Thundercats (1985) s01e07 Episode Script

005 - Trouble with Time

Unfit for mutant consumption.
We need slaves, Slithe.
Cooks, servants.
Look at this place.
A jackal wouldn't eat in this mess.
Then go, Monkian.
Go and do not come back without a few likely specimens.
A woman's touch is what's needed here.
- Chauvinist reptile.
- What? I said you're right, Slithe.
A woman's touch by sundown.
No, too small.
Back you go.
A warrior woman alone.
I wonder if she can cook.
All right, Slithe.
One servant coming up.
This was too easy.
What do you want, you furry Come along, girl.
We have a nice job for you.
Willa, help! I'm All this struggling won't do any good.
That was just so you don't get any more bright ideas monkey face.
Who was that, sister? One of the intruders who came out of the sky in that big ship.
- I thought there were two spaceships.
- Yes.
Those other strangers crashed near the Berbil Village.
This is our territory after all.
The warrior maidens have always lived here in the Treetop Kingdom.
We have to rid ourselves of the whole lot of them.
Do they all look like that hairy monkey type? Not from what I've seen.
I was at a distance, but they seemed to be cats.
Cats? Let's find these cats and rid ourselves of them.
This ThunderTank Panthro built is really something but he never lets me drive it.
Lion-O, what are you up to? Scoot, Snarf.
I'm just going for a ride.
In that monster? You haven't got the experience.
You gotta wait till your first driving lesson tomorrow.
Don't be an old nanny.
It can't take much experience to get this thing going.
Now is this going to be trouble or is this going to be trouble? Now, let's see what Panthro's toy can do.
Dang blast it! What's going on? Who's driving my ThunderTank? By thunder! When I catch that tanknapper, I'll smash him into sonic smithereens! Hi, Panthro.
I was just bringing it back.
It sort of got away from me for a moment there.
So I noticed.
You could have killed yourself.
This tank is a serious piece of business.
You're right, I know that now.
Does this mean no lesson tomorrow? Well, I'll have to think about it.
Don't tell Tygra or Cheetara, okay? Okay, but hands off until tomorrow's lesson.
- Okay? - Thanks.
The trouble with joyriding is that it uses up Thundrillium and we're starting to run short.
We brought a supply from Thundera, didn't we? Not enough to last that much longer so we'll need to look around and see if any exists on this planet or nothing we have is going to run, including the ThunderTank.
So the Thundercats are running short of Thundrillium, huh? Old Slithe will be interested in that piece of news.
Okay, here's how these little gadgets work.
When this detector comes anywhere near Thundrillium, it lets you know.
Too bad you just can't dream up a substitute power source.
Matter of fact, Cheetara, I'm working on that.
But until then let's go prospecting.
We'll split up.
That way each of us can take a sector of the surrounding area.
- I'll take the claw and the sword.
- Good idea.
There's still a good deal about this planet we don't know.
It's best to be prepared.
You usually find stuff like Thundrillium in a mine or some place so be careful you don't fall down a mineshaft, Lion-O.
Yes, Snarf, I'll make a point of it.
And stay out of drafts.
I will, Snarf.
I promise.
He's not a bad boy, but he never listens.
Why this unseemly excitement? The Thundercats.
- We We can - Slow down, Monkian, yes? They're running low on something they called Thundrillium, Slithe, which Which is the source of their fuel for their tank and for that blasted stronghold of theirs.
And if they run out, the ThunderTank is no more than a toy and that Cats' Lair is worthless as a fortress, yes? Exactly.
And right now, they're out searching for the stuff.
So we must We must prevent the Thundercats from succeeding, yes? That's what I've been trying to say.
I have the feeling I'm being watched but I can't spot anything wrong.
Who are you? Quickly.
- Are you okay? - Of course I am.
Back off, will you? I don't need any help.
Listen, I don't expect a medal for saving you from that, whatever it was.
It was a lizathon.
- But you could at least say thank you.
- Thanks.
- And now - I'm Lion-O.
Thanks, Lion-O.
Hey, why are you angry? I had nothing to do with your falling out of that tree.
If you hadn't been sneaking around up there trying to spy on me This jungle is my home.
You're the one who's spying.
I wasn't spying.
I'm new here and I was just being cautious.
Well, just maybe I judged you wrong.
- We'll see.
- At least tell me your name.
It's Willa.
A soft name for such a tough girl.
He's one of the aliens, isn't he? One of those who came on the strange ship? Yes, a cat.
Calls himself Lion-O.
I followed him from the lair they built.
- What's he like? - I'm not sure.
Cats can't always be trusted.
- We'll just keep an eye on him.
- Yes.
Tell the others.
Lion-O must be carefully watched.
Don't much like the looks of this stretch of our adopted planet.
Must be some Thundrillium deposits nearby.
Getting stronger over this way.
The cave.
Sounds like it might be a large deposit.
Got to rest.
Feel strange.
I feel my strength leaving me.
Growing feeble.
I'm aging getting years older every minute I'm in this place.
Got to get free of this, escape from here.
Don't want to end up a pile of bones.
Have to run outside.
So, so tired.
Trouble somewhere.
Let's find out what's wrong.
Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight.
I can hardly recognize him.
I've got to get to him quickly.
Not just yet, whelp.
I haven't got time to waste on you mutants so I'm going to take care of you fast and Strike at him before he gets it back.
Don't know who your friends are, boy but they'll have to shoot better than that.
Pretty colors.
We Monkians.
Now we never miss what we What we Sleep gas.
Breathe deeply.
- It will pass.
- Thanks, Willa.
We're even now.
Excuse me, but I must hurry.
My friend, Tygra You mustn't go that way.
Ahead lies the Cave of Time.
The Cave of Time? That could explain why Tygra looked the way he did.
That must be where he's trapped.
Thank you, Willa, but I must go that way.
Wait, Lion-O.
It's best to listen to what she has to say.
But, Jaga, every minute I stay here I This is her home territory.
She knows it much better than you.
You should listen, before you rush off headlong.
- But, Jaga - Sometimes you can save time by waiting and finding out all there is to learn about a situation.
I see that, Jaga.
Okay, what can you tell me about the Cave of Time? Who were you talking to? Explain to you later.
Right now, tell me about that cave.
If you go in after him, you too will grow old swiftly.
There has to be some way to save him.
There isn't, Lion-O.
No one can run fast enough to escape aging.
It can be done, Willa.
I can't do it, but Cheetara can.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats ho! The Thundercat signal, and especially urgent somehow.
I'm getting a strong reading meaning there's got to be Thundrillium hereabouts and in plentiful supply.
Time for this later.
There it is, the Cave of Time.
Your friend has no chance of ever returning I'm afraid.
If I move fast enough, the cave won't affect me? It's not possible to move fast enough, I tell you.
You've never seen a cheetah move if you think that.
Come on, wake up.
I seem to have dozed off.
They used a sleep gas arrow on you, fool.
I remember now.
We'd almost defeated Lion-O.
Success was within our grasp until that fool girl stuck her nose into our affairs.
You told us that Lion-O and the girl will be at the Cave of Time.
It ought to be a perfect place to ambush them.
I don't wanna run into any more arrows.
That gas gives me a headache.
This time we'll make certain she won't get a chance to use them.
Tygra! Cheetara.
Get out or you'll be like me.
I'm too fast to get caught by this place.
- I've got him.
- Amazing.
Not more than a few seconds.
This is not any Tygra that I know.
It is, Panthro.
That cave did this to me.
Isn't there something we can do? I know a way, but it will be difficult and dangerous.
Danger doesn't deter the Thundercats, Willa.
I'm beginning to realize that.
You mean there's a way to make him young again? We must take him to the Geyser of Life.
If he bathes in its waters, he may be restored.
Where is this Geyser of Life? A few miles to the south, across some pretty wild country.
We've seen nothing else on this planet.
Lead on, Willa.
I feel so foolish.
We're almost there, Tygra.
Just rest.
Conserve your strength.
That looks like it up ahead.
The fountain is guarded by the wing-ed water snakes so be on your guard.
We must think this thing through.
The sword is mighty but we have no time for a lengthy fight.
Tygra is failing fast.
Distract them, Lion-O.
Cheetara, dizzy them.
He must go alone.
He is too weak to manage it by himself.
If you step into the waters of the Geyser of Life, it will change you make you younger and weaker and Don't worry, Panthro.
I can make it on my own.
Okay, I'll just get you to the edge of the waterspout.
You must be careful not to stay in too long, Tygra.
It could return you to your infancy.
- It worked.
- How do you feel, Tygra? A lot better than I did.
In fact, I was tempted to stay in until I was as young as Lion-O.
What ever happened to Willa? She must've taken off while we were watching Tygra take his shower.
I wanted to thank the young woman for what she did.
- Who is she, Lion-O? - I never really found out.
They should pass this way soon.
I wonder if I have time for a short nap before Fool.
You're still suffering from the sleep gas.
I hear something.
Guess I'll have my nap whether I have time for it or not.
And I'm sure I've located a terrific source of Thundrillium.
So did I, Panthro, but I'm not going back for it.

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