Rebel (2021) s01e07 Episode Script


- Wow.
- Previously on "Rebel"
It was my ex-girlfriend.
She sent it to everyone.
What do you mean everyone?
I mean everyone.
MISHA: The valve was corroded.
And there is something in it
that is doing damage.
We've been investigating
everyone that could have
stolen Helen's valve.
Did you take Helen Peterson's valve
from the pathology lab?
I didn't take her valve, no.
CRUZ: How are you doing it?
Are you listening to our conversations?
REBEL: That's Angela.
She works for Stonemore.
Okay, let's say a prayer.
- Let's, uh
- Let's say her favorite poem.
The Kahlil Gibran.
I don't know it by heart. Do you?
I-I don't.

Dad? Carm? What are you?
He made me.
He came to my house an hour ago
and said he had to tell us something.
How did you get in here?
You gave me a spare key.
For emergencies.
He said it was an emergency.
Dad, what the
Oh, he's not talking.
He's cooking.
And being very weird. Do you want tea?
You're offering me tea in my kitchen
- that you broke into?
- Yes.
Although the selection is tragic.
I mean, Lemon Zinger
and one English Breakfast?
I don't drink tea. I drink
coffee like a normal person.
Why are you suddenly a tea person
that I don't recognize as my sister?
I'm off coffee.
You're off coffee? Are you pregnant?
Look at that. You got him to speak.
- She looks pale.
That's just how she looks. Remember?
I'm the good-looking one
and she's the sickly, pale one.
I am not sickly, pale, or pregnant.
I'm off coffee because
it makes me jittery.
And you know what?
I'm gonna call Diego to pick me up
because I don't enjoy
being bullied by you two.
No, sit.
We'll be nice.
Where is Diego?
Sleeping, like I should be.
Dad, what's going on?
Are you still a vegetarian
or can I put some chorizo
in your omelet?
I've been a vegetarian since I was 9.
I keep thinking it's a phase.
Nope. I'm still trans too, Papi.
So, no chorizo?
Dad, what's going on?
Sit down.
Carmen, Mateo, you're my children
my loves
TOGETHER: The lights of my life.
I'm going to retrieve
your mother's heart valve.
Mami's dead.
I'm aware.
I think he's saying
he's going to dig up Mami.
I'm gonna throw up.
She could be pregnant. [SIGHS]
Dad, there's chorizo in here.
Not much.

I checked her out thoroughly.
I did a complete background check.
I know you did.
I talked to her friends.
They all vouched for her.
They said she was a divorcée
from the valley,
she did Pilates, worked in retail.
Tell me you got something.
Nope, nothing.
You checked all
the law enforcement databases?
- Well, that depends.
- On what?
- Do you fear for your life?
- What?
I won't perform a background
check without just cause.
It's illegal.
So, you fear that
Angela Foyer might come back
and cause you harm, right?
I'd like to see her try it.
- We're terrified.
- Good.
In that case, I did a search.
Your mystery lady is a ghost.
She has no physical address, no tickets,
no court records,
no criminal history, no prints.
She's running with the big dogs.
Man, that is some serious
black ops crap.
Lana No!
You almost got me killed
because you hired a spy!
I didn't! Lana, you got to believe me
- You don't get to visit!
- No, no, no
I didn't hire a spy, Lana!
Wait a minute, Benji.
She has a concussion.
A physical fight
is not in her best interest!
- Come on, Benji.
- Okay. No, wait, Flynn.
Hold on.
I need to know that you're okay.
- I need you to get out!
- Benji Lana!
Calm down. Come with me, Benji.
Rebel, I swear to God, I didn't
know anything about this.
Your "private investigator"
ran your sister off the road!
She's not my private investigator.
She seduced a grieving widower
to steal his legal strategy.
I would never do that to Cruz,
and I would never
put my sister in harm's way.
And yet, here we are.
He says he didn't know.
Give him a break.
Is she okay?
REBEL: She's pissed off,
but she's gonna be fine.
A concussion and
a couple of bruised ribs.
The doctor just wants to
keep her here for observation.
Our parents died in
a car accident, and I thought
I know. It's okay.
Just come back later.
Give her a chance to calm down.
And no more spies.
- I didn't hire any spies.
- I'll walk you out.
- I didn't hire any spies.
- I believe you.
What? Wait. Slow down.
W-What? He said He said what?
We need proof that the valve is bad.
Sharon has the proof.
No, Cruz. This is not happening.
You got me into this thing.
Why are you suddenly backing down?
I got you into a lawsuit.
In no way did I suggest
that we exhume Sharon.
Just, no.
Look at your kids, they're traumatized.
They're not traumatized.
Yes, we are.
Are we?
I mean, it's weird,
but maybe Mom would agree.
She wouldn't.
Why do you need the valve?
We need the valve so we can study it
to see what caused it to corrode.
Study a new valve. It's not the same.
We need a valve that's come
from inside somebody.
And Stonemore is stealing
the valves. Why?
Because they are despicable,
Machiavellian little pricks.
Excuse my French.
This is about Angela.
- Really?
- Mm.
This is not about Angela.
- Who's Angela?
- Your dad met a woman.
- What?
- No, I didn't meet a woman,
you introduced me to a woman.
I introduced him to a woman
She - She introduced me to a woman
You're dating?!
I'm sorry, I don't know
why I'm so upset.
That's fine. You can date.
I I I knew this day would come.
Sweetheart, listen to me.
It's really nothing like that.
I just miss her, and I'm usually fine,
and sometimes it hits me hard
that she's gone.
[SIGHS] And I'm gonna be sick again.
- You see?
- Ah. Yeah.
They are traumatized.
Well, they're gonna have to get over it.
- SHARON: Where are you going?
They're upset.
I-I was just gonna go see what's wrong.
They're upset because I'm dying.
You are not dying.
I think Carmen feels bad
because we threw this big
housewarming for Mateo
and when Carmen and Diego
moved into their place
I know. I gave them new wineglasses.
I know.
I heard what they were fighting about.
That's not what's wrong.
They're mad that I'm dying
and they will use
anything and everything
to avoid being mad about that,
so it's wineglasses and housewarmings.
I'm scared, though.
You don't need to be scared.
You're not dying.
Remember, the doctor said to us
that you're
I'm not scared of dying.
I'm scared of what happens
to them after I die.
You are not gonna die!
I can't talk about this with them.
Julian shuts down,
Mateo deflects with jokes,
and my Carmen just starts crying.
I really need to talk about this, so
let me, please.
Yeah, okay.
So, Julian's gonna isolate.
H-He's gonna just stay home
and play the piano and watch football.
And the kids are gonna call him
and they're gonna ask him,
"Dad, how you doing?"
And he's gonna say, "Oh, I'm fine."
And you'll invite him to dinner,
and he'll probably say okay.
- But then he'll cancel.
- Sharon
And when he does,
I want you to drag him out.
I want you to literally
just drag him out.
And make him see the kids.
Make him meet people.
Women. Make him date.
I mean, give him a couple years.
But then, you insist.
I just need you to say okay.
I need to hear it.
Promise me that you will
singlehandedly make sure
that my kids and my husband
just keep on living.
Promise me that you won't
let them mourn me forever.
That you will make them move on.
Make them choose joy, Annie.
Will you do that for me?
Will you promise me that?
Promise me.
I promise.
Who're you talking to?

Don't do this, Cruz. Please.
Can you imagine that the first woman
The first woman since my wife,
and it's her?
I-I-I'm so sorry.
I cannot let them win.
I'm getting Sharon's valve.
Alright, I'm gonna find
Mark Duncan's brother,
and we'll get him to talk.
I just need some more time.
Okay, well, you have
till the end of the day,
'cause that's when it's happening.
I got to get to court.
Look after the kids.

It's a hard, hard life ♪
This is a Mandatory
Settlement Conference
in the case of Helen Peterson et al
versus Stonemore Medical.
Its purpose is to determine
whether or not
all options for settlement
have been explored
before we set a trial date.
What is the status
of any settlement talks?
Your Honor, in the interest of avoiding
the expense and burden of a trial,
Stonemore, in good faith,
has made an offer to the plaintiffs
for a cash settlement
in the amount of $300 million.
But not a recall
of the heart valve from the market,
which is unacceptable to the plaintiffs.
Our offer would effectively
pay out over $100,000
per individual plaintiff,
which we believe to be
Uh, I-I'm sorry, I
didn't hear a word you just said.
Can you go back?
Uh, from where?
The beginning.
Um uh
S-So our, uh, initial offer
of $300 million was rejected
despite the fact that it would pay out
approximately $100,000 per
Oh. Got it. Oh, I'm so sorry.
I just I was listening,
but then I was thinking,
"Where have I seen him before?"
I mean, I know that
I've seen you in here,
but I was having this feeling
like I had seen you somewhere else.
And I was thinking, was it a restaurant?
Did I dream it? And then
- The video.
- The video.
Oof. That was
- Yeah
- That was something.
Your Honor, that video was sent
without Mr. Chapman's knowledge,
and I can assure you
Oh, I trust it wasn't intentional.
[CHUCKLING] No, it wasn't.
It is a little hard to unsee, though.
Your Honor, our attempts
at a settlement have failed
over the defendant's refusal
to recall the heart valve.
The plaintiffs ask that you set a date
and we proceed to trial.

Yikes. Loud.
Cruz wants to dig up his dead wife today
so that you can study her valve.
Now, I need you to explain to him
that that is insane.
- I can't do that.
- Why not?
Because I already told him that
it'd be very helpful.
Are you kidding?
What kind of doctor are you?
Frankenstein made the monster.
If anything, I am the monster
because I put mechanical
heart valves into patients
that made them sicker.
Anyway, it'd be extremely beneficial
to study Sharon Cruz's valve,
because right now, that's all we have.
Uh, not necessarily.
I need you to reach out to
your people at Stonemore.
Ask them if they know a Jacob Duncan.
- Jacob Duncan?
- Mark Duncan's brother.
Mark warned him that
the Stonemore valve was bad,
but all I have right now is hearsay
and a tape that's inadmissible in court.
So we need to find Jacob Duncan,
but apparently, he's gone off the grid.
But he used to work at Stonemore,
so somebody there must know him.
I can call, but I doubt
anyone would answer today.
It's the National Heart Fund's
5k this afternoon.
Stonemore's the sponsor.
Pretty much the entire company
goes every year.
Stonemore is sponsoring
a fun run for heart health?
That's like Cruella de Vil
sponsoring an animal rescue.
You run and win, you get to give
a speech at the medal ceremony.
Hey, you can bring your bullhorn
and ask the crowd
if anyone from Stonemore knows
where Jacob Duncan is.
That is a great idea.
- I was kidding.
- I wasn't.
But if I go there, they're gonna
not even let me near the stage.
You look like you're
in pretty good shape.
You run?
I have plantar fasciitis and a hangover.
But good luck.
[MUTTERING] Yeah, okay.
The guy on top
Stanford Law, Class of 2018.
He's a Fulbright Scholar and
he clerked for Justice Roberts.
Why are you talking to me right now?
Well, as I understand it,
you lost your associate Amir Johnson,
and this résumé came across my desk
Oh, what's the matter, Benji?
Something weighing on your conscience?
I like to win, but I prefer to win
when the fight's been fair.
Not when my opponent has
one arm tied behind his back.
Fair? You tried to put a spy in my bed.
Now you want to put a spy in my office?
I had nothing to do with any of that.
Let me remind you, you started this case
by poaching my best associate,
so you now trying to play fair
seems a little suspect.
- Cruz, I just want to
- You don't have to be concerned
about getting a fight
from anybody on my side,
no matter how many associates
I do or do not have.
This is war, and I'm going to
destroy Stonemore.
And I don't have a problem
with turning you into
- collateral damage.

Hey, I made some
killer banana bread if you
What the? Mallory?
[LAUGHS] Hey, Mr. Bello!
Wow, I haven't seen you in way too long.
Look, Zig, it's Mallory.
Yeah, I know. I'm a human with eyes.
- How are you doing, Mal?
- I'm okay.
Just started homeschooling
this week, which sucks,
but Zig's helping me.
You're homeschooling? Wow.
How's your dad? I like that dude.
Eh, he's okay.
My dad has a dad crush on your dad.
No, I don't!
- Just tell him I said hi
- and I look buff.
Hey, you still get to be on a team
even though you're homeschooling?
Nope. Me and Bianca got expelled.
So I am no longer eligible
for recruitment
with my dream D1 schools,
and I had not one, but two
academic scholarships revoked.
Hang on, you didn't tell me that
Bianca also got expelled.
Yeah, girl. Keep up.
It was a whole thing.
What the hell happened, Mal?
Oh. Hey.
You alright?
You've asked me that already.
- Okay, well, I'm gonna ask you again.
What happened in court today was
It was utterly humiliating.
Like, if I could have willed a hole
to open in the floor beneath me
and suck me through it,
- I would have.
- Really?
Even if you didn't know
what was inside the hole?
Okay. What if it was a sewer?
Oh, what if it was a hellmouth?
Court was the hellmouth.
No, that judge was the hellmouth.
Well, the video was
the original hellmouth.
Okay, now you're just mis-using
the word "hellmouth."
I need us to win this case, okay?
I need some kind of redemption.
A career redemption,
a redemption from Benji.
Am I mis-using "redemption"?
You got any ideas?
Cruz was angry this morning
and pushing for trial.
So [SIGHS] I mean, was that just an act?
Or do you think he has
something real up his sleeve?
Well, Cruz doesn't bluff,
and he can't afford to lose this, so
The Jacob Duncan tape is
inadmissible, and he knows it.
So, yeah, I do think he has
something else up his sleeve.
[SIGHS] Exactly.
So, let's get proactive.
Let's focus on identifying the
strongest elements of their case
so we can rip it to shreds.
Oh! Ziggy, come here.
I need you to help me
cyber-stalk someone.
Uh, his name is Jacob M. Duncan.
He's probably around 50.
He's a big wave surfer,
so he goes from Bali one week
to Portugal the next.
What are you doing here?
- Need help.
- With?
My friend Mallory from volleyball.
Oh, that's the one whose dad
you had a crush on.
Did you know Mallory's
a D1 college-level player?
Remember when our kid
was gonna go to college,
but someone stole her college fund?
For the last time, Ziggy offered.
Okay, so, I'm finding some old
tagged pictures from surfing,
but no social media
and no contact information.
Do you know what he does for a living?
He's rich for a living.
So, what's going on with Mallory?
Okay, so the entire
varsity volleyball team
is made up of almost all white girls.
And so, after the Jefferson
game, there was this big brawl,
but Mr. Gibson only expelled
Mallory and Bianca,
who are Black and Latina.
Gibson. The athletic director.
He hated Cassidy's guts
when she was in high school.
Wasn't he in the Olympics or something?
He mentions it every other sentence,
but I don't think he actually played.
He was, like, the alternate
for the men's soccer team.
Still, dude went to the Olympics.
Dude's an ass.
Is dude still in good shape?
Yes, why?

Hey, uh, Lana, you still resting?
Yes, Mother.
Uh, do you think that you could
run a background check on
somebody while you're resting?
You know it.
Okay, it's Gibson,
the athletic director at Witman Prep.
And then that's it, I swear. Just rest.
Girl, I am kicking back right now,
eating pudding, and watching "The View."

BENJI: You're supposed to be
in the hospital.
I need you to produce that woman.
Lana, if you can't find her
and Flynn can't find her,
how am I supposed to do any better?
You work for Stonemore. So does she.
I don't care who you have to
call to track her down.
Get me an address,
and I will do the rest.

REBEL: Did you get a hold
of Mallory's dad?
- Texting him right now.
Well, is he coming?
We need them all here
before Gibson shows up.
- I said I'm on it.
No, you said you were texting.
Wait, hang on. Mr. Gibson's coming here?
Yep. All I had to do was tell him
that Cruz Law is gonna be
handling the contracts
for the next Olympic tribute montage,
and that we were very sorry
for the last-minute nature of things,
but that we needed him to come down
and give us his signature today.
- He bought that?
- Yep.
I'm a good liar.
You're an exceptional liar.
Would you give it a rest?
Um, hey, Ziggy, would you go
and find out from Cruz
what time the exhumation is?
What are you talking about?
Well, he wants to dig up
your Aunt Sharon.
And I keep telling him that that
is a ridiculous idea, but
You're gonna exhume Aunt Sharon?!
Not you, too.
Yeah, we're signing the paperwork now.
Super fun. Hugs, please.
That's the main line.
Will you answer the phone,
please, and take a message?
I'm an intern.
And now you're also the receptionist,
'cause I had to let Peggy go.
BOTH: You fired Peggy?
No, I didn't fire Peggy. I let her go.
I couldn't afford to pay her.
Ziggy works for free.
Can you answer the phone,
please? Take a message.
And answer it
"Julian Cruz and Associates."
- And knock next time.
- Okay!
Oh, my God, Dad, what is happening?
Things will be back to normal
once we win this case.
In the meantime, things are tight.
I had to let go of some staff.
So, are you like
"I can't pay for Mateo's
last year at UCLA broke,"
- or just
- "I can't pay interns" broke?
- Way to make it about you.
- Oh, please.
We've been dealing with
your dramatics all day.
- Dramatics?
- Yeah.
- You're calling me dramatic?
- All day!
Okay? This is not about you.
We're broke.
We don't win the case, I'm broke
I got to shut down the firm
and I got to sell the house.
So you want to dig up Mami's
body and sell her house?
No, I don't want to do anything.
I need the valve to win the case,
and I need it so I don't have to
sell your mother's house.
I need the valve.
I have put everything I own,
everything I have
to get the bastards
that poisoned your mother.
If I don't win this case,
we all lose, understood?
So I would appreciate
that for five minutes,
the both of you would stop bickering.
'Cause that would be a wonderful thing.
[QUIETLY] Look what you did.
I didn't start it.
Yeah, you did.
Okay, they have the professor,
Jason Erickson,
who had his valve removed
and now he feels better.
Then they have the ringleader,
Helen Peterson and her daughter
Maddie, whose baby just died.
Well, they can't prove
a connection between the baby
- and the valve, so
- Eh, doesn't matter.
Cruz will find a way to let
the jury hear his theory,
and it'll prejudice them instantly.
Dead babies have a way of doing that.
So, we have to turn them against her.
Maybe we can dig up an abortion
from when she was in college?
LANA: Wow!
Lana! You are not supposed to
eavesdrop in a law firm.
I wasn't eavesdropping.
Your dad told me to come work in here.
And now I'm sorry that he did,
because what I just heard
made me feel sicker.
Why do you need to work here?
Because your mom thinks
I'm resting in the hospital.
Are you okay? What happened?
Uh, it's a story I don't have it
in me to tell you right now,
because my head hurts
when it fills with rage.
Lana, if you need to go
to the hospital, I will drive
Cassidy, I raised you.
I made you mac and cheese.
I did your hair.
I watched "Little Mermaid" more
times than I care to remember.
I am the adult and I know what I need,
and what I need right now is an office.
Yes, ma'am.
Uh, we have a spare office
down the hall.
It's Mom.
[SCOFFS] It's almost always your mum.
Do not tell her I'm here.
Hey, Mom, what's up?
From Witman Prep?
Oh, hell yes.
No, put the girls and their
parents on speakerphone.
I'm on my way right now.
Uh, excuse me. We're kind of
in the middle of
- I can go to my office.
- Mm-hmm.
It's a good place to stop
on your way to hell.


Hi, I was told
Hello there, Mr. Gibson. Remember me?
I'm Cassidy Ray and
Ziggy Bello's mom, Rebel.
Is this some kind of an ambush
or something?
TAYE: Yeah, you expelled my kid
and you ripped away
her dreams and her future
because she's Black.
As a former U.S. Olympian,
I celebrate all of the cultures
of our country.
I will not be called a racist.
The girls who were expelled
were expelled because of
unsportsmanlike behavior.
It's really as simple as that.
- Mr. Gibson.
- Eh
The entire volleyball team
already admits
to being involved in the fight.
How do you justify only
expelling Mallory and Bianca?
- Where did she come from?
- Answer the question.
Do I need a lawyer?
You do, if you don't
answer the question.
When I ran over,
the girls had dispersed,
but I saw both Mallory and Bianca
engaged in an aggressive interaction
with members of the other team.
But if you didn't actually
see the fight,
how were you able to discern
that they were the aggressors?
You lied to get me here
so that you can what?
What are we doing? Cancel me?
Gang up on me?
Gang up on you?
That's an interesting choice of words.
Infractions get consequences.
I'm not a racist.
This is ridiculous.
You don't like the rules, so
you're attacking my character.
I'm not going for that.
Plus, I'm an athletic director.
The principal is the one
who expelled them.
Your words carry weight.
You recommended expulsion.
When I was 16, you had me
arrested by school police
for standing up to a bully.
Yeah, 'cause you attacked
a kid on my field.
Who raped my best friend!
He taunted her on your field.
He taunted me, and
when he put his hands on me,
oh, you better believe
I defended myself.
But he was white,
so I was called aggressive
and belligerent.
When he was given a pass,
I was arrested, expelled,
and narrowly avoided juvie.
My life could have been
completely different,
had my mother not fought for me
like we're trying to do
for these girls.
Well, you seem to have
turned out very well.
Sometimes, consequences can be
a much-needed stepping stone
to greatness.

1992 Men's Soccer Tournament.
You punched another player in the face
because he clipped you on the field.
You remained on the team and
then you went to the Olympics.
What are you
These are what my kids call
"the receipts."
Ah, 2000
You blew a .11
and got yourself a DUI
down in Huntington Beach.
It was expunged that same year.
2009 arrested for
drunk and disorderly conduct.
The charges were dropped.
I see the infractions.
Not so much the consequences.
I was just a kid when
You were not a kid.
You were an adult.
These are kids,
standing right in front of you,
whether you choose to see them
that way or not.
If you would let me speak
without interrupting me
You don't have anything to say.
But go ahead, talk.
Well [SIGHS]
Mr. Gibson, we all just heard
about several crimes you committed.
But your infractions
were presumed anomalies.
You were given the benefit
of the doubt, right?
Which is what you gave
the rest of the girls
on the volleyball team.
Mallory and Bianca deserve the same.
Okay, yeah, um
I don't have to listen to this.

Unh-unh! Ah, ah! Hup!
MR. GIBSON: Are you serious?
- What, are you holding me hostage?
- No, no, no.
We're just playing a little ball
without the ball.
You're the one being all aggressive.
We got all these witnesses to attest.
Look, Gibson, all we want
is for our girls
to have a shot at a future.
Just hear them out.
Or what?
Or I will be submitting a full report
demanding you be stripped of
your Olympic title.
I'll bring up your past transgressions
and I have documentation of your
discriminatory practices,
and my mom will make this
small story very big news.
It'll be all eyes on you,
just like your Wheaties box days.

I'm listening.
It's no secret
that the most damaging element
of the case against Stonewall
is Professor Erickson
The one that had the valve removed.
But his sister-in-law works
for the insurance company
and pulled some strings
to get the surgery approved.
So, drum roll
that's a criminal act.
And that won't sit very well
with the jury.
I'm sorry, can you go back?
Oh, for God's sake.
I think it was how you moved
your hand just then.
You did that hand thing
w-with the guitar.
- Okay, Professor Erickson
- Forget it.
Look, I can't get it out of my head,
and if I can't, no one can.
Sir, I-I Hold on.
Okay, I see two paths.
The responsible thing to do
is take you off this case
because you're a distraction.
But I have come to hate Mark Duncan,
and I don't use that word
"hate" lightly.
So, there is a world
where I keep you on the case
and let you distract me,
let you distract the judge,
and no one can report me for it
because you're the victim
of revenge porn
and your career shouldn't suffer for it.
But we'd lose. Duncan would lose.
And the son-of-a-bitch
almost got my sister killed,
so I think I could live with that.
Talk to me, Luke.
What would you do if you were me?
You have to kick me off the case.
Fair enough.
Give your findings to Cassidy.
She'll be my second.
You'll stay on the case,
just not where anyone can see you.
So, good talk, man.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, what is Rebel doing
out there with all those people?
- I have no idea,
but I hope she's charging.
[LAUGHS] You know,
you have the same soap.
Yeah, the soap in the ladies' room.
It's the kind Mami liked.
It smells like orange blossoms.
I know what it smells like.
I'm the one who put it there.
- Okay.
- I buy everything she likes,
you know that.
You're running out of it, by the way.
I'll refill it.
Did you cancel
the janitorial service, too?
Yes. I can manage on my own,
thank you very much.
- Yeah.
Stop laughing at your father.
Listen, uh
I spoke to Father Roberto, and
he gave us his blessing.
And I spoke to the cemetery
and I enlisted the support
of their staff, and they're on board.
And I spoke to the judge,
and she signed off
on the exhumation order.
But you said you needed us to sign.
I did say that, but I really
didn't need your signature.
What I need from you is your blessing.
[VOICE BREAKING] I needed your
blessing because she's your mother
and I'm not gonna do it
without your blessing.
But if we dig her up,
you could still lose.
Yeah, we could lose.
But we're not gonna lose,
because Mami's gonna
She's gonna help us win.

MALLORY: So, I put my hand up
to high-five the setter
when we were running off the court,
and she, like, punched my hand hard.
Then I went to check on Mallory
and then the setter shoved me,
so I shoved back.
It was a heated match, but
I wasn't trying to taunt them.
I was just trying to congratulate them,
like, "Good job, high five."
TAYE: These girls lost
their scholarships, man.
Over a post-game shoving match.
Because we have
a zero-tolerance policy
Look Yeah, no, I
I don't know what to say.
Nothing else needs to be said.
We need action.
Investigate the disciplinary records.
Talk to the administration.
Ask why most kids at Witman
facing disciplinary action
are kids of color.
Help fix the problem.
Y-You have to understand,
I-I never, like,
set out to mistreat anybody.
And I'm sorry that
I just now realized that I I did.
Then get yourself
an antiracist education.
Believe me, it takes
more than an afternoon.
And let Mallory and Bianca
come back to school.
I'll talk to the administration.
I'll reverse my recommendation.
I'm sorry.
I'll fight to make this right.
- There we go. Uh-huh!
That is great. That is so great.
And now I just have to ask you
a little favor.
You know, for all my trouble.

ANNOUNCER: Runners, take your places.
Stonemore Medical's
National Heart Fund 5k Fun Run
is about to begin.
And remember to have fun.
Alright, Gibson. I need you to medal.
I was in the Olympics.
As an alternate.
I got eyes on her.
Don't let her get to the stage.
Well, I gave it a shot.
Run, jackass, run!
There is a snake in the grass ♪
I see him staring at me ♪
Told him if you're gonna bite me ♪
Then first you better show me
your teeth ♪
There's a Devil in town ♪
And I'm feeling like Eve ♪
Oh, I think I want to take
another apple ♪
- Right off of that tree
Oh, my God ♪
- Oh, my God ♪
I said, oh, my God ♪
Okay, c-cut it out,
you're making me antsy.
[SCOFFS] Excuse me.
Didn't mean to make you antsy
while I'm placing my only chance
on finding Duncan's brother
and not having to dig up
my best friend's corpse
on some glorified gym teacher
winning a race.
Come on, you know
you'll get what you need.
Well, what's that supposed to mean?
It means you won't stop
till you get what you need,
no matter how much you hurt
the people who love you.
are you saying you're a person
who loves me?
Hey, here they come,
but I don't see him.
- Run, you bastard! Run!
He can't hear you,
but everybody else can.
Before I beg you to stay ♪
Come and hunt me how you wanna ♪
When you want me, baby,
I'll be your prey ♪
- Wait, there he is, there he is.
- Oh! Oh!
Run, numb-nuts, run!
It's nice seeing you
give a crap about sports.
I'm terrified of your ice-cold heart ♪
And those hellish eyes ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- Thank you so much.
I can't lie ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
I'm terrified ♪
- Oh, my God, I'm terrified ♪
- My son Mateo.
- And I just can't move, I'm paralyzed ♪
- My daughter Carmen.
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
I can't lie ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
I'm terrified ♪

He won!
I made some calls
I really didn't want to make,
and I still got nowhere.
So, I had these brought in from
that place in Venice you like.
You don't feel guilty at all.
I don't feel guilty, I'm worried.
I'm worried because you were
in the hospital.
I'm worried because you do
dangerous things for a living.
And I'm worried because
I don't know what you plan to do
to that woman if you find her.
I plan to call my cop friends
and have them put her in prison,
where she belongs for
all of the crimes she committed.
And for the record, you worry me, too.
I see you.
Black attorney
with his name on the building,
a billion-dollar corporation.
And I know how hard you worked
to get here,
but there might come a time
where you won't be able
to keep yourself so blissfully ignorant
of the shady things
that your clients do.
And when that time comes,
will your name on the building
really have been worth it?
You know, you could have been
a kick-ass lawyer.
Oof, no thanks.
I love you, sis.
I love you, too.
But I need one of them pastries.
Oh, they're for you.
ORGANIZER: On behalf
of the National Heart Fund,
we want to thank all the participants
for running in today's Fun Run!
And a special shout-out to our
sponsor, Stonemore Medical,
for providing all the water
and Edge power bars
for today's event.
I would like to proudly announce
the first place,
gold medal winner today.
Ladies and gentlemen, Victor
Oh. Oh.
First-place winner and former
Olympian, Victor Gibson.
MR. GIBSON: Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
I was running to Well, I won today
on behalf of the Witman Prep
Girls' Volleyball team.
I'd like to invite them
to come on up here
and join me on the stage.
Come on up, gals.
They all dropped dead because
they had Stonemore heart valves
that poisoned their bodies.
Stonemore Medical is killing people,
and they're keeping information from you
about their heart valves.
But you can help,
even if you work for Stonemore.
Stonemore employees
We know that there are
good people that work there.
You can help right the wrongs
that your company is doing.
Someone knows something!
We think that Jacob Duncan
knows something!
He is Mark Duncan's brother
and he travels the world
searching for big waves to surf,
and if you have any information
on how to find him,
my mom, Annie Flynn Ray Bello,
is there taking tips!
- I'm over here! Come talk to me!
Well, that was, you know
Why don't we get back to the medalists?
MAN: Once again, a big congratulations
to all the runners who participated
in this event,
making today a great turnout
She did good.
Yeah, she did.
She's gonna go to college, you know.
I'm I'm gonna get that money back.
Oh, you better.
RANDALL: Excuse me. Rebel?
Oh, my God, do you know Jacob Duncan?
No, no. But my husband
Does he know Jacob Duncan?
Just let the guy finish.
My husband, Karsten Vokelberg,
is the chemist who developed
the proprietary coating
on Stonemore's mechanical heart valve.
He hasn't been able to sleep for months.
I think he's ready to talk.
Okay, let's say a prayer.
Let's, uh
Let's say her favorite poem.
The Kahlil Gibran.
I don't know it by heart. Do you?
I-I don't.
I do.

[SHAKILY] "One day you will
ask me
which is more important
My life or yours?
And I will say mine,
and you will walk away
not knowing that
you are my life."
REBEL: [DISTANTLY] Cruz, stop!
Do you hear that?
Cruz, stop!
Cruz, stop!
God help us.
Cruz! Cruz!
Ugh! Stop!
Oh, oh, oh! Ow!
Sorry, sir.
Cruz! Stop!
Stop, stop, stop! Hey!
Annie, what are you doing?
Cruz, you cannot do this.
You cannot dig her up
and then bury her again,
because then you're gonna fall
back into the grave with her.
It's gonna take me another
two years to get you out.
And I promised her
I promised her that I was gonna
help you move on.
Did you find Duncan's brother?
No, but I found someone better.
The chemist that developed the valve.
His husband says
he hasn't slept for months
because he's got so much
on his conscience.
- A chemist?
- Yeah. A whistleblower.
A real one, from inside Stonemore.
A chemist? You're sure?
I'm sure.

Okay, Annie. [CHUCKLING] Okay.
So, um
w-we're not digging up Mom?
- No.
- [SIGHS] Thank you.
Also, um
I'm pregnant.
I knew it!
- I totally did, oh, my God.
- You told me this morning that you
- Yeah. Yes, I know.
I I didn't want to say
anything on the day
you're gonna dig up Mom.
- Ohh! That is That is fantastic!
- Hey!
That's huge! Your mom would be so happy.
I'm gonna be a grandpa.
- Get out of here.
- Come here, come here.
- Oh!
- REBEL: Oh, my gosh.
- She's gonna have a baby.
- MATEO: A fricking baby.
- A baby.
- Love it, love it. I love it.
Oh, let's Come here, come here.
Hey, so sorry
I disappeared on you earlier.
I had to help my mom
with this has-been Olympian,
and it was so unbelievably satisfying.
Wait, the same Olympian
who stormed the stage
- at the Stonemore Fun Run?
- What are you talking about?
Your mum did this big PR thing,
and everyone's freaking out.
And you helped her?
I thought you quit that firm
to get away from her.
I did, but turns out,
I still like helping people.
You need to get your head on
straight, Cassidy, right now.
You need to decide which side you're on.
No, you don't get to tell me
what I have to do, Luke.
Your dad just put you
in my chair, you know that?
- What?
- You're the lead associate
on the case now. And we need the win.
- I need the win. Okay?
Or at the very least, just stop
helping the other side.

Excuse me, do you know
where I might find Lanalee Ray?
Uh, yeah, she's in the office
down the hall, to the right.
- Thank you so much.
- Yeah.

Hey, relax. I'm not armed.
But I did hear you wanted to see me.
Oh, no thanks.
It'll just go straight
to my ass. [CHUCKLES]
Hey, I'm sorry about
the accident, by the way.
I'm glad that you weren't
seriously hurt.
But you were the one who followed me.
- Who do you work for?
- Lana.
- I need names.
- Please.
I'm not going to tell you that.
Would you tell you that if you were me?
- I'm not you.
- Ah, but you and I are the same.
It's great work, right?
We're playing on the sidelines,
we're digging up the dirt,
and we're just running around,
pretending to be somebody else.
It's such a rush.
Did you do theater in high school, too?
You and I are nothing alike, "Angela."
I do what I need to do to get the intel,
but I would never lie about
having breast cancer.
Neither would I.
I did 12 rounds of chemo
and kicked cancer's ass.
But you and I both know,
we got to use everything we got.
I must admit, though, I felt
a little bit bad about Cruz.
You must tell him that I said hello.
That whole handsome widower thing
Well, that was actually kinda hot.
- REBEL: Make a registry.
- CARMEN: [LAUGHS] I will.
Because I am throwing you
the biggest baby shower.
[LAUGHS] Okay.
Can you believe
I'm gonna be a grandfather?
- You're gonna spoil that baby rotten.
- Mm.
You know, I could have
handled it, if I had to.
- Getting Sharon's valve.
- Yeah, right.
No, I'm serious.
She's not in the ground. Not anymore.
She's with me.
She's with me when I wake up,
at work, when I go to bed.
She's everywhere.
Could've handled it.
But the whistleblower is better.
You're welcome.
ANGELA: Look, the point is,
I was just doing the job
that I was hired for.
You are the one that took it
too far, Mario Andretti.
Anyway, you are gonna drop it now, hm?
I'm gonna walk out the door,
you're gonna forget all about me.
No more tracing, no more chasing.
And why would I do that?
'Cause if you let me walk away,
then I let you all walk away.
Which is not easy, 'cause
I still had such great stuff.
I mean, I had plans.
Like, blow up Rebel's
entire world kind of plans.
Did you know that her husband
has an 8-year-old son
down in Torrance?
Does Rebel know about that, hm?
And get this The kid's name
is Grady.
It's so good, right?
Maybe I will take one.
I feel like being bad today.

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