Angel Beats! (2010) s01e09 Episode Script

In Your Memory

1 Mazui presents mezamete wa kurikaesu nemuri asa wa I open my eyes again, to a sleepy morning 目覚めては繰り返す 眠い朝は eri no tai wo kitsuku shime 襟のタイをきつく締め I tighten the tie around my neck kyoushitsu no doa kuguru to 教室のドア潜ると When I pass through the door of the classroom ほんの少し胸を張って歩き出せる I puff my chest out with a little bit of pride honno sukoshi mune wo hatte arukidaseru A wind that blows past everyday life sonna nichijou ni fukinukeru kaze そんな日常に吹き抜ける風 kikoeta ki ga shita 聞こえた気がした I thought I heard it 感じた気がしたんだ kanjita ki ga shitanda I thought I felt it 震え出す 今この胸で furuedasu ima kono mune de It started to shake within my chest もう来る気がした mou kuru ki ga shita I felt it would come now 幾億の星がæˆãˆåŽ»ã£ã¦ãã®ã‚’ iku oku no hoshi ga kie satteku no wo I watched countless stars as they vanished 見送った 手を振った 良かったねと miokutta te wo futta yokatta ne to I waved goodbye, "I'm glad" So she merged with multiple copies of her consciousness at once? Medical Section (closed) - Nurse's Room Yeah It's my fault.
You did the best job you could as the front's leader.
You got us through the most dangerous situation we've been in.
And nobody anticipated that she'd create all those clones and lie in wait for us in Guild.
And it was Kanade's— The ruthless Kanade's plan It was Kanade, so I don't think we could have done anything else.
Really? It's good to hear you say that.
Hey Didn't you tell me that no one gets sick so there's no hospital? Why won't you wake up then? Dammit! Principal's Office This has never happened before.
Anti-Angel Operations Headquarters It's the first time Angel has been in this condition.
Depending on the circumstances, it's entirely possible that she won't wake up.
No, given how irregular this is, she'll definitely wake up.
At some point she'll wake up, and it'll be like she just overslept.
And who will she be when she wakes up? Shiina talked!? This must be a very, very serious problem! Exactly.
That's the problem.
So, which Angel? It'll be the first Angel, the one who went fishing with us.
But the clones which attacked us were all aggressive and ruthless.
And there were about 100 of them.
But why is she unconscious now? All those minds must be fighting in her little head and kind of getting mixed up, making it really bad for her? So if she wakes up, will she retain the minds of those other 100? Just going by the ratio, the chances of her waking up as her old self are about 1%.
What do we do? I'm dealing with it.
I sent Takeyama to the Angel Area, along with someone who can translate the manual.
Where are TK and Matsushita? The nurse's office.
They're on lookout duty.
So TK's useless at English after all, huh So you're going to delete all the data, change the login password, and seal all her abilities? That's just a temporary solution.
You know that, right? I know.
Our defenses will be broken through eventually, and she'll re-input the data.
We should just destroy the whole machine then.
The machine just came from the computer room.
There are plenty of replacements.
Same with the software.
Damn! Oh? Everyone seems quite smart today! Did you eat something bad? All we can do now is entrust things to fate.
Who will God side with? Oh crap, I missed the university entrance exam Hang in there! Hey! Are you okay? I feel a little light headed.
Your forehead's bleeding.
Do you feel faint? I'm fine.
How do you feel? Are you nauseous? No, I'm okay.
Are you a doctor? No, just a student.
Can you stand? Yeah.
Let's get out.
Are you alright? Yeah, sorry.
This is bad.
Anyway, we have to get help.
Damn! No good? Let's save anyone left inside.
I'll help out.
Are you okay? Still a little unsteady.
Igarashi's the name.
I'm Otonashi.
Let's hurry.
I wonder if we'll be saved I'm going to look for an exit.
If I can get out, I'll go get help.
I'll definitely come back, so I'm borrowing the flashlight for a bit.
Alright, we're counting on you.
Otonashi! Let's get out of this! Yeah! Dammit! What the hell is this? Otonashi! How did it go? It didn't look good.
I see.
Listen up everyone! The tunnel is blocked by rubble both in front of us and behind us.
Cell phones have no signal and we can't contact anyone outside.
We have to work together on this, so please don't try to do anything alone! Let's collect any food supplies and water left and share it out evenly.
Wait a minute.
Since when were you in charge? Who else could be? Who else can give instructions for medical care? This guy knows medicine.
Don't tell me you intend to abandon the wounded? I wouldn't do that Help will definitely arrive, so we just have to hold out till then.
Let's stay in this together! Tell me if you're thirsty! We'll tell you when it's time to eat.
Anyone who feels sick, call Otonashi.
Hold out just a little longer.
If you need anything, call me.
How are we for food? We have a few packed lunches and some candy.
For liquids, we only have 5 or 6 bottles of water and a bottle of tea.
Three days at best But you really are something.
What? You have such devotion.
Are you aiming to do humanitarian work abroad? I wasn't really planning to Just joking, don't take it seriously.
But take care of yourself too or you'll be the first to collapse.
Hey, you! He's got the water! Stop him! You bastard! The water! Stop it! What now, Mr.
Leader? You gonna tie me up or something? Do what you want! Nobody's getting out of here alive anyway! You all know that, right!? That's not true.
We'll get out.
Don't let him off! That kid just wasted precious water! It's okay.
That was my share just now.
I won't drink any from now on.
So please, calm down.
Someone punch him, I can't take this! Don't worry, we'll deal with him.
It's okay, I'll share my portion with you.
No worries.
Okay, let's move this guy somewhere.
You, help out.
The hell Otonashi! Otonashi!! This is bad, get over here! Damn! Come back! Come back!! Dammit Why have I been working so hard since that day? That girl taught me the meaning to my life for the first time, and yet, here I am, unable to save a single person again Nothing's changed.
I've stayed just as powerless as I was from the start.
Nothing's changed at all.
Dammit Dammit! Shouldn't you rest? I want to read a bit more.
There's no helping you Here.
Can't have you catching a cold.
How come you're not getting any better though? They can't find a donor.
Donor? Igarashi Do you have a pen on you? Yeah Sex: Male Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Sex: Male Sex: Male Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Sex: Male Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Sex: Male Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Sex: Male Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Sex: Male Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Name: Otonashi Yuzuru Citizen Health Insurance Proof of Insurance Sex: Male The\hspace\hbelow\hcan\hbe\hused\hto\hindicate\hyour\hwill\hto\hparticipate\hin\horgan\hdonation.
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Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Otonashi Yuzuru Geez What.
I guess with this, even if we die, our lives can still be used to help someone else.
It'll give us a reason to have lived.
You really are something.
Look at that, Otonashi.
Even in the face of despair, everyone's entrusting their hopes to someone else.
You've given meaning to our lives.
Otonashi Hey, Otonashi Are you listening? Otonashi! Kanade! I was so worried about you! Are you okay?! Are you hurt anywhere? It was a formidable fight.
Fight? It's a miracle that the me you made the promise with woke up.
You know, I remember everything now about how I died.
The train I was on when I was going to the exam center got into an accident.
I wanted to become a doctor.
I wanted to live for someone else, to have people say "thank you" to me.
With that goal in mind, I frantically studied.
But in the end, I was able to leave something behind by registering as a donor.
I must have been able to save someone with this body.
That's what I believe.
I'm sure that person will say "thank you" to you for the rest of their life.
Yuzuru? What is it? Does that mean you don't have any more regrets? I guess.
If I was able to save someone, I guess my life wasn't that bad.
That's what I think.
Does that mean I'm going to disappear? If you have no more regrets I still have those guys.
I see.
You wish to remain with them? Well, they're my friends, so I do.
But now I feel another way.
If they could feel at peace like me, and say goodbye to this world, maybe living a new life wouldn't be so bad.
Right? Yeah.
Huh? Wait a second.
Were you trying to lead everyone down this path from the start? You didn't know? I didn't! When we first met, you stabbed me out of the blue! But you told me to prove that you wouldn't die How long has the Battlefront been running around in circles with her? She's beyond a little awkward! So if you participate seriously in class, you'll end up happy? Will taking part in club activities bring you satisfaction? Well, everyone comes here because they weren't able to have a happy youth, after all.
Really? You didn't know? I didn't! How are we supposed to figure that out in the first place? Can't you tell just by looking? I see This place is where the souls of young people come to find peace.
If Hinata had caught that fly to second, he would have found peace and disappeared What meddlesome idiots we were, me and Yui Iwasawa found peace with her own strength and disappeared.
Nobody is here because they want to be.
They're just fighting against an unfair life.
But Kanade said that's not the case.
She wanted us to know a life which isn't unfair.
She wanted to let us spend time as a normal youth.
She tried to persuade those who wanted to stay here.
How ironic is that.
It was all so simple, but both sides fought for their own beliefs, eventually even making weapons And now, every day is a battle.
You are ridiculously awkward.
I know.
You know it yourself? Yes.
But maybe with you here, it might be possible.
You want me to help you? If you really have no regrets then you should have disappeared.
But you're still here.
Am I the first person who could be your ally? That wasn't your true regret.
That might be true.
But Yet on that day, even with my confidence as an older sister, everything I wanted to protect was stolen from me within the space of 30 minutes.
How could it be that unreasonable? I can't accept that kind of life.
Impossible No, it's because of that Precisely because I don't want her to have to carry those memories forever that I want to save her.
Can I do this? With this clumsy Angel? I can't count on her Maybe this is impossible.
No, if I don't try, the fighting will continue.
What should I do? As her friend, as the only ally she has, shouldn't I do everything I can to help? Hey, can you help me out? Shouldn't I be saying that? Yeah, I guess What am I saying Alright, Kanade.
Let's help them graduate from here.
And so, we discovered that someone switched the papers for all subjects in order to make Tachibana fail.
After analyzing the handwriting, we declare Tachibana innocent, and reinstate her to the position of student council president.
I've always walked alone いつも一人で歩いてた itsumo hitori de aruiteta And Naoi, who has been working hard as the acting president, will be the vice-president again.
furikaeru to minna wa tooku When I turn around, everyone's far behind 振り返ると 皆は遠く Dammit, why do I have to do this sore demo atashi wa aruita Even so, I kept walking それでも あたしは歩いた Exposing all of us like that How did we all get shot down in flames like that? I know, right! Oh? We agree on something for once.
それが強さだった sore ga tsuyosa datta That was what strength was People who've been trodden on together understand each other.
We're shot-down-plane comrades! mou nani mo kowakunai "I'm not afraid of anything anymore", もう何も怖くない Well now, are you trying to undress me? Whatever, go on, take it off! Stop that, you're noisy.
Hear that? Stop that, it's gross! sou tsubuyaitemiseru I try to whisper to myself そう呟いてみせる Make up your mind.
Though, it looks like Angel's lost all her memories with us these last few days It's natural.
The 100 Angels, the ones who attacked us, appear to have won.
いつか人は一人になって itsuka hito wa hitori ni natte Everyone becomes alone someday And I seriously thought for a moment she could be our friend Dammit! 思い出の中に生きてくだけ They live on only in memories omoide no naka ni ikiteku dake First I'll have to find out about their pasts.
But without an opponent, there'll be nothing to distract Yuri so I have time to act.
So I can laugh with my heart, even in this loneliness 孤独さえ 愛し笑ってられるように kodoku sae aishi waratterareru you ni So Kanade, I want you to become the student council president again.
I will fight atashi wa tatakaunda あたしは戦うんだ I need you to fight once more.
And I need you to act as I tell you.
That plan suits me well.
æ™ãªã‚“て見せないんだ I will show no tears namida nante misenainda Sorry, you'll have to be alone again But when it's all over When it's all over After that After that, what'll happen to us? The band died because of your guitar.
Angel?! That's all it was! I can't do this one thing I wanted to.
Prepare yourself! I can hear it.
German Suplex.
Was his idiocy cured? Us guys will win! Damn you, whose side are you on?! Alright, I'll grant that! All happiness was stolen from me.

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