Rescue Me s01e09 Episode Script


Detective Gavin.
Timo, what's new? Nothin' so far.
What about the two sisters we pulled out? They know anything? Probably, but they're scared.
A couple runaways hooked on crack.
The last thing they want to do is talk to a cop.
- Where are they? - Tommy Brother, I'd do anything to help you out, but I just-- Yeah? Then do it.
Listen, I gotta know how that fire got started, okay? Not for me.
For Billy.
The two girls, they're living in another abandoned building in Harlem.
What's the address? Do not do anything stupid, Tommy.
Now, you got a pen? Great.
Everybody except Tommy.
Where's the probie? - Silletti! - Get in here.
Come on.
Sorry, I was taking a leak.
Yeah, you are a leak.
All right, guys, look, I wanted to get you together because we have a situation that's arised-- arose-- it's pretty important.
- It's "arisen," chief.
- Shut up.
- Is he right? - Amazingly, yes.
How? I've been banging this chick-- plays a lot of Scrabble.
Hey, did you know that q-a-t is a word? - Shut up.
- I swear.
- I said shut up.
- All right.
Look, after we lost Billy, the boroughs tell me that they're gonna send a transfer down here soon, and it's happening.
Goddamn bastards.
What's going on? We're gettin' a dame.
What? What is this, some kind of joke? Are you serious? We can't have a chick around here.
No way, chief.
No goddamn way! Over my dead body.
It just come straight from the mayor's office.
They want to make four part-time girls firefighters as of now.
We're gonna get this broad by the next set of tours.
It's not gonna work, okay? I mean, having a woman in the firehouse, i-i-it's destructive.
I-i-it's disruptive.
I mean, look, we got a dynamic going on here.
- You can't mess with that.
- Calm down, Kenny.
Don't tell me to calm down, okay? It's not even about having a woman in the firehouse.
It's about the fact that they can't pass the physical.
- Right.
- It's about the fact that the bean counters downtown lower their standards so they can fill their goddamn bitch quota.
Yeah, like they give a shit.
We're the ones that are gonna wind up catching the second alarm on one of these broads.
She's gonna break a nail, freak out, and we'll wind up dead, chief.
All right, look, jeez, calm down, huh? Settle down here.
Hey, chief, you got any idea who it's gonna be? Well, you know, there are four choices, and I got a funny feelin' you guys are not gonna appreciate any of them.
Oh, try us.
Well, the first one's a black midget.
I'm sorry, what? Well, she's not actually a midget, but she just barely met the height requirement, and she's black.
Oh, that's great.
So we can lift her up when she's gotta use the sink.
That's beautiful.
Who's number two? A gigantic Norwegian chick.
I'm told she's just shy of 6'5", a big one.
Who's bachelorette number three? Some dyke.
Yeah, they're probably all dykes.
No, no, there's no "probably" about this one.
I've seen a picture, and she's more of a man than I'll ever be.
Now, the fourth choice-- I don't want to know, okay? They want to send us a dame, send us a dame.
You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna freeze her ass out.
The second she walks in that door - Yeah.
- ice, totally.
She's not gonna last two days.
- Ice.
- Ooh Yes, ice.
Hey! Hey! Remember me? You a cop? No, a fireman.
Pulled you out of that building a couple nights ago.
What fire? Don't talk to him, G.
We lost a good man in that fire.
So? Go find him.
- Bitch.
- Police! Yeah, call for the cops! That's what they love.
They love little crybaby crackheads.
Let me tell you about the man you killed in that fire, bitch.
I swear, it was Jacob.
Who's Jacob? We needed a place and he took us where he was staying.
He took me in the corner and he said that I had to go down on him, so I fought him.
I grabbed a candle and his shirt caught on fire.
Everything just burned.
We tried to stop it.
It was Jacob's fault.
Where is he? Where is he? I don't know.
All right.
I got 80 bucks here.
Tell me how I can find him.
There's this place two blocks up, this side of the street, two, three doors in, big orange "H" on one of the windows.
He's there now? He's not there now.
He goes out during the day.
He'll be there tonight.
What does he look like? He's got this afro, and he's always wearing sunglasses.
- Thanks.
- Hey! What about the money? Hey, asshole! Whoo! Good news, boys.
It's about 9,000 degrees outside.
The paper said it could get up to 105 by noon.
Great day to carry up and down You know what they need to invent? Shorts, bunker shorts.
There's a little problem of your legs burnin' off.
Well, it's better than sweating my balls off.
So your balls are more important than your legs? Well, you see, you can get fake legs.
See, now, he's got a point.
Hey, Kenny, got a tip on the game.
Oh? Yeah, a friend of a friend knows the physician who's treating the starting pitcher for Anaheim.
The guy's in severe pain.
He needs shoulder surgery like I need to lose 50 pounds.
You know what? We could both lose a few pounds, pal.
Tell me about it.
I'm just comin' off that cabbage soup diet.
Cabbage soup? Yeah, you eat nothin' but cabbage soup for a month.
You shit so much, you could fit in a shoebox.
How much you lose? I didn't lose anything.
I gained four pounds.
Anyway, this guy doesn't want to go on the D.
because he'll be a free agent soon.
I'm bettin' the farm on it.
You want in? No, thanks, chief, I don't have the spare cash now.
Kenny, this is a mortal lock.
The last mortal lock you gave me cost me 100 bones.
That was based on bad information.
This is the real deal.
Good luck.
Suit yourself.
Son of a bitch.
Agh! Yeah, you better run.
Goddamn it.
Just great.
Pain in the ass.
Yeah? Oh.
Oh, thank you for coming over.
It's that thing down in the basement, the central air thing? I went down there, and it's hot to the touch.
Yeah, you know what? It's an old unit.
Probably gonna have to replace it.
With what money? Ah I am just saying I don't have the money right now.
So what you're really saying is I don't give you enough money.
No, that is not what I said.
That is exactly what you're saying.
I'm not in the mood for this.
Oh, yeah, and I am? I have to pick up Conner and Katy, and I've had to deal with your older daughter today.
What's going on with her? She wants to bring her special friend over here.
Her girlfriend? I will not refer to that person as her girlfriend.
Okay, they were caught making out together at school.
That would make her pretty much the girlfriend.
It is not happening in my house.
Look, I'm not exactly doin' a jig over here because she's turned into a lesbo.
Tom, she is not a lesbian! She has a girlfriend! She is 15 years old.
She's only had one boyfriend.
When she's had to deal with five or six guys, then I can see her going gay.
All I'm saying is I'm not judging her, all right? You actually want her to be a lesbian.
- What? - Then you you don't have to worry about her having sex with a boy.
Tom, it has probably already happened.
Oh, bullshit.
When was the first time that you had sex? - What does that have to do--? - What was her name? - Patty Brennan.
- How old were you? - Fourteen.
- And? Completely different story.
How? Completely different story.
Patty Brennan was-was-- First of all, her parents fought like cats and dogs, they got divorced, they split up, so she basically came from a broken home, her father was an alcoholic, and she was sleeping with me to get back at him.
Am I in the wrong-- Hey, babe! - Hi.
- How are you? This is my daughter, Nicole, who just showed up at my door an hour ago, telling me she needs a place to stay for a week.
I told you a month ago.
You said you might be coming to New York and you might need a place to stay.
I told you this week, and I know Dad left you a message.
I don't listen to your father's messages.
Whenever I hear his voice on my machine, I hit the erase button.
You know that.
You are such a goddamn bitch.
Do you, uh, want a soda? is ready, and now delivers Why don't you stand in front of the entire television? It's not like I'm trying to watch the game or anything.
This cabinet's packed to the gills.
Can't you do that one of the 14 hours I'm not here? Maybe if you cleaned it out one of the 14 times I asked you, I wouldn't have to do it.
Just move your fat ass, huh? Excuse me? I love you, sweetie, but move.
it's four to nothing, Anaheim, as we go to the eighth.
Oh, Christ! - Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing here? Fixing the air for your mom.
Where you going in that outfit? To Jennifer's.
I wanted to invite her over here tonight, but Mom's totally freaking out.
You know what? If you want to invite her over, just invite her over to my place.
- Really? - Yeah.
- That would be okay? - Yeah, it's fine.
I'm happy that you're happy, okay? I don't have hang-ups like certain other people.
Thanks, Daddy.
You're welcome.
I love you.
Hey, here.
Why don't you take Jennifer out for a burger tonight? You're the best.
See you.
Yes, I am the best.
Hello? Kenny? This is Sondra, Billy's wife-- ex-wife.
Oh, hi.
What can I do for you? Who is it? It's Billy's widow.
Oh, my God.
That poor thing.
It's about the poem - that you read at the service.
- Yeah? Well, someone told me you wrote it, and I just wanted to say I thought it was moving.
Oh, really? Oh, thanks a lot.
And I'd like to hear some more of it.
Well, uh you know, if you wanted to, I could I could e-mail you some more.
Yeah, yeah.
That would be wonderful.
What's your address? Hey.
Where's my mom? Um, she went to sleep.
Good night.
- Hey, Tommy, good news.
- What? The black midget's out.
- Oh, really? - Yeah.
Apparently, a couple of the guys from her house stuffed her into a garbage can, took her for a roll.
She's filing a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the city.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
Now we don't have to raise all the shelves up higher.
Looks like we're down to the gigantic Norwegian and the other two chicks.
Really? Hey, let me ask you something.
Know anything about these things? What? - Pregnancy test things? - No, not really.
I think one of my girlfriends used one once, why? Because I'm trying to figure out if the pink means pregnant or not pregnant.
No, I can't tell you, man.
I remember holding a stick and her peeing on my hand.
She couldn't hold the stick herself? Ah, she said she got nervous.
I think she was into those golden shower things.
Really? Why do you say that? We were fooling around in the shower one time, and she peed on me.
You let a chick piss on you? She said it was an accident.
- Where? - On my leg.
- Really? - Yeah.
- You piss on her? - You're goddamn right I did.
- She like it? - She loved it.
- Where? - Kind of all over.
- Really? - Yeah.
What are you doing with that? None of your business.
Hey, kid, you know what pink means? Sure.
Pink means you're pregnant.
Thanks, man.
Good luck with that.
Oh, Jesus, it's so hot, I can hardly see straight.
I could go for a cold beer right about now.
Yeah, I'm in.
I gotta get home.
Paula's makin' a casserole.
Yeah, well, nobody asked you, but okay.
You still bangin' that old broad? How's that going? Good.
I mean, her apartment's great, but her daughter's staying with us, - and I think she wants me.
- What makes you think that? She told me.
Mother-daughter combo.
That's hot, huh? I wouldn't pass that up.
No way, man.
I can't risk it.
I got no other place to stay.
Yeah, well, if you find yourself in a tight spot, don't be afraid to call for backup.
Hey, girls.
Hey, Dad.
- You must be Jennifer.
- Hi, Mr.
- Nice to meet you.
- How are you? What's goin' on? Nothin' much.
Dad, it smells like dog poop in here.
Really? I hadn't noticed.
We're just gonna grab a couple of sodas and watch TV, if that's okay.
That's fine.
Is that a pregnancy test? Yeah, actually, it is.
What's going on? Well, I was about to ask you the same question.
What? I found this over at your mother's house.
It's not mine.
You sure? Dad, I couldn't be pregnant.
I've never had sex.
I mean that kind of sex.
What about the Murphy kid? Never.
Did you see him again after the accident? I'm not gonna be pissed off.
I just want to know the truth.
I saw him one time after the accident, and that's all, and there was no sex involved, not even a kiss.
You saw him after the accident? It was, like, for two seconds, though.
It was nothing.
Well, I asked you if you saw him.
It didn't mean anything.
I just didn't want you to get mad.
God, Coll, if I wanted to hear lies and shit, I'd be going out with a guy.
Hey, watch your language.
Jennifer! Thanks, Dad.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, don't blame me, okay? You can't have successful relationships when you go around lying to people like that.
Oh! It's true.
- Yeah? - Yeah, this is J.
Give me a thousand on New York tonight.
- Can't do it.
- What do you mean? You gotta pay for the last shipment first.
Huh? Wha-- Are you guys pullin' my puddin'? What are you talkin' about? You went over your limit.
You have to pay by Friday.
Let me talk to Salvio.
Is he there? Hey, no names.
By Friday, the full amount.
Hey! Hey! Rat bastards.
Grab me a bottle? Yeah, of course.
Where's your mom? In bed.
So you're just hangin' out? There's no A.
in my room.
It's like a sauna in there.
You can sleep with your mom if you want.
I can crash on the couch.
Let me ask you something.
What are you doing with my mom? Well, she's cool, you know? I mean Mike Mm? Do you think I'm hot? Yeah.
Of course.
I am so horny.
Listen, Nicole, me and your mom are together.
I-I can't fool around with you.
It's not right.
Then don't fool around with me.
I'll just fool around with you.
No No.
It-i-i-i-it This is a really bad, wrong idea.
Nicole, you shouldn't-- Oh! Your mom's right next door.
What if s-s-she-- Oh.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Colleen here? Yeah, she's upstairs.
She doesn't want to talk to you.
Okay, I don't know what happened, but in her words, we both suck now.
Really? Mm.
So what did happen? You know what? On second thought, I don't want to know.
Want to talk about this? What are you doing going through my trash? I was throwing something away and I saw it.
You have no right to go through my trash! Let me tell you something, okay? I asked Colleen about it.
She doesn't know anything about it.
It's mine, all right? I am pregnant.
Are you happy? You know what? Just get out, Tommy.
Just get out! - Get out! - Hey, hey, hey! I screwed up with my birth control, all right? Well, is it mine? And that's all that you're worried about, huh? No, it's not all-- It's 50-50.
You like those odds? Yeah.
Those odds are fine.
What--? What--? Jeannie, there was a cigar box in the cabinet.
What did you do with it? I never touched it.
It was in there two days ago.
That's your cabinet.
You cleaned it out! No, I didn't.
You found the money, hmm? You took it and you spent it.
Is that what happened? What money? Where is it? Honey, I never went in your cabinet.
That's my money! I never told you about it because, quite honestly, it's none of your business! Now, I need that money.
Where the hell is it? Seriously, Jerry, I don't know what you're talking about.
- Where's the goddamn money? - Why are you doing this? Come here! Come here! I want to show you something! - You're hurting me! - Come in here! Come here.
Just come here, come here and tell me, did you clean out this cabinet? No! Jeannie, you've known me for 32 years.
Have I ever done anything this organized, huh? I guess maybe I guess I did tidy up in there.
Maybe I threw some things out.
You threw out my money.
Jeannie, you threw my money out.
Jesus! Yeah? Hey, cowboy.
Want to come over and get a little? Tommy? Uh Look, it's, um Come on.
Damian just left for work.
We could use every room in the house.
I-I just-- I can't right now.
What do you mean? Since when-- Little shit.
Morning, chief.
Hey, good morning, Kenny.
Hey, uh, Kenny.
You got a minute? Yeah.
I'm in a bind.
Oh, don't tell me.
The mortal lock the other night.
My bookies cut me off here.
They want to get paid by Friday.
How much? - Five large.
- Ah, jeez.
I'm stuck, Kenny.
Look, if I could help you, I would, chief.
Hey, these goons, they play hardball, you know? They threatened me.
Anything? I mean, a couple hundred bucks? I'm busted till payday.
I mean, can't you ask around? Maybe one of the other guys got something lying around? I can't ask the guys, Kenny.
You got something you could hock? Something worth that kind of cabbage? I got my old man's watch.
It was his old man's.
I mean, if I did it, I'd feel like I was pissing on the family history.
I don't know what to tell you, chief.
Forget it.
Don't worry about it.
Don't even mention I said anything.
You're a powerful man there, Garrity.
Hey, there's my hero.
What's new in mother-daughter land? Oh, guys, it's totally screwed up.
I had sex with the daughter.
What? Get out.
- Yeah.
- Yeah! Well, oral sex.
Oh, well, contrary to popular opinion, that does count as sex.
Congratulations, stud.
I feel kind of guilty, you know? I mean, I've cheated on Paula a couple of times, but this is different.
Who was better? The mom or the daughter? Well, Paula was better technically, but the daughter, Nicole, she was really into it.
I think I have to leave the room for a few minutes.
Yeah, you know, that's the difference between older and younger chicks-- the older ones, they know what they're doing, they've been through it a lot, it's mechanical.
The younger ones are not as good, but they still have that fellatio enthusiasm.
Be nice to get a little of both.
Wow, yeah.
Yeah, well, you can.
Really? Yeah.
Young moms.
That's the age you get the perfect blend.
26, huh? Yeah, it's the sweet spot.
Hello? Is this the great author speaking? Yeah.
I read some of the poems that you sent me.
You're so talented.
Who is that? Is that Glenda? I'm waitin' on a call, honey.
No, it's, uh, P.
They want a donation.
Well, hang up the phone, then.
I'm waitin' on a call here.
Hang up already, Kenny! Sorry about that.
I was thinking, um, maybe we could get together.
Really? Um Yeah, I don't know.
Are you busy? Uh no, look, Sondra, um, two things: number one is I'm married, okay? Um number two is, there's this kind of unofficial thing about, you know, seeing widows.
I might be a widow, but, as you know, I hated Billy.
So are we gonna get together or not? Kenny, would you get off the phone already? What, am I talkin' to a moron? Please! Hey.
I'm going out asshole.
You know what? That's a good name for you, isn't it? You like that, right? Okay, "Asshole" it is.
Let me tell you something else, you eat one more hockey jersey, and you're gonna have two assholes, Asshole, the one God gave you and the new one I'm gonna rip for you.
Yeah? Hey, son.
Hey, Dad.
What's going on? Well, I thought you might like to know I'm back home with your mother.
Really? It's okay? Well, it's been and she hasn't said word one to me.
It's goddamn heaven.
I am a little worried about Teddy, though.
I may have killed him by overdosing him, so if you could just swing by there-- It's been three days, Dad.
If he's dead, he's dead.
Bad news travels fast.
I think we would've heard.
Not much we can do.
So what made you decide to go back home? Well, I did the math, and the way I figured it, i-i-i-if I stayed with Teddy, with the partying and whoring, I could be dead inside of two years, but if I stay with your mother, I could last another 10.
Ultimately, it has to do with the Red Sox.
Now, I can't see them winning the World Series in the next two years, but in the next 10? Ah-hah.
And there you have it.
Go figure.
See you soon.
Did I wake you? I've been waiting for you.
Come sit.
Come here.
Look Nicole, we can't get into this again.
It's not right.
You thought it was right last night.
No, I-I made a mistake.
A mistake? Yeah.
Yeah, you're right.
Yeah, it's a mistake to deceive people.
Yeah, that's right.
That's why I think we should tell my mom.
What? Just to get it out there in the open, so there's no tension between us.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Let's not do that.
I'll talk to her.
No, please.
Then get on your knees.
What? I did something for you last night.
Now it's your turn to do something for me.
Or I could just tell my mom.
No, no, no.
Okay, okay, okay.
That's a good boy.
Like, this line right here-- "Life is like a carousel with the brass ring just out of reach.
" Yeah, that's one of my favorite lines.
It's like you went into my soul and you just knew exactly how I felt.
Sondra-- I'm sorry.
No, look.
I mean, you're an attractive woman.
It's just that I'm married.
I mean, nothing can come of it.
You don't have to go.
I do, though.
I really do.
I, uh, I've been thinking and, uh I think we should have the kid.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I think-- I think-- I don't know.
This might just be some kind of a sign, you know? A sign? Yeah, I think that maybe we should raise the kid together, that we should be back together.
I mean, instead of thinking of it as a negative, I'm thinking maybe it's a positive.
I don't know.
I got to put some more thought into this.
All right.
Uh, anyways, I'm here.
Whatever you want to do.
Roger ain't, but I am.
So, you know, if you want to talk, just let me know.
Okay? Okay.
Good night.
Hey, got a call from a Larry O'Hearn over at 68 Ladder.
Seems they got, in his words, "a nine-foot-tall Swedish chick" assigned to their house.
You don't suppose there are two of them? You know what that means? We're getting the dyke.
We're getting the queen of dykes.
Or should I say, the king? It doesn't matter.
I talked to all the guys.
As soon as she shows up, she's frozen out.
Talkin' about completely.
Hey, chief, somebody called for you.
Yeah? Who was it? He didn't leave a name.
He just said to remind you that tomorrow's Friday.
She forced you to give her head? Yeah.
It's gotten way out of hand, Franco.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, I know exactly what you should do.
You do? Yeah.
Give me your keys and let me be you tonight.
It's a gas leak, all right.
Take a walk upstairs, boys.
Tommy, check the caller.
He called from 3-C.
Franco, check down in there.
Knock on some doors, all right? And don't light up.
Hello? In here.
Ma'am, look, we have a report of a gas leak.
I have to ask you to go down to the lobby.
I can't leave my father.
Well, where is he? Here! Help me get this down.
Oh, jeez.
Yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it.
Hey, uh, chief? They found the leak's source.
It's in the basement.
Take this lady down into the lobby, all right? I'm gonna open up some windows and ventilate this place.
All right.
Don't hurt my father! I'm being careful, ma'am.
You got the door? I got it.
What's up? Where's Garrity? He was in the bunkroom two seconds ago.
I told him to get out here.
He probably got lost on the way.
- Shit.
- Hey.
Hey, man, get out here.
You know that chick? She shows up tomorrow.
Forget about that, okay? I found the guy who started the fire that killed Billy.
- No shit? - I swear to God.
- You serious? - Dead serious.
Well, let's go kick his ass.
You got your van? - Let's go.
- Let's do it.
Hey, this room's taken unless you want to share your stash.
Jesus! Goddamn.
Hey, guys, look.
I don't want any trouble, so if you want the room, I'll-- Sit down.
You start that warehouse fire last week, asshole? No, man.
I was lucky-- We lost a brother in there, asshole.
Man, I didn't do shit! But you were there, right? Yeah, I was there, but it was the girls, man.
Aw! You made that little girl blow you, then she set your shirt on fire, right? Yeah, she tried to fry me, so why don't you go blame that little bitch? Shut your mouth! Guys, give me a couple minutes alone with him.
Tommy, what are you gonna do? Just gonna talk to him.
You better start prayin', bitch.
What are you doin'? Close that door.
Hey, asshole.
What are you doin'? What's it look like I'm doin'? You're crazy.
That's right.
I'm crazy.
Good and crazy.
You're gonna feel what Billy felt.
Okay, asshole? See you in hell.
Hey! Hey! Tommy, what are you doin'? Teachin' him a lesson.
Come on.
This is crazy.
No, man, I'm telling you something, man.
I saw Billy.
He was right in front of me.
Now he's gone, and this scumbag is back in another crack house, getting high? No, it's not right.
I'm sorry! This is justice, okay? God's not gonna take care of it? I will.
Come on, man! Come on! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Yeah, how's it feel, scumbag, huh? Tommy, that's enough.
I'll be back.
Tommy, let go of the door.
Get off of me, man! Hot enough for you, huh? Asshole! Tommy, let him out.
Shut up, Franco.
It was just candles! It was just candles! I was drunk and high! I was just drunk and high.
It was just candles! Oh, goddamn it.
Tommy Shit.
Hey, coming through, guys.
You all right? Hey, guys, the fire's out.
This might have been a mistake.
Excuse me, ma'am? - Yes? - Hi.
I was here yesterday.
I'm a fireman.
Oh, yes.
You helped me with my father's portrait.
Thank you.
Well, you're welcome.
Listen, in all the confusion, we knocked a couple of things over, and, uh I found this.
Oh, bless you.
I thought I'd never see it again.
Uh, and, uh, also, this cash.
Oh, no.
You keep it.
I don't want the money.
I just wanted my ring back.
You're an angel.
Ah, here.
I'm not.
I'm not.
- Thank you.
- All right.
Jesus, kid, what's the deal? How long you gonna be stayin' here? Until I find a new place.
If you guys hear of any real cheap studio apartments, let me know.
Trouble in paradise, junior? Yeah, he got caught bangin' his girlfriend's daughter.
What? You know, I can't believe this kid.
He gets asked to do three-ways, he's got a mother-daughter combo platter goin' on.
You know, I never thought I'd say this, but when I die, I'd like to come back as your penis.
First cool day in a week.
You know what that means? That means the Mets are gonna win.
- I'm gonna bet a dime on 'em tonight.
- A dime? That's a lot of cake.
Feelin' lucky.
What are you doin' betting again? I thought you had cash problems.
I took care of it.
How? The old man's watch.
It didn't keep good time anyway.
Oh, Lou, I almost forgot.
Some chick named Sondra called? I don't know any Sondra.
Wasn't that Billy's wife's name? It was his ex-wife.
Billy, we hardly knew ya.
- Yeah, Billy.
- Billy.
Hey, guys.
Is Chief Reilly here? Yeah.
Can I help you? I'm Laura Miles.
I've been transferred to your house.
Oh, okay.
Very adult.
Really appreciate that.
Well, well, well, let the games begin.
You know what? Two weeks, she's gone.
Look, I got a better idea.
I've been thinking about it.
You guys still give her the ice, okay? But I'm gonna be nice to her for, like, a month, and lull her into a false sense of security, and then when she least suspects it, bam, I come down on her, shatter her.
Jesus, Tommy.
It's a good idea.
Come on.
Yeah, yeah, that is a good idea.
But I should be the one who's nice to her - What? - because she was checkin' me out.
She was lookin' at me first.
I should be the nice guy.
Look, I thought of it first.
I got shotgun.
- Hey, look-- - My idea.
What are you waitin' for, gloom-boy? Might as well.
Good news.
What? The test was wrong.
I got my period.
No baby.
That was never gonna make things right.
After everything that has happened between us, to somehow think that a new baby would-- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Pipe dream.
I got you.
I'm sorry.
Hey, foxy.
Damian home? No, he's sleeping over at a friend's.
Why? Tommy? All right, I'm coming over in five minutes.
Really? You like that? Yeah.
But I have very specific conditions, okay? Like? Like six-inch stiletto heels and that black leather skirt I saw you wear once.
Yeah? No panties.
Oh, my God.
Black lace bra tall whiskey, and a very cold beer.
All right.
And when I get there, you do whatever I tell you to do.
All right.
I'm all yours.
Sheil? Hey.
Good girl.
Thank you.
So, ahem.
What do you want me to do first? First? Mm-hmm.
I want you to dance.

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