Undercovers (2010) s01e08 Episode Script


We're ready for you now.
Colonel Freedman WaitWhat time is it? What's going on? We just need to run a few tests.
Now? Routine for all pilots.
It--it shouldn't take long.
Just relax, Colonel Korman you' fine, just fine.
Don't worry.
Let's take him deeper.
Let's begin.
We don't have a lot of time.
- Scalpel.
- Scalpel.
Pulse ox negative.
Colonel Joseph Korman? I'm Airman Burr.
We just finalized your flight plan and mission parameters.
We need you to sign here.
Thank you.
I'll be right there.
You okay, sir? Yes.
I'm fine.
Let's go.
She doing it again? Oh yeah, total stress case.
In serious and scary do-it-herself mode.
She ask for any help at all? Course not.
I don't even know why we do this dinner.
Diane Cresswell drives you crazy every year.
Yes, Diane's horrible, but she pays well and refers even better.
And this will be our fourth year in a row.
All right, let me help you out here.
You don't have to do everything.
I'm fine.
It's easier this way.
Okay, it's all yours.
But if that, uh, burning smell is any indication, it seems like you need help now.
Ah, who doesn't love the smell of burnt croutons in the morning? Why does he always know the worst time to show up? Colonel Joseph Korman has worked with the Agency before.
Decorated Air Force Stealth pilot.
Flew out of our base at Incirlik, Turkey and hasn't been heard from since.
What was his mission? Flying an F-35 Stealth aircraft solo to deliver important cargo to a classified airbase.
Then his aircraft went off course and disappeared over the woods near the Caucasus Mountains several hours ago.
Just over Chechnya.
We haven't received any reports of a crash.
No emergency beacon transmissions, and no contact from Colonel Korman.
So what now? We have to find out if he's alive.
And equally important, we cannot allow stealth technology to fall into the wrong hands.
These forests are just crawling with members of the Chechen Separatist Movement, just looking to start another fight with the Russians.
So you want us to find the plane and destroy it before anyone can get there? Isn't there military nearby who can do that? Perhaps.
There is, however, an additional twist that adds to the urgency and the national security implications of this mission.
I'm guessing the cargo on the plane wasn't just a fruit basket.
You would be guessing correctly.
It's a recently developed next generation fuel air explosive device.
Bomb? Small, man-portable, and highly volatile.
We can't even let people know that we have developed this weapon.
Given the operational success you enjoyed in the Balkans, Mr.
Bloom, and the skills that you've demonstrated at a location much too sensitive to reveal here, Mrs.
Bloom, CIA management feels that you two are uniquely qualified for this mission.
So we need to go to the forests of Chechnya, find and destroy a stealth plane which may or may not have crashed, find a pilot who may or may not be dead, then retrieve a weapon we can't admit exists while dodging Chechen rebels.
Pretty well sums it up.
Don't worry, I can handle Diane Cresswell.
But I don't want you to be stressed out.
I don't want you to be stressed out.
Ha ha, okay.
I know that you have issues with delegating, but seriously, I can do this.
You don't have a choice anyway, Sam.
It's not like you can run the party from San Francisco.
Let me just give you a list of things to do.
And be careful.
Diane can be demanding, condescending, and difficult.
It's not a problem.
I work with Lance, remember? Uh, not for the next three days, you don't.
My family's in town, so good luck.
And if you have any questions-- don't call! Okay, here we go.
We exit the train in Ingushetia, which borders Chechnya.
Now, the plan is to meet a local asset who'll guide us through the backwoods where we can sneak in country.
Although we'll need some rubles to grease the skids if you know what I'm talking about.
I never know what you're talking about.
That's fair, 'cause I don't make sense, and it's weird.
Talking about bribery.
Former Soviet Republic style.
Right, okay, so the stealth plane signal is encrypted on a jumping frequency, which I can hopefully pick up on once we get a little bit closer.
So the idea is, we follow the tracker, we find the plane, find the F.
Bomb Find Korman.
This guy's got a spotless record.
Good pilot, wife, two kids.
He's like a poster child for serving your country.
Hey, have you guys done this sort of thing before? Because I'm more of a student of nature, definitely not a lover.
I'm talking about heavy allergies, top to bottom, front to back.
All of this gets red.
And I'm not a fan of dirt.
I did stuff like this in the Balkans.
Balkans! Ye-ye-yeah, that's one of my favorites of yours.
What about you, Mrs.
Agent Bloom? I'm actually not allowed to mention it out loud.
Not here.
I would take offense at that, but I have a feeling I need to jump, like, four levels of clearance just to ask what you're talking about.
You're really not gonna tell me? Excuse me.
Do you think it looks like rain? No, the forecast is for sun.
That's good news.
You got a ride for us? We are definitely moving in the right direction.
I found the frequency carrying the signal from the plane's beacon.
I just need to triangulate on the exact location.
What's the matter? Checkpoint.
No checkpoint.
So let's go the other way then.
The other way has mines.
I can point which way, but I cannot take you there.
Very dangerous.
Maybe I can take you that way.
Hey, those mines, they're diffused, right? I mean, we're not literally walking into a minefield, are we? Don't worry, I have solution.
He has solution.
What's that? Solution.
Whoa, no.
Is that a rat? Because it kinda looks like a rat.
Yeah, you know what, just tell me when it's gone, then.
Because honestly, I have an issue with rodents.
They freak me out-- squirrels, chipmunks, coyotes-- although technically, they aren't rodents, but honestly, animated or real, they scare me.
This rat you will love.
Randy's a mine-sniffing rat.
Will help us.
He calls it Randy.
Where do you even buy a mine-sniffing rat? It genetically engineered? Is it trained? Do you take it from a circus? Hoyt, enough about the rat, okay? I assure you, this is safe procedure.
This way.
Undercovers 1x08 Crashed Oh, man, that's not good.
Hoyt, do not panic.
I'm not panicked.
You're panicked, okay? I mean, our guide's boots probably still have his feet in them, but-- Don't move! We are in a minefield, okay? Okay, can I panic now? Unless you he a bomb in your backpack, you can relax.
That's what's beeping.
The beacon.
Yeah, yeah, the beacon.
Okay, we're locked on the plane's beacon.
The good news is the signal's getting stronger.
The bad news is we need to cross the minefield to get there, with Chechen rebels probably closing in on that explosion.
You're really bringing the room down.
Okay, just give me a minute to figure this out.
We're gonna follow the dry creekbed.
Actually, I'm not so sure that's such a good idea, honey.
Why not? Any mine would've rusted through by now.
Actually, the Russians switched to plastic mines in 2001.
I'm going with Mrs.
Agent Bloom on this one.
What do you got? How old do you think those shrubs are? Those are rhododendron caucasium, and to reach maturity at this altitude, probably at least 15-20 years.
Just because I'm not a fan of nature doesn't mean I can't appreciate it.
The point is, they were here before the Russian invasion of Chechnya.
Which means no land mines could've been planted there.
To avoid the mines, all we have to do is move from plant to plant.
His band is about to explode.
That's what all drummers say.
No, they're really good, I'm telling you.
I don't wanna pry, but doesn't AA recommend waiting before dating? Chad and I are not dating.
We are just hanging out.
- And kissing.
- Oh, man.
You're not Samantha.
No, uh She's not here.
I'm Lizzie, Samantha's sister.
Oh, sorry, um You must be Diane Cresswell.
Uh, I'm actually running your party.
Okay, you'll have to do, I guess.
I have some small changes.
I want to change the format from buffet to sit-down.
I need a more intimate feel this year.
Last year, I felt like I was on the Love Boat.
Um, I also just found out my star donor has become a pescatarian, so we gotta change the main course from lamb to fish.
Cresswell, you do realize that the event is 24 hours out? We've already marinated 100 legs of lamb.
That's not really my problem, is it? Okay.
Uh, okay, I can handle this.
Just saw Cruella Cresswell.
Looks like I picked the right time to take a few days off, huh? Actually, I need you to do me a favor.
You know the cute fish guy who has a crush on you? Michael? Well, you need to get us 100 pounds of striped bass by tomorrow morning.
I will owe you one, okay? God.
Okay, slow down.
Are we in some sort of race nobody told me about? Because I'm not wearing the right shoes.
There it is.
Korman's plane.
Hold on.
What do you see, Agent Bloom? This is an IGQ 6000 parachute.
Korman must've ejected from the plane before it crashed.
So he's probably still alive.
We need to find the F.
before we go looking for him.
A missing state-of-the-art bomb is way more important than a missing pilot.
Okay, we got a slight problem.
This is the safety mount for the F.
, and it is empty.
So, we have no Korman, no F.
, and a stealth plane that crashed.
If the Chechens saw the plane crash, they're definitely looking for Korman.
He's probably on the run, trying to find a safe place to hide.
Hey, you guys, look what I found! Satellite beacon.
You never know when one of these might come in handy.
Whoa, check this out.
This kind of damage only comes from a weapon.
Wait, so someone shot him down? Portable surface-to-air missile.
But he was in a stealth plane.
Who would do that? Who could do that? You can't just shoot down a stealth plane.
Not unless you knew he was coming.
So an American pilot takes off from a Turkish Air Base, goes off course, gets shot down by a shoulder-fired missile in Chechnya, ejects before he crashes, and then maybe comes back to retrieve the F.
? Unless somebody else got there first.
But Korman has nowhere to go around here.
He could be running around Chechnya with a bomb that could take out a city block.
We need to find him.
We have about ten minutes until the smoke tells anyone in the area exactly how to get on our trail, and about five seconds until the fuel explodes.
What is it? Blood.
If you look at my resume, I probably could've been of some help out here.
I'm good for now.
My resume's very impressive.
It is.
I almost had it laminated.
Going in as international aid workers.
Nice call, Mr.
What makes you think Korman was here? 'Cause it's the end of the trail.
And this is probably the only town for miles.
Assalamu alaikum.
Assalamu alaikum.
What are you, running for mayor? Trying to find anybody that may be friendly to an American.
Though if I was bleeding profusely, I doubt my first stop would be to go shopping.
Hold on, I got someone.
He's our guy.
Either he's taking care of Korman, or he knows who is.
He told you all that in two seconds? No, his IWC pilot watch did.
There's no way a pilot like Korman would've let that kid take his watch off his wrist.
Maybe he traded it with the kid for somewhere to stay.
So let's follow him home and find out.
Here he comes.
What do you think's in the bag? Probably food.
He left it there.
You think Korman's inside? Only one way to find out.
You think we scared him off? Maybe this is the wrong place.
It's all right, Korman.
You can come down.
We're Americans.
I honestly don't know.
You don't know why you altered course? I swear, I-- I took off like I normally do, and then I started to feel weird, and Then I was off course, and there was a missile lock on my plane.
Why would someone fire a missile at you? It's Chechnya.
Who knows why? But you were in a stealth plane.
I can't explain it either.
I just--I know that there were people tracking me, and I wasn't gonna stick around to find out who, so I ran.
But they--they're out there.
I know they are.
That's who I thought you were.
That's why I hid.
And then I paid that kid with my watch and some cash so he'd let me hide in here.
I'm sterilizing the knife so I can cauterize your wound.
We have no choice if we want to stop the bleeding.
Are you sure you don't want me to just make a tourniquet so we can get the hell out of here? A tourniquet won't hold.
And I've done this before.
Really? In the place that's too classified to mention, I bet.
And once in the kitchen to cut through a frozen ice cream cake.
Hey guys, look what I found.
It's the F.
Can you believe that this thing could kill hundreds and hundreds of people? Hoyt! Be careful.
I should--I should probably put it down, yeah.
You left the part about the F.
out of your story.
I didn't know you knew about it.
I told you, I didn't know who to trust.
Hoyt, call Shaw, tell him we got Korman and the F.
And we need somebody to get us out of here.
I'm on it.
I'll be back in a flash.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
This is really gonna hurt.
All right, help me sit him up.
We gotta get him up so we can get out of here.
I'm sure there's other people following his trail.
Steven, what's this? Some kind of neck injury.
Come on.
This is weird.
It's not like a neck injury.
It's a little raised, like a bite.
Let's wake him up.
Hey, get up! Did I wake you, sir? Agent Hoyt, it is all right.
I only need four hours sleep at night.
Now, what's going on? That is amazing.
Really? I mean, even when you were a kid? Hey, were you ever actually a kid? Agent Hoyt, do you have something to report? Yeah, I do, sorry about that.
We found Korman, the F.
, and the plane, and destroyed the plane.
We need a way out of here.
I will send you the coordinates to safe l.
An extraction team will pick you up.
Fantastic, thank you, sir.
Sleep tight.
Not that you need to.
You know.
Turn around.
What was that? You think it was Hoyt? That's not Hoyt's gun.
Ah! Oh, no.
The Chechen kid must've done something--let's go.
Welcome to Chechnya, Colonel Korman.
Colonel Joseph Korman.
I heard your plane was shot down.
We are glad you're still alive.
I have something for you.
The Chechen separatists thank you.
We can now give the Russians quite a surprise.
Let's go.
- This is Shaw.
- It's Hoyt.
I've been shot, and the Blooms have been taken by Chechen rebels.
I'm fine, still moving, just shot in the arm.
What the hell happened? I thought the mission was complete.
It was.
And then the Chechens came out of nowhere.
They probably have the F.
by now.
I'm going after them.
No, you will not, Agent Hoyt, I can have boots on the ground in under four hours.
The Blooms will be dead in four hours.
Hoyt! Hoyt! Damn it! I need more help.
How are we gonna prepare 100 bass without the bass? We can get everything prepared and assembly line it once the fish gets here.
Which is now.
The bass has arrived.
Everybody can relax.
Are there other crates? There can't be 100 bass in there.
This is it.
Sardines? What the hell? Oh, this is not good.
We should call Samantha, she'll know what to do.
No, absolutely not! No! If we call her, she will be convinced that she has to do everything around here herself.
I'll call the fish place.
And I will call Lance and tell him to get his ass in here.
This is his screw-up, and he's gonna fix it.
You're not being serious, are you? I'm just saying it's a possibility.
You've heard the rumors, Steven.
What about that thing on his neck? That could've been a gland for all you know.
A welt on the neck isn't always a sign for a black ops program to control people's minds.
That's science fiction, okay? Korman was telling the truth.
He believed what he was saying.
He didn't know anything.
How do you explain him walking over to the Chechen and handing him the F.
? I don't know.
Maybe this is bigger than it looks.
We can discuss this later.
We gotta figure out how the hell we're gonna get out of here.
Oh, and about that place too classified to speak of, if there was anything useful now's the time to bring it up.
I won't tell Shaw you told me.
Sweetie? I was in Sudan.
Undercover with the Janjaweed for three months.
Compartmented mission.
I saw a lot of things I'll never forget, things I couldn't stop happening without exposing who I was.
I was making some real progress, and then my cover was blown.
What happened? An inside source gave me up.
They threw me in a cell, said they were gonna torture me.
I was all alone.
No idea how I was gonna get out.
I could've died, and no one would've known.
I had to figure something out.
What did you do? I found some chemicals in a closet.
When the guard came in to torture me, I threw the chemicals in his face.
When his knees hit the ground, I knocked him out, used the chemicals to start a fire and escaped.
I barely made it out alive.
I guess it had a pretty big effect on me.
Well, you're not alone here.
You got your husband and partner with you.
So you don't have to do it all on your own anymore.
If we're getting out of here, we're doing it together.
That's why we came back, right? Okay, let's figure out what to do.
You have done a good job for my people.
Thank you.
You'll need this.
The remote to start the timer.
You have to be within 50 feet to initiate it.
Korman's a traitor.
Thank you.
It's not every day an American understands what we fight for here.
Now you are free to go.
When you're ready, one of my men will set you off on an escape route.
Thank you.
I'll be ready in ten minutes.
There's a lot of activity going on out there.
I'm sure they'll be coming in here any second.
I'm ready if you are.
You wanna go over it one more time? - It was my plan, Steven.
- No, it wasn't.
- Fine, it was our plan.
- Exactly.
- Hoyt! - At your service.
And oh yeah, Korman's a traitor.
- Yeah, we know.
- What happened to your arm? What? Oh, this? Nothing much.
Just got shot.
By a gun.
That's usually how that works.
Are you okay? I'm not gonna lie to you, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
It doesn't tickle.
But luckily, the bullet didn't lodge.
How long you been here? Long enough to see the Chechens put the F.
on that Hummer.
Korman just gave them the remote to set it off.
How do we find out where the hummer is going with the F.
? The Chechen leader's in there.
Very presidential.
Unbelievable posture.
Hoyt, do you still have the beacon tracker from the stealth plane? Of course I do.
I don't throw anything out.
I still have those roses I gave you in Madrid.
Let me see the cell phone.
Korman's leaving.
I'm going after him.
You deal with tracking the F.
Okay, okay, they're leaving.
Is there something I can help you look for, because I have 15/20 vision, which is kind of like a gift, and a curse, seeing so much so clearly.
Got it.
Of course! All-state quarterback your senior year.
- And junior year.
- And junior year.
Yeah, and junior year.
I'm ready.
What the hell happened? That guy just came out of nowhere and executed Korman.
He could've killed me if he wanted, but he didn't.
Probably saw me coming.
Well, thanks to Agent Bloom's magnificent arm, the beacon's tracker is working again.
We should get going though, before we lose the signal.
Forget about it, Sam, come on.
The Chechen leader's Hummer's already two miles away.
Look, we can't worry about this guy right now.
We gotta get the F.
Right there.
That's the Chechen rebel leader.
In the charcoal gray pinstripe suit.
He's obviously invited to the wedding.
Who's getting married? This is the second wedding of Olev Kozak, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, age 55.
Now, apparently, his bride was seeded third at Wimbledon this year.
And I'm not talking the seniors division.
She's super young-- - We get it Hoyt.
- Mmkay, yeah.
The guest list includes Russian military brass, local party officials, members of the official Chechen government, which is unofficially run by the Russians, you name it.
And if I were a Chechen rebel looking to make a statement, this is definitely where I'd come.
We need a way inside.
You feel like putting on an apron and helping me cater a party? Thought you'd never ask.
I don't know what happened with the fish.
Michael must've found out Jeffrey was interested in me, and then screwed us with the sardines.
Forget about it.
We've got the right fish.
Everything is packed and ready to go.
All is good.
There you are.
Good thing I caught you.
It turns out my major donor won't be attending after all.
And lamb just sounds better.
We still have six hours to go and you still have the legs of lamb, right? Great.
Thanks, Lucy.
It's Lizzy.
And you know what? It's too late to make anymore changes.
We have worked our asses off for you.
You--you can't just come in here and treat us like garbage.
You're having the fish tonight.
And your guests are having the fish tonight.
And you are gonna like it.
Fish will be fine.
Sam is gonna be so proud of you.
No, no, she can never hear about any of this, ever.
She will freak out.
God, I hope Lizzy's surviving the Cresswell party.
I'd take Chechen rebels over Diane Cresswell any day of the week.
So what do you want me to do with these caterers? You might as well kill us.
That's what the Deputy Prime Minister will do when his wedding is destroyed.
Calm down, all right? Nobody's getting killed, and nobody's destroying anything.
We work with nightmare clients all the time.
Yeah, but all of our customers are 100% satisfied.
Keep an eye on 'em.
Sam and I are gonna search the party for the F.
And watch out for our Chechen friend.
I doubt he'll stick around once that thing is set to explode.
This reminds me of the party we did-- at the opera singer's house.
Ooh, some nice-looking spread.
Hey, is there any way you could put together a little to-go plate for me? I mean they must have caviar, right? That travels well.
You guys want anything? Huh? This cake is huge.
Forget about the caviar.
Small slice of cake.
Rolled fondant icing, five tiers, wait.
Five tiers.
I heard you.
Five tiers.
That's a lot of tiers.
Could you take one of those tiers for me? I mean, who would notice? It's just one tier.
There are so many of 'em.
Russian wedding cakes are only supposed to have three tiers.
There's something going on with this cake.
I think I know where the F.
Wait, you think? Yeah.
And we are so fired if I'm wrong.
What's going on there, babe? I got the F.
I see our friend from Chechnya.
Steven, it just started counting down.
Hoyt, the Chechen's coming outside.
He's looking to get away.
You want me to ask for help? I'm asking for it.
I'm gonna help Samantha.
You take care of the Chechen.
This thing is crazy complicated.
I would say it was brilliant if it wasn't about to kill us.
So what do you say we take this brilliant thing and get the hell out of here? Great.
Take it where? You did see that helicopter outside, right? Tell me how to disarm the F.
I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to.
I didn't make it.
Americans did.
I get far enough away in the chopper, I could throw the F.
in the water.
I don't care what you do with it, but we are doing it together.
Good, 'cause if we can't get to the water in time, you're gonna have to disarm this thing.
We have four minutes, Steven.
I'm going as fast as I can, babe.
We're about five minutes from the sea.
Any progress? I've got to get the cover off to figure out how to diffuse it.
You diffused the bomb at the Stockholm summit, this should be a piece of cake.
Come on, babe.
It looks like there's something built in for protection.
What do you mean? An altimeter with a safety mechanism.
It stops the F.
from accidentally going off while being transported on a plane.
It looks like this won't detonate if we're above 3,000 feet.
We're only at 1,100 feet.
We have two minutes.
Hold on! 2,000 feet! Hold on.
Almost there.
We got it! Whoo! We're at 3,000 feet.
The timer stopped! It worked! I'll get us over the water so we can drop it into the ocean.
There it is, the Caspian Sea.
- Ready? - Uh-huh.
Whoa, whew! How about some props for your husband for even being able to fly one of these things? I can admit I'm impressed.
Right back at you.
Losing the F.
would not have been our first choice.
But then Considering the circumstances Yeah, I'm sorry, we exploded your bomb.
We thought that preventing an international incident would be good enough.
Yes, American technology enabling a Chechen attack on half the Russian leadership would have been a disaster of unspeakable magnide.
Plus, the Russians are thrilled that Agent Hoyt captured a rebel leader responsible for hundreds of deaths.
SoGood job all around.
I have passed on our thanks, by the way, to Agent Hoyt, who is in Washington having his shoulder treated.
And what about Korman? As far as we can tell, it was simple, he just went private and made a deal.
And the man who killed him? We believe the Russians had an Agent who hacked into flight plan.
And although they deny it, we think they sent someone to down the plane and kill Korman.
That doesn't explain what happened with me.
And what, pray tell, happened with you? After that man shot Korman, I looked right at him.
At his gun.
If he was really a Russian Agent, why didn't he just shoot me? Yeah.
There's still a lot of unanswered questions here, Shaw.
That's the beauty of life, Agents Bloom.
Not every question has an answer.
- Hey, guys.
- Lizzy.
I can't believe he knows my name.
So how was the Cresswell dinner? Oh, uh, huge success.
It couldn't have gone better.
Really? Great! Yeah, she did fire us, though.
What? I had to put my foot down about all the changes she was making.
But-- but I am sorry about Losing the job for next year.
Don-- you did hear what I just said, right? Yep.
We never have to work for that woman again.
Thank you.
You were right, you know? With Shaw.
Of course I was right.
About what? This mission.
There are a lot of unanswered questions.
Let me guess.
Like Korman? Yes, like Korman.
The way he was acting, that thing on his neck, that guy killing him.
Something's just not right about the whole thing.
I noticed you didn't mention any of that to Shaw.
Honestly? I'm not sure how much I trust Shaw.
There's gotta be another angle to Korman's death.
I just haven't figured it out yet.
Well, knowing you, I'm sure you'll find out.
They're asking more questions.
But you're not giving them answers.
No, sir.
But as I predicted, they are getting closer.
We can't hold them off forever.
I understand.
Thank you.
We'll discuss it and decide how to proceed.
If there's something else going on that I should know about Something that would help me, now would be a good time.
I'll tell you when and what you need to know, Mr.
Good evening.

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