Turn of the Tide (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Isto não é a América

[sweeping melancholic music playing]
[groovy surf rock music plays]
[Joe] What?
That's intense.
And you call yourself a fisherman?
Police dogs fucking hate fish.
Don't force me to leave this chair
to pick you up there. Understood?
[knocking at door]
Uh, I have to go now. I'll call you back.
Hey, Joe.
Come in. Take your seat.
That's too soft for me.
You take it, Eduardo.
I made all the arrangements.
And the other things I asked for?
Good. Now, can you leave us alone
for a minute?
Be my guests.
Are you sure this is a good idea?
Tuna cans?
I'm pretty sure this is a terrible idea,
but do you have a better one?
And how did you convince Feliciano
to be a part of this?
If his ugly name is on those tuna cans,
he owes it to me.
Now, listen.
The ship will go past the island, hmm?
I've arranged it with the captain.
But they won't wait for you.
They won't slow down.
- So you only have one shot. Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Everything goes according to plan,
you're going to America
the old-fashioned way.
This is a burner, prepaid.
If you want to talk to me.
Uncle Joe,
I still can't believe, with how shady
this is, that you're helping me.
Don't get yourself fooled, kid.
I ain't no Santa Casa da Misericórdia.
This is an investment, hmm?
- You and I, we're the same, you know?
- [chuckles]
[Joe] Yeah.
We gotta keep moving like sharks,
otherwise we die.
[Joe taps desk]
Hey! One more thing.
Open the drawer.
That's a graduation gift.
Now you're officially a businessman
on his way to America.
Small fish
in a huge pond.
- [sighs happily]
- [door closes]
Eduardo Melo, fisherman,
vanished off Rabo de Peixe.
As did this guy, Arruda,
whose driver fell off a lighthouse
where we found traces of a shoot-out.
That same week, Rafael,
Eduardo's best friend,
disappeared without a trace,
and the father of our suspect
was found murdered,
killed with a flare gun.
All connected to Eduardo Melo.
The case of the missing flying driver
and the blind guy
who got to see a flying bullet.
- [laughing]
- [cell phone rings]
- [beeps]
- Yeah?
You have any news
about Bonino's whereabouts,
Detective Banha?
I'm afraid I do.
[Francisco] I understand.
It's for you, detective.
From Lisbon, it's the director.
Hello, director.
[Banha] Gentlemen, we have
an original art piece from this nut job.
Of course, I understand.
No, no, please.
I understand you perfectly.
It's Bonino's goodbye note
before he escaped from prison.
[gasps] Son of a bitch! You scared me.
I thought I wouldn't see you again.
I came to bring you
what's rightfully yours.
Take it. You've earned it.
Remember when we were in school
and I didn't have lunch?
You would always give me
half your sandwich.
But this is no sandwich.
And like Sandrinho says,
ah, that life was not for me.
Then give it to someone who needs it.
You know, I mean, there are plenty
of people who need help in Rabo de Peixe.
I'd love it if you could stay
to watch the choir.
You won't even believe
how much we've improved.
Mm-hmm! Those are fancy cards.
If you need me, call.
Whatever it is.
I'll always pick up, all right?
[Eduardo sighs]
[Carlinhos kisses]
Go on.
[bittersweet piano music playing]
[Carlinhos] Shall we?
I tried to discover ♪
A little something to make me sweeter ♪
Oh, baby, refrain ♪
From breaking my heart ♪
I'm so in love with you ♪
I'll be forever blue ♪
That you give me no reason ♪
Why you making me work so hard? ♪
[choir vocalizing]
[keys jingle]
Oh, soul ♪
I hear you calling ♪
Oh, baby, please ♪
Give a little respect ♪
To me ♪
[breath trembles]
[Jeremias] I need your help.
It's not for me. It's for the boy.
I'm staying.
I still have some things left to handle.
[Eduardo sobs]
Thank you, Joe.
[closes drawer]
[inhales sharply]
[papers ruffling]
[drawer closes brusquely]
I can't give you any money, son.
But this is yours. It's your patrimony.
It's your birth certificate.
I want you to take it with you
when you go to America.
- Oh, but Dad, I
- That's what you've always wanted.
America, right?
I only ask one thing.
Never forget where you came from.
No, of course not.
But as long as you're alive,
you are my father and I'm your son,
so you have to keep this, not me. Hmm?
[breath trembles]
[Eduardo breathes deeply]
[melancholic music playing]
[Eduardo shivers]
[Paula] The poor soul
didn't even get a tombstone.
[musical arrangement turns tense]
What were the last words
you said to him before he passed, Eduardo?
I remember mine like it was yesterday.
We were in the kitchen at your house,
and I told him, "Mr. Jeremias."
"Explain to your son that there's
no absolution without repentance."
Unfortunately, it's too late
for that at this point.
Come on, let's go. Let's not keep
your friends waiting any longer.
- I want to make a phone call.
- Phone call?
You watch a lot of movies, don't you?
Calm down. You're not going to prison.
[Paula] All right, let's go.
Come on. In front of me.
Come on.
[Eduardo sniffles]
I've been your uncle's lawyer
for a long time.
It's all going to be fine. Don't worry.
[footsteps approach]
[door slams shut]
[Francisco sighs]
- [pen clicks]
- Shall we begin?
[upbeat rock music plays]
As you can imagine, there isn't much
to do on the end of the world.
[guns cocking]
We rested up.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[guns firing]
And we went fishing.
- [screams]
- And hunting as well.
My uncle has a small vegetable garden.
We planted potatoes.
Potatoes in the middle of summer?
[Joe] Heavy motherfucker!
And you put up the Christmas tree too?
And what were you doing there?
We did some fishing.
- [glass shattering]
- [Sílvia screams]
You catch much?
Horse mackerel, angled.
I caught a tuna too.
- [all cheer]
- [Sílvia] Go, go!
But it was a small one.
You go by foot?
We took the bus.
We hopped on a bus.
We went by bus.
[all laugh]
[both] Couple of hours.
- We walked the beach
- Okay, let me guess.
For a couple hours, I bet.
Yes, ma'am.
- [chuckles dryly]
- Did you keep the tickets?
No, I didn't keep the tickets.
The tickets?
I'm pretty sure I threw them away.
As far as vacations, it was normal.
[sighs] You don't remember
anything special?
Um No, no, no.
I don't remember anything special.
- [gun fires]
- [glass shatters]
No, I don't remember anything special.
- [grenade explodes]
- [groans]
Nothing special.
So if I understand correctly,
your father had just had surgery,
and you decided to take a vacation?
My father was fine post-operation.
Not for long though. Right, Eduardo?
[tense music playing]
How long had you been together?
Since we were 15.
But we had split up.
Because you overdosed on cocaine.
Nine years together,
your boyfriend disappears,
and you're off on a vacation
with his best friend?
You move into your father's house,
he vanishes, and where are you?
Your father's driver falls
from a lighthouse and dies, and you?
Laying around, smoking pot
at a place where nobody can find you.
It must be quite exhausting
working in a video store.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
A video store, so brutal.
[groans and sighs] I'm already tired
just thinking about it.
I know it couldn't have been easy.
The kids at school
were mean to you, right?
What did they call you?
Nancy? Sissy? Homo?
[chuckles softly]
I'm from Rabo de Peixe.
Do you think I got where I am
by being offended about names?
Do you know what I think, Carlos?
I believe you were dragged along
by the others,
and wanted to help your friends
'cause you're a great guy.
But you don't have to ruin your life.
We can offer you protection.
Pro Protection?
From who, huh?
From the sons of bitches
who killed your father.
You stepped on a landmine, am I right?
And then you were unable to undo it.
So when you returned to Rabo de Peixe,
your father had already been buried.
You couldn't even say goodbye to him.
They left him in pretty bad shape.
[paper ruffles]
It must be tough
thinking you're responsible
for your father's death.
Do you think so, detective?
He doesn't look sorry to me.
Mr. Drug Lord here?
With a speech he clearly rehearsed.
My client came here
to cooperate in a police investigation.
Not to be humiliated.
- If you two don't change your
- Not even pretending to have remorse.
You have no right to talk about my father.
In Rabo de Peixe, we're born second-class,
but that's something
you'll never understand.
At least they let us go on the boat, huh?
I guess someone needs
to work themselves to death
providing fish for the bourgeois.
But is wanting to be more than a fisherman
too much to ask, detective?
Why, huh?
Why do I have to live a miserable life?
That's a very pretty speech,
but it was your father
who was stabbed in the back.
Am I right?
I understand all you're saying.
I understand that you want
to turn things around.
I am concerned about one thing though.
Not once have you asked
if I had any information
about the person who killed your father.
And if that's not a sign
of guilt, Eduardo,
I honestly don't know what is.
But I do, detective.
Evidence, material evidence.
And you have absolutely no evidence
against my client.
Nothing but disrespect and provocations.
Let's go, Eduardo.
Have a nice one.
[door slams shut]
He's right on the edge.
And I won't go
without giving him a final push.
[in Italian] But are you sure?
I've known Carlinhos since I was a child.
If you get to one, you'll get 'em all.
[in Italian] And where is he?
I know where.
[in Italian] Did you bring
what I asked for?
[in Italian] I will also need a car.
- You want a car?
- Yeah.
I'll take care of that.
Eduardo's uncle's records
have arrived from the United States.
"Blow-up Joe," an explosives specialist,
was found guilty
of robbing an armored truck.
Up until now, no red flags.
But who was also considered a suspect?
Feliciano Carrilho,
from Feliciano's Canned Food.
And owner of the house where Joe lives
since he was deported to the Azores.
Feliciano and Joe are long-time friends.
[Francisco] The police went looking
for him, still nothing.
But Feliciano is now a successful
and respected businessman.
The best Azorean canned tuna.
Canned tuna?
Are you sure you weren't followed?
Yeah, I'm sure.
But that detective from the mainland
has her claws in us and won't surrender.
Uncle Joe, we have to call everything off.
On the contrary. It's now or never.
But Sílvia and Carlinhos
are my responsibility!
What if something happens
to them, then what?
Well [clears throat]
if you hadn't gone to the cemetery,
you wouldn't be in this situation.
So listen to me
and stick to the fucking plan.
I screwed up, okay? I know I screwed up.
I'm trying to clean up
the mess I caused, damn it!
Now's the time to prove to yourself
that you're bigger than this shitty place.
- Stick to the fucking plan.
- Uncle Joe.
- We have to stay here.
- Mm-mmm.
At least for now, okay?
Remember who else stayed here?
It was your mother.
Look what happened to her.
- This has nothing to do with my mother!
- Of course it does!
[melancholic music plays]
I've carried her death
all these fucking years.
When she was sick, what did I do?
I walked away.
I should have brought her to America.
[sighs] It was my duty.
My own sister.
I should never have left her here.
Or you.
I had my father.
Well, not anymore, you don't.
But you got me, kid.
You wanted to know why I was helping you.
There it is.
I couldn't save your mother.
Gotta save you.
I gotta save you.
I think that in America,
I'm going to be free.
[parakeets chirping]
Be who I am, you know?
Carlinhos, you're the freest person
I know.
You can be Carlinhos here
or in Fall River. It doesn't matter.
What about you?
Hmm? What are you going to be?
I don't know.
I've always wanted
to be someone else, somewhere else.
Now that it's about to happen,
I don't know.
I think I like it here after all.
[chuckles softly]
I honestly feel like poison
is coursing through my veins.
And each day that passes,
that poison kills me a little bit more.
Going to America could be the cure.
No matter what happens, you two stay here.
[garage door opens]
[garage door closes]
[brooding ethereal music plays]
So you think America's the cure?
Could just be a different poison.
[sniffs and exhales]
I need a quick turnaround on this.
Yes, I understand,
but like the file says, we only have
a couple of hours. If we don't hurry up
[suspenseful music plays]
- [scoffs] Very well, I'll hold.
- Should I set up surveillance teams?
It's too late for surveillance.
We have to move.
We're taking these guys down today.
All due respect,
I know you want to solve this
before getting back to Lisbon but
Yes, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.
We have a search warrant.
Call everyone in the brigade.
[birds chirping pleasantly]
I don't know if they're gonna survive
for long out there,
but at least here, they were happy.
Not everyone can say the same, right?
Don't you need to do something
before you go?
[thunder rumbles distantly]
[heavy doors opening]
[thunder rumbles distantly]
[tender nostalgic music plays]
I couldn't leave
without giving you an apology.
You don't have to apologize
for anything, Carlos.
Love is not a sin, you know.
You're right.
It's not a sin, but
I've learned that what we want
is not always good for us.
The last time I got what I wanted,
you wound up in the hospital. [chuckles]
[chuckles softly]
God didn't forsake me, though.
[breath trembles]
[tender music intensifies]
What I feel for you works better
with this between us.
It protects you from me.
[musical arrangement turns ominous]
[pounding at door]
[knocking at door]
The church is closed.
[man in Italian] Don't move! Stay down!
[in Italian] Don't move!
Get down, get down, get down!
[in Italian] Quiet!
[in Italian] Where's the cocksucker?
I don't understand you.
- [in Italian] What's "homo" in Portuguese?
- How should I know?
- [in Italian] Weren't you in jail?
- So what?
[in Italian] Are there no homos
in Portuguese jails?
[in Italian] I have no idea!
[in Italian] Where is the homo?
I don't understand you.
- [in Italian] Where is the finocchio?
- No, no, no!
Finocchio's your mother,
you shitty motherfucker! Huh?
[in Italian] Don't you move!
Don't you move.
What is it? Hey! What?
- [softly] What the fuck? What the fuck!
- [sirens wail]
[line ringing]
- [cell phone ringing]
- [men yell in distance]
[sirens wail]
[siren whoops]
[phone clanks]
- Police! Freeze!
- [Francisco] Turn around!
Hands behind your back!
[gun cocks]
[handcuffs rattle and click]
You'll find nothing.
You might have romantic ideas
about your right to remain silent.
But tell me, Joe,
what's sacrificing yourself
for Feliciano brought you?
Unless seven years in prison
and deportation back here
was your dream scenario?
If you give me information,
I can see about getting
your sentence reduced.
All you have to do is cooperate with me.
You'll find nothing.
The longer Eduardo remains a drug dealer,
the worse off his life will be.
One of these days,
he's gonna be where you are now.
Or found dead in a ditch
with a bullet in his head.
Is that what you want?
Talk to Eduardo.
Tell him to come back here by himself.
You won't find shit.
[chuckles dryly]
I will, unfortunately for you.
I'm gonna find
exactly what I'm looking for.
[lonesome acoustic guitar music plays]
- [door opens]
- [sniffs]
- Sílvia, we have to go!
- [sighs]
- Come on, let's go! Do you hear what
- Why?
Carlinhos? Where's Carlinhos?
Go grab my uncle's stuff and the cash.
- Eduardo, what the fuck's going on?
- No. The less you know, the better, okay?
"Sílvia, go grab the money,
get my uncle's shit!"
Like I'm your fucking servant,
is that what you think?
This is a business, Sílvia.
You're too busy
snorting this shit to realize!
Snorting it or dealing it,
it's all the same.
What does that even mean?
The video store is your dream job?
You'll end up drinking all day
like your mother?
- Sílvia No, listen to me.
- Let go!
- Listen to me, I'm sorry.
- Don't touch me, you asshole!
We're going to America.
But I really need your help first.
We need to get away from this.
The only people left on this island
are those who want me dead.
Do this for me, please.
For you?
You just wanted to pay
for your dad's operation, remember?
And to help your friends.
Us unlucky fucks from Rabo de Peixe!
Of course, that's the reason.
But it got complicated, all right?
[cell phone rings]
[breath trembling] I'm sorry, Eduardo.
Forgive me! [sobs]
- I want what's mine tomorrow.
- [gasps]
No more bullshit.
Don't make me do to your friend
what I did to your father.
I'll give you everything back,
I promise, but please.
Please, I beg you. Don't hurt my friend
[cell phone beeps]
What the fuck? Fuck, fuck, fuck!
What's wrong?
What happened? What's going on?
Carlinhos. Carlinhos needs my help.
- What's wrong with Carlinhos?
- That fucker!
The plan is solid.
Get everything ready,
and meet where we walk Sky.
[sniffles] We have to leave
this place behind.
I'm not very good at goodbyes.
No one is.
So what are you gonna do
when you arrive in Lisbon?
Get a divorce.
I'm sorry.
What are you sorry about?
You think I would be getting a divorce
if my marriage was functional?
It's still sad.
It marks the end of a relationship.
And the beginning of something new.
It's more depressing
if I were to stay with him.
Thank you for everything, Francisco.
[suspenseful music playing]
So that's why my men couldn't find you.
Sorry to show up here like this.
There was no other option.
Of course there was.
You could have turned yourself in.
[Eduardo sighs heavily]
On your knees. Hands behind your head.
If you arrest me now,
you'll never find those
who are truly responsible.
The real drug lords.
That's why you came
to the Azores, isn't it?
This newfound honesty is hard to believe.
It's not about honesty.
It's about justice.
[Eduardo breathes deeply]
Those bastards killed my dad.
There's something
I've never understood about you.
You have no regrets,
after everything that's happened?
I would do a lot of things differently.
But what haunts me is what I failed to do.
I know you never liked me,
Sílvia, not even a little bit.
But our friendship
wasn't really set up for success.
Your father was an asshole.
[chuckles softly] But he was my asshole.
He was your asshole too.
I always kind of knew
that it would end badly.
[pages turning]
I'm not complaining.
Your father gave me
the finest things in life.
There was a time when I thought
[sighs and chuckles]
he was going to change.
That one day he'd stop
getting his hands dirty.
But Arruda is Arruda.
It wouldn't have been his wife
or daughter that caused him to change.
[inhales sharply] It's incomplete.
When you're close to someone like Arruda,
everything ends up incomplete.
[sighs sadly]
[sighs heavily]
- What's going on?
- Nothing.
I'm not feeling well.
The fuck? Ow!
What the fuck's that about?
Uh, your breasts are looking
a little swollen, darling.
Huh? [clicks tongue]
You're feeling sick
because you're pregnant.
[gentle folk music plays]
There's no way out of here ♪
There's no way home ♪
And I won't go ♪
Further away ♪
- [parking brake clicks]
- [engine stops]
to the end of the world ♪
[mysterious ethereal music plays]
- Show me your hands.
- [Carlinhos whimpers]
What the fuck is that?
Your drugs.
The rest is inside the van.
Trust me.
- Trust you?
- Yeah.
You fucking sack of di merda.
Your father trusted you.
- The key of the van.
- No.
My friend first.
[dramatic music playing]
You don't learn, do you?
[breathing heavily]
[Carlinhos whimpers]
- No, no! No!
- [gun fires]
- [screams]
- Oh, my God!
[Carlinhos screams]
[breath trembling]
- No, p please!
- Let me tell you something.
In real life,
there's no such thing as a free lunch.
- Give me the fucking key now.
- Here, it's here.
[Francesco in Italian]
The police, Monti! Run!
[Carlinhos whimpers]
Bonino, don't force me
to shoot you, all right?
[both panting]
[Carlinhos groans]
- Come on. Almost there.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
- Open your hand, open your hand.
- [groans heavily]
- You're all right.
[distant clattering]
[Francisco screams]
- All right, come on. Get up!
- [grunts]
[Francisco groans]
Francisco, are you okay?
[Francisco whimpers]
Call an ambulance, now!
[Carlinhos grunts]
[Eduardo grunts]
[Francisco breathes heavily]
This is nothing, detective.
I've had worse injuries playing futsal.
- [chuckles dryly]
- [groans]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[breathing heavily]
That motherfucking piece of shit.
[panting] Eduardo.
This isn't America.
You promised to take me to America.
I know, and that's exactly
what I'm gonna do.
And Sílvia?
Sílvia is waiting for us
at the boat, Carlinhos.
We'll stop when we get to America.
Right? Next stop is America, Carlinhos!
[Carlinhos groans]
Sílvia! Sílvia!
Carlinhos, something happened. Sílvia!
- Eduardo, come on.
- Sílvia!
She's not coming.
Something happened.
We have to go get her, okay?
Getting here isn't the problem.
She doesn't want to.
[sweeping classical music plays]
But how do you know that?
She said. And deep down,
you know her reasons.
[vehicle approaching]
[softly] Okay.
- Oh, fuck this!
- Let's go!
[gun clicks]
[in Italian] Goddamn bastards!
[Carlinhos] Fuck.
I really didn't want to die
in these lame clothes.
No one's dying today.
You hear?
We're gonna be all right.
[ship horn blows]
[keys jingling]
[lock clicks, door opens]
I told her they would find nothing.
[lock clicks]
I guess this is goodbye.
A present.
Happy birthday.
You remembered.
Of course I did.
[both laugh]
Eleventh of September.
Forgive me.
I'm the one who should be apologizing.
Don't apologize.
After all,
we're on our way to America, huh?
- [both chuckle]
- [kisses]
So many people
would love to be in our shoes, right?
[gentle acoustic guitar music plays]
[plastic clatters]
[uplifting music plays]
Best steak in Europe.
[breathing rapidly]
Fuck my life.
[cows lowing]
[lively theme music plays]
- [ship horn blows]
- [cheers]
[lively theme music continues playing]
[dramatic theme music plays]
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