The Inmate (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Relax, pussy.
Dante Pardo.
You turned out to be costly, bastard.
You want out, right? Listen to me.
In nature, vultures
sense when an animal's going to die,
even before the animal itself.
So they circle it, prowling around.
Round and round.
When the animal dies,
they're the first to feast upon him.
The experienced ones who know the works
can distinguish the vultures
and the dying animals.
Guess what?
I'll let you go.
Twenty-four hours.
You do what you have to do
and then help me with something.
It's him.
Take this shit.
I'll go change.
On your ankle. Put it around your ankle.
Forgive me, but I need a guarantee, Dante.
It's just
Tavares is
someone I appreciate a lot, I really do.
But he's become a liability,
precisely 'cause his span is ending.
You'll help me speed up
the end of Tavares's span.
I can tell you'd thought this through.
I'm glad.
Don't get cocky.
Silvestre will take you in his car.
He carries an unregistered gun.
If you pull any stunt,
we'll make you scream louder
than a pig in the slaughterhouse.
- We cool?
- Yes, sir.
That's it.
That's how I like it, man.
Silvestre will get you clothes.
You'll look smashing, man.
See you tomorrow. Have fun.
500, 600 dollars.
Check this out.
Look, Santito
All I want to know is who betrayed me.
Forget about the kidnapping,
but think of our other businesses.
It's a lot of money.
Who do you think it was?
I don't trust anyone,
except my godson who's straight with me.
Hell yeah!
We're blood.
I raise you two.
It's done, godfather.
Poker face, poker face. I can see it.
Here's the good stuff.
Speak of the devil,
remember that Diente
almost got smoked at the ranch?
- Yeah, what about it?
- Well
I was thinking about it.
Wouldn't it be cool if we gave him
something extra.
A juicy bonus.
The hell?
You see how short we are
and you want to waste money?
Give him from yours if you want.
No, come on.
I dunno about that. But he did well.
He rode it out.
- He road it out.
- Right.
What's with you?
Come on, bro, come on.
Come on, bro!
Godfather's out of his turf.
Consider the bonus.
Consider it.
It'll benefit you in the long run.
He OD'd due to loads of heroin.
The drug caused respiratory failure.
There was no pain, he died in his sleep.
If I wanted to kill myself,
I'd do the same.
I don't know.
Seems weird to me.
He insisted to see me a lot.
Well, maybe he didn't plan
to kill himself.
He didn't want to draw attention
to himself
and messed up.
But he wasn't addicted to heroin.
Someone could've injected it
against his will, right?
When I was a kid,
my mother told me not to take candy
from strangers
'cause they might contain drugs.
But there weren't any signs
of an assault in his cell, right?
No, nor on the body.
It's a tragedy.
Anyway. There's nothing to do.
Life goes on.
Dr. Carreño, please prepare
the death certificate.
Frida, try to locate the relatives.
- I hope he has a family.
- Sir, wait.
Wasn't it clear to you
that when Frida spoke
to Florentino he was okay?
Forgive me, but what you're saying
is completely absurd.
It makes no sense.
Enough. It's like accusing me
has become a national sport.
So, please,
speed up your audit
'cause you're pestering those
who work to make this prison better.
Where am I taking you?
I've been thinking
and have a proposition for you.
You lend me your car,
take the day off,
and meet up again tonight.
Are you stupid? Fuck that.
I can offer you money.
One thousand dollars.
Thing is they're out there.
Let's go, so you'll believe me.
How will I know you'll come back?
I could tell you
that you could trace me with a GPS,
but you'll have to trust me.
Very well.
Fifteen hundred and we're settled.
You sure?
There's one issue.
What will I do when Peniche asks me
where you are?
I don't know, I'd have to
I'd have to
Tell him I hit you and escaped.
Understand. Think about it.
Okay? I get inside the trunk,
and once outside of the prison I'll drive.
Forgive me, but let's go.
Fuck you, son of a bitch!
Partner, partner. I need your help.
Copy that, I'm on my way.
Hi, Mom.
It's me.
My boy.
You're so handsome.
Where were you, sweetie?
Why'd you take so long?
I've been busy.
I came for what I asked you.
- Okay.
- Okay?
I'll pick up Pablito.
- Pablito.
- Your grandson.
Who are you?
Who are you?
- No, Mom.
- No! No, Mom! No, Mom!
So? Do you miss Florentino?
We have a saying:
Death becomes the saint.
Girls, come over.
Then what? Will you canonize him?
You're so silly, shrimp.
All I'll say
is there are voices
that keep talking, even in death.
I don't get it.
Yeah, I know you don't.
You know what I do get, baby? Come over.
- I know you want it. You do.
- Don't start.
Don't start.
Back off.
I'm going 'cause I hear it's contagious.
See you around.
My dough.
Here it is.
What is it, sir?
What the fuck's Dante doing in America?
I don't know what you mean, sir.
I meant to say how stupid you are.
If you don't tell me,
I'll have a vacant lot for an inmate,
and I'll gladly give it to you, bastard.
Dante asked me for time off, sir.
We promised to meet tonight.
Time off? What is he?
Your fucking girlfriend?
No, sir.
First, you'll hand over
all the cash he gave you.
if he doesn't return,
I'm throwing you in jail
and will tell the prisoners
to welcome you.
Don't even dare
taking a shit, Silvestre, not one.
I fucking hate this asshole.
Good boy.
Dad? When are you coming home?
What's up, Salas?
Good afternoon.
Where's the doc?
He's not here.
Reading time's over.
No, no, no. Reading time?
I come from Jules's office.
They told me he was here.
- Julián Mora is my psychologist.
- Well, he's not here.
He probably won't be long.
What about you? You're real pretty.
Have they told you?
Why are you in jail? Did you kill someone?
You should be on TV.
No way.
I don't like TV.
- You don't like it?
- No.
Right, you like books.
Here, let me help.
You're an intellectual, right.
It'd be nice if we went
to a museum together, right?
But we're stuck in this stink hole, yeah?
No way around it.
- Right. It's not possible.
- Who knows.
- It's not possible.
- Right.
Dinner would be awesome, though. Yeah?
Just you and me with candles and all that.
With filet mignon and a bottle of bubbly.
Like that? I can call in a few favors.
I can collect and we're good.
You sneak in.
I'd love to.
- But we can't.
- Why not?
- We can.
- It's unethical. I'm not allowed.
It's possible.
- With Santito it's possible.
- Pity.
- Really.
- Pity?
Wait, wait. Don't go.
No, no, no. Don't pity me.
- Good afternoon.
- Gimme love.
Julián! Look, he's here.
What's going on?
- Bad timing, doc.
- Juan Pablo.
- Come.
- What?
- Let's talk.
- Come on.
Wait, I'm flirting here, dude.
Hey, don't go.
Screw you. I go to your office
and you're not there.
- Then you come at the worst time.
- My office?
Your office. We had an appointment, right?
No, I think you misheard,
because I never forget about my patients.
Mistake? What mistake?
Look, Santito.
I'm not going to see you anymore.
I gave you to a great colleague
and you're on his waiting list.
Waiting list my ass.
- No, you're my psychologist.
- No.
Didn't you accuse me
of talking about the kidnapped girl?
And it's not just that.
You got it in your head
that for some reason I'm driving
a wedge between Dante Pardo and you.
I can't have a patient
who believes I'm a rat.
I see, I see. Cool, cool.
Don't bristle. Chill.
Relax, chill-ax.
Come on, it's just nay-say. Just that.
We're buds, dude.
That's exactly it. We're not friends.
We've crossed the boundaries
of our therapist-patient relation.
Got it. Right as rain.
We gotta keep our distance.
I'm marking the boundary. Look.
Here's my boundary.
Santito sits here
and the doc there. Hell yeah.
There, yeah?
The decision's been made.
Who will I talk to about my shit?
The professional I recommended you to
is excellent.
He'll listen to you
and you'll get used to him.
- I should go.
- That professional,
that therapist can go to hell!
And so can you, fucker!
What the fuck? What's with you?
I told you my stuff, asshole.
I opened up my heart to you, fucker.
- Shut up, pussy.
- Stop!
You know what no one else does.
Just you wait till my godfather hears
and you'll be screwed, fucker.
You like it like that, faggot?
You like it like that, faggot?
You like it?
You'll know the real Santito now, fag.
Go fuck yourself, fucker. Fuck you.
Fucking Silvestre.
Once robot cops exist
I'll kick them all out.
I'll charge you, like I said.
Don't think I forgot.
See if you act less stupid.
I told you he was crafty.
Leave us alone.
Son of a fucking whore.
Family business.
Since when does family
have to do with killing a gringo judge?
- I didn't kill anyone.
- Don't think I'm stupid.
They say it was an accident
but I know it wasn't. It was you.
Do you know the risk we're taking
over this shit?
At least I hope you did it right.
Did Tavares send you?
- No.
- No?
So? Did the judge steal your lunch
when you were a kid?
We gotta get rid of Tavares.
That's what's next, right?
Don't change the subject.
What you did was really stupid.
It was even stupider
when you gave Silvestre money
and even if you don't like it,
I'll find out what you're doing, fucker.
Guess what?
I have a family problem, like you call it.
Since we're on the same page,
where I helped you solve
your problem and you solved mine.
I don't understand.
Some guy died when you took
the little gringa to the ranch.
What's-his-face Cumbias.
And do you remember Foca?
He also passed away.
I tried to get him out during the mutiny.
He was frozen. What was I
supposed to tell the surveyors?
The fatty was hot
but he miscalculated? No.
You can't blame me for those deaths.
You should've said that earlier.
It's already in your record, dude.
It's a pleasure having you back.
Deal with Tavares.
Stop goading me.
If you think that's all I have
against you, you're very wrong.
He's all yours.
If you're already registered, move along.
Good morning. Take a seat, please.
These three come to see Tyson. Move along.
- She's visiting El Muerto.
- Go this way.
- Come in.
- Come in, ladies.
She's seeing El Pulques
and that's it. That's it.
There. Done, done, done.
- Is that everyone?
- Yeah.
Vault, close the door.
Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Hey, be quiet. Good morning.
Good morning.
What do we have here? Let's see.
You know. Food as usual, real warm.
- Food. Tortillas.
- Some tortillas and beans, right?
Bean stew and the like.
- Right?
- And here? What you got here?
- The same.
- Look, clothes too.
Some cigarettes, cigarettes.
- The usual.
- Very well.
And you? What you got there?
- The usual.
- Right. The usual.
We're going to perform a routine check-up.
The hell?
- Why? Hold on.
- Why? No, no, no.
What's going on?
Marcial. The fuck? Come here, Marcial.
Look, we're friends.
What's with you, bastard?
What's with you, fucker?
Ma'am, in all seriousness
and with all due respect,
mind your fucking language.
- So that's how it is?
- Just like that.
Hey, fucker! Hey, son of a bitch!
What's with you? Let me go.
- Let me go, fucker.
- Spread your legs or I'll force you.
- Son of a fucking whore.
- Let me go!
Hey, well done, Dad.
The oranges.
- Look, Deedee.
- Oh, Bamm Bamm, you got a hat.
- The fuck? We gonna kick his ass?
- What's with you, bro? What's with you?
- I'm pumped up, fucker.
- Stop, man.
- Stop, man, stop.
- What the fuck? Fucker.
- Get out of here. Stop, man.
- I'm so pumped, bro.
Stop, man. Come here.
What's with that dude?
The fuck? Got a bone to pick with you?
No, we had a bump. It's solved.
That's why you're so badass, seriously.
You're real smooth with that
That damn robot face.
"We had a bump."
"It's solved. It's solved."
You're real smooth.
Hold on. Hold on.
- Hey, hey. Hey.
- What is it?
I spoke with my godfather and guess what?
What'd he say?
We're giving you an extra bonus.
Fuck yeah. So you see
that you're part of the group.
- Great, man. Thanks a lot, man.
- Awesome.
It's not necessary.
What you mean by that, bud?
Come on. Why not?
We got extra merch
for the store this week.
- All right.
- It's all yours.
- Fuck yeah. Hey.
- What's up?
Take whatever you want.
- Great.
- It's on Santito.
Holy shit.
Sir, you did better than the president.
That's for sure.
May I come in?
Excuse me, sir.
- Afternoon.
- Afternoon.
One hundred thousand.
You owe me 100,000
from the merch those girls carried
and you didn't let in, bastard.
What fucking planet are you on?
Can't you see how things are
because of your bullshit?
The attorney's office can fuck us over
any moment now.
Leave that, we're not
in a celebratory mood.
- What happened to Judge Morris?
- About what?
Why'd you kill him?
The hell?
He's dead?
They're saying it was an accident
but we both know that's not the truth.
Goddamn it, why'd that fucking gringo
drop down dead?
You had him killed, bastard.
Listen, Peniche.
Why do you strive to screw me over?
No, I strive to keep my job.
Look, Jorgito.
You leave here, go home, and fuck around.
For you, this is a job.
But for me, it's life.
If you strive to ruin my life,
then the last thing you should
worry about is losing your job.
I'm telling you as a friend.
Thanks for telling me, man.
Thank you.
Send me two guards, please.
There's no need, bud.
Just remember
that you don't get to kick me out.
The one who decides
when we end our partnership
is me.
- Look. Look, look, look.
- What?
It's Dante Pardo's record.
His case seemed odd to me from the start.
I noticed.
You've paid him a lot of attention.
Conveniently, it now turns out
that he's guilty of the murder
of two people who went missing.
He's being framed.
They blamed him and were done with it.
He was charged with three homicides.
He's not exactly a saint.
I know that, but
Look, I've met many killers, but he
He seems different.
Look, Frida.
Forgive me for
what I'm about to say, but
I don't understand your fixation
with this guy.
I swear I don't get it.
Excuse me?
Look, I've noticed
you're considerate with him.
You even hug him, and well
- Hug him? Please.
- Yes.
- I've seen you.
- It's a simple show of support.
I'm just concerned
he's manipulating you, that's all.
That's definitely not
what's going on. I just
He has a different sensibility.
Something's fishy here. I can't tell what.
- I don't know.
- This isn't you, Frida.
Look, you're a very smart woman.
Use your judgment, please.
Don't get into what you shouldn't.
Of course I'm smart.
And I can take care of myself, okay?
- Thank you.
- Yes, I know.
What's up?
You still pissed over Morris, yeah?
I'm right as rain.
Real chill watching toons.
You like the one of the horse?
Don't be stupid.
Of course I'm pissed, dude!
Can I tell you something
and you won't get mad?
How old are you?
Speak like a man.
What's with you?
It's that psychologist.
That fucking psychologist.
He, he
He doesn't want to help me.
Did you make it that hard on the shrink?
Yeah, so he says
He says we've crossed the boundaries
of our relation or something.
Sorry, but therapy seems
like a bunch of nonsense to me.
It's just a bunch of whining.
"I didn't get a scooter when I was a kid."
Or, "I've always wanted to fuck my niece."
- Bullshit.
- I'm real pissed, godfather.
I really told him loads of stuff.
Loads. And it was cool.
The dude was good.
What'd you tell him?
He's a psychologist, godfather, so
Everything. Yeah? Everything.
About the job?
- And the chick?
- Of course. About La Foca.
The ranch, everything.
- You're meant to open up entirely.
- You're an idiot, bastard!
The fuck? The fuck?
- You've got a brain, fucking turd?
- Wait, wait.
Calm down. I told you not to get mad.
Come on.
That damn psychologist broke my heart,
come on. We're meant to share it all.
Goddamn it.
To hell with it.
You're an emotional kid.
Kids like you fuck things up
every now and then.
But I still care for you.
- Really?
- No doubt.
We'll fix it.
- Great.
- And if the fucking shrink ratted us out,
we'll settle the score quick.
We'll kill him.
Like the fucker he is.
That's awesome, godfather.
Oh, son.
- What's up, Bocinas?
- Son of a bitch.
This is a raid!
- Hey, relax!
- Hold up.
What's with you, Marcial? Don't be an ass.
I'm allowed to be an ass today, fucker.
So spread your fucking legs
or I'll make you, like your fucking bitch.
Spread them, asshole!
What'd you find, Ventura?
Guns, revolvers
Even a machine gun.
List them and take their phones,
drinks, and anything you find.
Got quite an armory.
You plan to go to war or what?
You're fucked, Marcial.
You can go complain to your bud, Peniche.
What's up, dude?
What are you doing here?
Just looking.
Those dogs took everything, huh?
Yeah, man. Motherfuckers.
Did they take Mariano's money?
What money?
Did they take his cash?
Yeah, they took everything.
Can't you see?
What's up?
What's up?
You're acting weird.
Are you a cop?
You're talking to a chick, right?
- No.
- She must be real fine.
Hey, hey, hold up.
Calm down. You're just,
you know, smooth, real smooth.
Real good-looking.
But no homo.
Can you tell me what happened
to Foca and Cumbias?
You don't need to answer
if you don't want to, but,
you're in a very delicate situation.
Do you want me to find a new lawyer?
No, no, no.
I need you to help me find the boy
who disappeared from Porfirio's house.
Just that.
Why? Who's that boy?
His name's Pablo.
Porfirio looked over him, because
his father couldn't.
Where was his father?
Who's his father?
His father
is here.
In La Rotunda.
So Pablo is your son.
- Yes.
- But why would you
- hide something like that?
- Frida, please,
don't tell anyone.
It's very dangerous.
I don't want Pablo to get hurt.
But, why did you lie?
Pablo's mom died two years ago.
And I wasn't in my right mind,
so Porfirio and his wife
offered to look after him.
That's the full story.
Do you have any idea
who murdered your lawyer?
- Or who kidnapped your son?
- No.
- No.
- We must go to the police.
- No.
- We must talk to them.
- They can help.
- Frida, I'm asking you, please.
Don't tell the cops anything.
Dangerous people are behind this.
That's all I can tell you.
I just need you to help me find my son.
I'm all he has.
I'll help you.
We'll find him.
Thank you.
We can't buy new uniforms.
We'll fight for those extra hours.
That's on me.
I'll take full responsibility.
You know me.
- You know I deliver.
- Open up!
- I deliver
- Open up!
You're in deep shit, fucker!
Hey, faggot!
Son of a fucking bitch!
Don't act stupid!
Come here!
That's not how you refer to the warden
of La Rotunda prison.
Let me remind you
that I'm a public servant
and it's your obligation to respect me.
If you want to tell me something,
do it to my face. Yeah?
Don't raid me, fucker! Or what?
You're spying on me?
What are you talking about?
You sent your fucking thugs!
Right, right. You're pissed
caused we raided your pavilion.
Look, it's a perfectly legal procedure.
Yes? State-sanctioned. It may be performed
routinely or periodically in all jails.
But I didn't read your report.
Did you lose something?
You best return what was taken from me.
Let me tell you,
that this
wasn't taken from me.
I ordered them to take
only what had value.
And that shit's not even useful
for pissing.
Oh, yeah? You've seen it?
Shall I present you?
Inmate, if there's something you need,
please ask for an audience
like every other mother's son.
I'll check my schedule
to see if I can find some room.
Every other mother's son?
Are you really gonna do this, bastard?
Want me to start talking?
It'll be like pissing in the wind, idiot.
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