Sherlok Kholms (2013) s01e07 Episode Script

Holmes's Last Case

It is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen to write these the last words in which I shall ever record the singular gifts by which my friend Mr.
Sherlock Holmes was distinguished.
In an incoherent and, as I deeply feel, an entirely inadequate fashion, I have endeavoured to give some account of my strange experiences in his company from the chance which first brought us together at the period of the "Study in Scarlet," up to the story with the ambassadors and interference which had the unquestionable effect of preventing a serious international complication.
It was my intention to have stopped there however my hand has been forced, by the recent letters in which Colonel James Moriarty defends the memory of his brother, and I have no choice but to lay the facts before the public exactly as they occurred.
Sherlock Holmes.
Count Brasher's manor.
North Yorkshire.
- Mr.
Ebenhaezer, - Call me just George, countess.
- But when, George? - We are waiting for your signal.
Assume that you've already recieved it.
We can start.
Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to choose Lord of Misrule and of course the Christmas Fairy.
Who are they? Who? Who is it out of all of you? The count! The count and countess! Today you are going to create celebration and we will be helping you, right? My order for you is from this minute and till the end of the Christmastide to joke around, laugh, prank each other, sing, joke and dance! Let it be! You are so beautiful, even even without the necklace.
And where's your necklace? And where is your cufflink? And where are your earrings? And the watch are gone.
Story seven.
Holmes' last case.
Move on the side.
Who allowed these people here? Mr.
Sherlock Holmes is my friend, sir, it's me who invited him.
This is a police investigation.
Holmes, be kind and move to the side.
So, Your Grace, I would want to hear how it happened.
At first everything was beautiful.
I was named Lord Misrule and Elizabeth was chosen to be the Christmas Fairy.
And what happened next? - We were dressed.
- Here And who, excuse me, was dressing you up? - Mr.
- Mr.
Ebenhaezer? He was one of your guests.
Where is he? - He's behind you.
- Behind your back, inspector.
He was our old friend, we were always inviting him to organise our family holidays.
This time he was organising Christmas for us.
At first everything was very great, Elizabeth waved her magic wand, confetti came down, the dancing had started and then we noticed that our jewelry was gone.
Did you search the house? Is something else missing too? No, they've opened the safe, but didn't take anything from it.
In general, I got it, sir, but in order to sort it out in detail we'll have to question all your guests.
It will be difficult, they left.
How? All of them? Would you stay in a house with a deceased? This is my job.
In this case you'll have to make a detailed list of all of your guests.
We didn't invite anyone specifically, the doors were open for everyone.
I'll try, inspector, to make a whole list of everyone I remember and know.
Try to do is as soon as possible, Your Grace.
Found anything? Ah, the button.
I'm sure it belongs to the robber.
Ebenhaezer tried to stop him and this costed his life.
Look, the button was torn off fiercely, so to say.
There might be a fight and a shot which the guests didn't hear because of the firecrackers' noise, music! But what about the safe that was opened, but not robbed? How? There was nothing to take from it.
The diamonds were wore on the count and the countess.
The robber spotted how the jewelry had been caught in the costumes first, and he took them, killing off impresario.
What can you say, Holmes? Logically.
We only need to find the button's owner then.
Oh, really? You don't worry, I'll take care of that.
But what should we do with Doctor wanted to ask if you need his help in examining the corpse.
No, I'll call my people! In this case we have nothing to do here anymore.
Doctor, let's go.
Welcome, gentlemen.
Sherlock, this is a nightmare! I don't understand, why did you take me here? Maybe the case will be twisted and you will create a new plot for your story.
The actors were good? Excellent.
George always calls for the best ones.
Damn, Holmes, he's dead! The songstress? A beautiful voice.
Seemed like she was American, a Negress.
- The safe? - Nothing was taken.
I'm not a dilettante, Sherlock! Well, all's clear.
Have a good day, count, we have a train.
Have a good day.
No, of course, I understand, Holmes.
My life maybe did not really succeed.
I didn't become a banker, I don't have restaurants, shops or ships, I'm just a doctor, the Aesculapius.
I was sent to the most dangerous, dirtiest garrisons and I was treating there without any supplies.
The patients were telling me stories before dying that I almost hated the humanity then.
I was a soldier, a doctor, even a captive, yes.
But nobody, do you hear, nobody anywhere ever treated me like an idiot.
But only idiot can believe that Lestrade was close to the truth.
How come all these diamonds got caught in the clothes? How? And why did the murderer go to the safe, but didn't take anything? And what's this button? Why did he take an empty sleeve gun and suddenly forget the button? It's my button.
What? I found this cork in Ebenhaezer's hand.
I need your help.
This is madness, Holmes.
Why? Why this no, it's worse than madness, this is a crime.
I'm not going to help you! Enough! I should've helped Irene Adler.
Whom? Yes, she was the invited songstress for the count's Christmas and she stole all the Brasher's jewelry.
The songstress? Negress? By the way, a very good way to turn into Othello.
I met Irene in Paris on the eve of The World Fair.
I was invited to investigate the Botton's case.
He managed to sell the unready Eiffel tower for the scrap metal twice.
The fraud was caught, the money was returned, and construction was continued.
Also some peculiar applause.
You! You are a scoundrel! You're a scum! I knew you're an Englishman, you don't give a damn about France! You don't give a damn about Paris! - Listen, indeed I didn't manage I - to love Paris yet, but Leave me! But now I will have some very strange memories.
- I'm protesting! - Against London? Against England? I have no special liking of her too.
Why England? You didn't hit upon an idea to build such monster in England! - You're about the tower? - Yes, I don't like it! But I do.
- I think it's beautiful.
- Beautiful? You don't know what's beautiful, you.
Great! Bravo, bravo! Soon there will be couplets, but they are not very decent for an English ear, but, I think you'll like it Who's there against England? I'm English and I like it! - Do you know each other? - Mr.
Holmes! Well done! It serves these burries right! Where the burries would be without us, huh? Mr.
Holmes, can I hug you? But sorry, I don't know you.
But I know you.
I've read a lot about you, Mr.
My name is Phillip McIntyre.
- Lord McIntyre.
- Exactly! Exactly! Mademoiselle.
Yes, sorry.
Mademoiselle, lord Phillip McIntyre.
What are these ceremonies? Alice - Pudding! Holmes, what are you going to drink? Um, I would like some wine! - Garcon, wine please! - Lord, wait! Mr.
Holmes has never tried real absinthe.
Here! Excellent choice.
Garcon, a bottle of absinthe please.
Of course you've been on the building, yes? This is grandiose! Do you know that Irene has an absolutely different point of view? And I agree with her.
I know, I know.
You know, even Maupassant is not pleased, but people, the progress won't stop.
Of course, they've built an expensive toy to brag on the world fair and we'll have to live with it for 20 years.
Irene showed me the real Paris today.
Good, Holmes, I'm so tired of these grey walls, all these lusciousness.
By the way, people, -bravo! - I'm not on the fair by an accident.
I brought a collection of Indian rubies and emeralds.
Holmes, do you know anybody here? I don't understand anything about gems.
This is some alchemy here.
Ooh, Holmes, this is the highest alchemy, philosophers' stone.
People, let's drink! Gentlemen, just one minute! A beautiful lady, Holmes, very beautiful.
Too beautiful.
Holmes, for your lady, Holmes! In the end, this drink is too strong for me.
Holmes, it works, works! You've repeated the word "too" four times already! Yes, too often.
If you happen to be in Paris, Watson, do not misuse absinthe in any case.
Look what the modern French painting has become.
This is a very dangerous drink.
Its main component is absinthe, the wormwood, in the essential oils of which thujone is placed, a poisonous substance that causes hallucinations.
That's why, John, the absinthe intoxication reminds of some drug in action.
The border between reality and dream disappears.
I don't really remember how we appeared to be in the hotel and I'm not sure whether the thing that happened next was real.
She's beautiful after all.
And? Why did you tell me all this? Maybe I wanted to - Can I join you, gentlemen? - Of course, come in, father, come in.
Thank you.
I was actually confessing here.
Excuse me, are you a priest too, sir? Don't think so.
I'm the opposite, I'm a doctor.
I heal the body, not the soul.
Without a healthy soul there can't be a body.
I'm pleading you, father, let's avoid the preaching, I Your soul is healthy, it's not for you - for this gentleman.
And by the morning she was gone.
Yes! Beautiful, beautiful! What happened? Holmes, she stole all my diamonds, all! But how beautiful, Holmes! Irene Adler, bravo, bravo! All of them, all! Irene Adler, bravo, bravo! She took all the McIntyre's gems.
It's the first woman who deceived me, wound me around her little finger like a simpleton.
And after this you will be, so to say, covering her, right? I think the gentleman still loves her.
Next time I met her three years later.
I found her in London, in The Canterbury Music Hall where she was working as a canary named Adel Solden.
Ladies and gentlemen, Adel Solden! This is success! Success! - Sherlock, what - Here, I found you! Took you a while.
What do you need? Let's go, I'll show you London, the real London.
Let's begin with Scotland Yard.
What did I do? First of all, you left lord McIntyre without the sum of 30 thousand pounds.
30 thousand? Oh well, 30 thousand.
If I had 30 thousand I would've been sitting in the hall and not dancing on the scene! What are you hiding? Show me, show, show! What is it? This is a cork.
a cork, Veuve Clicquot, year '75.
Exactly the same one we were drinking.
Do you want to say that Do not laugh.
Did you return that time? You were gone already.
Why did you return? For the violin! Wait, give me a hairpin.
Give me a hairpin, give me a hairpin! And you freed her? And did the right thing.
Father, was it right? This woman, by the way, caused a lot of trouble to this gentleman lately.
- Christ loved fallen women too.
I think, Holmes, she wasn't enjoying the journey you sent her on for long after that ill-fated story with the missing photograph.
This woman, by the way, just robbed the count and countess Brasher.
- You didn't understand anything! - What did I - Nothing at all! This cork, this is a cry from her heart, she asked me for help! Sorry.
Here, I told you that your soul is healthy.
It's too healthy.
London, England.
Skirts higher, one, two, three, four! One, two, one, two, jump! More energy, keep the distance, the mouth, a wider smile, where's your teeth? Sir, excuse me, excuse me, sir.
- Gentlemen! The music hall is closed! We have a rehearsal, please leave the building! - But the door is closed there.
So what, gentlemen, can't you read? - Here, it's all written down.
- You're Anthony Pay? You were serving as a constable.
Yes, but now I'm a director.
This though the zigzags of fate.
Just to think, what do these professions share in common? - Stop, stop! - Sorry for interrupting, just one second.
We're looking for Adel Solden! - On the side! - But no, there's something in common.
Repeat! Music! More energy! Miss Solden doesn't work here anymore.
Energy! She terminated her contract.
- Smile, smile! - So how do we find her now? She asked not to tell anybody.
Why? Did something happen? The thing is that Ebenhaezer's death made her too upset, she went into depression.
Energy! One, two, three, four! She will be performing in the German embassy tomorrow.
Thank you Lucy, thank you! Kaiser of Germany Wilhelm II visits London! Diabolical experiments of a crazy scientist! Sherlock, but this is silly.
You know the psychology of the criminals.
Now she'll go down to the deepest bottom and No, I'm sure she will be there! Look, the list of invited guests to the English embassy.
Kaiser of Germany Wilhelm II visits London! Satanic experiments of a crazy scientist! Yep, Rosenberg brothers with wives.
So, here, you're, as always, Watson, dressed neatly.
Let's go, go! And you call it politics, sir? This is a badly cooked oatmeal, a gruel.
Politics should be as spicy as chili pepper.
And as strong as Irish whiskey.
- As hot as Italian pizza.
- As stinky as French cheese.
Gentlemen, politics should be aggressive, otherwise it's not politics.
- It's a Christmas card.
You know, the pink one.
- The useless one.
- This is very nice that you're discussing war, politics with a glass of cognac, with a cigar in your hand.
Do you know how the same topic is discussed by soldiers with a bullet in the stomachs, heads, throats? They're just spitting.
Spitting with blood on all your thoughts.
Spitting with blood.
Politics is a bloody business.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
An omelet.
Britain got obese and lazy and soon her colonies will be taken away by more ambitious and brave countries.
Which ones, for example? For example, Germany.
- Order and strength.
- Will and calculation.
Cynicism and cunning.
Cunning and cynicism.
This is what our crown is lacking.
Do you know, gentlemen, why nobody buys our steel? - Because - it's rusted.
- Listen, but this is this - Immoral? But who said, Watson, that morality and politics could be combined? Nobody told me, nobody, I know myself that this is one of the conditions of the whole existence of civilized society.
But what do you know about it? - Well, more than you, sorry - Amusing And it was said by the person who is still convinced that it's the sun that spins around the Earth.
The person to whom names such as Diderot, Walter mean nothing! Nietzsche as well, for example? Watson, say it plainly, did you ever need your knowledge of Walter, Diderot, Nietzsche? Maybe they helped you to rent a less expensive flat? To save some money? To buy coal? - Yes? - You know, it is generally held Our brain, gentlemen, is a small empty attic, and smart people put only the instruments they will need there for work.
Yes, there are many of them and all of them are placed in order, but fools are dragging all kinds of junk and rubbish there, and when they would need useful things, there is simply no place for them there! We are the fools? I didn't say that.
- You said exactly like that.
- I meant you, doctor, just you.
Pity I don't have the boxing gloves with me.
What? Are you afraid of hurting your hands? Or are you afraid of blood? But you're an old fighter, or are all your tales about the war are nonsense and lies? Listen, but you are provoking me, I'll have to answer.
You won't do anything to me because you're an intelligent person.
You're a coward, simply.
Call the steward! - Gentlemen! Gentlemen! - Is that it? He can't fight, he's a woman! - Don't! What? What? What do you want to say? That's it, it.
Gentlemen, Watson.
Gentlemen, excuse me, I have not behaved like a gentleman.
I'll have to leave.
Sorry! I'm very sorry, gentlemen.
We're not finished, Holmes! We're finished, we're finished, that's it! - Wait! - The invitation, Charlie and Henry Rosenberg! - What's this invitation? - You've insulted me! - Me? You promised to help me! and I need the real help from you! Did you think you'll have to carry an umbrella behind me? Yes, but This is very unusual, very cruel murder! What? Wait, since when did a typical robbery suddenly become a somewhat unusual one? Yes, you noticed that nothing disappeared from the safe in count Basher's house but you didn't notice that the safe was opened after the death of Eben- hauser.
- Ebenhaezer - But wait, why do you think, oh god.
Did you notice confetti? Confetti on the floor? The confetti appeared only after the wave of the magic wand, when the jewelry was already in Irene's pocket, and only then did she go to the office to open the safe up for some reason.
It took a while, the corpse of impresario could be found at any moment, any moment! Why did she take that risk? There was money in the safe, about 300 pounds, but she didn't take it! So she was looking for something else.
It's empty.
So it's early for us to part.
But you promised.
Don't believe the Satan.
Cab! Wait, do you think it was her who killed the impresario? I don't know.
I hope not.
I understand you don't give a damn about one person's life, but this your thief, is she is she a murderer? This person is already dead, dead! Even if she is murderer, I don't give a damn! I don't know, Holmes, but you know, right now you are doing something.
Cab! What? I don't know, as if you don't care, like you have to die tomorrow! No! Tomorrow we're going to the reception! Look, now, you're Charlie, I'm Henry.
We need wives! Cab! No, no, no and no, I told you already! But it's just pretending, it's just for one evening.
A pretended wife for one evening.
You're insulting me, sir.
Will you even propose money to me? But, but no, but it's for the business, it's a game.
A game? You will be Elsa Rosenberg for one evening.
I don't like the name Elsa, I can't stand the name Elsa! Listen, but what do I do? Do you want me to call some prostitutes? You can earn a slap for that.
Me or courtesan, is it all the same to you? Listen, but you don't agree! But you're not even asking me! But how? I've already been asking you for an hour, Mrs.
Hudson, to become my wife! Repeat.
But I don't know how to ask just don't know.
What did you say now? Sorry.
Before that.
Before that? - Oh well, I'm asking you.
- About what? About that.
- So? - Soooso what so? So but it's difficult.
What are you asking me? Why are you doing this? Why? You've already refused, now you Why? So I would say? Yes? - Say what? - And you're and you you will refuse again, yes? But you'll risk it.
Don't do this to me, Mrs.
Hudson, this is serious.
And I'm serious.
I understand.
I understand I'm not handsome.
I'm unlucky, not successful, I'm a doctor.
I understand.
I write poems than nobody likes except for me and tales that everybody likes except for me.
I'm boring and proud, a horrible combination, yes.
I understand that I will never ever become an academy doctor nor a classical writer.
I understand that all life I will be taking advantage of hospitality and performing underground abortions.
So, are you persuading or dissuading me? Mrs.
Hudson, will you become my wife? My leg is not bending.
A wife for one evening? Forever.
Dear doctor, you are an extraordinary person.
You are reliable, steadfast, honest, solid, you will be a wonderful husband and father.
Any woman would be happy to become your wife.
Wait, do you agree? Mrs.
Hudson! God dammit, Watson, stop crawling on the floor, time to wear suits.
Lucia was kind enough to provide all women thingies and promised to help with the hair.
How nice! Also I brought jewelry, I'll help you with the hair.
God dammit, Holmes.
You ruined everything.
I'm just about to Told you - white ties.
We needed white ties Charles Rosenberg with his wife.
Henry Rosenberg with his wife.
John, go to the front.
- Why me? You're Charles, I'm Henry, go, go, we've arranged it.
Oooh, Mr.
Rosenberg! The ambassador of Germany Otto von Stich.
I'm pleased, heard a lot.
My wife Gretta von Stich.
Frau Elsa Rosenberg Ooh, Mr.
Rosenberg! I heard about you.
My wife.
I did too, your Highness.
- Anna Rosenberg - Ooh, very pleasant.
Eh, gentlemen, please.
Gentlemen, I don't want to interrupt the solemnity of the moment, but gentlemen, be ready.
In a few minutes there is a very important confidential meeting waiting for you.
Today you look Stunningly.
Maybe, if the ambassador handed this to me.
Old rake.
Such skill.
And nobody even noticed.
But I've noticed something instead.
This gentleman over there can't move his eyes away from us.
Of course.
We are the same Rosenberg brothers as One minute.
Gentlemen, I've warned you.
Follow me.
Rosenberg brothers, your highness.
Come in, gentlemen, come in.
Gentlemen, The times of Otto von Bismarck are in the past.
The times of whiles and maneuvering are in the past.
Germany is entering the open sea.
Germany wants to be rich and strong.
Knowing your attitude, gentlemen, we've invited you ourselves to stretch the hand of British industry from the Rhine coasts.
We need your steel.
Your machines, your technology and the most important - your business acumen.
- Where did they go? - Where? Man business, politics.
Elsa I imagined you absolutely different.
- Really? How? - Well, a bit older.
Yes, frau Gretta, you know, a nice dress and well done hair can work miracles.
Less often with the age, my dear.
Lady, have we met in Royal Ascot? Me and you? In Royal Ascot? Stop joking.
I don't like all those shops very much.
Anna wanted to say that she's lazy to go out and find a new hat for attending the horseraces.
Thank you.
- Exactly.
This is the case.
Won't the beautiful songstress make us happy with her voice again? Of course she will, the reception has just began.
Don't you find the songstress' voice familiar? Yes, the voice is familiar.
But that one was a Nigress.
Sit down.
Excuse me, sir, are you not interested? Why, Your highness? We are very interested.
I just wanted to say that you don't need to persuade us, let's go straight to the point.
This is the military blood.
- Where did you serve, sir? - Expeditionary force in Afghanistan.
I knew it.
Have some patience.
Yes, I know you won't be surprised, but this bulb works not for an hour, not even up to 40 hours as Edison's, but up to several weeks.
This is the creation of the Russian engineer Lodygin.
Who? - Lodygin.
Yes, that's right.
It was made in Russia, but is going to work for us.
We're attached a screw to it and meticulously pumped the air off.
This is the fate of the Russian empire: it will be giving us its diamonds and we'll be selling it our adamants.
Actually, there's a great future behind electricity, and I call Herr Schlager who carries out amazing experiments with the electricity.
Well, actually, I'm a biologist.
One second! What's the matter, gentlemen? We've made the contract as you wished.
You deceived me again! - What are you doing here? - I recieved an invitation.
I didn't invite you.
Then it's a very impudent crime.
It disappeared a month ago.
Sherlock! Who are you? - Rosenberg.
But I think there's a mistake.
- Charles, Charles Rosenberg.
- Here! It's doctor Watson! - Charles Rosenberg! It's an impostor, and he brought some wench with him! I'm Charles Rosenberg! What's there? I don't know! - Let's see! But you won't fire.
Not at you.
Sherlock! Put it on! Here, quick! Quiet-quiet, quiet-quiet! No, it's empty.
It's empty, no diamonds! Let me see! Quickly! - No, it's not empty! What's there? - What's this? - The thing that we'll be killed over.
Quick! Give it! Tell me all.
Sherlock, you don't understand.
He will kill you, kill me if I won't send this thing.
- Please, dear, please.
- What did he do to you? How is he twisting you? Why did you leave Argentina, huh? - Give it! - Quiet! Look at me, look at me.
Do you think I'll give up you? No, I won't.
Do you think I'll let you go? No, I won't.
- I won't.
- He will kill you.
Let him kill me.
Maybe I'll do it.
Why are you more scared of him than trusting me? Now, tell him that I want to meet him and I will give it to him myself.
I'll say when and where.
Why do you think he would want it? He invited me himself.
Damn! Damn! Quick, you didn't steal anything, you got scared because of the fire and you saw where I went.
I repeat, we will sort it out.
- I repeat, release the ladies, because it's only me who's to blame, the ladies are innocent.
Shut up, gentleman, you're disturbing my sleep.
I excuse me, I'm not talking with you, not your business.
What did you say? - Be quiet there! Fine, let One second, one second.
I'm telling you.
I'm not talking with you, it's not your business.
This is my slammer and everything is my business.
Doctor, don't mess with him.
- One second.
So I repeat, it can't be related to you in any kind.
I rule here.
Meet my friend.
Like this.
Doctor, you're cruel.
Attention! - Sit down, lazybones.
Old friends.
And where's Holmes? Oh yes, he's not here.
Your friend has started robbing.
How come he betrayed you like that? Don't talk silly, inspector, you know perfectly well that Holmes didn't rob anybody.
Yes, and the invitation tickets to the reception in the German embassy stolen from the Rosenberg brothers? Isn't it his business? This is this is wrong, you don't understand.
What did I not understand? Holmes wanted to prevent a crime.
Even so? I see, Sherlock Holmes after becoming a literary hero after your stories became very inventive in his methods of investigation.
Don't you think, doctor, that you and your friend have fooled enough? But the thing I really don't understand is how he managed to deceive Mrs.
He just used you, lady.
Holmes didn't rob the embassy's safe, it's not him, it's There are many witnesses from the scene of the crime who saw that it was Holmes jumping out of the window and running away from the embassy's guards! - This this can't be true.
- Ask Holmes yourself.
By the way, you're free.
Count Brasher left a bail for you.
Lestrade! Lestrade! Why are you sitting in the darkness? So not to scare away.
Whom? You.
Oh, I thought you were trying to do exactly the opposite.
I smelled the scent of your cigars at the beginning of Baker Street.
In our living room nobody turns off the lights.
Your policemen are in every corner, and the carriage! Could you leave the carriage at least a bit further? Nonsense.
- John! If you knew that we were here you would never have come in.
- But why? Why can't I come back home? - Because you are a criminal! Certainly at this time.
Take him! Holmes, you were seen running away with the jewelry.
So what? - You've fooled enough.
- Stop the lyrics! Take him away! In any case I didn't expect this from you.
I didn't from you either.
Watson, I won't be your wife! Mrs.
Hudson? - Yes.
Holmes asked to give it to you after the policemen took him away.
- Thank you, Tom.
- He asked to hold it till the evening.
But this we need to give to the police.
Holmes asked to give it to me, not to you.
- I understand, Martha! - You're calling the police? Wake me up only when the bail will be left! Shut up, you're disturbing my sleep! Pit the Rat? - Couldn't think of anything new? - What? Why can't I even ask? - How come you have such money, doctor? - Well, I I sold the publication rights.
Why, Watson? - Why would you care about a person who - You know, inspector Actually you're the last person with whom I would be confessing, but I'll say it.
You know, I hate Holmes myself with all my heart.
For his slovenliness, for his meticulousness, overconfidence, for his hishis everything.
But when he's free, I can sleep in peace.
When he's free there's justice.
- It sounds like an insult.
- Release Holmes.
- You know, I could arrest you.
- Fine.
- Even put me in jail instead of him.
- Why such sacrifices? Holmes is free.
You can take your money back.
People much more serious than you have already cared about him.
Who? - Kaiser of Germany Wilhelm.
Holmes, you're free.
Watson! Do you have money? Yes.
- Change? How much do you want for your rat? - 2 pounds.
- Give him a halfpenny.
Now she's my helper.
Watson, are you ill? Come in, come in, Watson, you're standing and breathing there like a train.
I was just passing by, I You are standing, doctor, there for several hours.
Well - Come in, sit down.
Thank you.
- Maybe you want a drink? - Nono, thank you, maybe I'll just smoke I believe, you have many questions.
Well, your patience will be rewarded.
- I would be very grateful.
Question one: what was Irene Adler going to steal, I mean, the one who sent her.
Was it diamonds? And why did she go to the empty Basher's safe then? And then to the embassy's one, even though she knew there was no diamonds there? Interesting.
For this.
- What is it? - One more minute, my dear doctor, because I was struggling on this question for several hours.
Holmes, sometimes you begin to speak like Like one of your literature characters.
You know, to be honest, I started to correspond to my literature twin somehow.
So you can claim yourself Napoleon.
- Yep.
And now - the most interesting thing! - Are you going to kill the rat? - Stop it.
These needles can do much scarier things.
So, we know that the human brain contains parts responsible for pain, for fear, for aggression.
Experiment one: Blocking the pain.
Creating the chain.
Now look.
Remember the crazy professor Schlager in the embassy? Basher brought these needles exactly for his will, to be exact, for Kaiser's will.
Experiment two: the center of aggression.
Causing aggression.
She'll get out there! Hold it! Hold it, I tell you! Why are you just standing there? So, in the result of the second experiment the rat had to be shot.
Look at these papers that I took from the folder I stole in the embassy.
These are the works of that crazy professor Shclager who works for the Kaiser, and the Kaiser freed me only under the condition that I will return these very needles to him.
Return? Why? You can make thousands of them.
- Impossible - Why? I haven't found this metal in any steel handbook by its properties it doesn't suit any of the discovered chemical elements in the periodic table of the Russian scientist Mendeleev.
I don't know how, maybe the oscillation of atoms of this metal with electricity affects the parts of the brain and open up hidden its possibilities.
Can you imagine - an army.
An army of killers who don't sense neither fear nor pain, walking on and destroying everything in their wake.
Can you imagine? I think one such needle costs a fortune.
- Really? - Count Basher came back from the East.
I'm sure he brought these from there.
But you think that all this should be returned into the Kaiser's hands? All this.
We need to win some time.
I need to leave London.
To where? - I don't know.
Maybe Switzerland.
There's one place, Mohringen.
My molecular physics teacher lives there.
Well, Holmes, of course I'm going with you.
- Doctor, what time is it? Aren't we late? - We're fine.
No need to hide it, doctor, I know it's Mrs.
Hudson portrait there.
Listen, why are you always sticking your nose everywhere? It's my profession.
Holmes Am I wrong or were you shooting this night again? No, you're not wrong.
Am I wrong or the did the milk go bad? Try.
You're wrong.
No wonder after your chemical experiments you were carrying out the whole night.
I'll replace the cup.
Don't, we're late.
We'll have to drive for 40 minutes to the train station.
My previous warning was the last one.
As well as the one before that.
Today Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio.
- Mrs.
Hudson? What's wrong? - This is a bad day.
- for travelling.
- What happened? What's wrong? What's wrong? Quiet-quiet-quiet.
What happened? Mrs.
Hudson? - What happened? - I think she needs to lay down.
- Fine.
Hold me.
Careful, careful.
Quiet, I'm holding you, holding.
What's this, doctor? - I don't know.
Some illness, quiet-quiet.
Doctor, I think you better stay with Mrs.
Fine, fine.
Wait, what about you? That's fine.
You'll come the day after tomorrow.
- Alright.
On the same train.
Doctor, I'm asking you, listen carefully to my instructions and I demand an exact performance of them.
Do you hear me, doctor? - Yes.
Tomorrow when you'll go the station, under any circumstances do not take neither the first nor the second cab, take the third one.
I assure you the seats there are much softer.
When you'll go to the station, try to arrive right at the train's departure.
Do not leave the companement until the destination point.
As soon as you arrive to Mohringen, catch a cab and drive to a hotel "England" that is one hour away from the statioin.
- Did you remember, doctor? - Yes-yes-yes.
The third cab.
Do not leave the compartiment.
Hotel "England".
God dammit.
Maybe then to Paris? Maybe she's finished now.
Yep, you like that extremely vulgar steel giant thing.
And then to Vienna.
- No, better to Rome.
Oh fine, to Rome, and then to Madrid, I want to see Corrida.
Oh, the horrible bloody barbarian spectacle.
You'll like it.
- Yeees! And then to Lisbon, we'll take a ship.
And to the Alexandria, and then we'll cross the desert on camels and arrive to Cape Town by the Red sea.
Nononono, to Makao, Makao.
Sherlock, I want to Cape Town, please, please! Fine.
Drive-drive-drive! Looks like we'll be placed in the same room.
Why? Are the other rooms busy? No free ones? You are the only ones in the hotel, but it's very expensive to heat several rooms.
We don't have any tourists except from you because the waterfall froze and the road to it will be covered with snow soon.
Is the room with a view of the mountains? Of course, the mountains.
Don't, I'll do it.
Does it remind you of anything? The Paris tower.
But this is more beautiful.
I love Alps.
Only here, in this calm, there is always this strange feeling of danger hiding and bordering with the silence and harmony at the same time.
To what shall we drink? Sherlock, I I I was waiting for long, Holmes.
- Is Irene free? - No, I've changed my mind.
- Then you won't get anything.
- I will get absolutely everything.
Ah, Holmes, you can't imagine, no jewelry is going to bring the joy bigger than killing you.
Only you, Holmes.
Why don't we do it right now? Tomorrow near the Reichenbach falls.
- Won't you escape? - Me? Sherlock? Mademoiselle, your companion asked to wake you up.
Your carriage is here and the train is in an hour and a half.
What train? To Paris.
He took your luggage and asked to give you this.
Irene, excuse me for this deception.
You have to run as soon as possible.
I left this night.
The meeting with Moriarty is in another place.
When he realises that you're not with me he'll start looking for you, so hurry up.
You must arrive to the train to Paris.
I will be waiting you there after three days on the place where we met.
If I won't come, do not hesitate.
Go along with the path we're discussed with you on the way to the station.
Under any circumstances do not take neither the first nor the second cab, only the third one.
I assure you, the seats there are much softer.
Do not worry about me, I'll catch up with you in Madrid.
Or in Lisbon.
Or in Alexandria.
Yours, Sherlock.
Come in.
Was the road good? Mr.
- Mr.
Holmes asked you - Yes.
To wait until 1 pm, and if he won't come back then I should give you this letter.
Thank you.
9 more minutes.
There's no more dull scene as a fight between two bespectacled men, huh, Mr.
Holmes? Do not wait for thunder and lightening.
You chose a strange place.
I am a strange man myself, but I like it.
Did you bring the thing I need? How do you think? Your friend, the chronicle writer Watson has taught you a lot, except for one thing: To kill with your own hands.
If you want to look at the waterfall, it's up the footpath.
Dear Watson, If you're reading this letter it means that I'm no longer alive.
Sherlock! Sherlock! That's it.
Your time is up.
Remember I told you not to wait for thunder and lighting? I was joking.
Dear Watson, if you're reading this letter it means that I'm no longer alive.
Yes, yes, I know it's an overused literature technique, but I like it.
Surely I'm probably alive, but just in case.
Excuse me for the silly trick with Mrs.
Hudson, I couldn't' think of anything that could hold you for a day in London.
By the way, do you know why Mohringen? From the documents stolen from the embassy I found out that hotel "England" is a secret Kaiser's residence, and all the employees.
from the conductors on the station to the hotel workers are his secret agents.
There's a chance that Moriarty won't escape.
By the way, do you remember the abbot who was in one train with us when we were coming back from Brashers? Can you imagine, I met him again in the train when was coming here.
He told me a very interesting parable about how the saint Trifon explained the trinity of god.
Trifon took a brick, prayed and the brick got set on fire then water came down from it and in Trifon's hands only clay was left.
And I thought - fire.
That's what creates and destroys the created, that's what will destroy the metal structure from which the needles were made.
I stuck them into the cork and set them on fire.
Now you can return them to Kaiser, they're no longer dangerous, just give them to the conductor on the station.
Well, I think that's it.
Yes, John, marry Mrs.
Forget about the conventionalities, you love her.
I've turned into a slobbery romantic.
How embarrassing it would be to look in your eyes if I stay alive.
I think that's it.
Your friend, Sherlock Holmes.
John, some unthinkable No words, our sales tripled.
When the next story will be ready? No, no, I'm not hurrying, I know you're such a person The thing is, listen, I have great news for you.
They decided to print out your storybook.
This is victory, John, this is victory, understand? The readers go from Chronicle to Punch, can you believe? Do not concentrate on this Holmes, well, start a new cycle, you'll make it, you'll make it, I know.
Why are you silent? When's the next story? Did you think of the title? It's very important, the title is very important.
Very important, look, the title is very important for me, you know? You know? Holmes' last case.

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