Rubicon s01e07 Episode Script

The Truth Will Out

Previously on AMC's Rubicon Espionage.
Most people can't see it for what it is A gift His car stood there where he supposedly left it.
- Supposedly? You think he knew he was gonna die? - You mean if I think he was murdered? - Yes.
Why would Tom leave me a bad investment two days before he killed himself? - I don't know.
- You still don't believe me.
Those two men are unknown.
I have to know who they are.
I'm offering you my help.
Who is that? That woman that he is talking to? Tanaz? I looked into Edward Roy.
Atlas is who he's working for.
What do you imagine Atlas is up to? Code embedded in crossword puzzles.
I wrote them.
It's not just your apartment.
They're monitoring you here.
Come on, let's go.
Over here.
Can you tell me what's missing? They didn't take anything.
And you're certain they were in this room? You heard them? Yes, of course.
Sometimes, Mrs.
Rhumor, in large houses like this, in the middle of the night, you know, you can hear things.
Um, maybe an animal.
Officer, I did not call you out for an animal.
We'll be happy to file a report for you if you find anything missing.
There were men in my house.
They were looking for something.
Because my job is important.
I didn't say it wasn't.
Uh, I thought Magda was gonna, uh, tape the thing.
Lisa, I can't leave in the middle of the day.
I know what I said.
Because sometimes I make decisions that save peoples' lives.
I said sometimes.
I'll be there.
Yeah, I'll be there.
Lisa, I said it, didn't I? I'll see you at 1:00.
Do you have 856? Morning.
Do you? You were the last one with it.
Damn it! You lost a classified file? It's not lost.
It's somewhere.
This is why we have protocol.
Because you are incapable of not losing things.
Feeling a little light sensitive? Bite me.
Do you have 856? 856 of what? The file.
File XJ9 dash eight-five-six? I just got here.
Can I sit? Five minutes.
Good morning, and where are we with the guests from the wedding? Well, Miles flagged a woman named Tanaz Sahar.
We got some background on her in the overnight.
She runs the Afghan rehabilitation foundation.
We looked into this NGO a couple weeks ago, decided it was clean.
They've got ties to a handful of local warlords, but publicly, they denounce the Taliban.
When Tanaz showed at the wedding, we took another look.
Turns out, our friend George Sorry.
Turns out, our friend George has funneled over a million dollars into a Will, can I I can I I need to talk to you.
Turns out, George has funneled over a million dollars.
Into her NGO, all in micro-donations, $2,000 and below, unlike his big, splashy donations to UNICEF and Greenpeace.
Which suggests that George wants to keep his ties to Tanaz off radar.
Moving in.
Dewey, take three.
May I have your attention, please? This building is under lockdown.
We ask that all teams remain quarantined in their conference rooms.
All classified material must be relinquished to the FBI for the duration of our investigation.
Until further notice, all work must cease.
Will, Spangler wants to see you.
Please remain in the conference room.
What's going on? Step back, ma'am.
API is now under security lockdown.
Come on, Will.
Join the fun.
The FBI has determined that there is a leak inside API.
An idea which I, based on my career-long interaction with the FBI, have determined is full of shit.
I hope, for your sake, you're right.
I know you all barely know each other.
We like to keep it that way.
Over the next couple of hours, keep in mind, you are, in fact, a team.
You work in the service of this country.
The work we do is important, And we will not be distracted by a bureau who could not find a mole if it were cardboard box on their doorstep.
Now, go back to your people.
Don't make me look bad.
You were right.
There's a bug in my office.
Not here.
Not today.
Who put it there? Go back to your team, Will.
Sit tight, don't anything stupid.
Spangler has a paperweight on his desk from Atlas MacDowell.
Atlas hired Edward Roy.
Who are we working for? I need to use a phone for one second.
No phones.
I just need to call my wife.
You can monitor me if you want to.
No phones, sir.
My daughter's school play starts at 1:00.
She's playing an asparagus.
I promised I'd be there.
T no calls, no computers.
No one goes in or out.
Who are they? Polygraphers.
Ooh, we're gonna get polyed.
All of us.
You know, if we're attacked, and my guys are sitting around staring at each other, that'll be on you.
Please try to relax.
When I was in OPs, I watched three different KGB agents beat the polygraph.
They must not have had a very good polygrapher.
And I suppose you are a very skilled polygrapher.
We can wait until you're relaxed.
I have a resting heart rate of 46 beats per minute.
I'm always relaxed.
My wife is going to eviscerate me.
Al she's going to tell the kids we're going for a drive, and then, Thelma and Louise me off a cliff.
Oh, she sounds lovely.
No, she is, actually.
She's great.
So who do we think is behind the leak? No way it's the Russians.
Chinese, maybe? Too easy.
Saudis? We've, uh, got a couple of translators look like they'd be willing to sell to the highest bidder.
That's racist.
I was talking about Benji, actually, and he's a-a white dude from Cincinnati, so maybe you're the racist.
Iran? That would not be awesome.
It could be anyone.
He speaks.
Anyone is scarier than Iran.
Anyone is scarier than China.
Or Saudi Arabia or Russia, because those places have governments we understand.
But anyone could be some guy with a pipe bomb in the middle of the new York city subway while your kids are going to school.
Jesus, Miles.
- What's wrong with him? - He's the leak.
She's kidding.
I'm fine.
Do we have travel records for Tanaz? This chick has got to be funding something evil through her organization, right? If we could see who she's been meeting with FBI took everything.
So we're just supposed to sit here? Get used to it.
Margaret Young? You'll be fine.
Just tell the truth.
Sir, if you could just call my wife for me.
Or send her an e-mail.
In the last five years, have you been sexually involved with any foreign nationals? I'm sure I have.
It's been a really good five years.
A man? How many of these things have we done, Mooney? I take my job very seriously.
I have done nothing for which I am embarrassed or ashamed, and I do not lie.
If you insist on conducting this exam, do me the courtesy of acknowledging that we're both wasting our time.
Are there analysts you manage here who are capable of running a covert operation? No.
Well, folks, the curtain just rose on the sacred heart production of Mr.
McNulty's vegetable farm.
I am officially pronouncing myself dead at 1:03 P.
Miles? You okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Well, your leg says otherwise.
I, uh I need a cigarette.
And then another one.
Human beings are the only species that can build fires, cook food and harm at a distance.
Certainly, we can figure out what Tanaz Sahar is up to without documents.
She's a woman, she runs an NGO, she attended a wedding.
That's what we know without documents.
Tanya MacGaffin, Grant Test.
Is your name Tanya MacGaffin? Yes.
Please relax.
Is your name Tanya MacGaffin? Yes.
Is your name Tanya MacGaffin? Yes.
Do you think there's any way I can call my wife? No.
My daughter's school play is right now, and I promised Is your name Grant Test? Yes.
Are you sitting down? Yes.
Since the age of 16, have you committed any major crimes? No, but I really need to Has anyone ever approached you with an offer of money in exchange of classified information? No.
Have you ever been bribed? No.
Have you ever been blackmailed? No.
Have you ever cheated on your wife? Excuse me? Have you ever cheated on your wife? No.
Have you ever cheated on your wife, Mr.
Test? What kind of question is that? It's important that you're honest with me about any potential vulnerabilities.
Vulnerabilities? Anything that could be leveraged against you in exchange for information.
Have you ever cheated on your wife, Mr.
Test? I just said, no.
I've never cheated on my wife.
I never cheated on my wife.
We can move on.
It's telling you I'm lying.
I never cheated on my wife.
Write that down, please.
Make a note of that.
Maybe you haven't cheated on her, but in my opinion, you will.
In your mind, you already have.
I love my wife.
Let's move on.
Are you a member of any terrorist organizations? No.
Is there something you'd like to tell me? There's a leak.
I'm nervous.
Have you ever sold classified information? No.
So, I'm lying about everything? Have you ever used illegal drugs? Yes.
Have you ever removed a white paper from the building? No.
Will, I got to tell you something, and you got to promise not to kill me.
I-I think I might be the leak.
Not funny.
I took a classified file home.
I know I shouldn't have, but I I id.
I took I I got in a cab.
You left a classified file In a cab? It-it would be hard for anyone without clearance to even understand what it is, to even be able to read it.
What was in it? German intelligence, on George.
It's it's got everything His ties to international banking, surveillance photos Stop.
What? We can't talk in here.
What, you think they've got ears in here? I don't know.
Nah, this is a restricted area.
They can't put bugs in here.
All clear.
No bugs.
Your father-in-law was David Hadas? I was sorry to hear of his passing.
I did one of his R.
? Re-investigation polygraph.
It's routine when there's an investigation.
There was an investigation? Is your name Will Travers? Yes.
Why was there an investigation? Have you ever used your position at API for personal gain? No.
Have you ever been bribed? No.
Have you ever been blackmailed? No.
Are you dissatisfied with your work at API? Why was David Hadas under investigation? There's a leak in the building.
It's imperative that we don't waste any more time.
Would your friends categorize you as a truthful person? Friends.
All we need is some Boyz II Men, and this place is a prom.
Boyz II Men? Sorry.
I forgot you're old.
Cat Stevens.
What happened to you in there? Nothing.
You're the leak, aren't you? I'm gonna go see if they'll let me make a call.
I sent Barry down to the cafeteria.
Time for your polygraph.
If I'm your leak, this country implodes E crumbles In its entirety From the inside out.
Oh, you call Washington if you have to.
I don't take a damn polygraph.
Let's make it quick.
Sir? You can't be in here.
Wish me luck, Will.
I'm a I'm a smoker.
Do you want a cigarette? Uh, we we're We're not supposed to smoke in here.
I Won't get clean results if you're in nicotine withdrawal.
Go ahead.
Uh Okay, now I feel like I'm being interrogated.
Is your name Miles Fielder? Yes.
Are you an analyst for the American policy institute? Yes.
Are you married? Uh Separated.
Your file says married.
Well, it's It's-it's kind of recent.
How recent? Four-six months, I guess.
Have you ever willfully damaged government property? No.
Other than the instances you've reported to us, have you ever used illegal drugs? I took a file out of API.
When? Yesterday.
Thank you for your time, Mr.
How much longer is this going to be? What did I say to you? I found something.
What did I say to you? Spangler was investigating Hadas.
His own analyst.
You are a security risk.
I should have you handcuffed and frog-marched out of this building.
The bug is gone.
There's only one type of clearance I know of that gets you You are going back to that cafeteria, and you're going to pretend that you're not the stupidest son of a bitch in this place, or I'm going to open a window and throw you out of it.
Who do we work for? We work for the United States government.
How do you know? This is a very serious offense, Mr.
I-I-I never meant to There will be some kind of disciplinary action.
With a little luck, a week suspension without pay.
Pay per week? And of course, there's gonna be a follow up investigation.
That's standard for a breach of protocol as serious as this.
I'm not the leak? You're not the leak we're looking for.
You know, Fiedler It's the best part of the job.
You're not supposed to take it home with you.
It's got to be money for an op, right? The donations are definitely dirty.
Why else would they be so erratic? It would be smart to pick an NGO with ties to the west, for obvious reasons, but Grant.
Whatever happened to you in there, snap out of it.
Long day.
You okay? Yeah, I'm okay.
You? A little scared, but You have nothing to worry about.
Everyone has secrets, Will.
So, who is she, then? Former lover? Just your typical terrorist sympathizer former lover.
Tanaz Sahar Player or middleman? Nice to see you, too.
I'm glad they didn't hang you.
Now, help us.
She may not be a player, but she's definitely in the game.
Surveillance at the wedding has her shaking hands with an Iranian intelligence officer.
We ever get confirmation on the third party from George and Yuri's meeting in Sofia? I don't know.
Maybe our third guy isn't a guy.
You'll get used to it.
You okay? Yeah.
You? You give up any really juicy secrets in your polygraph? That's that's classified.
You're going to need to come with us.
That's Jeff.
He's our financial analyst.
He's the leak? I got to go.
You're going to be all right.
God knows we all need one, hmm.
Jerry, you take two.
I'm serious.
Uh, t-take another one.
Now, get the hell out of my building.
You're done here.
So security will escort you through the exit protocol.
Jerry's team was tracking cyber-terrorism in the financial sector.
An analyst on that team was using his access to sec data to get rich.
I trust no one else in this room has a leak on their team? Well, barring the embarrassing possibility that one of you has admitted to bestiality or murder It appears we've made I through relatively unscathed.
Now, go home, kiss your children.
If Tanaz is the third person in the photo and she is connected to both George and Yuri Therefore She could have access to Yuri's weapons resources.
We need to check Tanaz's travel records with the meeting.
Already on it.
Grant, if you need to get home I'm already dead.
Who cares if she mutilates the corpse, right? Mmm.
This chick's bouncing all over the world.
I have her in London, Dubai, Kabul, Kurdistan I've got her in Sofia the night of the original meet.
So, she's the third party in the Sofia photo.
She's the third.
Hot damn.
Oh, we're good.
Oh Oh, I'm buying myself a cupcake.
The question is, who gets to present? Uh, I did figure out it was a woman.
Spangler's running some kind of unsanctioned op.
They used your crossword code.
David, you have to allow for the possibility of coincidence.
You know better, ed.
There's always a why.
If Will comes to you Why would he come to me? If he does Ed, if he tries, tell him to leave it alone.
Stay off the phones.
They're following me.
Oh Oh, God.
There's someone
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