Roswell s01e08 Episode Script

Blood Brother

Previously on Roswell.
I scraped some cells from your pencil.
The cells weren't normal.
- You're not an alien.
I mean - I prefer the term "not of this Earth.
" - Shut up then! - I hate you! - Ditto! Who's Czechoslovakian? - Hey.
- Hey.
So who's Czechoslovakian? - The guy in the hardware store.
- The new kid.
- What are we talking about? - Nothing really important.
The nothing game again.
We can't keep pretending that what we do doesn't matter, that what we do isn't noticed.
Maybe we're taking the wrong tack here, Sheriff.
It's funny how everybody agrees they've taken the wrong tack when their cover's been blown.
I know that we agreed, you know, not not to feel a certain way about each other.
- What is it? - She's out.
- Who is? - Ms.
She's absent.
Um, stomach flu.
And since we both have fifth period lunch we have close to two hours off.
Well, we don't technically have fourth period off just because Ms.
Hardy's out.
- There's something I want to show you.
- Okay, let's go.
- This is so cool.
- It's the old highway.
My dad used to take this when we drove to Albuquerque.
I never even knew this place existed.
I just thought we should do something, you know? Something normal for once.
- Things have been so - Yeah, I know.
- Insane.
- #[Pop On Radio.]
- Oh, my God.
I love this song.
- Me too.
[Liz Narrating.]
Have you ever had a moment when you're with the one person in the world you want to be with and the wind is blowing through your hair and the song thatjust describes your entire soul happens to come on and then the person that you happen to want to be with happens to love the same song and suddenly you realize you're listening to it together? And that no matter how crazy your life has gotten there's this one moment this perfect moment where you couldjust say that no matter what happens nothing can take this moment away from me.
- [Whinnies.]
- And then, something does.
Max? Max.
Oh, my God.
[Siren Wailing.]
Blood pressure How do you feel? Ringing? Any buzzing? No, I'm fine.
Is he gonna be all right? We can't know for sure, but his vital signs are good.
[Wailing Continues.]
- Hey.
- Hey.
Better go.
I'm gonna be late for class.
- You're avoiding me.
- I'm not avoiding you.
Oh, the classic signs, Michael.
Not looking me in the eye, lying about motives.
If it's gonna shut you up, I am avoiding you.
Watch me continue that thought.
- [Cell Phone Rings.]
- No way.
Mom, I told you to stop calling me.
- No, it-it's me.
It's me.
- Liz? Gotta get back to you, babe.
Look, there's been an accident with me and Max.
You and Max are in an accident? What the hell's going on? [Man.]
What do we have? Sixteen-year-old male, victim of an M.
With head trauma and a loss of consciousness.
124 over 84.
- Pulse 90.
Respiratory rate 16.
- Get him in one.
- You were with him? - Um, yeah.
- When did he lose consciousness? - Uh, right after the accident.
- What's your relationship? - He's my friend.
- Has he been I.
'd? - Yes, sir.
Contact his parents.
Get him on a monitor.
We need blood tests.
Get me a C.
And a SMA-12 and draw blood for a trauma panel.
We were just notified that we have students in the hospital.
- They were in a car accident.
- Who? Max Evans and Liz Parker were taken to Roswell Memorial.
I'll inform you as soon as I have an update.
Why don't you let me stay on top of it? I know these kids.
I want to make sure everything's okay.
Thanks a lot, Ms.
- [Man.]
- Get to the hospital.
We might have an opportunity.
Oh, my God.
What happened? Uh, we were on the old highway and there was this horse but Max swerved to avoid it and then we crashed.
- [Isabel.]
- [Woman.]
There's too many people here.
- I'm his sister.
- No one's supposed to be here.
I realize you're just trying to do your job but we're all in shock right now.
I'm really sorry.
Just keep it low-key.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
I'll get the blood.
They can't get that blood.
So I don't get it.
Um, what have you guys done before? Nothing like this has ever happened before.
But what about when you guys get sick? We don't get sick.
We need blood.
We'll take some of yours and replace Max's with it.
No, it can't be mine.
They can tell male from female blood.
Then we need to find a guy.
See, I mean, my point is, is that there's no garage band scene here at Roswell, you know? And Which makes for a potential genius situation.
I mean, we could start an entire music scene, you know? I think I'm tone-deaf.
You are tone-deaf, Lester.
That's why I was thinking it'd be the drums for you.
- We need your help.
- Okay, I'm making a point here.
The point here is musicians get the ladies.
#[Man Singing.]
[Door Closes.]
Oh, my God.
Alex, I need you to do me a huge favor.
Of course.
I need your blood.
What are you doing here, medic? Sorry.
Okay, I have any number of reservations at this particular moment.
It's fine, Alex.
I volunteered here last summer.
I saw them do this, like, a thousand times.
What are you people hiding? I'll tell you everything later.
Look, I know best friends are supposed to trust each other on everything - I can do this.
- [Maria.]
Here, Liz.
It'll be best if you don't look.
- Thank you, Alex.
- Come on.
Let's go.
- This'll sting a little.
- [Groans.]
- Can I help you? - I wanted to talk to you in private.
I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me on a date sometime.
You seem a bit young.
Age doesn't matter to me.
I mean, besides, you know, I've always been more mature than most people I know.
I've always found it easier to relate to a woman.
We have so much more in common.
Girls my age, they just don't do it for me, you know? I can't relate to them.
But a woman like you, on the other hand - Something isn't right.
- It's not? I appreciate the thought I really do but, uh, I can't do this.
I understand.
Call me when you turn 18.
I will.
Alex maybe you should go home.
Liz, what I just did I could get arrested for.
A-A-And that's all you have to say to me? Any of you? Alex She said go home.
Well great new friends you've made, Liz.
Hey, hey.
She's not gonna tell him.
Just give her a second.
- Alex, wait.
- I've been waiting, Liz.
And apparently I'm not gonna get an explanation.
- It's complicated, okay? - No.
No, it's not okay, Liz.
None of this is okay.
Alex, look, you've gotta trust me What is it, drugs? Is that what this is? You and Max go out for a drive he gets wasted, almost kills you both.
That's what I'm covering for, isn't it? - Alex - And then you can't use Michael's blood because he's just as high.
So who do you call? You call on your buddy Alex.
Stupid, straight Alex who does everything you say 'cause he's such a loyal friend that you lie to and you use whenever you can.
It's not true.
Then tell me the truth, Liz.
For once.
You're right.
It's drugs.
He's awake.
Max, you have no idea how much you terrified me.
- Sorry, Ma.
- It's some recovery.
- I guess I got lucky.
- You didn't seem so lucky a couple of hours ago.
You sure you're feeling okay? No dizziness? Headaches? Good.
- Your son is fine.
- Oh, thank God.
I still recommend that we keep him overnight.
- And I can schedule an M.
In the morning.
- Yes, of course.
- All right.
- Mom, I'm fine.
I don't need any tests.
Honey, we'll leave it to the doctor, okay? Please, I have a ton of schoolwork.
Really, I feel fine.
Mom, I just I don't want to stay here.
Have him take it easy for the next few days.
And if you feel any dizziness, anything unusual, you contact me right away.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you.
You guys can come in now.
Hi, honey.
He's gonna be fine.
Heard you saved Mr.
You okay? Hello.
Mom, this is Liz.
It's nice to meet you.
It's nice to meet you.
I was so scared.
I'm okay.
Let's go.
Mom's waiting in the car.
Oh, my keys are in my purse on the table in Max's room.
We were in the middle of a crisis, remember? I'll go get it.
Get him to the car.
[Siren Wailing.]
[Machines Beeping.]
Forgot her purse.
I'm telling you it was the same guy.
The one that followed me into the Crashdown.
He was going through the garbage.
And the other guy, the one I saw looking for blood, he was going through Max's charts.
Well, there's nothing for them to find.
This time.
But this is the closest call we've ever had.
I'm sorry.
- It wasn't your fault, Max.
- I didn't say that.
Somebody's closing in on us.
Unless we do something - The only thing we can do is run.
- That's not true.
We can figure them out before they figure us out.
This is already so out of control and you just wanna make it worse? I wanna know my enemy.
That's the only chance we'll ever have.
Interesting day.
- So how'd it go? - There was a blood test.
It came back normal.
I think something might have happened.
- What do you mean? - Well, there were five of them.
They kept coming in and out ofhis room a lot.
- Doing what? - I'm not sure.
But they brought another one in.
Tall kid, kind of wiry.
- Alex.
- I think they switched blood samples.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey, look.
A spy.
No, I'm just eating.
Yeah, right.
Liz sent you to find out whether or not I've told anybody anything, right? No, it's that there was no one else to eat with, and Wait, told anybody what? You know what hurts the most is that she sent the "B" team.
I mean, you.
Not even Maria.
Tell you what, Alex.
I'm gonna send you back to headquarters with a little message.
You can tell Liz that I'm tired of being lied to.
She's not the girl I thought she was - and she's turned into some kind of - Stranger? Oh, you're good.
That whole simpatico tactic.
Sorry, but this fish won't swallow that bait.
You really think I'm gonna believe that Liz didn't let you in on her little secret? I'm not that stupid.
#[Woman Singing In Spanish.]
Just look in the window like you're shopping.
Okay, he's there.
Now laugh, like I just said something funny.
- Max? - We can't let him think we've seen him.
Do you really think this is gonna work? There's only one way to find out if he's really following us.
[Man On Speakers.]
Flying saucers are real.
There's four major conclusions after 37, almost 38 years of study.
First, the evidence is overwhelming that planet Earth has been visited by an intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft.
In other words, some U.
S Let's go.
[Man #2.]
I think the truth is somewhere.
I don't know where.
I do think that, uh, this is going to be an ongoing situation until our federal government says 'Look, we admit it.
Here's what actually happened.
Here's where the material went, and here's the results of our findings.
" We did our part.
There he is.
- Him? - What, you think I'm wrong? No, he's just so avoidable.
If we didn't need your car.
There's nobody around for a couple of blocks.
I think we're safe.
"Safe" is not the word I would choose.
- Safe to follow him.
- Oh.
But not close.
God, you guys act like I've never tailed someone before.
[Tires Screech.]
He'll never notice us going backwards.
How long is this gonna last? Us waiting here like this? - Why? You got a date? - Maybe.
Oh, God.
You know I'm the one who should be complaining, stuck out here with you two.
He is never gonna leave that room.
Never? [Car Engine Starts.]
I'm really late for English, and I have to cover for Maria.
L-I have trig, so So I guess I'll just see you after school at the Crashdown.
Um, maybe you could stay for dinner.
You know, Blue Moon burger, Saturn rings and a Mercury milk shake for 3.
Sounds tempting.
But I should probably get home.
Mom thinks I'm still recuperating.
You know, when I saw you in that car, I thought you were It was like I couldn't breathe, you know? I never got a chance to thank you for what you did at the hospital.
It was Alex who did it.
You know, he really came through.
He always does.
- Max - We can't tell him.
I know.
- But we have to tell him something.
- You mean lie.
Isabel saw him talking with Kyle today.
He saved your life, Max.
Look, I know it's hard, but, please I already told him that it was drugs when we were at the hospital.
- Did he believe you? - I think so.
Liz I am so sorry.
I guess these are the things you do when when you feel a certain way about someone.
I guess.
- I still don't understand why I have to do this.
- I told you I need a lookout.
Isn't that what Isabel's doing? Okay, so I need two lookouts.
[Bolt Clicks.]
You don't trust me.
That's it, isn't it? You don't trust me.
You give Isabel the real job because l You're gonna get us caught is what you're gonna do.
Now stay, watch, and shut up.
This is the second time you have dragged me into some cheap motel.
Yeah, well, don't spread it around.
You'll ruin my reputation.
What exactly are you looking for? I.
Maybe? Something to tell us about this guy.
Luggage tags.
No tags.
You know, um, toiletries say a lot about a man which, by the way, you should take note of but I am guessing you will have more luck by the phone.
You know, notepads, messages, that sort of thing.
Just keep looking out the window, would you? Listen.
Any babysitter worth her salt knows that the best place to look is in the garbage can.
It's always revealing.
His name's Moss.
- First name or last name? - I don't know.
Keep looking, Sherlock.
- What? What is it? - Looks like a phone number.
What are you doing? You want to find out who's on the other end of the line, don't you? [Line Ringing.]
Hello? That was Ms.
Topolsky as in school Ms.
Either she's taking her job way too seriously or she's not exactly a guidance counselor.
I used to peel the marshmallow off so I could get straight to the cupcake inside.
- [Chuckles.]
- Can I join you? Oh, yeah.
Actually, I'm glad I ran into you.
Remember that A.
Tutorial we talked about in computer languages for next semester? You're in.
Re Oh.
Thank Thank you so much.
I can't believe you put that together for me.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Good things happen to good people, Alex.
I heard what you did for Max.
- [Coughs.]
- You did? Getting over to the hospital right away like that after his accident.
I heard a group of you went.
How do you, um The school keeps me in the loop about these things in case anybody wants to talk about it afterwards.
Yeah, well, um Yeah.
We just, uh, wanted to see how he was doing.
You know.
N-No big thing.
Don't sell yourself short, Alex.
I mean, that's how you find out who your real friends are.
Who shows up in situations like that.
I must admit I have my concerns about Max, but if he's a friend of yours Are you talking about Max? Well, Max is just fine.
In fact, he's back at school.
So there's nothing to worry about, right? Right.
I heard you got a little shaken up yourself.
Everything okay? Totally.
Why don't you stop by my office later? We'll talk some more.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Thanks again.
Alex, please.
If I had a therapist he'd say talking to you is detrimental to my mental health.
I am sorry, Alex, for everything.
Got that off your chest now? Now, look, Alex, I just I need to make sure that you haven't told anybody anything about the hospital.
You know, about that about that drug thing.
Look, are we all covering for Max now? Is that it? I mean, me and Kyle Kyle? No.
Alex, Kyle? Well, he knows too, doesn't he? Look, how long do you think you can keep something like this a secret before it all blows up in your face and then - Ew.
- Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Alex, are you okay? Are you okay? Let me help you.
No, Liz, I don't need your help, all right? I can take care of myself.
Tough game of dodgeball, Whitman? Yeah, sure.
Why not? [Bell Rings.]
So, I checked the garbage can, 'cause that's the best place to look for information.
Anyway, so space boy is looking at this guy's aftershave so I tell him to look in the trash 'cause that's where you find the best trash.
And what do we find? A phone number.
So I put it together, and I figure the best way to find out who's on the other end of the line is to call.
We'd still be there if I hadn't picked up the phone and dialed.
And of course he takes this opportunity to lean in as close to me as possible.
I could barely hear because she's hanging all over me trying to listen but there's no way I wouldn't recognize that voice.
- Clear as a bell, no mistake.
- Topolsky.
That's right.
All-American guidance counselor and big, fat liar.
- Never trust a blonde.
- Are you sure? Positive.
I smelled her from day one, remember? Maria, this is bad.
Really bad.
Who knows how much she's found out about us already.
- Or who she's heard it from.
- Or who she'll tell.
Alex was with her.
I heard them talking about Max.
He's not a snitch.
Besides, he doesn't know anything to tell.
Does he? Liz told him we were into drugs just to get him to stop asking questions.
That'll be a lot easier to explain to Mom and Dad.
He's not gonna say anything.
- He's not gonna say anything.
- Right.
Stick a fork in us, Maxwell.
We're done.
[Knocking On Door.]
Hey, you wanted to see me? Close the door, Alex.
- Sit down.
- I've got chorale in a few minutes, so, uh I know, Alex.
I know everything.
Wh-What's everything? The hospital, the blood test.
What you did for Max.
And why.
I don't have to tell you how serious this is.
But I can help you.
I have friends, Alex.
They can be your friends too.
What kind of friends? The sheriff won't be involved, if that's what you're worried about.
Nothing on your permanent record.
- I want you to be safe.
- You think I'm not safe? Can any of us really be safe with Max Evans around? Why don't you write down everything? Everything you know and sign it.
Whenever you're ready, Alex, I'm here.
Think about who it is you're protecting.
What friend would put you in a position like this? What about your friends? Uh who are they? People you can trust.
Like me.
You okay? Not really.
- I think we need to talk.
- About what? About what you did for me at the hospital.
Yeah, what What was that? I'd like to know.
You saved my life.
- Yeah, well, you screwed up mine.
- I didn't mean to.
Yeah, well, you're here to threaten me now, right? I mean, try to scare me into shutting up about faking the whole blood sample thing.
Well, you're too late, Max.
She already knows.
Who already knows? Topolsky.
- You told Topolsky? - No, she told me and wanted me to sign some sort of confession.
Did you? Now you know what it's like being in the dark, Max.
Alex, I'm trying to protect you.
I didn't know so many people cared.
[Liz Narrating.]
It's amazing how one can just change things so radically.
How a wild horse deciding to cross the road at that exact time could be responsible for Max being discovered.
I need one more moment now.
One more chance to change direction to stop something bad from turning into something worse.
Thanks for coming.
I've met you here a thousand times, but it just doesn't feel the same, you know? Yeah.
L I know.
You've been my friend since Ms.
Elmer's class in the fifth grade.
No, no, no.
We actually met in fourth - but you didn't notice me till fifth.
- Yes.
And I've come to you with every problem I've ever had.
- Until now.
- No, even now.
What happened at that hospital with Max that was like the most important thing I ever had to do in my life.
And I called you.
Alex, this is the hardest thing I have ever asked anyone to do.
Alex, this is the hardest thing I have ever asked anyone to do.
Look, I need you now.
I need you to believe in me, even though I can't I can't tell you what you want to know.
- Because of Max.
- No, forget Max, Alex.
This is between us.
Look, I told you before that this was complicated.
Well, maybe it's not.
There is a right side, and there is a wrong side.
And if you choose the wrong side right now, Alex something really terrible is gonna happen.
To all of us.
I am begging you, Alex, if five years of friendship have meant anything to you, please trust me.
I swear to you I am on the right side.
[Knocking On Door.]
I thought about what you said.
And I'm not worried about me right now.
L-It's Liz.
If-lf I do this If I give you what you want what happens to her? I mean, what what do your friends do? She'll be questioned.
They'll probably want to do some medical tests to make sure she wasn't harmed in any way.
But no no police, right? No.
But if if they're involved in drugs, then It is drugs, isn't it? Just write down everything that happened at the hospital, and we'll take it from there.
[Knocking On Door.]
Is something wrong, Liz? Can I see you for a second? Privately.
It's really important.
I'll be right back.
You can go ahead and start that project we were talking about.
So, what's the emergency? Look, I don't know what Alex has been telling you but there is something that you should know.
I'm listening.
It's just that, um, Alex he's sort of changed all of a sudden.
I don't know.
It's like he's like he's paranoid or something.
See, we have been friends forever and this year I have made some new friends and I just think that that he's feeling a little hurt.
Has he ever said anything to you about this at all? Liz, you know I can't discuss my counseling sessions with other students.
- That wouldn't be right.
- Yeah, I know.
I understand that.
It's just that I'm afraid that he might be saying some things to you that that could really hurt somebody.
We both know Alex.
I think we can trust that he'll do the right thing, don't you? [Modem Beeping.]
But you don't understand his state of mind right now.
Let's let Alex speak for himself, okay? Damn.
Now I really should get back to him.
No, wait.
Topolsky, wait.
I mean can't we just talk about this some more? [Door Opens.]
If you think you've just helped yourselves, you're wrong.
You're playing games with something very dangerous.
What's the F.
Doing at West Roswell? This isn't going to end just because you know who I am.
I was on your side.
I just hope your friend Max doesn't end up in the wrong hands without me here.
#[Woman Singing.]
All right.
You are going to tell me exactly what has been going on with Max and Topolsky and the actual F.
I or I swear, Liz, this is the end of you and me being friends.
- Oh, Alex, don't say things - What? Something that I won't go through with? Liz, I'm not kidding.
All right? Now, either you tell me the truth or I walk.
#[Singing Continues.]
Alex, I can't.
#[Singing Continues.]

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