Serie Noire (2014) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

1 I'm glad I'm not in season two after all.
Yes, we have to get her out of the picture.
-Let's throw her pH off-balance.
-What do I hear when I come back? Claudio's in jail? We give your guns back.
You leave us the fuck alone.
Everyone in position.
Stephen King one and Kafka one are on the move.
The award is gone! Fuck! Where are you going? What are you doing? Denis! Where are you going? Go back to your car and help me.
We need to get Bruno out.
OK, let's call Pérez.
We'll tell him we've been trapped.
Hell no! We ain't calling no one! We leave him on the side of the road and we leave! What's his number? Give me that! Wake up! The award! We hid some evidence! We desecrated a crime scene! "Desecrated"? We didn't sodomize the corpse! You know what I mean! The body in your trunk, the award None of this can be good.
They don't know about the award! How do you know it won't resurface? -Bullshit! -You wanted some action? There you go.
It'd better make for some nice episodes! At least, I don't have any secrets.
Why do you say that? Because I don't have anything to hide.
I could call Pérez.
I don't have any secrets either! Perhaps, but you knew Bruno very well.
And you were part of their circle! I wasn't.
So you think I might be the killer? I'm not saying that! But to someone like Pérez, you look more of a suspect than I do.
You're part of this world! Not any more than you! Come on, you sleep with a prostitute! You're madly in love with her, Steven Seagal is threatening her, you want to help her, This is some classic screenplay material.
Ouch! -Why did you do that? -I'm not in love! Fuck! Here.
It's perfect.
I'm driving this time.
-What? I'm driving.
Sit down.
I've never touched a dead body before.
I carried a dead cat before, but never a human body.
It's not the same feeling.
At least, we don't have blood on us.
But we're probably carrying microparticles.
What are you talking about? I don't know, little bits of Bruno, some DNA There must be tons of microparticles in my car trunk.
Maybe we should ditch my car into a pond or something.
-What are you doing? I'm kidding! -Of course, we're innocent! Before ditching the body, we need to find the award! As long as it's out there, it can be used as evidence against us.
-There was blood on it.
-And some microparticles.
But it only matters if they find the body.
If they don't, the award can't hurt us.
-Except for the microparticles -Stop it with you microparticles! If there's no body, there is no murder.
And if there is no murder, who gives a damn about the award! We find the award first, then we get rid of the body.
-Everything will be fine.
-But we looked for it, -and we couldn't find it.
-Wherever it is, we must find it.
There's a bullet hole indeed.
The award wasn't used to deliver the fatal blow.
His face looks different He looks like he's used to being dead now.
He can rest in peace now.
I wonder if they're watching us.
Who? I don't know, the guys who tried to frame us.
There might be hiding somewhere, keeping an eye on us.
Shit! The police is here.
They still think Bruno is alive, and we're in danger.
They're trying to protect us.
Let me deal with them.
-What? -I'll take care of it.
-Good evening, officer.
-Good evening.
Anything new? I just have to ask you guys to get in the house.
Your wife and daughter are inside.
You're safe.
We're not going anywhere.
I feel like someone followed us.
A black Jeep was on our tail for at least 10 minutes, right, Denis? Yes Maybe even 15 minutes Yes,a black Jeep grey, black, maybe charcoal? It was a black Jeep.
I know where they parked.
If you let me ride with you, I can take you there.
I'm sure it's nothing, but -OK, let's do this quick.
-Great, thank you.
Meanwhile, you can bring the stuff inside.
-The stuff? -Yeah, the stuff.
-My stuff.
-Your stuff? Bring it inside, I don't want to leave it in the car.
No, I think we can leave that stuff in the car.
-I'd rather not.
-Why? I just don't want to leave it in the car.
-Someone could steal it.
-Why would someone steal it? Hatchbacks are more prone to theft.
OK, we need to talk about this.
He always brings stuff home to our place.
Yes, I'm sorry.
-Juliette, are you asleep? -Yes.
Do you think they'll find him? Yes, they will.
They will find him sooner or later.
And now, he knows you tried to trap him.
Yes, I think he knows.
He must be furious.
I don't think he is.
Why? Because he's dead and his body's in my trunk! Would you help me, please? I need to put him in the shed.
Fuck! Ouch! I'm sorry, Judith.
We just wanted to spice things up a little.
Well, you succeeded! -Do you think it was a good idea? -Yes.
-This is crazy.
-Did you get my email? Yes, but I don't get it.
Cryptography is the science of encoding messages with secret codes and keys.
It played a decisive role during World War Two.
Apparently, their masterful use of cryptography, allowed the Allied forces to shorten the war by one or two years, according to experts.
Endor = glossary Do you have the forest moon of Endor in front of you? When did you find the time to do that? Last night.
I don't know I'm full of energy right now.
-Yes, you sound like you're on a roll.
-OK, so from now on, we're going to need the forest moon of Endor for all our Obi-Wan Kenobis.
I don't understand.
Obi-wan Kenobi = phone conversation OK, you're suffering from acute paranoia.
Does the name Lando Calrissian ring a bell? Lando = phone-tapping No, from now on, we must act as if we were Admiral Ackbar Ackbar = suspect in a Bid Fortuna.
Fortuna = criminal case Have you noticed the theme? -It's pretty obvious.
-I thought you'd like it.
-No, it's ridiculous.
-Today, I'm working with Lea.
Keep working on your side.
Life must go on.
We also need to come up with a plan for the AT-AT all-terrain armored transport.
AT-AT all-terrain armored transport = award -I'll call you back.
-And remember May the Force be with you.
She said she's a friend of yours.
-Yes, it's fine.
Have a good day.
-Have a good day.
-Thank you.
It works great.
I talked to a couple girls.
It sounds like Bruno skipped town.
What did they say? The cops raided the clinic and Bruno escaped.
The girls think it might be linked to the raid on the parlor before the holidays.
What I'm so happy to see you! Did Bruno skip town? Yes.
I'm losing it.
Everything is turning against me.
Ricky left me a message.
Since we hit him on the head, he's now convinced that Bruno will side with him on the assault claim.
What do you mean? Ricky thinks I'm hiding things from Bruno, but he's the one who's lying! I don't know what to do about Bruno.
Do you mind if I stay with you for a few days? I don't mind.
May the Force be with you = we trust NOBODY Actually I don't think you should worry about Bruno too much.
I don't think he's going to bother you in the next few days.
How do you know? Would you be able to keep what some people might call a terrible secret? So yes, it's a ghost.
But it's also her consciousness! No, we really love your poetry.
Henri keeps quoting excerpts from your book.
You do it all the time Henri! Right? Yes, all the time! "Dark sky, where are the caresses? It's not random, it's the wrong address.
Too late, it's the birthright's distress.
" You know some of these lines by heart? It's beautiful.
We are crazy about your poetry! And we were wondering Do you think Sarah could speak in rhymes? -Well, maybe! -Here he is! I'm sorry.
Look what finally came in! Check it out! Look at the sticker! It looks great.
-"Award winner.
" -There you go! We're doing a DVD signing event on Thursday night.
-Caroline Michaud will attend.
I'm sorry for being late.
-How are you? -Great.
I told them about the consciousness concept.
-They like it.
-You do? It's her poetry.
-We just love it.
-Poetry -You're already here? -Yes.
Lea wasn't feeling good.
-How do you feel? -All right.
And you? -Good.
Have you talked to Patrick? Yes.
Our plan isn't quite clear yet.
Maude called me several times.
I didn't answer.
I think it's over.
-What's going on? -Nothing.
I'll leave you to it.
Are you here? Not bad, right? Wow, you really got a head start! Honey, it's awesome, but I just went to the pharmacy.
I have vaginitis.
I really need to get treated.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
I feel like an idiot with my big penis.
Judith, what's going on? You have a backache! Forget about it.
It's in the back.
No, let him do it.
You'll finally make those meatballs.
-Where should I put it? -Right there, next to the gallery.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-Thank you.
-Oh, shit! -What's going on? Are you OK? We have to go back to the shed.
He has his gloves.
He was a gynecologist.
He was with a patient when he got murdered.
He's frozen now.
I can't smell much.
I think there's something.
Smell my mouth, then his glove, and tell me if it's the same.
-Denis -Come on! Do it! I don't know.
I can't smell anything.
Get me some Ziploc bags in the kitchen.
I think we just found our first piece of evidence.
-Do you want some omelet? -No, thank you.
I have to go.
Are you just watching me? Yes.
Thanks for trusting me.
Thanks for your omelet.
See you later.
Why didn't you tell me that the girl you were with at Judith's parents', actually works for Bruno? You didn't ask me.
Can I talk to her? You seem to be living together.
The car parked outside Are you using it to protect us -or to spy on us? -We think Bruno's hiding at one of his girl's place.
We're doing the rounds.
Two girls haven't called us back yet.
Do you know a girl named Theresa? -No.
-What about Charlene? I'll answer your questions.
I do know Theresa.
Great, how kind of you.
It's all right.
Weren't you on your way out? -Hi.
I decided to ask Judith to join the team.
OK, that's great.
I worked on the strategy.
You can tell him, I'm going to get a drink.
All right Do I need my Ewok glossary or can we talk normally? We can, this place is secure.
Do you recognize this? Yes.
It's a piece of evidence.
Take a close look at the fingertip.
Can you see the little white crust? -Yes! -This is the vaginal discharge from the last person who interacted with Bruno.
He was wearing his gloves when he got killed.
He was doing a gynecological exam! So the discharge on the glove comes from the girl who killed him? Or from the girl who knows who killed him.
We just have to find out whose discharge this is.
I'm going to need a list of all Bruno's girls.
Could you get it? Yes, no problem.
I'm going to ask Charlene.
Are you crazy? Don't say anything to Charlene.
She's one of the suspects! Did you tell her anything? No, I'm not stupid! Bruno had to have an Internet site listing all his girls.
I don't know.
-How many girls did he have? -About a dozen, I think.
Denis, check this out! Hurry up! Yes? This little brat won't let it go! Apparently, he can't work anymore! Mathieu, can you turn the volume up? Yes, I'm front of the TV.
Hold on.
The TV series Justice's Law has brought back a tragedy Marc Arcand thought he left far behind.
How does it feel to see your life on screen? There's no doubt that seeing yourself on TV, having your vulnerability exposed, it's like being raped a second time.
You have to understand.
My client is not able to work anymore.
His life was completely disrupted by this savage and wanton invasion of privacy.
I just wanted to say Nobody should make fun of sexual abuse.
A formal notice has been sent to the producer.
It could potentially derail the series development.
The settlement amount hasn't been disclosed yet.
Do you want me to disclose the amount? The amount is $45,000! -$45,000.
-Fuck What a bunch of bullshit.
He was selling shoes two weeks ago.
Are you talking to Louise? Ask her about the money.
I'm sorry, Louise, I'm changing the subject It might not be the best time Tell me, how much is 12 times 200? -2,400, why? -Well, Patrick and I, we might need a little research allowance to support our writing process.
You know how important verisimilitude has become for us.
So Do you think you could send us the money by tomorrow? Come on! OK, come in.
Let's hurry.
We have ten minutes.
Close the door.
-Thank you.
That's totally inappropriate.
Yes, that's Juliette's pouch.
Now, the equipment's in your hands.
Patrick, your stuff might be a little crumpled up.
The pouch is too small.
Please open your folder.
Inside, you will find a detailed schedule for the afternoon along with some instructions.
Please read this document carefully.
A felt-tip pen? I didn't bring any.
You really have to read the document in its entirety.
"All the items with an asterisk are included in your pouch.
" Thank you, Judith.
Do you have any questions? -No.
-Good luck! -OK.
-Thank you.
-Good luck! -Good luck! Excuse me, Cathy, I really need to go to the bathroom.
-No problem! -Sorry.
Excuse me I don't know what to say We shouldn't do this.
I found some blood in my urine.
I don't know how to tell you this I'm not into women after all.
OK, we can't do this.
I found blood in my urine! Yes, it's too bad.
But thank you.
-Are you done? I'm done too.
Regarding Charlene's sample, we have to come up with a plan.
I could give you the lab's address.
Let's talk about it later.
I want to go home before the party.
Is Judith done? -I don't think so.
She's a little slower Later.
-I knew it! -Hi, Denis.
I was waiting for Patrick to leave.
I didn't want to make him feel weird.
-Am I on time? -On time? According to the schedule? Look, let's do this quick.
Patrick doesn't know I'm here.
He didn't find the girls on the internet.
I gave him the list.
And it looks like you consider me as a potential suspect.
So I'll be happy to give you a sample.
Look, I cooperated with the police.
I'll be happy to cooperate with you.
How does it work? Well -Do you want to kiss? -No.
I'm going to do it in the bathroom, -alone, like a big girl, OK? -OK.
There's some soap if you want to wash your hands.
There are some Q-tips, some Ziploc bags It's actually better this way, you can dive right into it.
And if you could apply a slight rotation while rubbing the Q-tip The guy from the lab said it was My name is Charlene.
-You can write it yourself.
No, you don't understand.
The stickers are already on! All right.
Don't count on us for next year! It was the stupid moron from Carrefour de la Pub! He wants to sever ties with us because of the news story! We need to remove the stickers! Hi.
Are you done? No, I'm waiting for the last one.
Theresa -How is it going? -It's going great.
But is it strictly business for you? Do you keep your distance? Don't worry.
It's just We haven't talked much about Maude.
You said you don't want to see her anymore And things are better between us.
We're having a bit of a resurgence.
But I still feel a little insecure.
Do you want to have a drink with me and Theresa to help with your insecurity? We're in a hurry.
-We have to go by the lab -Come on.
We could do a little threesome.
Come on! -Theresa.
OK, I think we just found the hideout.
-And what do we do? -We wait.
-That's Bruno? -No.
Someone has screwed me over.
Could we see a little more skin next year? Could we at least see some nipples? Yes, we'll work on it.
Those are the discharge samples.
We want to see which one is a match for the glove.
Do you know it works with hair as well? I'm just saying.
Hair can be easier to collect.
We like complicated things.
If you say anything, I'll add "intimidation" to the lawsuit.
JUSTICE'S LAW RAPE IS NOT FUNY You misspelled "funny".
That's not funny! JUSTICE'S LAW Where are you going? No, it's all right.
I'm the screenwriter.
He's already here.
I'm the other screenwriter.
-What's your name? -Denis Rondeau.
No, I don't see it.
You'll have to get in line.
Come on, my name is on the DVD! Here, "Denis Rondeau"! Show me your ID.
OK, great! Congratulations on the show.
Do you think her fans will be OK with her not being here? No, you're a real pain in the ass! OK, Louise, I need a couple minutes alone with Patrick.
No You can feed a pig, or a sow in this case, but she will still shit on your porch.
I just talked to Caroline Michaud's agent.
She won't be attending the DVD signing because she has an audition tomorrow! I need a minute alone with Patrick.
-Don't we all -Louise, get out! You're not a part of this operation anymore.
-What do you mean? -You are dismissed! It'll be just me and Judith from now on.
-Why? -I can't trust you! Charlene came by the motel.
She gave me her sample! You told her everything! No, I haven't I just dropped her sample at the lab! You should be happy! -You will find the truth! -No, I won't find anything! She collected the sample on her own, I didn't see anything! It could be someone else's discharge.
You're totally nuts! You're dismissed! I don't give a fuck about your instructions.
Do you want to know something? I'm glad I told her everything! It did me a world of good! She makes me feel good! I trust her! You can't understand that, with your paranoia and your fucking stupid Star Wars glossary! And do you want to know the truth? The real fucking truth? I'm in love with this girl! Yes, in love! I told you I wasn't, but it's not true.
I love her! I love her so much that, despite all the bullshit we've been through since you started your screenwriting experiment, I have to say that I've never felt this good my whole life! Pretty amazing, right? -OK, you're in love? -Yes.
Judith and I have been fucking non-stop.
We get so dirty.
I'm going crazy.
She doesn't want to see Maude anymore.
She's falling in love all over again.
I feel good as well.
But I'm happy for you, Patrick.
I'm happy for you, Denis.
Well, for starters, welcome back to the team.
Thank you.
Good evening, everyone.
Thank you all for coming.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting to see so many fans here tonight.
It's quite a surprise actually.
But before we proceed with the DVD signing, I'd like to introduce you to the series two screenwriters: Mr.
Denis Rondeau and Mr.
Patrick Bouchard! Unfortunately, Caroline Michaud, your Valerie, won't be with us tonight.
Events beyond her control are preventing her from being with us tonight.
But wait! We still have the two screenwriters with us.
-Excuse me, I'm here too -Yes, of course! And the producer is here as well to answer your questions.
It's better than nothing.
I'm going to ask you to stand in line.
And if you haven't bought the DVD yet, please go to the cashier first.
I wish you a wonderful evening.
-Patrick? -Yes, I'm sorry.
Claudio got out of jail.
-Claudio? -He's Bruno's right-hand man, the guy Marc Arcand demolished with his nunchakus on Christmas Eve.
He was in the store, but he left.
Our situation keeps on getting worse.
Are you still having the time of your life? "This life robber must pay!" I know almost all the lines by heart.
OK! Well, thank you.
I've started writing my own series.
Really -Can you dedicate it to Anick? -No problem.
But maybe I shouldn't write on the wrapping.
You can open it, but please write inside.
I want to keep the outside untouched.
Excuse us.
-Hello? -Hello, Denis.
This is François from DNA Direct.
I just have one question before we start the tests.
Your answers on the form aren't clear.
-What is it? -Are you asking us -for a paternity test? -No -No, we're looking for a DNA match.
-OK, I just wanted to be sure.
Because the substance on the glove is sperm.
Are you OK? There you go.
I checked.
There is hair.
And there must be a lot of saliva too.
You'll have plenty to work with.
Still looking for a match with the glove? Yes.
Could you put the results in an envelope?
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