Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures (2011) s01e09 Episode Script

Epic Wingman

Hey guys.
Hey yoy're hot.
I mean you're here.
It's hot.
What was the question? So pretty good turn up and clean up the coast day? Oh, yuck.
It amazes me, Some of the gross stuff you see get washed up.
That's actually my shirt.
It's nice! Cool checkers.
What was that? Oh, Skinner sleeps with his eyes open.
He's asleep? That's the creepiest thing I've ever seen.
What are you doing? Sorry, I was just watching you.
I Oh, there he goes again.
Sven, I have an assignment.
I got an emergency call from headquarters.
Apparently, two kayakers are drifting into Never mind that.
Unclog my suntan spray before I freckle! Wait.
My babe-dar is going off.
Whoa, smoking hot! They're like girl versions of me.
We must meet! Ladies.
I'm Aloe, and you are close to perfection.
Now you're closer to perfection.
I'm Wendy.
This is summer.
It's always cool to me people who care about our planet.
You are here for clean up the coast day, right? Of course! Do you know they tried to make me lifeguard this A.
? But I told them the only thing I'm saving today is mother earth.
So, you guys want to get together.
With me and my buddy tomorrow and continue this convo? He's right Does that creep have any idea.
That aerosol can is killing the ozone? Which one's your buddy again? Uh That guy.
Oh, look.
He's recycling garbage.
Here's my digits, and bring your friend.
Oh! One down, a lifetime to go.
Excuse me.
Hey, squidling! Whatever lame plans you have for tomorrow, cancel them.
What are you talking about? I'm going on a double date, and I need you to be my wingman.
Think you can handle it? Whoa! I mean, why wouldn't I be able to handle it? I don't know.
Maybe because these.
Are two hot senior girls, and you're you! Bucket, don't let Aloe make you do something.
That makes you uncomfortable.
Excuse me.
Uncomfortable? They're just senior girls.
You're acting like I have no game.
I'm not saying that.
Really? 'Cause it kinda sounds like you are.
Guess it's time Bucket shows off his mad lady skills.
I'm in Assuming I can get out of my plans tomorrow.
Oh, yeah.
Gammy will play tetherball with us any day.
She doesn't care.
I wake up, get in motion get me to the ocean, here we go it's all about the sunshine and the current ride all the days I walk by, hello you know that when the surf rolls in that's when big waves really begin no worries, bro.
here we go again hey! Hey! life is just a curl, and the summer never ends here we go again hey! Hey! you know it's always epic when I'm hanging with my friends ohh-oh-ohh here we go again Smooth! Now for my secret weapon.
It's the same scent yao ming wears.
Bucket, you don't have to prove you have mad game to anyone.
It's just you're a freshman, and these girls are seniors.
That could be weird.
There's nothing weird about me dating older girls, And you need to realize that.
Why? You just do! Ooh, yao ming.
Nice! Hey, so I didn't know if we were supposed to dress formal, So, just in case, I brought casual clothes, too.
Dude, you know you're not going on this date, right? It's just me and Aloe.
I don't get it.
We hang every Saturday.
You two have never spent a Saturday apart? Except once when we were five, and Bucket had "other plans.
" I had chicken pox.
So you say.
I hope you can explain this! You've been banned from participating in this year's spelling bee.
What kind of heartless organization.
Would shatter a young girl's dreams? Don't blame me.
I'm just a judge.
The board banned you for "bad conduct at previous bees".
I've always carried myself with poise and grace.
L G E.
Eh, you know what they say.
It isn't a spelling bee till something gets broken.
It's go time! Who wears sleeves on a date? Amateur.
What's the camera for? I video blog from all my dates.
And send them out to the Aloe army.
The followers on my website, hello? Good.
You hear that, kell? You're going to have video edence.
Of my mad lady-skills online.
Let's go, squid.
I guess we're outta here.
You good? Yeah, I'm good.
Go, guys, go.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Now, remember.
Double dating with Aloe.
Is like being a backup singer for rihanna.
Mimic every move I make.
And towel me off when I start to sweat.
What are you doing? These girls are do-gooders.
So, this is a lobster I heroically saved.
From the clutches of the toxic sea.
He still has the supermarket price tag on.
Leave it! I'm returning him after the date.
What about you, what's your angle? My angle? Is to just be myself.
Listen, freshman.
You're my wingman.
It's your job to make me look good.
Here, use my backup lobster.
Take the crustacean! No, forget it.
Take it! Ow! He got me! Bad lobster! Oh! Stop yelling.
You're attracting attention! That, fellow diners, is a reenactment.
Of what happens when a bird gets caught.
In a plastic soda ring.
Think before you litter.
Hey, blondie! How are you holding up without Bucket around? It's all good.
Why do you ask? Maybe because you hired your elderly neighbor.
To wear a Bucket mask.
And follow you around all day.
I can't just go cold Turkey! Now, you ready to hit the waves, old Bucket? Or maybe we can just sit here and take a nap.
Sounds good.
Up top! Ooh, too hard! Hey, look.
It's pacific bluffs'.
Most beautiful junior, Kelly peckinpaugh.
I still can't get you into that spelling bee, iper.
Maybe this will change your mind.
She's a Joy, As long as you don't feed her baked beans.
You're trying to bribe me with a miniature pony? Seriously? Guess it's time to sweeten the pot.
Who is this? I'm Robert Patterson.
Gretchen! I said Robert pattinson! May I go home now? My family is probably worried.
Yes, Robert.
Epic failure, Gretchen.
Go! Hey, what are you doing? Oh, I'm trying to teach old Bucket to video chat.
No, you gotta press the other key.
The other key! Okay.
No, that's your house key.
Skinner, that's it! You just figured out how I can still win that trophy! We need to really educate people not to poison our sea life.
Stamp that.
A world without Sushi.
Is a world Aloe doesn't want to live in.
So, you're not a vegan? Not going to lie.
I wish I was, But when you spend 14-hour days building fish tanks.
To house beached dolphins, a guy needs protein.
That is so cool, Aloe.
What about you, Bucket? What kind of charity work are you into? Well, in 5th grade, my buddy Skinner and I planted a tree.
It was an elm.
I remember 'cause I had Elmer the bear pajamas.
They were footsies.
Can I get some water, please? Ow! My hair! Sorry, my watch is stuck.
Uh, just one sec.
Okay Got it! Uh-oh.
Kelly's here.
What do I say? Just let me do the talking.
Don't worry, skin-atar.
Everything's under control.
I'm in your brain now.
All right, but while you're in there, don't mess with things.
I kinda got everything set up just the way I like it.
Next! Hey, Skinner! Are you looking for the vending machines? Repeat after me.
Omg! There's the sardonic wit I've come to love.
Look, I'm here to enter the bee, but silly me, I forgot to register.
Give her a charming smile.
Oh! Skinner, did you eat wax fruit again? Yeah.
Look, you can either get me in this bee, Or my team of high-powered attorneys.
Are going to squash you like a bug.
Pound fist on table.
You wanna spell this bad, fine.
You're in.
Skin-atar, with my brains and your captivating blond mane, There's no telling how far we can take this! So, go solar energy or go home! The sun is important for more than just tanning.
Who knew? How about we go hit up the juice place.
And get some health drinks? Excellent idea.
Let's do a little bit of clean up on our insides.
See what I did there? Yeah, you did.
Hey, you're really nudging me out of this double date.
You're a terrible wingman.
At first I was worried, but then I realized.
These arms can fly solo.
Cah! Cah! That's bird-talk for "you're fired".
Wait! I haven't had a chance to show my real game yet.
Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, you did.
It's all right here.
Kelly's going to love your super cool pajama story.
Ladies, let's get the check, and we're off.
Hope this goes through.
Ha, ha, ha, kidding.
I'm rich.
If we all used energy efficient light bulbs, We could help slow the rising temperatures of our ocean.
I wish I was aquaman.
Not only would I rock the green tights, But I could ride up on a sea horse and say, "yo, fishies, I know a couple of supa-fine lizadies.
Who got your back.
" Wendy and summer.
So, what do you say we go grab that health drink? Sure, then we can hit the beach, And I can play an acoustic ballad I wrote called: "who cares how much I can bench press if a starfish never smiles?" Sorry.
I was out on the pier, and the weirdest thing happened.
Great story.
Go away.
I saw an otter forcing a mother seagull to abandon her nest.
Poor birdies! That sounds awful.
So sad.
What are you going to do? So, I leapt off the pier, wrestled the angry otter.
And brought the baby eggs to safety.
You saved them? For now, but you guys go.
I need stay and incubate these orphan eggs.
We're not leaving.
You're like a superhero.
Yeah, you should be aquaman.
You hear that, Aloe? I'm aquaman.
What? No! I'm aquaman! I am! Tammy lynch.
Oh, Piper peckinpaugh.
Haven't seen you.
Since I took you down at the geography challee.
Or was it the trimathalon? So many contests, so many victories.
You here for the bee? Oh, yikes, you don't have a number! Sad.
I can spell circles around you, Tammy.
And I'm also not afraid.
To put a brush through my hair from time to time.
So, this is me ending our chat.
Be a doll and find me a spot in that trophy case? Danke! Just getting fired up to spell some junk! Skinner.
Oh, hey, Kelly.
Dude, sweet patch! The word is "furlough".
Can you pronounce it, please? Oh.
Whoa! Did someone just make pizza? E-u-r.
Okay, seriously.
Where's the pizza? R-a-l.
All right.
I'm starting to suspect that's not pizza! You're pretty relaxed for a champion speller.
I've got my eye on you.
Hey, Tammy.
Next time you talk to the judges, As for a definition to the word "fashion".
You need it.
Good one, Piper! What did you say? Nothing.
toora, loora, loora to sleep now, you shall go I was not ready for that.
So sweet.
Why is Aloe sitting out there by himself on the pier? Not sure.
Be right back, ladies.
Precious cargo.
Dude! You're missing my magic.
You've got to get footage of me in action.
To show Kelly I got game! Here, post whatever you want.
I'm done.
What's wrong? Do you know what I see when I look in the mirror, Bucket? No.
I see a fraud! A total fake.
Are you having some sort of breakdown? Check my website.
All bogus.
I never wrestled a white tiger.
Or jet skied around the globe with katy Perry.
Lying to girls to get them to like me? I never realeded how pathetic I looked.
Till I saw you doing it.
You know what, you're making sense.
It is pretty desperate.
Those are sweet, charitable girls in there.
They deserve better.
We should go in there, come clean to the girls.
And show them the real Aloe.
They're going to dig him, and that's a fact! Hey, you used my catchphrase.
Never do it again.
Got it.
Skin-atar focus! There's just one more contestant to take down.
Tammy lynch.
Then that trophy will be ours! Don't cry, auntie.
I'm trying.
Just do your best.
Then, when my time comes to leave this world, At least I know my Tammy gave it her all.
It's time to take the stage! I don't think I can do this, Piper.
My avatar's gone rogue! Skinner, I command you to stop! No.
I'm taking back my brain, Piper.
Ah, the old avatar bit.
I should've known.
Too bad I countered with the classic sick aunt routine.
This bag 'bones is my nanny.
Bye-bye, earpiece.
See you on stage, Skinner.
I can't believe the dream is over.
It isn't.
This bee is your destiny, And me and my brain aren't going to be outplayed.
By Tammy lynch.
I'm focused on one thing Winning you that trophy.
Ooh, shrimp! Hey, we've got something to tell you.
Yeah, the truth is I didn't rescue those orphan eggs.
I bought them at the supermarket.
I'm no do-gooder.
What? What? Excuse me? Wait, so you've just been lying to us this entire time? I need to sit down.
Wait, what? You lied about caring for our planet.
So you could try and date us? I feel used! And to think we were going to invite you.
To spend all weekend with us camping.
Camping? That sounds fun.
Aloe, you can still come.
Oh, Aloe is already there.
Give us a sec, will you? As they say in chess, "ha! You lose!" What just happened? You got outplayed by the ultimate player.
Check my website for awesome camping podcasts.
Ha, ha, ha.
Out! Aloe, I want you to meet our boyfriends.
Aloe is going to come camp out with us.
And help build barns for the needy yak farmers.
Sure it's 16 hours a day of intense manual labor, But it's the good kind of tired, am I right? Aloe can handle it.
He's absolutely too good to be true.
Boyfriends? Yaks? There's a good kind of tired? Wingman! Okay.
Skinner "Skinner" can you use it in a sentence? I haven't given you your word yet.
Now, since Tammy missed hers, If you get this right, you will win.
Your word is zenzizenzizenzic.
What? Are you kidding me? Zenzizenzizenzic.
Z-e-n-z-I Z-e-n-z-I Let's go with a z, Another e-n Did I say z-I-c? Yeah, I'll stop now.
Well, here we are again, judges.
Security! Swarm! Swarm! Call off your goons, Kelly.
You think I'm stupid? Tammy told you I was helping Skinner, So you sabotage us by throwing in a fake word?! What? You were helping Skinner? No.
That's immediate disqualification.
And fyi, zenzizenzizenzic is a word, And Skinner got it right! Ho, ho! I was struggling at first, But then I remembered.
That's what I named my pet Guinea pig.
Glad you gave yourself up, Piper, Or Skinner would've won the trophy.
Instead, congratulations, Tammy! Thank you.
I have so many people I need to thank.
First, Barry my hair colorist, For turning me on to yoga.
Gimme that! Enjoy this day while you can, Tammy lynch, But know this.
I will be back! Nice try, Piper.
Take off the horse suit.
'Sup Bucket? How did the date go? You haven't watched Aloe's website? No.
I lied.
I'm watching it right now.
Turn it off! Hey, what's this? I call on anyone in aloe's army to rescue me.
I'm trapped in a barn with an angry family of yaks.
I'm hiding under a pile of hay, Yet the beasts come closer, as if they can smell handsome! Oh, please help! Please! Oh! No! Don't touch the hair! No, not the hair!
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