Ties That Bind (2015) s01e07 Episode Script

The Whole Picture

1 Okay.
Let's move it.
This is ridiculous.
Do you know who I am? Yeah.
You're a citizen in custody and that's all I matter right now.
Have a sit.
Officer Gutierrez.
I didn't do anything wrong.
When do I get my phone call? You're gonna pull me over for a little traffic stop, then all of a sudden I get thrown against the hood of a car? What up? Attitude from a traffic stop.
More energizing than a cup of coffee.
Why are you pulling people over? I was at the corner of 7th and Cypress.
I see Hector with Miss Track Suit, and she's up in his face, screaming and hollering, so I pull over to see if they need some help, and she starts laying into me! She started swinging and kicking me; I'm lucky I got the cuffs on before she broke my leg.
I'm going to have such a welt! But you took her down.
Guess what guys? You are going to regret the day you dragged me in here, I swear! Maybe you should try out for the team.
What team? You just arrested Chelsea Boyd, the star player of the Seattle Scorpios soccer team.
Do you think that's acceptable? Have you ever seen me play? Have you? Their training facility is here in Crestview.
I don't follow the sport.
How could you miss all the marketing? She's Seattle's Sweetheart.
Do you know how much I make a game? Do you have any idea? Really? You have no idea what you've done! You're gonna pay for this! Wow! She's lovely.
Did you administer a field sobriety test? There was no indication, ma'am.
I pulled her over for running a red.
As I approached, she'd already exited her vehicle.
I asked her to return to her vehicle, but she was belligerent and non-compliant.
That's when Detective McLean arrived.
All right.
Take me through the steps.
Be precise.
Why all the scrutiny? Chelsea Boyd is a local celebrity; we have the potential for a lot of attention.
I need to be sure my people did everything 100% by the book.
Okay, driver's car is here.
Patrol car is here.
I am in traffic here.
I see Gutierrez in potential difficulty, so I pull over here.
I exit the vehicle; ask Gutierrez if he needs assistance.
He asks me to get the driver back to her vehicle while he runs her ID.
I return to my car, I punch in the ID, I hear escalated voices If you don't return to your vehicle, I will place you under arrest.
I'm not moving unless you make me, so and look up to see Detective McLean has the driver on the hood of her car and handcuffing her.
You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney So you didn't observe the actual detention? I was looking at my computer.
What happened after Gutierrez left you alone with the driver? I instruct the driver to return to her vehicle.
Ma'am, I need you to return to your vehicle.
She replies that I can't tell her what to do.
You can't tell me what to do.
I explain that failure to comply is grounds for arrest.
If you don't return to your vehicle, I will place you under arrest.
She plants herself and says the only way she's going to comply is if I make her.
I'm not moving until you make me, so I explain that I am prepared to do that and, as an officer of the law, I am empowered to do so.
As a police officer I am prepared to do that.
And that's when you arrested Boyd? No, that's when Boyd kicked me in the shin.
Ow! Hey, that was not okay.
My compliments to the Seattle Scorpios, she's got a good kick.
She continued to try to strike me.
Get away from me! I then was able to restrain her arms, [Chelsea screaming.]
push her onto the hood of my car, Ow! And apply handcuffs.
You are going to pay for this! By the book.
As I was certain it would be.
Write it up exactly as it happened.
Yes, ma'am.
Boyd will remain in custody until we can schedule her arraignment, probably tomorrow morning.
That's going to make her so happy.
Hip-hop music Thanks Chris! That Chris has got a real nice car.
Which part of don't hang out with him did I not make clear? Chris came to see some people and he offered me a ride.
We weren't hanging out.
That kid's got a bad habit of being where he's not supposed to be.
It's time for you to move on.
So I can't see him at all? That's a really good idea.
We should try that.
Can I help you? Lieutenant Wilkes, please.
I don't think she's available right now.
She can make herself available for the owner of the Seattle Scorpios.
Lieutenant Wilkes.
You have one of my players in custody.
I need to know when she'll be out of custody.
That's up to the arraignment judge.
You are aware we have a playoff game this weekend? Yes, and congratulations on a winning season.
Chelsea Boyd is the anchor of our lineup.
She has to be on the field.
Perhaps Ms.
Boyd should have considered that before running a red light and resisting arrest.
Do you know where that terrific girl was coming from before your people pulled her over? A charity breakfast.
Hardly the kind of girl who'd give Crestview's finest a hard time.
I'm as surprised as you are.
When Chelsea called, she told me the detective used excessive force.
Given the level of Ms.
Boyd's resistance, I believe my people responded appropriately.
The individuals involved are among the finest in this department.
They have my trust and support.
Detective Hernandez will see you out.
It's horrifying that our players aren't safe in their own community.
It's an outrage.
The police are out of control.
We have to respond.
The elephant may fan out his ears in an attempt to appear larger as he attempts to dominate the attacking animal.
This can be accompanied by jerks of the head, in an up-and-down motion What's this? I don't know.
Chris just told me to give it to you.
Chris? Yup.
The guy who made me do a shot and got us in trouble for life? Yeah.
That's Chris.
Where's the remote? Change it to channel six.
Channel six! Hey! I was watching that This video clearly shows Crestview Police detective Allison McLean using excessive force as she arrests Seattle Scorpios star Chelsea Boyd this morning.
Mom? At the start of the arrest, Chelsea Boyd seems to show no signs of putting up any resistance Some are calling this an alarming display of police brutality, and this shocking video would seem to verify those allegations.
That's not when the arrest started.
Hector? I actually didn't see But you know what went down.
However it went down, that video makes you look bad.
The video doesn't tell the whole story.
It's the only one that's out.
We need to find who shot the video and make sure they testify to the full chain of events.
Devin and Victoria are already working on that.
Victoria? You know the drill.
You need to step back while the Use of Force team determines if your actions were warranted.
They were warranted.
I'm sure they were.
But, for the moment, we're releasing Boyd.
And, in keeping with procedure, you're suspended.
For doing my job? No special treatment, even for my best detective.
Yes, ma'am.
So, I'm going to be home for a bit, not too long, just until the news coverage dies down and this whole thing gets sorted out.
Are you getting fired? No, there's just a procedure that needs to be followed.
Are you always so aggressive when you arrest someone? Privileges of having power.
[Whistling and hand hitting table.]
I didn't abuse my position.
I used appropriate force.
But you can't go to work? Guys.
This is so that you know what's going on, not so you can grill Mom.
The good news is, I'm going to be home, so I can pick you guys up from school, help with homework, give Dad a break, you know all that fun stuff.
It'll be great.
Thank you.
Excuse us.
I'm not going to tell you who gave me that video.
That would be revealing my source.
Preston, that source could have been present at the scene of Chelsea Boyd's arrest and could know what occurred prior to the events in the video.
We need to know what happened, to see if we can exonerate our colleague.
She'll be exonerated.
Of course.
Detectives, as a reporter, if I even hint at the identity of someone who gave me confidential information, no one would ever speak to me again.
But you have no problem watching a police officer punished for false allegations? I'm not judging true or false.
All I care about is a good story.
And Cop vs.
Soccer Player is a great one.
We just need a name.
You're not getting it from me.
Miss Baker, You were at the charity event with Chelsea the morning she was arrested? Yeah, a bunch of us were.
Did you take the same way home she did, see anything along the way? No, and I doubt there would have been much to see.
Chelsea is a kind and wonderful person who's too much of a team player to ever get into any trouble.
I live in the opposite direction of where Chelsea was roughed up.
That's a mischaracterization.
Chelsea resisted arrest.
That's not what I saw on the video.
Which is why we're looking for the person who shot it.
Sure wasn't me.
Chelsea is a kind and wonderful person who's too much of a team player to ever get into any trouble.
Did you leave the charity event before or after Chelsea? Pretty sure we all got out of there around the same time.
Which way did you take home? The shortest distance from that place to mine.
I had to get home to feed my dogs.
Look, I really wish I could help you, but If you think of anything, or hear anything, we need you to let us know.
I will, but I can't believe that something like this could happen to Chelsea.
She's a kind and wonderful person who's too much of a team player to ever get into any trouble.
We heard.
Someone like Chels shouldn't be told more than once to return to her vehicle.
She already knows better than that.
Madison, on the field.
Right behind you.
Someone broke in and decorated! Ha.
I just did a little straightening up, did things I haven't had time to do.
Wow, thanks, Mom! Seriously? The first thing you do after being suspended is Work? Yeah, some jobs never end.
I guess I'll take this upstairs then? Oh, I cleaned your room, too.
Guys, did you know you actually have a floor under there? It's three strata down, but it's there.
So the rumors are true! What's up? I was putting away laundry and I found this.
Care to explain? You were snooping in my room?! No, I was just putting away laundry and I mean Who drew that and why is he still thinking of you? He's just some guy.
Do I know him? I can't believe you were going through my stuff! Rachel! [Phone ringing.]
I hope this is good news.
Not good enough.
Victoria and I talked with Chelsea's teammates.
Did any of them see the arrest? None that admitted to it.
But they said the same thing, exactly the same thing about Chelsea being too much of a team player, never in any trouble.
Seattle's Sweetheart.
One did break ranks a bit, said Chelsea's not the kind of person you need to ask more than once to return to her vehicle.
Who was that? Madison Parker.
Second string striker, behind Chelsea.
How would she know that's exactly what I said before I arrested Chelsea? Because she was there to see it and record it.
Had to be.
Victoria and I could try to go back at her, but the team's clamming up.
I don't think any of them want to talk to a cop right now.
Maybe she'll talk to somebody who's not a cop right now.
Madison Parker? You're that cop, I can't be seen with you.
I'm someone who wants to hear your version of events.
Please, please talk to me.
You witnessed what happened between Chelsea and me.
No, I never said that.
But you told my colleagues I had to ask her more than once to return to her vehicle.
I only meant, I bet that's what happened.
It's exactly what happened.
Only it wasn't on the video.
It was.
So there's a longer video? Right from the time you pulled up until Chelsea is on the hood of the car.
Walk me through this.
I left the charity event and saw Chelsea being full-on Evil Boyd with that other cop, so I started recording.
Like I said, right as you pulled up.
And then you only sent part of it to Channel Six? No, I stuck the whole thing on a thumb drive and I sent it to the team's front office.
Because I want them to see what a joke it is to be calling that monster Seattle's Sweetheart.
They need to bench her and put me on the field.
I'm as good as she is, if not better.
Do you have a copy of the longer version? Yeah, on my phone.
Okay, Madison, if you give that to me, I will let the team, I mean the whole city know exactly who Chelsea is.
It'll help us with our jobs.
You can't tell anybody you got this from me.
Of course.
No, what? It was in here when I was at practice it's gone.
Did you leave it in the locker room? No, it's gone.
Someone stole my phone.
And the only copy of the video I had.
Davont, what exactly are your duties as Director of Player Relations for the Scorpios? I'm the liaison between the team and the public.
Primarily, I coordinate appearances, charity requests, fan mail.
Are all those of Chelsea? She is the team's most popular player.
Seattle's Sweetheart? I don't understand why your detective brutalize her like that.
Chelsea is a kind and wonderful person So I've heard.
We have reason to believe your office received a computer thumb drive.
It was sent anonymously and contains video of the traffic stop in question.
We never received anything like that.
And you see everything that comes to your office? I do.
And particularly if it wasn't addressed to anyone specifically, I'd be the one to receive it.
I get all the mail, photo requests, all the weird stuff.
I open everything, never saw a thumb drive.
Is that the recording that's been playing on the news? We have reason to believe there's more to that footage than the news has shown.
Including Chelsea Boyd being aggressive and belligerent.
We also have a source within your organization that claims Seattle's Sweetheart isn't everything she seems to be.
You've been talking to Madison Parker.
What makes you say that? She'd do anything to get Chelsea kicked off the team.
Madison wants the starting slot.
Is there animosity between them? Oh, yeah Detectives! Naomi.
If I had known you were coming by I've got this, Ken.
I'll get the rest of the PR material.
I didn't realize you were visiting again.
You really should have come to see me first.
What do you need from Ken? We have questions about how you handle your mail.
Our mail? And we need to know who has access to your team training area.
A whole list of people.
Then we'll need to see that list.
I can send it over, but it's pretty much everybody associated with the team: Mr.
Wexler, trainers, Ken, the janitorial staff, and of course, the players.
I understand you were there earlier, asking them questions too.
They're adults, Ms.
Shore, and this is an ongoing investigation.
Our current focus is determining who sent a recording of Chelsea Boyd's arrest to your main office.
And our focus is winning this weekend's playoff game.
So I need you to let me do that, and stop distracting my people with foolish questions.
May I see you out? No, but you will see us again.
Hey buddy.
You hungry? Yes! I haven't eaten since the last time I was eating.
I was thinking about what to make for dinner, I thought it might be fun to go out for burgers.
I like where this is going.
We can go to that place with the shakes you like.
Best news I've heard all day.
So, we going to discuss dessert? No.
I was wondering if you know anything about your sister No.
I didn't finish.
However the question ends, the answer is no.
And it's better that way.
So you don't know if she's seeing someone? You mean, dating someone? Wow, okay.
Even if I did know, which I don't, I wouldn't want to know, because I can't even I love our little talks.
Why aren't you eating? I'm not hungry.
I'll eat it.
You're disgusting.
I've been practicing.
Ken Davont, the guy who would have gotten the package at their front office, says he never got the video.
But he put together that it was Madison who sent it, right away.
Said she's a trouble maker.
What's the next move? We need to go back to Madison, Officially, this time.
Victoria and I will do what we can to compel her to testify about what she saw.
Hey everybody, sorry I'm late.
Mind if I join the party? I was beginning to think I needed to order something to go.
Let me find the waitress.
I thought being suspended meant not working.
It means I can't come into the precinct.
But I just wanted to know what was going on.
What's up with Sunshine? I'll tell you later.
Hey! You're that cop from the news.
The one who beat up Chelsea Boyd! No, I didn't She better not be hurt! We could lose our playoff game because of you! Hey, get away from my mom! Matt Ma'am, why don't you sit down and leave my wife alone.
Don't talk to my wife that way.
You mean with twice to respect that you show mine? You think you're the tough guy because you married to some rogue cop? What're you gonna do, call more cops? Already here.
Come on honey, let's go.
Not worth our time.
I'm so sorry you guys.
I want to go home.
Okay, here they come.
There's Montag.
There's Baker.
You think we missed her? We've been here since practice ended.
Madison has to still be inside.
Madison? Hello? Anybody here? Madison? [ Glass breaking.]
Help me please! Madison! Unit 37, requesting immediate medical assist.
4208 Scorpio Drive, physio room.
What happened here? This is your fault! Stay away from me! I can't adequately express the sadness I feel about this vicious attack on my dear friend and teammate, Madison Parker.
Thank you, Chelsea.
I know the pain violence can cause.
No one should have to suffer the way she and I have both suffered these last few days.
Do you think this attack is related to the treatment you suffered at the hands of the Crestview police? I hope not.
It's time for the hurting to stop and the healing to begin.
Will this be affecting your preparations for the big game this weekend? If anything, we will be more focused than ever because we will win this game for Madison Parker.
Thank you all for your concern.
All right, Madison needs her rest and Chelsea needs to get back on the field.
Thank you.
Chelsea, one more question, the police Thank you.
Can we have a moment? You know actually, I'm really glad you came by.
It gives me a chance to say thanks.
None of this would have happened without you.
I should never have talked to you.
Any of you.
I'm sorry you were hurt.
Who did this to you, Madison? Right, because I don't already have enough problems.
If you need protection Yes, I do.
From people who want me to talk about things that I don't want to talk about.
We still need your help.
We need you to testify to what you saw, what was on that tape.
I'm sorry, I've said everything I want to say.
Game's over.
Whoever roughed up Madison has her convinced something worse will happen if she speaks out.
It's got to be Ken Davont.
He figured out Madison made the video.
Maybe he went overboard persuading her to keep quiet.
Do you think part of his job is keeping Seattle's Sweetheart looking sweet? Sounds like motive to me.
Maybe they have a full recording of the arrest.
Victoria and I will bring him in and press him hard.
Thanks Devin.
For everything.
Hey, I gotta get my partner back.
Chris! What're you doing here? Just checking up.
Making sure your aunt hasn't been beating you up too.
Don't talk about Chelsea Boyd.
You don't know what happened.
I know what I saw Anyways, your cousin say anything about the picture I drew? Nothing? But you gave it to her.
Sure, that doesn't mean we have heart-to-heart conversations.
I guess I'll have to ask her myself.
Hey she's my cousin.
Well, I won't hold that against her.
Chris? So you do remember.
I didn't hear anything about the picture, so I didn't know.
Um, you're a good artist.
At least I have one fan Why did you draw that? Of me? I just wanted to get to know you.
I want you to know me.
Look, I got to know you well enough that night you were at our house.
No, that was not my finest moment.
It's just, I get weird when I'm talking with pretty girls, and I thought, maybe if I did something nice, I could make it up to you? Rachel? Mom I've been waiting with Jeff and Mariah in the car.
Later, man.
Peace! I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mom.
Don't you want to introduce me to your friend? No, that's really not necessary.
Hi, I'm Mrs.
McLean, Rachel's mother.
Chris Rutherford.
Chris? As in Cameron's friend Chris? Yeah, Cameron and I go way back.
You're also the artist? Mom, can we just go, please? She showed you my drawing? Nice work.
Good to meet you.
Rachel, come on.
Here's how we think this went down, Ken.
Chelsea gets arrested, and Al Wexler starts sweating.
Can't have his star player in jail before playoffs.
Then, like a gift from the gods, a video shows up at the front office.
Only it shows the real Chelsea Boyd, the one that kicks and bites and disobeys orders.
So you cut the video, take out what makes Chelsea look bad; make the police look bad, instead.
I don't know anything about it.
But you knew exactly who sent it when we told you about it.
And that very same night, we find that person injured in the team's physio room.
You think I'm the one who went after Madison? I think that's what she'll testify, once we convince her she doesn't have to be afraid anymore.
I'd never do something like that to Madison, or anybody! If it meant protecting Chelsea Boyd, I think there are a lot of things you'd do.
Because I know what it's like to be What it's like to be what, Ken? Because I know what it's like to be beaten up by Chelsea Boyd, okay? I need to speak to my lawyer.
Are you going to tell me about your relationship with this guy who you said was just some guy? Look, I barely even know him, okay? Then why did he draw that picture of you? I don't know.
Chris came into this house when he wasn't supposed to.
Do we have to review that mess again? No Mom, that's done and over with, okay? When I asked you about the picture why he's still thinking of you why didn't you just tell me? Because maybe if you stopped interrogating me, I wouldn't feel like such a criminal! Rachel better not be seeing Chris.
That kid is trouble.
I don't want any of our kids hanging out with him.
I don't know why she didn't tell me everything when I first asked her about it.
All she cared about was that I was snooping in her bedroom.
You guys have different priorities.
I'm already the bad guy from here to Bellingham.
Why do I have to be the bad guy in my own house? You're not the bad guy.
You're just doing your job.
As a cop and a mom.
Can you please tell our daughter that? And repeat it a couple of times? Please.
We have a playoff game in two days.
I don't have time for this.
Just a couple of questions.
I already told everybody about what happened when that maniac with a badge attacked me.
This isn't about what happened with Detective McLean, whom I'd like you to refer to as Detective McLean.
This is about where you were last night when Madison was attacked.
I was at practice.
And after that? I iced, showered, and went home.
Except we were standing right outside, watching everyone leave.
And the one person we didn't see was you.
I went out the back.
That'd be real convenient, if it didn't sound like you were making it up.
I would never do something like that to Madison.
Because you're not that kind of girl? What kind of a girl does this? About a year ago, when Ken Davont was working as striker coach, he filed an assault report with the Seattle Police.
It was right after that game against Portland, where you missed the penalty kick in the last three seconds.
Do you remember that game? Pretty sure you lost.
You left the field pretty upset.
Maybe you needed someone to take your anger out on? Who better to blame than your coach? I was never charged with that crime.
But here's something interesting.
Your name is in the initial report.
Then a few days later, the official report comes out, and it lists that Ken was attacked by an unknown assailant.
Sounds a lot like Madison's story.
Yeah, but nobody was ever arrested.
And then a week later, Ken gets transferred to player relations, a cushy little office job with a nice pay bump.
Makes us wonder if somebody was trying to keep him quiet regarding what he knew about a player with a violent side.
With coaches, with players, with cops.
Are we done? We can be done once you tell us who has the original video.
You know, the one you don't want anyone to see.
The only video I know about is the one everyone else is watching.
The one where Detective McLean smacked me down.
I don't hold it against her.
I just prefer to take out my aggression on the field.
So, do you want to let me get out there and score one for the Crestview Police Department or what? So what did she give you? Nothing.
The assault report didn't even make Chelsea blink.
And we're no closer to finding the original video? We'll keep at it.
And is there anything that ties Chelsea to the attack on Madison? Nothing we can prove.
I am so ready to be back at work, I can't stand it! You will be.
I'll figure out a way.
You'd better.
Yeah I will.
I don't know why you bothered to come see me.
We're going to run the story until it plays out, and I already told you I'm not telling anyone who sent me the video.
I respect where you're coming from.
Journalistic integrity and ethics.
The police have a code of our own, and I don't want to break it either.
But maybe we can bend things a little.
You like a good story? How about one that proves Chelsea Boyd has a history of violence that people have been covering up for her? Chelsea did this? She did.
And you can be the one who breaks the story.
That could be huge.
Thank you.
After you tell me who gave you the video.
Ma'am, I need you to return to your vehicle.
You can't tell me what to do.
Yes, ma'am, I can.
Because you're so special, right? If you don't return to your vehicle, I will place you under arrest.
The only way I'm moving is if you make me, so As a police officer, I'm prepared to do that.
Ow! That was not okay.
Get away from me! Ma'am, I am placing you under arrest, come here.
Ow! You're hurting me! You're hurting me! Ma'am, I am placing you under arrest.
Ow! Let me go, you can't do this! Ow! Sit still.
You have the right to remain silent.
I did not do anything.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you can't afford an attorney one will be provided for you You're gonna pay for this! My shoulder! It's absolutely You do know video files deleted on your computer aren't ever really deleted, right? Didn't take long for our tech guys to find this.
There's no law against supplying a story to the press.
No, but there's a law against withholding evidence from the police.
And what's that one where you pay someone to change their story? Extortion.
Which is what Naomi did with Ken Davont.
Ken gave us a statement through his lawyer.
Says you gave him a job in exchange for keeping quiet after Chelsea beat him up.
If we kept digging, we're gonna find you've been covering for Chelsea for years, aren't we? Is that why you went after Madison? To get her to shut up, too? Did Madison say that? You got a cover story ready if she did? It all starts right here, Naomi.
You're the one who got the video, you're the one who cut it down, and you're the one who sent it to Channel Six.
We've got you on that, and the extortion charge with Ken Davont.
Then we'll add assault and battery because of what you did to Madison.
You're looking at a lot of years and a lot more for obstructing our investigation along the way.
I I didn't mean for that to happen to Madison.
That's not why I was there.
But you went to see her? To work out a deal.
Ken told me you were talking about her, and I realized she must have shot the video.
She said it was her, and I told her not to stir up more trouble Madison is always stirring up trouble.
But she wouldn't listen.
So you forced her to listen.
I lost my temper and pushed her.
Just a little.
She fell and hit her head.
I panicked I left If she'd listened the first time, she'd be fine.
She ruined everything.
Does Wexler make you do this? Make you clean up Chelsea's messes? No, he doesn't know anything.
Then why do you do it? Are you good at sports, Detective? I do pretty well.
I never was.
But I love the game, working as a team.
So I decided, if I couldn't play on a team, I could build one.
A strong one.
I got a job with the Scorpios out of college.
Signed some great players, got Seattle to fall in love with them, elevated our game.
But then I had to hold it all together.
You want to know who's favored to win this weekend's game? The Scorpios.
Because of me.
Because of my hard work and sacrifices.
But I sit in the stands and nobody cheers for me.
Nobody knows who I am.
The Use-Of-Force team reviewed the entire video, and confirmed that you followed procedure to the letter.
Just doing my job, ma'am.
I'm glad you can get back to it.
Detective? Ma'am? Get back to it.
Not so sweet anymore, Chelsea.
Let's go.
Disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
And we've got the video to prove it.
How'd you figure out who had it? And how it got to Channel Six? I can be very persuasive.
The Scorpios are singing a different song now that the history of Chelsea Boyd's violent behavior has been exposed.
Team legal counsel, Naomi Shore, is also facing charges with this growing scandal involving everything from bribes to beatings This newly released video, showing the incident in full, puts the traffic stop and actions that followed in a completely different light Hey, you're on TV again.
How do I look this time? A lot better.
You kind of look like a warrior the way you took her down.
Thanks, I think.
What's all this? I thought we were supposed to eat without you.
This is just stuff to make ice cream sundaes.
Oh! Rachel, can you help me get it set up? This extra time I've had at home.
I don't think I spent it as well as I could have.
I wasn't snooping.
I know, you were putting away laundry.
No, I was worrying.
I appreciate that, Mom.
But I can handle more than you think I can.
I know.
As you get older, it's harder for me to get out of the way and let you do it.
I'll work on it.
Besides, I would never date a guy like Chris, anyway.
Will you tell your dad that, when you get a chance? Thanks.
A guy who doesn't respect boundaries is a waste of time.
Do I hear ice cream melting? Yes you do, come and get it.
[Preparing ice cream and chatting.]
Her inspired by the trees Seeking shade by the evergreens and it means everything to me Spill my soul out to the lake There is a calmness over me Finally a time and a place to be They remove the salt from the sea and extract the eels that you learn to be
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