Shards of Her (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

ALARM 8:20 A.M.
Lin Chen.
Lin Chen.
Lin Chen.
Lin Chen.
Lin Chen.
Your brother didn't mean it.
Forgive him.
Hsu Hui-chen.
Why did you approach Lin Chen-hsi?
Why did you tell her that?
- Why…
-Don't touch me again!
I'll call the police
if you touch me again.
Call the police.
I'll let everyone know
what Hsieh Chih-chung did.
If we insisted on pressing charges,
Hsieh Chih-chung
would have already been in jail!
And our family
wouldn't be broken like this.
We talked about that a long time ago.
To be blunt,
I'm the victim.
I was always worried about
whether my husband loved me or not.
A bunch of teenage girls
was flirting with him.
In the end, Yen Sheng-hua
and your daughter
ruined my marriage.
How could you say that?
Get out. Get out!
Are you really blind?
How long are you going
to protect Hsieh Chih-chung?
I just want to perform
my role well as Mrs. Hsieh.
I just want
to keep our family together.
What did I do wrong?
It's my fault.
It's my fault.
You don't know how much
I love Lin Chen-hsi.
When I had her and her brother,
I almost died during labor.
I risked my life
to give birth to them.
We trusted you so much.
And Hsieh Chih-chung did that…
In the past 20 years,
Lin Chen-hsi
was as good as dead.
I really hate myself.
Why did I let him tutor her here?
And you two
didn't even apologize.
You're even saying
she ruined your family!
You both are shameless!
I believe my husband was innocent.
If there's no evidence,
we're innocent.
You two know very well
whether you're innocent or not.
I'm warning you.
If you approach Lin Chen-hsi again,
I'll kill you.
I swear!
You don't have to say that.
If I'm suffering,
I'll make sure you're suffering more.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Look out!
A Gentle Crow's Cry at Night
is an ancient poem.
A five-character line ancient poem.
Lines with the most characters
in ancient poems
are five and seven characters.
I think of you as my own daughter.
You know that, right?
The Elephant and Lion game
at Tainan Stadium
is in the top half
of the eighth inning.
Brother Elephants
is occupying all the bases.
with two outs and two strikes.
- After hitting this…
- A home run!
This is spectacular!
- Wave dance!
- Wave dance!
Stop watching the game, Lin Chen-ye.
Go and study.
Lin Chen-hsi.
Why are you showering so long today?
Hurry up and come out!
It's okay. I'll do it.
Bear with it.
Bear with it.
Bear with it.
Hurry up, Lin Chen-hsi!
Why are you so late today?
Sit down and eat.
Why do you look so pale?
Are you not feeling well?
Okay. Come on, let's eat.
I can't eat.
Wait for me.
What's wrong with Lin Chen-hsi?
- Hurry.
- Hurry.
Time for the Basic Competence Test.
I'm very concerned about you.
Thank you!
It's thanks to everyone.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Your second aunt and youngest uncle
called to congratulate you.
Lin Chen-ye is going to the movies
with your dad.
You should go with them.
Look at you.
Studying is so stressful for you.
Your dad and I
are so worried about you.
Mr. Hsieh and his wife keep calling
to ask about you.
Your dad wants to buy
a gift box with you
for Mr. Hsieh
to thank him.
I don't want to go
to Mr. Hsieh's house.
What's wrong?
Didn't you use to like Mr. Hsieh?
Was he too harsh on you
during this time?
You know he just wants
the best for you.
He doesn't want the best for me.
He kept telling me
not to say anything.
He said no one would believe me.
Believe what?
Will you believe me?
Of course I'll believe you.
Come here.
Tell me.
What happened?
Tell me.
What exactly happened?
That day,
it was raining so hard.
Does Lin Chen-hsi
want to watch a movie with us?
Lin Chen-ye couldn't wait
and went to buy tickets.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
Take your time.
Lin Chen-hsi.
What you just told your mom…
Is that true?
How can that be?
Isn't Mr. Hsieh nice to you?
Is it because Mr. Hsieh
has been too hard on you?
You're upset,
so you lied?
I didn't lie.
How could Mr. Hsieh do that to you?
I don't know.
How can you not know?
This is a serious matter.
You can't just say that.
Say something! Tell me clearly!
Didn't you fight back?
Didn't you tell Mr. Hsieh no?
Didn't you push him away?
- Is there something wrong with you?
- Why won't you believe me?
Did Mr. Hsieh
also do it to you?
Me too.
He told me
not to tell anyone.
But I really want to die.
I think I…
The principal just called.
Can you explain
what exactly happened to you?
This home is all I have.
And you.
I don't know what to do.
I regret it so much.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I can't believe Lin Chen-hsi
reported this to the police.
I'm glad I asked someone
to cover it up first.
The adults haven't settled this yet.
How can a kid do that?
Go inside.
What exactly is going on?
Why are you asking so many questions?
Just go inside.
Mr. Hsieh does his best in teaching.
Everyone can see that.
Then why did this happen?
Why would my daughter say that?
Mr. Hsieh.
Please say something.
Otherwise, Mr. Lin
will really misunderstand you.
I care too much about these kids.
I'm only teaching them
like my own daughters.
Maybe when I was encouraging them,
I did some things
that made them misunderstand me.
Can that be misunderstood?
Why are you dodging responsibility?
If this gets out of hand,
it won't do you any good,
especially Lin Chen-hsi.
Have you thought about
how she will face people
in the future?
How dare you ask me
how my daughter
will face people in the future?
All we want is justice.
Why won't you admit your wrongdoing?
I just told you.
No such thing happened.
I'm doing this for Lin Chen-hsi.
Everyone knows
that Mr. Hsieh is a model teacher.
If news about this gets out
and people arbitrate this,
who do you think they'll believe?
So you're threatening us now?
Mr. Lin, please don't act this way.
Let's talk it out.
I'm just analyzing the situation.
There are so many students
who like Mr. Hsieh in school.
Never did a student say
that he did that to her.
It's only Lin Chen-hsi.
I'm sorry.
Let me be blunt.
I don't know
why Lin Chen-hsi
approached my husband.
You're still distorting the truth now
and blaming everything
on Lin Chen-hsi?
We're here to resolve
this misunderstanding.
Lin Chen-hsi just got
into such a good senior high.
If word about this gets out,
it won't do her any good.
And she was like a daughter to us.
Chen-hsi is so outstanding.
We shouldn't let this
become an obstacle to her future.
I'm sure you feel the same way,
I'm sorry.
I'm fine now.
Do you remember everything now?
I don't know
why I believed Mrs. Hsieh.
I didn't know I'd been so lonely
and miserable for over ten years.
Why did Hsieh Chih-chung
do that to me?
Why me?
You can't act this way anymore.
Get up.
Eat something.
Get up.
I kept telling you to leave.
Why won't you leave?
Look at you now.
How can I go?
Even if I was so harsh
to Lin Chen-hsi,
you're still going to stay with me?
Of course I'm very mad at you.
But I'm afraid
you'd do something stupid too.
But I really don't get it.
you and Chen-hsi are so close.
At times,
you treat her like your enemy.
Then what does our friendship
mean to you?
Didn't I tell Lin Chen-hsi
that this is the first time
I feel like I won against her?
Since I was young,
the elders in my family
and my parents
told me,
"I'm the prettiest and smartest girl
in the world."
But when I was in senior high,
was talking about Lin Chen-hsi.
Lin Chen-hsi in the next class
is in first place again.
She's amazing. It's always her.
They say she's the prettiest
and has the best grades.
I noticed that since school started
two months ago,
Lin Chen-hsi
didn't interact with anyone.
But I can't believe she considers you
her best friend.
Yang Chia-ying, come here.
Listen to this really nice song.
Because of you,
I consider Lin Chen-hsi
as a good friend too.
Come on, help yourselves.
My dad got this for me from France.
But among the three of us,
everyone only praised Lin Chen-hsi.
Lin Chen-hsi,
you got 100 again this time?
- I admit that I'm very jealous of her.
- You're amazing!
But initially,
I really wanted to stand up for her.
If we had talked it out back then,
maybe things
would have been different.
I'm adding them all in.
But it's so hot today.
Why are you eating hot pot?
My body type is different from yours.
What are you talking about?
Lin Chen-hsi.
What are you doing?
Is it a crime to skip classes
to eat hot pot?
The dean wants us to clean the toilet
again tomorrow as punishment.
I can't believe
Yang Chia-ying ran away.
Darn it.
What's wrong?
Are you in a bad mood again?
I'm really in so much pain.
What's the matter?
I'm broken and unrepairable.
How can you say that?
You're great.
I'm not great.
No one would believe me
even if I say it.
Tell me.
I believe you.
Will you keep a secret for me?
Of course.
Don't worry.
I won't tell anyone.
Wasn't Lin Chen-hsi supposed
to take out the trash with you today?
Why did it become me?
And she suddenly
took a leave of absence.
Did she tell you why?
Hey, I'm talking to you.
I overheard Chiao
and the others saying
that we shouldn't team up
with Lin Chen-hsi from now on
and that she's annoying and a loner.
She seems very cocky.
Then we must team up with Lin Chen-hsi
for everything from now on.
We have to be nice to her.
Because Lin Chen-hsi is very pitiful.
She's very pitiful?
In what way?
I promised Chen-hsi
that I wouldn't tell anyone.
You can't even tell me?
Then you two can be friends.
Don't call me for anything
from now on.
Wait a minute.
Because of this,
I couldn't sleep last night.
When I think about what happened
to Chen-hsi,
I can't stop crying.
What exactly happened?
Tell me.
I think the math teacher
likes Lin Chen-hsi, right?
I heard that Lin Chen-hsi
is seducing the math teacher.
That's what Lin Chen-hsi does best.
I studied in Lizheng before too.
She was flirting
with the Physics teacher.
- What?
- What are you talking about?
- I'm serious.
- Did you see it?
- Why did you push me?
- What are you doing?
Apologize to her. What do you know?
- Are you crazy?
- Don't mess with me.
Girls, what are you doing?
- What's going on?
- Ma'am, she's talking nonsense.
- I didn't!
- All right.
Why can't you talk this out?
Why must you fight?
Hello, ma'am.
I'm Lin Chen-hsi's dad.
- The school called and wanted me
- Mr. Lin.
to come to the counseling room.
Mr. Lin, have a seat.
Take a seat.
Mr. Lin, we asked you to come today
to ask you about something.
I heard that something
unpleasant happened
to Lin Chen-hsi before.
It's all in the past now.
That's not true.
Why would you say that?
Mr. Lin, sexual assault is no joke.
Ma'am, I'm sorry.
I don't know
why Lin Chen-hsi said that.
I'll ask her when we get home.
Lin Chen-hsi,
apologize to the teacher.
Did you hear me?
Mr. Lin, can you calm down?
Ma'am, listen to me.
It's really not true.
What you heard are just rumors.
I think it's because Lin Chen-hsi
is so stressed from school work.
That's why she made up these lies.
Why did you lie?
Is it fun to lie?
Say something!
It's her.
Lin Chen-hsi!
Listen to me, Lin Chen-hsi.
I only told Yang Chia-ying about it.
She promised to keep it a secret.
But I don't know
how things turned out this way.
Lin Chen-hsi.
Didn't you promise
you wouldn't tell anyone?
I thought telling the counselor
could help Lin Chen-hsi.
How can you break your promise?
I heard other class students
talking nonsense.
You're just jealous that Lin Chen-hsi
is smarter and prettier than you.
That's not true!
I'm trying to help her.
The counselor didn't do a good job.
Why are you blaming me?
You're so scary.
You also started the rumor
about Lin Chen-hsi flirting
with the math teacher, right?
Chen Chih-ling!
Tell me!
Yes, I said it.
I can't stand
seeing Lin Chen-hsi happy.
I want to ruin her. Okay?
If Lin Chen-hsi doesn't forgive me,
I won't forgive you as well!
You asked me
why I'm staying with you now.
That's because I didn't do anything
for Lin Chen-hsi at that time.
I really regret it.
That's why I must stay with you now.
Why didn't you tell the doctor
that I was the one who shot you?
It's okay. It's just a flesh wound.
My colleague will be here later.
Leave first.
You're letting me go?
Ever since you told me
what Hsieh Chih-chung did
to Lin Chen-hsi and Yen Sheng-hua,
I've done a lot of thinking.
You deserve to be punished indeed,
but not now.
Lin Chen-hsi must be
very worried about you.
when you get home,
tell Lin Chen-ye to come to the police
station to provide a statement.
My son
is really involved in the murder?
I'll look into it.
My colleague is coming.
Thank you.
Hsiao-liu, are you okay?
Where have you been all these days?
How did you get hurt?
Let's not talk about that now.
What's the latest
on Hsieh Chih-chung's case?
I wanted to talk to you about that.
Yen Sheng-hua
just turned herself in.
Mrs. Hsieh.
For your husband's case,
someone named Yen Sheng-hua
turned herself in today.
Ms. Yen Sheng-hua.
You said
you killed Hsieh Chih-chung, right?
I knew it.
Aside from her, who else could it be?
I'm sure she killed my husband.
Can you tell me
everything you did that day?
How exactly
did you kill Hsieh Chih-chung?
It's just like your investigation.
But I'm sure
she'll lie and make excuses.
Anyway, I killed him.
Why do you think she'll lie?
Is there any conflict
between you two?
We don't have any conflicts.
How is that possible?
You said you killed him.
But you don't remember
the process and the details.
It must be her!
You must charge her
and let my husband rest in peace.
Just charge me and send me to jail.
I really killed Hsieh Chih-chung.
Are you okay?
I thought you went missing.
Are you all right?
I thought you hated me.
After all, I'm always bothering you
with the investigation.
I'm here to ask for your help.
Yen Sheng-hua turned herself in.
I asked my colleague
to make an exception
and let you see her.
Have a seat.
Do you remember me?
I remember everything now.
How come?
Why did you remember them?
Isn't it better that you forgot?
So you really killed
Hsieh Chih-chung?
I thought that when he was dead,
everything would be over.
But he keeps appearing
in my dreams lately.
I dreamed that he was on top of me
"Just a little longer.
Just a bit longer."
I used to tell our classmates
that Hsieh Chih-chung did this to us.
Everyone told me
not to think too much.
A friend of mine once asked me
if I resisted.
I thought, "Right.
I didn't resist."
I didn't resist it.
Whenever I think about the past,
I'd feel disgusted with myself.
Don't think like that.
Do you know?
I read an article once.
It says an animal's
instinctual reaction when attacked
is to counterattack,
run away,
then stop.
We were too young back then.
We were so scared.
That was why we couldn't react.
I should've contacted you sooner.
Then I wouldn't be
trapped in depression
so deeply.
It's really so hard to be depressed.
I have to tell myself every day,
Cheer up.
You have to get better."
But I can't.
Whenever I think
about what I went through,
I'd think that I'd never be able
to come back to this world
and pretend like nothing happened.
Ms. Yen Sheng-hua.
Let me ask you again.
Did you really kill Hsieh Chih-chung?
I think I killed him.
What do you mean?
Everyone believes
what Mrs. Hsieh says.
Just like old times.
People only believed
what Mr. and Mrs. Hsieh said.
Ms. Yen Sheng-hua.
I'm tired.
Can I stop answering for now?
Thank you.
Go home first.
Leave Yen Sheng-hua to me.
I thought I could help,
but I guess I didn't.
Trust me.
You've been a great help.
Are you pitying me?
Aren't you overthinking it?
Can't I treat you as a friend?
Thank you for that.
You can go first.
I'll take care of the rest.
Thank you.
Lin Chen-hsi is gone.
You can tell the truth now.
I don't know what you mean.
I'll surely put him to sleep.
I'll put him to sleep.
Even if you gave him a heavy dose
of sleeping pills,
it wasn't enough
to kill Hsieh Chih-chung.
Tell the truth.
A tragedy
is the only way to end it for real.
You killed Mr. Hsieh, didn't you?
How can you ruin us?
Hsieh Chih-chung!
Hsieh Chih-chung, come out!
I'll take responsibility
for everything.
Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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