Boys Over Flowers (2009) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

T-O-J? This competition is organised to select Japan's top high school student.
If she wins, you'll allow her to continue her association with Tsukasa, and you will also stop harassing Makino.
It's not worth gambling for.
I'll help sharpen you.
We will all be beside you.
I told you that if something happens, you can always come to me for help.
Why are you suddenly closing down our business? It's because of your mom that so many innocent people got involved.
If we, the F4, are on your side, what's there to be afraid of? Just be yourself and do it.
Tsukasa! Kurimaki Ayano.
Tsukasa's fiance.
Last episode TOJ Teen of Japan 2005 May I have everyone's attention.
We now have the participants of Teen of Japan 2005, who will fight for the title of Japan's Top High School Student.
It's Tsukushi! Tsukushi! - Do your best! - Onee-san! Yuriko! Where's Tsukasa? He's in the toilet.
Maybe because he's too nervous.
But then, if Ayano is participating What's the relationship between that pretty girl and Tsukasa? She's Tsukasa's fiance.
Fiance? Tsukushi! Do your best!! Makino Tsukushi You bstards, what are you going to do with me? I'm sorry, Young Master.
Please calm down.
Nishida, what's the meaning of this?! It hurts! Next, we have the main judge of TOJ, Yamanaka Minako to start the competition.
I hope that all the participants will be able to display their beauty, knowledge, and homemaking skills, as much as possible.
Teen of Japan 2005 will now begin! This year's competition will be slightly different from the previous years.
Previously, there were 3 categories for judging.
But this year, there will be four.
The first challenge for everyone is A talent show.
You have only one minute to perform.
Please show the audience what you do best.
It just started, and it's already a surprise.
Please take the next 30 seconds to prepare.
Hey hey, I didn't hear about this.
Alright! Before the results came out, Ma'am wanted to make sure What's that stupid "baba" up to?! Yuriko! Sanjyo Sakurako isn't bad.
Being young is still the best after all.
That's not what I meant.
This is bad What should I do? Next, Makino Tsukushi-san! You're the third one.
That isn't too nice, forcefully bringing Tsukasa back at a time like this.
Anyway, she'll never win.
The only person who thinks that way is you.
Hey hey, what's Makino up to? I've decided to demonstrate to everyone how to deal with perverts.
Doing that at a competition which picks the top high school student.
Not really, it could be very interesting.
Please go ahead.
Wait a minute! Tsukasa has changed a lot ever since he started the relationship with Tsukushi.
What exactly do you mean? Tsukasa truly likes Tsukushi.
He became more gentleman-like because of his love for Tsukushi, even though he usually doesn't care about other people's feelings.
Okka High, Nakazawa Atsuka-san.
Eiri High, Kurimaki Ayano-san.
Eitoku High, Sanjyo Sakurako-san.
All the great things about Tsukushi, you are the only one who hasn't realised them.
Eitoku High, Makino Tsukushi-san.
It's necessary for every modern independent woman to know how to defend herself against perverts.
Great! Way to go! Yes! First Category Tsubaki-san, be careful of your stand.
If that girl wins, I'll seriously consider whatever you've said.
However, if she doesn't win That's reality for you Ma'am.
Tsubaki-san, you leave first.
If I didn't do this, he'd never listen to me.
Next, we have the Beauty category.
Please select your choice of clothing from those available, and then display your style to everyone.
A time challenge? That girl might win, since she's really good at getting bargains when buying clothes.
She often goes to the local store to get them.
But those are all branded clothes from the Paris Collection.
Paris Collection? You have 3 minutes to make your selection.
Please proceed backstage to change after you are done.
Well then, please begin now.
You can't expect less of Ayano, it's like she's used to this.
Those are nothing to her.
Makino seems very lost.
Which one is good? Hey! There isn't all the time in the world! Not good Heck, this one then.
Why do you intend to do? I will protect Makino no matter what.
Ayano-chan is there.
So she has no chance of winning.
Makino is the type who will always do her best no matter what cirumstances she is in.
Well then, if Makino is unable to win If she doesn't win, you must do as I say.
Makino, congratulations.
If you win this, you'll be able to get the approval of Domyoji's mom to let you and him continue your relationship.
It's not really because of that The whole of Eitoku High knows about it.
I've got to do my best, since I'm representing Eitoku High.
Umm Sorry.
I've never greeted you properly before.
My name is Kurimaki Ayano.
I'm Makino Tsukushi.
Nice to meet you.
I know this might be a bit impolite, what's going on between you and Tsukasa? Right now, she's the one that Domyoji-san loves.
Ah No I Eh?! If she does win, I'll agree to whatever you say.
Otherwise, you must listen to me.
Any problems? Are you alright, Makino-san? That girl can go ahead and win, and everything will be fine.
Really Unbelievable Hana Yori Dango - Boys Over Flowers Episode 9 - Season Finale Timing and Translation Backalley Editing Chibisige Editing and Release furransu Next we have Kurimaki Ayano-san.
She lives up to her name.
Did you like her previously? I'm really right? Dmmit Makino-san from Eitoku High, please get ready.
Yes! I got it.
You must be a man of your word.
That goes for you too, don't eat your own words.
She appears to be very cute, but she actually looks quite weird.
You're absolutely right.
Don't tell me your fashion tastes are the same as mine? Back in my younger days, I used to dress up just like her.
Next we have Also from Eitoku High Makino Tsukushi-chan.
What on earth is she wearing? It seems like she purposely cut up her clothes for that.
Is she counting on that to impress the judges? She's guaranteed to be knocked out, dressing in those clothes.
Not bad, Makino.
That's very ingenious of you.
It seems like the world renowned designer has something to say.
What is he saying? He seems very upset.
He's praising her.
It's magnificent!! Fantastic! This is the design I've always been dreaming of.
Makino Tsukushi-san from Eitoku High automatically qualifies for the next round.
The Second Category No way Yes!! Did I get that right? And finally, we have Maekawa Sonoko-san Vuru High.
These five participants will go on to the next round.
Will everyone please give these 5 a round of applause.
Sanjyo Sakurako has been eliminated.
As she is now, how can she even win? But I didn't expect Makino to qualify, even though she was mainly depending on luck.
The next category tests one's knowledge and proficiency of English in a speech.
The speech is titled "Unfortunate Children".
"Unfortunate Children"? Before we begin, each contestant is given 15 minutes to prepare.
Makino-san, you really look good, in the way you wore those clothes.
I really admire your creativity and spontaneity.
However, I flew thousands of miles to get here, so as to win this competition.
I'm Tsukasa's fiance anyway.
If Tsukasa really loves you as much as they say he does, then all the more I cannot lose to you.
Let us fight this out fair and square.
You're writing your draft in Japanese.
I'll translate it to English once I'm done.
Let me help you.
Don't forget that I've been overseas for a long period of time.
It seems that Domyoji-san's mom recommended Kurimaki Ayano for this competition.
So it seems.
But, she really is very pretty.
No wonder Domyoji's mom likes her.
You definitely must win.
I'm honestly supporting you.
I'd have no chance at all if I had to contest with Kurimaki Ayano.
I'll be doomed if she really wins and together with Domyoji But if you win, then maybe there's still some chance left for me.
The Third Category Next, the third round is about to begin.
At the same time, there are more unfortunate children in the world.
Iraqi and Afghan losing their parents and home That's really good.
Her English is so fluent.
Well, she is studying in London after all.
Ah I say Everyone's so good.
I wonder how Tsukushi will fair.
Finally, we have Makino Tsukushi-san up on stage Now, I am living in my father's company's residence with my family.
But, we have to leave it soon for his business reasons.
Sis is actually talking about her personal life.
Isn't the title "Unfortunate Children"? Even without a house to live in, I love my father, my mother, and my brother.
The most important thing for me, is my family.
What is she saying? I don't know.
Not bad, Makino.
I believe, what is most needed for deprived children, is a warm family.
And next, we will have the Main TOJ Judge announce the two finalists.
The first finalist is the one with international experience and taste, Kurimaki Ayano-san.
Kurimaki-san's perceptiveness is really spectacular.
Next, we have discussed about this for quite some time I have a suggestion here.
What do you think if we pick the last finalist by a game of scissors, paper, stone? What on earth? Let's see which beauty does the Goddess of Luck have her eyes upon.
Scissors, paper, stone! The result is Makino Tsukushi-san! Yes! She did it! I've won! Hey hey, this isn't fair! That's right! What kind of joke are the judges trying to crack? The others' speech are all better than hers.
Yea! That's right! The results of the earlier round were also ridiculous.
You guys are just playing with the results! All of you, shut the hell up! This is a competition to pick the best girl.
Ordinary people should just shut up.
Makino! You can do this! I'll always be here watching you.
Where were you? I was watching from here.
Just felt a bit nervous.
Next, the two finalists will be battling it out on stage.
What will you do if Ayano wins instead? I believe that Makino can do it.
Next The final category is homemaking.
I would now like to invite the judges who are specially for this round up on stage.
What is this? The two finalists must now play with these 21 children for the next 30 minutes.
They may use any of the provided equipment.
And finally, these kids will choose the person whom they think is more fun to play with.
Hello, everyone.
Now follow me.
Okay! Oh no.
She took the first opportunity.
He-ll-o, everyone! What's that for? She's just like an fool! Let's go, everyone.
How outrageous Looks like she took a big blow.
The kids should know best.
Everything that is happening in the room is being broadcasted on the screen.
What the hell are you doing, Makino?! Don't think so much.
Just do what you need to do.
Running with the wind Dancing in the snow Smiling at the snow.
Oh no This is really bad.
I heard that you're just a poor commoner.
Hah? What can you do, you bunch of poor people? Maybe you're just useless.
This is just like F4 How old are you guys? Seven! Well, I'm 17, ya? Just like an old woman.
What's there to be proud of, you poor person? Stupid! You I get the feeling that Ayano is controlling this whole thing.
You lads haven't earnt a cent for your ownselves.
So go to hll.
I wonder where I've heard that before Let's go over there to play.
Anyway, you guys don't play anything other than TV games at home.
What would you guys know how to play anyway? She's good.
Very good.
I can do that.
Show me then.
You don't even know how to play this properly.
Kids will always be kids.
Don't tell me she doesn't know that there are cameras in the room.
Ya Come on! Catch me! Alright You old woman, never would have guessed You lads, you're not bad yourselves That looks like fun.
Me too! Wait Let's play! Let's play! Yea yea I got it.
Tsukushi, what will we play next? Wait.
Hang on a sec Come on! Hey, Ayano-san.
Huh? Come and help me will you? I can't handle all these kids alone.
The two of them are playing together.
1 2 3 4 Only you can do that, Makino.
Whee Ah You tripped Let's do it again.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of the rounds have finally been completed.
Next, we will announce Teen Of Japan 2005's winner! Excuse me, judges which sister did you like playing with more? On my count of three, you will run to the side of the person of your choice.
1 2 3! Eh? What's wrong with everyone? Alright, now please run over to whoever you found the most fun.
I like both! So do I Me too I can't just choose one.
Hey hey This could be Perhaps Maybe This is a first Main Judge, what shall we do? Everyone, we have decided to use the results of the entire competition to determine the winner.
It's quite difficult to tell if you use the overall results Nah, everything has already been decided.
Just who will win? Only God knows I apologise for making everyone wait.
Announcing tonights lucky winner The grand winner of Teen Of Japan 2005 is Kurimaki Ayano-san.
I lost.
Thank you.
Although the grand trophy has been awarded to Kurimaki Ayano-san, our little judges have decided that there is no one winner.
Hence, we will be awarding Makino Tsukushi-san a special prize sum of 1 million yen.
Eh? You've done well, Makino Tsukushi.
We'll always be behind you, Tsukushi-chan.
Tsukushi, you're the best! You've changed my opinion of you.
Tsukushi Tsukushi Tsukushi Ma'am, Kurimaki Ayano-san has won the competition.
That would be obvious.
Makino, you've done very well.
You're great, you got second! Congratulations.
But, being second isn't enough to change anything.
Who said so? Eh? What's going to happen later- think about it later.
Tomorrow will have tomorrow's troubles.
We will always help you anytime you need it.
Great! Let me organise a party today to celebrate Makino winning second place.
Let us, F4, settle this great party.
Where's Domyoji? Ah, I saw him over there just now.
Tsukushi! You're the best, Tsukushi! Mama is really touched.
Onee-chan, you were very cool.
You were great.
I'm sorry, everyone.
I couldn't win this.
What are you saying? Tsukushi, you are my greatest daughter.
You're the pride of Papa.
Congratulations on winning in the end, Ayano-san.
Thank you.
From today onwards, I hope you'll take good care of Tsukasa.
Ma'am? Yes? I think the one taking care of Tsukusa, should be Makino-san.
You're kidding.
Why do you say the same thing as they do? Although in the end I won, I think Makino-san has moved the hearts of many even more.
I now fully understand the real reason why Tsukasa loves Makino-san.
Right now, I don't think I have any right to be Tsukasa's fiance.
Makino! Congratulations to you! Where's Domyoji? He had something to do.
I see.
A deal is a deal.
I know.
Seems like we just couldn't make it with our own power.
But after seeing Tsukushi's performance, I've come to realise that one can only touch others' hearts with one's own.
Well then, take care, Mom.
We're really very sorry.
So it was you guys who cut up my clothes after all.
But in the end, you really moved us deeply.
Our tears were streaming out.
I really felt that we did something wrong.
Anyway, it was thanks to you cutting up my clothes that I was able to attain second place.
That's right! Well, we feel a lot better now.
Hey hey But you actually helped Tsukushi write her speech.
That totally changed my impression of you.
Then will you go out with me? No no he can't.
Akira already has the old Lady Boss.
Eh? You two really have a relationship going on? Ah, no it's not true Just that I cannot forget the men I've met before.
But after seeing Tsukushi, I realise that I should just stick to the one I truly like.
At least now you know she's married.
You're lucky, Akira.
Then, you're single now right? How bout it? Uhh alright.
I'll go out with you tomorrow.
Nishikado-san, are you free tomorrow? I have a tea ceremony to attend.
I'm very busy.
Then if you have some spare time, will you let me know? Uh yea.
I'll let you know if I have some free time.
Really?! You must definitely let me know when you're free.
You're slow, Domyoji.
Umm, I didn't win.
I was watching.
I'm truly sorry.
And you were cheering me on all the way Yep, I believe that you are a fine woman.
Well then, about tomorrow I'd like you to accompany for a while.
Eh? I've already gotten ready 4 million yen.
So let me settle it as Makino Tsukushi's Christmas gift.
What are you saying? And that, together with the prize money from winning second place, adds up to about 5 million.
You can't That's too much I've already returned your father his job.
You're not kidding? Really.
I'm going to be very busy.
I've got a lot of things to do today, so I can't meet you.
But then, it's still too much So I say, go out with me tomorrow, alright? Mm.
But, are you sure that much is fine? It's fine! Meet me at the food centre at 2 o'clock tomorrow.
Got it.
See you then.
See you.
Makino? Hmm? If today's competition was held again, you'll definitely be first.
Just now, Lady Boss called and said that they've return everything they took from the Confectionary shop.
No kidding.
It's true.
That's great! Great! Let's toast to her achievement! Cheers Cheers! Live long! Live long! Live Long! I was suddenly called back by my manager.
Eh? You should have come to see me personally about your job position.
I've prepared a position for you as Section Manager.
You're being promoted 2 levels, so come back and work here.
You're the best Papa.
The company really needs Papa after all.
Today I specially made roasted chicken skin.
Tsukushi got second place! Let's celebrate! Thank you for the food! Thank you for the food! Tsukasa.
Oh, Rui.
I was planning on meeting you when I finished packing my stuff.
Why didn't you attend the party? I had a lot of things to settle.
I see.
Hey Rui, can I trust you to do something important? Hmm? I'm asking you to do this, because I believe you are a true man.
What is it? Why? Well sit first Rui.
You want an apple? Here Have you suddenly decided to give up on Makino? Why should I give her up? Then what is it? Let me make this clear, I'm not planning on letting you have Makino at all.
Well, if Makino decides that she loves you instead, what would I do? Then, what is it you wanted me to do? Huh? I see.
Are you sure, Tsukasa? Yea, I'm sure.
Hanazawa Rui.
This is from Tsukasa.
That fella said he's going to New York.
Eh? Are you kidding? I'm not kidding.
Why is he going? Tsukasa and his mom made an agreement.
An agreement? If that girl doesn't win the competition, you will have to come to New York to study Management Economics.
Management Economics? It lasts for 3 years.
Even if Makino Tsukushi doesn't win, but you agree to this condition, I will restore back to Makino her family status, as well as the Confectionary Shop.
This way, even if she doesn't win, there is still a chance to help her.
I think he firmly believed that you would win, so he agreed to the conditions.
He'll be waiting for you at the hangar for his private jet this evening.
I'm so stupid.
I didn't know a thing myself, and yet I've been celebrating.
Can you accompany me for the rest of the day? The last time, I went out with you when you were feeling down.
So, can you go out with me today? Is that fine with you? He just ran off like that.
There's nothing much I can do.
Aren't you going to go after him? If you truly love him, you'd go after him no matter where he went.
Will you be satisfied with just standing to one side and watching him leave? That Don't you remember? Somene said this to me In the end, you must always show your true feelings.
This car is from my home.
Just tell the driver where you want to go, and he'll take you there.
Quickly go after him.
Good luck! Long time no see.
Why? Where's your fiance? I wanted to spend this Christmas with the one I truly love.
Why does everyone tell me to say my true feelings? To Makino.
How are you? I'm doing fine.
My going to New York is a bit sudden, but I'm going there to study Management Economics.
I'm that heir to the world famous Domyoji family, that's why I don't have a choice.
Initially, I thought that you were just a wild girl.
But then, unknowingly, I started to like you.
Don't be so full of yourself.
Or maybe the first time I met you, I had already taken a liking of you, although I gave you the Red Paper, and bullied you a lot.
1 hundred million yen.
That's how much what you're wearing costs.
1 hundred million?! You caringly took care of me in the elevator.
Poor commoners like me are used to the cold.
That's when I realised that you were a gentle, warm-hearted girl.
That's because, I, Tsukushi, am a weed.
(Tsukushi is a type of plant, horsetail) When I was getting beat up by Sanjyo Sakurako's men, it was the first time I was beat up so badly.
It's because of you, that I found out how much it hurts to get beaten up.
I love you.
When Rui returned, I thought you liked Rui instead.
That's why I thought both of you had a relationship going.
- Here I believe in you.
I also believe that my friends like you a lot.
You don't know how to do anything, and you're poor too.
No one was able to teach you anything.
And I didn't expect that winning TOJ would become my responsibility.
But, you're the best.
You can't expect less from my girl.
It was a pity that I wasn't able to show you the actual Saturn.
If you and I went to the stars, we'd be aliens from Saturn.
Perhaps the happy times, and sad times, are all decided by fate.
That's that's why I've decided to send you Saturn as a gift.
Let's go to the stars, Saturnian.
This is the first time I'm giving a gift to a girl, so if you lose it, I'll kill you.
Domyoji Private Airport I always feel happy whenever I'm with you.
Hey! Hey! Stop! That is why I might just come back because I wanted to see you.
But what's decided is final, so there's no turning back.
- Wait.
Ya ya ya hurry! Tsukasa's leaving.
You take care.
I'll take care too.
Until next time From Domyoji Tsukasa.
Domyoji! Domyoji.
Domyoji! Domyoji! Makino.
Domyoji! I'm sorry.
Nishida, - Yes? I think I left my sunglasses in the house.
I will go look for it.
Excuse me.
What are you doing, stupid? Running in this place, it's dangerous.
You are the stupid one! Why didn't you discuss this with me? You just go anywhere you like.
You're so selfish! My apologies.
That skirt looks good on you.
I have something important to say, which I have yet to tell you.
Something important? Thank you.
Always Always believing in me, encouraging me Thank you very much.
And for this as well, thanks.
I will become a better man when I return.
I must ask this of you, that you "power up", so that you and I will complement each other.
But for now, and later, and what comes after that you will be the only girl that I love.
I will be with you foreever.
Aren't you happy? No way You're lying, you already love me.
Yup I do.
I love a stupid, stubborn, Domyoji in my heart.
You need to set your encoding to ShiftJIS to see this ŠX‚Ɉ¤‚̗̉¬‚êŽn‚ß‚½‚ç machi ni ai no uta nagare hajime tara ll‚ÍŠñ‚è“Y‚¢‡‚¤ hito bito wa yorisoi au ‹P‚«‚Ì’†‚Ö–l‚ÍŒN‚ð‚«‚Á‚Æ kagayaki no nakae boku wa kimi wo kitto ˜A‚ê‚čs‚Á‚Ä‚Ý‚¹‚é‚æ tsurete itte miseru yo Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
ŒN‚ÉŽ—‡‚¢‚Ì’j‚É‚È‚é‚Ü‚Å kimi ni niai no otoko ni naru made Nishikado-san! ‚±‚Ì–l‚ɐU‚èŒü‚¢‚Ä‚Í‚­‚ê‚È‚¢‚Ý‚½‚¢ kono boku ni furimui te wa kure nai mi tai ‚±‚Ì–l‚ɐU‚èŒü‚¢‚Ä‚Í‚­‚ê‚È‚¢‚Ý‚½‚¢ kono boku ni furimui te wa kure nai mi tai ŽèšŽ‚µ‚¢ŒN‚³ te kibishii kimi sa Why are you running? ŽèšŽ‚µ‚¢ŒN‚³ te shii kimi sa ‰ß‚¬‚Ä‚­‹Gß‚ð sugi te ku kisetsu wo Nishikado-san! ‰ß‚¬‚Ä‚­‹Gß‚ð sugi te ku kisetsu wo ”ü‚µ‚¢‚ÆŽv‚¦‚邱‚Ì‚±‚ë utsukushii to omoeru kono koro ŒN‚ª‚»‚±‚É‚¢‚é‚©‚炾‚Æ’m‚Á‚½‚Ì‚³ kimi ga soko ni iru kara da to shitta no sa ¡‚±‚»™B‚¦‚悤 ima koso tsutaeyou ŠX‚Ɉ¤‚̗̉¬‚êŽn‚ß‚½‚ç machi ni ai no uta nagare hajime tara Cheers! ŠX‚Ɉ¤‚̗̉¬‚êŽn‚ß‚½‚ç machi ni ai no uta nagare hajime tara Merry Christmas.
ŠX‚Ɉ¤‚̗̉¬‚êŽn‚ß‚½‚ç machi ni ai no uta nagare hajime tara Merry Christmas.
ll‚Í ”÷Î‚ݍ‡‚¤ hito bito wa hohoemi au ll‚Í ”÷Î‚ݍ‡‚¤ hito bito wa hohoemi au Merry Christmas.
ll‚Í ”÷Î‚ݍ‡‚¤ hito bito wa hohoemi au Merry Christmas! ll‚Í ”÷Î‚ݍ‡‚¤ hito bito wa hohoemi au Merry Christmas! à‚̉¹‹¿‚­Žž –l‚ÍŒN‚ð‚«‚Á‚Æ kane no oto ne hibiku toki boku wa kimi wo kitto à‚̉¹‹¿‚­Žž –l‚ÍŒN‚ð‚«‚Á‚Æ kane no oto ne hibiku toki boku wa kimi wo kitto ‹­‚­ •ø‚«‚µ‚ß‚Ä‚¢‚é tsuyoku dakishime te iru It's so badly done.
ŠX‚Ɉ¤‚̗̉¬‚êŽn‚ß‚½‚ç machi ni ai no uta nagare hajime tara ll‚Í ˆ¤‚ðŒê‚é hito bito wa ai wo kataru ‹P‚«‚Ì’†‚Ö–l‚ÍŒN‚ð‚«‚Á‚Æ kagayaki no nakae boku wa kimi wo kitto ˜A‚ê‚čs‚Á‚Ä‚Ý‚¹‚é‚æ tsurete itte miseru yo ŒN‚ðˆ¤‚µã”‚¯‚é kimi wo aishi tsudzukeru Hana Yori Dango DVDs coming to stores March 10th next year.
About a lucky draw for 20 people to celebrate the happy season See you soon!
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