Shantaram (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Apo Vai Pranah

He has been vomiting
for the last five hours.
I don't know what to do.
The hospital won't take him.
They said with 3 to 4 days full
rest and with plenty of water,
- he'll be better in no time.
- Jitendra, can you hear me?
Lin, where have you been,
man? Come fast. Parvati is
Parvati can wait! Look
at my mister's condition.
She's in the same state as your mister.
Go to hell, Prabhu!
My baby was brought here before Parvati.
- Can't you see my Jitendra's sick?
- Prabhu!
What's going on, mate? How
many people are like this?
Everyone is sick.
But Parvati is sick also.
Please, hurry! Come fast!
Okay. Okay. I'm coming.
I'm coming. All right?
Guys, move. Go out and clear the air.
Jitendra, lay back.
I need you to make
sure this stays secure.
All right?
- Sorry. Sorry.
- Why are you still here?
Go home!
- Lurking around here
- Okay. Come with me.
- won't make her better!
- Sorry, huh? Sorry!
Why is God punishing her like this?
Is this a warning? "Stay away
from that haramkhor, Prabhu"?
Is that what God is saying?
We should never have
gone behind their backs.
- This is all of my fault, Linbaba.
- She's not the only one.
- Are you to blame for all of them?
- Please.
You don't say this,
okay? You are going also.
- What will we do when you leave?
- I'm not going anywhere.
Only because you're
needing a passport to go.
When you have it, then what?
You won't leave or what?
I'm not leaving for the next
two days, no matter what.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
I do not understand.
- It is such a simple task to boil water
- Qasim.
Qasim! I think this might be cholera.
All the symptoms fit, and
the way it's spreading.
Yes. There've been three other
outbreaks between here and Thane.
I am telling you, Johnny,
the most important thing will be salt.
- Salt and rice.
- Hey. Hey. We need to start making a plan.
I don't have enough
supplies to treat everyone.
Mr. Lin, we have seen this before.
Show this list to your brother.
We already have chores for
everyone, including yourself.
Linbaba, chalo.
The most important thing is to explain
that each person, even
the elderly, do their part.
Dear, let's go for breakfast.
I am hungry.
I will have breakfast in the bed only.
This bed isn't big enough.
- Mmm.
- I am ready for a full breakfast.
Butter, toast, jam, dosa.
Chai? Coffee?
- Leave it outside.
- No, wait. Ai.
Sunita, darling,
please come back inside.
Don't be nervous.
You know you cannot be seen with me.
We're so far from Bombay.
You think anyone here knows or cares
what you or your wife
look like, Mr. Pandey?
Very well. You don't want gossip, right?
Then hire me as your secretary.
When we move to Canada.
His career has not yet started
and he is talking
about moving to Canada.
Now you took this money from Walidbhai,
you are stuck in India forever.
My dear, it's difficult.
I love you.
You know this, right?
Let's have a little more fun.
The whole of Sagar Wada went to work,
knowing that no help
was coming but their own.
And I was the nearest thing
to a real doctor they'd see.
A fugitive paramedic
totally out of my depth.
Give one to Ratna
Auntie and one to Lily.
Ravi, you take one for Manu and Pinky.
Give one to Jitu. Go, go, go!
They must drink it. Tell them.
One, two, three. Take the
rest. Hurry up, hurry up!
Bring back all the empty bottles.
- Why did you give this back? Run!
- Send the good-for-nothing.
Cut him some slack, Kumar ji.
She means the world to him too.
Thank you. Thank you.
Hi. Can I get two, please?
I got us eggs today. Thought
I could make us an omelet.
You make some coffee?
So, you're gonna act like
it's just another day?
If you have a problem, Sebastian,
then why didn't you say so to Maurizio?
I said you could say no.
Well, maybe I wanted you to say no.
For me.
But what do you do? Nothing.
I don't give a shit about Raheem.
But I had to step up
because one of us has to.
And if me fucking him will
get us out of here for good,
then so be it.
I sleep with you.
Wake up with you.
Eat breakfast with you.
And I won't kiss him either,
'cause I don't do that.
I'll do my job, and then I'll leave.
Before I turn this car around
and take you back to Khandala.
Get out.
Ten kilos? That is a big shipment.
- Can you not deliver that much?
- Don't forget who works for who.
I can deliver.
But such large amounts draw attention.
Who knows where you get the brown sugar?
Only my partner, Modena.
What about the American whore, Lisa?
Ah. She doesn't know anything.
Modena likes to fuck her, that's all.
If this ever comes back to me, Maurizio,
then Padma will take your balls.
Remember that.
Well, if Khaderbhai finds out,
then Padma won't get the chance.
So, can we deliver, or no?
- You have another?
- Here.
We have to give her two
sips every two minutes.
Sunita! Sunita, up here!
You look happy! How was it?
She's a whore.
I followed her all
the way to the brothel.
A mistress is one thing, but
an affair with a low-caste whore
gives us much bigger leverage.
If Walid finds out about this
randi, he'll kill her in a second.
He can't risk Pandey being
removed from his position.
Abdullah's right.
The girl needs to be somewhere
safe, under our control,
if we wanna use her against Pandey.
We must do this without
attracting attention.
We need someone who can buy a
prostitute without suspicion.
Call in the debt Madame Zhou owes you.
Make her take the girl to the Palace.
No. There has to be another way.
You have a better idea? Let's hear it.
You've clearly discussed
this plan before I got here.
So does it matter what I think?
Abdullah raised it, yes.
But now we're discussing
it again with you.
Karla, we will not do
anything you cannot live with.
- When do we get more water?
- Tuesday.
Allah is with those who are patient.
Allah's happy to make 30,000 people
wait three days for more water?
No, but the city is.
Mr. Lin, cholera is a battle
we fight with every year,
and we do all we can to
save those we can save.
But who needs a doctor
when we have you, huh?
I'm not a real doctor, Qasimbhai.
So? Do I look like a real bhai?
Chalo, you are a jugaad doctor.
- But what in Sagar Wada is not jugaad?
- What's jugaad?
Jugaad is to to improvise
with whatever one has.
It's a very Bombay word for
a very Bombay way of life.
For good luck. We are needing it.
One car only?
He would come with more if
he knew about the heroin.
If he came to kill me.
Go. Greet them.
All good, child?
I mean it when I say
we can find another way.
Remember our conversation. If there
is too much sin in the crime
Let's just get this done.
So, you're asking me
to take in this girl,
give her a nice room, good food,
all paid for by you?
Do this and consider your debt paid.
A small price in exchange
for your life, hai na?
Then what are you not
telling me, Khaderbhai?
About this randi?
I have told you all you need to know.
But you don't want anyone
to connect you to her
or question why she goes
from one place to another?
You're well-known for
catering to all tastes.
You must recruit from
Kamathipura from time to time?
You seem well-educated in
the nature of Bombay whores.
Perhaps someone can educate
me what you are doing here.
Can you do this or not?
Of course.
But Kamathipura is known
for quantity, not quality.
The girls there are disposable.
I suggest, if you want
to hide your intent,
that we buy several of these randis.
Fewer people will ask fewer questions.
All right. As you see fit.
Karla will remain here
to see it is done right.
She speaks with my voice.
And how long has she
been speaking that way?
Will it be a problem?
Not at all.
Sebastian, you can go now. Please.
I'll be downstairs. I'm
staying until you're done.
Good evening.
I've been looking forward to seeing you.
And the wait was definitely worth it.
Can I get you something?
A drink? Champagne?
Take off your clothes.
Jeetu, Jeetu! Jeetu? Jeetu!
Okay. Let me see. Let me see, Ratna.
Jeetu. Jeetu!
It's a Da Hong Pao.
Only the best for my
most honored guests.
You really think your
clients care about the tea?
They pay for it, whether
they drink it or not.
What do you think I sell here?
Sex, of course
but mostly it's mystery,
a taste of the unattainable.
Men fly around the world
to sample the pleasures of a
certain girl trained a certain way.
That's why I can't let them walk
out anytime they feel like it.
I invest time and resources in them,
same as Khader did in Rujul.
Or you, perhaps.
You don't need to
justify yourself to me.
You're right. I don't.
You told Khader about Rujul.
Lisa told you, and you told Khader.
He pretended not to know you.
He's good. I believed him.
I wonder what lies he tells you.
You put my life in his hands.
You want me to apologize?
You hate me for doing
the same thing you did.
- Punishing a betrayal.
- I didn't kill Rujul.
And I didn't kill
your old friend, Ahmed.
Not personally.
Come. Drink.
You can hate me and still
not let the tea go to waste.
I couldn't stand the sheer pain
and fear and waste of it all.
Shame and sorrow
threatened to overwhelm me.
Jugaad wasn't enough
- Lin!
- it was never going to be enough.
Lin, she's not getting better.
There must be something you can do.
- Please, promise me you can save her
- Did I save Jitendra?
Did I save Lakshmi?
- What makes you think I can save Parvati?
- You can try. Come on.
There's nothing that I
can do that you can't.
Hey, are you blind?
Look at you and look at me. What
all I cannot do because of what I am,
and what all you can do
because of what you are!
No, you cannot go! Not now!
Where are you going, Mr. Lin?
What's the fucking point,
Qasim? We need real help.
None will be coming.
Have you learned nothing?
Yeah, I learned that blue handprints
make no fucking difference.
I'm sorry. I can't do
I can't do this.
No, Mr. Lin. It is I
who am sorry for you.
Fine quality.
Homemade, Padma ji.
Our lovely Khushi, who hails
from a family of bakers,
prepared this in our kitchen.
Please have another.
I have a figure to maintain.
It is a dream come true to
have someone of your stature
gift my girls such a future.
And the baker.
The future beckons.
No, no. I don't want to go.
You will do as you're told.
Can you earn more than this? No, right?
Then just do what is asked of you.
Hammad! Hi!
Chan, how are you?
Gonna introduce me to your friends?
- You too.
- Okay, I'll be in touch. Okay.
I'll be back.
Maurizio, right?
You know who I am? You
know who I work for?
Your brown sugar business
stops now, Maurizio.
- I don't know what you're talking about
- Stop. I know.
Someone doesn't want to
see you get people hurt.
I'm the one who will get
the job of killing you,
and I have a lot on my plate right now.
I can live without the workload.
This is your
get-out-of-jail-free card. Hmm?
Consider it used.
No more business.
Ladies first.
Not for me.
You don't need it.
You're a fucking tiger.
Pretty impressive yourself.
Where are you going?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I said I wanted a night with you, eh?
You want me to buy that heroin,
you better do whatever I tell
you for as long as I want it.
You've got till morning.
Ah, yes. Mmm.
Thank you for seeing me so late.
Last time you were here,
you said that Sagar
Wada had its own rules
and that you must abide by them.
Qasim keeps saying
we'll get through this,
that they've done it before.
The ones that have died won't.
My neighbors need clean water.
Other medicines too, but,
first and foremost, clean water.
How does Qasimbhai feel
about you coming to me?
He doesn't know.
So, you've already broken the rules.
- I don't have a choice.
- Of course you do.
You could be far away from here.
Why stay when you can leave?
I guess I wanna be the man
they see when they look at me,
not the one I see in the mirror.
I can't do that if I leave them to die.
You know, in ancient times,
the people of this land used to
believe that those who gave water
would achieve complete
satisfaction in life.
Water is life force.
Many Indians wouldn't refuse
a man a glass of water,
even if they were an enemy
or a complete stranger.
Bearing that in mind,
what choice do I have?
So what's in it for you?
We must all find a way to balance
our bad with our good, Lin.
If I have the means to help,
what would that make
me if I didn't use them?
My aid cannot be a secret.
That must be clear.
You are making a deal on behalf
of everyone who lives there,
and everyone must accept that.
Will they?
How long have you been with him?
Your Khaderbhai?
Are you lovers?
He trusts you. That is clear.
Believes you're loyal.
I am.
Mmm. Loyalty comes out
of love or fear or debt.
If you don't love Khaderbhai,
do you fear him or owe him?
What would Padma say about you?
Padma's been with me a long
time, so she'd say all three.
No. No, Padma would
give her life for me.
Loyalty has to work both ways.
Does it?
They're here.
That must be the one.
She knows this isn't what she was told.
Look at her, terrified.
Are you so much better than me?
The only difference between
us is that I work for no one.
And certainly no man.
Open up!
Open up!
Open the door!
I don't want to live here!
Hey, Linbaba.
And then the best part you missed.
Then suddenly, the truck
hits the side of the jeep,
sending it tumbling down the mountain,
breaking into a million pieces.
And Bachchan Saab is left for dead.
Evil Kaliram decides to celebrate
with drinking and dancing girls.
Budwha leaves for the village
where, unknown to them,
beautiful Phulwa is
tending to Bachchan Saab.
Yes, you guessed it,
Bachchan Saab is not dead.
How can he die, boss?
So, that night, as Kaliram drinks
and the girls dance for him
who is that handsome man singing
and dancing among them in disguise?
Bachchan Saab, of course.
And that chutiya Kaliram is too
busy drinking to recognize him.
So, Bachchan Saab sings on
Come on. Let's go.
Water! Water! Go, go, go!
You don't need buckets!
It came in bottles! Water!
When I arrived in Bombay,
I had to live on the street.
The very first roof over my head was
that of a tent in the jhopadpatti.
Where you are today, I've been there.
So how can I know of your
suffering and do nothing?
This is our city, Bombay.
It is the hardest city in the world.
And yet we all came here
looking for a better life.
Because a better life in Bombay is
a life better than anywhere else.
I will help you.
So, if you accept this
token of friendship,
I will help you find yours.
And then, like in all friendships,
there will surely come a day when
I will need you to show up for me.
Hear that?
- Just think!
- Thank you. Thank you.
Where are you going?
His friendship isn't free.
I'd usurped Qasim's
authority, but I didn't care.
I just wanted them to live to
keep my own conscience clear
before I ran again and
left them all behind.
No, no, no. Please. Please. Please.
Please. It is not me you should thank.
This is the gentleman you should thank.
Why did you go to him, Lin?
Why? You know what this means?
People were dying, Qasim. I improvised.
I mean, come on. You've gotta
admit, that's some hefty jugaad.
Now you have won their hearts.
Thanks to Lin.
Yes, thanks to Lin.
You didn't listen to me.
I'm telling you, "Please
stay away from gangsters."
And you didn't listen.
- Lin!
- What? What?
Thank you, Linbaba. Thank
you for not listening.
You are a good friend, Linbaba.
A good friend and a good man.
I'm sorry I thought you would leave
us. I should have known better.
Go. Sleep.
I'll wake you in the evening
and we can go get your
passport from Didier Sir, okay?
I'm already feeling sadness
about how much I'll miss you.
But it's time, na?
I think so.
That is why you're giving
us this goodbye gift
before these wrong people find you.
And then Kaliram lunges
at Bachchan Saab with the burning log.
Bachchan Saab kicks him.
The log goes flying!
Kaliram grabs Phulwa and
hurls her at Bachchan Saab
jumps through the window
to race to the rope trolley.
But look, Bachchan Saab is
hot on his heels and follows!
He double karate chops
Kaliram's cronies
and leaps through the air,
just about managing to grab
the bottom of the trolley!
Kaliram kicks at his hands
but Bachchan Saab won't let go. No.
Hey, Bachchan,
do you think she can see your
monkey act from behind the wall?
Come inside and show your
fighting shmiting. Come.
Don't just stand there.
You're blocking all the air.
Come in.
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