Max & Ruby (2002) s01e07 Episode Script

Max Cleans Up/Max's Cuckoo Clock/Ruby's Jewelry Box

[theme song playing]
Max and Ruby ♪
Ruby and Max ♪
Max and Ruby ♪
Ruby and Max ♪
[man] Max and Ruby.
[woman] Ruby,
and her little brother, Max.
[children] Max and Ruby!
[children giggling]
[Ruby reading]
[peppy music playing]
[Ruby] Max!
It's time to clean up.
There's a place
for everything
and everything
has a place.
We can clean this up
for a start.
[instrumental music playing]
Your Rock-Crusher
Dump Truck
goes outside
in the sandbox, Max.
Books go in the bookcase.
Your bedtime books
are nearly
all cleaned up, Max.
That's the last one.
A place for everything
and everything in its place.
I've stepped
on something sticky.
That's disgusting!
Wonder Bubbles
go into
the rubbish, Max.
And now let's see
what's under your bed.
[instrumental music playing]
[bubbles popping]
[tube splooshes]
Your ant farm ants
have escaped, Max.
Back home they go.
Now you know
where all your
wind-up robots are.
What's that smell?
Max, something is
in your underwear drawer
that should not
be there.
Bad egg, Max.
Into the trash bucket
it goes.
What else do you
have in here?
Max, what's oozing out
from under
your cupboard door?
Your popsicle has melted
all over your
Quack-Quack Duck, Max.
[squeaking and quacking]
It's a good thing
I'm here to clean up
with you, Max.
At least all your
wind-up bugs
are in their bug box.
Put your bugs
with the rest of your
wind-up toys, Max.
I'll make your bed.
Your pillow
is in your toy chest
and your toys
are in your bed.
No gum on a string, Max.
Into the bucket it goes.
[instrumental music playing]
Now pay close attention, Max,
because our work
is almost done.
Look, Max, your room
is all cleaned up.
Oh, I guess I missed some.
Doesn't your room
look nice now, Max?
What's in your pocket?
[Ruby reading]
[instrumental music playing]
[clock dings]
That's Baby Huffington's
favorite toy
cuckoo clock, Max.
Every time
the two hands come up
to the top of the clock,
it goes "cuckoo."
I know you like
the cuckoo clock, Max,
but we're not here
to play.
We're here to help
Mrs. Huffington.
Okay, Ruby, it's time
for my garden
tea party guests
to arrive
and it's also time for
Baby Huffington's nap.
And it's my job
to put him to sleep.
That would be
a great help.
Now you're sure
you'll be able
to manage, Ruby?
You can count on me,
Mrs. Huffington.
Where's Baby Huffington?
He's in his room.
But I don't think
he's asleep yet.
Well, he will be
when I'm finished with him.
Thanks, Ruby.
I'll be right out back,
if you need me.
Well, Max, we'd better
go do our job.
You can't play
with the cuckoo clock.
We have to put
Baby Huffington to sleep.
The cuckoo clock will
just wake him up.
Come on, you can help me.
Hello, Baby Huffington.
Do you know
what time it is?
It's nap time.
-That's right.
And we're here
to make sure
you go to sleep.
Right, Max?
-[clock dings]
-[Max] Cuckoo!
[clock cuckoos]
Max, no cuckoo clock.
Come up here
where I can keep
an eye on you.
I know just what to do
to put a baby to sleep.
I'll read
a nap time story.
First, you have to lie down.
Then I'll tuck you in
nice and snug.
Let's see.
In all these books,
there has to be
a good nap time story.
"Nap Time for Bunny."
"It was Baby Bunny's
nap time
and Baby Bunny
was very, very sleepy.
Just like you.
In fact, Baby Bunny
was so sleepy,
he just couldn't
keep his eyes open."
[baby chattering]
What are you
doing up?
Max, you can't play
with the cuckoo clock,
especially in here.
It's Baby Huffington's
nap time
and the cuckoo clock
will make
too much noise.
[whispering] We have
to be very, very quiet.
Let's just put this
up here
where little
brother bunnies
can't reach it
and go back
to our nap time story.
Come over here, Max,
and help me
put Baby Huffington
to sleep.
You sit here
and listen quietly, okay?
Now you lie down again.
And I'll tuck you in
nice and snug.
Then I'll read you
more of the story.
Now, where was I?
Oh, yes
"Baby Bunny was so sleepy,
he just couldn't keep
his eyes open.
So he lay down
in his bed
and snuggled up
under the blankets
and he yawned
a great big yawn."
"'That felt so good,'
he thought."
[Max] Cuckoo!
What are you doing?
There's only one way
to make sure
you don't play
with this cuckoo clock.
I'm going to put
the cuckoo clock
on one side of me
and you on the other.
That way, I'll be able
to keep my eye on you
and the clock
at the same time.
Now, Baby Huffington,
it's way past
your nap time.
What am I
going to do with you?
I know, I'll sing you
a lullaby.
Now you lie down again.
Lullabies are made
for putting babies
to sleep.
Go to sleep ♪
Go to sleep ♪
Go to sleep, little bunny ♪
Go to sleep ♪
Go to sleep ♪
Now that sleepy time
Is here ♪
Oh, dear, what am I
going to do?
[clock dings]
With all this cuckooing,
I'll never get
Baby Huffington to sleep.
[snoring softly]
Oh, look, he's sleeping
like a baby.
I just thought I'd check
and see how
Oh, I see you've
discovered the secret
to putting Baby Huffington
to sleep.
[Max reading]
[truck horn honking]
So beautiful!
[truck horn honking]
[truck beeping]
Even more beautiful.
Oh, there it is.
The most beautiful.
Max, you know
you're not allowed
to look in my special
jewelry box.
See this Queen of the Nile
It's going to be
the center stone
in the Princess Cleopatra tiara
Louise and I are making.
Unh-unh, Max, not my
special jewelry box.
Come on,
you go play
with your own toys
while I finish my tiara
with Louise.
We'll be in the living room,
if you need us.
[scissors snipping]
Look, Louise, this is my
Queen of the Nile emerald.
Won't it look exotic
in the center
of our tiara?
It's beautiful, Ruby.
What we need
is some glue
to stick it on.
Oh, I'll have to go
back upstairs for it.
Okay, I'll put
some tin foil
on the crown
while you're gone.
What are you doing?
That's my special
jewelry box
in my room.
You have to keep out.
And your toys, too,
okay, Max?
I think what we need
is a "keep out" sign.
Now I'll just tape it
on the door.
This is my room, Max,
and this is
a "keep out" sign,
all right?
All right?
Oh, no, I nearly forgot
the glue.
Didn't you see
the "keep out" sign?
Well, what does it say?
It says "No!"
and "This means you!"
Here, I'll read it
for you.
This means you!"
All right, Max?
All right?
Now back to your own room.
Play with
your own toys, Max.
I've finished putting
the tin foil
on the crown. Hurry!
Okay, I'll be right down.
Look, there's your
favorite Rock-Crusher
Dump Truck.
You love that truck.
[instrumental music playing]
It took you a long time
to get that glue.
I'm sorry, Louise,
I had to make a sign
to keep Max
out of my room.
[sighs] Little brothers.
How does our
Princess Cleopatra
tiara look?
It's going to be
positively luxurious.
Do you know
what we really need?
Some sparkles.
You're absolutely
right, Louise.
I'll go get some.
Get down, Max.
Did you forget about
the "keep out" sign, Max?
It says, "No!
This means you!"
I'll put the stool back
in the bathroom,
where it belongs.
And you go back
to your room,
where you belong.
You have
a roomful of toys
to play with, Max.
You don't need
to look in my
special jewelry box.
Remember, Max,
"No! This means you!"
I can't wait to see
how these sparkles look
on our tiara.
I think Princess Cleopatra
will approve.
Me, too.
[instrumental music playing]
What was that?
Oh, Max!
Look what you've done.
What does the "keep out"
sign say?
That's right, Max.
And who does it mean?
[theme music playing]
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