The Outpost (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

The Colipsum Conundrum

Previously on "The Outpost" - GARRET: What are they doing? - TALON: Checking ears.
- Why ears? - They're looking for me.
I'm just a sword.
A cold piece of steel - in the hands of Everit Dred.
- You're good, Blackblood.
- Better than you.
Marshal Wythers! Why are you in here? [SCREAMS.]
Gallows Rock.
Sundown before dark moon.
The smith said I need to find the Book of Names before something called the Dragman finds me.
I kind of need a little, small favor in return.
- What kind of favor? - I'm going traveling to deliver some stuff, and I need a travel companion.
Will you come with me? People find out about you and who you are, men will flock to your banners.
GRUFF MAN: Hail to the queen! ALL: Hail to the queen! Hail to the queen! [SCREAMS.]
Really? You thought this was the right place to bury a girl? Where people dig and plant things for a living? Go on.
Clear off.
There's nothing to see here.
Scarper! [GASPS.]
Go on! I said clear off! I'm telling you, right here it says that the Lu-Qiri Overlord mated with a human woman, and that's how there came to be Blackbloods.
Trust me, if you saw one, you'd know how impossible that is.
No human would survive such a an encounter.
I'm only telling you what I'm reading, Talon, and unless I'm wrong about the meaning of the word Jekku is it? Jekku? Then mating was definitely involved.
Besides, how else can you explain your blood? Look, can you just stop wasting your time on that stuff and find the Book of Names? The smith said we have little time before the Dragman comes.
This is it.
We're here.
This is Gallows Rock.
Looks like a good place to be murdered.
We'll wait here until sunset.
That's what they said.
That's what who said? The supplier.
Ten to one they try and kill us.
Talon, if we want to make a trade, then we have to follow the instructions.
Not if you want to live.
Now get up, and bring that gold.
And now we wait.
I don't understand why we couldn't just wait down there.
- [SIGHS.]
- Are you all right? Yeah.
I just think I think I did something to my shoulder when I fought those bandits.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
How does it feel when I go like this? [GRUNTS.]
I'll show you how it feels if you do it again.
Definitely dislocated.
Just have to, um, loosen it up a bit.
Relax, and breathe.
Wow! Full of surprises, aren't you? There's plenty more where that came from.
Gwynn, this is my father we're talking about, and for all the things that he is pig-headed, unreasonable, caustic And traitorous! You forgot traitorous! He is currently blackmailing me.
Yes, even traitorous, but the one thing that Wythers is not is a murderer.
And what about your brother? Now, I hold him responsible for Jaden's death, that's true, but that wasn't murder.
Now you're just playing with words! He sent my brother to the mine where he died! Now, I will never forgive the bastard for that, but I am telling you, the law is everything to Wythers.
He did not murder Lilly.
She is dead because of him! I know it.
He found out about me and then she disappeared the same day.
Your services are no longer required today, Captain.
You're dismissed.
Look at you.
Little lapdog to the queen.
So, um, how'd you get into brewing? The Mistress used to have a brewer.
His name was Old Tunney, but he was drunk most of the time, and he didn't really care about his craft.
So, I thought if I did some reading and taught myself, and I looked at as many brewing books as I could, well, maybe one day I could take his place.
And make her proud.
And I guess you did that.
All except the "make mother proud" part.
I, um, I wanted to talk to you about that, actually.
She's not really your mother, is she? My blood mother Well, she was the barmaid, but she was very young when she gave birth to me and my twin sister.
- Twin? - Mm.
She actually died doing so.
I'm sorry.
The Mistress, however, she thought it would be a good idea to keep me.
She thought a son would be useful, but she ended up selling my twin sister to the slavers.
She said that she couldn't afford to keep us both.
That's horrible.
They're coming.
- Wait.
Is that - Get down.
That can't be Greyskins.
Oh, my.
Wanna tell me why Greyskins would be selling colipsum to humans? It's a very good question.
Whatever the reason, it must be bad.
- So what do we do now? - We stay still, keep quiet, and wait till dark to make our escape.
But I can't go back without the colipsum.
Do you know what Greyskins like to eat, Janzo? - Mm.
But that's why I brought you here.
- You.
You brought me here to keep you alive and that's what I'm trying to do.
Talon, if I go back empty-handed, Mother will make me wish I was dead anyways.
I'm sorry, but I have to at least try.
We have to make a plan at least.
Send him in.
Your Majesty.
Look at you up there on your throne.
Lilly was more than just a handmaid to me, Mr.
She was my friend.
And I intend to get to the bottom of this awful business, not 'cause she was your maid, but because it's my job.
It was you, you son of a bitch.
You murdered her! I know it! Those are very strong words, Your Majesty, but I'm sure you have the evidence to back 'em up.
I am the queen, Mr.
I don't need evidence to take your head.
Queen? Queen of what? Last I checked, General Calkussar ruled this place, under the behest of the Prime Order, or have your abdicated your responsibilities completely? You gonna kill me 'cause your little girlie's upset? CALKUSSAR: No.
I'm going to kill you because of your attempted extortion of the queen.
I am blackmailing her, but if you don't want those letters to go directly to the Prime Order and let Dred himself find out truth about you, I'd let it go.
Tell me again about those letters.
They're in the safe hands of a trusted friend, ready to be sent in the event of my untimely death.
Then there will be no untimely death.
It'll just feel like it.
What's that supposed to mean? You will be sent to the mines to pay for your crime.
I think that's rather fitting, given your family history.
Don't you? Is this your will, too? If it were up to me, I'd cut off your head.
You should consider this an act of mercy.
Your badge, sir.
CALKUSSAR: Take him to the mine.
Prisoner division.
Lower shaft.
Anything? - Overheard Raelius talking.
- And? They'll march us to the Outpost when they have enough men.
If they get us to the Outpost, it is too late.
We'll be going to war.
War with the Prime Order.
I never signed up for that.
It is now, then.
Whoever pulls the black bead will have to escape the camp and go warn the Prime Order.
Swear on the Three that no matter who draws it, we never betray each other.
There's Prime Order stationed in Hamling.
You'll be leaving tonight after dark.
Round up all of his friends and take them back to Captain Spears.
This is gold.
I will trade you my gold for your colipsum.
This is nineteen-and-a-quarter brick weights of pure gold.
Do you use brick weights in your system of trade? [SPEAKING GREYSKIN.]
They don't understand, Talon.
A blade to the throat means the same in any language.
It's okay.
She doesn't mean to hurt anyone.
It's just a precaution, I promise.
My gold for your colipsum, that's all I want.
It's colipsum, all right, but this is way too much.
We only need ten brick weights.
We can't take all of this.
You can keep one.
Shut up, Janzo.
Grab the bag.
It was way too easy.
Easy? I think I just peed myself a little bit.
- Come.
Commander Calkussar to see you, Miss.
Send him in.
You may go.
The girl is worthless.
Sit with me.
The queen has nothing to do but play cards? But I'm not the queen, am I? I'm locked in my tower, with no friends, no responsibilities.
What is a queen without a kingdom? You shall have a kingdom soon enough.
So, this new handmaid, Naya apparently is her name.
She's a pitiful creature.
Not a thing in her head.
She can't even play cards.
Gambling is unbefitting for a queen.
Octor is not gambling, it's all about the odds.
Besides, you only say that because you're completely inept at cards, Father.
I hate to say this, it's probably time to stop calling me Father.
You sacrificed everything for me.
You raised me and protected me as your own.
As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be my father.
Well, if we're going to play, let's play.
Who is this Naya anyway? She's the only one we've vetted for her love of the crown.
We must know we can trust her beside the queen.
I don't like her.
You won't like anyone after Lilly.
- BOTH: Come.
- Yes? - A message from a Captain Garret.
He requests both your presence at the gate marshal's office.
Ambassador! They said you were away until We rode through the night.
Is there any correspondence? Yes, yes.
A bird came for you, from Gallwood Outpost.
You shall suffer seven score lashings and be relieved of command.
Your wench will be put to the sword.
She She's the quartermaster's wife.
Then I've done him a favor.
And since you were with another man's wife, - you shall die with her.
- But, sir Get out.
"Tiberion Shek and Bones dead.
Blackblood stains found.
Shek only checked ears of women.
" This means the Blackblood survivor is a woman.
And she's probably still at the Outpost.
We will go there.
And one way or the other, we will kill the Blackblood.
Even if I have to kill every woman there.
- [GROAN.]
What is it, Garret? Raelius caught a deserter trying to flee, and reveal our existence to the Prime Order.
- Then like a fool, he brought him back here.
I thought that the marshal's office would be the safest place at present - [PUNCH LANDS.]
- away from prying military eyes.
- Who is this man? - He's one of our new recruits.
Are there any other conspirators working with him? - [PUNCH LANDS.]
Raelius has rounded up his friends.
We're trying to get that information out of him now.
Which of these other men are working with you? You will answer me! Sergeant! You will not strike that man again.
This is how the Prime Order treats prisoners.
It won't be how we treat them.
Am I clear? Yes, Your Majesty.
Are there others in your conspiracy against the crown, sir? The punishment for desertion is death, unless you confess and tell me the names of your co-conspirators.
Hail to the Three.
Your Majesty, a moment.
He isn't working alone.
His friends over there, I would bet anything that they're as loyal to the Covenant as he is.
They were recruited to fight Greyskins, not overthrow the Prime Order.
There are always going to be those that don't support our cause.
Majesty, we cannot have them mixing in with the other men.
It will poison the morale Right now, the fate of one man is to be decided.
These other men have committed no crime.
Not yet, perhaps.
Let me torture them.
They'll confess to any Thank you, Sergeant, for capturing this deserter.
You're dismissed, Sergeant.
Conspiracy could spread.
Torturing them may spread it further.
What do you think the others will say about us? Hmm? Or do you want me to kill them all without cause? No? So, just the leader, then.
Are you sure? I'm sure.
We're to execute him immediately then? Yes.
Very well.
For his desertion of duty and his disloyalty to his queen, I sentence this man to die.
May his final thoughts be penitent.
You must raise your hand.
You will go back to the camp, and when you arrive you will tell them exactly what you have seen.
You will tell them that unlike the Prime Order, your queen is a just queen.
You will relay that unlike the Prime Order, I do not torture and I do not execute without cause.
But I must I must enforce our laws and I must demand loyalty.
I don't like that aspect of the crown.
I imagine it's It's one of the most difficult.
Look out there.
What do you see? A dirty little town, forgotten at the end of the world.
Yes, but it's more than that, isn't it? It's a place of promise, a last refuge of hope.
Beyond these walls, countless thousands of my people, all looking to me to somehow bring them peace and happiness.
We will.
You will.
If you had to choose between saving the Realm or me what would you choose? They're one and the same.
They are not the same.
You swore an oath to the crown, to Rosmund.
Now, swear that you are mine.
Not for the Realm, not for the crown.
For me.
I am yours to command until your enemies are dead and you sit on the throne.
And after that? I've never dared to imagine after that.
I have no title, no land.
Don't be stupid.
All of that can change with one stroke of my quill when I become queen.
When you become queen, you will choose what's best for the peace and prosperity of the Realm.
I'll choose what I want.
Is that what we're fighting for, probably dying for? A queen who puts herself before her people? We're fighting for freedom, Garret.
That includes my freedom.
To choose for myself.
To be happy.
Silence! [GRUNTS.]
Trouble at the cages, sir.
They've turned Plagueling and escaped.
- Are you all right? - Yeah.
- You two all right? - Aye.
Anyone stung? Burn the bodies.
Organize a corpse patrol.
Yes, sir.
- [GASPS.]
- Captain, you all right? Fine.
I just I need to get back to the Outpost.
He hits them, he deserves it.
Really? - [TALON LAUGHS.]
What are you doing? We're right by where those two bandits were.
Don't want to get stabbed in the middle of the night, do we? They weren't bandits.
They were musicians, and one of them's going to have to crawl to get here.
Talon, my darling, where there are two there are likely to be many.
We can't be too safe, can we? You're more likely to attract Plaguelings with the racket you're making.
Now hold up your end of the bargain.
Get over here and read some books.
You're so slow.
What are you going to do? I'm going to sleep.
Shouldn't you be out here on watch or something? Wasn't that why you built this barrier? Besides, who's gonna be out in this weather? Now less talking, more reading.
Where do you think you're going, Marshal? That bell means it's water break, doesn't it? You don't remember me, do ya? Not sure.
Well, I remember you.
We all do, don't we, boys? And hardly a man down here has been sent down here for next to nothing.
Oh, wait.
Yeah, I do remember you.
You're Rogan Threefingers.
You stabbed the baker's boy, - didn't ya? - That's right.
What are you looking at, ya halfwit? Ah, our newly promoted man.
Marshal Higgs, is it? At your service, milady.
Is this how you present yourself in an official capacity? Oh.
What can I do for you, milady? Captain Spears left the Outpost last night.
Did he return? Gate log.
Yes, Mum.
He passed through the gate and came back in to the Outpost with three of his men at the highest moon.
Well, then where is he? He hasn't checked in with Commander Calkussar and nobody's seen him.
Perhaps he's somewhere tying one on.
I facilitated your advancement and I can just as easily cast you down as I did your predecessor.
You? You mean your father? Yes, my father.
Don't underestimate the influence I have with him.
All right.
Me and Danno'll find your captain.
See to it he's found.
What are you standing there for? Go find him.
Still breathing.
Grab him.
Thank you.
Don't thank me.
You have friends in high places.
My son.
Don't know who your son is, but Mistress paid me nicely to keep an eye out for you.
Who are you? Call me Sill.
Just another miner.
Just another miner who happens to work for the Mistress? Now you're gettin' it.
From down here? [LAUGHS.]
Once a gate marshal, always a gate marshal.
She She has friends in low places.
- Hey, hey.
Get some rest.
Foreman and I have an understanding.
Giving you 'til sunrise to recuperate.
Better get some sleep while you can.
I can smell fresh air.
- Where are we? Don't get your hopes up.
You're still in the mines.
Down a side shaft only a few of us know about.
Thank the Mistress for me.
Talon! Whoa! Sorry.
It's just me.
You yelled.
Yes, I found something, something interesting in the book.
What? There's some kind of mention of the Vex Rezicon.
And what's that? Well, it basically translates to the Book of Denomination.
- De-what? - Denomination.
It basically means It's like a list of what things are called.
It's a list of what things are called.
The Book of Names! - You found it! - [GIGGLES.]
Where? Well, that's just the thing.
It doesn't quite say that yet, but I'm still reading.
Does it say anything about the Dragman? No.
No, it doesn't.
Then why'd you wake me up? Because you just told me to tell you whenever I saw anything.
That's all.
So, that's what I did.
Keep reading.
Tell me about it in the morning.
VOICE FROM PORTAL: The Dragman comes.
Not much time.
The Dragman comes.
Calkussar the Betrayer has failed to provide his latest shipments of armor to my division, and he has failed to capture or even report the Blackblood.
I will march with 100 Covenant Guard to bring the Outpost under new command, and install someone more loyal to the Order.
And I will find and kill the Blackblood.
Send it.
You will recognize the Blackblood when you see her? [CUPS CLANGING.]
- Talon! - Mm! - Did you hear that? - It's just the wind, Janzo.
I think there's something out there.
Go back to sleep.
Can you smell that? - [GROWLS.]
- Bone wolf! - [GROWLS.]
Talon! - [GROWLS.]
- I think it's gonna eat me, Talon.
Now would be the right time to call your demon! That's it, keep talking.
Keep it focused on you.
I was actually thinking of trying the opposite approach.
Talon! [GROANS.]
- Naughty bastard, take that! And that! - [GROWLS.]
- And that! Bone wolves are scared of fire.
I read it somewhere.
So, this Traptak bark burns like molten steel.
You were brilliant.
I should have thought of it right off, but I couldn't think of anything else except for dying.
You saved my life.
Yes, I suppose I did.
Sorry, mum, but we haven't found Captain Spears yet.
Are you sure he returned to the Outpost? Yes.
We checked with the sentries, the watch, the gatesman again.
They all confirmed that he was here two nights ago, but since then no one's seen him.
If Garret's missing, he's most likely in trouble.
You'll gather your men and search again, and you won't stop searching until you've found him.
Am I clear? Yes, milady.

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