Ironside (2013) s01e07 Episode Script

Minor Infractions

Aah! It stinks in here.
They see a man get shot, First they say it, then they do it.
Well, they popped the driver to keep eyeballs on their guns.
That's all they saw.
No one was even looking at their faces.
- You get up! - No, no, no! - Dust around the hydraulic doors.
Perp had to lean forward to hit the release.
Guys! Guys! Let go of me! Guys, help me! Guys! - Yeah, this is a tight crew with a lot of experience.
Come on.
Had control from the moment they hit the door.
Loops and whirls.
Index, ring, and palm.
- Don't get excited.
They're not in the system.
- Yeah? How do you know that? They didn't wear gloves.
- Stop! stop! Help me! - What do we have on our kidnap vic? - Jumped on the bus right after practice.
Two guys got on and dragged ruben away.
He was screaming.
He was we didn't even Look, they had guns.
Everyone's scared, relieved, glad it's not you.
It's not your fault.
- What did the kidnappers look like? - I don't know.
They had on these, Uh, see-through masks.
I couldn't really tell without looking hard.
Black, white, latino? - They were white guys, carrying sig two-tone 228s.
What, I know a sig when I see one.
Halo, call of duty, navy seals.
Yeah, you would, freak.
- Hey.
Watch your mouth, kid.
- The kidnappers, they say anything? - Not a word.
It was creepy.
- So, what can I tell the white shirts? - you tell 'em I just got here.
Maybe detective phipps has an opinion.
- Uh, kidnappers made a mistake.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
I mean, private school parents have deep pockets.
Combined wealth, a 1/4 billion and change.
Now, after-school programs are rigid and supervised, Except for the short window Of travel time between appointments.
So, uh, crew team boards at chelsea piers, And who do they take? Ruben perazzo.
Scholarship, average grades, Lives with his granddad in red hook.
- Don't these kids usually take limos, car services? - No, I took the train every day.
My old man thought it would motivate me.
Yeah, to do what? - Make enough money not to ride the train.
see how that worked out? All right, we're done.
Take the kids back to the house.
Just the kids? - Rest of the passengers were just furniture.
That is, if you're finished? Public snatching, at gunpoint, is a message.
Lots of kidnappers use guns.
- Strictly business, you're gonna grab the kid off the pier, A bus stop, or on a date.
Heavily armed muscle storming a city bus? Aah! That's overkill.
- Okay, so what's the statement, and to whom? - Figure that out, we find the boy.
No, no, no! No, no! - 1pp will need updates until we do.
- 1pp.
Either we get ruben back In the first 48, or we probably never will.
â™a You told me to give him my o- I'm not I'm not mad.
Mad? I'm having a dumb conversation.
- Uh, headed to red hook with taru.
Ransom demand comes in to ruben's grandfather, What do I tell him to say? - beg for time.
Abduction is their business, they'll expect it.
And pay attention to the caller's voice.
Is it aggressive, is it calm, is it enraged? - Like now? You sound mad.
- Anything else on ruben perazzo? Yeah, two years ago His parents raised hell about Drug traffic on their block.
Dealers responded by pouring gasoline Under the perazzo front door and burning his parents alive.
Perps are serving consecutive life at ossining.
- Bad guys could have friends looking to get even.
Ask grandpa if anything's been off the last few weeks.
- I don't care! They need to come home now! - Strange faces in the neighborhood Maybe familiar ones.
What the hell? - Parents of the kids we brought back.
- I need to get him home instead, So he can do his homework.
We've cooperated long enough.
I see two parents.
We've got three kids.
- Eric campbell, the not jock, His mom's in philly at a conference, And his dad lives in L.
I think they're sending the cleaning lady.
Talk to your people.
Tell 'em it's gonna be a long wait.
- Do you know who I am married to? All right, guys, come on.
Help me with this table.
let's go! All the way back, In the corner.
Something wrong with your legs? - When can I go? I gotta bounce.
Too bad.
Ditch the tablet, help me with these chairs.
- Hey, that's mine! - When we're done.
- I mean anything.
Answering phones, filing.
Hell, I'll clean out the urinals If I can get the hell off viper duty.
- All right, let me see what I can do.
- Yeah, all right.
Hey, I'll get out of your hair.
Thanks, ed.
- Yeah.
- Hey, bob.
- Hey.
What's with the chairs? - It's a thought experiment.
What's going on with gary? Um, your plate's full.
A call came through the switchboard for you From elkton federal correction.
Who's franklin robert? - I don't want your house, frank! - You grew up here, your grandfather built it, It's mortgage-free.
What's your problem? Built with dirty money.
Running booze and book for the purple gang.
- Then sell it.
It belongs to you.
Quick claimed on your 13th birthday.
That's thug life 101.
Put your assets in a family member's name.
- Hey, pops left the house for your mother.
She left it to you.
- You ladies almost done? The game's on.
I was done a while ago.
- Hey, where'd you play hockey, frank? Quebec.
I racked up 135 points, 60 goals, 75 assists.
- And the nhl could care less, right? Yeah, not until the late '70s, When my knees were blown and I was too old to play.
Screw 'em.
Hey, why didn't you just stay up north, go pro up there? - 'cause my girl was having a baby.
Why take a boy with no money? Drug dealers made my grandson an orphan.
I'm supposed to take care of him.
If these men call, I don't have anything.
We're not supposed to bury our kids, never mind grandkids.
- Kids are a lot stronger than we give them credit for.
Look at what ruben's already lived through.
He's a fighter.
That might be all the edge he needs.
Bang! - Come on, come on, come on.
All right, stop.
Did the gunmen stop? Did they look at anyone else? - No.
No, I don't I don't think so.
They looked at no one else? - No.
- Where was ruben? Uh, between us.
He just sat down when they got on the bus.
- Right here? - Yeah.
- So he changed seats.
Where was he sitting before? He was talking to eric.
- Talking to eric? About what? - Oh, nothing.
He, uh, wanted a pencil.
Ruben asked you for a pencil? - Yeah.
You want one? She here for you? Yeah.
- Okay.
All right, everyone, thank you.
Teddy, get 'em out of here.
- Right.
Ruben leaves his friend To ask the loner for a pencil.
Tail him.
His tablet's telling him to go somewhere.
- Mother sends the help to pick him up.
Don't underestimate the bond Between a boy and his housekeeper.
- Lately, my kid's been mouthing of.
If I don't check him, that's on me.
Eric has every luxury except a mom and a dad.
He's 15, not 5.
- That's when they need you the most.
- Kid goes in with a backpack and out with a gym bag.
Does he seem like the workout type to you? - If somebody is chasing him, maybe.
- Don't even think about it! - Hey, hey, stay right there! - You don't understand! You've got to let me go! Let the boy go, citizen.
What the hell? - Police.
Get your ass down here, now.
- Well, why didn't you say so? - Get off me.
- Hey! - I said, get off! - Eric, relax.
- You're ruining everything.
- A hero's got to obey the law just like everyone else.
- Fantastic.
Up against the wall.
- Unh.
- They're gonna kill him! What are you talking about? Who's gonna kill him? Comic books? Well, it seems pretty clear to me.
Either you're part of a crew Or you got duped by a 15-year-old boy.
- No, I didn't know it was a ransom drop.
Logic bomb asked me to deliver a bag, that's all.
Logic bomb? - We try not to use our secret I.
S In the real superhero league.
All right.
Myron burton, 25, substitute middle school teacher, Parkour instructor.
Aren't you a little too old to be playing dress up? - No one's ever too old to do the right thing.
Look, eric asked for my help.
I said "no drugs," he swore that the bag was clean.
It's just comics.
I checked it myself.
- Who were you supposed to deliver it to? - I don't know.
The drop off was central park, Alice in wonderland.
You're not a superhero.
You're a mentally unstable man wearing a mask and tights.
Seek help immediately.
- Hey, put on some gloves or they stay in the sleeves.
You must be confused.
We don't take orders from you.
- Choice.
Silver age marvel.
You seem to know what you're doing.
- How long are you gonna keep me here? - Why don't you start by telling us who snatched ruben? How you're gonna ransom him with comic books? Why they contacted you in the first place? Or maybe this is a game to you.
Is that it? You just don't care that some jock is gonna die, 'cause you were the smartest kid in the room? Hey, ruben is my best friend.
Okay, I tried to help.
You screwed it up.
- First, he asked for a pencil, now he's your best bud? Which one is it, eric? - I want a cheeseburger.
Kitchen's closed.
- My office.
- You're his number one detective.
- Why are you questioning a minor Without a parent or counsel? - We haven't asked him any questions yet, sir.
- Don't get cute.
It doesn't work with your boss.
Sure it does.
Don't let me stop you.
- We intercepted eric campbell making a ransom drop.
He had over 100 grand in vintage comics.
That's a new one.
Hitting up the classmate for ransom? - Think about it.
It's kind of smart.
He's easier to scare, Access to high-dollar goods, And less likely to make a rational decision.
- This kid's no kid.
He's a repeat offender.
Campbell's mother got a judge to seal his record, But the charges trace back to cyber crime.
Lead detective kept his notes.
Look at the date.
Kid was 12 at the time? - Yeah.
- Eh, well, he's a hacker.
Eric must have messed with the wrong people, Got ruben snatched.
- He's been getting demands from The kidnappers from the start, In plain view, in our house.
- But he erased his tablet.
- Techs might be able to retrieve some of the data, But it's gonna take time.
We've got no way to contact the kidnappers.
Ruben's life hangs on eric telling us everything he knows.
- Okay, charge the kid with obstruction, You can't talk to him without a lawyer, And family court isn't speedy.
- That's why I was trying to get teddy to go get his mom, Before you jacked him up.
it's password protected.
It could be anything.
Life's traumatic, unstable.
What's the first thing you see when you sit at the computer? Column on his parents' death.
Diego and lila.
- No.
Mom and dad.
Computer's fried.
- It was working this morning.
I saw ruben on his email.
Why'd he erase it? - Eric, probably deleted it remotely.
Any comics in his room? - Hidden under a stack of magazines.
They look old.
- All right, bring 'em in with you.
Get a warrant started on eric campbell's computers, Email, and phones.
- Did something happen? Have you found ruben? Not yet.
Hey, where'd your grandson get the comics? A friend gave them to him.
That's a generous friend.
This one's worth just under 6 grand.
- Are you accusing ruben of something? I'd like to find him first.
- Is this regina campbell's office? Great, thanks.
Really appreciate it.
Euro plus 0.
And don't waste your time talking about pesos.
Detectives burke and phipps.
Your kid's in trouble, and you're not taking our calls.
We'll pick this up later.
I sent someone.
- His friend was kidnapped this afternoon.
People pointed guns at him.
That boy was his friend? - We've been holding eric for hours.
You didn't notice that? - Holding him for what? - It would be better if you came with us, And we can all talk about it together.
- Any calls come in, forward them to my cell.
no, please! - I want to know frank's deal with the feds.
Grand jury subpoenas, indictments, warrants.
What do you mean, "no"? Gary, I need the file.
I've got less than 24 hours.
Just trying to figure out your game there, frank.
Why don't you save me the trouble? Which one of your cronies is getting pinched first? - I'm no snitch.
Hey Look, I thought we were gonna spend the day together, bobby, And really talk.
- Memory lane? You want to go down memory lane? How many times did I come home and find you sitting here In a puddle of piss and vomit, And I dragged your sorry, drunk ass upstairs And put you in bed every night, And I got punched in the face for it.
I was a kid when mom died, and you fell apart.
I became the parent! - You got to let that go, son.
It'll eat you alive if you don't.
- I've been trying to shake you for years, man.
Whenever the cops came over here looking for you And you weren't here, they squeezed me instead! - Well, it must have made an impression on you, 'cause you couldn't wait to be one! - I jumped at the chance to be everything you're not.
Now, who did you rat out for this deal? No one important, bobby.
Hey! You ever gonna answer your phone? You have a call from elkton F.
I satisfied? Amazing fantasy 15.
went for auction At $1.
2 million.
I wonder if the guy who bought it Appreciates the abject morality of the tale.
I wonder if you do.
- A true hero can only be born through great tragedy and loss.
- Eh, that's debatable, kid.
- Okay.
So, like, secret identity? Jet packs in your chair? maybe if someone built you A suit with, like, a nuclear spine.
Would you wear it? - Doubtful.
Radiation burns.
Maybe, with some lead shields.
Robocop, 2.
0 - Fighting evil, chasing bad guys, saving citizens.
- Well, with great power comes great responsibility.
- Written on the narrative panel of the last page Of the first spider-man.
- Yeah.
- yeah.
- Yeah, not many people know that.
Or, I mean, like, Everybody thinks uncle ben said it to peter parker.
- Actually, stan lee was inspired by voltaire.
Who? - The french thinker who lifted it from jesus.
Luke 12:48, "whomsoever much is given" - Yeah, all right, my grandma took me to church.
Anything stick? Hey.
- Oh, isolation, no social skills, high iq, So Autism? - There's nothing wrong with eric except a big brain And mild A.
- He's going to M.
next year.
- Yeah, no.
Yeah, probably not.
Now, don't get me wrong, he's smart.
But he's tangled up in an abduction, maybe even murder, And we both know it connects back To his appetite for hacking.
Now, I know he promised he'd stop.
the boy can't help himself.
He's good at what he does, And he's smarter than he was four years ago.
Convinced himself he wouldn't get caught.
Is he under arrest? My only concern is getting ruben perazzo back alive, But your son needs to tell us what's going on.
- A police officer said almost the same thing four years ago, And I believed him.
Didn't hesitate to jam up a 12-year-old Just to clear his case.
I will not make that mistake again.
- I think they snatched his one friend Because they don't want to just make him pay.
They want to punish your son.
I think we need a lawyer.
- I had a feeling you'd say that.
Search warrant, for your home, All computers and wireless devices within.
I'm sorry, mom.
You always are, eric.
- Do you have to take everything? I mean, my mother has nothing to do with this.
You ever use her computer? Holly.
What does what does this mean? - It means they know where you live.
Delivering a body part says they're losing patience.
- So am I.
- You have all the answers.
- What should have happened hours ago.
We take your son into custody.
He doesn't cooperate, he goes to jail.
I'll need to see an agreement.
- Sure, we'll let the lawyers hash it out, While they cut off more pieces of ruben perazzo.
I'm sorry about that boy.
I really am.
But eric is 15.
- And you're not really sorry about that boy.
Virgil, let's take him back to the house.
keep your mouth shut, eric.
Do not say a word until I can get a lawyer.
- Why aren't you coming with me? Ow! hang on.
Where did you find those hard drives? I haven't bought new hardware for months.
They were in eric's room.
It looks like he built them.
Mom, please! Eric, for once in your life, Do what I tell you.
Someone will be there in an hour, maybe two.
I promise.
So? come here.
You remember that time we got wired For that buy bust in bed-stuy? You asked me about the scar across my back? You want a hug? - I never knew what was gonna set my old man off.
What screwed up thing he was gonna do next.
- What the - bob.
I took everything that he dished out, But the waiting was the torture.
- Like waiting for you to hand over my old man's file? Come on, man.
- Or like dangling absolution you never intend to give? - Hey, hey, a guy who tells his old man to rot in hell Is in no position to give me advice.
- Hey, my old man doesn't care what I think.
Yours does.
quit torturing the guy, bob.
Either cut him some slack or cut him loose, One or the other.
He's turned himself in for you.
- Kid's been sniffing you out as alpha Since we brought him in the first time.
I thought you were the alpha.
- I am, but not with kids with daddy issues.
Go in and turn him.
- And throw out the rulebook on interrogating minors? - I don't think ruben perazzo's gonna care, do you? Who do you want to be when you grow up? What? I'll be in silicon vall - Not what.
Picture yourself, eric.
When you're 20, 25 years old, What kind of man are you? - I don't know.
- No, you don't, eric.
Now picture that same guy living with the fact that he kept quiet While his best friend got killed For something that he did.
- My mom said I should wait for a lawyer.
Yeah, she did.
- I found the guy on a hacking site, Looking to buy codes to siphon credit cards.
He'd steal from the bank, I'd piggy-back the distro servers, Skim the haul, and we cleared, like, 150 grand.
- Which you and ruben blew on comic books.
We didn't blow anything.
They're the same as cash, and untraceable.
So, who's the guy? - I only know him as "mammon 2013.
" You gonna help us find him? I'll try.
- How did he turn the cards into money? - Cash transfers, mostly.
- Okay.
I mean, if he were careful, He'd move from card number to card number So the banks wouldn't be able to shut him down too fast.
How long would that take? - Multiple core drives, linux operating system, And no breaks? Like a day.
16 hours if you're jammin'.
- Can you show me their transactions? - Well, I can show you the accounts.
I can't tell you which transactions are theirs.
Battery global credit cards.
That's your mom's bank, right? - Yeah.
Easy access and a tantrum, All at the same time.
Give the kid your seat.
- I can do it.
- I tell someone else to follow the money, You want to argue with me? Get up, come on.
- You've got a lot of dead files.
- Hey, don't mess with my settings.
- All right, guy's in some crap-hole, short term location.
Can't go far, has to milk the credit cards before they go bad.
Glued to the chair in front of a computer, what else do you do? - Video games.
- You're 15.
All hackers are.
Give me the credit cards that ordered High-end electronics in the last week.
Of course! You order in girls.
"milk and honey.
" Mid-priced tail.
And you know that because? - You left your receipt on the desk.
- Hey, kid.
Just that one.
Just that credit card.
What else do you do when you're stuck in one place? Huh? Food, caffeine, sugar.
- Delivery, food delivery.
Pull it up, pull it up.
- There's a lot of that in the last week.
You've got chinese, pizza, and chinese again.
Wa wait a second, celia's is in bayside.
The card holder is in manhattan, right? Find out where the food went.
police, don't move! Go, go, go, go, go! Clear! Clear.
- It's okay now.
It's okay, it's okay.
Back room is empty.
No sign of the other two.
- Call the bus.
Yanko dambulev.
Formilitary turned mercenary.
Robbery, assault.
Interpol red notice issued Right after I.
Let him into The country and forgot about him.
Look at his eyes.
They're all the family he has.
- This guy's not gonna flip on his crew.
Everything in the house says three-man crew.
- The two shooters left the dim one behind.
- Dambulev's known associates all served in his unit.
Some died with their C.
In iraq.
- Where are the rest? - Scattered.
Uh, terrorism task force Is running the names through interpol and immigration.
- I like this guy.
Standing apart from the men, Got his back turned.
That belt feeds 100 rounds.
He's overcompensating.
Sander danko.
All right, um, multiple red notices.
Wanted for assault, domestic battery, And transporting stolen goods.
Oh, last seen in toronto, in January.
Believed to have crossed over into the states right after.
So, it got too hot in europe, Moved his base of operations here.
Fresh start.
We got the hostage back.
He's gonna run again.
No, not right away.
A guy like this, takes over a bus midday, Feuds with a 15-year-old, he's not gonna let the kid win.
So, reach out to eric, tell him to email this animal.
We'll just we'll bait him, one more time.
Mom's not gonna go for that.
- We went around her once before.
Don't worry about it.
Can I get a minute, sarge? Sure, come on.
- I don't feel comfortable with this.
- With what? - You don't use a 15-year-old And not tell their parent.
- You were okay with it yesterday.
- Ruben perazzo was a hostage yesterday! This is completely different.
Eh, I don't see it that way.
- That's because you don't have kids.
Your discomfort is duly noted.
Now go do what I ordered you to.
- Problems? - Nothing I can't handle.
You want to tell me about gary? The job's bouncing him around From one bad assignment to the next.
He's looking for a home Until he gets his head on straight.
- Doing what? - I don't know yet.
You okay with having him around? Yeah, sure.
- I don't like that catch in your throat.
Gary deserves a home.
- Just maybe not under the same roof as yours.
Ruben looks okay.
Yeah, he wants to spend time with his grandpa.
I get it.
- Give him time.
He'll thaw.
- It's okay.
I'm used to it.
So, listen.
We think we might have a line on mammon 2013.
But, um, we need you to reach out to him.
Keep him online so we can track him.
You want me to talk to him? Yeah.
But we'll tell you everything we need you to say.
And I'll be with you the whole time.
Wha what if you don't catch him? All right, like, what if he finds out that I'm I'm trying to help you? You can say no, But the truth is, You ripped him off.
He's probably never gonna leave you alone.
What did my mom say? And, where is she? - That's a good question.
Where is she? Hi.
- Tough few days.
- Yeah.
- I grew up in bensonhurst when it was so mobbed up, The feds had a revolving wire tap.
Makes me the resident goomba expert.
Sarge is always sending me to talk to people I'd love to never see again.
it's not all I am, But it's part of who I am, And I couldn't shake it if I tried.
But why would I want to when it helps me do my job? - Is this a nice way of telling me to get over myself? I wasn't trying to be nice.
When sarge stops busting your ass, Then you ask for a transfer.
- Okay, so what happens if mammon doesn't take the bait? - Well, we have ruben.
He has to settle for you now.
He only went after him to get to me in the first place.
- No, no.
Ruben got greedy.
He went back on his own to steal from him again, And told him you'd pay the ransom.
Wha how do you know? - How'd mammon know ruben was your friend When everybody at school didn't? All right, offer him brand new credit cards With 12-hour windows.
We keep him on long enough so we can track his location.
- No, no, say, "no.
" - hey.
Listen to me.
Tell him you're afraid.
Go ahead.
It's a peace offering.
- Okay, - he expects youa work? Hto be nervous,.
Scared, and ready to haul ass.
I'm covered.
Do you really think I can do this? I think you have to.
It's your mom.
Teddy, what's our status? The guy's escalating.
Office is a fish bowl.
There's no outside windows, And too may friendlies inside, all of which our target can see.
- No evac? - E.
Has low confidence.
- Tell 'em to stand by.
I'll make something happen.
- It's okay.
We wait for everyone to leave.
Please, don't kill me! Police, don't move! - Aah! Unh! - Stay down! Show me your hands! you're all right, kid.
- You're okay.
- A switchblade? The right tool for the job.
Give me his phone.
- Are you okay? Come here.
- Got it.
- You did a good job.
Teddy, tell E.
The perp's coming out The door in 30 seconds.
Nypd! Stop where you are, drop your weapon, Or we will kill you! Feds are already on the D.
To make a deal, Forget the hacking.
They want to recruit the little criminal.
The kid skates again.
Next year, eric will forget any of this ever happened.
comes with being 15.
- Maybe why I never had time for kids.
- What the hell are you talking about? You got three.
- You have terrible aim.
I'm just telling you.
That's not even how you throw a rubber band.
- You looking for a transfer too? And let you off the hook? - You came to me for this assignment.
You knew what you were getting into.
You were wrong today.
Bad guys forced us into your plan, you got lucky.
But you were dead wrong.
- Every time I show up for work, I get lucky about something.
And every time you cross over from rockland county, You're not a dad anymore, You're a cop.
My cop.
See, that right there Tells me you have no idea what it means to be a father.
We've got some time.
You want to grab a bite to eat first? No sense in dragging it out.
Let's get it over with.
Too bad we don't get to pick our parents.
my old man was a bastard, too.
- I don't know, I kind of liked pops.
'cause he wasn't your father.
- So, why'd you turn yourself into the feds, frank? Why now? - Seems like the best way to get out of the game alive.
I flip, there's a whole lot of bad people Who would come after you.
I'm free, your career stalls.
Any way you slice this, I'm a liability to you.
Always have been.
About damn time I gave you something else besides life.
â™a - â™a I hope you grow up to become that everything you can be â™a â™a that's all I wanted for you â™a young un, like father, like son â™a â™a but in the end, I hope you only turn out better than me â™a â™a I hope you know I love you, young un â™a â™a like father, like son â™a drop the top on the '71 â™a with my face in the clouds â™a lord, spare my son - hello? - Collect call from detainee, franklin robert.
Do you accept? - â™a lowriding, bangin', ready to die â™a - Sir? - Yeah.
â™a track number one Yes.
- Okay, please hold while I connect you.
â™a Hi, dad.
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