Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Ruby Ring Ruby, Runa, breakfast.
- Goodness me.
- Chorim.
Come, Chorim.
Come and sit.
Runa, come and have breakfast.
Why are we having a feast this early in the morning? What's the occasion? It's Ruby and Runa's birthday.
Really? Wait.
So is it my brother's death anniversary then? We follow the lunar calendar for that.
Why don't you think before you speak? Oh, right.
I'm such a scatterbrain.
The switch up here goes on and off.
Why'd you go through the trouble? You made so much food.
This is the last birthday breakfast I get to cook for you.
Once you get married, your husband or mother-in-law will do this for you, right? Oh, right.
Ruby, eat your fill.
Eat away, have many babies, and live happily ever after.
What would you like me to get you? I'm fine, Aunt Chorim.
Then have your hubby get you lots of gifts.
Is she not eating? My goodness.
Runa, let's eat.
Come and eat.
I'm tired.
I'll eat later.
Get up, will you? It's you and Ruby's birthday today.
I made lots of yummy things.
Rise and shine.
Come on.
Come on.
Get up.
Let's eat after the birthday song.
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday 'na and 'by Happy birthday to you Blow them out.
But we have no candles.
That's why we should've done this at dinner.
It's too early.
I'm tired.
Ruby has to go to Seoul today to shop for wedding jewelry.
You didn't check with me.
Why does everything revolve around Ruby? Do you have to be a brat with your birthday meal before you? Eat.
The soup's amazing.
You're such a good cook.
Ruby, Runa, eat.
Thank you, mom.
You're welcome.
Maybe we should've invited Gyeongmin.
It would be so embarrassing.
Invite him to this tiny house? Tiny or sprawling, this is his mother-in-law's home.
Ruby, there's no reason for you to lose heart because your in-laws are wealthy.
You have everything going for you, education, looks, personality She has one flaw.
She's the daughter of a penniless widow.
What? Runa.
That wretched thing.
You'd better watch your mouth.
Did I say something that's not true? We're poor, and mom is a widow.
And you're so great, aren't you? Have you ever given your mom a dime? All you've done is make your mom break her back paying your credit card bills.
And that's not all, is it? You even got a private loan.
Have you forgotten how much that loan snowballed into? You two should know better.
Your mother has done so much to raise you.
Enough, Chorim.
Today's their birthday.
Good morning, Ms.
You're early today.
Good morning.
Say, what's going on between you two? Pardon? What do you mean? You always come to work together.
And you leave together too.
Are you two No, Ms.
It's not what you think.
We're not seeing each other.
Tell her the truth, Hyeryeon.
We're lovers.
What? Have you lost it? Okay, okay.
I thought we had another office couple in our midst.
When's Ms.
Jeong tendering her resignation? It looks like she'll try to stay on, so I pleaded with the director to send me to Seoul.
I can't work with the director's wife.
That's right.
Take me to Seoul with you.
Me too.
Good morning.
What's wrong? Nothing.
Nice weather, huh? Yeah.
Happy birthday.
You had your birthday soup, right? See you at lunch.
I love you.
How sweet.
But we love each other.
We can have the baby and have a good life like everyone else.
Would that be so hard? Couldn't you reconsider? Hello? Ms.
Jeong, this is Oh Junseok.
Oh, hello, Mr.
Could you do a show in Seoul? Pardon? Of course.
My friend asked me to recommend someone.
I see.
Got it.
Thank you.
What should I wear? This is Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken, right? Yes.
Come in.
Flower delivery.
How beautiful.
Who are they for? Ms.
Yu Gilja.
Pardon? Could I have your signature here? Me? Are you secretly seeing someone? Thank you.
Tell me the truth, Gilja.
Who is it? I only wish.
I'd like nothing better.
The flowers are so big and beautiful.
How gorgeous.
There's a card.
Let me see that.
Thank you for bringing my one and only Ruby into this world.
Sincerely yours, Bae Gyeongmin.
They're from Gyeongmin.
It's Ruby's birthday, but he thought to send you flowers too.
This makes raising a child worthwhile, right? Yes, Chorim.
Get that.
Isn't it too short? You have nice legs, so it's okay.
He has an eye for true beauty.
But why covet what's not his? Hang on.
Inspection time.
Inspection? What inspection? Let's see if you're wearing the ring.
Never ever remove this ring.
This is how I'm marking my territory.
What if I gain weight? The ring will become too small for me.
Don't gain weight then.
Stay just as you are.
You'll get it from me if you ever take this ring off, okay? You're scaring me.
Stop it.
Why are we going this way? Huh? I have something to show you.
Um Close your eyes.
A birthday present.
They do this in movies and TV dramas.
I'm not an actor, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
I want you to think I'm cool.
But this is too much.
Come on.
Hop in and drive.
And you can drive this to Seoul later.
It's my dad's gift to you.
He gave me money to get you a car.
It must've bothered him that you took the bus all the way to Seoul when our families met.
No way.
So you need to take it and show my dad how thankful you are.
Otherwise, he'll think I kept the money.
What's keeping you, miss chauffeur? Mom.
What are you doing here? I'm on my way to Seoul, but I wanted to bring you a cake.
You look like a different person.
Who's this? Is it okay? Gyeongmin got it for me for my birthday.
He wanted me to look good for his parents.
It looks great on you, Ruby.
You look so different.
Makeovers rock.
Be quiet.
You'll get spittle on her new dress.
What are these flowers for? We were just talking about them.
They're from Gyeongmin.
When you see him later, thank him for me.
I will.
Mom, the thing is Come on out.
What's this? My car.
This is yours? Oh, my goodness.
Gyeongmin's father got it for me.
Oh, wow.
So this is how the wealthy do it.
When can we go for a drive? Why procrastinate, right? Let's do it right now.
My goodness.
Calm down.
Ruby has to go to Seoul.
Really? Oh, right.
We'll go for a drive later, Aunt Chorim.
It's so sleek and shiny.
It'a real beauty.
Good grief.
What is it, mom? Ruby's at the restaurant.
Come on out.
She brought cake.
No, thanks.
I have to go to Seoul.
Seoul? Ruby's on her way to Seoul too.
You can go with her.
Mom, let me talk to her.
Where'd you get that dress? Gyeongmin got it for me.
Take it off.
Come on.
I want to try it on.
What for? Just take it off.
This is perfect.
You can wear this.
I have an audition today.
It's a very important one.
I might get to do a show that airs in Seoul, so let me borrow it just for today.
But Gyeongmin got it for me Just today, okay? Just this once.
Please, Ruby.
If the audition goes well, I'll pay you back twofold.
Come on.
It's my birthday too.
Since you're lending me this, lend me the ring as well.
The color goes so well with the dress.
Not this.
Removing it for one day doesn't mean you can't get married.
Plus, you'll get a wedding ring as well.
Give it to me.
I said no.
Let me see that.
I'm not going to keep it.
What's the big deal? It goes so well with the dress.
See? Perfect, right? Promise me.
No matter what happens, you won't remove this ring even if we separate, no, even if we die.
Money really is good.
You hit the big time by snagging the right guy.
Do you have to put it like that? But it's true.
Honestly, I'm so envious and jealous of you.
It's only human.
It's normal, right? Only a small handful of people ever get to drive a car like this.
Aren't you tired? I'm okay.
I'll drive.
You've been busy all morning.
I'm sure you're tired.
There's a rest stop coming up.
She called and said she had left.
What? Are you worried I'd play the mean mother-in-law already? I'm upset you'd even think that.
Mom, that's not what I meant.
Just put her at ease.
I'm getting a call.
I'll call you back.
Is she jealous? I never took mom to be the jealous type.
Are you on your way? Yup.
I'm at a rest stop right now.
The car drives very smoothly.
I'll call you when I get there.
Where to, madame? Candles without the birthday girls? We can just have the cake.
But it came with candles.
Why not do the whole shebang? That's right, Mrs.
Make your wish and blow them out.
It's not my birthday.
You do it, Chorim.
You do it.
You were the one who gave birth.
Thank you for Ruby's wonderful husband-to-be.
Please let Runa find a good man to settle down with too and live a happy life.
Gilja, make a wish for yourself, not just for the girls.
And please help Chorim find a good man, and the same goes for Soyeong.
This is bad news for Yu Gilja's grilled chicken.
If we all meet great guys and run off, who'll hold down the fort? Guys would be good news.
We'll have more people working here.
You two always know what to say.
We don't have plates.
I'll get them.
Slow down.
Have some faith in my driving.
I'm definitely better than you.
You're just starting out, but I've learned a thing or two about cars from the many guys I've dated.
How much is this car? I don't know.
It's obviously expensive.
I suppose this is fitting for the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.
How do you feel these days? It's that producer we met the other night, right? Why didn't you talk it through with him? If you love each other Zip it.
I don't feel like talking.
I told you not to say anything.
The thing is Shut up.
Just don't say anything.
Runa, stop it.
Slow down.
Slow down.
Stop it, Runa.
Stop it.
Oh, no! Enjoy.
Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken.
Hold on, please.
Yu, it's for you.
Who is it? Let me get that.
It's the hospital.
They're asking for Jeong Runa's mother.
Hospital? Yes, Jeong Gilja speaking.
- Gilja! - Mrs.
My girls Where are my girls? - Ruby - Are you Jeong Runa's family? - Yes.
- Just a moment, please.
My girls.
My poor girls.
My poor girls.
Are you Jeong Ruby and Runa's family? Yes.
We were waiting for you.
They're in critical condition.
Critical condition? Ruby and Runa? Oh, no.
Gilja, wake up.
Oh, no.
Oh, my goodness.
Excuse me.
You need to ID the patients.
Pardon? - Nurse Kim.
- Yes.
Bring the patients' clothes.
The patient wearing this was driving.
What is her name? Ruby Oh, no.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, charges will accrue.
Start by apologizing for not picking up and give me a kiss.
It's me.
Give me a kiss first.
I'm waiting.
Mom, you have dad.
You are my love.
Your dad's just my husband.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll give you a kiss when I get home.
Say, did Ruby leave on time? She should be here by now.
Maybe she's lost, but she's not answering her phone.
I'm sure she'll be there soon.
I'll try calling her again.
And share the love with me as well.
I'm getting jealous.
I will, mom.
Is your son so in love with his fiancee that he's neglecting you? No, no.
We're just kidding around.
How many carats did you say this was? The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected Hello? Hello? May I speak with Director Bae Gyeongmin? This is him.
It's you.
It's you, Gyeongmin, right? It's me.
Ruby's aunt.
Yes, this is Gyeongmin speaking.
It's just awful.
Gyeongmin, something terrible happened.
Ruby was in a car accident.
What are we going to do? What did you say? How are the vitals? They're all stable, sir.
Name of the patient? Jeong Ruby.
Was she driving? Yes.
That's what the police officer said.
Yun started emergency surgery on the other patient.
What a mess.
This is awful, Gyeongmin, just awful.
What happened? They hit a truck on the highway.
They're in surgery.
How are they? Are they okay? Where did they get hurt? Their faces and heads.
How can something like this happen right before her wedding? Poor Gilja, with both girls in the state they're in.
You're up, Gilja? Are you awake? They say you don't have to worry.
Have some water.
How are the girls? What happened to them, Chorim? Everything's fine.
You need not worry, at least not about Ruby.
You're not lying, right? No.
I just talked to the doctor.
What about Runa? Is Runa okay too? Oh, no.
My poor Runa.
Please don't worry.
She'll wake up soon.
And Ruby will recover soon too.
Yes, they will.
They have to.
They have to.
You're Jeong Ruby's family, right? Yes, doctor.
We're done with the emergency surgery.
They both suffered serious fractures, open wounds, and brain hemorrhage.
They have many glass shards in their faces Are you okay? Luckily, Ms.
Jeong Ruby's not in critical condition.
It's mainly a lot of ruptured capillaries.
Her life isn't in danger.
But as for her face, she may need reconstructive surgery depending on her progress.
Plastic surgery techniques are so advanced these days that there should be no problems restoring her face as it was.
But as for Ms.
Jeong Runa What about my Runa? Ruby.
Oh, my goodness, Ruby.
Oh, no.
How can this be happening? The impact of the crash was on Ms.
Jeong Runa's side, so her injuries are much more severe.
She's suffered serious brain damage and fractures throughout her body.
Her life is in danger.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
What are we going to do? No.
Oh, no.
What are we going to do? Jeong Ruby Chicken's here.
Why's it so empty? Something terrible happened.
Ruby and Runa were in a car accident.
What? The twins? Both of them? Yup.
They were on their way to Seoul when they hit a truck on the highway.
Ruby's father-in-law got her a car for her birthday, and they got into an accident in that new car.
I'm so upset.
I've been calling Chorim, but she's not answering.
Oh, no.
It must be really bad if they hit a truck.
Good heavens.
Ruby was so excited as she was on her way to pick out her wedding jewelry.
This is so upsetting.
It's just awful.
As they say, the good comes with the bad.
Gyeongmin hasn't called yet? Not yet.
Should I try calling him again? Don't.
He must be in a daze.
Don't bother him.
I feel so bad for Gyeongmin.
Yes, but imagine what Ruby's mother's going through.
Both her daughters suffered a major accident.
I went overboard.
I shouldn't have gotten her the car.
Gilja, dinner.
Gilja, why do you have these out? Look at this blouse, Chorim.
She must've been in so much pain.
She bled so much.
Isn't this Ruby's? The nurse gave it to me.
She was so excited about this engagement ring of hers.
Gilja, let's pull ourselves together, eat, and rest a bit.
We have to go back to the hospital tomorrow.
Why their faces? Beauty is everything for women.
Hey, Chorim, do you think Gyeongmin will still marry Ruby when she's sustained such serious injuries? What if he says she's ugly and calls off the wedding? He won't do that.
Whose fault is this anyway? If his father hadn't gotten Ruby that car, this wouldn't have happened.
Gyeongmin knows better.
Although women are expected to be beautiful these days, he knows she was in an accident.
If he calls off the wedding, I'll make him pay.
Plus, they do wonders with plastic surgery.
She'll be as good as new.
Our dear Runa.
Poor Runa.
What if she never wakes up? What if she dies? Don't even say such a terrible thing.
Come on, Gilja.
Let's go eat, okay? You have to be strong to bring Runa back to life and nurse Ruby.
Let's go.
Come on.
She was with child.
The accident led to a miscarriage though.
How could this have happened? The wedding has to be postponed, right? Maybe they weren't meant to be.
It's up to him.
What choice do we have? Runa's in intensive care.
She might never wake up.
It's all my fault.
This is my fault.
You have me, Jeong Ruby.
What am I to do? Everyone thinks I'm Ruby.
See you next time
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