Sugar (2024) s01e08 Episode Script


[JOHN] Three words.
That's the best part.
A phone call letting them know
the nightmare is over.
- Fuck you. Fuck you.
- [JOHN SHUSHES] It's okay.
It's okay. Come on.
[JOHN] Three words: I found her.
I got you. Put your arms around me.
Come on. Come on.
[JOHN] Everything ends.
Do friends call you John or Jack?
Oh, John, mostly.
Old friends call me John.
Acquaintances call me Scottie.
shall call you Mr. Ferguson.
whiz, I wouldn't like that. Oh, no.
And after what happened this afternoon,
I should think that you
could call me Scottie.
Maybe even John.
I'll be right there. [BREATHES SHAKILY]
Oh, my girl.
- [MELANIE SHUSHES] It's okay.
- [MELANIE] Okay.
It's okay.
- [SHUSHING] It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
- [SHUSHES] It's okay.
It's okay.
[JOHN] Endings are a strange thing.
You know it's coming and yet,
everything ends.
I'm glad this case is over.
- Well, not completely.
[JOHN] I know, I know.
I'm obsessing, but that's what PIs do.
They turn over the last rock.
I need to hurry.
I'll be back.
All of us do.
[OFFICER] License and
registration please.
[STAMMERS] When was I speeding?
[OFFICER] 68 in a 65, but
that's not why I stopped you.
Your rear fender's dangling.
I'm gonna have to ask you
to pull off at the next stop
and get that looked at, Mr. Miller.
If that falls off on the road
No. Yes, of course. Thank you.
Yeah, I think I might have hit the c
[OFFICER] This is car 33. We
have a possible 1-54, a Tesla.
- Possible male shot off Highway 118.
- [JOHN] Hey.
- What are you doing here?
Uh, good morning. It's
nice to see you too.
Sorry. Good morning.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Just, um, Henry being stubborn.
- Yeah, he can be that way.
- Yeah.
We haven't, um We haven't
had a chance [SIGHS]
I'm really glad you found her.
Are you?
Yeah, of course.
Do you think that made me happy?
You know, I don't know what to think
about you, Ruby. Really, I don't.
Well, you know, they're
probably looking for us
- Mm-hmm.
- because you exposed Pavich.
And now we've all got to go.
Look, you did what you
thought you had to do, so
Okay. Um, we have to
be out of here today.
I know.
All right. Well, just
don't be late for evac.
Miller's already on his way.
- Got it.
- Last call's at sunset.
Writing until the end, huh?
[HENRY CHUCKLES] What do you mean?
I'm just getting started.
Ever the academic.
[HENRY GROANS] You know me too well.
So, I guess this is it, huh?
Bon voyage.
How are you feeling?
Good, I think. Uh Mixed.
Yeah, me too.
I thought you'd be at the Siegel's
getting rose petals tossed at your feet.
- [JOHN CHUCKLES] I'm heading there next.
I'm not expecting rose petals though.
You got that thing I called about?
- The
- The player?
Right. God, my brain.
Yeah, it's just in here.
- Why do you even want it anyway?
- Huh?
The player, why do you
even want it? We're leaving.
[JOHN] Uh, there's just
something I wanna check.
[HENRY] I-It's about
the case, isn't it?
I thought it was over.
I heard on the news that, that, um
[STAMMERS] Sorry, what's his name?
- Ryan Pavich.
- Right.
I heard he's quite a monster.
He tortured dozens of people.
Wait, you think that
they got the wrong person?
No, no. It was him.
Then what?
Something. I don't know.
- Do you think I'm obsessing?
I think that you saved a
life and whatever your faults,
your tenacity for doing good is
It's incredible.
Thanks, Henry.
So you deserve rose petals.
[CHUCKLES] Thank you, Henry.
Well, how are you getting there?
Uh, Ruby.
[STAMMERS] You're not
taking the Corvette?
[SIGHS] I wish.
- [CHUCKLES] Will you pick me up?
- Sure.
I'll see you in a little
bit. I'll come back.
- Thanks.
- Sure.
[RYAN] Testing, testing.
One of the things I like to say
is, watch out for what's familiar.
Don't settle for what you know.
And let yourself be surprised.
That's important, 'cause for me,
longest time I thought I knew myself.
I'm the kind of guy who likes baseball.
I'm that kind of guy hates
tennis, et cetera, et cetera.
But I realized that was limiting.
And the more I do this kind of stuff,
the more I realize I
actually had no idea
of all the other things I
might like or not like to do.
For instance
[RYAN] I never thought
of myself as a hammer guy,
until I figured I was.
So, yeah. I mean
- just keep an open mind.
- Hey! Stop!
- [RYAN] Stop!
- For a while, I used to give myself a
[CARLOS] Mr. Sugar.
- How are you?
- [CARLOS] I'm doing great. Thank you.
It's good to see you.
We're all so grateful for
what you did for Olivia.
- Mr. Siegel is waiting for you.
- Thank you.
- Uh, give me one second.
- Of course.
- Margit, uh, my condolences.
- Thank you, Sugar.
Although [SNIFFS] I have
been offered a lot of condolences
and somehow, they don't seem to help.
I'm sure.
We never did get to the
bottom of things, did we?
What all this was really about for you.
I told you what it was about for me.
Right. Right.
Just a good-hearted PI looking
for some poor little rich girl.
A girl that your son put in danger.
His own sister.
I mean, maybe not
deliberately, but recklessly.
And I imagine you knew all about
You know, I saw him in The Boy
in the Corner a-a while ago.
H-He was He was really good.
Yeah, he was brilliant.
I would say so.
I'm sorry again.
Thank you.
- [JONATHAN] Thank you, Carlos.
- Of course.
Hope you don't mind. I
just wanted to say goodbye.
[JONATHAN] No, of course I don't mind.
As a matter of fact, I
have a proposition for you.
I have a position available.
Head of security for my entire company.
Is that right?
[JONATHAN] It's an easy job.
Tracking down Internet pirates,
driving movie stars to rehab.
And whatever people
like me are paying you
- Mm-hmm.
- I double it.
[CHUCKLES] That's very
generous. I thank you, but
- Okay.
- [OLIVIA] Oh, sorry.
[OLIVIA] Yeah. Yeah. They're a rarity.
When they do happen,
it's really nice though.
It's a cool feeling.
[JONATHAN] To say that I thank you
would be a gross understatement.
She seems like a strong woman.
Yes, she is.
But it'll be a long road
back for the both of them.
Has she talked about it?
About the No. Mm-mmm. Not yet.
- No, it's-it's to be expected.
- Huh.
- You mind?
- Please.
She-She hasn't said a word about
what happened in the basement?
What I said. Not a word.
Why do you ask?
I don't know.
I don't know. Something
Clifford Carter's body.
I'm just gonna assume that it was you
that arranged to have it go missing
from the trunk of Olivia's car.
- Well, this is
- Don't. Please. No, no, no.
Don't Don't say anything.
The point is that the less the
police are involved, the better.
I agree.
That's why I waited till we left
Pavich's house before I called 911.
- And I thank you for your discretion.
- Of course.
On top of everything else.
You can relax now, Sugar.
You did it. It's over.
I think these belong to you.
I recognize the dress
that Rachel's wearing.
It's the same dress your wife, Lorraine,
wore in The Winds of Change.
You took those pictures, didn't you?
How would you know that?
Well, I saw the dress in
Lorraine's old bedroom and
realized that's where the
pictures were taken, so,
put two and two together.
She was a free spirit,
a lot like Lorraine.
It's, uh, principally
why I was drawn to her.
She was unhappy and I
couldn't help myself.
We broke it off after
- well
- She got pregnant.
Are you asking me if
Olivia is my daughter?
No, sir. It's not my business.
She's loved.
That's all that matters.
Grace and sensitivity
to the end.
Goodbye, Mr. Sugar.
Goodbye, Carlos.
- [RUBY] Sugar, have you heard from Miller?
- [JOHN] No, I haven't heard from him yet.
[RUBY] Okay. Well, just let me
know if you hear anything, okay?
I'm heading to the evac now.
[JOHN] All right. I got a
couple more stops to make.
Then I'll grab Henry.
We'll see you there.
All right. See you soon.
For a while, I used to
give myself a hard time.
could do anything I want.
Banker, lawyer. I could
open a fucking yoga store.
I could do anything, but I'm doing this.
I don't question it anymore.
I gave myself a break.
Whatever this is, what I do,
more than anything else
it makes me feel alive.
- [JOHN] Are you sure about this?
He kind of eats his body
weight in pork chops.
- Oh, we are so sure. Yeah, sure.
- [JOHN] Thank you.
[MELANIE] You coming in to say goodbye?
No. I got some people waiting for me.
No, I made lemonade. You're
coming in to say goodbye.
Come on. Good boy. Good boy.
I'm drinking about a gallon a day now.
- I'm gonna be a sober diabetic. [CHUCKLES]
Well, I'm proud of you.
Me too.
You should be.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Isn't that good? Yeah.
- Mmm. So good.
So you're leaving, never to return?
Well, never say never.
But [SIGHS] it's
Yeah, it's gonna be a long trip.
[MELANIE] You're back
to see your sister?
No, I don't
She's, um
She was taken by
somebody a long time ago.
What? What? No. What
do you mean, "taken"?
We never knew who or
It's kind of It's kind
of why I do what I do.
Oh, Sugar. Um [SIGHS] I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I should go. I got those
people waiting for me.
I shouldn't
[MELANIE] You okay?
Did I say something wrong?
What is it?
Take my hands.
Okay, you're starting to freak me out.
Okay, don't be afraid.
Take my hands.
[SIGHS] You all right?
[JOHN] I've never shown a human
being. I'm not supposed to.
It's strictly against the rules.
But I'm glad I did.
[RUBY] Sugar, they're hunting us.
Who are they?
- The humans we told you about.
- What do they want, Ruby?
They want us gone so no one
can ever learn about our pact.
[SIGHS] Just be careful and get here.
- Okay?
- [JOHN] Yeah.
[RYAN] It makes me feel alive.
Oh, the pull of seeing a thing and
feeling like I just had to have it.
oh, that's everything.
To me, this part is tiresome.
The giving up part. Just kill
me, kill me, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, no one said
it was gonna be easy.
Without life, without struggle,
without contradiction
what is the point?
Don't you agree?
Without struggle,
without contradiction
what is the point?
Don't you agree?
Don't you agree?
What do you want to talk to her about?
About what happened.
What she might have seen.
I don't think she's
ready to talk, Sugar.
[JOHN] I know and I hate
to ask, I do, but I
I think there might be more
to this than we thought.
Ask him.
He's her father.
I don't know who else
I mean, she's
She's the only survivor.
Thanks to you.
You can ask.
What she says is up to her.
Yeah, of course.
- Hey.
- [OLIVIA] Hi.
Do you mind if I sit?
Yeah, no. Take a seat.
[JOHN] Thank you.
I'm John.
I know who you are.
My My dad said you
wanted to ask me something.
Yeah. [STAMMERS] I know
you've been through so much.
He wasn't alone in the basement, was he?
No, it was him and, uh, someone else.
[JOHN] Can I show you a picture?
[SIGHS] Was it this man?
[STAMMERS] I don't
I don't know. Maybe.
I don't know. I don't know.
[JOHN] You're not sure?
No. I
They kept a light on my face.
So I-I never saw who it was.
I never heard him speak once.
But you're positive
there was someone else?
- [OLIVIA] Yes.
- [JOHN] How are you sure?
I, um
I could hear him writing.
- Writing?
- Yeah.
He never spoke?
Not one word.
- He just took notes?
- Yeah.
I-I hope that's helpful.
- I don't know.
- Yes, it is.
Thank you.
If there's anything else
No. Just
I hope you have a
wonderful life, Olivia.
- Bye.
- [OLIVIA] Bye.
[RYAN] More than anything
else, it makes me feel alive.
Oh, the pull of seeing a thing and
feeling like I just had to have it.
To me
Oh, the pull of seeing a thing
I was just seeing this thing.
and feeling like
I just had to have it.
And I just felt like,
oh, I gotta have it.
To me, that [INHALES
SHARPLY] Oh, that's everything.
It's so strange.
Don't you agree?
Not that.
You just be careful.
- [HENRY] So now you know.
- [JOHN] Henry.
[HENRY] Once you started listening,
I imagined it was only a matter of time.
You sat there and you watched?
Observe and report on every aspect.
You sat there and you did nothing.
No, I sat and I learned.
I know that sounds cold to
you, but how else do we learn?
[JOHN] Where are you now?
Won't say.
Ruby's waiting for us at the evac.
You know I'm not going.
- You can't stay.
- Says who?
They're looking for us now.
I heard.
But it's worth the risk.
I mean, this place, the messiness,
the confusion, the anger, the darkness.
That's not all this place is.
It's so much more than that.
I belong here.
- [JOHN] That's not true.
So do you.
[SIGHS] You know you belong here too.
- What does that mean?
- Oh, John.
I should go.
Henry, wait.
I left you rose petals.
[JOHN] Henry?
[JOHN] Djen.
Henry, he took Djen.
Is she alive?
Is she here?
Observe and report.
And make sure their
mistakes don't become ours.
And look at Henry, trapped
in a cycle of violence.
What about me?
Am I any different?
I like being here.
How I can feel, hurt, taste,
touch, dream, love, hate.
Have I become more human?
Like Henry?
Need to hurry.
Need to find him.
[CHILD] What are you doing?
You don't have a bathing suit?
[JOHN] No, I do. I-I just
Uh, not with me.
Well, I wouldn't go any
further if I were you.
There are sharks.
[JOHN] Okay. Thank you.
I'm gonna find Henry Thorpe.
However long it takes,
I'm gonna find him.
We knew about Pavich.
That was Henry's idea.
But I went along with it.
We all did, for the mission.
- Djen, I-I had no idea. I
- [JOHN] I know.
I know.
Suge, are you okay?
[JOHN] Yeah.
- Really?
- [JOHN] Mm-hmm.
Your hand? The voices?
- No voice.
Are you sure?
It's the last ride home.
Other than Thorpe,
everyone else has left.
I know.
Sugar, it's just a dress.
More than likely she's already dead.
But Henry's alive and he's
here, and we brought him here.
Now he's looking for human beings
like him, people he can learn from,
people he can teach.
And besides, being here, I mean,
in many ways he was right about it.
In many ways he was right.
I love my home.
[GRUNTS] I-I'll miss my home.
And I'll miss you, Ruby.
I will.
And all the others. But
this place
these people [CHUCKLES]
for better or worse, I like them.
I'm like them.
Safe travels.
[JOHN] Man, oh, man.
A movie ending is a strange thing.
You know it's coming
And yet, you spent all
this time laughing, crying.
You're surprised when the credits roll.
But sooner or later,
when the lights come
on, put on your jacket,
it's time to go home.
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