Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Ruby Ring Episode 7 What are you doing? It's a new project, but I couldn't make much headway at the office.
Of course not.
A boyfriend can be a major distraction.
Good for you, Jeong Ruby.
You'll marry into a rich family, and you'll never have to worry about money.
What do you think you're doing? Hey! Don't ignore me when I talk to you.
How mean.
Are you really my sister? What have you done for me as my sister? Jeong Runa.
Who are you to ignore me? I suppose I deserve it as I'm a pathetic loser.
Jeong Ruby's always the best, and Jeong Runa's always a failure.
Never mind.
Have a great life.
What's wrong? Can't you tell me? Okay.
You don't have to.
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
You're shocked, right? You're secretly mocking me, right? You saw it coming, right? No.
How can you even say that? I thought I was going to lose it, having to keep it to myself.
Ruby, what am I supposed to do? What should I do? What does the baby's father say? That he'd take care of me.
He wants to marry me.
But that's not what I want.
I have no desire to get married.
I think I have to get an abortion.
They say abortion is murder on TV and in newspapers, but I have to.
I can't deal with it.
I can't have a baby derail my life.
Ruby, come to the hospital with me.
Can't you reconsider? Don't you love the man? Do you believe in love? I don't.
Everything's just a transaction.
If the guy you're seeing had nothing going for him, no rich parents or a good education and career, you wouldn't have chosen him.
That's not true.
Love can overcome anything.
Maybe for you, but not for me.
Will you come with me to the hospital? Here you go.
Gyeongmin's late.
He's in love.
Let him enjoy it.
I'm just worried he'll be tired for his long morning commute.
He won't be tired.
He's probably dying to get to work every day.
To him, it's not work.
He's going to see his girlfriend.
So when are we meeting her family? Next week.
I made a reservation at President Ji's hotel.
I don't know.
This is what Gyeongmin wants, but I think he should at least meet that TV news anchor Now, now.
Yes, sir.
We'll get the plan to you ASAP.
Thank you.
When's Ms.
Jeong getting back? She said as soon as she was done.
But this has to be done ASAP.
Seo Jinhui I don't think so.
Should anything go wrong, they can close our hospital.
What are we going to do? Hi, Hyeryeon.
I was just about to head back.
I'm sorry, but I have to get to the office.
Is work more important than me? I'm sorry.
Try not to worry.
Let's give it some time and think some more.
You know it's a secret, right? Don't worry.
I have to go.
Try not to think about it.
Go home and rest up.
I really have to go.
Pardon? That's not right.
We told you we were going to do it.
This isn't fair.
Then we'll come see you in Seoul.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Jeong, is the Wanted plan ready? No.
You said it wasn't due until tomorrow.
We're in a bind.
We have to get to Seoul right away and show them the first draft at least.
Print up what you have.
We'll start with that and talk to them.
Get ready to leave.
Oh, no.
I was working on it at home.
It's saved on my laptop.
Really? We'll have to go and fetch it.
I'll call home.
Runa, it's me.
Are you at home? Runa.
I'm sorry I made you come all this way.
I have to run.
Are you okay? Here.
Why don't you try getting up? - Okay.
- Easy does it.
Hurry, Ms.
I'm afraid this will have to be repaired.
Buy me a cup of coffee.
Or dinner's fine too.
Can't I ask my brother-in-law to buy me dinner? So Yes, I'm the sister.
Wow! There was a place like this in Chuncheon? Money is good.
Don't push yourself too hard, okay? Ruby wants me to give you VIP treatment.
But of course.
I'm her only sister.
That's why I'm offering you this special service to make a good impression on you.
Let me see your foot.
I'll pamper you like Cinderella.
It fits perfectly.
It is my shoe after all.
Maybe you will really become a Cinderella.
Don't forget me.
I will tell you it was my doing and that you owe me big time.
Thank you.
There's something I wanted to ask you.
What is it? What is it about Ruby, my sister, you like so much? Well, don't you know her better than me? Fate is a strange thing.
When I first entered college, there were so many women, but Ruby was the first one to catch my attention.
I got this special feeling.
She drew me in.
There's no special reason.
She's the one I have to spend my life with.
She's my destiny.
It was fate that we met like this too.
We? When you marry my sister, we will become family too, so fate will bind us together too.
Wow, Runa.
Can I call you Runa? Yup.
That's fine.
Do you have a boyfriend? Not yet.
I'm going to wait until I find someone like you.
I'm sure you'll find someone better than me.
You are Cinderella after all.
The shoe fit perfectly.
Someone like you No.
I want that someone to be you.
After we finish eating, I have to go somewhere.
Would you like to come with me? Where? What do you think? It's the best.
It's so pretty.
A surprise wedding proposal.
Here? Right now? It will be a special memory we can share.
And when things get tough, we can look back on this day to forgive, persevere, and love.
I'm not envious.
I'm outright jealous.
What about the ring? I don't know if I should show you.
I didn't know her ring size, so I guessed.
You're twins, so you must be the same size.
May I try it on? We'll be able to see if it'll fit her or not.
She'll love it.
Already? I'm by the pool.
I love you.
Will you marry me, Jeong Ruby? No answer? Don't be disappointed it's not a diamond.
Ruby stands for passionate, everlasting love.
Plus, your name's Ruby, so I thought this would be special.
Promise me.
No matter what happens, you won't remove this ring even if we separate, no, even if we die.
Can you promise me that? No.
I'm losing it.
What am I doing? Snap out of it, Jeong Chorim.
He's a womanizer.
Are you sleeping? Huh? No.
I should though.
Why aren't you sleeping? I don't feel sleepy.
Gilja, how about some rice wine? It's been ages.
We could've done this at home.
It's nice to come out for a drink every now and again.
This is nice.
It is.
You've aged, Gilja.
You used to be so pretty.
Ruby's getting married, so we should get facials and be pretty for her.
They say these days, a mother gets plastic surgery as soon as her daughter's wedding date is set to keep people from saying the ugly daughter takes after her.
My goodness.
Both my daughters could win any beauty pageant in Korea, so I have nothing to worry about.
Now that Ruby's going to get married, I have this and that to worry about.
Gyeongmin said not to worry as his family will take care of everything.
If I hadn't gotten conned, I would've had some money.
That fraud I wonder where he is.
He's probably leeching off another ditz like me.
In any case, shouldn't we go and get ourselves new outfits? We're meeting the in-laws next week.
We can't go looking shabby like this.
I'll get you a nice new outfit.
Why you? You've done so much for all of us.
You deserve it.
Clothes make the woman.
We can hold our own anywhere in the right clothes.
It's just that everyone's nipped and tucked.
As for natural beauties, we're at the very top.
Gilja, thank you.
After my brother died, you raised Ruby, Runa, and an immature sister-in-law all by yourself.
I'm glad you know.
Thank you too.
And I'm sorry I couldn't send you to college.
That's because I'm a birdbrain.
What's done is done.
Let's go to a karaoke.
Let's belt out a tune or two.
Here you go again.
You're drunk already.
Drink up.
I'm home.
Aunt Chorim.
Jeong Ruby, I'm going to live like you no matter what.
Hello? It's me.
Why'd you go home? Just.
Are you free tomorrow? Gyeongmin's extending a formal invitation for a get-to-know-you outing.
An invitation? This is nice.
Shall we? Cheers.
This is so nice.
It's been so long.
How am I doing? You're doing great, Ruby.
It's so strange that I'm steering a yacht.
So? I'm not too bad of a catch, right? I don't know.
Admit it, miss.
Let me think about it.
- Still thinking? -Yup.
How can I make you fall head over heels for me? I'm very thirsty right now.
How about bringing me a glass of cold water? Okay.
I can do that.
The sun's very strong.
You'll get burned if you're not careful.
Then could you put this on for me? Make sure you rub it in well so that I can tan evenly.
Why don't you ask your friend? She's sleeping.
What's wrong? I'd prefer it if you would put it on for me.
Runa was asking for you.
She needs sunscreen on her back.
The sun is very strong, so you could get burned.
Never mind.
Yeah? Hold on.
You must be so jealous.
Are you having fun? - Then how? - Not bad.
You're doing well.
Will open at 5pm today Sorry for the inconvenience Gilja, you look so beautiful.
You look amazing.
This is way too expensive.
- It's fine.
It's fine.
- No.
- Come on.
- No, Chorim.
What do you think? Whoa.
They're too high.
I can handle them.
Are you okay? I'm getting these.
You can't even walk in them.
These are mine.
They're too high for you.
It's fine.
I'm going to splurge.
Gilja, eat away.
It's been ages since we've had prime beef.
My belly's in for a surprise.
You eat away too.
This is my treat.
No, no.
I'm paying for everything today.
I know how to spend when I need to.
Let's sit there.
Eat your fill.
Hello, ma'am.
Hello, Mr.
Chorim, he's the producer who's been giving Runa a lot of help.
Oh, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner.
Runa's doing well, right? Of course.
Don't you work with her? I was assigned to a different program, so we're not working together right now.
I see.
Sorry to bother you.
Enjoy your dinner.
Thank you.
Um Is Runa okay physically? Physically? I meant, her health.
She's healthy, right? All's well, right? Of course.
So long then.
How do you know him? I ran into him and Runa on the street the other day.
He's handsome and nice.
He must've done well in school too to be a TV producer.
I wish Runa would settle down with someone like him.
Right? She's had guys chasing her since high school, but she still hasn't brought home a decent man.
Ruby, on the other hand, had no interest in boys, but she's marrying Mr.
Eat, Chorim.
We're not open yet.
We open at 5.
Ko Soyeong, open up.
It's me, Dongpal.
What's going on? Why are you guys closed? Mrs.
Yu and Chorim went shopping.
What for? They're meeting Ruby's in-laws tomorrow.
They went to get new outfits.
Ruby's in-laws? She's getting married? So you haven't heard.
Yu's elder daughter Ruby is marrying the heir of JM Group.
The chairman's son Are you sure he's not a fraud? Why would the son of JM's chairman marry the daughter of a woman running a small chicken joint? What are you talking about? Ruby's a fine catch.
She's smart, pretty, and has a great personality.
But the guy's even finer.
He's rich, a gentleman, and handsome.
He's a triple M.
What's a triple M? Money, manners, and manly looks.
Money, manners, and manly looks? That's me.
Pardon? I'm handsome and well-mannered.
What about money? I have money.
Say, Dongpal, what's going on with Chorim? What are you talking about? Your secret's safe with me.
Are you going to marry her? Are you nuts? That old hag? I'm just being nice because she likes me so much.
Don't get the wrong idea.
You're totally my style.
What? But our age difference I am hot and styling though.
You're Chuncheon style, I'm Gangnam style.
I'm Gangnam style too.
Do the wave.
Do the wave.
You're back, Chorim.
Are you upset I'm back early? Good grief.
Why didn't you clean this up while we were out? It's gross.
You haven't decided yet? That makes me look too matronly, but this color is too flashy.
I don't know.
You look pretty in anything.
Don't fret it.
You're the only one who tells this old lady she's pretty.
I don't think Ruby's family is well off so go easy on the jewelry or anything flashy.
Your face alone is dazzling enough.
You catch everyone's attention even in the simplest dress.
Yes, sir.
What about you? Don't you have to get ready? I will.
Which one? This one or this one? You're no different from me.
Really? Mom, dad.
Gyeongmin must be back.
I'm home.
Whose son can this handsome lad be, looking clean and refreshed after a sauna? Your son, of course.
You had to hear him say that, didn't you? Yes, mom.
You can't ask for a better son.
Your love for him is just too much.
Hurry up and get ready.
There's still time.
I'm taking a quick nap.
Jeong Ruby, you're finally mine now.
Gilja, we're not late, right? We still have time, right? You were at the salon for ages.
You're not the one getting married.
Yeah, but all I have is my beauty.
When else would I get to let it shine? My goodness, there's a new hairdresser there, and she did such a terrible job with my hair.
After she was done with me, I looked like a chicken.
It's sad enough that I spend all my time cutting up and marinating chicken.
I don't have to look like one, especially on a day like this.
Be that as it may, we have to love chicken.
It's fed us and clothed us our entire lives.
Thank goodness it's chicken.
What if it was pork? Are you wearing your hanbok? What about the dress I got you? I think hanbok would be better.
This is a formal occasion after all.
Are you really thinking of going to a swanky hotel in Seoul in that? No.
Plus, you should've told me so I could've gotten my hanbok ready.
If you wear this and me my new clothes, it just won't look good.
What's wrong with that? You can wear your new outfit and shoes.
No, no.
Ruby and Runa, come here for a sec.
- No way, Gilja.
- Stop it.
- Good grief.
- What? Hey.
What're you doing? Come here, girls.
Talk some sense into your mother, Ruby.
I get her a nice dress, and she insists on wearing this old-fashioned hanbok.
Mom, who dresses like that these days? No? You don't have to wear hanbok, mom.
Wear the dress Aunt Chorim got you.
I'm scared of wearing heels.
It's just for one day.
Come on.
Who could it be? What's there to life? All you can do is enjoy the moment.
Some search high and low, but only end up with losers.
Do you have to party like this? I can't have the baby get in the way of my life.
I'm I'm very happy.
I'll be a better daughter.
Didn't you say you had an aunt? Follow that car.
Hurry! You scoundrel.
I've never loved anyone like I've loved you.
Don't love me.
See you next time
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