Bloodline (2015) s01e08 Episode Script

Part 8

You never think these things will happen to you.
Some terrible thing happens to the family down the street.
And you think, "Thank God we're not them.
" - "Thank God we're not that family.
" - Fuck you! I got it.
I got it.
Oh, I know.
I know.
I fucking know.
I fucking know.
Then one day you wake up, and you are them.
What are you gonna do about Danny, John? Huh? You gonna do something? I'm the one that has to make this right.
You hear me? And you can never look at yourself the same way again.
Kevin, can you hear me? Kevin.
Kevin, wake up, man.
Wake up.
What the fuck happened in here? Oh, fuck.
All right, now, easy.
Don't try to move, all right? - Just don't try to move.
Don't move.
- Ah! I'm gonna call the ambulance.
Just don't move.
It's really fucking stupid walking in there like that.
Well, I'm a stupid guy.
What'd you think he'd say? Thought I had a pretty good offer.
Just thought I'd offer it to him.
I'm surprised you're not at the bottom of a reef with a harpoon up your ass.
So you think he's gonna put me on or what? I don't give a fuck, man.
That's his decision to make.
Oh, yo.
Hey, OB.
Come over, man.
Join us.
- What's he doing here? - I called him.
What's going on? Sit down, man.
I'll buy you a beer.
Hey, man.
Sit down.
You two, like? You good friends now or what? We're just getting to know each other.
Is that cool with you, gas man? Yeah, yeah.
That's great.
It's all cool.
Sit down.
I'll buy you a beer.
Pull up a chair.
Fuck that.
You guys wanna make money tonight? Of course.
Work starting back up? There's other ways.
Follow me.
What the fuck are you doing with this asshole? - Nothing.
I just introduced myself.
- You went behind my back.
It just sort of happened.
- What the fuck does that mean? - Look.
Don't worry about it, okay? This could be good for us.
Come here.
What the fuck is that? Compliments of Kevin Rayburn's boatyard.
Oh, no, man.
Keep it.
Come on.
You made the call.
- I just had all the fun.
- Keep it.
Where's this asshole taking us? I don't know.
Aah! Yeah.
That's gonna be a challenge for the next few days.
Hope you've got somebody to help you get dressed.
You've got three cracked ribs.
Your wrist isn't broken, but there's a lot of tissue damage.
It hurts to breathe.
Yeah, well, you gotta do it anyway.
I'll need you to blow into this twice a day.
The most common complication of broken ribs is pneumonia.
Gotta keep the lungs moving.
- Is that it? Aaah! - Wait, sit down.
Stay seated.
Stay seated, okay? You got into a fight? Yeah.
I just I had too much to drink.
I got into it with this guy.
It was stupid.
If you were assaulted, you can press charges.
I don't wanna press charges.
I wasn't assaulted.
I told you.
It was just me.
It was just dumb.
Dumb fucking me.
All right, listen up.
Bet what I bet.
I know these guys and I know these birds.
Jesus Christ.
Suit yourself.
Eric, Eric.
Check this out.
See this fucking bird right here? Can I get a beer? That's my fucking bird right there.
Oh, yeah.
That's my bird right there.
Don't you fucking go! Hey, get over here.
That's my bird.
No, no, no.
No fucking way.
That's my shit.
Hit that shit.
Hit that shit! Fuck, yeah! Fuck, yeah! Yeah! Fuck, yeah! Fuck, yeah! Yeah! That's my fucking shit.
That's my fucking bird! Pay me my money.
Let's go.
Stop playing.
Let's go.
Pay up.
Hell, yeah.
Yo, Carlos.
How are you? I'm fine.
My sister put her ass on the line for you.
My mom lent you a bunch of money.
I'm sorry, man.
This looks bad, I know.
You told them you were sober.
I am.
I was.
I'm trying, man.
Hey, you know what? I'm glad you're trying.
Come on, man.
Maybe we can help each other out.
Come on, man.
Come on.
How'd you do? Excuse me, sir.
Sir, excuse me.
Do you know anything about this by chance? No.
No, no.
- What? - Give me that picture.
This one? Hey, amigo.
You don't know anything about this girl? He came from Guatemala a year ago.
He left his wife and his four kids there.
And ever since he got here, he's been trying to earn enough money to get them over here.
He asked around, got a number, he called.
He spoke to a man that said that he should meet.
He says that he paid $3,000 to bring his daughter into the country.
No, no.
That wasn't it.
He was supposed to pay another $3,000 upon her arrival, but She never She never made it.
The man he paid, did he try to contact this guy? Number, no work.
His guy disappeared.
Are you going to deport me? No.
No, we just Tell him we just wanna find out about his daughter.
Ask him if he'd recognize him.
He says he met the man at a dock.
A busy dock with a lot of boats.
He says he knows where it is.
Tell him he's gonna take us to that dock.
And he's gonna see if he can make an ID.
Let's go find this guy.
- I wanna change the menus.
- What's wrong with the menus? Mom, it's just like every restaurant here.
It's the same thing.
It's mahi, it's grouper, it's hogfish, it's grilled, it's blackened, it's fried.
Plus your one side.
Can't forget about your one side.
So, what's this new direction gonna cost us? I knew you'd get practical.
This is the best bit.
It's gonna cost us nothing.
In fact, it's gonna be cheaper.
- Really? - Starting with the seafood.
Look at that.
I mean, that is That's fucking crazy.
I've worked in kitchens.
I have never seen anybody pay those prices.
Well, these were the vendors your father trusted.
Oh, no.
They're gouging us.
They are I mean, I know 10 guys off the top of my head that we could get it for cheaper from.
Look, if this isn't my place, just tell me.
I'll back off.
It's not like Robert's here to object, so if you think you can do better, just have at it.
- But, are you sure? - Yes.
Let's do it.
Let's make a change.
I'm gonna check out some seafood prices.
And then I am gonna draw up some menus, and you're gonna love it.
Ah This is gonna be fun.
No, Mama, Mama, Mama.
The fun's just starting.
I'm not sure I like the sound of that.
Hey, my man.
What can I get you? You're Aaron Davis, right? Yeah.
I understand you plan on being a star witness against Carlos Mejia.
What do you want? Thing is, bro, Carlos is a friend of a friend.
I thought maybe you and I could have a little chat.
Thank you, Tom.
Hey, Karen.
I haven't heard from you on the Mejia case.
- You're a lucky girl.
- Why is that? I don't know how you pulled off the phone records, but my bartender witness got spooked.
- Aaron Davis isn't gonna testify? - Apparently not.
So your family friend gets a pass on this one.
It's really over.
They have no witness, they have no case.
Sometimes things work out right, Carlos.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hm.
But you have to take this seriously, okay? If you do anything like this again, they're gonna come down on you hard.
- As well they should.
- I understand.
You saved me.
I was happy to help out.
I think people deserve second chances.
So you take good care of yourself.
Keep going to those meetings, Carlos.
Of course.
Hey, Sally Rayburn.
I got a brunch menu here.
Why don't you take a look at it? - Oh.
Hi, honey.
- Hey, Carlos.
Hey, how's the case going? They cut the charges for now.
- Well done.
- Thanks.
What are you gonna do with your freedom? Not sure.
I started looking for a job.
Something will come up.
I'm happy for you, man.
Who would've done this to you? - They take anything? - I don't know.
I had some cash in here.
How much? Fuck.
I don't even know.
- Shit.
We gotta report this.
- No.
No, Jake.
Come here.
Listen, man.
No cops, okay? No cops.
Why? This place is collateral for my loan.
The bank is lending me money based on my business.
I can't fuck that up.
I can't, okay? So you'll let whoever did this just get away with it? Whoever has a name, trust me.
- What are you talking about? - Nothing.
Forget it.
Just no cops.
You're the boss.
But you can't sleep here tonight.
You're gonna have to come to my place.
No, thank you.
I'm fine.
Doctor says I have to sleep sitting up anyway.
Bed wouldn't do me any good.
Would you? Fuck.
Would you get me some water? I have to take these pills.
- Sure.
- Thank you.
Hey, Mama.
- Hi, honey.
- Hey, listen.
I wanted to run something by you.
Completely your decision.
I feel like we could use an extra pair of hands around here, even part-time.
All right.
I was thinking, uh, Carlos.
I'm sure he could use a job.
Yeah, I think that's a lovely idea if you think you can use him.
I'm fine with it.
I think I can put him to work.
Thanks, Mama.
What? You say something? Me? No.
No, that's not me.
There's no deal until there's a deal.
My mother has a buyer, but from what I understand, the loan hasn't come through yet.
All I'm asking is for you to be patient.
You're not gonna get that with the neighbors.
The inlet stretches over a mile.
Go, go! Okay, okay, okay.
Come on.
What? What? I wanna dance.
I wanna dance! I wanna dance.
I'm the crazy uncle.
Please, don't let my daughter dance with you.
Come sit.
Sorry, I gotta go.
The queen calls.
- I gotta go talk to the queen.
- I never get to see you.
Because I work, believe it or not.
Okay? I work.
Me and John, yeah.
I've been working on this case with John 24-7.
- I love you.
I love you.
- Work.
It's always work.
- It is.
- Where's Meg? - Our little Meggie? - Eh, she's working.
- She's not coming? - No.
She's working with her mom.
- Oh, no.
I wanted to see her.
- Daddy, come dance! Thank God she does not look like her father.
He's very good-looking, just like you.
But one of us is a little better-looking than the other.
I'm just saying.
Trust me.
I live with him.
Oh, look who's there.
Meg! Megan.
Megan! Hey, girl.
Your party looks awesome! I can't believe you made it.
I can't believe you came.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
You too.
- There you go.
Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
- I'm so happy you came.
- Thank you.
- I love your party.
- I know.
- I thought she wasn't coming.
- I didn't know she was coming.
We, uh We really didn't think you were coming.
I felt stupid.
I didn't wanna let Anna down.
Well, thank you.
I mean, she's dying that you're here.
You don't have to stay long, okay? I know I've created a An uncomfortable situation.
It's okay.
We'll just have fun.
Hi! - Hello, baby.
- Hi.
Hey there, Joe.
What you got for me today? - I got the best for you.
Only the best.
- That's what I like to hear.
Good with that, Carlos? Okay, cool.
- Joe, this is Carlos.
- Great.
Okay, man.
- See you soon, Joe.
- I'll see you guys.
Hey, Mama.
Hey, honey.
Open up.
There we go.
Right back now.
- I'm nervous about this.
- Close the door.
Wait over there.
Why didn't you call me sooner? Because I didn't know what to do, man.
You're gonna have to file a report.
I can't.
John, come here.
Dude, if I file a report and then the bank starts asking me questions, this loan goes south.
And then I am fucked, man.
I mean, for real.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
You gotta be kidding me.
There goes the little fucker who did it.
- Who? - Nicky Widmark.
Little prick and his Porsche.
He doesn't want me buying this land.
- Susan Widmark's kid? - Yeah.
- He didn't do this.
- Then he sent somebody to do it.
Check this out, he comes up here the other day, walks right up to me, I'm working on an engine, gets all up in my face, he fucking threatens me.
What did you do to him? Just asking, what did you do to him? He fucking came at me, man.
He didn't like the deal I made with his mom.
If I report this and this loan collapses, then that little prick wins.
I'm gonna lose it all.
And I can't let him, man.
If it was him and you wanna prove it, file a fucking report.
Could you not be a cop? Just for once? Please.
If you don't want me to report anything, why did you call me? Because you're my big brother.
And I'm fucked here, man.
I don't know what the fuck to do.
I don't know what to do.
All right.
Here's what we're gonna do.
- Hey, buddy.
- What? - Here's what we're gonna do.
- Okay.
You and I are gonna go back to the house.
We're - Have you talked to Belle about this? - No.
Mom either.
Hey, that's fine.
First things first.
We go inside.
We get things you'll need.
We go to the house.
Let's do that.
- I'm sorry.
Come on.
- It's all right.
I'm sorry about this, dude.
I'm so sorry.
Quite all right.
All right.
And then he hit me again.
Then I blacked out.
When I woke up, Jake was there.
He took me to the hospital.
- Oh, my God, Kevin.
- Mom, I'm fine.
- John, why would anybody do this? - We're looking into it.
- But you have no idea? - No.
They were just looking for some money, you know? It was just a burglary.
Sounds personal, an attack like that.
No reason to jump to conclusions.
We're looking into it.
We don't know.
Yeah, I gotta say, I agree with Meg.
It just doesn't sound random.
Where's Belle? Why isn't she here? Yeah, Mom.
There's something else I have to tell you.
You wanna talk to me? Yeah.
Remember when you told me you weren't gonna make it to my niece's birthday party and I told my whole family? I'm sorry.
I should have called you first.
I saw the disappointment all over their faces.
Oh, shit.
I'm sorry.
And then I realized that I was disappointed.
And how much I wanted you there.
It was my fault.
You weren't gonna be there because I pushed you away.
And then you went anyway because you didn't want to let my family down.
- I guess, yeah.
- Hm? You guess so? I've been an idiot, baby.
What do you mean? Now you're being an idiot.
Let's get fucking married.
Mm? Go easy on that.
Hey, go easy on that.
- You like it? - Yes, it's very big.
Have you seen mine? I want to propose a toast.
- To everyone's new favorite couple.
- Mm.
To my baby girl.
I love you.
- I love you, too.
- To my new baby boy.
- I love you already.
- I know.
I'd tell you to take care of her, but this one can take care of herself.
- Yes, she can.
- Spill.
Tell us the story.
She asked me over breakfast.
Literally, I was half-awake.
"Wanna get married?" A man needs to think about these things.
What's the? What was the romantic part of it? I'm the romantic part of it, okay? How did John? I'm the one who's into sunsets.
I'm the one who's into walking on the beach.
- Do you see the man that you paid? - Hmm? No.
And this is where you met, right? - I come before.
- Mm-hm.
You came on a boat, right? Hm? Alone? Okay.
Cuban accent.
Okay, let's keep looking for him.
rent stuff.
Then I wouldn't give to Beckford, no.
- I ain't sure about that guy.
- Mr.
- Oh.
- Take care of that.
Hey, Debbie from the bank.
- That's right.
- How you been? My sister got all the paperwork over, right? Everything's okay? - Yes, she did.
Are you okay? - Yeah? Yeah.
No, I'm fine.
Well, it looks like you've been hurt pretty badly.
I heard there was some kind of break-in? No.
Where'd you hear that? Mr.
Rayburn, it's a small town.
It was just, literally, a minor incident.
Somebody broke a window, took just a little bit of cash.
It was, like, a couple kids or something.
Well, it's probably just a formality, but we need 90 days to go over the damages and see about your collateral.
And we'll also need an official police report.
But I can't See, I don't have 90 days.
Well, it is policy.
I need to review the damage.
There's no damage, I told you.
They broke a window.
That's it.
Can you show me? Okay, listen.
I'm just gonna be totally frank with you, okay? If you need 90 days, the money's not gonna be of any use to me anyway.
Okay? I need it now.
- Please.
- Mr.
Rayburn, I'm sorry.
- Come on.
- I can't sign off on the loan as it is.
- I can't.
I'm so sorry.
- I've gotta be able to talk to somebody.
- I'm so sorry, Mr.
- Fuck.
Fuck! Goddamn it! Thanks, Debbie! Pleasure doing business with you, Deb! Fuck! I don't think this guy's gonna show.
I think we're done here, man.
I really do.
- Where? Where? Where? - Him.
That's the man.
- Shh, shh.
- That's the man.
Hey, what do you think happened with Kevin? What do you think? I don't know.
He told me that he got in a fight with Nicky Widmark over a land sale or some bullshit, and I I can't believe that he and Belle split up.
Oh, well, it happens.
You know? Let's face it.
Kevin? Fuck, man, he can't be the easiest person to live with.
You don't think you and I had anything to do with it, do you? Because we used to pound the hell out of him when he was a little kid.
Hang on a sec.
Hello? John.
Hey, John.
All right.
So Cruz ID'd someone.
Hey, we'll talk.
Yeah, I got his tag number, and I pulled his mug shot.
All right.
I'll see you in the morning.
Fuck it, I'm done with work.
You wanna get a beer? Let's get a beer.
Let's go get a beer.
- You got your wallet? - Oh, what? I gotta carry you now? Hey, what's going on? You seem like a man with a whole lot of worries.
I've got no worries.
Ah, bullshit.
Look, you've always been this way.
Like this situation with Kevin, right? I bet you think that's your responsibility to deal with it, don't you? - Of course I do.
- Exactly.
What about fucking Kevin? Where is he in all this? Don't you think it's time for him to fucking deal with reality? Depends what reality you're talking about.
I'm talking about if the guy pissed off his neighbor, that's on him.
Don't you think? John, your fucking problem is you've never left.
You've got a small-town mind-set.
It's one of the advantages of being a fuck-up.
You get to pick up, move around.
You get to see new places.
Well, when you got responsibilities, you just can't pick up and fuck off around the world for new experiences.
That what you think I've been doing? Finding my fucking self? Huh? - You think that I just fuck around - Hey, look, I'm fucking envious.
You think I don't want to go fuck off around the world? Find myself? - I'd love to go find myself.
- Well, I'll tell you this.
I've had fun.
And you, you used to be fun.
You used to be a guy to go out with.
You could have more than two beers.
I'd love to have another fucking beer.
Why don't you buy? VoilĂ , as they say in fucking Calgary.
Hey, buddy.
Can I get some shots over here? Sure, you got it.
Pew! Oh, motherfuck.
- Just give yourself a rest, honey.
- Fuck.
- It literally hurts to breathe.
- Oh.
I made up a room for you.
Thank you.
Be careful with those.
They're very addicting.
Richard Froman had to go into rehab for a broken ankle.
Okay, Mom.
I'm so sorry, honey.
Oh, fuck.
All right, give me one of those.
Really? Just one.
Go on, man.
Take one.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
- Fuck.
- Oh, careful now.
- It's hot.
- Careful.
- It's okay.
- Careful.
Don't touch.
Hey, how many years have you been fucking the same woman for now? - How many years? - That's not funny.
- Heh.
- No, it's not funny.
Seventeen years, though.
That's a long fucking Seventeen years.
Mind you, hey, if you have to pick someone to fuck for the rest of your life Diana, fucking beautiful.
You did well.
She is.
And I did.
- You did well.
- I did.
You know, there was a moment there, you know, back when you guys were first, you know, seeing each other, I came home one time, and you guys hadn't gotten together yet.
And I met her for the first time.
I mean, wow.
When I met her for the first And she You know, there was, uh Tsk.
- There was a thing there, you know? - "A thing.
" What's "a thing"? Between her and me.
A moment, you know? A moment.
Wait, look.
You're my brother, okay? I didn't act on it.
But there was a fucking moment.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Fuck you.
What do you think about me, man? You think I fucking What? You think I can't get a fucking woman? What the fuck? You get plenty of women.
I don't think you have a problem getting women at all.
But I think there's a big difference between quality and quantity.
Listen, you know, there was a moment.
But I didn't go there because I'm your fucking brother.
That's all I'm saying.
That's all I'm saying.
Oh, wow.
That's nice.
Wait here.
Wait here.
All right.
That is such a dominant name.
That's very powerful.
- Man, she likes you.
- What the fuck you doing? - She likes you.
- Huh? - Take that.
No, take it, man.
- What the fuck? Call the number.
Give her a call.
If you want to.
I'm not gonna tell anyone.
Fuck you.
You take it.
You enjoy that.
You take that.
Come on.
You never know when you're gonna need it.
You and me, we would be a great combination.
Look at you.
You're a fucking great-looking guy.
You know how to look at women.
I know how to talk to them.
We could clean up, man.
I'm telling you.
You're a fucking asshole.
No, I'm thirsty is what I am.
I want another one.
You gonna have another one? I gotta take a piss first.
- Fucking take a piss first.
- All right.
Fucking asshole.
Why didn't you tell me you and Belle were having a hard time? Mom, I swear I wanted to, but I couldn't find the right time.
It's been crazy.
We've had so much going on.
The pier dedication and the big party.
And then everything with Dad.
- I just wish you'd said something.
- I knew how upset you would be.
I didn't want to let you down.
- Let us down? - My marriage failed, okay? It did.
I failed.
Dad's never gonna even get to meet my children.
You know how important family was to him.
How important could it have been if his own son couldn't even talk to him about what was going on in his life? You can stay here as long as you want to.
Thanks, Mom.
And you didn't let me down.
Things happen with people.
That's all.
You're gonna be just fine.
Just fine.
You are so beautiful.
Do you know that? Can I tell you a secret? A little secret? Hey, don't fucking listen to him.
He's my brother.
He's an idiot.
I know that.
- Excuse me.
- He's crazy.
I gotta get back to him.
He's out of control tonight.
I got her all warmed up.
Meg and Kevin wanted to cut you out.
I fucking stood up for you.
No, I'm saying I fucking stood up for you, Danny.
The family business.
The fucking family business.
So I'm out.
I don't know.
You gotta ask Meg.
But I fucking stood up for you.
I guess I should thank you, huh? Fuck, it's the right thing to do.
Because you're just making everything else okay.
I gotta go home.
I gotta get home.
Yeah, it's about that time.
- How you doing there, Johnny boy? - Oh, fuck.
You know, you gotta watch out.
Because you are not a man that's used to being out of control.
But you're not in control now.
- What's that? - Think I'm gonna fucking let you drive? - Come on.
You ready? - Uh-uh.
All right.
I'll be waiting for you in the truck.
Come on, buddy.
Just wait there, I'll get you in.
- Come on, Johnny.
- Oh.
Anyone home? Come here.
Stand now.
I'm gonna get you some water.
- Oh, reach around! - Ugh Oh.
I'll get you some water.
I'm being so quiet.
I'm being so quiet.
- Hey.
- Hey, now.
- Our boy has had a little too much - Hey, shut up.
You gotta watch this guy.
- Oh.
- Shh! Danny, the kids are asleep.
Keep an eye on him.
- Jesus, Danny.
- Oh, man.
I need to piss.
- What's up with you? - Here you go.
Oh, honey, you stink.
Come on, honey.
- Dad? - Oh, my God.
- Hey.
- Honey, go back to bed.
- Are you drunk? - Whoa, she's on the ball, that one.
Danny! That's enough.
Sweetie, go to bed, please.
Your daddy imbibed a little too heavily this evening.
- He looks totally wasted.
- Yeah.
Let that be a lesson to you.
What'd you guys even do? We had some fun.
Good night, Janey.
Sleep tight, Janey.
Good night.
Good night.
Sorry you have to sleep next to that tonight.
What happened with you guys? I don't know.
He's not usually like that.
No, I'm aware of that.
But he's been under a lot of stress lately.
I think he's putting a lot of pressure on himself.
And? Oh, and we, uh I don't know.
He wanted a drink.
I took him out for a drink.
We had a talk.
He loosened up.
I think it was good for him.
But somewhere along the way, he just leapt out in front of me.
Big time.
What are you doing? Drinking a glass of water.
Would you like me to get you one? No.
I'd like you to go.
Hold I just got your husband home safe and sound.
And I appreciate that.
I really do, but it's time for you to leave.
- I can take that.
- I got it.
That's Janey's birthday party, right? Sorry I couldn't have been there for that.
Some stuff came up.
Good night, Diana.
Good night.
Mom? Mom? Hey, where's Mom? She's out back.
Hey! I thought we had an understanding.
- What do you mean? - I watch your back.
You watch my back.
Are you mad at me for some reason? How about you lied to me? About the will.
- No, I didn't.
No, I didn't.
- Yeah.
Dad cut me out of the will.
You helped him do it.
I'm his lawyer.
It's my job.
You don't think you could have told me? You know what? It doesn't matter.
It doesn't even matter anymore.
It's fixed.
We put you back in.
All I have to do is draw up the paperwork.
Paperwork, huh? Yeah.
And when are you gonna do that? Right.
All I know is we had an understanding.
We did not have an understanding.
You had an understanding.
You came into my house.
You threatened me.
And then you left.
Well, I guess I know where we stand now.
- What does that mean? - Well, I'm here now.
So if you try and keep anything from me again, tsk, I'll find out.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
- How's your head? - Ooh.
Kids are gone already? Hope you had fun at least.
What happened? Pretty obvious, isn't it? I haven't seen you like that since your 40th.
How'd that happen? Uh, I went out drinking with my brother last night.
And I think that we had a pretty good time.
And I think I drank too much.
What? Come on.
There's something off about him, John.
Hey, listen.
Last night was my doing.
It was not his fault.
No, you didn't see him after you went to sleep, okay? He had this look in his eye, and he had an attitude with me.
- What attitude, honey? - He was aggressive.
I think you want things to be better with him so much that you don't see him clearly.
I see him clearly.
I know you want things to be better.
But the guy you brought home last night, I don't want him around.
What is that supposed to mean, you don't want him around? Don't do that.
Come on.
I don't want him around the kids.
- What the fuck are you talking about? - I don't want him around the kids, John.
I've I've gotta go to work.
- Yeah, I know.
And so do I.
But - All right.
I will talk to you tonight about it.
We'll talk about this later tonight.
- Good morning.
- Hey, Mama.
- Mrs.
- Hey, Carlos.
How's the catch look today? Oh.
They're beautiful.
Rafi Quintana.
He was picked up two years ago for possession.
He still lives at this address? No, I ran him down.
He's got a part-time job in Key Largo.
How about that witness? Do what he was told? Yeah.
Yeah, he did, man.
Thank you for that.
Thank you.
Just don't make me sorry for doing you a favor.
Hey, Joe.
That's two shipments' worth in there.
Let's see how we did.
What the fuck, dude? That's sugar, pendejo.
So I passed the test? Are we in business? Hm? I'll be in touch.
- That a yes? - That's a yes.
You sure? Yeah.
You got some balls, bro.
I got two balls.
Same as you.
I guess.
Danny turned us into that family you don't wanna be.
What are you gonna do about Danny, John? Huh? - He made a mistake.
- You gonna do something? All right.
Fine, Kevin.
No more fucking talk.
No more fucking talk.
He made a big mistake.
And now we're all paying for it.

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