Rubicon s01e09 Episode Script

No Honesty in Men

Previously on AMC's Rubicon Roy is the person of interest for you, not Bloom.
Confirmation that Kateb is alive is also confirmation that Tanaz has been lying to the CIA.
Uh, thank you for doing this.
I think I found a pattern in the big ticket papers.
- Kale Ingram Can I trust him? - Hell no.
I was wondering if I could talk to you about your late husband Gerald Bradley? Spying for Kale Ingram How long? You brought me a tomato.
I thought maybe we could have dinner.
It's almost midnight.
Are you hungry? Never very.
What possessed you? You looked pretty.
Through my window, you looked pretty, and I thought Good enough.
I'm Andy, by the way If you wanted to know.
Maybe that's not important to you.
My name's Will.
But you're not really the calling type, are you? You like to appear, suddenly, in the middle of the night demanding a date.
This is a date, isn't it? Will.
Please tell me you didn't come all the way over here just to stare at your own apartment.
"Reduced fat.
" That says something about a man.
Well, I just buy what my I just buy what I've always bought, I guess.
Kind of thing a mother buys.
Oh, that's awful.
Sorry about that.
No way.
It's got a nice bug spray finish.
Turkey, tomato, reduced-fat mayo and white bread.
So, how old are you? I can't tell ages.
I think everyone's my age.
- How old are you? - Thirty-two.
I'm older than you.
But what does that mean, exactly? It means I do a lot of reading.
So, you're a painter? Painter-slash-temporary executive assistant to the VP of an educational travel corporation.
I'm multitalented.
The assistant thing is so I'll have something to say to my parents at Christmas, 'cause they do not understand art as a concept.
My mom has the whole house covered in tapestry.
That's like having carpeted walls You know Most people look at me when I talk to them.
You're staring over there like you're waiting for something to happen.
You can see my whole apartment from here.
Who designed this city? New York is perfect.
Makes me feel like I'm not alone.
Do you want some pot? I get drug-tested at work.
They're drug-testing historians now? Oh, you just get better and better.
This was fun.
Shall we call it a night, or? I can't go home.
Oh, really? And why is that? Because my apartment is bugged.
So you're not a historian.
You're an analyst.
Like Robert Redford was an analyst.
Just an analyst.
Andy, please Come on, Will.
If we're gonna do this, let's do it.
Hold a gun to my head, tie me to the radiator.
I'm not kidding.
Well, at least tell me it's a life-or-death situation.
It is.
Then let me get you a blanket.
And another drink.
Your bathroom is, uh? Down the hall, first door on the left.
Look what I got.
What is that for? Surveillance, obviously.
I mean, you have to go to work, right? Otherwise the Russians will know you're onto them.
It is Russians, right? Don't tell me I so want to believe it's Russians.
Will, if this is a real-deal stakeout, we have to have surveillance.
You're right.
Of course I'm right.
Help me with this.
You're not married, are you? I usually don't ask, but sometimes that gets me in trouble.
Oh, God.
You are married, - aren't you? - No.
I'm not married.
Why not? I mean, you seem like a good guy.
You're sweet, weird in an interesting way, I like looking at you what's wrong with you? I used to be married.
Didn't work out? No, it was great, actually.
She died, didn't she? Jesus, Will, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I just ruined it, didn't I? That was the moment, right there.
No, you didn't ruin anything.
Unless you're lying to me.
Crazier things have happened.
Maybe you want me to feel bad for you.
That doesn't work on me.
I'm having fun.
And I'm playing along.
And believe it or not, this isn't even the weirdest night I've had.
But I don't like being lied to.
I like you.
Andy, I'm telling you the truth.
I can't go home, and I need your help.
You're a liar.
But okay.
I'm sorry your wife died.
Thanks for letting me stay.
Thanks for the tomato.
Morning, Kale.
What's wrong? Why would anything be wrong? I brought you your tea, your, um Ginseng.
Ginseng tea.
Thank you.
Have you spoken to Will Travers? Not since yesterday.
Expect he'll come to work today? I have no reason to believe otherwise.
Why? Hm.
"There is no trust, no faith, no honesty in men.
" Romeo and Juliet, the Nurse.
You can always count on a well-read man, hmm? Am I worried about Will? Worried? No.
Enjoy your tea.
All right.
Test? Who are you? Sorry.
I'm Emily.
I'm helping out until your team gets a new assistant.
Nice to meet you.
Actually, your wife is here.
Excuse me? Your wife she's outside, she won't leave.
Well, what do you mean, she won't leave? She wants to talk to you.
The guard called up.
He said she won't leave until she talks to you.
Oh, sorry.
Just heads up.
I think she's really upset.
What are you doing here? I've been waiting for half an hour.
They just told me you were down here.
What's going on? Paul wanted to see me this morning.
Naturally, stupid me, I thought he wanted to tell me what a good job I'm doing.
How the ratings are up across the board because of me.
How I'm the reason anything runs at all in that place.
- Lisa, I have to get - No, no, no.
- Honey, come here.
- He's No, don't don't do that.
You tell me what we're gonna do, Grant.
We're gonna lose our apartment.
I mean, Jesus, private school Calm down.
We'll figure something out.
You'll see.
You'll find something else, something better.
What is so important that you can't try to hold up your end of the bargain, Grant? We've got children.
Do you get that? You're so smart, you could have done anything you wanted.
I like what I do.
What is that exactly? Well, I'm gonna go home, kill myself.
Don't even joke about that.
They fired me, Grant.
After everyth everything, they just fired me.
I'll see you at home.
Katherine, the man never spoke to me in the ten years we were married, except to ask if he could borrow the Arts and Leisure section.
And even then, he mumbled.
I don't know what Tom was thinking or what he did when he wasn't home.
Towards the end of our marriage, I just assumed he was with you.
Over 25 years ago.
I've moved on.
Have you ever seen this picture? Yes.
It's Tom as a boy.
Maybe Fishers Island.
And that's James Wheeler.
Do you know any of the others? Uh, Gerald Bradley.
P Professor Bradley? Mm-hmm.
Never even met the man, but his wife sent out a Christmas card to half the city of New York with a collage of Gerald and herself as children.
See, it's a message, but I I don't know what it means.
Katherine, it's a photograph of your husband as a child.
There's nothing sinister about it.
Does a four leaf clover mean anything to you? It brings good luck.
It's time to move on.
You know, I don't think you' supposed to loiter out here.
I have a feeling this building is supposed to blend in.
People smoke outside of buildings, Will.
I'm helping it blend.
Oh, you look tired.
I am tired.
Today's not a good day for tired.
We just got word that Tanaz Sahar was killed three days ago, and the CIA has just stood now decided to share.
and I'm up to my ears in conflicting information.
Which is it, Miles? Your waist or your ears? Uncollated, conflicting.
It's gonna take me three years to get through this information.
Wait, wait, where the hell is Tanya? She's out.
Out? What do you mean, out? Temporarily reassigned.
What?! For how long? I'd say about 28 days.
Oh, you're kidding me.
Will wants us in the conference room.
All right.
Also, Tanya's in rehab.
What?! Yeah.
I hope you weren't planning on going home tonight, 'cause we got, like, 900 pages to get through, and now we're a man down.
Oh, and, uh, there's no doughnuts.
Oh, um Good morning.
- I left my shoes.
- It's okay.
I'm Emily.
Ingram assigned me to your desk until you can find a permanent Hi.
I'm just gonna Will, I didn't mean to Don't worry about it.
I just want to apologize.
Have a good day, Maggie.
Uh Hi.
You're in the wrong room.
I'm Julia.
I was on Team C.
We had the leak.
This is Julia.
She is going to be helping us out until Spangler can find a new leader for Team C.
She traffics in computer string theory, and the psychology of anarchists? Try to make her feel welcome.
We're in the middle of a project, Will.
We don't have time to bring someone up to speed.
No offense.
I'm sorry.
She speaks Urdu.
Do you speak Urdu? Julia.
We're a man down, so thank you.
We really appreciate your help right now.
Miles, will you get her up to speed? And don't waste any time.
I need all of information you gathered from the black site.
Grant, help Miles with whatever he needs.
Shouldn't someone keep an eye on George and Yuri? Yuri is a middleman, and at this point, George is finance, Tanaz was on the ground, so if this thing is going operational, we need to find out what she was up to.
If she was a double agent, maybe the CIA had her killed.
Okay, I'm gonna take this stack back to my office, see what I can find.
Grant, Julia, you run whatever you can find through Miles before it comes to me.
I don't want any second guessing today.
Looks like you just got promoted.
What is this? What does it look like? There may not be audio up here, but there are cameras everywhere, so eat the delicious snack we came up here to enjoy, and then please tell me what you've done to Truxton Spangler to make him show up at my home at 6:00 a.
I broke one of the bugs.
What? You heard me.
Let's see who comes to fix it.
It's their move now.
And who exactly are they? Oh, you tell me.
I can't protect you unless you trust me.
I don't trust you.
Thanks for the muffin.
Look at this.
It's a transcript of a rendezvous How long is Julia going to be with us? Hmm.
Why, you don't like her? No, no, no, she's, she's fine.
Well, she doesn't have a team leader.
So we could get stuck with her.
Just try to be nice.
So this is a transcript of Tanaz Sahar and a man, alias Paul Green.
Analysis has him listed as Iranian intelligence.
So Tanaz has a thing for Iranians.
They've met six times in the past eight months.
Hi, sorry to interrupt.
Your assistant said you were down here.
I think I found something.
Do you want to sit? I'm okay, thanks.
Hal ran code recognition on the e-mail account we got from the CIA.
Most of Tanaz's e-mails were clean, but a handful of messages came back coded.
It's a rudimentary code, actually, relatively easy to break, and we've seen it before.
Low-level Iranian intelligence operatives use it to contact their assets.
So we're saying Tanaz is working both sides, and Iran is one of the sides? What's going on? - Is this a meeting? - Tanaz was working with Iranian intelligence.
You find anything? I got this intercept on Kateb.
Alive or dead? Unconfirmed, but alive, looks like.
Do we have any pictures yet? No, but local Afghans described him as "Light-skinned".
Have we looked for a Kateb in any of the European sleeper cells? This is all I've got.
Well, couple Afghans called him light-skinned I mean, that's not much to go on.
At this point, we have every reason to believe someone figured out Tanaz was playing both sides.
Either the CIA killed her or it was Iranian intelligence, so call the CIA, find out what the party line is and poke holes in it.
I need to go home.
Will, are you kidding? We've got hours of work here.
I'll be in early.
What was that? I have no idea.
Wish I was in rehab.
Andy? Look obviously, I told her I'd have to check with you first.
It's Thanksgiving, it's, it's a big deal.
It's a long way off, but it's my family.
Uh-huh, yeah.
Kale, are you even listening to me? What is it? Stay here.
- Why? - Stay here.
Excuse me, do you have the time? Go away.
Persistence is often met with vengeance.
Am I being followed? Right now? I don't see anyone.
I took a walk this afternoon.
There was a man following me.
Is there something I should know? I could ask you the same question.
Is Will a problem? If he is, he will be handled as problems are.
There are two things I admire about you, Kale.
The first is: no matter what office I put you in, no matter how cushy your desk chair, how expensive your clothes you remain the man I met in Syria.
The man with blood on his hands.
The second thing I admire about you is y-you you don't ask questions, no.
I have to finish my cereal.
It gets soggy.
Will? There's something happening in your apartment.
Who is that guy? No.
Um, you do realize there's a clock on this thing.
I mean, eventually, planning a terrorist attack leads to an actual attack.
I'm working on it.
No, it's fine.
Just been a long day.
You want to talk about it? No.
My wife lost her job.
Oh, I'm I'm sorry.
So now we have to have the exhausting biannual discussion about what it is I do and why it's so important that I make analyst money instead of banker money.
She's not obsessed with money.
She's just you know.
You've got kids.
So pressure, I guess.
Sometimes I find that, um, listening is the way to go.
I, uh you know, reasoning, problem-solving these are tactics that are inexplicably wrong.
I I do not know why.
But, um, she loves you your wife.
That's something.
Let's get to work, Grant.
Oh, and, uh, let's not forget who Will put in charge, so Hello.
Where? I'd offer you something, but I usually just order takeout.
Don't worry about it.
My daughter-in-law got me a cookbook Excellent Meals for One.
I almost threw it at her.
I'm sorry to bother you so late.
Thank you so much for agreeing to see me.
Oh, it's nice to get to talk about Gerald.
I found this photograph in Tom's things.
And I think this is your husband.
They knew each other? It would seem so.
He never talked about his childhood.
Which one is your husband? Uh Look at them.
How happy they all are.
You know any of the others? Well, this one is, um, Truxton Spangler.
Truxton Spangler.
I know that name.
It's a friend of Gerald's.
I met him after Gerald died.
He knocked on my door.
He just wanted to see that I was doing okay.
Uh, they spent summers together on Fishers Island.
He was so upset about Gerald's death.
Suicide I guess everybody feels in some way responsible.
Such a nice man.
What did he do? He's the director of the American Policy Academ no, um, Institute, I think.
Which is what? I don't know.
He didn't say.
Truxton Spangler was a friend of my husband's.
Will? Spangler knows you're working with me.
Oh, I'm done working with you.
Your friend Bloom broke into my apartment.
I watched him drill bugs into my light sockets.
Keep your voice down.
You've been playing both sides.
It's not my fault you're alone now.
I don't want it.
If Spangler knows you've turned on him, I don't want to be seen within ten feet of you.
It's an obituary.
Man's name is Thomas K.
He was on the board of Atlas MacDowell.
Look at the date.
I don't want your help.
Look at the date, Will.
He killed himself the same day that crossword puzzle appeared.
How long have you had this? Stay away from me.
You need me.
This is over.
Come in.
Are you looking for Will? No, I I'm looking for you.
I heard your wife was here this morning.
I'm sorry about that.
She was upset.
It won't happen again.
It's difficult doing this kind of work and having a family.
It's not exactly glamorous, what we do.
You're a hard worker.
I admire that.
Thank you, sir.
Will is lucky to have you on his team.
It's been a difficult time for him.
But we take care of our own, hmm? I'm glad to know that you're in place, if he should need a rest or Can I count on you, Grant? Of course.
Go home.
I'm sure your wife would like to see you.
You You still here? Still here6 More dangerously vulnerable sewer systems? Just trying to get caught up.
I was thinking, um do you want to, uh, get a cup of coffee or, um I I've got coffee.
Oh, yeah, right.
I don't, uh I don't drink coffee Oh.
Uh I just, uh I just thought I'd ask, um you know, to to to welcome you.
I could get a drink, if you wanted to.
Here? I was thinking at a bar, but if you've got a flask in your office No, no, a bar.
That's That's good.
Let's yeah, let's do that.
Oh, I, um I told you that I was married before.
I'm I'm not, uh, anymore.
How'd you sleep? Like a rock.
I like that you've got a gun.

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