.
- [man] Really, man?
- I said put it away.
[aggressive hip-hop playing on car stereo]
[music stops]
- You've got the stuff for real?
- Follow me.
[trunk opening]
Give me the money, bro.
- Is it all here? Lemme see.
- It's all there.
It's okay, Alex, we're good.
- All good?
- All good.
Okay, let's bounce.
[car starts]
[whispering] This is serious, man.
You sure it's all there?
All there?
Go on, then.
Put it all in the usual place…
Yeah, we'll talk later.
See you later. Bye.
See ya.
You see, bro, what did I tell you?
What did I say?
It's good. It's done. It's all sorted.
We're good, boys. It's all done.
- Now we can chill out.
- That's good, man.
[Tony] Someone tell Houda and the guys
to bring food and drinks.
Let's have some fun.
- Okay, great.
- [Tony] Huh?
[man] I'll text her.
[Tony] Come on, guys, let's kick it.
And you, you'll have a drink too.
It'll help you chill out.
You and your friend here.
I'll bring some hash, have a smoke too.
- You'll be seeing in 3D, man!
- [laughs]
We'll have some fun tonight, boys.
Let's go.
- [upbeat music playing]
- Yo, yo, yo, guys! We are stocked up.
[all cheer]
Look what I got for you.
I made the liquor store man rich.
I cleared him out! Here we go.
- What you want?
- I'll have some Jack.
- A little Jack.
- Jack.
Cameraman boys, what can I get for you?
What you want?
- What are you drinking?
- You want Jack?
- Give him some Jack.
- One Jack, all right.
Hello, hello, boys. I brought a friend.
- Sabrina.
- Hey.
- You good?
- Good.
- Sabrina…
- Hello, hello.
Look at you. You look nice.
Who is this angel?
- All good?
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm gonna need a number to take you out.
- No. Not tonight.
- Wanna go get some ice cream?
- No, maybe another time.
- Why you playing hard to get?
- I'm not playing. I'm just not interested.
Gimme your number.
- Let's get some ice cream.
- I'm not interested. I'm sorry.
[scoffs] Outta my way, you ugly bitch!
- [Houda] Come on, man!
- [Tony] What's up with you?
I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.
You shot your shot.
I haven't left the hood in five years.
What am I supposed to do?
Come on!
[music continues]
[aggressive hip-hop playing on car stereo]
[footsteps running]
- [tires screech]
- [man 2] He's filming!
Come here!
Come here, you little shit.
I'm going to kill you! Come here!
[Kylian yells]
- [camera clatters]
- [feedback squeals]
Tripping, these are our dreams
Aiming for the top ♪
Thomas, try it.
Thomas, go for it!
- Yeah!
- [laughing]
Hey, the track is sick, Tony.
What'll you do if it's a hit?
- If the track is a hit, know what I'll do?
- What?
I got an app called UberWeed.
- International delivery. Sound good?
- I like that.
Hey, why are you laughing?
What would you do?
Me? You know what my dream is?
- It's to marry Sabrina.
- [Houda] Sure it is.
Have four kids with her,
buy a C4 Picasso with all the options,
and a big house, a Yorkie,
and I'm a happy man. It's all good.
You all just play fantasy land?
I take care of my mom.
That's whack, man.
I'm gonna get rich right here.
We'll see where you are in ten years.
Don't say that, Moussa.
We've been in this place for ten years.
- [Moussa] My life is here.
- Forget about this place, bro. Forget it.
Have faith, bro.
It's good.
We're chilling, we're having a good time.
Let's just dream, bro.
It's fine, man.
[French hip-hop playing]
- [Thomas] Franck. Franck.
- Huh?
Come here. I need to talk to you.
We gotta get the camera back from the kid.
[Franck] Oh, yeah. Shit.
What should I do?
Is that one linked up to the app?
- Yeah, I think so.
- Yeah?
Which one did we give him? Four?
[Thomas] Yeah.
Let's see.
Hold on…
- [tires screech]
- [man 2] He's filming!
Come here!
Come here, you little shit.
I'm going to kill you! Come here!
- Oh, shit.
- [Kylian yells]
Holy shit. Come on.
- Oh, fuck.
- Spielberg!
Yeah? What?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
You're all pale.
[French hip-hop playing]
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