Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Ruby Ring What are you doing here? What brings you here? I heard you were going to Seoul.
I could give you a lift.
A lift? I could give you a lift.
A lift? For whatever it's worth, I'm a loyal friend.
You don't have a car, and taking the bus can be taxing.
Thank you.
How considerate.
Come on in.
Thanks for thinking of us, but do you expect us to get into your smelly truck? Hold on.
I cleaned the truck inside and out.
It doesn't smell of chicken poo, so don't worry.
You know Ruby and Runa, right? Of course.
Thank you.
I'll wait here.
Take your time.
I'll wait here.
Take your time.
Are we really riding his dinky truck? Sure.
Why not? There's no room for four people.
Ruby and Runa can take the bus, and you and I can go with Dongpal.
We can save on bus fare and taxi.
It's perfect.
Why's he doing this? We didn't even ask him.
I think he's doing this for you.
Let's just go with him.
Good grief.
Why couldn't Gyeongmin lend us his car? He's not in Chuncheon today.
All we needed was his car.
You or I could've driven.
Is this how the future wife of JM Group's heir should be treated? It's very unbecoming.
I'll give Gyeongmin an earful.
I'll let him know you're upset.
Tell him if he doesn't step it up, you'll call off the wedding.
How are you feeling these days? I'm okay.
What about the baby? I haven't decided yet.
Should I just get married? Or Think things through carefully.
It's none of your concern.
You have a wedding to worry about.
Mind your own business.
I swear it doesn't smell of chicken poo.
I cleaned this baby thoroughly for your big Seoul trip.
Why didn't you let us know? for your big Seoul trip.
Why didn't you let us know? Why did you show up unannounced? Don't get any funny ideas.
I'm doing this for Mrs.
Thank you, Dongpal.
You look beautiful today.
You look like a different person.
You're absolutely radiant.
You're so radiant that I can't concentrate on the road.
What about me? I look good, right? You? I suppose.
But that hair Your hairdo's an eyesore.
What? I spent an arm and a leg on this.
I don't care how much you spent on it.
It looks like a lion's mane.
Lion's mane? You'll get us killed, Chorim.
So long as the Lion King stays calm, we'll be fine, Mrs.
I'll park the truck.
Park the truck? What business does he have here? Jeez.
Let's go in.
We're here.
What did she say? They got to Seoul too.
She said there's still time, so we should wait in the lobby and go up with them.
Yeah? Let's sit over there.
This must be a place only rich people come to.
I heard hotels like this charge $20 for a cup of coffee.
For coffee? Do they lace it with gold powder? Why is it so expensive? I'd never have coffee that pricy.
I'd just have water instead.
Water's expensive too.
It's $5 for a bottle.
See? $5.
See? Look over there.
He's having water.
Wait a minute.
What is it? Gilja, it's him.
The fraud.
It's the con man who ran off with my money.
It's him.
What? I've been looking for him high and low, and here he is.
That scumbag.
He's going to get it from me.
That scumbag.
He's going to get it from me.
Fancy seeing you here.
Life sure is funny, isn't it? You're dead meat! What are you doing? Who are you? Who am I? Don't you remember me? It's me, Jeong Chorim, the woman you swindled $50,000 from.
It's Jeong Chorim, you scoundrel.
You must be mistaken.
This isn't Mr.
It's Mr.
Smarten up, lady.
Don't fall for his scam.
He'll run off with your money too.
Scumbag! Call the police, Gilja.
Scumbag! Call the police, Gilja.
Someone, get the police.
Have you lost your mind? What are you doing? I'll call you later, Ms.
My goodness That slimeball.
Are you okay? Crook! Chorim.
Stop right there! Chorim.
This is terrible.
Your aunt Hey! What's wrong? Get him! What? Hey, stop right there! Open the door! Taxi.
Sir, that car, that car Hurry.
Sir, that car.
- Follow that car.
Hurry! - Okay.
He's getting away.
What am I going to do? Turn.
Turn the steering wheel.
Both of our families are rather small.
Gyeongmin has an older sister, but she's in the States right now.
She'll be here for the wedding.
I see.
I'm sorry to have asked you to make the long trip to Seoul.
Oh, no.
We don't mind at all.
May I take your order? I called the order in earlier.
We'll just go with that.
Yes, ma'am.
No, no.
But I called in an order too.
We'll have what I ordered first.
You called too? Why? You're not the only one who can order.
I know how to do it too.
Then we'll start you off with what the Chairman ordered.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
How did you get here? Runa and I took the bus, and my mother and aunt got a ride with a family friend.
I see.
That was a blunder on your part, Gyeongmin.
Why didn't you send them a car? Yeah.
They must be tired from the long trip.
I wasn't thinking.
I'm sorry.
If you want to be treated well, you have to do well from the start.
I'll take that to heart, grandma.
Oh, right.
Didn't you say you had an aunt? She came with us to Seoul, but something urgent came up.
Something urgent? Stop the car.
You good-for-nothing.
You scoundrel.
What are you doing? Uh Um Didn't you get off that taxi? What about it? Oh, no.
It's not him.
What in the world? We followed the wrong taxi.
Darn it.
You have to pay.
Hey, you followed the wrong taxi.
The wrong taxi? You're the one who told me to follow it.
I only did what I was told.
Just give me the taxi fare.
Oh, no.
Can you pay? I don't have my wallet.
I left it in the truck.
What is this? What do you think you're trying to pull? Sir, could I wire the money to you later? How am I to trust you? Do you have an ID on you? No.
What about your mobile phone? No.
Let's go.
Where to? To the police station.
Pardon? I had griped about taking the bus, but the way back was very comfortable.
It was door-to-door VIP chauffeur service.
Ruby, make sure you thank them.
Don't worry.
Ruby, I'm very happy.
When you said they were wealthy, I was worried they'd be snooty, but they seem like kind, loving people.
You've had it tough because of your inadequate parents, but now you'll have a better life.
You're being rewarded for your kind deeds.
It's because you did a good job raising me.
If you think about it, I've caused you a lot of grief too, begging you to let me study abroad.
I'm sorry I couldn't make that happen.
If I had more money, you would've done even better for yourself.
How could I have done any better than this? You said a woman's fate isn't sealed until she meets her man, and I met a great guy.
A parent couldn't ask for anything better.
Mom, I'll be a better daughter.
I'll treat you like a queen, something dad never did for you.
Thank you.
By the way, I wonder what happened to your aunt.
She just took off and hasn't even called us.
Wait a minute.
Instead of catching the fraud, maybe she got scammed by him again.
The number does not exist.
Please check and try again.
The number does not exist.
Please check and try again.
Hello? Soyeong? You have the wrong number.
Oh, sorry.
That's enough.
If you hog the phone, how are we to get any work done here? What am I supposed to do? I have to keep trying.
How can you not remember a single number? The same goes for you, sir.
Who memorizes phone numbers these days? Everyone uses speed dial.
Sir, couldn't you call the taxi driver and ask him to let us go? couldn't you call the taxi driver and ask him to let us go? I will reassure him that I'll wire the money tomorrow.
I would like to, but he's not picking up.
It looks like he won't make this easy for you.
So what will happen to us? You'll go to court for a misdemeanor.
What? Court? By court There will be immediate sentencing.
Oh, jeez.
Sir, could I make one call, just one more call? Ma'am.
Just one.
It'll be just one.
Who is it? Is it your aunt? I don't know this number.
All set? No, sir.
Just once more.
All set? No, sir.
Just once more.
Please, please.
Third time's the charm, right? This won't be the third time.
Third time's the charm, right? This won't be the third time.
She's made over 20 calls.
This is all because I was trying to catch a con man who swindled me of $50,000 four years ago.
What is your job? Serving the people, right? You can't look down on me just because I don't remember my family's phone numbers.
Did I commit a heinous crime? Am I a murderer? A thief? How can you treat me like a criminal for not having a paltry $30 for a cab? How much does a phone call cost? Why won't you even let me use your phone? It's not that, ma'am.
I gave you my address and national ID number, but you won't release me or let me make calls.
This is absurd.
We didn't bring you in.
The taxi driver did.
Plus, if you didn't have money, you should've pleaded with him.
Why did you assault him instead? What? Assault him? What are you talking about? I'm a frail, delicate woman.
You're not blind, are you? Does it look like I'd assault someone? Listen, ma'am.
Be quiet, Chorim.
Why should I? Why should I keep my mouth shut? Good grief.
I have my grievances against the police.
It's all your fault that I'm here in this wretched state.
If you had caught the fraud four years ago, I wouldn't even be here.
I make next to nothing but dutifully pay my taxes.
So why's that fraud not behind bars? - Explain yourself.
- Ma'am, please lower your voice.
Calm down.
Tell me.
We're sorry.
We're sorry.
Darn it.
Officer Gwak Yeonghui of Hwayang Police Station speaking.
Jeong Chorim? That's me.
It's for me.
Hello? Ruby.
So I did manage to remember your number.
Ruby, I What? But why? Okay.
I'll wire $200.
We wrote down the account number.
I'll call you as soon as I send the money.
Don't worry.
What did she say? She's at a police station.
She didn't have money to pay her cab fare.
What? I don't get why she had to chase after that con man.
I should've known when she ran off without her purse and phone.
She should've just given up and joined us for lunch.
Aunt Chorim is so simple-minded at times.
Let me wire her the money.
She said she was going to put that fraud behind bars, but she ends up at the police station.
Chorim, I'll take back what I said earlier.
Take what back? Calling you Lion King.
Are you mocking me? Is that something to bring up right now? In any case, you're not the Lion King.
You're a birdbrain.
How can you not know a single number? And do you know phone numbers by heart? Give me a break.
You're no better than me.
You said you could handle it, so I was merely being patient.
For me to show up in your time of need Do you think you're Superman or something? In my time of need? Good grief.
I'm starving.
What a long, awful day.
Let's go have tofu.
That's what criminals eat upon release from prison.
I don't think so.
It must've been your shoe.
Your ankle must hurt.
You should sit over there.
You don't have to.
Thank you for watching.
Okay! Thank you.
Thank you.
Good job.
Thank you.
Where to, Mr.
Na? Why do you ask? I can give you a lift.
I have something to do.
You go ahead.
What do you have to do? Is it something I shouldn't know about? It's a secret.
Don't pry or you'll infringe on my privacy.
I'll be off then.
Hello? It's me.
I really think we should talk.
Can I see you even just for a short while? I'll come to your neighborhood.
It won't take long.
I'm tired.
I don't feel like it.
I don't know if I should tell you this, but don't you think your decision to get an abortion may have been hasty? No.
Good night.
Jeong Runa, I love you.
I love you, Runa.
They say abortion is murder on TV and in newspapers, but I have to.
I can't deal with it.
I can't have a baby derail my life.
I can't deal with it.
I can't have a baby derail my life.
What? I'm busy.
What? Really? Keep it down.
No wonder she was in such a rush.
There was a good reason.
But then again, celebrities get pregnant first and then get married.
That's what's in vogue.
Pregnant? Who? When are you resigning? I'm not going to resign.
Are you nuts? Do you want me to suffer? Jeez.
What a headache.
Jeong Ruby, I can't be your boss when you become the wife of the company director.
Don't think of it like that.
We can just carry on like we've always done.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
Just stay at home and be a good housewife and mother.
Gyeongmin's family needs an heir.
Your priority is popping out babies.
Work is out of the question.
We already discussed this.
Gyeongmin and his parents said the decision is entirely up to me.
You're really going to keep working? Sure.
What about the baby? I can take my time.
A baby won't take its time even if you tell it to.
They say a baby is part of a woman's dowry these days.
You're bringing them a great gift.
What are you talking about? Pre-marital pregnancy is fine these days.
Don't play innocent.
Jinhui Yes, mother.
Are you busy? Can you talk? Yes.
I was just taking a quick break.
I came to look for your wedding jewelry.
I've found a few things I like, but you'll be the one wearing them.
Why don't you make some time for us to look at them together? This weekend? Okay.
We'll be in touch then.
You look like you know how to drink.
What's there to life? All you can do is enjoy the moment.
You drink if you enjoy drinking.
You party if you enjoy partying.
Right? Yup.
Life doesn't amount to much.
Everything's luck.
Some girls just sit around, and they hit the jackpot and get it all, while some search high and low but only end up with losers.
Am I your jackpot or a loser? We'll have to see.
Then let's just enjoy ourselves.
What's there to life, right? Yup.
What's there to life? Drink up.
Drink up.
Let's go.
It's okay, right? Of course.
Hop in.
It's okay, right? Of course.
Hop in.
What? What do you mean what? There's a quiet place nearby.
Come on.
Get in.
Hey! Stop it.
- Let go.
- You skank.
Hey, hey.
- Are you kidding me? - Are you nuts? You'd better do as I say.
Hey, let go.
Let go of me.
Hey! What? Darn it.
What was that? Let go.
Let go.
Who are you? Let go.
What is this? What the hell? Hey, let go.
Who do you think you are? Here.
Do you have coffee? Just drink the milk.
Do you have to party like this? I don't know what's going on with you.
Don't worry about it.
How can I not? You're carrying my baby.
You said it was all over.
You're the one who called it quits.
Why are you being so obsessive? Things are over between us.
I decide what I do and what happens to the baby.
I've thought long and hard.
I understand where you're coming from.
I know you have to give up your dream for the baby.
It must be upsetting.
But we love each other.
We can have the baby and have a good life like everyone else.
Would that be so hard? Couldn't you reconsider? Sorry.
It's me.
I'm sorry.
This isn't the right way.
I don't want us to say goodbye just yet.
Is that why you're taking the long way? Yup.
Look at the color.
It's beautiful.
By the way, did my mom call? She was talking about wedding jewelry.
She did.
But all I need is this.
That's from me.
My parents want to get you something too.
Just say thank you and accept their gift.
But I can't afford to get anything for them.
Ruby, you're our jewel, our gift.
All we need is you.
Do you really mean it? N Yes, I do mean it.
Did I wake you? Get some more sleep.
What is it? Nothing.
Stay here a bit longer.
Do you love me? Don't love me.
I'm going home.
You're better, right? Take good care of yourself until I get back.
Don't stress yourself out.
Don't worry.
I've never loved anyone like I've loved you.
No one's consumed me like you have.
I love you, Jeong Runa.
Have a safe trip.
Take care.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
He's the producer of a show I was on.
This is my sister and her fiance.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
I heard.
You're getting married.
Thank you.
You look like a different person.
Who's this? This is the last birthday breakfast I get to cook for you.
It's my dad's gift to you.
I have an audition today.
Let me borrow it just for today.
Never ever remove this ring.
This is how I'm marking my territory.
Stop it.
Where did they get hurt? Their faces and heads.
As for her face, she may need reconstructive surgery.
See you next time
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