Sky Rojo (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Bear Trap

My baby's just a baby ♪
My baby's just a baby ♪
He gets beat up
By every dog-gone body on his block ♪
My baby's just a baby ♪
He can't tell the time you know ♪
He don't know his ticking
From his tock ♪
My baby's just a baby ♪
I have an idea
how to get rid of Christian and Moisés.
What Coral was saying.
We make a bear trap for them.
My baby's just a baby ♪
So we're gonna dig a hole.
Like a really, really, really big one.
Then we'll lead them there
and put them in it.
We're talking car and everything.
Where'd you see that before?
Have you been watching
too many Road Runner cartoons lately?
Que no. I actually saw it
in some Russian cartoons we had in Cuba.
It's a plan.
OK, OK. Hold on, hold on.
How are we gonna
make them get into the hole?
Because they won't see it.
But I love him so ♪
I mean, nobody ever questions
a bunch of lit-up road signs,
like breadcrumbs in a fairy tale.
And that, ladies,
is how we're gonna get the big bad wolves
to fall into the trap all by themselves.
Because those bastards will be
so distracted and focused on hunting down
what they think are just
three Little Red Riding Hoods,
they won't look where they're going.
- And boom!
- Yes!
I watched cartoons just like that in Cuba.
- We'll bury them.
- Yeah.
While we steal back our money
and the passports.
There will be enough air in the car
to last 'em a few hours.
My baby's just a baby ♪
- Cheers!
- Cheers.
Explained like that,
our plan seemed
like a plot straight out of a B movie.
But then we ourselves
were living on the B-side of life.
Except at night, of course,
when we hook up with these people
who live life on the A-side,
ordinary men who come here just to fuck.
And they never think to ask what happened
for us to end up in a place like this.
Or when we started using drugs or why.
How desperate we were
or what shithole we were living in
when this misfortune fell upon us.
They don't care about that.
All that matters
is that you're so fucked up
you'll lick anyone's asshole on demand.
- You give rim jobs?
- Mm, sure, if you pay.
Of course I'll pay. Come on.
All these so-called honorable men
living on the A-side
can visit the B-side at any time
and dominate you, or lick you,
spit on you, fist you,
or make you drink their semen.
They can force you to do anything.
Because then, they'll go back
to their comfortable side of life.
Road Runner is a she.
She's so a woman.
- Hermaphrodite.
- Come on.
No, no, no. She's a woman.
The Coyote's after her.
He was horny
and wanted to split her in two.
- You know what I'm saying?
- In that case, would we be Road Runner?
Because nobody wants Road Runner to win.
They're rooting for the Coyote.
Not a day goes by without the guy
getting smashed by a giant rock
or getting blown up.
Everything goes wrong for him.
Everything goes wrong for us,
which means we must be the Coyote.
We're the three lady coyotes
done with falling off mountains
and with things going wrong.
And we're gonna take charge
and turn the story back around for us.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Meep-meep, going to the bathroom.
I gotta pee.
Hello, Wendy.
Did they give you the day off work?
Sorry, have we met before?
I remember you very well.
Maybe this will refresh your memory.
So how about a blow job?
I'm not a whore anymore.
Sure. Course you're not.
Now how about a blow job?
Are you deaf, you piece of shit?
I'm not a whore anymore, OK?
I'd rather die
than put my mouth on your cock.
What are you doing?
You're a whore today,
tomorrow, and forever.
I won't dirty my dick with you.
Since you whores
put so much shit in your mouth.
Here you go.
God gave man
the natural, primal instinct
to hump as many women as possible,
thus ensuring the survival of the species.
That's their primary mission in life.
That's why they pay when they come here.
To give vent to their God-given instinct
that tells them to fuck
as much as possible and to dominate 'em.
So what we do here
is a service to society.
That's exactly right.
And you can bet your ass
that divine mission
can't be impeded by "Me Too"
or by "Sorry, darling,
I've got a headache."
Because in here, a "no" is a "yes."
A "yes" is a "yes."
And saying nothing is "yes" too.
Let me remind you that I've been
your guardian fucking angel.
And the fact that you're not rotting
in prison right now is only thanks to me.
Tell us where the girls are
or my brother here
is gonna fill the barrel with acid.
No, no. Don't don't do that.
I I don't know. I have no idea, really.
I was there for you
when you knocked on my door.
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
What are you
Please. Please.
I helped you
with that thing with your dad.
What did Romeo help you with?
With Dad, what happened?
You came here to pay for Gina,
and you know perfectly well where she is.
I don't know where she is.
They came to see me and then they left.
And I didn't hear from them after that.
I I swear to you.
Add more.
The acid's gonna rise soon.
And once it touches your feet,
you'll have to walk with titanium insoles
for the rest of your miserable life.
- Please get me out of here! I'm slipping!
- So tell us where they are.
I have no fucking idea.
Oh, God. Please. Please, please, please!
I swear! I don't know anything else.
Put more in there.
What the fuck did Romeo do for you, Moi?
More acid.
Please! Please don't! Please!
No, don't! I'm begging you!
No, don't, don't, don't!
Listen to me.
What happened that night with our old man?
Tell me.
I killed him.
That's what happened.
The evil son of a bitch
beat up our mother.
He knocked her out,
and she was lying there,
and I couldn't take it anymore.
I have every one
of that bastard's punches in here.
You were too little, but I was 15,
and I knew
we couldn't go on like that anymore.
And I killed him.
Romeo helped me.
He came in the middle of the night,
and he took the body away.
That's what happened.
You don't kill your goddamn dad.
You help your dad.
You throw him out of your house,
and you take him to rehab.
You don't kill him.
You don't kill him, asshole.
Help me, please.
We need to get rid of the barrel
before sunrise.
At what point did all this shit
start feeling fucking normal?
When you live in constant horror,
you learn to see it as something normal,
even when it's not.
Killing a father,
kidnapping girls,
threatening to kill their babies
if said girls don't fuck 15 guys a day
That's why you need to clear
your conscience in order to go on living,
because you're a piece of shit.
What's up? What are you doing?
What's wrong, boy? Hmm?
What's wrong?
You're coming with me. Let's go.
I'm adopting it.
What is this?
It's the same as releasing fish
after you've caught them.
To balance out all your evil deeds.
The world's full of bastards
who behave badly
and don't make up for it.
At least I'm aware of the evil I do
and try to balance out
the karma in the universe.
So it all evens out in the end.
With him, I own six.
These dogs end up dead.
After three months in the dog pound,
if nobody wants them, they put 'em down.
It's sad, but hey, that's life.
What if instead of rescuing dogs
from the street,
you stopped bringing girls from Colombia?
I don't bring those girls
over here to be prostitutes.
Poverty does.
If you wanna end prostitution,
end poverty first.
- Yeah.
- It's true.
If I go to Switzerland and tell the girls
to come over and work as waitresses,
they're not interested
because they're rich.
But when I go to the slums in Rio
or the poor neighborhoods in Medellín,
all of those girls and their families
react as if they had just won the lottery.
Even knowing what they'll have to do.
Don't ban brothels, ban poverty.
Is that little monologue
one of yours or Romeo's?
No, really, honey.
You can try and fool your conscience
with all that bullshit if you want,
but what you're really doing
is kidnapping these girls
and forcing them to be prostitutes
by threatening to kill their families.
And what is someone who does that? Huh?
A piece of shit.
Tell me something, Coral.
I'm a piece of shit, right?
All right.
Then what's someone
who fucks a piece of shit?
Because if I'm fooling my conscience,
what the hell are you doing?
I'm not gonna have sex with you.
'Cause that would be a relapse.
No, honey.
It's not relapsing if it's work.
'Cause you'll pay me 150 bucks for it.
We killed the dude.
He slipped into the barrel of acid.
He didn't tell us about the girls.
Did you sleep with Coral?
I was waiting for you to find the balls
to tell me yourself, Moisés.
But you didn't.
Did you sleep with her?
One time.
It was a mistake.
She doesn't mean anything to me.
If I could turn back time, I would.
You're my family, Romeo.
My big brother.
I know I owe you my life.
And I've repaid you
by behaving like a fucking rat.
Tell me how I can make it up to you.
I could kill you
right now, you know?
But instead, you're gonna be
the one who has to kill the girls.
All three.
And you'll bring them here.
Maybe then
I could be your big brother again.
There they are.
And get that dead body
off my fucking roof.
Run from me, darlin' ♪
Run, my good wife ♪
Run from me, darlin' ♪
You better run for your life ♪
Run from me, baby ♪
Run, my good wife ♪
- Gina.
- Mm-hmm.
As soon as we turn the phone back on,
get ready because those bastards,
Moisés and Christian,
will be coming for you.
You better run ♪
- So you and Wendy are the decoy.
- What will you be doing during that?
I'm gonna get into the club
as soon as I know they've left.
And I'll drop off
poor Arcadio's body there in the process.
Ay, pobrecito.
It's their corpse.
It's their fucking problem.
Shit, that all sounds so dangerous.
Seriously, Coral.
Going back there? And on your own, babe?
I know, but I'm the only one
of the three of us
who can walk into that club
Run ♪
without Romeo shooting her
as soon as she steps inside.
Run ♪
I've been
his trusted whore for a whole year.
That bonds you whether you like it or not.
Girls, can we go?
The most important thing,
when this is all over, we meet back here.
At this table, the three of us.
- OK?
- Yeah.
I'm happy to keep quiet and please him ♪
And that's it ♪
He's worth it ♪
I get down on the ground
Standing at attention ♪
It's me ♪
It's him or me ♪
One, two, three, four ♪
I disappear ♪
Why are you here, Coral?
To ask forgiveness.
I've realized that my place is here.
With you.
I've missed you, Romeo.
Take note of this, Beefcake.
This is what happens with her.
You don't know if she's clever,
very clever,
or if she's fascinatingly brilliant.
Because inside that crazy little head,
you'll never see what's going on.
Am I right?
Go down and close the club.
Go and lock the door on the way out.
How will you
make Romeo trust you again?
By betraying you guys.
I'll tell him exactly where you are.
He'll know I'm not lying
'cause he'll see the phone on.
I wanna show you
that you can always trust me.
Once he lets his guard down,
I'll take advantage by opening the safe.
Wendy and Gina are
at the gas station in Las Chafiras.
I know that.
And I don't care.
Look at me.
Look what you've done to me.
And you know, even just
30 minutes ago,
I could've forgiven you.
Because 30 minutes ago,
I wasn't aware that you fucked Moisés.
We need to get out of here, Moi.
We gotta go far away,
to the fucking end of the world
and never fucking come back.
We can't now.
Why not?
You were the one who said we should
quit this shit. Let's fucking do it.
We got a body in the trunk.
What the hell do you want, three more?
I can't yet. I owe it to Romeo.
OK. Then after this.
We go kill those three,
and then we're done with it.
Promise me.
Get out of the car.
Are you seriously so hungry for cock
that you needed to fuck Moisés?
You know how it is.
Occupational hazard.
I got you into this life.
It's my shit, man.
But you can still get out of it.
- Out of the car, please.
- I'm not fucking leaving you on your own.
Look, you can still go out there
and make things right. You can start over.
I can't.
Listen to me.
It's either both of us or neither one.
No, no. Moi, Moi! Moi, Moi. Moi, no!
He's my brother.
He's my brother, you know that.
Then isn't this
between Moisés and you?
He didn't seem like your brother.
You know how this club works.
Here the woman always gets fucked.
Come on! What will we start with? An arm?
Or a leg? Huh?
Moi, stop the fucking car! Moi!
Stop it, Moi!
Let's play.
This little piggy had roast beef,
and this little piggy had none.
And this one cried
"Wee, wee, wee" 'cause she lost her feet.
Fucking bitch.
You ungrateful whore.
I love chocolate so much.
You know what? Hmm.
That's it.
From now on, I'm gonna be fat.
I mean, why not?
I'm really good at decision-making.
I became a whore for a girl.
They should give me
the Nobel Prize for Romanticism.
Or for Stupidity.
Seriously, like, who does that?
Another great decision I made
was to go on a diet while at the club.
To become more attractive to the men.
But I don't even like, well, men.
I like chocolate.
are you OK?
Something happened to you
in the bathroom, didn't it?
Tell me.
Nothing new, Gina.
A guy came in,
and he asked me to give him a blow job.
And I said, "No, I don't do that."
I waited
my whole life
to be able to say,
"No," like that
to anyone.
And when I finally did,
do you know what happened then?
What happened?
Nothing happened.
It was all the same.
That magic word
doesn't always work.
- Or maybe it just works for some people
- Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Of course it works. Hmm?
And if it doesn't,
we'll make it work ourselves.
Know what we'll do?
When all this shit is over,
we'll go back to that bar,
and we'll make sure
that asshole understands that
That "no" means "no,"
that "yes" means "yes,"
and that "I'm not sure,"
that also means "no." Hmm?
Then we'll rip his balls off to make sure
the message sinks in. Sound good?
Now. Now.
In a matter of seconds,
Coral went from wanting to kill him
to trying to save his life.
She was walking
a tightrope of moral ambiguity.
And Romeo was right.
You never knew what she was gonna do.
I want a motorbike ♪
That I can go fast on ♪
And I want a T-shirt ♪
With the number 100 on ♪
And to go ooh, ooh ♪
To be able to get anywhere ♪
To arrive, look around, and come back ♪
I don't want a bicycle ♪
I don't like pedaling ♪
Or a cart ♪
Because they go too slowly ♪
I want ooh, ooh ♪
A big motorbike that goes as fast ♪
As a space rocket ♪
Damn it.
We were on the brink of winning,
of regaining our freedom,
and getting back to a life
the three of us had never had.
But it's becoming obvious,
luck's not on our side.
We all were so sure
that moment that the game was up,
that we had lost,
that we were gonna die for real.
It's not like the Coyote
who always has an extra life.
But we were wrong.
The game had only just begun.
And although you have abandoned me ♪
And although you've killed
My hopes and dreams ♪
Instead of cursing you
With justified spite ♪
In my dreams, I build you up ♪
And in my dreams
I shower you with blessings ♪
I suffer the immense sorrow
Of losing you ♪
I feel the profound pain
Of your departure ♪
And I cry without you knowing
That my tears ♪
Are black tears ♪
Black tears like my life ♪
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