Mercy s01e07 Episode Script

Destiny, Meet My Daughter, Veronica

I think we should just go ahead and start without her.
Sweetheart, take it easy.
She said she'd be here.
On the other hand, commitments aren't exactly her thing.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.
These fami deals kinda blow without Mike around.
He's no Angel, but still she really broke his heart.
I blame that doctor guy.
All right, enough of the gossip already.
We're a bunch of sorority sisters! Can't we just live and let live? I'm just saying we're sitting here waiting on her it's immature.
Where is she? I wanna open this so bad.
So, baby, what are you doing tomorrow night? Nothing with you unless you take me out to dinner first.
You wanna go get some sushi in the city? I don't know.
Do you think we'll have anything to talk about? God, I have to go.
I'm late.
- What? - I traded shifts.
I'm serious, I can't go.
I look like the world's saddest raccoon.
Come on, one hour.
In and out.
You get Jim and your brothers, I'll get your mom.
It'll be a hit and run, like a bank job.
- They all hate me.
- They don't hate you.
Well, okay, they all love Mike.
Well And you know what, he's a lovable guy.
What, they don't think I love him too? But he won't even return my calls, so what am I supposed to do? You just give it time.
Oh I should just go die alone in a cave.
You look like you already did.
Let's go do this.
Let's go see my family.
To Mike.
He's a hell of a guy.
To Mike.
To Mike.
Oh Please don't let me interrupt your toasting of my estranged husband.
Just in time for the real toast.
All right, can I have your attention, please, Everyone? Yeah, not sure this is a great idea, pop.
Oh, sweetheart, please.
I have been standing on chairs with a drink in my hand since I was 12 years old.
Aah! Whoa! I'd like to propose a toast to my son Oh, stop it! Well, you know, him.
The scrawny fella with the stupid hat.
At any rate, uh, here's a toast me old dad taught me: to live above with the saints you love, ah, it's the greatest glory.
But to to live below with the saints you know, that's a different story.
Oh! - Dad! - Oh! - Flanagan down.
- Shut up, dumbass! Talk to me, dad.
Are you okay? I'm I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Aw, damn it.
Not the cake.
We made a special trip to carvel for that thing.
Okay, could you hold still for me, pop? - Oh oh! - Okay, Tim, call an ambulance.
I bet you're glad you came, huh? Oh, yeah.
Wouldn't want to miss this.
Hey, so whatever happened with that fireman you hooked up with? Petey? Oh, nothing.
I mean, we had a fun night, and that was it.
That was it? You just left it at that? Yeah.
It was crazy, Angel.
But I know I'm not the first girl to have hot fireman lovin' with him.
And it was hot.
But he didn't ask for my number, and I'll probably never see him again.
But you know, I'm I'm fine with that.
- He's right over there.
- What? Oh, my God! You didn't tell me, you jerk! What is he doing here? When a fireman pulls a kid out of a fire, he rides to the hospital with him and keeps him calm.
- Oh, that is so - Hot? Yes.
Very hot.
Tell me about the sex again.
It was like making love to America.
I'm glad I ran into you.
Mm, me too.
My break's almost over.
Yeah, mine too.
Gimme your phone.
- Hmm? - Gimme your phone.
Do it.
Ball's in your court, Chloe Payne.
- Gimme a call sometime.
- Mm-hmm.
Don't say anything.
Nick got it for me.
I know it's ugly.
I know it is a prickly object, which is unwise in a hospital setting.
I have reason to believe it comes from rite-aid.
Oh, there are many reasons why I hate this cactus.
But nick is a cop.
He doesn't have a lot of money.
And he thought it would cheer up my desk.
So I'm gonna focus on those things instead.
Is that okay with you? It's fine with me.
It's just nice to see you grappling with your shallowness.
Oh, shut up.
Here's your patients for today.
What? You look like I gave you someone from the burn unit.
High school.
The E.
doc didn't see any bleeds or fractures on the MRI last night.
But he wanted to have the radiologist check it out today to be sure.
Naturally it would have to be that the day that half of radiology's come down with a stomach bug.
Well, I told 'em not to eat chorizo from the lunch truck amateurs.
We will have your MRI sorted as soon as we can.
And we'll send you right home when you no longer have any neck pain.
I no longer have any neck pain.
- Yeah, you know - Ow! Why are you torturing me? I'll be back in a spell to check on you again.
- Okay? - Thanks, Gillian.
"Back in a spell"? Who is she, Mary Poppins? Hey, be nice.
Listen, pumpkin, I want to say something about last night.
I know everybody's upset, missing Mike and all, but damn it, you're my little girl.
Thanks, dad.
Oh, jeez! I know I know that Mike's upset.
- All right? - Uh, dad No, I just hate to see you beating yourself up so much.
You're a wonderful girl.
I've been I've been poking out this whole time, haven't I? - Yeah.
- Aw, jeez.
Somebody just shoot me in the friggin' head.
Veronica, could I see you for a second? Yes.
Oh, you will never guess who is on the floor today.
My dad's penis? Yeah, just saw that guy.
So if you want to tell me, just tell me, 'cause I'm too traumatized for guessing games.
All right, check it.
"Dana Harper-McPherson.
" Who's who's that? Dana harper from high school? Oh, huh.
How 'bout that.
Oh, don't even play like you don't know the drama.
Come on, we're gonna do a fly-by.
So I'm taking it time has not healed the wounds caused by the great homecoming queen scandal of '99? Don't make fun.
I lost my faith in beauty pageants that day.
Really? At 18? That's when it happened? Did your school spirit take a hit too? I still don't know why she won.
Everybody thought she was a bitch.
In fairness, a lot of people thought you were kind of a bitch.
Well, in fairness, a lot of people thought you were kind of a slut.
Hmm, see what I mean about that bitch thing? What Oh, my God, we've wasted our lives.
Man! She was totally rockin' that hospital gown.
I feel like such a nerd.
And did you see the bouquet? It's bigger than my apartment.
I can't do this.
I need your help, V.
I I I gotta look after my dad.
Oh, nurse, nurse! Come here! Hey, Veronica, has anyone in this hospital of yours ever heard of customer service? You still want to trade? No.
Hi, I'm Sonia.
I'm gonna be checking on you.
Sonia! Sonia Jimenez.
It's me, Dana.
Oh, my God! Dana, hi.
Honey, Sonia and I went to high school together.
She was a princess on my homecoming court.
Small world.
Um, Mitch McPherson.
Honey, I have to take off.
Now, you give me a call if you need anything.
- Love you.
- I love you too.
And I love my flowers.
Thank you.
Does it hurt? Any numbness or tingling? So you're a doctor now.
Well, actually, I'm a nurse.
But I love it.
It's great.
Good for you.
How's your pain today, Dana? Uh, I'm really more embarrassed than anything else.
Take it from me, do not try to answer your iPhone while riding a horse.
- I'll keep that in mind.
- Yeah.
Don't you just love Louboutins? I don't know whether to wear them or screw them.
- Sonia? Sonia.
- Yeah? The patient in room 509, we have some sort of a colostomy overflow situation.
Pretty gross.
Um, so if you wouldn't mind going ahead and Yeah, got it.
He doesn't need another pillow.
The bed goes up and down.
You want your father to choke to death in his sleep? Then get him another pillow.
- Fine.
I'll get him another pillow.
I don't want another pillow.
- Uh-oh, look what I got.
- Really? We're gonna do this right now? Uh, you're right.
I'm sorry.
Thank Oh, you are so not funny.
Give it back.
Bobby, give it back to me! Robert, give your sister back her thing or I swear to God I'll break your arm! - I didn't do anything.
- There, you happy now? You almost gave your father a heart attack.
Me? Okay, guys, here's the deal.
I'm gonna go get dad a pillow to shut Jeannie up.
And when I come back, we are all gonna act like grown-ups, or else somebody's getting kicked out.
We all clear? Good.
Ow! How's your father? He's fine.
Thank you for asking.
- He's not dying, is he? - What? No.
I mean, you remember what we talked about before.
- You know.
- Yes, I know, I know.
No more death.
However, I may have to kill the rest of my family.
Not on my floor, lady.
I am not jealous.
If the shoe fits $1,000 Louboutin? You have a cactus.
She has, like, the biggest bouquet ever, and I have the hunchback of plants.
Dana harper-mcpherson has my life.
I was supposed to get out of new Jersey.
I was supposed to have the Manhattan loft and the $1,000 shoes.
Okay, guiding light, we'll pass a hat around and get you a pair of Louboutins.
I mean, who goes riding in those kinds of shoes anyway? Hmm? She said she fell off a horse.
Hey, do you have Dana Harper- McPherson's x-rays yet? Um, yeah.
Here you go.
- Ooh, that ain't good.
- Uh-uh.
Hey, Gillian, could you come take a look at these for me? Oh.
- That's one, two, three - Four.
I should go have a talk with her.
I'll do it.
Hmm? - I got your x-rays back.
- Oh.
You have a lot of previous fractures.
What's up with all the broken bones? Why are you reading my x-rays? Are you a doctor all of a sudden? You go to medical school in the last ten seconds? Dana, you live in Manhattan.
What are you doing coming across the river to Mercy? I'm asking myself the same question.
All right, it's part of my job to ask you this Do you feel safe at home? Uh, really? Seriously? Are we in a lifetime movie now, that's what's happening? Dana, if your husband is abusing you, I have to report it to the police.
I have to report it even if I suspect it.
Report what? If this is your way of getting back at me for winning homecoming queen, it's pitiful.
You're diaphoretic.
Okay, you know big medical terms.
It means you're all sweaty.
Dana, what happened to you? There's something going on beside your arm.
- You're tachy.
- You're tacky.
Nice nurse shoes.
Help! I need help in 508! She wouldn't talk, huh? She talked, all right.
What did she call you, again? Well, I believe it was Paul Blart: mall cop.
Charming woman.
But about her husband, zip.
Yeah, I'd like to have a word with him.
He gave her a stage four liver laceration.
The bleeding almost killed her.
I had my friend sneak a look at her records at Mt.
She's been in and out of their E.
seven times in the last two years.
Too bad.
Well, we know how this ends.
But if she changes her mind, give us a call.
- See ya, son.
- Thanks.
So the cops say you wouldn't talk to them.
Why are you protecting him? The Dana I knew in high school would not stay in a situation like that.
Yeah, I guess you would know about staying in bad situations.
By the way, how's getting out of Jersey City going for you, son? Maybe we should talk later.
No, we shouldn't.
I tried.
Good luck, Dana.
You remember when we were running for homecoming queen, and you told everyone the weird French teacher got me pregnant? You came back from summer school chunky.
It was a reasonable assumption.
What's your point? My point is you were fierce back in the day.
I mean, you took no prisoners going for that crown.
Yeah, well, you were no saint yourself.
You totally laughed at me when I tripped on my gown and hit my elbow on that stupid water fountain.
It was funny in a poetic justice sort of way.
But I shouldn't have laughed.
No, you shouldn't have laughed.
Number one, I was wasted, so it wasn't even my fault.
And secondly, it actually really it actually really hurt.
I know it does, sweetie.
Did you just call me "sweetie"? Oh, God this is worse than getting my ass kicked.
There's the Dana I remember.
I don't think I can live like this anymore.
You don't have to.
You can leave him.
You can start over.
You can do whatever you want.
You're Dana Harper.
Uh So listen, I scored reservations tonight.
Which, uh, sounds like a weird name, but actually it's great sushi.
Sounds good.
- Patient in 503's MRI.
- Thanks.
That nurse Veronica's dad took a spill last night.
Banged his head, poor thing.
Oh, yeah? Is he all right? Oh, God.
Harris wants me to change out a central line.
You know, I'm finding him to be just a tad bit anal.
Uh, I'll see you later.
Evan, this is Dr.
He's gonna check in on you, okay? Well, I hear you had quite a scare this morning, young man.
And I'll bet all that smoke made it extra hard for you to breathe with your asthma.
- Yeah.
- But you're okay now.
For the moment.
But make no mistake, today you almost died, Evan.
And I'll be honest with you, you're not out of the woods yet.
One moment you're lying here watching the spongebob, the next, your lungs, still irritated from all that smoke, seize up.
Suddenly, you're gasping for breath.
Before you know it, tragedy strikes.
Death by suffocation.
We call this ghastly phenomenon a bronchospasm.
- Um, doctor, I really - So you know why you're lucky you're here? Because I'm not letting another patient die again, ever.
That includes you.
So chin up, little man.
You're saved.
I don't want to have bronchospasm.
- Where's my mommy? - It's okay, your mommy and daddy just went downstairs to have some lunch.
They'll be right back, I promise.
I hate Dr.
I want fireman Petey.
Yeah, I know.
I'm right there with you, kid.
Hey Let's call fireman Petey right now.
It's a great idea.
Let's call Quick, somebody tell me something life-affirming.
Well I come from a family of ogres.
Does that help? Not what I was looking for.
I can't believe Dana harper is a punching bag to some rich jerk.
I know that you hate her, but you can't let her go back to that guy.
I think I got through to her.
I don't know.
Doesn't the air feel lovely on your skin today? Chloe, you're glowing.
What'd you do, bang a fireman? - Not today.
- Ha, Angel! - Ooh.
You know that those guys are just for fun, right? - Don't get hooked.
- Yeah.
I'm here to see your father.
I don't want to talk to you.
Communication, ladies.
It's the key to a healthy marriage.
Oh, Michael, Michael.
You're a sight for sore eyes.
Dial it down, mom.
He's my husband, not the pope.
I've been leaving you messages.
Yeah? Look, I know that you're mad, but could we please just go someplace and talk? Go on, hear the girl out, Mikey? Veronica, can I talk to you for a second? Why don't you come back later, all right, chief? Yeah, now's not such a good time for this.
Actually, it's kind of important.
You believe the balls on this guy? What kind of a guy screws another man's wife? You cheated on her first, you tool! - Okay, Mike - Unh! Mike.
Mike! Mike! You know, it never really hit me until this moment, but we're basically white trash.
Hey! Hey! Mike! Okay all right! All right! If you guys don't care about looking like idiots, that's fine.
But could you do me a favor and not humiliate me at work any more than you already have? Thanks.
Uhh! You dick! Oh, that's it.
That's it.
Security! Stop helping.
It's not fair! Life's not fair, Hollywood! Presenting with mild to moderate Stop it! You stop stop! No fighting in the hospital! What in the hell is going on here? - Dr.
Sands, are you all right? - Yeah.
You won't be surprised to learn that this is all my fault.
Well, I'll be sure and mention that to the police.
No, Dan, it's okay, you don't have to phone the police.
- It's gonna be fine.
- Fine.
As you wish.
If you want to cover for this tribe of Irish Neanderthals, that's your prerogative.
Excuse me, I have patients to see.
Because I am a medical professional! I'm outta here.
- Mike - Leave me alone! All right? Veronica, I have to talk to you in private.
- So I guess Mike found out.
- Yeah.
I guess I should have, um, looped you in on that one.
Did he kick you out? Mm-hmm.
- You didn't tell me.
- Chris I'm just really upset and confused right now.
So I kind of just need to press the pause button for a second Stop, Veronica.
Just stop.
I need to I gotta talk to you.
How is your parents' insurance? What? They need to make sure that their policy is paid up.
And if they can buy supplemental insurance, they should do it right away.
Like, today.
What are you talking about? - What's in that file? - Your dad's MRI came back.
It's presenting some mild brain contraction.
All he did was fall off a chair.
He needs to be examined by a neurologist.
And there's a good possibility that he has alzheimer's.
So talk to them.
Find out that their insurance is taken care of, and I'll hold off putting in the chart.
'Cause once it goes in, things are gonna get expensive pretty quick.
Yeah, thank you, Chris.
Alzheimer's? Oh, Jesus! - That is absolutely ridiculous.
- Mom Your father is as healthy as a horse.
Mom, I know that this is upsetting, but we have to talk about it.
Dad, have you been having trouble remembering things? Names, words, what day it is? Well, of course he does from time to time.
But that's because He may have a drinking problem.
Oh, look who's talking.
I only drink on social occasions.
Like breakfast? You know what he does all day long in that shed of his.
- Glug, glug, glug, glug.
- Okay, guys, this is serious.
Dad, please.
Maybe I do get a little fuzzy on names sometimes.
And every now and again, I I do find myself taking a walk at night I don't exactly remember starting.
How many of these episodes have you had? Oh, episodes! Will you stop being so dramatic? People get funny when they get older, Veronica.
It's just a fact.
So your father takes a walk at night sometimes.
Your uncle Pat thinks there are Vietcong hiding under his bed! Guys, listen.
We're gonna need to see a neurologist.
Oh, there's that know-it-all tone.
Mike used to complain about it all the time, you know.
Would you just stop, Jeannie? Could you just stop? Fact is I'm losing my friggin' mind, all right? There's no use pretending anymore, honey.
Maybe maybe Ronnie can help.
Oh, Jim.
Oh What's up, slugga? God, I guess everybody in the hospital knows, huh? Oh, yeah.
I heard you got your ass kicked.
Well, that's not true.
There was four of them.
I'm just kidding.
Actually, I feel extremely awkward 'cause I just found out the story of why you moved here.
Uh, God.
Listen, Gillian, I I get it.
Okay? Veronica is a great girl.
And she's available now.
And besides, you two were in a war together.
What, am I supposed to compete with that? I'm just a chick from New Zealand.
We're a nation of pacifists.
I had fun last night, Chris.
But don't worry, we're cool.
You are officially absolved of any responsibility.
There's no need to go through with the awkward sushi dinner.
So good luck to you, sir.
Hey, it looks like you'll be able to take him home tomorrow.
Oh, that's great news.
You hear that, Evan? - You're all better? - Where's Petey? - Did someone say my name? - You came! Of course I did.
'Cause I made you a promise.
And the only thing a man's got on this earth is his word.
Oh, remember that, Evan.
If your father and his Wall Street pals had remembered that, we wouldn't be living in grandma's basement right now.
So, Evan, because you were so brave, me and the guys, we decided to make you an honorary fireman.
All right? Hey, how 'bout that.
Oh, Evan, what do you say to the handsome man? - Thank you, Petey.
- You're welcome, buddy.
Can you tell me a story? Oh, actually, I'm on my dinner break, buddy, and I gotta head back to the station soon, so - but you know what, I could - Oh, yeah! Nurse Chloe needs to talk to fireman Petey right away.
Right away.
Right now.
Dana, your husband's here.
Look, you don't have to see him.
I can call security and get the cops back in here in no time.
No, I want to talk to him.
I don't think that's a good idea.
I'm gonna tell him it's over.
Well, that's good.
That's really good.
But guys like your husband, they're manipulators.
Maybe you should have a social worker in here with you.
Sonia, I'll be fine.
Please go get him.
I don't want to think about this too much first.
But I'm gonna leave the door open.
And if you need me, I'll be right outside.
Dad? - Mom.
- What? Have you seen dad? No.
Where is he? Hey, Sonia, call security.
I don't know where my dad is.
I'll call the other floors.
Ronnie, his clothes are gone.
Oh, God, how could I let this happen? We're gonna find him.
Don't worry.
Now, I want you to go call Timmy and the boys, tell them what's going on, and I'm gonna search the hospital.
- All right.
- Okay? - Aah! - What the hell? - What happened? - I don't know.
We need Harris.
I need a gurney now! - Who is he? - Gurney! Let's go.
What happened? Penetrating wound to the carotid.
He's non-responsive, but I've got a pulse.
All right, all right.
Angel, call the O.
Tell 'em we're on our way up.
All right, let's get him up on the gurney.
One, two, three.
Let's go.
Let's go.
All right, let's go.
Move! Dana.
Yeah, just go home, mom.
Somebody should be there in case he gets back.
Yeah, I'll call you if I hear anything.
Okay, bye.
Go left.
Can we just stick with the grid pattern, please? Classic search and rescue.
You gonna let me drive here, or what? And what the hell's going on over at that hospital? You can't keep track of one old man? Oh Tim and Ryan went by Delaney's.
He wasn't there.
Listen, I'm sorry.
I'm just I'm worried.
I know.
And I really appreciate you doing this.
I know it's a lot to ask.
Look, I know I messed up, okay? And I know that I'm crazy and we fight all the time.
But we always get to a good place in the end.
You're my real family, Mike.
You're my home.
And I don't want to lose you.
Yeah, well, you should have thought of that before you let me dance around like a monkey while that doctor was chasing you all over the hospital.
I know.
I know.
You're right.
There's no excuse.
Look, all I can say is that I love you, okay? I have ever since the first time you let me ride on your handlebars in fifth grade.
And here we are, all these years later.
A couple of cheaters.
Sweet story, huh? Hey, is that him? No, Mike, that's a bum.
God, pull your head out! Hey, grid pattern, cool your jets, all right? You're the one who just crapped on the fifth grade! God, I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I mean, this is us.
This is who we are.
You broke my heart.
And before then, I guess I broke yours.
So now we're even.
That's the way it is, so let's just stop killing ourselves, all right? Let's just sell the house, sign whatever we need to sign, and call it a day.
Oh Listen, um, I gotta go to this first-responders' conference in Niagara next weekend.
- And I was wondering - Really? Seriously? I'd love to.
I mean, if you're asking or whatever.
Yeah, I'm asking or whatever.
Um, yeah, I mean, I've always wanted to go to Niagara Falls.
Not to see the falls, necessarily, but just to see if Canada is as clean as people say it is.
Um, I'm gonna shut up now because I'm babbling.
You don't have to censor yourself around me, Chloe I'm not that guy.
Aw, I gotta go.
Be good.
You be good too, dude! Hey, babe, what's up? How was Brianna's soccer game? Oh, that's great.
Listen, I gotta jump.
I'll see you at the house? Yeah, okay, paper towels.
I got it.
I said I got it.
Love you.
What are you doing? Where are we? Listen, while you were gone, I came here a few times, and, uh I ran into your dad.
We swore each other to secrecy.
What, like the first rule of perv club is no talking about perv club? Sometimes a man just needs a place where he can have a few beers and think.
And look at some boobies.
Doesn't hurt.
Hey, you guys mind if I Was there anything that led up to the attack? He came at me.
He was gonna hit me.
He had that look on his face.
- But he didn't hit you.
- But he was going to.
- I know that look.
- Did anyone see this? Because it's gonna be his word against yours.
I saw it.
He went after her.
I was trying to come into the room to stop it when she stabbed him.
She was defending herself.
Will you give us a statement, son? - Yeah.
- Okay.
We'll get a restraining order on him by the time he gets out of the hospital.
But you should get out of that house, ma'am.
I will.
Thank you.
Hey, dad.
Sweetheart hi.
I was just chatting with my friend Destiny here.
Destiny, meet my daughter Veronica.
Nice to meet you.
Tell you what, Destiny Why don't you go work out your daddy issues with somebody else's daddy for a little while, okay? You should be nice to her.
She's got a hard life.
Her kid's deaf.
Now I feel terrible.
What are you doing here, dad? We've all been worried out of our minds.
I know, I know.
It's just that I couldn't take it anymore at that hospital.
All that concern.
Thinking about everything I put your mother through.
I I I gotta feel like I'm my own man.
Can you understand that? Hey, listen to me, Jim.
You'll always be a man in my eyes.
You're a lion, you hear me? We're gonna get through this thing together.
If I can give you two a little advice you want to make this thing work? Go someplace else.
Start over.
A nurse and a contractor, everybody needs those.
I hear that Oregon is nice.
Go there.
Pops, we should get back.
I'm real sorry to hear about your dad, Veronica.
He's a really great guy.
Yeah, I guess.
Heard you had some day, huh? Oh.
Mmm! What was that for? My cactus.
Can you believe that? Uh guys this is Sonia.
Sonia, this is Jersey's finest.
Hey, are we still on for sushi? You tell me.
Well, if we hurry, we can make it.
Well, you probably have to go home and do something.
Let's go.
I'm starved.
- Wow, you're easy.
Easy as in low-maintenance, or easy as in slutty? A little bit of both.
I should be so offended right now.
Lucky for you I've got a huge craving for sea urchin.
I love sea urchin.
I thought I was the only one.
I love sea urchin.
But then again, like you said, I am easy.
Let's get our story straight here, kids.
When your mother asks, you found me sitting at a bus stop, confused and disoriented.
You got it? Got it.
Hey, you know what you two should do? What, dad? Start over someplace else.
I hear Oregon is nice.
Buckle up, dad.

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