Bleach s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and Listen closely Shooting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the Light inside of you, never give up don't ever Lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate, Life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of Light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of Light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your Life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of Light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star I shall go Boy, this hill is really steep Is it? It doesn't bother me.
But if you say things like that Hang in there, Yuzu! Don’t give up! Dad is on your side! See? Ignore him, Yuzu! If you pay attention to guys like him, it will only encourage him.
How naive.
Even if you ignore me, I'm automatically encouraged! Run! My deathblow: Father's Slide! Be gone to the ends of the earth! Now's our chance.
Let’s go.
Boy, it's only June, but it sure is hot today.
It was June 17 that day too, but what a difference.
Oh, someone else is here.
You're right.
I wonder if she's here to visit a grave too.
Huh? But she's waving.
Ichigo, do you know her? No! I don’t know her! Not at all! If I say I don't know her, I don't! There's something familiar about her I remember now! She's a classmate from middle school! It's all coming back to me! Oh, boy! I feel so nostalgic.
I think I want to talk to her all alone, right now! And so, I'll go and have a talk with her.
You two go ahead and visit Mom's grave! Ichigo! What? Karin, what do you mean by that? Well, I think the time for you to Let go of your brother is close at hand.
Huh? What do you mean? Karin, wait a minute! Why the heck did you follow me here? Idiot! What if a Hollow appears when I'm not around? I mean If you're gonna follow me, be more discreet! Well, pardon me I didn't think of it.
What are you mad about? I'm not really mad "Killed" That's what you said about your mother, right? I didn't say that.
Who killed her? I never said that.
Forget it.
You said you've been able to see spirits ever since you can remember, didn't you? Then, answer one question.
The one who killed your mother Wasn't it a Hollow? There is that possibility.
If your spiritual capabilities were such that you were able to see souls since you were so little, the Hollow that came after you may have killed your mother by mistake-! I can't take this anymore! You've got to be kidding.
As far as you're concerned, Hollows are responsible for everything.
There was never anything funny about it, but when you give that as a reason for it there isn’t anything that’s less funny! Sorry to disappoint you, but you're way off base.
It wasn't a Hollow or anything.
The one who killed my mom was me.
Hey, Ichigo! Huh? When Ichigo was little? Why do you ask, out of the blue? Did something happen? Yes, well actually I might have found out about his secret.
His secret? Yeah.
Ichigo might really be a hero protecting the earth! A h-hero, is he? I think I was around four when I first met that hero.
He came to my dojo with hair an unbelievable color, holding the hand of an unbelievably beautiful mother, and with this unbelievably goofy grin on his face.
He was skinny and wimpy and Looked so weak.
He really was a weakling Speaking of which, I was the first one to make him cry.
I just poked him once, as a joke.
It didn't even take ten seconds.
But even if he had been crying, as soon as he saw his mother who came to pick him up he'd immediately break out into a smile.
I hated that about him.
A boy shouldn’t be so happy when he's Lost.
That's what I thought, looking at his smiling face.
He was such a wimpy mama's boy but he seemed really happy Like he was having a great time.
And then when we were nine his mother passed away.
Yeah We were still nine.
He was still a wimp, always clinging to his mother but she died He didn't come to school from that day I wondered what he was doing, so I went Looking for him and I found him on the riverbank where his mother had died.
He was there with his book bag on his back.
When he got tired, he'd crouch down, but then he'd stand up again.
Day after day, he seemed to be searching for his mother, all day Long.
I couldn’t bear to see him like that Ichigo, back then.
Tatsuki "I killed my mom"? The one who killed your mother Wasn't it a Hollow? What an idiot I am Hey, Rukia! What is it, Kon? Didn’t I tell you not to come out until I called you? But, Rukia, it's pretty hot in here.
I can't take it.
Can't we go home yet? Didn’t I tell you? We've got to stay near him, or we'll be too Late if a Hollow makes an appearance.
That's all you think about, Hollow, Hollow, Hollow! Listen, if your job is all you think about, you're going to lose all your friends! Oh Awk! I-I'm sorry.
Are you mad? What is it? Hm I sure slept well Huh? Good morning! You! I get nothing but these trying missions, you see.
I can't keep them up unless I get plenty of sleep.
S-Soul Reaper? Oh, no! Oh, no! Mission you said? See ya! Yeah.
See you tomorrow! Oh! Oh my What a mean truck driver.
Are you all right? I'm sorry.
Let's switch places.
I'll walk on the road side.
It's okay.
I'm wearing a raincoat, so I'm all right.
I'll protect you from stuff Like what just happened.
My, how reliable But no I can't let you take the road side so long as you can't beat Tatsuki! I won a point from her last time.
There, you're all cleaned up.
Hm Let's go! Huh? Mom, can I hold your hand? Of course.
I would always feel at ease whenever my mother was nearby.
Huh? What's that girl doing? Back then, I still couldn’t tell the difference between humans who were living and those who were dead.
- Wait a minute, Mom! - Ichigo No, Ichigo! When I was really little, my dad told me they gave me the name “Ichigo” which contains the meaning “to completely protect one thing you set your mind on.
“ When I heard that, I decided to protect my mother.
I decided that, but I don't know what caused it but it was clear that it happened as she tried to save me.
I just loved my mom.
Not only me so did Yuzu and Karin, who were only four.
And Dad Loved Mom, too.
Our whole family revolved around her.
And she was snatched away from that center by me.
Kurosaki Family Tomb It's been a while, Mom Have you been well? Well, if you're dead, there's no being well or not, I guess.
We're all doing great - me, Yuzu, and Ichigo, too.
Quit crying, already, Yuzu.
You do this every year.
We're 11 already this year, we're grownups.
I know I know that, but You don't know anything Now, now, now! Cheer up! It's time now for our annual "Kurosaki Family Headstone Dominoes Tournament"! A full two and a half hours of tombstone toppling- Why don't you go and start your life over from scratch?! There'll be some "wardrobe malfunctions," too To be honest, that shaggy guy has so much energy it's annoying.
There'll even be some peeks! Go away! Wait! Just who are you? Answer the question.
It's been a while The name Rukia Kuchiki was famous back at the Soul Reaper Academy.
Adopted into the noble Kuchiki family you were known as the 'Princess from the Rukon District.
' Oh, and I'm Eikichiro Saidoh.
I was two years ahead of you.
You remember me, don't you? Come on! I was pretty popular too.
People used to call me "that funny guy.
" See?! I don't remember you.
R-Really? Oh, well.
Anyway I have a few questions for you.
You can't hide it forever Are you from Stealth Force? Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ta-dah You are correct! Quit fooling around! What is it you want?! Ichigo! Where are you?! Rukia is Huh?! Rukia is! Here we go You! Ichigo! They're getting pretty irritated over there They wonder why you haven't come back.
Hollows appear.
Orders come in too.
That's why I haven't gone back.
That's all there is to it.
Then why are you dressed Like that? Dressed? What does it matter, how I dress?! Oh, well, I guess you're finally coming of age.
What are you talking about? Don’t hide it.
Don’t hide it.
It's him, isn't it? The guy who's mother is said to have been killed by a Hollow.
The guy with the spiked hair! What are you? Is it pity? Or, are you Looking for pleasure in the human world? It's none of your business! Shall I sew that mouth of yours shut?! Don’t be so embarrassed.
It's best to be straightforward.
But doing it with a human boy Guess you can't say it-! No good, huh? Too bad.
I thought that would be a good excuse.
If I don't get an answer the superiors will be happy with, I'll have to take you back, even if I have to drag you.
Is that a threat? Well I have no intention of returning for a while.
Now you've done it I have no choice.
Rukia! Rukia! Hey! W ho are you?! Yo, Spiky! You can see me? Kon, who is this guy? How should I know? What?! You're the one who said it was an emergency! Hey, Spiky What about you? Who are you? I'm Ichigo! Don't! I'm a Surrogate Soul Reaper! Soul Reaper? No way What a stupid joke.
That's too funny.
Really, Rukia Kuchiki This is a serious crime.
A serious crime? What's he talking about? Oh, well.
It's no fun fighting a dumb Gigai, but anyway Let's do this, Spiky! W-What?! D-Damn it! Huh?! Ughh It's the end! Huh?! Ugh Stupid Ichigo Interesting.
You transformed, and you're a human.
How did you get that ability? As if I'd tell you after attacking me out of the blue! Ichigo! Back away! This is my You don't have your sword.
What can you do? Out of the way, Kon! What's wrong? Karin? There you are! What's the matter? Where's Dad? He said he was going to have a talk with the priest.
That good for nothing! I'm going to have you keep me company for a while.
The bigger the bait, the better Karln? Heh -heh -heh! Yuzu! Run! He's strong What's with you, anyway? Is brute strength all you've got? You have no idea how to fight.
Shut up! What is it?! It's a Hollow! A Hollow?! Where is it?! Close and Look at this! This spiritual energy It's quite a big one! Hmm Seems pretty strong Aargh! What? You want to fight again?! Ichigo, now's not the time! Your family might be in danger again! Let’s go! H-Hey! Oh, no! Karin! No! Don’t come near! Karin! Karin! What’s going on?! Yuzu! What's happening? Yuzu What did he mean by "serious crime"? Don't worry about my problems now! We've got to save your family first! Aren't you going to ask me anything about my mother? If I do, will you answer me? It's your problem a deep deep problem.
I have no way of asking you about it.
No good way of asking you without tracking mud into your heart.
That's why I'll wait.
W hen you’re ready to talk, tell me about it I'll wait until then.
Oh dear, this is a problem.
What should I do? Yuzu You're so noisy.
One hostage is good enough.
Though the voyage must continue on May seas always be calm When the cycle of the moon is renewed may it shine It's light to guide your boat I offer this voyage a prayer With each new day that still awaits On vividly shining seas To the end of the journey I decided to protect
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