Happy Town s01e07 Episode Script

Dallas Alice Doesn't Live here Anymore

Previously on Happy Town We're having a party this weekend.
Perhaps you'd like to attend.
You're just trying to pull one over Peggy Haplin.
(Greggy) You just went against the wrong broad.
- I need to get into Weeping Wall.
- (Merritt) That can be arranged.
Why is it so important to you what I saw at the ice shack? State Police.
- You're a cop? - I'll be watching you.
- Bye bye.
- Dave Duncan killed my husband with a railroad spike through his head.
I wanna know what you're gonna do about it.
There were seven cages.
Put the rifle down.
The Magic Man is still out there.
(Cocks rifle) (Train whistle blows) (Roger) Hey, Tommy.
- Not now.
- (Roger) Tommy.
- Look, I'll be with you.
- We don't want a scene.
All right, this one's gonna make a scene.
What is it? I've been poking at this thing in my mind you know, like you do with a sore tooth with the tip of your tongue.
Of all the places Dave Duncan could have hidden from the law why did he run to your family's lake house? - Well this isn't really the time or place to talk - It doesn't make any sense, that's the thing.
Nothing about that day makes any sense.
The truth is, Dave wasn't thinking straight.
When I found him, he was talking all kinds of crazy about dead birds.
Some twisted old stump in an underground pit where the Magic Man kept his victims in giant cages.
But you didn't see any of these things? The pit, the cages? I spent over an hour searching through the woods with Dave, looking for this hole in the ground, but we didn't find it, cause there was nothing to find.
So what are some of your men doing out at Lake Spirit if there's nothing to find? What are they looking for? Hey, we're being thorough.
Look, Tommy's been through 3 days of debriefing.
- Nerve's a little raw here, okay? - You know what I think? I think you knew Dave Duncan killed Jerry Friddle and you didn't know what to do about it and while you tried to work it out the guilt just tore your buddy Dave up inside till he couldn't take it anymore and then in a desperate moment you ended up having to shoot him.
That's some story.
I got one for you now.
It's about a deputy turned sheriff who never fired his gun in the line of duty.
Never even unholstered it.
Till the day that he shot his best friend dead.
Now that's a tragedy, Dan.
Worst part is, unlike your yarn, mine is true.
And I have to live with that forever.
We're done here.
(Man speaks indistinctly) (Eli) Hey, Shell, it's me.
(Shell) Hey, Root Beer.
Anything? Nah.
No giant earthen pits here.
If the Magic Man is hiding his victims up at Lake Spirit, you'll find him.
It's just gonna take some time.
They could be long gone by now.
If they were ever here in the first place.
It sounds to me like Big Dave didn't have all his marbles in the end.
(Man speaking indistinctly) Anyway, I'm moving the uh moving the team in to the next quadrant.
I'll let you know if anything comes of it.
All right, well, you'd better hurry.
- Funeral's starting soon.
- I'm.
I'm not going.
You're not? But he was your friend.
Big Dave was a murderer.
I don't I don't feel comfortable honoring a murderer.
All right.
Oh, dear.
A dodgy button that won't do.
Not for my first visit to Weeping Wall.
Oh, let me.
Thank you.
Consider it a repayment for helping me crash Peggy Haplin's party tonight.
I took the Weeping Wall tour yesterday.
Oh? What kind of person has a docent give complete strangers a tour of their home? Someone with excellent security.
The entire east wing is off limits.
Cameras, guards, I'm sure there's a snake pit or two back there.
That's where we'll find the hammer.
Well I'm sure I can get you through the front door all right and keep Peggy Haplin properly distracted.
- But the east wing - Mm That'll require some doing.
Peggy Haplin is going down.
(Door closes) We missed Carol at yesterday's "Daughters of the American Revolution" meeting.
Well she wasn't feeling well, so It's important that all the Haplins be present tonight.
The event is already teetering on the edge.
Certain D.
members think gathering in Haplin is unsafe.
I arranged extra security and I think that seems to have quieted the naysayers for now.
I do hope Carol will be feeling better by then.
Unless you can invent a time machine which would prevent her from eating the tuna tartare at Rita's, then no, she won't be there.
Besides, what do you care whether she's going to be attending or not? She is the D.
secretary, John, and she hasn't been at church in weeks.
These things do not go unnoticed.
Am I not allowed to worry about my daughter-in-law? Your concern is about as genuine as those plastic plants you are so obsessed with.
So if you'll excuse me, I think I'll just go back to tending to my sick wife.
Of course, a sick wife.
Nothing concerns me more.
Carol will be missed tonight.
(Crows cawing) Are you okay? You look pale.
I'm fine.
So where is everybody? I think a lot of people had mixed feelings about big Dave in the end.
(Man) Thank you all for coming.
The Duncan family hopse you all share in the comfort of knowing their beloved David has gone back home.
I'd like to read a passage of scripture to you.
"And on that day, they would sing this song.
The time is coming in the land of Judah A strong city have we.
He sets up walls and ramparts to protect us.
Trust in the Lord forever.
The Lord is the eternal rock.
" I gotta I need to take a walk.
- Are you okay? - Yeah.
I just need to take a walk.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven Hey Ma.
It's all changin', Ma (Sighs) You've only been gone five years, but it's all changin'.
I tried to hold on to the Haplin that you knew and loved, but it's slipping away.
I keep looking for someone to blame, but all I can see is Dave's big goofy smile.
He did this.
Big Dave spilled the blood, and brought the darkness back.
I just wanted to thank you for finding Jerry's killer.
You really shouldn't be thanking me.
I always knew you would be the one to find him, Tommy.
You and I are kindred spirits.
We both have someone we love just snatched away from us in unnatural way.
I lost Jerry and well, you lost your mom.
My mother died from the stroke.
So they say.
What what does that mean? It's nothing.
It's just I'm so sorry to have bothered you.
Thank you, Tommy.
I'll always be grateful.
The doc says you're doing all good, Pop.
(Sighs) A millimeter here, a fraction there, they all seem to think it's gonna add up to something.
But I'm not so sure.
Hey, how was Big Dave's funeral? Well, not a lot of people showed up.
I did run into Donna Friddle though.
How's she holding up? - She said something about Ma.
- What's that? She insinuated that maybe Ma died from something other that the stroke, something unnatural.
(Exhales deeply) Tommy.
When your mom died, at first I was convinced it was murder.
Murder? Why am I just hearing about this now? Cause I was trying to protect you for one.
It was my way of dealing with Alice's death.
I needed someone to blame.
There wasn't anybody.
The autopsy report was conclusive.
She had a stroke and fell down the stairs.
It was a freak accident.
I had to accept that, son.
And you should too.
This town has enough mysteries.
Your mother death needn't be one of them.
(Grunts) I haven't seen him all day.
I ain't seen Greggy this bad since Lauryn Ward disappeared.
Yeah, well, Lauryn Ward never strung him up in a barn and pummeled him with a mallet like the little pint of piss Henley did.
(Ronald laughs) Girls are nothin' but trouble.
(Vehicle approaches) And don't you ever forget that, Baby Boy.
(Engine turns off) Well, boys, what do you think? Nice car, where'd you steal it? Nah, I didn't steal it.
I bought it.
With what? Do right by Peggy Haplin and Peggy Haplin does right by you.
I think Peggy Haplin's a witch.
Sometimes in my dream, she chases me around the yard.
(Laughs) Well, how about come and take a ride on the broomstick she bought us, eh, Baby Boy? - Yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Come on.
Come on.
Shotgun, Womper! Oh! You suck! (Starts engine) - Strumpet.
- Harlot.
Ladies, please.
- Your language.
- Oh, Dot.
We're just having a gab.
No harm in that.
(Women laugh) I think it's unfair for Peggy Haplin to shoulder all the blame.
After all, it takes two to build a chase.
Perhaps we should be directing our venom at Mr.
Grieves as well.
- I say scoundrel.
- No.
Our Mr.
Grieves is too much a gentleman to deflect a full frontal assault from Peggy Haplin.
That's all.
- Well, he's just being polite.
- You know what I think? I think you ladies should step up your game.
Show him what a real full-frontal assault looks like.
Ooh! I like that.
(Women laugh) Well, I, for one, am through pining after Merritt Grieves.
Peggy Haplin can have him, for all I care.
He's just a foppish dandy.
Well, I'll bet the accent isn't even real.
(Door closes) - (Whispers) Oh, here he comes now.
- Rose, you just (Teacup rattles) (Irene, Esther, Joanie and Rose) Ahh.
- Oh, my God.
- Dreamy.
(Door closes) I love him like the flowers love the rain.
(All laugh) (Tommy) Hey.
So, huh Do you know Dan Farmer? - He's with the State Police.
- No.
Georgia, is everything okay? (Rachel) Time to eat.
Thank God, I'm starving.
(Jazz music playing) (Indistinct conversations) Well, hello.
So glad you could join us.
Well, thank you for inviting me and what a beautiful house! (Chuckles) You're seeing Weeping Wall at its finest.
It's usually not so grand as it is tonight.
I feel like something of an interloper as the only Brit at a (Chuckles) "Daughters of the American Revolution" event.
(Laughs) I'll protect you.
(Chuckles) So long as you stay close.
Let me introduce you to some friends of mine.
That would be lovely.
- Mr.
Merrit Grieves.
- Merrit Grieves.
(Rustling) Come on.
Dead birds.
Come on.
Where is it? Dead birds.
Dorothy Meadows.
You found the dead birds, didn't you? What did you see, Dorothy? What did you see? Andrew, look after you mother tonight.
I'll cover at Weeping Wall.
- Maybe I should go instead.
- No, no, no.
It's fine.
I'll handle your grandmother.
Besides, you're better with your mom when she's like this.
Screw grandma and her stupid party.
- You should be here.
- I need to find Addie.
What? I'm worried I'm never gonna see her again.
I need to see her face, John.
I know.
What is that? They're what he sent after he took her.
Ma, you kept them? What would you have me do with them? The police are doing everything they can to find Addie.
I want you to call Dr.
Have him refill your mother's prescriptions.
You just need to rest a little bit.
And I'll be back later on, okay? Dad.
(Door opens and closes) I'm sorry you're not on the list.
The name is Smith.
Can't you spell? S-m-i-t-h.
(Merritt) Josephine.
There you are.
You are late.
I told you not to be late.
Well, you told me you'd get me a pony when I was 6, and you're little late on that promise.
You don't see me bitching, do you? I only apologize for my daughter's rude behavior.
Come with me.
Wasn't so bad, was it? That was the easy part.
Good luck, Miss Boone.
- You clean up quite well.
- Thank you.
See you soon.
Georgia, we need to talk.
(Increases volume) Don't ask me, my boy.
How should I know? Georgia (Lowers volume) (Increases volume) Hey What's gotten into you? (Mutes TV) I think the house might be bugged.
Why would my house be bugged? Dan Farmer is the one that drugged me.
Dan Farmer? State Police's Dan Farmer? He kidnapped me and Andrew too, he lives out in the woods up by Saddleback Cliffs, in some creepy trailer.
And he drove me and Andrew miles out of town, tied us up and interrogated us.
He admitted to drugging me that night at the hospital and to drugging Carl.
Does that sound like normal police behavior to you? I am telling you the truth.
Dan Farmer is not who you think he is.
Then who is he? He's the Magic Man.
(Bell tolling) Hey, Tom.
(Police radio chatter) That Dan Farmer's personnel jacket? Yeah, I reached out to a friend of Griff's in St.
Tommy, that's a confidential file.
What are you doing? It's like Farmer didn't exist before 2000; when he transferred to State to work the Magic Man case.
- Well, he had to come from somewhere.
- He did.
But every partner of supervisor I tried to contact has either moved or died.
I couldn't find one person who actually knew the guy.
(Paper rustles) Is that from hospital security? Yeah.
So what is it exactly we're looking for? I don't know, but we'll know it when we see it.
- Is that Georgia? - Yeah.
And that's Dan.
He looks crazed.
I mean, this was filmed before he came to Haplin to help out with the Friddle case.
Well, clearly, he arrived in Haplin, before he arrived in Haplin.
All right, I'm gonna go talk to Dan.
Count to 30.
Come find me.
Hand this to me and say, "This just came in.
" If I'm right, Dan'll head out.
Then take an unmarked car and follow him.
I want to see where Dan goes.
Hey, Dan.
Listen, I'm I'm sorry about this morning.
Uh, things got a little hot.
I know you're just doing your job.
Not a problem, Sheriff.
I'm pretty sure you were just doing yours, too.
This just came in.
- Great.
- What do you got? Uh, it's a report about an abandoned trailer out by Saddleback Cliffs.
You want to take a ride and check it out? Hmm.
I'll pass.
I've got a few things to take care of.
- Night.
- Night.
(Exhales deeply) (Door opens) (Door closes) (Indistinct conversations) (Piano playing light jazz) (Film projector whirring) (German language) [Definitely.
Then when Inke knocks the door.
[Nothing is here as it should be.
[We can't leave her there.
[Out and not protected.
(Man yodels) [Please, understand it.
(Woman speaking german) [What do you suggest?.]
[We need to protect ourselves from him.
(Metal clanking) [There is nothing we can do.
[He exists only in the darkness.
[And he rests in the shadows.
(Steam hisses) [Is that good to know?.]
[His power is eternal.]
[Which one?.]
[A black smooth rises on pressure.
[Examine a black raven.
(Man) All right, that's enough.
[Bora, bora, that tickles.
- Come on.
Come on.
- Henley Boone.
Welcome to Weeping Wall.
[This is the death sound.
[What about Schmidt? Can he try it?.]
If you wanted to see the inside of Weeping Wall, you had only to ask.
We give docent tours every other Thursday.
I took the tour.
It left me unfulfilled.
I like to discover things for myself.
For instance, I found out that Greggy Stiviletto works for you.
And I'm quite sure you arranged for his early release from prison.
I bet you're also wondering whether I arranged for him to seduce you.
I'm sure that is the subject of much turmoil in that pretty little head of yours.
The questioning "Was it all just a sham? Every kiss, every caress? I thought he liked me.
I did.
I did.
I did.
" My only question is, do the good people of this town know that their Grand Dame is such a demented old spider? (Clicks tongue) Didn't you mother tell you it's rude to disrespect your elders? Oh, my mother told me lots of things.
By the way, Susan says hello.
She knows you've been looking for her, and that's why you will never, ever find her.
Take her to the guest house so we can continue our conversation later.
I'm sorry dear.
I have guests, and they need their demented old spider.
(Starts engine) Where are you? He's pulled into the quickie serv on Route 8, going towards Saddleback Cliffs.
He's heading to his trailer.
What do you want me to do when he gets there? Just one step at a time.
Stay on his tail.
Let's see where he takes us.
You got it.
(Engine idling) (Click) (Click) (Lighter hisses) (Click) (Lever rattles) (Unlatches seat belt, shifts gear, opens door) (Sign squeaking) (Liquid gurgling, gas pump chiming) (Click) (Loud explosion) I lost him.
What happened? (Siren wailing) He pulled in to the quickie serv, then just he just disappeared.
I mean, his truck's still here, barely, but no sign of Dan.
He must have seen me.
Looks like you were right about him.
Now he knows we're looking for him.
(Indistinct conversations) Dad.
- What are you doing here? - Um, it's Mom.
She's gone.
- What do you mean she's gone? - The phone rang, and I went to go answer it, and Mom was in the kitchen, and when I got back, she was gone and so was her car.
I thought you weren't going to be able to come tonight.
John said you weren't feeling well.
Actually, it's my mom who's not feeling all that well.
It's all this renewed talk of disappearances.
I'm sure it's bringing up all kinds of old ghosts.
Mom, please, have the decency not to refer to my daughter as an "old ghost.
" You're not fooling anyone, John.
I know Carol is sick with more than just a tummy ache.
If you lack the salt to get her the institutionalized help she should've gotten years ago, I will be more than happy to intervene - for the sake of the family.
- "For the sake of the family.
" I'm so sick of hearing you talk about the family.
It' is not a family, Mother.
This is kabuki with caviar.
You don't care about us.
I mean, for you to care about us would mean that you would have to have the capacity to actually feel something.
Oh look.
Here's Sid and Lee Manning.
There she goes.
There she goes.
Of course, all smiles.
And she thinks it's your mother who's in need of mental help.
Come on, let's go.
All right.
Listen up, everyone.
We're looking for Dan Farmer.
I want all available deputies out on Route 8.
Get there, set up a command post.
I want a 5-mile perimeter around the quickie serv.
With the exception of law enforcement, emergency, nobody gets in or out without passing through a checkpoint, you understand? (Claps hands) Come on, people.
You hear the man, let's go.
I've been trying to get Captain Frost up at State on the phone.
No luck.
Keep trying, and put out an A.
on Dan Farmer.
- Get his picture out on the wire.
- You got it, Tommy.
Take this file.
You're hiding from your guests? My artificial plants died because I did not pretend to water them.
I'm sorry.
I've been a terrible host.
Oh, it's been a - very enlightening evening.
- How so? So often the things that we do for others go unnoticed, and yet we still do them.
Why? Not for the recognition, but because that is who we are.
And I think tonight I have seen a little of the kind of person that you are.
- No.
- No? I haven't kissed a man quite a long time.
Trust me, it will be just how you remember it, only better.
(Heart's "Magic Man" playing) Whoo! (Magic Man playing on radio) (Stivilettos) Winter nights, we sang in tune, played inside the months of moon.
Never thing of never, - # let's this spell last forever.
# - (Ronald) Yeah - Good to have you back, Bud.
- Good to be back, Womp.
(Heart singing) (Stivilettos) Mama said on the phone, "Too soon to lose my baby.
" "Yet my girl should be at home.
" But try to understand, try to understand.
Try, try, try to understand she's a magic man.
Ow! Watch out, watch out, watch out! Watch out! (Tires screech) What the hell are you doing? (Cocks gun) (Truck door closes) Everybody out of the truck.
You're a dead man, you know that? Do you have any idea who I am? Sure I do.
You're the guy that French-kisses the asphalt.
What? (Grunts) See? Who are you, you crazy bastard, huh? They call me "Gazpacho" 'cause I like my soup cold.
(Heart's "Magic Man" playing) (Truck engine starts) The grounds are beautiful.
Of all the places I've been held prisoner, this is by far the nicest.
By the hair really, pal? Ow! - Don't sass me, little one.
- Ow.
(Whack) (Grunts) (Thud) Oh, dear.
I seem to have lost another button.
That's waht you get for fighting in a tux.
No, I believe I lost it entertaining the old Mrs.
Spare me the details.
- Did you get it? - Oh, yes.
(Plastic crinkles) You were right all along.
I play decoy, you play the thief.
This isn't exactly my first time around the mulberry bush, Ms.
Boone, no.
Oh! What did you do to them? Not my first time at all.
I must tell you, I'm not usually in the habit of showing the place - this late at night.
- I appreciate it more than you know.
The motel had no vacancies, and I really didn't want to drive all the way to Crescent View.
I have eight borders at this time, including myself.
And the only rule of the TV room is - the first to arrive gets to drive.
- Yeah, good.
(Chuckles) (Grunts) (Thud) I like to drive.
(Train whistle blows) (Whimpering) Come along, Dorothy.
Quit on me now, I promise you I'll leave you out here.
I've told you everything I know.
I believe you, Dorothy, especially now I see that stump over there.
Come on.
Bet you never thought you'd be back here after you filed that police report.
Who files a police report on dead birds anyway? It was a mix of of crows, sparrows, swallows, finches, robin red breasts, grouse, even a gull.
Strange to see such a variety of birds in one place, let alone all of 'em dead! People think I'm a freak.
Come on! (Crying) Well what do we have here? Come on! (Birds chirping) All right, come here.
Come here.
(Whimpering) Ladies first.
You're him, aren't you? If by "him" you mean the man with the plan, then yes, I am.
Now get down there, bird-watcher, before I throw you down.
I will keep you updated.
Yeah, I I hear you.
Thanks for the call, Captain Frost.
All right.
Paul's none too pleased we've launched a manhunt for one of their own.
This flyer's getting distributed over the tri-county area.
We're getting tips as far as Duluth.
We're gonna need all the help we can get.
- Daddy! - Hey, Emma C.
What are you guys doing here? Is it true about Dan Farmer? Hey, Emma, want a little sody pop? - Yes, please.
- All right, come on, let's go.
It's it's just too early to say anything No, I I'm not interested in talking to Sheriff Conroy.
Tommy, is Dan Farmer the Magic Man? I honestly don't know.
(Voice breaks) I want to look him in the eyes.
I want to see the face that no matter how hard I try I can't remember.
(Sniffles) Quiet.
(Cicero cries) (Gasps) (Cicero cries) (Cicero streeches) Hello, Cicero.
Been a while.
(Water dripping) (Birds squawking) (Man speaking indistinctly) There's dried blood down here, Dorothy.
(Gun fires) (Man speaks indistinctly) Please.
Help me please! Help me, please.
Get me out of here.
Get me out of here.
What the hell's going on? - He's the Magic - What the hell's going You're the guy the cops are looking for.
All right, just take a deep breath.
Everybody just needs to calm down.
(Cicero cries) (Gunshot) (Grunts) What happened? I just shot the Magic Man.
(Telephones ringing) We caught him in his underground pit.
- Did you say "underground pit?" - Yeah, with cages and bones.
(Eli) Guys, get him off his feet.
I am not the Magic Man.
I'm the cop that's gonna bring him in.
And if if you were any sort of cop, you'd know that.
Shell, let's get an ambulance in here now.
I was so close so close (Knock on door) Good as new.
What's wrong? I just had some terrible news.
A friend of mine from Manchester has had some kind of an accident.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- So is he gonna be all right? - I don't know.
Was he a close friend? Actually, Xavier was a protege of mine, until we became rivals for the same woman my wife, Kendall.
When she became pregnant, she chose me.
It was never really clear whether Xavier or I were Simon's father.
It didn't matter to me.
I had a wife and a child, both of whom I cherished.
When Simon was kidnapped Xavier and I put aside our differences and vowed to find him.
And ever since then, we've worked from separate ends towards the same goal of reclaiming our boy.
Tell me, is is there anything I can do or No, thank you, Henley.
I appreciate the offer, but this is something I must do on my own.
And I'm sorry I won't be there to see Peggy Haplin get her just deserts, but, uh, the game seems to have changed for me for the time being.
(Telephone rings) (Beep) Hello.
(Whispers) Oh.
(Normal voice) I hope your friend recovers.
(Door opens) Yes? (Door closes) Are you sure it was Merritt Grieves that helped her escape? What did I say to the girl about Greggy? "And I bet you're wondering if I arranged for him to seduce you.
I'm sure that is the subject of much turmoil in that pretty little head of yours.
The questioning Was it all just a sham? Every kiss, every caress? I thought he liked me.
I did.
I did.
I did.
" Do you remember when Addie gave this to me? It was grandparents' day.
When she looked at me, I really felt like the world's best grandma.
If Addie were here now, do you think she'd look at me the same way? I don't think she would.
I think she'd know that I'd changed, that everything had changed.
(Sets down trophy) So what did you have in mind? I want to change everything.
This is the last time I want to look at this face.
I want to be blonde with a little curl to my hair.
And I want porcelain skin.
I want to be unrecognizable.
Can you do that? (Telephones ringing, police radio chatter) (Woman speaking indistinctly) Excuse me.
Do you know where I can find Tommy Conroy? Yeah.
That's him right over there.
- begin questioning.
- (Woman) Ronnie, line two.
- Excuse me.
Are you Tommy Conroy? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Your mother was Alice Conroy? Yeah.
What's this about? We got a lot going on here today.
What is that? This is the hammer that Peggy Haplin used to kill your mother.
michelcz, chamallow, SignZ, verdikt, HI captions by Arcinboldi
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