Friday Night Lights s01e08 Episode Script

Crossing the Line

' You and Timmy see a lot of each other now? No, not really.
Something's up.
I can smell it.
I kind of think she might be sleeping with my best friend.
But You must be feeling the pressure then.
Grady Hunt in the house.
Who? Mr.
Hunt's been scouting high school ball since before we were born.
Don't I got what it takes? Hard to say yet on strength and size.
' On a night when we all expected "Smash" Williams to shine, it is Tim Riggins who stepped up.
Come on, baby.
You got game film.
I'm coming.
Look, Jack, I'm sorry I misfiled that invoice, but I can get those I can get those drill bits out by Monday.
They can't.
My point is that there is no one else that they can go to by that time.
There's no way that they can get it delivered by Monday.
It's $2.
What do you mean, "Lowry already did?" That's impossible.
No, sir.
Yes, sir.
Come on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're kidding me, right? No, you gotta start eating better.
Why? 'Cause you had a hell of a game this past week, all right? We need to feed the beast.
Keep it up.
I'm not joking about this.
Just take that back, and these and this.
I'll get this, Bill.
Not that.
Put that back.
This, too, please.
I am not paying for that.
We do not have money for that.
Put it back.
Billy, you got peas.
Why can't I get what I want? We're not taking that.
Boys, boys, I'll buy the damn magazine if it comes down to it, okay? Billy, you go ahead.
I'm gonna get a ride from Tyra.
Feel that? Yeah.
How about this? You feel that? No.
Feel that? Yeah.
I gotta ask you something.
Is there something happening between you and Riggins? Lyla? No! Why would you even say that, Jason? 'Cause I saw you all in the parking lot the other night.
You saw us? Doing what? I don't know.
Nothing, I guess.
That's crazy.
I love you.
Jason, you know that, don't you? I do.
I just had to ask.
I'm I love you.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm here.
I'm right here.
Whoever told you to take Nandro was an idiot.
What you need is Oxymetholone, and you need to stack it with Boldenone.
Okay, well, is this gonna show up on a drug test? And how's it gonna affect my personal life? I mean If you're that concerned about your love life, maybe you need to get your priorities straight.
All right, how much? Three hundred.
A month? Try a week.
All right, can I pay you next week? You're good for it.
Well, you've lost your mind.
Mama, come on.
I need it for an SAT prep course.
Think about it like this.
If I nail my SATs and get my college scholarship, you'll be saving yourself thousands.
Baby, I'm gonna say this as plain as I know how.
I ain't got no $1,200.
How about you try studying for your SATs the old-fashioned way? Quit running around with them fast-tail gals, and get your lazy ass upstairs and start reading.
Mama How's that for your SAT prep course? I wouldn't come asking for something like this if I didn't need it.
Now, look, they tutor you.
They give you practice tests and quizzes, and teach you tips you can't teach yourself.
I need help, Mama.
McGILL: Get in there! Get in there! That's it! Nice work, Smash! Next group! Be confident now! Drive him, now! Drive him! McGILL: Get off the ball! Get off the ball! Attaboy! Coach Taylor! Coach Taylor! Hey, Billy.
How you doing? How you doing? Good to see you again.
How's everything going? Good.
Team's looking good.
Yeah, we're trying to keep them honest.
Coach, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.
Find out what your plans were He had a hell of a game last week, didn't he? Yes, he did.
Hey, Steve! We were kind of wondering if we should start looking into applying for school applications and such.
I mean, we hadn't really considered it before, but But Coach.
I know there were scouts there last week.
And I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do in this kind of situation, but if it means a future for him Hey, I'll tell you what.
You and Tim come out to dinner.
I'll talk to Tami, get the time, all right? Thank you, sir.
I appreciate it.
All right.
All right.
All right.
Take care.
Hey, Mike! Get off the line! Come on now! Well, it looks like you missed the first PSAT test date.
I'm sorry.
No, sweetie, it's okay.
I mean, there another one coming up before Christmas.
You can do it then.
Do you have any idea what electives you're interested in doing? Do you have a sense of how you wanna, kind of, proceed No.
Are you okay, April? My Panther wants me to do a three-way.
Yeah, and Hey, you know what? I'm just gonna close this door.
He says that all the rally girls do it, and, you know, I know a ton who have.
I just I haven't.
But I really like him.
And he says that if I do it, I'll be his girlfriend, so Matt, that's the thing.
You're not listening to me.
If you look at a girl like a geometry proof, the answer is just right in front of you, you know? It's your job to find the missing variable.
You know, you gotta solve for "X".
Yeah, that's actually algebra.
That's actually not the point.
All right, you all, do you wanna go inside and eat? No, no.
It's cool.
It's cool.
TAMl: You're gonna go get it? Want me to come help you? No.
I'm good.
I'd like my social status to stay intact.
Hey, heads up, Matt.
All right.
I'm just trying to make it look okay.
Fix your hat.
Sharpen your pencil, buddy.
You got a pop quiz.
Yeah, can I get three burgers, two fries and three chocolate Swizzlers? Sounds like you're pretty hungry.
No, just really, really depressed.
Well, maybe you should get some more fries going on there.
It's gonna be $16.
Here you go.
Have you You haven't maybe thought about, maybe, what I'd asked you the other night? About maybe going out? Yeah.
I'm considering.
I just need to think about it.
No, no, that's great.
TAMl: You know what happened to me today? Uh-uh.
This girl comes into my office Mmm-hmm.
tells me she contemplating having a three-way with a Dillon Panther.
She a rally girl.
Apparently, it was suggested to her that, that might be part of her duties as a rally girl.
Girl's a sophomore.
Well, you know what? Our daughter's a sophomore.
Stop that.
I mean, she's in there Our daughter reads Melville.
You know who's behind that counter? Matt Saracen.
What she hates more than football are football players themselves.
Stop that.
I'm just saying.
What do you need money for anyway? Look, Noannie.
A man needs money.
What's going on? What up, baby? Looking sharp in that hat.
Oh, man, shut up.
Hey, you're pimping, pimping.
Listen, how long you been working here? I don't know.
About a year or so.
Yeah? Mmm-hmm.
Brian, can we order? I'm gonna deal with you in one second.
You ain't gonna deal with me.
How much money do you make working here? I mean, well, everybody just starts out at minimum wage, so Okay, okay.
You think you could get the Smash an application? For real.
Yeah, I'll just talk to the manager.
Go talk to him.
I'll be right back.
Be serious.
You walking home.
He knows.
What? Tim, he knows.
Jason knows.
Does he know because you told him? No.
He asked me.
Well, I didn't tell him.
He asked me if something happened, and I said no, but Then there's nothing else to do.
We're done.
You called it off, so it's off.
As far as I'm concerned, you're Jay's girl and always have been.
So let's move on How? Hey, Lyla.
How's Jason doing? He's good.
He's real good.
I just actually came by to invite Tim.
Jason's doing a scrimmage thing this Thursday at the center.
That's really sweet.
Thanks for letting me know.
Yeah, see you.
Real nice of you to stop by.
This story gets better and better.
The best part is, he had this cigarette, so I slap it out of his hand.
KENJl: He leans into me and gets real close.
That never happened.
Put it right in his nose.
KENJl: Bleeding his nose out.
You didn't! He did.
Blood everywhere, I bet.
Dude, you kiss him before, man? I don't have a problem.
Midget, I'll toss you out the window.
KENJl: I'm ready to toss right now, baby.
You tell the boys here that I'm gonna come scrimmage on Thursday? I'm ready.
I told you I'm ready.
Jason, you're not ready.
Phil, come on.
Every day it's about how great my progress has been, how unusual I am.
What's the worst that could happen? I fall out of my chair, break my neck? Oh, wait, that already happened, didn't it? You could tear your rotator cuff.
You could get a concussion.
Worst case scenario? Your fusion's still healing.
You don't seem to know what that means, so let me spell it out for you.
Those little bits of bone are all that's protecting your spinal cord at your injury site.
Know how you can use your hands? You screw up your fusion, no more grip.
Then what? I want you to think long and hard about this before you do it.
You're really moving me, Phil.
If you hadn't notice, we are crippled.
Kicking a boy while he's down, man.
Captain Bring-Down.
Captain Bring-Down! Captain Bring-Down, please show that super speed you got.
Lyla? Hey, Lyla.
Hey, sweetie, how are you? I'm good.
You know, I was wondering, would you mind just telling your mom I am not even halfway through The Secret Life of Bees, and Sweetheart? I'm sorry.
TAMl: Is it over with you and Tim Riggins? Yes.
TAMl: Is it really? Yes.
Can I give you a little piece of advice? Yeah, please.
Jason Street has been hurt worse than he has been in his whole life.
I know.
Don't you hurt him more, girl.
But You would not be telling him for him.
You would be telling him for you.
You let him heal.
You move on with your life.
You let him heal.
What do you want me to cook for dinner when the Riggins boys come over? Shall I slaughter a goat? Mmm.
Slaughtered goat would be fine.
Hey, kiddo, what do you got going on this week? Tomorrow's Lois' birthday, so Katie's gonna make some red velvet cupcakes and bring them to school.
Probably go into a sugar coma at lunch.
And Matt Saracen asked me out on a date.
Just putting it out there.
What did you say to him? I told him I was considering.
All right.
See, Smash, the key with all this is really in the swirl.
So then you can get all the candy in it and whatnot.
Are you getting this? Yeah, I'm gonna put my own little spin to it.
No, that's the thing, though.
We try and keep product really consistent 'cause our manager's a real stickler about it.
Oh, man, I think I'm gonna like this job.
Why? Hey, look.
Check this out.
Take notes.
Hey, how you doing? Could I get a scoop of mocha, please? No, no, no, you don't want that.
Really? Look, what you want is a chocolate covered mocha cup with jimmies.
All right.
Well, if that's what you say I want, then I'll take that.
All right.
Well, he'll get it for you.
Yeah, it's How much do I owe you? It's on me.
Are you sure? Yeah.
See, that's what you do.
No, that's what you do.
Look, you don't ask them what they want.
You tell them what they want.
You'll learn.
You'll learn.
TAMl: Jules? Brought you some clean.
How's Faulkner? Good.
So, can I talk to you for a second? You're just freaking out because I got asked on a date.
I am not freaking out.
I'm not freaking out.
I think it's great.
I think it's nice.
I'm just Freaking out.
I mean, I sit in that counselor's chair all day and, you know, I kinda get a sense of what goes on over there at that school.
And I just want to make sure that you've You know, are comfortable I haven't even told him "yes" yet.
Okay, good.
I mean Oh.
Hey, Matty, you're worse than the IRS.
That what your football name should be.
The Accountant.
That funny.
Damn it, I'm short.
Yeah? By how much? $1.
You gotta be kidding me.
Hold on a second.
Hold on, hold on Come on! You ain't got nothing on me, baby! Come on, boy! Come on! Let's go.
Ain't you got some medals or something, huh? Attaboy.
Don't feel bad.
I was all conference last year.
Yeah, that don't mean you're ready to get on the court yet.
I'm telling you, Phil's telling you, your doctor is telling you.
Even your cute little cheater's telling you.
She didn't cheat.
Now, pal, you and me both know that's not true.
She's messing with you Herc and you are letting her! You're just trying to hold on to something that don't exist anymore.
You told me what you saw.
Yeah, well I saw wrong.
You saw wrong? Wow, that's pathetic.
That is pretty pathetic.
Really? Yeah.
You know what's pathetic? What's that? Your little obsession with trying to get me to break up with my girlfriend, huh? You got a little crush on me? You think as long as you hold on to that girlfriend, the girlfriend you had when you could walk, you can avoid the reality of being one of us.
That's has got nothing to do with it.
So you admit it.
She's cheating, huh? Shut up, Herc.
Where you going? You running away, all-star? Leave it.
Leave it? Leave it, Herc.
Leave it! Damn it, Herc! God! She's all I got, man, so quit busting my balls.
Just 'cause we're crippled don't mean we have to take the crumbs.
What, you got some secret way we get back up on the chairs now? Yeah, I do.
Call Phil.
Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil! Jack, no, that's not fair.
I shored those orders up.
Well, ask Ailene.
She filed the paperwork.
Come on, Jack.
I'm telling you, right Yeah? Well, if that's the way you feel, you know what you can do? You can just go to hell, you son of a bitch.
Let me guess.
Fired again, huh? Jack Gordon wouldn't know a good salesman if one walked up and smacked him in the mouth.
Why don't you just try selling weed again? Look, that was a short-term thing, all right? And what the hell are you doing eating that? We got dinner in 15 minutes! I'm tired of being the damn man of the house.
Yeah, you really are a good role model.
You know what? You go into your room, comb your hair, wash your hands, put on a clean shirt and run a comb through your hair for once in your life.
Will do, bro.
Smells good.
Thank you.
I hope you got that ice cream, 'cause this is all I had time to prepare.
Of course, I got the ice cream.
It's what you just sent me out to get.
How could I forget the Hey, come here.
Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong? I think she's on the phone with Matt Saracen.
Look, you gotta stop with this Matt Saracen thing.
He a good kid.
Don't worry about it.
Just relax, would you? Well, you know what, honey? He's a good kid now, but he's about to become the star quarterback of your football team, where we know they like to just use these girls and throw them away.
Wait a second, there.
First of all, she's my daughter, too.
Second of all, I'm not the enemy, and don't start lumping all of us into this culture you've created.
I'm not What are you talking about? I'm not creating some kind of culture.
All I'm saying is you can't do anything about them, but you could talk to your daughter.
It would make me feel real good if you could just talk to her.
You want me to talk to her? From your point of view as a I'll talk to her.
I'll talk to her.
If you'll relax, I'll talk to her.
I'll have a talk with her tonight.
I gotta get the door.
You look beautiful.
Now go answer the door.
Julie, get off the phone! Now! How's that? That's very good.
Hey! Hey.
How you doing? Good to see you again, Tami.
How are y'all? Come on in.
Brought you a little dinner present there.
Thank you.
That's great.
Come on in.
Get you something to drink.
That fantastic.
Thank y'all.
You've been on break all day, it seems like.
Yeah, well, I'll tell you when I'm done breaking.
All right, you let me know.
What? This is it.
That's the one.
No, here You do this one more time.
Just one more It's all you.
Come on.
All right.
How's it What can I do for you? Can I have an Alamo Burger and a root beer? No, I don't think you really want that.
I don't? What do you want me to have? I don't know.
Well, you wanted root beer, so you like root beer, and I make I make a mean root beer float.
Is that so? Mmm-hmm, make you wanna cry.
Yeah, it's real mean.
Well Or a sundae with jimmies.
All right.
But I think I'll stick with the Alamo burger and just a plain root beer.
Okay, maybe next time.
The drinks are just right over here.
All right.
Hey, man, what do you think? It's a start.
No, it's a start.
Now, it wasn't the best, but, you know, no shame in your game.
All right, well, thanks.
Look on the bright side.
At least it's payday.
Speaking of which, can I sign my check over for cash? Actually, you're not gonna get a paycheck today.
Man, stop playing me, man.
This ain't no volunteer work.
No, no, but seriously, we only get paid every two weeks.
And because of processing and everything, they're always a week behind, so you're probably not gonna get a check till the end of the month, maybe.
What? I'm sorry, man.
No, this ain't No, this ain't right, man.
But you get free ice cream.
That's good.
That's a perk.
No? So I grabbed that ball and I just start running.
I am running and running.
I am chugging down that field and the whole entire crowd is going nuts.
People were standing up and screaming.
I couldn't even hear anything.
I get all the way into the end zone.
After I throw the ball down, I realize I went the wrong damn way.
TAMl: Oh, no! That's an awful story.
That's really nice.
Well, the truth is I was never much of a player.
Not like my little brother here.
He's got the gift.
He's good.
He's good.
So, Coach, you think he got a shot at college ball? He keeps playing the way he does, yeah.
I like to hear that.
Right, Tim? You bet.
Now don't your parents live here in Dillon? Dad is down in Corpus Christi.
He's working on a driving range.
Doesn't get home a whole heck of a lot.
He's a real hard worker, though, ma'am.
Shagging golf balls for a living.
It's real important work.
What I meant was, he sends checks pretty often, so That'd be twice.
Two checks in six years.
So what are you looking into doing now? What you got going on, Bill? You know what I've been looking into is real estate.
TAMl: That's great.
Real estate? Yeah? I've been in sales for years, so I figure once I get my real estate license, I'll be selling the biggest thing Damn it, Tim! TAMl: It's okay.
It's all right.
It's all right.
You know, the Riggins boys came over for dinner last night.
You and Tim, you're still best friends, aren't you? Yeah, I guess so.
Guess so? Well, the parents did a number on those kids, that's for sure.
Yeah, well, everyone's got a sad story.
Doesn't excuse anything.
He played a hell of a game Friday.
I'll tell you that.
He'll make something of himself if he doesn't become his own worst enemy.
So, see these two cones behind me? It's the goal line.
Why don't you try and get across it? All right.
Try it again.
Everyone says I'm not ready for this game.
Everyone says I shouldn't be at the scrimmage tonight.
Doctors, parents.
Yeah? Lyla.
What do you say? I say I am ready.
I don't know, it's just my whole life I've been thinking about football, you know? Football, football, football.
That's all.
Nothing else.
I think about what it used to feel like.
Able to compete.
To be able to be a part of something, you know? And I feel like Like that whole part of me is just empty now.
It's just gone.
Maybe they're right.
Maybe it's too soon.
Sixteen years ago, I wasn't ready to be a father.
I can tell you that.
I wasn't ready for the responsibility.
You cannot be prepared for something like that.
Believe me.
But you grab the bull by the horns and you move on.
You? No 17-year-old kid should have to go through what you're going through right now.
No, stop.
You're dealing with it.
You're doing what you're supposed to do.
You're being a man about it.
Go with your heart.
Go with your heart.
It's all there.
You're good to go.
Hey! What's going on? Hey, chill, Matty.
No, no, no, I vouched for you, okay? And I see you messing with the drawer? What's your problem? Look, there ain't no problem, but if you want to find a problem No, no, seriously.
If you lose this job, I lose my job because I vouched for you.
'Cause I thought I was vouching for my friend.
Hey, look.
I had a bad game.
So? I had a bad week.
Did you know that there was a scout there last Friday? Yeah.
Well, can you think of one thing I did to distinguish myself on the field? Yeah.
Yeah, but that was just one game.
Yeah, well, I can't have another one like it.
All right? I can't afford it.
What do you need all that money for? I don't need it, all right? I thought I did, but I don't.
Okay? I see things a little more clearly today.
How's your dating situation going? Good.
I take it, by that limited response, that you don't think it's any of my business? All right, listen up.
I'm supposed to give you some fatherly and wise advice at this time in your life.
Listen up.
If you're wondering if a boy is thinking about you, he's not.
He's thinking about sex or he's hungry.
Those are the only two options.
Are you trying to be funny? No, I'm not finished.
Listen to me.
Boys think about sex every single minute of the day.
That's what they do.
That why they lie.
They're gonna leave you waiting around for them to call and they won't call.
They're gonna be cruel and they're gonna be misleading.
And your mother wanted me to add this, that by and large, football players are the worst offenders.
However, I think that it pretty much crosses all lines.
You done? You are beautiful, you are sensitive, you are sweet, and I don't want to see you get hurt.
I love you, too, Dad.
You're a lousy ping pong player, though.
You mind? I just cleaned up.
Least you could do is put your crap in your own room and let it fester there.
Maybe you should just get a job as a maid.
Yeah, maybe.
At least I'd have a marketable skill, unlike you.
I mean, when you graduate, if you graduate, you'll be lucky if you can get a job pumping gas.
Then again, maybe Tyra'll support you.
She a real go-getter.
That don't bother you none, huh? Trying to get second helpings from my girl? I mean, that pretty sick, to be honest with you.
Yeah, I'm a real loser, aren't I, Tim? Let me ask you a question.
Which one of us is banging his crippled best friend's girlfriend right now? That'd be you, wouldn't it? How's that real estate license coming? You sell any condos today? What's gonna happen to you, Tim? You know what I see? Another 40 pounds and delinquent child support.
Remind you of anyone? Maybe Dad? What's your problem with Dad now? What's my problem with Dad? Yeah.
"What's my problem with Dad?" What is your problem with Dad? What's my problem with Dad? Tell me.
You wanna know what my problem with Dad is, Tim? You wanna know what my problem with Dad is? God, you know what? I admire the guy.
Couple postcards every year and he gets off scot free! Not me, though.
I get stuck with you because nobody else wants you! When's the last time you heard from Mom or Dad? Been a while, hasn't it? Don't you forget, you little bastard, I'm the one paying the bills around here, buying the groceries, going out there and watching your damn football games.
Not them! You're pulling my hair! Get off of me! Get up! You were never a real football player, and you know it.
Yeah, you're right.
You got more talent than I ever had.
And I gotta sit here every day and watch you throw it away, and it makes me sick! You're not my father.
You're worse than no father.
I'd be better off alone.
Go ahead and walk away.
Just like Dad! KENJl: I had to talk to him a little bit.
Ready, sparky? You better be.
Get that, boy! Get him! Get him! Go! Deep! Deep! That's what a QB does, huh? Let's go, Street.
What you got? You ain't got nothing.
How'd that ground taste? Taste pretty good? Let's go! Let's go! Come on, baby! Yeah, baby! Yeah! Yeah! Did you talk to her? Yeah.
And? And contrary to popular opinion, I'm very good communicating with womenfolk.
Sweetheart, that is ridiculous.
Now tell me what happened.
I'm telling you.
You can rest easy.
She has now received fatherly advice.
Are you sure So it pretty obvious that both of you have a sudden and weird curiosity in my social life.
So in the interest of full disclosure, I would like to tell both of you that I'm going on a date with Matt Saracen.
Time and place to be announced.
Good night.
Good night, hon.
Good night, sweetheart.
What a friend we have in Jesus Oh, all my sins and griefs to bear What a privilege to carry Oh, everything to God in prayer Come on, let's give God a hand.
Clap for him.
Now, before we begin our Bible study, there are some special prayer requests that we have, and I want us all to be praying for these particular people.
Brother Moses London is suffering with shingles, and we pray that God will give him a speedy recovery.
Yes, yes, amen.
We also have another prayer request for a young leader in our community.
He a young man who shows determination to be a scholar-athlete.
Because he's so determined to finish his education, he's gonna need a little financial assistance because of some the exams that he's gonna have to take.
And so, what I want us to do is to show this young man that if you will humble yourself and make your request known, then God will provide your every need.
Yes, yes.
That's right.
That's right.
I believe in this young man.
So I'm gonna ask you to do me a favor, and sew a generous seed into this young man life.
When you sew into him, you're sewing into your life.
Come on, let's be a blessing to this young man.
Let's show him how much we love him and how much we're rooting for him, and we want him to go all the way and make us all proud.
Good game, sparky.
See you back at the ranch.
Hey, rookie.
You didn't suck, man.
That is the Six I know.
Man, I tell you, those hits I gotta take some notes.
Great game, man.
Tell you what, man Get up, Riggins.
Get up and fight me, huh? Come on, you coward.
Come on, hit me! No.
Steal my girl and you're not ready to fight me, huh? Jason! Don't you dare, Lyla.
Don't you dare.
Come on.
Look me in the face.
I want you to.
Come back here.
Come back here! Jason! You gonna steal a cripple's girl but you won't fight a cripple, huh? You're a coward! You're a coward, Riggins! Always will be! Jason.
Go! Go.
Go! What happened to your eye? Tim, who did that to you? Jay.

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