Blood Ties (2006) s01e08 Episode Script

Heart of Fire

I work for the Church.
I deal with anomalies.
You think that's what Fitzroy is, an anomaly? I think he's an abomination.
This isn't Henry.
He doesn't do this.
Fang Boy doesn't eat? Henry is not a killer.
No? And how do you know so much about his drinking habits? Henry Fitzroy wouldn't let me anywhere near him, but you, you know what he is, but you're still alive.
The Iluminacion del Sol, it drains a vampire's power.
All you must do is to place it on his chest.
ARGHHH! What did you do? I'm sorry, detective.
Damn it! You stupid son of a bitch! - You through? - Who was that guy, and what does he want with Henry? He said that he could help Henry to 'cure his urges'.
- Oh, and you bought it? - Yes, I bought it! Just like I bought every piece of your psycho brutal nonsense, ever since you hooked up with him.
You know what? Maybe, just maybe if you weren't obsessed with Henry and you just did your job HEY! I AM DOING MY JOB! And if you still wore the shield you would be doing exactly the same thing.
Henry is a killer, plain and simple.
He's my partner.
And now, because of you, I've got to go do what I do when my partner is in trouble.
You'll never find him alone.
Oh, what? Now you want to come help me find Henry? No! No, I want Javier Mendoza, that's who I want.
Then from this point forward, what you know, I know.
If you hold out on me I swear to God you will live to regret it.
Anything else? Until I find him, you're my chauffeur.
It's been a long time, Monsignor.
You rember me.
I'm flattered.
Do you rember her? ARHGHH! I stood upon the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon each horn a crown, and upon the heads, the name of blasphemy.
And the beast, which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were as a bear and his mouth as a lion and the dragon gave it his power.
And upon one of the heads I saw that it was wounded unto death.
And the deadly wound healed and all the world wondered after the beast.
What do you want? What do you want? What I've always wanted, vampire to save your immortal soul.
Look, Coreen, just get down here as fast as you can.
I'll explain everything then.
If this guy wanted him dead, why not just kill him in the sewer? He wants to kill him somewhere else.
Hey, that thing you slammed into his chest, I mean, it took him down fast.
What the hell was it? He called it the Iluminacion del Sol, it looked like a sun.
It had eight rays of light, I guess they were.
Eight? Are you sure? Yeah, yeah.
It reminded me of a compass.
It had a face on it and I think it was made out of gold.
- Okay.
He said that it wouldn't hurt him.
It was just going to weaken him.
Okay, we'll get Coreen on this as soon as she gets here.
What are you doing? - What? I'm just going to clean up.
- No, you can clean up down at the station.
I need you to pull everything you can on Javier Mendoza.
I want CPIC, Interpol, Spanish police - Okay, Vicki, I'm on it.
All right.
Hey, listen.
We're going to find him.
- Yeah, we'd better.
- Javier Mendoza? - Yeah, made himself out as a possible witness to the prostitute killing.
But now he's a possible suspect? Person of interest.
So how does Vicki factor into this? - She doesn't.
- So why has she called you three times in the last half hour? She says to turn your cell on.
Yeah, this is a murky one.
I need somebody outside of the department to do some legwork for me.
- You don't have to explain it to me.
- Crowley? - Warpath.
- Listen, Kate, I need a favour.
Can you just cover for me for twenty-four hours? I've just got to see how this plays out.
- I'll do you one better.
I'll cover for you and I will baby sit this search while you go take a shower.
Oh, and by the way, Dave got an ID on the dead pro.
Amy Davidson.
Her street name was Champagne.
Thanks, Kate.
I thought for sure the silver bullets would kill the Windigo even if the fire didn't.
Mike did use them, didn't he? Because I got the vibe off him that he didn't buy that they would actually kill the Windigo.
Henry has been kidnapped by some kind of lunatic with an anti-vampire weapon.
I need you to find out everything you can on it as fast as you can.
Okay, wait a minute, back up Kidnapped? Lunatic? What are you talking about? Is Henry okay? I don't know.
He didn't kill him right away so now there's a chance he might still be alive.
How did he even know you were there? The only people that knew you and Henry were in the sewer were me and Mike.
No, that's It's not important right now.
I never should have said anything.
Now Henry's going to die and I'm the one who killed him.
No, no he's not going to die because we're going to save him, all right? - All right.
- This is everything I have.
- The Iluminacion del Sol.
It's Spanish.
I'll start there.
All right.
If you can't find anything out right away, call Dr.
She'll know what to do.
Call me when you have something.
In the year of Our Lord, 1742, to the years of this judgment, says Javier Mendoza, there comes a persistent public report that Englishman, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset, born 1519, died 1536 You are charged with inflicting vampirism and heresy against the faith and common good of this village.
How do you know who I am? I will ask the questions in this court.
How do you plead? - I have no one here.
You hold no authority over me, priest.
We shall see.
Be careful of this one.
He's a spawn of the devil.
My faith in the Lord will protect me.
Save your strength vampire, you will need it.
JAVIER! JAVIER! - Don't know her.
- Take a closer look, okay? Because she worked this stroll and she's dead now.
Hey, honey, how you doing? Do you want to party? Do you mind? I need 1200 bucks to pay for my kid's dental work, 800 to fix my transmission and I ain't making jack with you two standing around here harassing me.
- You think this is harassment? No, harassment would be if I came down here every night that you were working and scared off all your potential customers.
- I could arrest you for obstructing a homicide investigation, lose your paper work and let you spend a fun filled week in Metro West Detention.
- Oh, that is a good one.
You know there's also the one All right, all right! Yeah, I've seen her once or twice, called herself Champagne.
Nice enough but not exactly Einstein.
No protection, no safe calls and she was stoned half the time she was working.
Did you ever see her with this guy? I never saw Champagne with him.
- You had a date with him? - What? You saw this guy? - When did it happen? - Where was this? What was he driving? - Where did he take you? Okay, It was about a week ago, he picked me up in a cab, took me to an abandoned building.
I thought he wanted what everyone wants.
What else? There was another woman in the basement, chained to the ceiling.
When I told him anything weird was going to cost extra, he grabs me, starts dragging me over to her, so I introduce him to my pocket protection.
Easy, easy, easy.
Why didn't you tell anyone? She was trying to bite me.
I thought she was in on the fun.
Can you describe the building? - Some old church.
- Are you sure? - I've been to church.
- There can't be that many empty churches around.
- Okay.
You need to show us where he took you.
I ain't gotta show you nothing, Princess.
Uh! Uh! Okay, you have two choices and only one of them has a happy ending.
You do know about happy endings, right? Is this where you come in, good cop? Actually, she is the good cop.
$75 an hour.
- You wanna get paid? I expect to get paid.
Money talks or Cassis walks.
If you are jerking us around, I swear to God That's $200 an hour, honey.
Let's go.
Have you never seen royalty before? What I need is some water.
Water, please.
I serve only the Monsignor, and the Lord.
Perhaps a taste of your Lord's grand compassion will fill my empty soul.
I warn you, do not attempt to take advantage of my charity.
You are too kind.
Now open these gates.
I was warned you were powerful, Devil.
But God's love is greater.
The accused has the opportunity to confess.
All right.
All right, I confess.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
I should have killed you four hundredears ago! Having professed his innocence on all charges the accused leaves the judge with no choice but to proceed with the inquisition.
What are you doing? What are you doing? You will confess and you will die.
The only choice left is where you spend eternity.
Oh Coreen.
Fennel, Vicki Nelson's assistant.
Yes, of course.
You know dear, it's rather late.
Could this wait until tomorrow? - No, this is about Henry.
- What are you talking about? - I've got to track down this Iluminacion del Sol device and I can't find references to it in any Spanish mythology text.
I've checked everything Galican, Historian, Catolyn even Bass, so I thought maybe it has a basis in Roman mythology.
- Slow down, please slow down.
What does this have to do with Henry? I thought you might be hungry.
Come on, vampire, eat.
You're getting weak.
You need your strength.
One small act of mercy won't impress God.
God loves mercy.
For those who deserve it.
The evidence against you is compelling.
Confess freely and save your immortal soul.
Confess! Confess.
This is the place.
We went around that way.
- Show us.
- The deal was to get you to the church.
There's no guided tour.
- Pay her.
- Why? You're the one who said you'd pay her.
- I don't have that kind of money on me.
- Oh, and I do? - You should.
- What are you talking about? I have an idea.
Pay me now and fight about this all you want when you get home.
Listen, sweetheart, we are so not a couple.
- Sure you're not.
- We're not.
All right, fine.
I suppose a receipt is completely out of the question? I guess there's no point in telling you to stay behind? Right.
Come on, sun's almost up.
Your wounds don't heal so quickly now.
Has the devil abandoned you? Why don't you ask him yourself? You're nothing if not tenacious, but you will break.
You all break.
The witness will give their name - Delphine.
Javier >> the year of their birth and death.
- Delphine Guillaume, born 1918, died 1944.
And how did you come to be in this state of purgatory? I I was murdered by a vampire.
- No! Who infected me with his disease.
Unburden your soul, my child, and give me his name.
Atone for your sins.
Henry Fitzroy.
Forgive me.
He will, my dear, all in good time.
I forgive you.
I forgive What have you done to her? - She is at peace now.
How many others did you kill to get to me? Don't flatter yourself.
She was a monster.
She was an artist, a teacher, innocent! And you condemned her.
She gave up her innocence when she surrendered herself to you.
- No! Through her confession she spared herself the flames of hell! - Hell Hell couldn't be worse than this.
No one escapes the Lord's justice.
-There's no pulse.
- Help me.
It's the woman Henry turned.
Where's Javier Mendoza? Feed me ahhhh Feed me Oh, come on, Vicki, you're not going to do it.
We need her.
Uh More.
No, not till you answer my questions.
Where's Javier.
- Gone.
- What does he want with Henry? Henry? Forgive me.
Uh Vicki! Dr.
Sagara, how long have you known Henry? We're missing something here.
What is it? Eight rays? Are you sure? Yeah.
The number eight had no special meaning to the Aztecs.
It's a lucky number in Chinese culture.
Infinity? Immortality.
It's Chinese.
He left in a hurry.
He had our number.
Wish we had his.
- Yeah Nobody should have to die like that.
- She wasn't alive, remember? - No, you know what I mean.
To leave somebody, anybody, vulnerable, alone like that, it's just evil.
Hollenbeck Nurseries.
He doesn't really strike me like the kind of guy who'd have a hobby.
Phew What is that? I don't know.
Maybe Mohadevan can take a look at this.
Yeah, we're in the briefing room.
Kate's on her way.
Rember the last time we were here? We used to break our backs in these chairs.
We gave Mohadevan a four star case to the front of the line.
Oh, you rember that drug dealer who had the bag taped over his head? Oh yeah, you thought it was a premeditated hit.
You thought it was a crime of passion.
Yeah, and she comes in and it's erotic asphyxiation.
Mike, Vicki.
They still had coffee over at Sex Crimes.
Oh, best in the building.
The computer spat back boopkus on your guy.
What, no criminal record? No record at all, not even an alias.
So I googled the name to see if it had any significance.
Turns our Javier Mendoza was a Grand Inquisitor during the Spanish Inquisition.
He specialized in encouraging confessions out of witches.
Uh thanks Kate.
I owe you one for this.
- You owe me more than that.
And get some rest.
You look like hell.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
- What? - What? The plant is jiogulan.
It is revered by the Chinese as an immortality herb.
Mm, and how about the cup? A mixture of the herb and blood.
- Amy Davidson's blood? - No, she was O negative.
This is B positive.
There are some other unique properties in this mixture.
It will take more tests to iSolate them.
You'll never read that in my report.
Now if you will excuse me there are other cases that require my attention.
- Thank you.
- Thanks, Doc.
Immortality herb, Spanish Inquisitor.
What if this guy isn't a fan of Javier Mendoza, what if he is Javier Mendoza? If this guy is Javier Mendoza then he's over - Maybe he's a vampire? He can't be.
We saw him in the daytime.
Vampire blood.
This guy's juicing vampires to stay alive.
- That means Henry might not be dead yet.
- Yeah.
Hollenbeck Nurseries supplied jiaogulan to five different Chinese herbalists.
On the upside is they're all on Spedina.
So we're no closer than we were twelve hours ago.
We have solved cases with a whole hell of a lot less than this.
All right what do we have? All rightwe know that his name is Spanish.
We know that he is or was connected to the Inquisition.
His last hideout was in a church.
His last hideout was in a church within walking distance to Chinatown.
Okay Chinatown.
This is where we found the vampire.
This is where we picked up Cassis.
This is where we found Amy Davidson's body.
That is a pretty small comfort zone to be working in.
He's conducting his own little Inquisition.
The guy's hooked on ritual.
Holy ground is a part of that ritual.
He's hiding out in another church.
What Faustian bargain did you make? Rest assured, vampire, there is no deal with the devil.
I prayed to the Lord for justice and He granted me the capture of a wretched soul who had immersed himself in the dark arts of the east.
At first he was reluctant to share with me his knowledge of unnatural longevity.
But in time he came to find my arguments persuasive.
Don't think you can immerse yourself in darkness and emerge unscathed.
You're a vampire.
Okay, we've got four more churches to go.
All right, we should split up, cover more ground.
No, we go together, okay? This guy's armed and insane.
- Same old Saturday night.
- No Vicki, I'm serious, okay? Listen, ever since you got those marks on you, you've been acting like you're somehow invincible.
Guess what? You're not.
No, but I think they might be saving me for something else.
It's not exactly reassuring.
I have no choice right now, all right? I have to play the hand that's been dealt.
Vicki, you will always have a choice, remember that.
We split up.
Cover more ground.
- And if one of us finds him? - We call the other one.
- You'll wait for me? - Yeah, I'll wait for you.
- Vicki - Mike! I said I'd call.
End your suffering, my son! Smite the beast that corrupts your soul! - Maria, please! - Quiet! The Monsignor will hear you.
- I am a man.
- You are vampiro! Evil.
You kill.
And I bleed and dance and plead You've been sent to test my faith.
Your faith is about mercy.
To have you in his grasp.
To let you go.
What devil is that foolish? Another trick.
If I do not scream, I'm being protected by the devil.
If I do, it is a trick.
I have had enough of your judgment for one day.
Take this, and prove yourself.
In Nomine Patri, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.
Thank you.
Thank you.
NO! Drink! Drink my blood and you'll live! Confess your unholy nature and pray for divine forgiveness.
You first.
It's not much, but I found a legend of a Chinese warlord whose only daughter committed suicide and returned as a Chiang Shih, that's a Chinese vampire.
She wrought terrible destruction across the land but the Warlord refused to see her die a second time.
He ordered the wisest of his Daoist Priests to tame her vicious ways.
The priest created an artificial sun to control her, but discovered Come on, come on.
Hey, this is Vicki, sorry I missed you.
Leave me a message and I'll call you back.
Vicki, it's me.
Call me.
Oh! Ooh, bad idea.
Henry? HENRY! NO! Vicki.
Oh, god, what has he done to you? Revealed his true nature.
Behold the beast.
Now do you see? - No, no, no.
We're going to get you out of here.
You know what I want, vampire.
Confess your sins.
What sins? Tell me.
You killed her.
You killed Maria.
We both know what happened.
I came for her that night.
I was too late to save her.
I heard the words that came out of her mouth.
Her first words as a newborn.
My love.
It was a trick! A trap set by the devil to ensnare me.
The devil had nothing to do with it.
She only sought to embrace you, to love you.
God's eye, she was cursed! I saved her soul! You could have had her for all eternity, if not for you your fanaticism.
- I freed her! - Murderer! - Liar! - You're a monster! - I'll shut you up! Does the smell of blood make you happy, vampire? Your main course is right here.
- No, no, no, no Henry.
I confess, I confess - Vicki? - Coreen, it's me.
Where is she? - I don't know.
She hasn't called.
- We split up an hour ago to check out churches.
She should have called back by now.
I'm going to go retrace her steps.
- Wait, Mike.
We found out something about the device he's using on Henry.
It's some kind of freaky gadget that was created by a Daoist Monk to steal a vampire's immortality.
How could you do this to him? Listen, I'm going to get him back.
What do I need to know about this thing? There is a special key that removes it.
But we have to be careful.
Turn it clockwise, it deactivates the device.
Counter clockwise, it destroys the heart.
Great, so where is this key.
Hopefully he keeps it close to him.
Yeah, let's hope.
All right, I'll call you when I find something.
Then I turned her Took her to join me - Henry, don't! - A foul beast.
A foul beast.
Your soul is black.
The penance for your sins is death.
- Let her go.
- Out of the question.
Your confession must be given in good faith and with a clear conscience.
It would be remiss of me to accept a statement made under duress.
After you've eaten, we'll talk again.
How long is that going to be? Ten years, a hundred years? How long do you keep them like this? I am not Fitzroy's cat.
When his heart truly seeks salvation, he will find the key to his freedom.
And, of course, you're the only one who can tell when he's reached that stage.
- I'm only a vessel of the Lord's will.
He will decide.
What a convenient argument.
It doesn't justify murder.
You of all people should know that no one is innocent.
Bon appetit, Vampire.
- Henry.
Forgive me.
I can't help myself! Just give me a chance to find a way out of here before you make any rash decisions.
Hands behind your head.
The key.
Where is it? In a safe place.
I won't ask you again.
You know my cause is just.
You won't kill me.
No, I won't kill you.
MIKE! VICKI! Mike, get me out of here! MIKE! DON'T! SON OF A BITCH! OHHH! Henry, please! Please, you're killing him! You're killing him! Please! Stop! You're killing him! Henry! You're killing him! Please.
Oh, please No.
- The key.
- Wha? Turn it clockwise.
Are you okay? I will be.
Mike Mike, you okay? God, that hurts.
Are you crazy? You could have gotten yourself killed.
Well, you're welcome.
Good evening, Monsignor.
It's time to repay.
Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts for which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord.
Oh God, Mike.
I'll be fine.
Let's go.
It's almost dawn.
We really need to talk about your drinking problem.
Clearly I stopped too soon.
You, uh you go ahead.

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