Bleach s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and listen closely Shooting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the light inside of you, never give up don't ever lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate; life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star Yuzu You're so noisy One hostage is good enough Karin! Good.
I still have my hostage.
I've been waiting for you, Soul Reaper.
Karin! Ichigo Furukawa Family Plot That bastard! What's going on? Why you--! You're the one who was at the riverbank, aren't you? Six years ago! So what are you doing here?! Six years ago? Ichigo, don't tell me! Yeah I tried to help her back then.
But when I realized it, she was gone and my mom was My mom was Six years ago, huh? I don't remember things so long ago.
I see This is very interesting.
Grand Fisher! That's his code name.
He hides himself and gives the lure that grows out of his head a human appearance.
And when he finds those who are able to see it In other words, those who have high spiritual energy he attacks them and increases his own power.
For over fifty years, this Hollow has defied Soul Reapers like us.
And his favorite iswomen.
Which meansmy mom was I see.
You survived even after seeing me.
What a lucky kid.
Perhaps at first I intended to devour you for your high spiritual energy.
Howeverwomen always seem more delicious.
Why that--! Haven't seen a Hollow so disgusting in a Long time.
Karin! Don't be so careless, you idiot! Ichigo! You're one bastard I'II never forgive! Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself and burn! Tear out your own throat! Binding Spell 9: Strike! Do not interfere! Now then, I'm going to devour this girl.
What will you do? Karin! Stop! Then will you let me eat you instead? Karin! Hey! You Why would you go that far? Soul Reapers keep fighting Hollows no matter what happens.
Soul Reapers will never forgive Hollows.
When a Hollow attacks indiscriminately, and you lose something precious to you, only an empty feeling remains.
I can't Let that happen! You've gotta protect, Spiky you understand? Hey! No way He can't have died if he's a Soul Reaper! Even Soul Reapers are not immortal.
Even if the form is different, death is This guy's asleep.
Hey, get up! It's distracting! Sis! Whoa this looks pretty bad.
Kon! Take the sisters and run! What about you? - Hurry! - Right! Ichigo, back me up.
Ichigo! Rukia, get back.
What? Just stay back this time.
I'II do it myself.
Don't be ridiculous! He is strong.
I told you, he's been defying Soul Reapers for over fifty years--! Shut up! Please Don't interfere.
This is my fight! Karin! A-Are you all right? Cripes! Acting all serious with my eyebrows furrowed is tiring! How does Ichigo keep such an expression for so long?! You're slow, kid! It was gutsy of you to tell your friends not to interfere when that's the limit of your strength.
Huh, kid? Shut up I don't really know how much Yuzu grieved after Mom died.
Or how lonely Karin felt.
You gotta protect, Spiky.
I decided to protect.
I'm going to destroy you! Didn't your friend tell you not to be careless, kid? Now how many times have you jumped right into the lion's den without any strategy? That's why they call you careless, kid! You're too rash.
Much too rash.
You push away your comrade in the heat of the moment, and jump right into your enemy's lair.
You'll just die while I toy you.
- Ichigo! - Stay back! Stay back, Rukia! I'm going to destroy him! Even if my arms are ripped off even if my legs fly off.
I'II beat him! And that's why I say you'll die.
Because you are young, you fly off the handle easily.
And that passion distracts your heart.
And a distracted heart dulls your sword.
It's over, kid! You're much too young to be fighting me! Ichigo! That's Why you--! Even the most cold-blooded Soul Reaper has one person whom he can never kill.
That is a certainty.
By learning who that person is, I have been able to defy every Soul Reaper 'til now.
And for you, this person is the one.
Right Ichigo? Ichigo! And what of his honor? If you lend him your strength now, his life will probably be saved.
But in doing so, you will forever destroy his honor.
Now listen and remember this.
There are two kinds of battles.
We must always distinguish between the two.
The battle to protect life and the battle to protect honor.
That's right.
This is a battle to protect his honor.
It is a battle in which I cannot lend him my strength.
Don't help him don't help him don't help him! Don't die, Ichigo! Oh dear, I fell asleep.
Damn! Can you draw your sword against this woman? Why you--! Do you realize what you're doing? Don't you dare bring my mom's image out to a place Like this! You must not, Ichigo.
Put down your sword.
Don't hurt your mother.
Didn't I tell you? Anger will dull your sword.
It will be over with the next blow, kid.
But I'II say this much for you.
Among those I have encountered, you were the youngest, and the most rash and the weakest Soul Reaper! Ichigo! W-Wha--?! That's Mom? His mother's thoughts are manifesting themselves.
Does that mean the Lure had recorded his mother's thoughts at the moment of her death? Thoughts at the moment of her death? I caught a glimpse of it earlier No telling how this battle is going to end yet.
Ichigo I'm so proud of you! Dad, Karin, Yuzu, and you, Ichigo.
I'm so proud that I was able to meet you.
Live, Ichigo.
With strength, with kindness, and with a smile Thank you Ichigo.
Ichigo Mom Is that what you were thinking at that time? Anger dulls the sword That may be true.
Howeveryou're wrong about one thing In order to beat a thing Like you, a dull sword is more than enough! If I were the rain would I have been able to connect someone's heart Like the rain which connects the never-intersecting sky and earth? Ichigo, I think I've come to understand you a bit more.
Dammit! Dammit! I won't forgive you! You're just a Soul Reaper! Wait! Ichigo! Stop! That's enough.
Neither of you can fight any more.
The battle is over! Not yet! He's still not dead! I still-- Ichigo! You lived, Ichigo Thank you.
He's something else.
The power of the Soul Reaper's spiritual energy is the power of his life energy.
This kid could become a monster.
Time to go home.
I'm not so heartless as to break up a serious couple.
I guess, Rukia, you've come of age.
Don't even go there! Well, whatever When they find out, they find out.
Bye-bye! Sorry.
I couldn't get revenge.
Mom Well, if you show yourself looking fit and healthy Like that, Mom will be relieved on the other side.
Don't eavesdrop on your own son.
I thought you quit.
When we first start dating she complimented me.
She said that I looked cool holding a cigarette.
Thinking back, that was the first and last time your mom ever complimented me.
That's why I smoke just once, on this day every year in front of her.
How can you keep smiling? Why doesn't anyone blame me? It's hard to take! It'd be much easier if you all blamed me for this! Why?! Why should we blame you? Huh? If I blamed you for causing Masaki's death, Masaki would scold me.
It's no one's fault that Masaki died.
She was just the woman I loved, who would give her Life to protect her own child.
And remember this: You are the man whom the woman I Loved protected with her Life.
Dad Oww Live well, Ichigo Live well, grow old well, go bald well, and then die after me.
And if you can, die laughing.
Otherwise, I won't be able to face Masaki.
Shake off your depression.
You're way too young to be burdened by something cool Like sadness.
I'II be waiting below.
Are you listening, Rukia? Let me be a Soul Reaper for a while longer.
I want to become strong.
I want to become strong and protect people from Hollows! Those who are attacked by them.
And I'm going to beat him! Otherwise I won't be able to face my mom! Ichigo Though the voyage must continue on May seas always be calm When the cycle of the moon has renewed may it shine It's light to guide your boat I offer this voyage a prayer With each new day that still awaits On vividly shining seas To the end of the journey Wow! What a scary Hollow that was! I was pitiful in this episode, but next time, come hell or high water, I'II show my stuff, for Rukia's sake! - There're no scenes for you next time.
- Huh?!
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