Roswell s01e07 Episode Script

River Dog

Previously on Roswell.
- You're stealing my car.
- I'm borrowing your car.
Wherever it goes, I go.
You're kidnapping me.
No, you're abducting me.
See this place? It's the first real connection we've had to finding out where we come from, and it's in Marathon, Texas.
Let's just find them and bring them back home.
- Where were they stopped? - [Man On Radio.]
Heading south on 285.
This place in Marathon, all those answers that you're looking for they're just as important to you as they are to Michael, aren't they? I told you it was something.
The key, Michael.
There's something here.
A room.
- Oh, my God.
- Shh.
[Footsteps Overhead.]
- [Paper Rustling.]
- Shh.
Hey, whoever's up there looking for us, isn't gonna stop until they find us.
All right? I'm gonna find out everything I can before they do.
[Keys Jingling.]
[No Audible Dialogue.]
Come on.
Come on.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Come on, Michael.
- [Door Creaking.]
- Isabel.
[Liz Narrating.]
It's November 11.
I'm Liz Parker.
All logic is gone.
Here were my plans last night.
Finish my shift, dinner with the parents then a halfhour of talking to Maria on the phone.
Then dive into this issue I've been having with geometry and hopefully finish in time to watch this A&E Biography on Madam Curie.
Instead, I took off in an open-air vehicle that probably shouldn't be allowed on the road to begin with.
Broke into a house, essentially stole things from it and engaged in general bonding with aliens.
Welcome to my world.
- What? - [Snickers.]
It's just kinda funny how surprising things can get.
All this time that I've known you, I just always thought of you as like this guy, you know.
Like this weird guy from the other side of the tracks, going nowhere in life.
Which, of course, you still are that.
But what I didn't realize was that there was this whole other side to you.
- What, that I'm from - Oh, well, clearly there's that.
But putting that aside, underneath that, um weird, poorly bathed exterior there's like this whole deeply wounded, vulnerable guy.
Listen, all right.
In terms of what happened yesterday between us that was just we were on the road, all right? We talked.
That's all over.
Of course.
You think something happened between us? [Door Opens.]
What is it? You remember when Mom and Dad took us to Florida that summer? Sure.
You had sunstroke all of August and I sprained my ankle on the shuffleboard court.
Before that.
We were on the beach one day.
We drew this thing in the sand this symbol together do you remember that? - Symbol? - Think.
We'd never seen it before, but somehow we drew it together.
We both knew what it was supposed to look like.
Why did we both know that symbol, Max? Isabel, what is this all about? - Draw it.
- What? - Close your eyes and try to draw it.
- But I don't remember it.
Draw it.
What made you think of this? I found this at Atherton's house.
Hey, where is everybody? You kids ready for some breakfast? - Morning.
- You two look exhausted.
How late were you last night? I didn't even hear you come in.
We lost track of the time, cramming for that math midterm.
Well, just do me a favor, huh? Next time you're studying that late will you do it here? Hey, let's get a move-on.
I don't want you to be late for school.
- Okay.
We'll be right down.
- All right.
I hate lying to her.
The thing about Michael is that he's weird but surprisingly interesting.
He's interesting? Not interesting for me, obviously.
- Oh, yes, obviously.
- I mean, it could never be.
There are a number of obstacles his hair, his personality - the fact that, you know, he was hatched.
- [Giggles.]
Can you please tell me what happened in that motel room? I told you, Liz, nothing happened.
- Are you sure? - Nothing physical.
Although, it wasn't very verbal either.
What Michael and I share is, well, it's nonverbal.
Michael is the type of person my mom likes to refer to as a vibrator.
- A vibrator? - You know what I mean.
Someone who communicates by, you know, sending vibes out into the atmosphere.
What kind of vibes was he sending you? - Vibes that are, you know - Oh, I have to go talk to Kyle.
Oh, the stalker.
Good luck with that, Lizzy.
- Thank you.
- So, um, I guess I'll see you - at Max and Isabel's later.
- Uh, Max and Isabel's? Yeah, you know, to, uh, go through the files.
Michael said they'd pick me up after school, so Oh Yeah, I will be there.
- Hi.
- Miss Texas.
Can I talk to you for a second? I can't imagine what you'd wanna talk to me about.
In private.
[Distant Chattering.]
Oh, this is weird.
To be in here in the janitor's closet.
It's, um, ironic.
Our first kiss.
- Oh.
- Last day of school, last year.
That was, um, that was a great day.
Liz, don't even try.
Kyle, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.
That you didn't get hurt last night.
I see.
So that's what you wanted to speak to me about? - Yes.
- In private? Mm-hmm.
Well, I'm okay.
No, Kyle, um I just need to make sure that you're not planning on telling anybody about about where we were.
Oh, see? And here I was thinking you were just concerned about me.
Liz, what the hell were you doing out there last night? - I can't talk about it.
- Just gimme a hint.
Is it drugs? Are you part of some cult, or is it just about sex? Kyle.
Don't worry.
L-I won't tell anyone.
Thank you.
Not until I have something on him that will destroy him.
Things are very much under control, sir.
Agent Topolsky, do you understand the assignment that was given to you? - Yes, sir, I do.
- Repeat it.
- I'm sorry? - Your assignment.
Repeat it to me.
The assignment is to observe the subjects and determine whether or not the theories about them are substantiated.
You're forgetting something, Agent the word "covertly.
" To covertly observe the subjects.
To determine whether or not the theories about them are substantiated covertly! I've been acting covertly.
Drop-kicking the sheriff, you call that covertly? The sheriff was endangering my operation.
- Your operation? - Our operation.
Wrong again, Agent.
Not your operation, not our operation, my operation! Mine! [Coughs.]
I think I have a piece of my bagel permanently lodged in my esophagus.
[Clears Throat.]
New orders, Agent Topolsky.
See if you can follow them this time.
Whatever those kids took from that house, I want it.
Get it! Whatever those kids are doing right now, I wanna know about it! - Do you understand, Agent Topolsky? - I understand.
- By any means necessary, Agent.
- Yes, sir.
- Don't waste my time, Agent! - I'm all over it.
You are now looking at an actual piece of an alien spacecraft.
This metal, which matches none of the defies the properties of all metals known to man.
When bent, it bends back on its own.
It cannot be melted, nor does it Can I talk to you for a second? Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be right back with you.
Um, study this slide.
How can I help you, Sheriff? You know a guy named James Atherton? Wrote about aliens.
He was one of the first to publish on the '47 crash.
Uh, alleged crash.
He authored several books, most notably Among Us, published in 1955.
You wouldn't happen to know if he's still alive? That's, uh, anyone's guess.
- Disappeared? - Vanished right off the face of the earth.
Supposedly he was onto some amazing discoveries right before his disappearance.
Direct contact.
That sort of thing.
Legend has it that he was abducted by aliens.
- He disappeared in 1959.
- Fifty-nine.
- Sheriff, as a concerned citizen - Uh-huh.
And as an extraterrestrialist, I'm compelled to ask: What's this all about? I think your slide's on fire.
- [People Coughing.]
- Oh! Oh! Oh! Stay seated, please! Please, stay seated! [Knocking.]
Yeah? Sheriff, we have a situation.
So, there's kind of a lot of stuff to go through, huh? The files.
- We'll do it piece by piece.
- The three of us? - The three of us.
- Right.
'Cause there's some other people that might wanna help out with that stuff.
Some other people? - Yeah, you know, that Maria girl.
- That Maria girl? But it shouldjust be the three of us.
- Probably.
- That's what I figured.
Actually, I sort of told her l we were gonna pick her up.
- Michael! - You know, she pushed it! She's got this whole thing.
She's a real vibrator.
She sends out these vibes.
It's Michael, she can't come look through the stuff.
It's us.
That's all.
I know.
I know.
I'll call her.
Do you have your phone? [Sighs.]
But don't let her blather too long, okay? - Because I'm desperately low on minutes.
- [Phone Beeping.]
- [Siren Wailing.]
- What's going on? We better go find out.
Michael, get outta here.
- Wait.
Are you sure we should go in there? - [Max.]
It's where we live.
- We don't have any choice.
- No, I don't like this.
We'll meet you at the Crashdown later.
[Police Radio Chatter.]
I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you.
- Mom! - Oh, Izzie.
- Max.
Oh, kids, they robbed the house.
- The sheriff told us.
- It's awful.
- When? When did it happen? This morning, I guess.
I stopped at the house on my lunch break - and whoever did it was already gone.
- You okay? - Yeah, just just a bit shaken.
- What did they take? Oh, the TV, the stereo.
I haven't even checked the bedrooms yet.
I called your dad.
He's, uh, he's on his way.
We're gonna go check our rooms.
- Gone.
- Oh, my God.
They didn't come for the TV, did they, Max? Someone knew what we had here.
Someone wanted it.
- [Knocking.]
- Sorry.
I can only guess what it must be like to have your house broken into like this.
- A real violation.
- [Isabel.]
So, what'd they take from in here? Actually, nothing seems to be missing.
Well, that's odd.
This place has been ransacked worse than the rest of the house.
It's almost as if they were looking for something.
They didn't take anything.
What about from your room? I haven't, um, looked there yet.
You checked out your brother's room before you checked out your own? - Why is that? - Sheriff, excuse me but why are you interrogating my children? - We're the victims here.
- Ma'am, I apologize.
I didn't mean to interrogate anybody.
I just wanna make sure that, uh we do a thorough investigation.
Sometimes seemingly meaningless details can be important.
I understand.
I'm sorry.
I'm gonna go now and check my room.
Miss Evans? I'm sorry.
I just need to take a statement.
- I can come back later.
- Okay.
Where did you get that? Uh, at the mall.
I kinda like the retro look.
Why? I just haven't seen anything like that since I left the reservation.
Well, maybe they're branching out.
- Yeah, right.
- Which reservation? I grew up on the Mesaliko reservation just outside of town.
[Siren Wailing In Distance.]
- [Gasps.]
- Never do that again.
- I didn't do anything.
- You startled me.
- I startled you? - Yes.
- Are Max and Isabel here yet? - Why, were they supposed to be here? - Oh.
- We need to talk somewhere in private.
I can't say for sure I was being followed.
I just had a feeling, that's all.
What did he look like? I don't know.
A man in a suit He looked suspicious to me.
What can I tell you? When we were on the road, there was a guy who might have been following us.
I didn't say anything because I didn't want anyone to get worried.
I can't believe what's happening here.
Someone broke into our house? Someone's following us? It's too real.
It's gonna be okay.
- What? - I know that.
I know that.
How do I know that? All three of us know it.
We think it's from the past.
Pretty wild, huh? Found it at Atherton's.
- This has to mean something.
- You know that deputy, the Native American one? He said he recognized it from the Mesaliko reservation.
We can't go anywhere right now.
We can't make any suspicious moves.
Come on.
We gotta go.
No one's going anywhere.
Not right now.
- Who is it? - I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Of course not, Sheriff.
You're always welcome.
So, what can I do for you? I just needed your assistance on a small matter.
What is it? There was a a break-in at Max and Isabel Evans's house yesterday.
Well, I hope no one was hurt.
No one was home when it happened.
I was just wondering if you could tell me My whereabouts, Sheriff? Of course not.
No, uh I was just curious if there'd been any trouble with any of the students here at the school.
I don't know any kids who would do anything like that.
Well, it's just a thought.
I know you keep a close eye on your students here.
That's my job.
I can see you're a person who takes their work seriously.
Take it home with you.
Take it on the road with you.
You know, I woke up with one hell of a headache.
Must have had your head in the wrong place.
Yeah, must have.
Miss Topolsky.
Michael, we're not going.
Liz, what are you doing here? Can I come in? Sure.
Of course.
Oh! So, what's going on? Um I really didn't wanna say this before because I didn't want anybody else to get involved but I'm going to the reservation.
No, you're not.
We're being watched.
Maybe you're not just being watched, you know.
Maybe it's more than that.
Max, today they came for the files.
What if tomorrow they come for you? If there's anything there any possibility at all that this means something we need to find out.
Thanks for the offer but no.
Max, you saved my life.
What does that have to do with it? It's what started all of this.
People suspecting you.
If anything happened to you You know, or Michael or Isabel, I just I couldn't live with that.
Let me do this one thing.
Liz, I already told you no.
Max, I didn't come here for permission.
I came here for the pendant.
If you don't give it to me, I'll just draw it.
I'm going.
The first moment anything weird happens anything at all you come back.
I promise.
[Coyote Howling In Distance.]
A beautiful bracelet for a beautiful lady.
Oh, yes, it is really lovely.
Um, but I was actually looking for something like this.
I was just wondering if you've seen this symbol before.
If you know what it means.
It means, "tree of knowledge.
" - Really.
- Actually I have no idea what it means.
- But it looks old.
- Right.
Uh, do you know what Who was that? Stay away from him.
- [Rustling.]
- [Animal Squawking.]
Hello? Is anyone there? Give me that.
Who are you? Please.
- [Rustling.]
- [Footsteps Running.]
Where did you get this? Where did you get this? - We just found it.
- We? No, I found it.
Who else knows? How many know? Tell me.
No one else knows.
How did you know to come here? Were you followed? No, I wasn't.
L What does this mean to you? Please, tell me.
This is dangerous.
It brings death.
- Can I help you? - I think I'll try the redskin basket.
Oh, yeah, I've been trying to get that off the menu for months.
Thanks for the effort.
My people are indebted.
My name's Eddie.
I'm Liz.
I have a message from River Dog.
- He'll meet you at 10:00 tonight.
- Tonight.
Come alone.
- Uh, where? - The reservation.
Someone will meet you.
Is he still following us? I don't know.
I think so.
I can't believe this.
I just wish things would go back to the way they were.
I still think this plan bites.
Michael, the plan does not bite.
I'm being used as a pawn.
I wanna go meet this River Dog guy.
Michael, relax.
All right? Here we go.
- Go! - I'm going! [Tires Squealing.]
Uh, Liz? She'll be here.
Don't worry.
I'm not worried.
[Tires Squealing.]
[Tires Skid.]
[Tires Squeal.]
This is a nightmare.
I am so sorry.
My mom's acupuncturist appointment ran late.
- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, it's okay.
It's okay.
[Tires Squeal.]
[Truck Door Opens.]
- Did you lose something? - What about you, Sheriff? Do you always chase cars when you're off duty? Only when they blow through three red lights two stop signs and do 70 in a 30-mile-an-hour zone.
Topolsky, you are a walkin', talkin', moving violation.
I'll take that the best way I can.
Now, I could bring you in hold you overnight.
While I'm at it, do a thorough background check to find out what our new guidance counselor is really up to.
Or we could just have a nice conversation.
[Engine Off.]
- Where do we go? - He just said to come back tonight.
You know, that's all he said.
Who's this guy? Oh, uh, he's my friend.
I invited you.
Just you.
Yeah, I know, but this is really important to both of us.
- Sorry.
- Wait.
You can't just leave.
Why not? Because I know this symbol.
It means something to me.
Please, it's important.
There will be a test.
If you pass the test, River Dog will answer all your questions.
Let's go.
Are you coming? What do we do? We wait.
They've only been gone a little over an hour.
I'm telling you this plan sucks the big one.
All right? They're out there on my vision quest, and I'm sitting here in the kitchen with two girls yakking.
Um, Michael, you know some women of the 20th century might find that last remark - just a tad bit offensive.
- Why? Why? Welcome to Michael-land.
I hope you intend to pay for that.
- I do not.
- Then that's theft, buddy.
Arrest me.
Okay, so what's with the Tabasco sauce? Sweet and spicy.
Sweet and spicy? We all like things extremely sweet mixed with extremely spicy.
It's our little dietary quirk.
Well, I'll have to, uh, keep that in mind.
You do that.
Are you two flirting? Oh, God, could my life get any worse? Um, Eddie, how much how much further is it? It's very close.
Max, I don't think this is a good idea.
We've been walking for too long.
Eddie, um, where exactly are you taking us? - You're here.
- We're where? Good luck.
No, Eddie.
You can't just leave us here.
Hey, Eddie.
Wh What are we gonna do? Frickin' Eddie.
I cannot believe this.
No, Max.
Max, look.
[Both Panting.]
- [Thud.]
- [Max.]
What was that? - [Liz Screams.]
Let me go.
! - Liz.
! - Liz, where are you? - [Liz Screams.]
Let her go.
[Liz Panting.]
Who are you? You have passed the test.
I've never taken you for a drinker.
- Why's that? - You seem like the healthy type.
You know, working out at the gym.
Shopping the health food aisles.
How long have you been following me, Sheriff? A while now.
Observe anything unusual? Well, besides an F.
Agent being assigned to our local high school yes, I have.
That's a hell of a kick you've got going.
About gave me a concussion.
It's a good thing I'm not the sensitive type.
Aren't you? It seems to me a man who spends his entire life trying to avenge his father's mistakes could be considered sensitive.
Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about my father's mistakes if I were you, Agent Topolsky.
Seems you've made a few of your own.
Such as? Well, such as letting them slip through your fingers.
- Them? - Whoever it is you're after.
Such as, exposing yourself to the local.
Maybe we're taking the wrong tack here, Sheriff.
It's funny how everybody agrees they've taken the wrong tack when their cover's been blown.
When their cover's been blown.
Well, anyway I just thought I'd give you a heads-up before I call your superiors and let them know you've been made.
If my superiors find out about this, I'm off the case.
I'm gone for good.
And where does that leave you? Isn't there some other way we can work this out? Why, whatever could you be thinking, Ms.
Topolsky? [Chuckles.]
I probably have information that you would like to have.
You have information that I might want.
Maybe we could work together here.
Let me think about that.
I once knew someone like you.
I didn't know where he came from or why he was here.
Stayed pretty much to himself.
But he befriended me and everyone here.
He began to trust me.
Do you know where I can find him? I haven't seen him for 40 years.
Besides me, the only man he trusted was Atherton.
The man gave Atherton his necklace.
The one you had.
What happened to him? Atherton was murdered.
Who killed him? The man killed him.
Maybe he was defending himself.
Atherton was some kind of U.
He could have been trying to expose him, hurt him.
I was too far away to see what happened.
But when I reached them, Atherton was dead.
When was this? November 1959.
I have one more thing to show you.
This way.
This is taking too long.
They're in trouble.
- Cool your jets.
- We should go out there.
- They'll follow us.
- What are we supposed to do? - We wait.
- Now I know why Isabel left.
You're obviously the last person to be around in a crisis.
We were told to sit here and wait until they come back.
All right? And that's what I'm doing.
I'm not the one freaking out.
You're freaking out.
I am not freaking out! You keep pouring sugar from one container to the other and then back again.
Quit it.
It's driving me insane.
- I wish you would say something.
- What do you want me to say? I don't know what.
Just say something to make me feel calm to make me feel like it's gonna be all right.
Maybe it's not gonna be all right.
- Thanks.
That helps a ton.
- What do you want me to do? - I don't know! - Shut up then! - I hate you! - Ditto! All I ask of you is just to try to make me feel better.
You know, be a guy or whatever.
Forget it.
I'm obviously trying to bark up the wrong tree.
- That was to calm you down.
- Thanks.
- Did he draw this? - Yes.
He said someday you would come.
It seems familiar.
Like I know what it means.
But I can't remember.
It must be some sort of language.
He was afraid they were going to kill him.
- Who was? - I don't know.
He felt they were close to finding him, so he had to leave.
I promised I would never share this information with anyone unless they passed the test.
Has anyone else come? Has anyone passed? No.
No one.
So this has some type of meaning.
It's some kind of message for us.
Maybe it's some type of warning.
I don't know.
It's time for you to leave.
Can I come again? [Groans.]
I've completed my promise.
There's nothing more I can tell you.
Nothing more you can learn.
You're not one of them.
Make sure he deserves your trust.
Let's go.

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