Friday Night Lights s01e07 Episode Script


What's after high school, Brian? Me and Matt Brown gonna get our win on in Pasadena.
Get my national championship on.
My Heisman on.
Do you have anyone you're interested in? Sort of.
Sort of.
Well, forget about "sort of.
" You know what? Take her out.
Get her in the back seat of your car.
I don't care.
I love you.
I love you, too.
What do you wanna talk about, Tim? The fact that you're sleeping with your paralyzed best friend's girlfriend? TIM.
' The three of us together can get through anything.
Anything at all.
Waste of friggin' time, huh? Look, I know you hate me right now, and I understand I don't hate you, Lyla.
It'd be a lot easier if I did.
I don't know how to talk to you when you're like this.
I mean, God, it's not even You can blame me if you want, Tim.
You can blame the whole world for all I care.
But if you think being drunk all the time is gonna make this any easier, you're wrong.
It's not cool or charming.
It's just pathetic and gross and I feel sorry for you.
I really do.
Didn't this have a star quarterback? Yeah! Do y'all remember? Huh? I said, "Do you remember?" ANNOUNCER ON TAPE.
' Six seconds to go.
The Panthers line it up for a field goal.
Mize takes the snap.
He fields it clean.
Wait a second, it's a fake! Alpert's open! He's got Alpert! Mize rolling right! Throws.
He caught it! Robbie Alpert caught that dadgum ball! Panthers win State! Panthers win State! RODELL.
' Ladies and gentlemen, all-region, all-district, all-state, Lucas "The Maneater" Mize! Lucas Mize! Lucas Mize! Lucas Mize! You know, that's gonna be you one day, Brian.
Maybe so, little sis.
Maybe so.
Try and sell me human grade for prime I ain't buyin' I'm buzz on psilocybin Spruce Goose It ain't flying Twenty-five-year-old scotch breath Pilot's grounded Hey, I'm Lucas Mize.
But everybody around here calls me Smash.
Smash, huh? You come up with that one on your own? Yeah, well Maneater was taken, so Oh, yeah.
Who was that anyway? The Carpenters or something? Who was that? This guy used to drive every day of my sophomore year, just to work me out on Friday.
I needed the money.
So how are you? How's your family? What's been going on? I'm selling insurance.
I have an insurance agency in Dallas.
In Dallas? I got a sister in Plano.
You got a card? I'll give it to her.
I did, but there's so many people here.
I've been giving them out.
Like this guy.
This guy right here is one of the best running backs in the state of Texas, when he's listening.
Which is very rare.
Come on, Coach.
When he's listening, he's a hell of a running back.
Is that right? Well, you must be feeling the pressure then.
All the alums back, big homecoming game.
It ain't Grady Hunt in the house.
Who? You haven't met him yet? Come on, Coach.
You gotta take care of your boy here.
Come with me, kid.
Take care, Lucas.
All right.
TAMl: Nice to see you, Lucas.
Good to see you, Miss Taylor.
Hunt's been scouting high school ball since before we were born.
He knows all the recruiters.
You make his top-100 list, you're good to go.
He's the man.
How are you, man? Doing good.
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
I got some I can benchpress 270, deadlift 450 and run a 4-3 with pads.
Plus my vert's 37 inches on a bad day.
Last year I got the school record in points scored, TD catches and total offense.
And thing about it is I'm just a junior.
I ain't even got started yet.
I'm a little worried about his confidence.
No disrespect, sir.
I just wanna say flat out.
You got a list, I don't just wanna be on it.
I wanna be number one.
Well, I hope you can play as good as you talk.
Now's your time, son.
Show me what you got.
Thank you.
Who knew she didn't like sushi? Everybody likes sushi, man.
Hey, where are you right now, man? Dude, I'm confiding in you, bro.
What? Just 'cause I have stumps, do I not bleed? Dude.
All right, so you took her to Chinese and Dude, I took her to sushi.
Sorry, man, I just got a lot going on.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Coach.
Hey, how you doing, bud? Hey, what's up? This is Corey.
Nice to see you.
I got potato chips all over.
That's all right.
I'm sorry, man.
My bad.
I'm sorry.
I don't mean to be rude.
Can I get a second with him? Sure, man.
I'll talk to you later, Jason.
It was very nice to meet you.
Keep that thought, all right? I'll, I'll listen later.
I promise.
Thank you.
How you doing? I'm doing good.
Yeah? Aren't you supposed to be at a party right now? No, I was Pudnick tossed up his nachos during the line dance.
It was a pretty messy situation.
Did they shut the party down because of it? No, they didn't shut it down, but they should've.
Hey, listen.
I'm kind of, like, a designated ambassador for the school right now.
And what I'm asking you is how'd you like to come out to the game Friday night? It's homecoming.
I I don't know, Coach.
Hey, look.
If it's too soon or, you know, you're not comfortable with it, I understand.
They really want me there? Hell, son, we all want you there.
Do me a favor, would you? Just think about it.
Let me tell you they made money.
I mean big money.
And they had kegs, they had girls.
And those college kids were paying $20 a pop just to get inside the door.
It was outta control.
Now where was this? Abilene.
City of opportunity.
But I'm telling you it could work here, T.
My buddy made a killing throwing these parties.
What up, baby sis? Hey.
Seriously, Billy, you're still on that? You're a lot of things, but party-planner? Not one of them.
Your sister here's a small thinker.
Big in other areas, but small.
It's a dumb idea, Ass-hat.
In case you haven't noticed, this isn't exactly a college town.
But we have a high school.
It's homecoming.
Everybody's gonna be at the dance.
Can't fight tradition, sweetheart.
Not here.
We'll start a new one.
The anti-homecoming.
We gotta go.
You're too young to be in here anyway.
Hey, "Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose!" Damn.
Hey, man.
Just saw your girlfriend.
She is one tall drink of water.
I can't imagine how you screwed that one up.
I'm good.
Dude, nightcap, SportsCenter.
I quit.
You quit? Since when? Since now.
Sure you did.
We were all worried you might get in trouble for being out all night.
What are they gonna do? Throw me in rehab jail? So, you and Timmy see a lot of each other now? What do you mean? I don't know.
Like at school or practice or around? No, not really.
Pretty much the same amount.
I'm so proud of you, sweetie.
Phil says you're doing better than any patient he's ever had.
Phil told me yesterday to put wax in my hair.
So I wouldn't listen too much what he says.
Does your neck hurt like this? Like I'd tell you if it did.
Probably not.
Would you stop talking about Julie already? You know what? That's just what I do, you know? I pry, prod, I wheedle.
Even when I get a little crazy sometimes, I cajole.
Yeah, but mostly you annoy.
Well, it's as easy as this.
You want to stop? You ask Julie out on a date.
Come on, I'm really starting to worry about you.
'Cause you've obviously got the mojo, but you just don't know how to use it.
You know what I'm talking about? I really have no idea what you're talking about.
What you need is to get the eye of the tiger.
Now you know what I'm talking about.
Boom, baby! That's it! Way to work, Riggins! Way to work it, Smash! Go! Hey, look.
Y'all keep trying, but you ain't gonna catch me.
Screw off, Williams.
Hey, don't hate.
Let's go.
Bring it in on the hop! Come on! All right, listen up now.
Option's just part of what you're gonna see Friday night.
They're gonna have a man in motion every play.
Multiple sets.
They're gonna come in here.
They're gonna try to run and shoot.
Let 'em try.
We'll be ready for 'em.
I don't expect y'all to contain this offense.
I expect you to shut the damn thing down.
Understood? Yes, sir.
All right, let's do it! Break it down! Hey, Coach, wait.
Hold up.
Hey, yo, Hall and Oates! Let's see if you got any magic left.
Hut! Hut! All right, Mr.
Homie, go deep.
Hey, you know you can't throw it that far without your theme music.
Hut! Hut! Nice hands.
Soft as a Tijuana hooker.
All right.
I'll call you later.
So, what do you think? Are you kidding? There's nothing out here.
So nobody can get in any trouble.
Yeah, because nobody's gonna come.
Maybe your sister was right.
Okay, you need to relax, Mr.
That was her on the phone.
She and her friends are gonna be here all night.
Paying 'em $50 a head plus tips.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait a minute.
What are you talking about? Hey, every good party needs a hostess, Billy, and we got 10 of them.
Ten strippers, actually.
I think they prefer the term "exotic dancer.
" I don't know.
What do you guys think? Well, I think it's great the school wants to recognize you, you know? And the town, too.
You deserve this, Jason.
Honestly? Yeah? I think it's too soon.
Wait a second.
Now hold on.
We discussed this.
No, Mitchell.
You discussed it.
It's barely been two months since the accident.
The sooner he can get back to a normal routine, the better.
You think this is normal? Trotting him out in front of 15,000 people? Mom.
Let me think about it, all right? Let's not do this here.
Riggs, you're gonna have yourself a coronary.
Don't stop! Williams! Smash! Smash! Come here.
Grady Hunt left a message.
Wants you to call him.
Tell him about me.
That's right, baby.
Show me some love.
Show me some love, baby! Hey, look, this boy going to Austin.
And don't worry, baby.
I'm gonna bring you back a T-shirt.
How'd you end up in Dallas there? You know, I just sort of did.
Good a place as any.
How big is the agency up there? Can I tell you something? Yeah.
Keep it between us? Uh-huh.
I don't have an agency.
I've just been telling people that because I had to tell them something.
Sophomore year, I blew out my knee, which sucked, but I wasn't playing that much as it was anyway.
Met a girl.
Pretty much lost focus on football.
Lost my scholarship.
Pretty much dropped out.
Never even graduated.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I didn't know.
Coach, listen.
Let me ask you something.
What's that? Could you hire me? Kind of put you on the spot.
I don't mean to do that.
I just I could log tapes, scout I understand.
Carry the damn water bottles if I have to.
I mean, I could look into it.
I can't make any promises to you, obviously, but I can You know, I can look into it.
That's something.
I appreciate that.
TAMl: Hey, babe.
Did I wake you up? No.
Did you sleep at all? Yeah, I got a little bit.
How was your dinner with Lucas? Mmm He asked for a job.
But he's got a job.
He sells insurance in Dallas.
No, he doesn't have a job selling insurance in Dallas.
He never graduated college and he's got a four-year-old son that he hardly ever sees or he's never seen before.
I'm not sure which.
That is the most depressing thing I've ever heard.
I'm not the kid's father.
I don't know why he's coming to me.
Listen, that is for sure.
This is not your responsibility.
I tutored him once.
For one season, six years ago.
You know what the problem is? It's this town, baby.
This town makes these teenage kids into idols.
He's a good kid.
I don't know.
And then they get out of here and everybody's not just giving them something all the time.
They don't know what to do with themselves.
They fall flat on their faces.
It's a shame.
What are you gonna do? He was the head trainer for Villanova.
You've seriously never heard about this? No.
See, you gotta remember I wasn't even born in 1985, old man.
Well, the poor bastard had Lou Gehrig's disease and he was in a chair.
And the whole season before the games, they rolled him out on the court, and the team would come out and rub his head for good luck.
It was sick, bro.
What's wrong with it? Sounds fine to me.
Well, that's 'cause you're an idiot.
Why would you wanna let them make you into some pathetic mascot, huh? It's not a mascot, man.
I'd be honored.
Get that for me? Yes, sir.
If you can move fast enough.
Yeah, you should see me.
Everyone calls me greased lightning.
Whoa! The lovely Lyla.
You can leave that.
That's fine.
What? I'm kind of busy, strapped into a machine right now.
Don't want to talk.
Something's up.
I can smell it.
Yeah, well, it's none of your business.
Come on, what did you do, miss an anniversary? Forgot to thank her for those Rice Krispie balls, didn't you? No.
I didn't do anything.
So little Miss Perfect's the one that's in the doghouse? Interesting.
Well, I'm all ears, QB.
The doctor is in.
Come on.
I I kind of I kind of think she might be sleeping with my best friend.
But But Seriously, I'm probably just paranoid and, I mean, I've been locked I'm changing my mind.
You gotta go to that game now.
You gonna look that son of a bitch in the eye and you'll see what is up.
I don't know.
Golf bores me.
Yeah? Well, I was pretty damn good.
I had three top tens on the Hooters qualifying tour, and if it hadn't been for September 11th, I probably would have gotten my card.
So what? It's the terrorists' fault? No, I'm not blaming the terrorists.
I just They canceled the Texas swing that year.
Right when I was on a roll.
And then it's Christmas time.
My dad leaves us.
And all of a sudden, I got Tim living with me.
It's like I don't know.
"Adios, golf career.
Hello, taking care of your little brother.
" What about your mom? She was a mess.
She spent most of her time sitting out on the back porch sucking down bourbon-and-Cokes, chain-smoking menthol lights.
She was always screaming about something.
You know, in three years, she never once saw me play football? Sorry.
I don't usually whine.
No, it's just It's just funny.
I learned more about the Riggins family in two minutes than I did in a whole year of dating Tim.
He doesn't talk much.
No, ma'am.
You're right about that.
UT, Texas Tech, LSU, USC, Ohio State.
I seem to be doing okay.
Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but any kid that can run 20 yards without falling down gets one of those his junior year.
Now, you need to get serious about this, son.
Treat it like a job.
No, I got a plan.
I'm gonna get a scholarship, I'm gonna go to college.
Then when I turn pro, buy my mama the biggest house in Kerr County.
Sheila gets an Escalade and little sis gets a pony.
Yeah, that's right, Brian.
As far as the physical skills go, don't I got what it takes? Well, from what I saw today, it looks pretty good.
Hard to say yet on strength and size, but Oh, don't even worry about that.
People been saying I'm too small since JV.
Ask my mama.
She'll tell you.
But I've been starting ever since.
It's not the size, it's the heart.
Well, I reckon that's what this game's for.
I'll be watching.
Then you'll see.
Smashball, baby.
Is there nowhere we can go to get away from homecoming? I mean, so what? You've graduated.
Now you're fat and old.
There she is.
Right there.
You know, I really wish you'd just work with me, Romeo.
I mean, come on, just go forth and multiply.
So, what do you think? I just I don't know.
It just seems a little fancy.
Shut up.
That's the whole point, to make it seem all mysterious.
I like 'em, okay? What kind of party are you trying to throw here? It's gonna be a good one.
Hey! Look who it is.
What's going on there, Rocky? Look, it's the new and improved Tim Riggins.
Clean and sober for what, about 24 hours now, huh? What are you doing here, Tyra? Nothing.
Nan called from the office.
Says she hopes you're feeling better.
I took a sick day, Tim.
It's not a big deal.
Look, all we're doing is planning a party, Tim.
I mean, not that it's any of your business.
We broke up, remember? I remember.
Show him the flyer.
Since when did you quit drinking? Actually, you know what? Keep your flyer.
You guys have fun.
I think you should come.
' I don't know.
I just don't know if I'm ready to face everybody yet.
You know? It's embarrassing being the center of attention and all.
Like you're not used to that.
For football maybe, but not for being hurt.
I mean, come on, it's like, "Hey, everybody, come check out the freak show.
Don't feed the animals.
" It's not like that.
People just want to see you, you know? I want to see you.
Is that right? Mmm.
So what are you wearing? Stop it.
Come on.
Kermit or Miss Piggy? Oh, my God, that's eighth grade, you dork.
I don't know.
It's Sometimes I wake up on Fridays and I go to grab my letter jacket, you know? I'm sure it'll make my dad happy if I go.
I mean, he's only called a bazillion times tonight trying to convince me.
And I guess you want me to go, too? I just told you I did.
Why wouldn't I? All right.
All right, I'll go.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
Everything'll be fine.
McGILL: You want one or two tight ends during the game today? Lets go two.
We gotta go two tights on them.
You wanted to see me? Yeah.
Hey, you guys give me a sec, would you? Hey, how you doing, Luke? Good.
How's everything going with you? Good.
How you doing? I'm doing fine.
We're a little stressful around here.
Hey, listen, I can't hire you.
I'm sorry.
You know, budget's tight, and, you know, there's just no room for another assistant right now.
That's just the way it is.
Did you even ask? Yeah, I sure did ask.
You know, that's the process and, you know The process is what it is.
We're three games into the season right now.
We can't afford another assistant.
That's the fact of the matter right there.
You know, you go on out to another school, you ask around.
Something comes up Coach I'm more than happy to help out.
I need this now.
Well, I understand that.
If it was the beginning of the season, it'd be a different story.
But it's not.
That's just the situation.
You know, I'll keep my ears open for you.
I'll do what I can for you.
Don't hold your breath.
Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you.
Good God, Tyra.
We've gotta have an open bar.
Yeah, but don't you think it's a little much? We already ordered 16 kegs.
Actually, it was 22.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What? The worst thing that can happen is that we run out of booze in the middle of a party.
We're not gonna have time to come running back here.
Yeah, I know, but So get with the program.
We want this thing to be a hit, we gotta think big, okay? Just trust me on this.
What you doing? We got a game, Coach.
I know, in about four hours.
Yeah, I'm just trying to get my mind right, you know.
Do my thing.
Hey, Coach? Mmm? Hey, what you know about this Grady Hunt guy? Grady Hunt? Grady Hunt.
I know Grady Hunt has a list of people like you on it.
To look at.
Why? Everybody says he has the power to make or break you.
He ain't no Jesus or nothing, but he's coming.
It's just a lot, that's all.
Let me tell you something.
You're a prospect.
There's gonna be a lot of Grady Hunts coming in and out of here the next few years looking at you.
Think so? I know so.
And I'll tell you something else.
Grady Hunt is not gonna make or break number 20.
You are.
You go out there tonight and you focus on this game.
You focus on this game alone.
You'll be fine.
You understand me? Yes, sir.
Yeah, you right.
We're all good? Yeah.
All right.
All ready.
All right.
All right.
We need these over there, boys.
All right.
Set them Don't hurt yourself.
We got lots more to go.
All right? Yeah.
' It is homecoming, Panther fans, and have we got a good one for you here tonight! Sammy, you can just feel the electricity here in the football stadium.
And Laribee has taken the field and this crowd is rocking as we wait for the Panthers.
' And here are your Dillon Panthers! MAN ON P.
A ' Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome tonight's honorary Dillon captain, number six, Jason Street! Jason! Jason! Jason! Let's go! Come on! Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! ANNOUNCER.
' Welcome back to tonight's district match-up.
Dillon trying to get past that forfeit to Arnet-Mead because of Ray "Voodoo" Tatum.
And the Panthers need a win to keep their playoff hopes alive.
Now, it's gonna be a very emotional night with the return of Jason Street to Herrmann Field.
And word is out Grady Hunt is in the house to see Smash Williams do his thing.
All right, let's go! Lock and load! Let's play ball! Thirty-eight.
' Opens left.
Reverses field.
It's an option! He pitches.
No, he keeps it! There! This kid has got some wheels.
And a big gain for the Laribee quarterback.
Forty! Hut! He's got room.
He's hit hard at the line! And he's in for a touchdown! And just like that Coach Taylor's gonna find himself down seven points.
Come on! Show us some of that sweet Smash! Yeah! High right wide.
Flip 28 zone.
On one.
Ready? Break! ANNOUNCER.
' Okay, Panther fans.
Let's see what Smash has brought.
Hut! Saracen takes the snap.
Hands the ball off to Williams on the right side.
He turns the corner.
Oh! And he gets pasted.
Baby? Saracen's got Williams open on the left flank! Oh! He just plumb drops the ball.
I tell you what, he had nothing but blue skies and open fields between him and the end zone.
Williams gets the ball and he powers up the middle for six yards.
Late in the second quarter.
Panthers with a fourth and one on their own 45.
Saracen hands the ball off to Dolia.
Whoa! Wait! It's a reverse to Smash Williams! Smash Williams just can't seem to get on track tonight.
This Panther team has been shut out in the first half, and Coach Taylor needs to circle the wagons and find some answers fast 'cause this is gonna turn into a massacre TOM.
' You guys gotta wait on making those reads! McGILL: You understand that? Then quit squeezing in on those traps! Let's go! Right now! We're losing out there! What the hell's going on? Coach, look, they're not holding their blocks.
I can't get around 'em.
You are running into your own protection! The holes are open.
Why are you running into your own protection? Coach, they Why aren't you being patient? Read the blocks, hit the gaps! Read the blocks, hit the gaps! Yes, sir.
The problem is Look I'll tell you what the problem is, Smash.
The problem is the guy out there with the damn clipboard.
That's the problem.
That's the problem.
You don't play for UT.
You play Dillon Panther High School football and you play for me! So forget the damn list! I'm gonna make it up to you.
Yes, you are! 'Cause if you don't, I'm gonna make some changes out there! I promise you that! ANNOUNCER.
' Starting this second half here, and these Panther fans without a whole lot to celebrate on homecoming so far.
Down 10 points, we're gonna see how many touches Smash Williams'll get.
This your home! He takes the snap.
Williams gets hit hard again.
And fumbled! The Lions pick it up! Go! Go! Go! And they are not gonna catch him.
And that is a touchdown for the Laribee Lions.
And just like that, folks, the Panthers are down here in the third quarter, 17-0.
I don't know what's wrong.
This team is just struggling tonight.
They continue to be out of sync.
Oh! And Smash Williams has just thrown his helmet to the ground in frustration.
That's it.
We're going with Riggins.
All right, 42 swing pass on one.
Ready? Break! And Coach Taylor has Tim Riggins lined up as the low tailback.
Blue ready! Hut! And the ball is given to Riggins and he picks up a quick 10 yards! Riggins again up the middle.
And he bulldozes his way in, and it's a touchdown! Panthers! And with Riggins as the new go-to workhorse tonight Come on, let's get fired up out there! Dillon can't be stopped.
Let's do it! Get 'em! Let's go! I want you! Let's go! Hands off to Riggins.
Go! Touchdown! Touchdown, Dillon Panthers! And Taylor may have finally found his answer in the power running of big Tim Riggins.
Go! Come on! Riggins picks up a good block.
And it's a touchdown! Touchdown, Dillon Panthers! Way to play, Riggins.
All right, listen up! Listen up.
Y'all ought to be real proud of yourselves.
That was a hell of an effort tonight.
It was a hell of a game.
I don't know how in the hell he did it or where he came from to do it, or what have you.
But I know who this game ball goes to.
That was one hell of a game.
Thanks, Coach.
All of y'all, that was one hell of a game! Yeah! Speech! Panther pride! Speech! I I'm not very good at this kind of stuff, so Coach is always talking about one team and one heart.
And to be honest with you, I thought it was I thought that was stupid.
Fact is he's right.
He's right.
Everybody in this room knows who where we get our heart from.
And he's sitting right there.
This ball belongs to you.
Take it.
I love you like a brother.
Like a brother, Six.
What are y'all staring at? Y'all played a hell of a game! Go party! He had a great game.
Well, don't you say one word to your brother.
I mean not one word.
Just wait here.
Wait here.
Baby, it's okay.
It's just one game.
I blew it.
I blew it.
I had my one chance and I blew it.
I didn't even touch the ball the second half of the game.
Look, everybody knows that I'm this family's meal ticket.
Now, that's crazy talk.
You know better than that.
You know it, I know it, and this whole damn world knows it.
Look, I'm sorry, but I just I need to be alone.
Brian! Little brother! What is up, man? Hell of a game tonight, man! Thank you.
Why don't you come back in about four years? I'll give you one on the house.
Think maybe I could get that in writing? You're cute.
I'm cute? I gotta be up early, son.
I'm sorry, sir.
I don't mean to bother you, but I was just wondering if there's any chance I'm gonna make that list.
You had a rough time out there tonight.
Yes, sir.
I did, but I didn't get my touches and They don't wanna hear excuses.
No, sir.
To be honest, I'm worried about your strength and size.
So what you should work on is lifting and conditioning.
Yes, sir.
I appreciate that.
I'm gonna keep on pushing, but I was just wondering if I'm gonna make that list.
Comes out in January.
Thank you.
It's gonna be $20 a pop.
Man, people are wearing my ass down.
That's the Red Bull and vodka.
They're either gonna pass out or run a marathon.
Hey, what's going on? Not much.
Is this the safe zone? Yeah.
I know, these people are crazy.
So, it must feel pretty good winning the big homecoming game and all.
Will you go out on a date with me? Um Maybe.
Or not.
I mean I just thought I'd throw that out there.
But it's probably a bad idea.
So how'd we do? Sixty, seventy, eighty.
Four thousand, six-hundred eighty dollars, which comes out to A whole lot of damn money for throwing a stupid party.
This is unbelievable.
So let me ask you a question.
How do I know you didn't pocket a little bit of extra cash when you were letting people in through the door? Same way I know you're gonna share those tips you made at the bar with me.
Come on, baby.
You got game film.
I'm coming.

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